How to start preparing for the exam in biology. How to prepare for an exam in biology

Preparation plan from scratch:

1. First you need to make a lesson plan.

There are 4 sections in the biology course: general biology, human anatomy and physiology, botany and zoology... Most of the USE tasks most often relate to general biology. It is worth starting with her.

2. When teaching, it is better to take your own notes. They should not contain continuous text: mostly - figures, diagrams, tables.

3. It is necessary to select the literature for the preparation of abstracts. Basic school textbooks are not suitable for this work - there is too little material in them. Give preference to in-depth textbooks or tutorials to prepare for the exam. There are free internet resources, for example, “”, ”and others.

4. If the topic is “not given”, it is worth reading the explanations of other authors. Do not give up. You will definitely find something that is understandable for you. I can recommend works authored by T.L.Bogdanova, G.L.Bilich, Yu.A. Sadovnichenko, V.N. Yarygina, S.G. Mamontova, D.A. Solovkova.

5. On the manuals for preparing for the exam: every year many new editions are published. It is difficult to figure it out yourself, but you can. In the store, you can browse through what is on the shelves: open the topic that is most difficult for you and read. If you understand the author's explanation, you can take.

If you need advice, on the Internet you will find reviews of various manuals, video reviews are very convenient. It is not necessary to buy a paper edition, almost all materials are in electronic form.

6. You can find biology videos on the internet, such as YouTube blogs: ”or“ ”. Topics such as cell division, photosynthesis, protein biosynthesis, ontogenesis can be effectively studied using cartoons. For example, . And be sure to make your own drawings on these topics in the notes - immediately assess your knowledge.

7. After completing each topic, you need to work it out, solving uSE assignments... Rubrication by topic is on the sites "I will solve the exam", "Dunno", "ZZUBROMINIMUM".

8. When you finish studying a section, for example "Botany": you have already studied the theory, you have solved tasks for each topic, go to "". There, the real tasks of the exam are grouped into sections, but no answers are given to them. This will allow you to critically evaluate the knowledge gained.

8. And when all the sections have been passed, you can proceed to the solution options for the exam... The site "" has a constructor for compiling them. You will find a large number of variants of the past years on the 4EGE website.

9. And don't forget that you are not alone. Many guys found themselves in a similar situation. They communicate and share experiences on social media. On the Internet, many groups have been created related to preparing for the exam in biology, with advice and recommendations, with useful materials and links. For example: "

Drawing up a work plan

To begin with, we advise you to get acquainted with the USE program and draw up an individual training schedule: calculate how much time you need to work out each topic. It is better to prepare for specific topics, and not for all of biology at once. In the future, we advise you to follow the schedule drawn up by you and not allow yourself any indulgences, otherwise everything will remain for the last three days - and during this time nothing will be done!

Drawing up notes

Cover yourself with all available textbooks, notebooks and manuals (look here), read, be aware of what you read and make a summary that you understand. When compiling a summary, consider school textbook, use other sources of information as additional - for better understanding.

We recommend that you accompany the abstract with hand-made drawings (diagrams) - they are well remembered and allow you to recall the whole topic in your memory. Leave blank spaces in the margins or at the end of each topic for possible additions. We advise you to take notes yourself, rather than rewrite somewhere ready - it fits better in your head.


Learn the abstract and check yourself against the table of basic terms. If you see terms that you did not know before, write them down in the summary in the topic to which they relate. Review the theory one more time.

Test solution

Solve half of the problems in parts A, B, and C on this topic. If everything worked out, then feel free to decide the second half - to fill your hands - and you are ready!

Error analysis

If something did not work out, analyze the mistakes: either you were inattentive (then read the assignments more carefully), or you made a poor summary (then make additions to it), or you did not learn it well (then cram further), or the question was incorrect - this is also happens - then shrug your shoulders. After the work done, solve the second half of the tasks. If everything worked out, then you are ready; if not all, then start over.

Preparation for the biology exam should begin with an analysis of the codifier of the content items being tested. Identify key thematic blocks and check if you have information on them. Completing the tasks in the CMM demo can help determine your fitness level.

In the process of preparation, first repeat the relevant topic, answer the questions of the textbook, complete thematic tasks. Remember that the tasks for the section " General biology"Make up 70% examination work... Therefore, even in conditions of time pressure, try to fully work out this section.

Pay special attention to mastering the methods of solving problems in cytology and genetics, as they are presented in all parts of the work.

In parallel, in the systematic repetition mode, it is advisable to work out the section "Man and his health". We advise you to pay special attention to the structure nervous system and analyzers, their functions, neurohumoral regulation of the body's vital processes. Also, we must not forget about repeating the sections “Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens "and" Animals ": tasks on this topic are widely presented in the examination work.

Use open bank The Unified State Exam, which contains a variety of tasks for all topics tested on the exam. Analyze your mistakes, identify material that needs to be repeated again.

