The best that we have from what is always in stock is ourselves. If a person tries or thinks to start something difficult

TAKE CARE OF WOMEN, USSR, Odessa Film Studio, 1981, color, 120 min. Musical comedy. A journalist trainee (Andrey Gradov) arrives at the seaport to write a report about the youth crew of the tug "Cyclone". For a better study of the material ... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

Munnich, Count Burchard Christopher - (von Münnich, 1683 1767) Russian statesman... Born in the county of Oldenburg. M.'s father, Anton Gunther, rose to the rank of colonel in the Danish service and from the Danish king received the rank of overseer over dams and all water ... Big biographical encyclopedia

Fixies - The logo of the animated series ... Wikipedia

Tretyakov, Pavel Mikhailovich - Wikipedia has articles about other people with that last name, see Tretyakov. Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov ... Wikipedia

Borodin, Timofey Stepanovich - Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Borodin. Timofey Stepanovich Borodin Date of birth August 14, 1917 ... Wikipedia

Kropotkin, Pyotr Alekseevich - There are articles on Wikipedia about other people with this surname, see Kropotkin. Pyotr Alekseevich Kropotkin ... Wikipedia

Ptushkina, Nadezhda Mikhailovna - Nadezhda Mikhailovna Ptushkina (born January 27, 1949 (19490127), Leningrad) Soviet and Russian playwright, screenwriter, theater director. Contents 1 Biography 2 Creativity ... Wikipedia

Artefactum Studio - This article lacks links to information sources. The information must be verifiable, otherwise it can be questioned and deleted. You can ... Wikipedia

Mezuzah - Metal case for the Jewish mezuzah. Capital letter “ש” means “שדי” (Shaddai), one of the names of God in Judaism. At the bottom of the "ירושלים" (Jerusalem). Mezuzah (Hebrew מְזוּזָה, lit. doorframe) attachable ... Wikipedia

Drama theater. A. Pushkin (Magnitogorsk) - Drama Theater. AS Pushkin is the oldest theater in Magnitogorsk. Contents 1 History 1.1 Events 1.2 Former band members ... Wikipedia


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  • Take care of yourself! 6 components of a healthy and happy life, Frank Lipman. There are over 100 simple steps to improve your physical and mental well-being to help you stay healthy and full of strength, deal with the inevitable age ...

Your foreign friend wrote to you that:
- he was fired from his job,
- he broke up with his girlfriend,
- he got sick, or his loved ones are sick,
- his computer suddenly broke,
- or in the area where he lives, there was a terrible hurricane,
- he just had a bad weekend,
- he's in a terrible mood,
- his favorite dog doesn't eat anything, etc.

Those. the person is faced with problems of a personal or everyday nature.
The first thing he needs to write:

I'm sorry to hear that.
So sorry to hear that.

With these words, you show at least sympathy, being away from the person.
Difficult situations in life are different, and the degree of their significance for each person is different.

Therefore, all words of support are given depending on the difficulty:

- what to say if u human problem,
- how to cheer up a person if he did something well,
- how to encourage him to make an important decision,
- how to feel sorry for your foreign friend if he is depressed.

A separate topic is the death of loved ones. If you do not know how to express on english language sympathy and condolences, if a loved one died, then look at living examples of Americans, what they say and write on this occasion, as well as what you need to respond to sympathy yourself

Choose the phrases below based on your specific situation. And at the same time, see what phrases it is better not to say to someone who is in a difficult situation.

How can you cheer up if a person has problems

If you are close to a person, then the best help is your actions. Help the person with specific deeds.

You can ask about it in English like this:

Do you want to talk about that?
Do you want to talk about it?

If a person broke up, divorced:

Tom and you broke up? I am so sorry.
Do you want to tell me what happened?
How do you feel?
This is upsetting to hear.

Have you broken up with Tom? Oh .. sorry ..
If you want, tell me what happened.
How do you feel?
It is sad to hear this news.

