Experience of using modular teaching in computer science lessons. The use of modular teaching in computer science lessons Modular construction of a modern computer science course

When learning programming, I use modular learning technology. This allows me, firstly, to form the integrity of the presentation of the studied material, secondly, to create a situation of choice and creativity for the student, and, thirdly, to form cooperation skills. Let's consider the application of modular training on the example of the topic "Arrays". Traditionally, this topic is one of the most difficult in the programming course.

CDC (integrated didactic goal) of studying this topic is to master the method of organizing and processing a large amount of data of one type using the BASIC programming language. While studying this topic

the student should know:

- array definition;

- the way to describe it;

- ways of accessing an array element.

the student should be able to:

- use previously learned concepts - data types and cycles;

- justify the necessary rational way of organizing the data;

- determine the type of array elements;

- draw up block diagrams of algorithms using arrays;

- write programs in the BASIC language that process a large amount of data of one type.

The "Arrays" module includes:

  • lecture on the topic “Arrays, basic terms and concepts, the use of arrays in solving various problems;
  • a lesson in solving problems on the topic “One-dimensional numeric arrays. Array element, array element index ";
  • lecture on "Character arrays";
  • a lesson in solving problems on the topic "Operations on arrays";
  • lecture on “Two-dimensional arrays”;
  • submodule "Two-dimensional arrays";
  • generalization lesson on "Arrays";
  • submodule of generalization "Creative task";
  • test on the topic "Arrays".

Let's describe the contents of the "Two-dimensional arrays" submodule. At the beginning of the lesson, each student receives a teacher-developed instruction card, in which all educational material is divided into learning elements (UE). Fulfilling these UEs, the student acquires the necessary knowledge, controls the mastery of the studied material (in the checklist) and learns to cooperate with classmates.

Teacher advice

Objective: Based on theoretical knowledge of two-dimensional arrays and nested loops, you should learn:

- organize data in the form of tables;

- justify the choice of an array element;

- describe tabular data;

- write and debug programs that process two-dimensional arrays in the BASIC environment.

Pay attention to the time allotted for each UE. Try to keep within. I wish you success.

Goal: to test yourself how fluent you are at writing programs using one-dimensional arrays and loops.

6. Experts will put down points for the task on the control sheet in the table for UE4.

Lead time no more 25–30 minutes.

Expect your presentation to last 2-3 minutes.

Objective: to make sure you have learned how to write programs using two-dimensional arrays .

Task tests are located in the UE5 file (<Приложение3 >). Your task number matches the number of your computer.

1. Write a program in BASIC and save it in the file UE5_N.BAS, where N is the number of your problem.

2. Make sure the program works correctly. Call the teacher.

3. The assignment is viewed and evaluated by the teacher on the control sheet in the table for UE5.

4. Rate the lesson on a 10-point scale (<Рисунок 1 >):

- are you satisfied with your work (I);

- whether the goal formulated in the UE0 (case) has been achieved;

- the work of the whole class (we).

5. Answer the test questions (<Приложение5 >) and hand them over to the teacher.

Thanks for the work you've done!

Lead time no more 10–15 minutes.


1. After completing each UE, give yourself a score on the checklist.

2. Correctly performed UE ahead of time will add 1 point to you or your group.

3. For a speaker in UE4 - 1 additional point.

4. Expert - 1 additional point.

5. The points scored by the members of the group are summed up in the total result of the group's work.

Modular teaching at school is the sequential assimilation of modular units and modular elements by the student. Flexibility and variability of modular technology vocational training especially relevant in the conditions of market relations with quantitative and qualitative changes in workplaces, redistribution of labor, the need for massive retraining of workers. One cannot but take into account the factor of short duration of training in the conditions of accelerated rates of scientific and technological progress.

The relevance of this work lies in the fact that rapidly developing technical progress dictates new conditions for training and presents new requirements in the profession. Within the framework of training, a student, partially or completely independently, can work with the proposed curriculum, which contains a target program of action, information bases and methodological guidance to achieve the set didactic goals.

In this case, the teacher's functions can vary from information-controlling to consulting and coordinating. The modular learning technology is based on the combination of the principles of system quantization and modularity. The first principle is methodological basis the theory of "squeezing", "folding" educational information. The second principle is the neurophysiological basis of the modular learning method. With modular training, there is no strictly defined training period.

It depends on the level of preparedness of the student, his previous knowledge and skills, the desired level of qualifications. Learning can stop after mastering any module. A student can learn one or more modules and in the future get a narrow specialization or master all modules and get a wide-profile profession. To get the job done, all modular units and modular elements do not need to be studied, but only those that are necessary to carry out the work with specific requirements. On the other hand, professional modules can consist of modular units that belong to different specialties and different fields of activity.

The purpose of this work is to study modular technologies in computer science lessons at school.

The achievement of this goal is facilitated by the solution of the following tasks:

Consider the features of the modular technology of teaching at school;

To study the methodology of modular technology of teaching at school;

Practically apply the modular technology methodology in the classroom in a comprehensive school.

The object of the research is the construction of an informatics lesson at school using modular technologies in the learning process. The subject of the research is the use of modular technologies in the process of informatics lesson in a general secondary school.

When writing this work, special literature, teaching aids, reference books, textbooks for universities were used.

its modernization based on the integration of objects

Today the subject system of education is the main thing in education. If you look at the sources of its creation, you can see that it was created at the beginning of the intensive development and differentiation of sciences, the rapid increase in knowledge in various areas of human activity.

The differentiation of sciences has led to the creation of a huge number of subjects (disciplines). This was most clearly manifested in school and vocational education, students educational institutions study up to 25 subjects that are weakly related to each other. It is known that each specific science is a logical system of scientific knowledge, methods and means of cognition.

The cycle of special subjects is a synthesis of fragments of scientific, technical and industrial knowledge and types of production activities. The subject system is effective in preparing pupils and students in fundamental and some applied disciplines, in which theoretical knowledge and practical skills in specific areas of knowledge or activity are brought into the system. The subject system organically blended into the classroom-lesson form of teaching organization.

Other advantages of the subject training system include a relatively simple methodology for preparing educational and program documentation and preparing a teacher for classes. At the same time, the subject system has significant drawbacks, the main of which are:

The consistency of knowledge in academic subjects is associated with a large amount of actual educational material, terminological workload, uncertainty and inconsistency of the volume of educational material with the level of its complexity;

A large number of subjects inevitably leads to duplication of educational material and is associated with an increase in the time spent on training;

Uncoordinated educational information that comes from different subjects complicates its systematization for students and, as a result, makes it difficult to form a holistic picture of the world around them;

The search for interdisciplinary connections complicates the educational process and does not always allow to systematize the knowledge of students;

Subject teaching, as a rule, is of informational and reproductive nature: students receive “ready-made” knowledge, and the formation of skills and abilities is achieved by recreating activity patterns and increasing the number of tasks they perform. This does not ensure the effectiveness of feedbacks and, as a result, the management of student learning becomes more complicated, which leads to a decrease in its quality;

The flow accounting of students' success, as one of the important tools for making feedbacks, is not effective enough due to relatively large (15-20%) errors in the knowledge and skills of students according to the subjective methods of teachers;

The variety of subjects that are simultaneously studied, a large volume of educational material that is diverse in its similarity leads to an overload of students' memory and to the impossibility of real assimilation of the educational material by all students;

Rigid structure of educational and program documentation, unnecessary regulation of the educational process, which include strict time frames for the lesson and the terms of training;

Weak differentiation of teaching, orientation towards the "average" student;

Predominantly frontal-group organizational form of training instead of individual.

It is known from the practice of vocational training that students better perceive and assimilate complex integrated knowledge. Therefore, there is a need to create an appropriate training system, develop theoretical foundations and methods for integrating subjects, develop curricula on a block-modular basis and the content of didactic elements.

The modular training system was developed by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in the 70s of the twentieth century as a synthesis of the experience of training workers in economically developed countries of the world.

This system quickly spread throughout the world and, in fact, became international standard vocational training. It ensures the mobility of labor resources in the conditions of scientific and technological progress and the rapid retraining of workers, who are freed at the same time. The modular system was developed within the framework of the then popular individualized training system by F. Keller, therefore it included a number of positive aspects:

Formation of final and intermediate learning goals;

Distribution of educational material into separate sections;

Individualized learning pace;

The ability to move to the study of a new section, if the previous material is fully mastered;

Regular test control of knowledge.

The emergence of the modular method is an attempt to eliminate the shortcomings of the following existing training methods:

Focus vocational training to obtain a profession in general, and not to perform a specific job, which made it difficult for graduates of educational institutions to get a job;

Inflexibility of preparation regarding the requirements of individual industries and technological processes;

Inconsistency of training with a rather highly differentiated general education level different groups population;

Lack of consideration of the individual characteristics of students.