“In 2017, the model exam in biology. The number of tasks requiring the analysis of images of biological objects has increased. When working with the textbook, you should carefully study the proposed illustrations. internal structure biological organisms, schemes of the most important biological processes. It is important to learn how to “read” a biological drawing, ”recommends Valeryan Rokhlov, chairman of the federal commission of developers of the KIM USE in biology.

In 2017, the time for completing the examination work was increased by 30 minutes (from 180 to 210 minutes). When preparing for the exam, you should develop a certain approach to the allocation of time so that it is enough to complete all tasks.

We wish you to successfully pass the exam in 2017!

The exam in biology is a selective exam. The Unified State Exam in Biology is considered a difficult subject, since the knowledge accumulated over the years of study is tested. And in order to get the highest score, you need to prepare in advance.

Where to begin?

Examine structure Unified State Exam in Biology. The USE tasks in biology were selected of various types, for their solution you need confident knowledge of the main topics of the school biology course. To do this, see the main topics to be studied from FIPI. First of all, download from FIPI, it serves as a model and gives a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure and form of the complexity of future tasks on the exam.

The exam itself includes 28 tasks different difficulty levels: basic, advanced and advanced.

  • Part 1 - these are tasks from 1 to 21 with a short answer, about 5 minutes are given to complete. Remember: read the wording of the questions carefully.
  • Part 2 - these are tasks from 22 to 28 with a detailed answer, approximately 10-20 minutes are allotted to complete. Remember: express your thoughts literally, answer the question in detail and comprehensively, come on, even if it is not required in the assignments. The answer should have a plan, not write in solid text, but highlight points.

How are assignments graded?

In order to get the highest grade in biology, you need to score 58 primary pointsto be translated into one hundred on the scale. For each correct decision, you can receive from 1 to 3 so-called primary points. You can dial 58 in total.

  • 1 point - for 1, 2, 3, 6 tasks.
  • 2 points - 4, 5, 7-22.
  • 3 points - 23-28.

What is required of the student for the exam?

  • Ability to work with graphic information (diagrams, graphs, tables) - its analysis and use;
  • Multiple choice;
  • Establishing compliance;
  • Sequencing.

What to do?

  1. Repetition of the theory.
  2. Allocating proper time for each task (spending 20 minutes 5 days a week, you will achieve much more than exhausting yourself all day, but not regularly). Strictly follow the schedule.
  3. Solving practical problems several times. For this, the Unified State Exam in Biology has been developed based on demo version.
  4. Your success is the constant solution of tasks and options during preparation!

What not to do:

    Don't feel like you don't need to study for the exam. Hope that you "guess", because The Unified State Exam becomes more complicated every year.

    Bring cheat sheets. The surveillance procedure is serious in the exam, do not risk it, otherwise it will be removed. And you can take it again only in a year. You can write at home, but don't take the exam!

    Avoid stress, do everything in a systematic and gradual manner. Combining rest and preparation.

    Learn everything on the last day, but this is not possible! Better to go to bed early and sleep! So there will be more chances to pass the exam.

Register, practice and get a high score!

Strive for the best!

How long does it take to prepare?

Students often ask me these questions. I would very much like to answer them unequivocally, but, unfortunately, this is impossible.

Because the following factors affect the duration of training:

  • the level of the student's initial training;
  • tasks assigned to him;
  • level of motivation;
  • time remaining before the exam;
  • number of attended tutors in other subjects, etc.

A full course of lectures in biology (with partial notes of the material) takes from 100 to 120 hours (depending on the speed of writing and the speed of assimilation of the material by the student). But that's not all: successful passing of the exam requires student training decision test items .

The fact is that the tasks of the exam have many pitfalls, because of which many are mistaken. To learn how to identify them at an automatic level and not make annoying mistakes on the exam, a lot of time must be devoted to practicing the skills of solving test tasks. This takes up to 40 hours.

Therefore, the upper limit of the preparation time can be considered 160 hours. If a person is not able to master the biology program during this time, he is unlikely to be able to pass the exam with dignity.

For most students, this time is usually less - 100-120 hours.

When can the time limit be lowered? If:

  • You are motivated to enter a prestigious university;
  • you have high efficiency;
  • good or excellent memory;
  • logical thinking is well developed;
  • You are organized and you do not need a “driver” to study;
  • You definitely know the gaps in your knowledge and you need to work with the teacher on a limited range of topics, etc.

In this case, the preparation time for the exam with a tutor is significantly reduced.

In my practice, some students who are well versed in the material, diligent and hardworking, had enough 40 hours of lessons for a successful passing the exam in biology.

There are also anecdotal cases - a young man contacted me in 2012 a week (!!!) before the exam. I managed to teach him only 3 lessons. However, he successfully passed the exam, gaining 68 points (this result was in line with his goals). Naturally, in this case, both luck and good school preparation in the subject and very high level motivation.