If a person has cancer or any other unpleasant diagnosis, you can ask your friend's health like this:

How is your health, if you don’t mind me asking?
How is your health, if you do not mind that I ask about it.

If the person has just reported that they have cancer or any other bad illness:

Comfort with words, say that you are near:

Showing compassion and understanding:

I understand your pain. I understand how you feel.
I'm sorry stuff happened this way. I'm sorry it happened.

I don’t know what to say, but I care about you.
I don’t know what to say, but I don’t care what happened with you.

I really admire how you are handling this. I know it's difficult.
I'm really impressed with the way you handle all of this. I know this is difficult.

I care. I care.
Stay well Stay on.
Take care. Take care of yourself.

It's Okay to feel this way. It's okay to have these feelings.
You aren’t weak. You are not weak.
How can console you or cheer you up? How can I comfort or cheer you up?

Ready-made examples for specific situations:

I'm sorry to hear that your mom passed away.
Sorry, sad to hear that your mom passed away.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear your laptop got broken.
Oh, sorry that your laptop is broken.

Sorry that your mon got sick.
It's a shame your mom got sick.

Sorry that you’ve been feeling in a bad mood.
Wish you were in a bad mood.

Sorry to hear about hurricane Katrina coming there.
I'm sorry. It is sad to hear that a hurricane is approaching you.

Please be careful and stay safe.
Please be careful and take care of yourself.

What is not worth talking and writing

It could be worse. It could be worse.
You never think of anybody but yourself. You never think of anyone but yourself.

It's your own fault. It's all your fault.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop feeling sorry for yourself!

It's all in your head. You put it all in your head.
This too shall pass. It will pass.

You think you’ve got it bad! Do you think this is all bad for you?
You should get out more. You need to get out "to the people" more often

Set short phrasesthat are written or spoken by native speakers in Skype, SMS, Viber or e-mail.

Don’t give up - Don't give up!

Keep pushing - Don't stop, keep pushing!

Keep fighting! - Fight!

Stay strong - Be strong!

Never give up - Never give up!

Never say ‘die’ - Don't hang your nose!

Come on! You can do it! - Come on! You can do that!

Now, let's see how to say words of encouragement in English when a person has to make a decision.

If a person tries or thinks to start something difficult

Give it a try - Give it a try!

Go for it - Take Action!

Why not? - Why not?

It's worth a shot - It's worth it.

What are you waiting for? - So what are you waiting for?

What do you have to lose? - What have you got to lose?

You might as well - And you can do that.

Just do it - Just do it.

Quote post

When you are alone, you need
know exactly who you stay with.

Benedict Spinoza

What a person means to himself, what
accompanies him even alone and that no one
cannot be donated or taken away - obviously
more important to him than everything he owns and what
he introduces himself to other people.

(c) Arthur Schopenhauer

A person is not a property of character,
and the choice he made.

Joanne Rowling

But, we dispose of the provided
for nothing - very bad.

Yuri Tatarkin

In pursuit of success and prosperity
We run, we hurry, and there is no way back.
And, like, everything is fine, everything is in order.
But something has been LOST FOREVER.

And sometimes I want to look back
And sometimes I want to catch my breath
And to this irrevocable return,
And in this we LOST to stay.

In pursuit of earthly well-being -
We run in a stream of chaos and lies
Grabbing all the good and the best
Sometimes we do not appreciate the beauty of the soul ...

Tatiana Druzhinina

Our whole life is one moment
Had to have time to do all the things ..
And we still find time
For rudeness, meanness and evil ...

Love and wisdom, to all of us ...

The law at all levels of being is the same: its own
we choose the next world through knowledge,
found here. And if here we preferred
ignorance, and our knowledge remained the same, -
our next world will be no different
from the present, all its limitations will remain.

Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Rabbi Yaakov says:
“This world is like a front, behind which
there is the world to come. Bring yourself
in order in the front so that you were
ready to enter the banquet hall. "


Neil Donald Walsh

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