The main thing in modular training is the possibility of individualization of training. From the point of view of J. Russell, the availability of alternative (selective) modules and their free choice allows all students to master the educational material, but at an individual pace. It is important that the tasks for the students are so difficult that they work with the strain of their mental abilities, but at the same time, so difficult that there is no obsessive pedagogical guidance.

The need for a free choice of a module from an alternative set hides one of the possibilities of forming a readiness for choice as a personality trait, which is also important for the formation of independence in education. At the same time, with an individualized teaching system, the student is required to fully master the educational material with a specific test for each module. Flexibility in modular learning. J. Russell presents the module as a unit of educational material that corresponds to a separate topic.

Modules can be grouped into different kits. One and the same module can meet separate parts of the requirements that apply to different courses. By adding “new” and excluding “old”, it is possible, without changing the structure, to create any curriculum with a high level of individualization. While agreeing with this interpretation of "flexibility", a number of researchers object to considering modules as units of educational material that correspond to one topic.

Flexibility in this understanding will lead to fragmented learning. There is an electivity of learning (the possibility of free choice of actions). Following F. Keller's system, an important feature of modular training is the absence of rigid organizational time frames for training: it can take place at a time convenient for the student. The absence of a rigid time frame allows the student to progress in learning at a speed that matches his abilities and the availability of free time: the student can choose not only the modules he needs, but also the order of their study.

J. Russell argues that modular learning requires the student's direct responsibility for the learning outcome, since comfortable conditions are created for him to assimilate the content of the modules. With this approach, the motivation for learning significantly increases, since the student can freely choose the methods, means and pace of learning that are convenient for him. But this does not exclude the role of the teacher (instructor). Student activity in the learning process. For effective assimilation of the educational material, the student must actively work on it.

The main advantage of the methodology in educational institutions Western Europe is the activity of students. In other words, the emphasis is not on teaching, but on the independent individual work of students with modules. The functions of the teacher are discussed here. With the advent of modular learning, the functions of the teacher are changing, since the emphasis is on active learning activities of students.

The teacher is freed from routine work - teaching simple educational material, active control of students' knowledge is replaced by self-control. The teacher pays more time and attention to stimulation, motivation of learning, personal contacts in the learning process. At the same time, he must be highly competent, which allows him to give answers to those complex questions of a creative nature that students may have in the process of working with the module. The interaction of students in the learning process.

The modern understanding of the essence of the learning process, first of all, is that learning is a subject process - the subjective interaction of a teacher and students, as well as students among themselves. This interaction is based on communication. Therefore, learning can be defined as "communication, during which and with the help of which a certain activity is assimilated, its result." When communicating, the essence of learning is transmitted. Intensive individual contact is one of the factors of the effectiveness of modular training and at the same time a way of individualizing training.

Conclusion: The main difference between the modular training system and the traditional one lies in a systematic approach to the analysis of the study of a specific professional activity, which excludes training in certain disciplines and subjects. This is a very important point in the learning process.

At the heart of the construction of modular training programs is a specific production task, which is the essence of each specific work. In a generalized form, their complex constitutes the content of a specialty or profession. The term "task" in this case has been changed to a new one - "modular block". A modular block is a logically completed part of work within a production assignment, profession or field of activity with a clearly defined beginning and end of control, as a rule, it is not further subdivided into smaller parts.

Labor Skills Module (MTS) is a job description expressed in the form of modular blocks. MTN can consist of one or several independent modular blocks. Learning element - an independent educational brochure intended for study, focused both on the independent work of the student and on work under the guidance of an instructor. Each teaching element covers specific practical skills and theoretical knowledge. Instructional block is a modern form of lesson plan designed for a modular training system.

It encourages instructors and educators to systematically plan and prepare classes. Instructional blocks can also form the basis for the development of a learning element.

It is important to introduce a modular training system in stages.

First step. It determines the content of training in any profession and with its individual components. It can be called the design of the content of modular learning. Content creation is a consistent detailing of the data of a specific school subject, from its functional foundations to the final result. After determining the stages of learning in this subject, a "Lesson Description" is developed.

It contains a summary of the basic learning functions. It also gives conditions and requirements for those who will study. Further, all the listed functions, which must be performed by the student, are divided into separate modular blocks: MB - 1, MB - 2, ... MB - N. Based on the results of such an analysis, a listing and description of the modular blocks is compiled. Within each formed modular block, even finer detailing of the work performed takes place by dividing it into separate operations ("steps"), which in turn are divided into a set of individual skills, the mastery of which makes it possible to perform this operation.

At the second stage of design, to master certain skills, educational elements (UE) are developed, which are the main didactic material in a modular training system. Each learning element contains practical skills and knowledge or theoretical knowledge that must be learned.

The third stage involves technological preparation for the educational process:

Material provision of places for students to work;

Creation of control records;

Learning by the instructor (or master) of all the skills and abilities that are given in a particular training element.

At the fourth stage, direct training is performed using modular technology. A set of interconnected modules is an information block.

In relation to basic school education, it is advisable to form a larger unit, complete in the educational sense, which we will call a professional unit. When creating professional blocks, it is necessary to take into account the hierarchical principle of their construction, associated with the requirements of school and vocational education.

The appropriate modules are selected depending on the required level of professional training. At the request of the teacher or student, part of the modules or modular units can be excluded if in the process of fulfilling professional obligations it is not necessary to perform some part of the work. At enterprises where a modular training system is also used, in connection with the growth of rental, joint-stock, cooperative and other forms of ownership of enterprises, it becomes necessary for workers to master not one, but several professions. For example, a manager and an economist, a plumber and a welder, a tractor driver and a driver, and so on.

In this version of training, the corresponding professional blocks are used. If modules or modular units are repeated and have been studied earlier, they are excluded from the curriculum and are not studied in professional units. This shortens the training time, allows you to create flexible training programs adapted to the student.

There may be a broad-based profession associated with the use of the same production activity in different industries. The above principles of the modular vocational education system make it possible to draw attention to its positive qualities:

The mobility of knowledge in the structure of the employee's professional competence is achieved by replacing outdated modular units with new ones that contain new and promising information;

The management of student learning is minimal. This allows us to solve problems with future training and advanced training of workers and specialists;

Through clear, concise recordings of educational information in the design of didactic modules, it teaches teachers and students to a short statement thoughts and judgments;

The time of assimilation of information recorded in the didactic module, in comparison with traditional forms of providing educational material, is 10 - 14 times;

The training course is reduced by 10 - 30% without loss of completeness of teaching and the depth of assimilation of educational material due to the effect of the factor of "compression" and "rejection" of educational information, which is unnecessary for this type of work or activity;

Self-learning takes place with regulation of not only the speed of work, but also the content of the educational material

Achieved is the decomposition of the profession (specialty) into completed parts (modules, blocks) that have independent meanings;

The possibility of training in several professions based on the assimilation of different professional blocks, taking into account specific production activities.

Knowledge of the structure, functions and basic characteristics of the action allows us to model the most rational types of cognitive activity and outline the requirements for them at the end of training. In order for the programmed types of cognitive activity to become the property of trainees, they must be guided through a series of qualitatively unique states in all basic characteristics. Action, before becoming mental, generalized, abbreviated and mastered, goes through transitional states.

The main ones are the stages of mastering the action, each of which is characterized by a set of changes in the basic properties (parameters) of the action. The theory under consideration distinguishes five stages in the process of mastering fundamentally new actions. IN last years the scientist - the developer of modular training systems P.Ya. Galperin points out the need to introduce another stage, where the main task is to create the necessary motivation for the student.

Regardless of whether the solution to this problem is an independent stage or not, the presence of the motives necessary for the students to accept the educational task and perform activities adequate to it should be ensured. If this is not the case, then the formation of actions and the knowledge included in them is impossible. It is well known in practice that if a student does not want to learn, then it is impossible to teach him. In order to create positive motivation, the creation of problem situations is usually used, the resolution of which is possible with the help of the action, which is planned to be formed. There is the following characteristic of the main stages of the assimilation process.

At the first stage, students receive the necessary explanations about the purpose of the action, its object, and the reference system. This is the stage of preliminary acquaintance with the action and the conditions for its implementation - the stage of drawing up a diagram of the indicative basis of the action.

At the second stage, the stage of forming an action in a material (or materialized) form, students are already performing an action, but so far in an external, material (materialized) form with the deployment of all operations included in it. After all the content of the action is assimilated, the action must be transferred to the next, third stage - the stage of formation of the action as external speech. At this stage, where all the elements of the action are presented in the form of external speech, the action undergoes further generalization, but it still remains non-automated and unabridged.

The fourth stage - the stage of forming an action in external speech to oneself - differs from the previous one in that the action is performed silently and without prescribing - like speaking to oneself. From this moment, the action passes to the final, fifth stage - the stage of formation of action in inner speech. At this stage, the action very quickly acquires an automatic flow, becomes inaccessible to introspection.

P.Ya. Galperin's theory of the stage-by-stage formation of mental actions undoubtedly served as the basis for the modular learning technology. The theory clearly shows the importance of breaking down all activities into separate interrelated activities. So, in a modular learning system, the broken educational information into separate interconnected blocks is assimilated by students much easier and faster.