But - jokes aside. Let's consider the main question in this topic: " When should you start preparing for the exam in biology with a tutor?"I am writing this text at the end of December. You have not yet begun to prepare for the exam and:

  • if you are a ten-grader, now is the time to find a tutor and start classes;
  • if you are in 11th grade, you are almost hopelessly late!

Let's count: there are 52 weeks in a year, of which 34-36 are academic. It is unlikely that you will be able to devote more than 3 hours a week to biology. Indeed, in order to obtain a high total score on the exam, you need to prepare in 3 more subjects. This is for less than 9 more hours a week. Plus the road to the tutors and back - in total it will run 20-24 hours (up to 4 hours a day!). And also classes at school, school homework - life in high school is filled with studies, there is no time to rest ...

And 3 hours a week is 108 hours of lessons for the year - just the average time required to prepare for the exam in biology.

The middle of grade 11 is very late, but not fatal - with some effort on your part, you can still make it.

Hello everyone! Theory in biology is a huge amount of factual material. New concepts, definitions, laws and phenomena ... Therefore, many high school students, their parents and teachers are interested in how to prepare for the exam in biology.

The learning process consists of 4 stages:

  • define a goal;
  • act to achieve it;
  • control the implementation of the plan;
  • end the process.

How to prepare for the exam in biology

If we take the theory of the USE from biology, then the concept of "chromatid" is suitable for example. To learn it means - it is easy for them to operate and answer any questions related to it. This is the goal.

But preparing for a single state exam in biology, it also provides for actions from scratch, which is already more difficult. Some people memorize the definition without presenting or visualizing the concept. Agree, this is a waste of time.

Others figuratively represent chromatids, have many questions about appearance and their location. This strategy is correct, it has images that reveal the meaning of the concept. The strategy is considered effective because it is visualized. It only needs to be developed.

Biology from scratch for exam includes control. How to understand that you have learned the concept? Simple - if you answer verbal questions, and apply new knowledge in tests and assignments, then you are doing everything right.

The process of mastering the concept during preparatory process to the unified state exam in biology ends with the logical introduction of the concept into the student's knowledge system. In consciousness, a relationship is formed between a new concept and others that were mastered earlier. The preparatory plan provides different strategies memorization. Try any method to find the most effective solution. As a result, a holistic picture will develop and you will have a solid knowledge of the subject.

It is best remembered that which has an emotional connotation. Therefore, either the teacher should practice discussions, brainstorming, and act out interesting situations. Pupils are more emotional about what they have created. If a high school student makes a diagram or a table himself, then it will be better fixed in his memory than the book version. This increases self-esteem and confidence in a successful outcome. Training tasks, which include not only reading the material at home, but also transforming them independently into a diagram, table, are closer and more understandable, since the student's personality is involved.

The exam in biology includes extensive terminology. To pass successfully final examyou need to own biological concepts in excellence. Unfortunately, the school does not use the "language of biology" much and in most cases the student does not fully understand what he is talking about. Therefore, in the exam in biology 2018, difficulties may arise in part "C", where meaningful answers are provided. Simply solving tests is not preparation, but self-deception. The graduate must learn to argue his personal opinion and give detailed answers to any questions.

2018 includes homework as well. The goal should be clear and detailed. Tune in to study, remove all distractions, sit in a quiet room where no one bothers you, focus on the material. After reading the notes on biology for the exam, do not move on to the next topic until you answer all the questions, complete the tasks on the manual and work with computer programs... Using all channels of information perception (auditory, visual, emotional), you will improve and speed up the preparation process.

Of course, courses or in biology in preparation for the exam will be the best choice. But it is still better to combine it with independent work... Immediately assess the level of your knowledge of the subject. If the preparation for the exam in biology 2018 starts from scratch and you have to master the theory on your own, without a teacher, then take so much time for this to understand all the topics. To do this, check out the 2017 exam in biology. The program will help you draw up a detailed work plan.

Calculate how many topics the test consists of and how long it will take to process each. Prepare for each topic separately, since the sections of science have a logical connection with each other and the acquired knowledge will be increased step by step. First, the study of the material to prepare for the exam in biology begins with basic terms and concepts, and then you can move on to more serious topics.

The main condition for self-study is to strictly follow the schedule. Do not postpone, do not hope for luck, do not be lazy. It will not lead to anything good, and the exam is inevitable and very important for your further learning and employment. Tune in to productive work and the reward for all your efforts will be positive uSE result... Good luck!

Regards, Alexey!

I am the administrator of this site and part-time the author, in my free time I write articles related to the topic of the site. In 2015, he became interested in site building and making money on it. Studied many different courses, photoshop, html basics, seo and others. I learned how to write optimized texts on my own, therefore I became interested in the topic of the site. And now you can't stop it))