In addition, the division of all educational material into modules provides for the exclusion of unnecessary information that is studied in the subject system of education. The gradual formation of mental actions is very important in the educational process. As you know, one module can include only a few closely related disciplines. In the process of studying the educational material, the student does not overextend his mental abilities and memory due to the logical connection between objects and their scarcity. Therefore, the student can gradually acquire the necessary knowledge according to the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions by P.Ya. Halperin.

One of the most important advantages of modular training is the close relationship between theoretical knowledge and practical skills and abilities, since every time after receiving a certain amount of theoretical information, the student immediately consolidates it in practice.

Moreover, it will perform the necessary action until it turns out well. At the same time, a very important connection between theory and practice appears in the learning process. This corresponds to one of the three laws of behaviorism, namely the law of exercise. When testing knowledge, the student takes unit tests. If the results are unsatisfactory, the student can re-study the necessary material until they are achieved. good results learning.

Each person has a different mental capacity. In the subject system of education, a very high level of academic failure is due precisely to this. Let's say the teacher has interested the student in a certain topic, the person is already completely ready to receive new informationwhich will be well absorbed. But there are also other students who are not interested in this topic yet.

While the teacher is trying to interest (lead to a state of readiness to receive a new dose of information) others, the first student will get tired of waiting and lose interest in this topic. The same can be said for the tight learning curve.

There are many cases when children in primary grades simply lose interest in learning, although at the beginning of the educational process they were striving for knowledge. The reason is always the same - for some, the process of studying a certain material is too long and its constant repetition is tiring, for others there is too little time, which makes children lag behind, it becomes difficult for them to catch up with the rest and, finally, they just get tired of this eternal race, so they lose any interest in learning. The same is the case with older people.

Modular teaching technology is very important in the modern world, as it is focused on the psychological characteristics of each individual.

The introduction of this technology in the context of the innovative development of society contributes to the democratization of the educational process, the organization of rational and effective assimilation of certain knowledge, the stimulation of subjects of learning to systematic educational work, the strengthening of the motivational component, the formation of self-evaluating actions and the transformation of control into an effective mechanism of the management process.

Credit-modular system for organizing the educational process (KMSUPP) in accordance with the recommendations of the European Higher Education Area:

Promotes quality improvement and ensures the actual approximation of the content of training specialists to the European level;

Fully complies with the basic provisions of ECTS;

Takes into account all the existing requirements of the domestic education system;

Easily adapts to existing proven methods of planning the educational process.

Intensification of training in the conditions of credit-modular technology contributes to the achievement of the goal of teaching the future teacher of a general education school with a minimum expenditure of the forces of the subjects of learning, using traditional and non-traditional teaching methods in pedagogical activity.

The teaching method is a complex, multi-quality education in which objective laws, goals, content, principles and forms of education are reflected. Teaching methods are the means of interrelated activities of the teacher and students, which are aimed at mastering the student's knowledge, skills and abilities, at his upbringing and development in the learning process. The variety of methods gives rise to an interest in educational and cognitive activities among future teachers of a comprehensive school, which is very important for the formation of their professional competence.

The validity of the theory and practice of the teaching method is characterized by the presence in it:

The goals of educational activities planned by the teacher;

Ways that the teacher chooses to achieve these goals;

Ways to cooperate with students;

Sources of information;

Activity of participants in the educational process; the skill of the teacher;

A system of techniques and teaching aids.

The use of a particular method should be determined by:

Pedagogical and psychological expediency;

The ratio on the organization of the activities of the teacher and students;

The correspondence of the methods to the capabilities of students, the individual capabilities of the teacher;

The correlation of methods with the nature of the content of the material that is being studied;

Interrelation and interaction of methods with each other;

The effectiveness of achieving high-quality learning outcomes and the creative use of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Innovative teaching methods include methods of active learning, which, in the conditions of KMSOUP, foresee an increase in the level of professional competence of the future teacher of a general education school. Active learning methods promote:

Formation of knowledge, professional skills and abilities of future specialists, by involving them in intensive cognitive activity;

Activating the thinking of participants in the educational process; the manifestation of an active position of students;

Independent decision-making under conditions of increased motivation; the relationship between teacher and student and more.

Based on this, in the process of preparing a teacher primary grades in the conditions of credit-modular learning technology, it is necessary to use the following methods and techniques:

Conducting interactive lectures, namely the use of the "question-answer" method while working with students during the lecture; conducting short presentations prepared by students that would reveal one of the questions posed in this topic; testing;

Implementation of such forms of work as a "round table", "workshop" during practical classes, where students, during a discussion, solve important problems of a specialty on the basis of their own independent developments; conducting disputes, discussions, analysis of pedagogical situations;

Transformation independent work student, the execution of an individual research assignment, as an obligatory component of the study of a specific academic discipline;

Use in the classroom of presentations, publications, websites prepared by students in accordance with BIT;

Use of role-playing and business games, case-methods, “brainstorming” in the educational process of higher school, which contribute to the development of activity, creativity, creativity of the teacher;

Conducting master classes, training sessions, contributing to the formation of the professional competence of the future primary school teacher;

Extensive use of multimedia in the process of lecturing and conducting practical classes, electronic and various types of basic lecture notes, providing students with educational information on electronic media, Internet search, and the like;

Use of elements of imitation, reflection, relaxation in the course of individual practical lessons;

The use of new approaches to monitoring and assessing student achievement, which ensure objectivity and reliability.

Using the possibilities of innovative teaching methods, in the conditions of credit-modular technologies, in the process of professional training of the future primary school teacher, the following occurs:

Enhancement of students' cognitive activity;

Motivation and stimulation of future specialists in the pedagogical sphere for educational activities;

Modeling the professional skills of a future specialist;

Meeting professional educational interests and needs;

Development of creativity, critical thinking;

Ability to show your personal and professionally important qualities;

Providing opportunities for lifelong learning;

Formation of professional mobility, creativity, competence and competitiveness of future secondary school teachers in the labor market.

Using pedagogical technologies, innovative teaching methods in the educational process of higher education will provide an opportunity to significantly improve the quality of professional training of a future teacher, ensure his competitiveness in the world labor market, and actively participate in the European higher education area.

Conclusion: Having considered the theory of the stage-by-stage formation of mental actions by P.Ya. Halperin, one can single out the main systems that underlie the modular training system. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the importance of P.Ya. Halperin. It was this theory that served as the impetus for the creation of the module.

By now, a significant number of various educational technologies have developed. All technologies are based on the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating adaptive conditions for each student, that is, adapting the content, methods, forms of education to the student's characteristics and maximizing focus on independent activity or work of a student in a small group. Today, a pedagogically competent specialist, including a computer science teacher, must master the entire arsenal of educational technologies.

To achieve the above, we - teachers of informatics use various methods and forms of teaching in the classroom, modern technologies: it is learning in cooperation, and problem learning, game technologies, technologies of level differentiation, group technologies, technologies of developing education, technology of modular teaching, technology of project-based teaching, technology for the development of critical thinking of students and others.

Studying the feasibility of applying the method of cooperation in the practice of the domestic school, we came to the conclusion that the set of technologies of cooperation in various versions reflects the tasks of a personality-oriented approach at the stage of assimilating knowledge, forming intellectual skills necessary and sufficient for further independent research and creative work in projects.

You can use the following collaborative learning applications in your work:

1) Checking the correctness of homework (in groups, students can clarify the details that were not understood during homework);

2) One task per group, followed by consideration of the tasks by each group (groups receive different tasks, which makes it possible to sort out a larger number of them by the end of the lesson);

3) Joint implementation of practical work (in pairs);

4) Preparation for testing, independent work (then the teacher offers to complete the tasks or test individually for each student) ;;

5) Implementation of the project assignment.

Project-based learning technologies and collaborative learning, which are closely interconnected, will take a firm place both in informatics lessons and in extracurricular activities.

Of course, completely transferring the entire educational process to project-based training is not worth it. For the current stage of development of the education system, it is important to enrich practice with a variety of personality-oriented technologies. To implement the goals of differentiation of learning, it is possible to propose using the following types of multilevel tasks in the lesson: modular technology allows us to individualize learning by content, by the pace of learning, by the rate of assimilation, by the level of independence, by methods and methods of learning, by methods of control and self-control.

The core of modular learning is the training module, which includes:

Completed block of information;

Targeted student action program;

Practice shows that most teachers are guided by the methodological recommendations received (this is certainly useful), but no science will give a specific teacher a recipe for design educational process in the student class where he works. The choice of methods, technologies, means of organizing the educational process for the teacher is very wide. Which of them will give the best result? Which ones are “suitable” for the teacher and the conditions in which he works? These questions must be answered by the teacher himself.

The formation of a culture of choice, ensuring the success of each student at the same time largely depends on the teacher's correct planning of the main stages of the lesson, built according to the ITSO technology (individually oriented way of teaching), such as, for example, organizing the motivation for learning.

At the same time, the student should be puzzled by the question: how to learn this, I want to know this, I can achieve this, it will be useful for me ... Since the lesson is individually oriented, then each student must be motivated individually, because each of them has their own motive achievements. A very effective technique of motivation through a paradox, which is used, for example, in the lesson of studying the topic "Forms of thinking" in grade 10.

It begins with the creation of a problem situation, solving which the students come to the conclusion that it is necessary to study this topic, which arouses interest in the problem of logic and forms of thinking. The work is carried out with the help of cards with sophism, containing a paradoxical situation and tasks of different levels of difficulty, proposed at the end:

The emergence of new spheres of science and technology requires an approach to problem-oriented methods of knowledge formation, revision of the tasks of general education schools, reorganization of scientific research and training of specialists focused on solving non-standard problems of an interdisciplinary nature.

The main task of personality-oriented technology is the task of identifying and comprehensive development of individual abilities of students. Currently, education is increasingly turning to individual learning, and this pedagogical technology can be effectively implemented, including in distance learning.

The formation of a culture of choice, ensuring the success of each student at the same time largely depends on the teacher's correct planning of the main stages of the lesson, built according to the ITSO technology (individually oriented way of teaching), such as, for example, organizing motivation for learning. Since the lesson is individually oriented, it is necessary to motivate each student individually, because each of them has their own motive for achievement.

The problems of the development of the information society to accelerate the integration processes in recent years have been in the center of attention and public thought. International conferences, meetings, seminars are held on the problems of informatization, ensuring the principle of "education for all, education throughout life, education without borders".

The need to introduce innovative teaching methods in the context of credit-modular technology in the process of professional training of the future primary school teacher, caused by the need for time, prompts the following scientific developments problems of forming the professional competence of a future teacher in the context of credit-modular technology of a higher educational institution.

The technologies used in the organization of pre-profile training in computer science are activity-oriented. This contributes to the process of self-determination of students and helps them to assess themselves adequately without lowering the level of self-esteem. In the first lesson, a small conversation is conducted with the students about what they expect from the course, what they would like to know, what to learn, what professions they are interested in, and so on.

The introduction of a modular system for organizing the educational process is extremely important for the best use of the achievements of scientific and technological progress in teaching students.

1. Andreev V.I. Pedagogy. A training course for creative self-development. 3rd edition. M., 2009 .-- 620 p.

2. Galatenko V.A. Information systems standards. M. 2006 .-- 264 p.

3. Dzhidaryan I.A. Team and personality. M., Flint. 2006 .-- 158 p.

4. Efremov O.Yu. Pedagogy. Peter. 2009 .-- 352 p.

5. Zapechnikov S.V., Miloslavskaya N.G., Ushakov D.V. Information security of open systems. M., 2006 .-- 536 p.

6. Levites D.G. Training practice: modern educational technologies. Murmansk. 2007 .-- 210 p.

7. Lepekhin A.N. Theoretical and applied aspects of information systems. M., Theseus. 2008 .-- 176 p.

8. Lopatin V.N. Information systems of Russia. M., 2009 .-- 428 p.

9. Mizherikov V.A. Management of an educational institution. Dictionary - reference book. M., Academy, 2010 .-- 384 p.

10. Novotortseva N.V. Correctional pedagogy and special psychology. M., Karo, 2006 .-- 144 p.

11. New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Textbook. A guide for students. ped. universities and systems of raising. qualif. ped. personnel / E.S. Polat, M.Yu.Bukharkina, M.V. Moiseeva, A.E. Petrov; ed. E.S. Polat. M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 272 p.

12. Pedagogical systems and workshop. // Ed. Tsirkuna I.I., Dubovik M.V. M., Tetra-Systems, 2010 .-- 224 p.

13. Petrenko S.A., Kurbatov V.A. Information security policies. M., Infra-M. 2006 .-- 400 p.

14. Petrenko S.A. Information Technology Management. M., Infra-M. 2007 .-- 384 p.

15. Samygin S.I. Pedagogy. M., Phoenix, 2010 .-- 160 p.

16. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. M .: Public education. 2008. - 256 p.

17. Serezhkina A.E. Fundamentals of mathematical data processing in psychology. Kazan, 2007 .-- 156 p.

18. Solovtsova I.A., Baibakov A.M., Borotko N.M. Pedagogy. M., Academy. 2009 .-- 496 p.

19. Stolyarenko A.M. Psychology and pedagogy. M .: UNITI, 2006 .-- 526 p .;

20. Shangin V.F. Information Technology Management. Effective methods and means. M., DMK Press. 2008 .-- 544 p.

21. Shiyanov I.N., Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F. Pedagogy. M., Academy. 2008 .-- 576 p.

22. Shcherbakov A.Yu. Informatics. Theoretical basis. Practical aspects. M., Book World. 2009 .-- 352 p.

23. Shcherbinina Yu.V. Pedagogical discourse. Think-speak-act. M., Flint-Science. 2010 .-- 440 p.

Lopatin V.N. Information systems of Russia. M., 2009. - p. 34.

New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system: Textbook. A guide for students. ped. universities and systems of raising. qualif. ped. personnel / E.S. Polat, M.Yu. Bukharkina, M.V. Moiseeva, A.E. Petrov; ed. E.S. Polat. M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 83 pages.

Serezhkina A.E. Fundamentals of mathematical data processing in psychology. Kazan, 2007 .-- 29 p.

Efremov O.Yu. Pedagogy. Peter. 2009. - 122 p.

Solovtsova I.A., Baibakov A.M., Borotko N.M. Pedagogy. M., Academy. 2009 .-- 225 p.

Shiyanov I.N., Slastenin V.A., Isaev I.F. Pedagogy. M., Academy. 2008. - 39 p.

Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. M .: Public education. 2008.- 63 p.

Modular training in computer science lessons.

goal modern education - to provide the educational needs of each student in accordance with his inclinations, interests and capabilities. To achieve it, it is necessary to radically change the relationship between the student and the teacher in the educational process. The new paradigm is that the student must learn on his own, and the teacher must exercise motivational management of his learning, i.e. motivate, organize, advise, control. To solve this problem, a pedagogical technology is required that would provide the student with the development of his independence, the ability to exercise self-management of educational and cognitive activities. This technology is modular training.

Modular training Is one of the young alternative technologies to traditional teaching, which has recently gained widespread use. Modular learning got its name from the term "module", one of the meanings of which- " functional unit ".

A module is a target functional unit that combines educational content and technology for mastering it.

The purpose of modular learning - creating the most favorable conditions for the development of the student's personality by providing flexible training content, adapting the didactic system to individual capabilities, needs and level basic training the student through the organization of educational and cognitive activities according to an individual curriculum.

The essence of modular learningconsists in the relatively independent work of the student on the development of an individual program, composed of separate modules (modular units). Each module is a complete educational action, the development of which goes through operations-steps (diagram).

The module can present course content in three levels: full, short and in-depth.

The program material is presented simultaneously in all possible codes: drawing, numerical, symbolic and verbal.

The module consists of the following components:

A well-defined learning goal ();

Information bank: the actual educational material in the form of training programs;

Methodological guidance for achieving goals;

Practical lessons on the formation of the necessary skills;

Examination that is strictly in line with the objectives of this module.

Organization of students' activities.

In the technology of modular learning, the following forms of organizing the cognitive activity of students are used:


    work in groups,

    work in pairs,


But unlike traditional teaching, an individual form of work becomes a priority, which allows each student to assimilate the educational material at his own pace.

One of the features of modular technology israting system activities of students.

In modular technology, the performance of each learning element is assessed. Grades are accumulated in a statement (sheet of grades), on the basis of which the final grade for the work on the module is set. The accuracy of control and the objectivity of the assessment play an important role. Getting a good grade is one of the main motivations for modular technology. The student clearly knows that his work is assessed at each stage and the assessment objectively reflects his efforts and abilities.

Any module includes control over the implementation of the assignment, over the assimilation of students' knowledge. The module will be incomplete if there is no control instruction. The following forms of control are used:


    mutual control of students;

    teacher control.

Self-control carried out by the student. He compares the results obtained with the standard and assesses the level of his performance himself.

Mutual control possible when the student has already checked the assignment and corrected errors. Or the student has a standard of answers. Now he can check the partner's task and give a grade.

Teacher control carried out constantly. Input and output control in the module is mandatory. In addition, current control is carried out. The forms of control can be very different: testing, individual interview, control or creative work, etc.

Current and intermediate control identify gaps in the assimilation of knowledge in order to immediately eliminate them, and the final control shows the level of assimilation of the entire module and also presupposes appropriate revision.

Benefits of using a rating system for students:

    The student knows exactly what he should learn, to what extent and what he should be able to after studying the module.

    The student can independently plan his time, effectively use his abilities.

    The educational process is focused on the learner, not on the teacher.

    Reduces the stressful situation during control for both the student and the teacher.

    Learning becomes student-centered.

This technology allows you to develop and educate

    Analytical and critical thinking.

    Communication skills.

    Responsibility for the results of their work.

    A sense of mutual help, the ability to control oneself.

    The ability to rationally allocate your time.

    Feelings of self-respect.

Benefits for teachers:

    The teacher has the opportunity to individualize the educational process;

    The teacher identifies learning problems in a timely manner;

The main difficulties for students:

    Students must have self-discipline in order to achieve their goals;

    Students must complete a large amount of independent work;

    Students are responsible for their own learning.

The main difficulties for teachers:

    The refusal of the teacher from the central role in the educational process. The teacher organizes and directs the educational process, controls the results obtained, to a greater extent becomes a consultant, a student's assistant.

    Changing the structure and style of their work to ensure active, independent, purposeful and effective work of each student. A large amount of preparatory, advisory and verification work.

The module consists of a series of lessons (two and four lessons). The location and number of cycles in the block can be any. Each cycle in this technology is a kind of mini-block and has a rigidly defined structure. Consider the organization of a four-year cycle.

The first lesson of the cycle is designed to study new material based on the most accessible set of teaching aids. As a rule, in this lesson, each student receives a synopsis or a detailed outline of the material (reproduced in advance or appears on the screen, monitor simultaneously with the teacher's explanation). In the same lesson, the primary consolidation of the material is carried out, the concretization of information in a special notebook.

The purpose of the second lesson is to replace home study of the material, to ensure its assimilation and verification of assimilation. The work takes place in pairs or small groups. Before the lesson, the teacher reproduces on the screen the outline known to the students from the first lesson of the cycle, and projects the questions to which they need to answer. Organizationally, this lesson is a kind of workshop.

The third lesson is completely reserved for consolidation. First, this is work with a special notebook (on a printed basis), and then the implementation of individual assignments.

The fourth lesson of the cycle includes preliminary control, preparation for independent work and independent work itself. In modular block technology, explanatory and illustrative, heuristic, programmed teaching methods are used.

The foundation of modular learning is a modular program. A modular program is a series of relatively small portions of educational information presented in a certain logical sequence.

Conditions for the transition to modular training.

To switch to modular training, it is necessary to create certain conditions:

1. Development of appropriate motives for the teacher.

2. The readiness of students for independent educational and cognitive activities - the formation of the minimum necessary knowledge and general educational skills.

3. Material capabilities of the educational institution in the reproduction of modules, tk. they will only play their role when each student is provided with this program of action.

In general, experience shows that the technology of modular training requires a lot of preliminary work from the teacher, and from the student - hard work.

The modular principle of the formation of educational material in the course "Informatics" allows you to include new sections, the need to study which is caused (as well as the content of all education in school) by the needs of society.

Let's consider modular training in informatics on the example of the topic "Computer security".

A theme can include the following modules:

Theoretical foundations of information security;

Information protection by means of the operating system;

Protection and recovery of information on hard drives;


Information protection in local and global networks;

Legal basis for the protection of information.

The content of each module requires the teacher to involve additional sources of information, since these issues are not sufficiently considered in the textbooks approved for use.

The study of each module in the topic "Computer security" should provide for theoretical and practical lessons and be based on knowledge of the basic sections of computer science and information technologies... At the end of the study of each module, the quality control of its assimilation is carried out in the form of control work. The study of the topic ends with a final test containing a complex task on the content of the entire topic. The final test can be replaced by a project assignment, the implementation of which requires not only knowledge of the content of the topic, but also practical skills, research skills, and a creative approach. The results of project activities are presented publicly, which serves to develop communication skills, the ability to defend one's opinion, and to be critical and friendly to the judgments of opponents.

Distinctive feature the topic "Computer security" should be additional software and technical support lessons. Practical tasks on introducing security elements into the settings of the operating system and a personal computer, as well as identifying and eliminating malfunctions on hard disks, requires both high preparedness of the teacher and backing up hard disks of computers of computer classes using software and hardware methods.


1. Kachalova LP, Teleeva EV, Kachalov DV Pedagogical technologies. A textbook for students of pedagogical universities. - Shadrinsk, 20s.

2. Selevko GK Modern educational technologies: textbook. - M .: Public education, 19p.

3. Teleeva EV Pedagogical technologies. Tutorial. - Shadrinsk, 20s.

4. Choshanov M. A. Flexible technology of problem-modular learning: Toolkit... - M .: Public education, 19p.

5. Yutsevichene PA Principles of modular training // Soviet pedagogy. - 1990. - No. 1. - P. 55.

6. Yaroshenko I. T. "Protection of information" - as the theme and content of the educational module of the subject "Informatics" [ Electronic resource] / I. T. Yaroshenko - Access mode: http: // www. ***** / ito / 2002 / I / 1 / I-1-332.html.




Modular learning in computer science lessons

computer science teacher

Undercut N.A.

Eagle 2016

Theme: The structure and content of teaching the basics of computer science


Formation of the concept and content of a continuous computer science course for secondary school. The structure of teaching the basics of computer science in secondary school (Propedeutics of teaching computer science in primary school. Basic course in computer science. Profile study of computer science in high school).

Standardization of school education in the field of informatics. Purpose and functions of the standard at school. State Compulsory Standard for Informatics of Secondary general education RK.

Speaking about the content of the informatics course at school, one should bear in mind the requirements for the content of education, which are set out in the Law on Education. " Three components are always distinguished in the content of education: upbringing, training and development. Learning is central. The content of general education includes informatics in two ways - as a separate academic subject and through the informatization of the entire school education. The selection of the content of a computer science course is influenced by two groups of main factors, which are in dialectical contradiction with each other:

  1. Scientific and practical. This means that the content of the course should come from the science of informatics and correspond to the current level of its development. The study of computer science should provide such a level of fundamental knowledge that can really ensure the preparation of students for future professional activities in various fields.
  2. Accessibility and general education. The material included should be able to accommodate the bulk of students, correspond to the level of their mental development and the available stock of knowledge, skills and abilities. The course should also contain all the most significant, general cultural, general educational information from the relevant sections of the science of informatics.

A school course in computer science, on the one hand, should be modern, and on the other hand, it should be elementary and accessible to study. Combining these two largely conflicting requirements is challenging.

The content of the computer science course is complex and contradictory. It must correspond to the social order of society at every moment of its development. The modern information society sets before the school the task of forming information competence in the younger generation. The concept of information competence is quite broad and includes several components: motivational, social, cognitive, technological, etc. The cognitive component of the computer science course is aimed at developing children's attention, imagination, memory, speech, thinking, and cognitive abilities. Therefore, when determining the content of the course, one should proceed from the fact that informatics has a great ability to form these spheres of personality and, in particular, the thinking of schoolchildren. Society needs young people entering life to have the skills to use modern information technology. All this requires further research and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience.

Machine and machineless versions of the computer science course . The first program of the OIVT course in 1985 contained three basic concepts: information, algorithm, computer. These concepts determined the amount of theoretical training required for assimilation. The content of training was formed on the basis of the components of the algorithmic culture and, then, the computer literacy of students. The OIVT course was intended to be studied in two senior grades - in the ninth and tenth grades. In the 9th grade, 34 hours were allocated (1 hour per week), and in the 10th grade, the course content was differentiated into two options - full and short. A complete course of 68 hours was designed for schools that have computers or have the ability to conduct classes with students at a computer center. A short course of 34 hours was intended for schools that did not have the ability to conduct classes using computers. Thus, 2 options were immediately provided - machine and machineless. But in the machineless version, excursions of 4 hours to a computer center or enterprises using computers were planned.

However, the real state of the computer equipment of schools and the readiness of the teaching staff led to the fact that the course was initially focused on a machine-less learning option. Most of the study time was devoted to algorithmization and programming.

The first actually machine version of the OIVT course was developed in 1986 in the volume of 102 hours for two senior classes. It took 48 hours to get to know a computer and solve problems on a computer. At the same time, there was no significant difference from the machineless version. But, nevertheless, the course was focused on teaching computer science in the conditions of active work of students with computers in the school office of computer technology (at this time, the first deliveries of personal computers to schools began). The course was quickly accompanied by the appropriate software: operating system, file system, text editor. Application programs for educational purposes were developed, which quickly became an integral component of the methodological system of a computer science teacher. It was assumed that schoolchildren would constantly work with computers at each lesson in the computer science classroom. Three types of organizational use of the computer room were proposed - conducting demonstrations on a computer, performing frontal laboratory work and a workshop.

The machineless version was accompanied by several teaching aids, for example, textbooks A.G. Kushnirenko et al. Were widely used at that time. Nevertheless, the machine version in many ways continued the line on algorithms and programming, and less contained the fundamental foundations of computer science.

In the 1990s, with the arrival of computers in most schools, the computer science course began to be taught in a machine version, and teachers began to focus on mastering the techniques of working on a computer and information technology. However, it should be noted that the realities of the third decade of teaching computer science show that there is currently a machine-less option or a large share of it in a significant number of schools, not only rural, but also urban. Teaching in primary school is also focused mainly on the machineless study of computer science, for which there is some explanation - the time for working on a computer for primary school students should not exceed 15 minutes. Therefore, computer science textbooks for them contain only a small fraction of the actual computer component.

Computer Science Education Standard. The introduction of the educational standard has become a step forward, and its very concept has firmly entered the arsenal of the basic concepts of didactics.

The state standard contains norms and requirements that determine:

  • mandatory minimum content of the main educational programs;
  • the maximum amount of study load of students;
  • the level of training of graduates of educational institutions;
  • basic requirements for the provision of the educational process.

Appointment educational standard is that it is called:

  • to ensure equal opportunities for all citizens to receive quality education;
  • preserve the unity of the educational space;
  • protect students from overload and preserve their mental and physical health;
  • establish the continuity of educational programs at different levels of education;
  • to provide citizens with the right to receive complete and reliable information about state norms and requirements for the content of education and the level of training of graduates of educational institutions.

The educational standard in informatics and ICT is a regulatory document that defines the requirements:

  • to the place of the computer science course in the school curriculum;
  • to the content of the informatics course in the form of a mandatory minimum of educational content;
  • to the level of preparation of students in the form of a set of requirements for ZUN and scientific concepts;
  • to technology and means of checking and assessing the achievement of the educational standard by students.

The standard can be divided into two main aspects: The first aspect is theoretical informatics and the sphere of intersection of informatics and cybernetics: system-informational picture of the world, general patterns of structure and functioning of self-governing systems.

The second aspect is information technology. This aspect is related to preparing students for practical activities and continuing education.

Modular design of a computer science course. The accumulated teaching experience, the analysis of the requirements of the UNESCO standard and recommendations show that two main components can be distinguished in the informatics course - theoretical informatics and information technology. Moreover, information technology is gradually coming to the fore. Therefore, even in the basic curriculum of 1998, it was recommended to include theoretical computer science in the educational area "mathematics and computer science", and information technology - in the educational area "Technology". This division has now been abandoned in elementary and high school.

A way out of this contradiction can be found in the modular design of the course, which allows one to take into account the rapidly changing content, the differentiation of educational institutions according to their profile, the equipment with computers and software, and the availability of qualified personnel.

Educational modules can be classified into basic, additional and advanced, which ensures that the content of the computer science and ICT course corresponds to the basic curriculum.

Basic module - it is compulsory for study, providing the minimum educational content in accordance with the educational standard. The basic module is often called the basic computer science and ICT course, which is taught in grades 7-9. At the same time, in high school, teaching computer science can be basic level or at the profile level, the content of which is also defined by the standard.

Additional module - designed to provide the study of information technology and hardware.

Advanced module - designed to provide advanced knowledge, including those necessary for admission to a university.

In addition to this division into modules, among the methodologists and teachers, it is common to highlight in the course content such modules that correspond to the division into main topics. Thus, the above modules, in turn, are divided for convenience into smaller modules.

Questions and tasks

  1. What are the main factors influencing the selection of computer science course content?
  2. Describe the machine and machineless versions of the 1985 and 1986 JIHT course.
  3. What is the purpose of the standard?
  4. Analyze the content of the standard on informatics and ICT for the main school and you write the requirements for the skills of students.
  5. Analyze the content of the high school computer science and ICT educational standard at the basic level and write down the student skill requirements.
  6. Why is modularity accepted? modern course computer science?
  7. What does the study of the basic module of the computer science course provide?
  8. What does the study of the additional module of the computer science course provide?
  9. What ensures the study of the advanced module (school component) of the computer science course?

Analyze the baseline academic plan school and write down the number of weekly computer science hours in each class.



Chapter 1. Planning a Computer Science Course in High School

1 The level of preparation of a high school graduate in computer science

2 Positive and negative aspects of the modern school course

Chapter 2. Implementation of the course of computer science in secondary school

1 Ways to improve the course of computer science

2 Proposals for building a school computer science course





Since the introduction of the computer science course in the school, considerable experience has been accumulated. At the first stage, the course was focused on the study of the basics of algorithmization and programming, and later on, on the development and use of information technology tools. However, in recent years, the role and place of informatics in the system of scientific disciplines, the growing importance of information activity in the development of society have been radically rethought. During this time, there have been significant changes in views on school computer science, the enormous general educational value of studying computer science has been substantiated, which necessitates expanding the tasks of teaching computer science at school and, accordingly, the expediency of revising the content of the course, moving to a full-fledged general education course.

The general education area represented in the school curriculum by a computer science course can be considered in two aspects:

· system-informational picture of the world, general informational patterns of the structure and functioning of systems of various nature;

· methods and means of receiving, processing, transferring, storing and using information, solving problems with the help of new information technologies.

The pedagogical functions of this general educational field are the formation of the foundations of the scientific worldview, the development of the thinking of schoolchildren, preparation for practical activity, work, and continuing education.

Research problem: A variety of options have been developed for constructing a school computer science course. In reality, these options quickly become outdated due to the circumstances of rapidly growing computer knowledge and cannot provide relevant training for school graduates.

Object of research: Definition of the content, construction, planning of a school computer science course to prepare a school graduate for life and professional activity in the information society.

Subject of research: Variants of building a school course in computer science are considered in the context of the dynamic development of computing technology and an expanded scope of its application.

Purpose of the research: To substantiate and propose a variant of building a school computer science course that is most acceptable for schools in the city of Nizhnekamsk at this stage of society's informatization.

Research objectives:

-study of literature on the construction of courses of school disciplines;

-study of literature on building a school computer science course

-studying the standard in informatics

-identification of positive and negative aspects in the available options for the school computer science course.

Relevance of the research: The rapid change in various spheres of life in the information society requires a deep approach to teaching at school, especially when studying computer science. Any changes to the course begin with defining its content and structure, so the research is directed towards this part of the course.

Chapter 1. Planning a Computer Science Course in High School

In the last decade, the target settings of our education system have changed significantly, as evidenced by the new law on education, which proclaimed the highest value of the personality of the student, his originality, self-worth, which provided each teacher with the opportunity to design his own course at his own discretion, and many developments of new (and updated old) educational, models, their implementation, etc. The goal of education at present is to create conditions for the development of the personality of students, its self-realization, the solution of personality problems by means of education.

In addition to these objective features of our time, related to all education, there are a number of specific features of computer science that contrast it from other educational areas. These include:

· The rapid development of information technologies, which not only does not allow the creation of relatively static courses in education, but also requires an energetic and timely update of the material and technical base, software, constant professional development of teachers;

· In the past three decades, the world has been actively moving into the information society. The bulk of students, at their own discretion, with the help of parents and others, the media, are educated in the field of computer science and information technology outside the school curriculum. This leads to a sharp multilevel education of children, its fragmentary or superficial content and cannot serve as a basis for the formation of an information culture;

· The pedagogical resource of informatics teachers in the whole country is poorly grown. Many teachers are graduates of mathematics departments of universities, technical universitieswho did not have special training as a computer science teacher. For these reasons, teachers present fundamentally different goals in teaching computer science and IT courses. While it is the goal-setting that determines the activity in the functional plan, it allows you to realize the image of future performance results. In addition, for the same reason, textbooks that meet pedagogical requirements have only recently begun to appear. But there are few of them and they do not cover the needs of the modern educational process.

Taking these reasons into account, we build goal-setting in the course of computer science and IT primarily on the basis of a student-centered education model. The goal of the course then becomes to create conditions for the manifestation and development of the student's "self" based on the means and subject area of \u200b\u200bcomputer science and IT courses, preserving its originality, supporting, creating situations for self-affirmation, appropriation of social experience, a creative approach to understanding the present and testing the elements of the future. Further, based on the declared goal, we determine the necessary conditions for the design of the content and technologies of education:

· Taking into account the interests and goals of each student on the basis of personal goal-setting, reflection and implementation of project activities;

· Designing a diverse and multifunctional content of the training course, which allows you to take into account the characteristics and needs of each child. The participation of the child himself in the construction of personally meaningful content is ensured by the possibility of free choice of elements (modules), and their non-linear combination;

· Creation of a productive educational field, opportunities for creativity, activity, independence, self-government;

· Continuity in content, the ability to take into account situational moments and expand its boundaries using the subjective experience of students;

To accomplish the declared tasks, we use:

.A modular approach in the construction of the entire computer science and IT course, giving students the freedom to choose a module;

.Elements of nonlinear technology;

.Individualization in each module, topic, lesson based on personal goal-setting and reflection of activities by the students themselves;

.The system of intellectual competition. We understood intellectual competitions as an educational developmental event that differs in content - problematic, non-standard tasks, in form - in productive activity of participants, in methods that stimulate mental activity, in a partnership style of relations. Intellectual competition invariably includes a productive thought act. At intellectual competitions, the assimilation of the content of education takes place in a didactic-communicative environment that provides subject-semantic communication, reflection, and self-realization of the individual. The substantive part of intellectual competitions is questions and problems emanating from the personal experience of students, in the solution of which the own meaning of the educational material is formed, and the dialogue acts as a factor in the actualization of the meaning-forming, reflective and other functions of the personality;

.The project method is used as the main technology in teaching a number of modules, or as an element of pedagogical technologies in others. The use of the project method at the last stage of the course creates conditions for self-government, information search, self-affirmation in the educational environment.

.The joint activity of all participants in the personality-oriented education model is realized through cooperation, when all relations are partnership, and all participants in the activity move into the position of the subject. Cooperation is a condition for the cultivation of dialogicism and self-change for each subject of educational activity.

The entire course is divided into modules, each of which can be removed, modified or updated completely if obsolete. The modules are divided into three stages (the entrance to each depends on the desires and readiness of the student): propaedeutic, technological, project. Educational groups, for the reasons described above, are of different ages. Teaching technologies are maximally individualized and allow taking into account the age of the student and his training in the classroom. The content within the modules at the technological and design stages is determined in its joint design by the teacher and the student.

school course computer science education

1.1 The level of preparation of a high school graduate in computer science

At the end of the school course in computer science, the graduate must (must) have the following knowledge, skills, and abilities to continue learning and a full life in the information society:

1. Human and information

Students should know:

  1. definition of information in accordance with the content approach and the cybernetic (alphabetical) approach;
  2. what are information processes;
  3. what information carriers exist;
  4. functions of language as a way of presenting information; what are natural and formal languages;
  5. how the unit of information is determined - a bit;
  6. what is byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte;
  7. in what units the information transfer rate is measured;
  8. what notation ; what is the difference between positional and non-positional number systems;
  9. the main stages in the history of the development of means of storage, transmission and processing of information before the invention of computers

Students should be able to:

  1. give examples of information and information processes from the field of human activity, wildlife and technology;
  2. to determine in a specific process of information transmission a source, receiver, channel;
  3. give examples of informative and non-informative messages;
  4. give examples of messages carrying 1 bit of information;
  5. measure the information volume of text in bytes (when using a computer alphabet);
  6. recalculate the amount of information in various units (bits, bytes, KB, MB, GB);
  7. calculate the speed of information transfer in terms of volume and time of transfer, as well as solve inverse problems;
  8. translate whole numbers from the decimal number system to other systems and back;
  9. perform the simplest arithmetic operations with binary numbers;

2. First acquaintance with the computer

Students should know:

  1. safety rules when working on a computer;
  2. the composition of the main computer devices, their purpose and information interaction;
  3. the main characteristics of the computer as a whole and its nodes (various storage devices, input and output devices);
  4. the structure of the computer's internal memory (bits, bytes); memory address concept;
  5. types and properties of external memory devices;
  6. types and purpose of input-output devices;
  7. the essence of software control of the computer.
  8. principles of organizing information on disks: what is a file, directory (folder), file structure;
  9. the purpose of the software and its composition.

Students should be able to:

  1. turn on and off the computer;
  2. use the keyboard;
  3. insert floppy disks into drives;
  4. navigate the standard interface: use the menu, ask for help, work with windows;
  5. initialize the execution of programs from program files;
  6. view the disk directory on the screen;
  7. perform basic operations with files and directories (folders): copy, move, delete, rename, search.

3. Text information and computer.

Students should know:

  1. ways of representing symbolic information in computer memory (encoding tables, text files);
  2. the appointment of text editors (word processors);
  3. basic modes of work of text editors (input-editing, printing, spelling control, search and replacement, work with files);

Students should be able to:

  1. type and edit text in one of the text editors;
  2. perform basic operations on text allowed by this editor;
  3. save text on disk, load it from disk, print it;

4. Information graphics and computer

Students should know:

  1. ways of representing images in computer memory; concepts of pixel, raster, color coding, video memory;
  2. what are the areas of application of computer graphics;
  3. appointment of graphic editors;
  4. the purpose of the main components of the graphical editor environment: working area, tool menu, graphic primitives, palette, scissors, eraser, etc.;

Students should be able to:

  1. build simple images using one of the graphic editors;
  2. save drawings to disk and load from disk; print out;

5. Information transmission in computer networks

Students should know:

  1. what is a computer network; what is the difference between local and global networks;
  2. the purpose of the main hardware and software for the functioning of networks: communication channels, modems, servers, clients, protocols;
  3. purpose of the main types of services of global networks: e-mail, teleconferences, distributed databases, etc.
  4. what is the Internet; what opportunities does it provide to the user World Wide Web - WWW;

Students should be able to:

  1. exchange information with a file server of a local network or with workstations of a single-rank network.

6. Introduction to Information Modeling

Students should know:

  1. what is a model; what is the difference between a full-scale and an information model;
  2. what forms of presentation of information models exist (graphical, tabular, verbal, mathematical);

Students should be able to:

  1. give examples of full-scale and information models;
  2. navigate in tabular-organized information;
  3. describe an object (process) in tabular form for simple cases;

7. Database

Students should know:

  1. what is a database, DBMS, information system;
  2. what is a relational database, its elements (records, fields, keys); types and formats of fields;
  3. structure of commands for searching and sorting information in databases;
  4. what is a logical value, a logical expression;
  5. what are logical operations, how are they performed.

Students should be able to:

  1. open a finished database in one of the relational DBMS;
  2. organize information search in the database;
  3. edit the contents of database fields;
  4. sort records in the database by key;

8. Table computing on a computer

Students should know:

  1. what is a spreadsheet and spreadsheet;
  2. basic information units of a spreadsheet: cells, rows, columns, blocks and methods of their identification;
  3. what types of data are entered into the spreadsheet; How a spreadsheet processor works with formulas
  4. basic functions (mathematical, statistical) used when writing formulas in ET;
  5. graphics capabilities of the table processor.

Students should be able to:

  1. open a finished spreadsheet in one of the table processors;
  2. edit the contents of cells; make calculations using a ready-made spreadsheet;
  3. perform basic manipulation operations with ET fragments: copying, deleting, pasting, sorting;
  4. receive diagrams using graphic tools of a spreadsheet processor;
  5. create a spreadsheet for simple calculations.

9. Artificial intelligence and knowledge bases

Students should know:

  1. what is a knowledge model, knowledge base;
  2. from what the logical model of knowledge is built;
  3. what problems the computer science section solves Artificial Intelligence.

Students should be able to:

  1. distinguish between declarative and procedural knowledge, facts and rules.

10. Information and management

Students should know:

  1. what Cybernetics ; the subject and tasks of this science;
  2. the essence of the cybernetic feedback control scheme; the appointment of direct and feedback in this scheme;
  3. what is a control algorithm; what is the role of the algorithm in control systems;
  4. what are the main properties of the algorithm;
  5. methods of writing algorithms: block diagrams, educational algorithmic language;
  6. basic algorithmic constructions: following, branching, loop; structure of algorithms;
  7. assignment of auxiliary algorithms; technologies for constructing complex algorithms: the sequential detailing method and the assembly (library) method.

Students should be able to:

  1. when analyzing simple control situations, determine the mechanism of direct and feedback;
  2. use the language of flowcharts, understand descriptions of algorithms in the educational algorithmic language;
  3. trace the algorithm for a well-known performer;
  4. to compose simple linear, branching and cyclic control algorithms for one of the training performers;
  5. highlight subtasks; define and use helper algorithms.

11. How the computer works

Students should know:

  1. representation of positive integers in computer memory;
  2. machine instruction structure;
  3. the composition of the processor and the purpose of the elements included in it (arithmetic-logic device, control device, registers);
  4. how the processor executes the program (processor cycle);
  5. the main stages in the development of information and computing technology, computer software and information technology.

Students should be able to:

  1. translate positive integers into internal machine representation;
  2. switch between binary and hexadecimal forms of internal information representation

12. Introduction to programming

Students should know:

  1. the purpose of programming languages;
  2. what is the difference between programming languages high level and machine-oriented languages;
  3. what is broadcast;
  4. the purpose of programming systems;

Students should be able to:

  1. work with a finished program in one of the high-level programming languages.

1.2 Positive and negative aspects of the modern school course

In recent years, there has been a crisis in the development of computer science as an academic discipline, caused by the fact that:

the task of the 1st stage of the introduction of the school subject of computer science has been basically completed;

All students are introduced to basic computer concepts and programming elements. While this problem was being solved, the cutting edge of scientific and practical informatics went far ahead, and it became unclear in which direction to move further;

Opportunities for informatics teachers have been exhausted, usually or not professional educators, or who are not professional computer scientists who have completed only a short-term training at an institute for advanced teachers;

There are no balanced, realistic textbooks;

Due to the difference in the conditions for teaching computer science in different schools (a variety of types of computer technology) and the relative freedom that appeared in schools in the choice of class profiles, curricula and educational programs, there is a significant variation in the content of computer science education.

The change in the paradigm of research in the field of information technologies and their application in practice have also been significantly manifested. In the initial period of its existence, school computer science was fed mainly by ideas from the practice of using information technologies in scientific research, technical cybernetics, ACS and CAD. Due to the crisis in funding scientific institutions and research, the actual halt of high-tech industries and their re-profiling, the general scientific orientation of the computer science course has lost its relevance. The initial motivation of schoolchildren to study science-oriented subjects and their performance in them significantly decreased. A social demand is clearly manifested, aimed at business-oriented applications of information technologies, user skills in using personal computers for preparing and printing documents, accounting calculations, etc. However, the majority of general education institutions are not ready to implement this request due to the lack of appropriate educational computer technology and insufficient training of informatics teachers.

A computer is not just a technical device, it assumes the corresponding software. The solution to this problem is associated with overcoming difficulties due to the fact that one part of the task - the design and production of computers - is performed by the engineer, and the other - by the teacher, who must find a reasonable didactic substantiation of the logic of the computer and the logic of the deployment of living human activity of learning. At present, the latter is being sacrificed for the time being to machine logic; after all, in order to successfully work with a computer, you need, as the supporters of universal computerization point out, to have algorithmic thinking.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that the tool is only one of the equal components of the didactic system along with its other links: goals, content, forms, methods, teacher's activity and student's activity. All these links are interconnected, and a change in one of them causes changes in all others. As the new content requires new forms of its organization, so the new means presupposes a reorientation of all other components of the didactic system. Therefore, setting in school class or a university audience of a computer or display is not the end of computerization, but its beginning - the beginning of a systemic restructuring of the entire teaching technology.

First of all, the activity of the subjects of education is being transformed - teacher and student, teacher and student. They have to build fundamentally new relationships, master new forms of activity in connection with the change in the means of educational work and the specific restructuring of its content. And it is in this, and not in the mastery of computer literacy by teachers and students or the saturation of classes with teaching equipment, that the main difficulty of computerization of education lies.

There are three main forms in which a computer can be used when it performs teaching functions: a) a machine as a simulator; b) a machine as a tutor performing certain functions for the teacher, and the machine can perform them better than a person; c) a machine as a device that simulates certain objective situations. The capabilities of the computer are widely used in such a non-specific function in relation to learning, such as carrying out cumbersome calculations or in the calculator mode.

Chapter 2. Implementation of the course of computer science in secondary school

The study of programming, first of all, serves a deeper understanding of the processes of creation and functioning of computer applications, performs a developmental function (which is extremely important when teaching schoolchildren!). As you know, few hours are allocated for the subject. But, given today's school reality (oversaturation of the general curriculum of a general education school, overload of students), when even educational institutions specialized in the field of informatics cannot afford a significant increase in hours in the curriculum, informatics teachers have to put up with this. In this regard, one of the most important factors in improving the quality of teaching a subject is the most optimal definition of the composition of topics and the improvement of the organizational form of their presentation.

The above-mentioned specificity of the structure of the subject often pushes the teacher to choose priorities in the learning process: to give preference general theoretical , programmatic or programming parts. And sometimes there is a bias in the construction of the course in one direction or another.

Nevertheless, in my opinion, in this case, it is inappropriate to raise the question of choosing priorities, although, of course, within the framework of the mentioned structure, certain accents in the curriculum of the subject should be placed through the most optimal selection of topics. In general, it is necessary to proceed from the same importance general theoretical , programmatic and programming (developing an algorithmic way of thinking in students and allowing them to master the principles of algorithmicization and basic programming elements) parts.

In my opinion, the most important role is played, first of all, by the effective organization of the learning process. It is at the organizational level that it is possible to solve many problems arising in the educational process. The following basic principles of organizing computer science training can be distinguished:

) Rigid separation of theoretical and laboratory-practical studies. Moreover, it is advisable to conduct theoretical studies NOT in a computer class. Work experience shows that the presence of computers (even turned off) in such classes is distracting and interferes with the educational process. It is well known that many teachers do not carry out such a division at all, and 90% of teachers conduct theoretical classes in a computer class (although sometimes due to the lack of additional free premises in the school). Nevertheless, it is this rigid division that disciplines both students and teachers; promotes systematization of the studied material, better concentration of students' attention, improvement of perception and improvement of the quality of application of the studied theoretical material when performing practical tasks. The method of some teachers explained and immediately tried it on the computer , as a rule, does not improve, but only worsens the process of assimilating the material. The use of such methods is possible only when learning to work with some application programs, when the explanation becomes unacceptable on fingers , and only with insufficient technical equipment of the school, since in such cases the most optimal explanation is using a demonstration screen. In theoretical lessons, a strictly systematic presentation of material is required with the students completing the corresponding entries in notebooks.

) Parallel teaching general theoretical , software and programmer course blocks - that is, the alternation of the relevant topics. In addition to the gradual study of the topics of each of the blocks of the course, this form of teaching is also facilitated by the need to work out the theoretical material on programming in practical classes. At the same time, to ensure systematic notes, students need to have separate notebooks for each of the course blocks.

) Implementation by students under the guidance of a teacher, in addition to practical tasks on programming on computers, training exercises and tasks in oral and written form WITHOUT a computer. This form of training contributes to the development of algorithmic thinking, the education of algorithmic culture and an internal understanding of the programming language.

) In addition to controlling activities on computers, the mandatory conduct of written independent and control work in order to check the level of knowledge.

The principles listed above allow in the conditions of the objectively prevailing by now high density and versatility of the subject course Informatics to significantly increase the effectiveness of its teaching, the quality of the assimilation of educational material by students.

2.1 Ways to improve the course of computer science

Analysis of the experience of teaching the course in the basics of computer science and computer technology, a new understanding of the goals of teaching computer science at school, associated with the deepening of ideas about the general educational, ideological potential of this subject, show the need to identify several stages in mastering the basics of computer science and the formation of information culture in the process of teaching at school.

The first stage (grades II - IV) is propaedeutic. At this stage, the initial acquaintance of schoolchildren with the computer occurs, the first elements of information culture are formed in the process of using educational game programs, the simplest computer simulators, etc.

At the second stage (V - VI grades) there is a deepening of initial knowledge, consolidation of the skills of using a computer in everyday life.

Third stage (VII-IX grades) - a basic course that provides a compulsory general education minimum for the preparation of schoolchildren in computer science. It is aimed at mastering by students the methods and means of information technology for solving problems, the formation of skills for the conscious and rational use of a computer in their educational, and then professional activities. The study of the basic course forms an idea of \u200b\u200bthe generality of the processes of receiving, transforming, transferring and storing information in wildlife, society, technology.

The expediency of transferring the beginning of the systematic study of informatics in grades V - IX, in addition to the need in the conditions of informatization of school education, the widespread use of knowledge and skills in informatics in other academic subjects at an earlier stage is also due to two other factors: firstly, the positive experience of teaching informatics to children of this age both in our country and abroad and, secondly, the essential role of studying computer science for the development of thinking, the formation of the scientific worldview of schoolchildren of this particular age group. It seems that the content of the basic course can combine all three main directions of teaching computer science at school that exist today, reflecting the most important aspects of the general educational significance of computer science:

) the worldview aspect associated with the formation of ideas about the system-information approach to the analysis of the surrounding world, the role of information in management, the specifics of self-governing systems, the general laws of information processes in systems of various nature;

) the user aspect associated with the formation of computer literacy, the preparation of schoolchildren for practical activities in the context of the widespread use of information technologies;

) the algorithmic (programmer) aspect, which is currently associated to a greater extent with the development of the thinking of schoolchildren.

Fourth stage (X - XI grades)- continuation of education in the field of informatics as specialized training, differentiated in volume and content, depending on the interests and focus of pre-vocational training, schoolchildren.

This program combines several training programs, and also supplements them. In particular, the program of the third and fourth stages corresponds to the state standard and is complemented by a deeper study of the programs offered in the standard and additional study of software (publishing systems, Corel software package).

The program of the first (propaedeutic) stage of training is based on the combination of two lines - algorithmic and user. The lesson in grades II - IV is divided into two halves (20 - 25 minutes each). The first half of the lesson is devoted to the study of the algorithmic line (machineless method), the second half - the user line (using a computer). The division of the lesson is due to the fact that children 6 - 10 years old for medical reasons are not recommended to spend at the computer continuously for more than 20 - 25 minutes.

The program of the user aspect for students in grades II - XI is given below.

It is a training program for two lines of training (algorithmic and user) (II - IV grades) and a user line (V - XI grades), corresponding to the course program.

2.2 Proposals for building a school computer science course

The main directions of improving specialized training in computer science in the senior classes of secondary schools.

Development of the content of specialized training in informatics:

· taking into account the tendency to strengthen the general educational worldview functions of computer science as an academic subject in the invariant part of the course, the content of such lines as the line of information processes, information presentation, formalization and modeling, telecommunications should be expanded;

· it is necessary to envisage in the content of training the issues of presentation and use of information, and not only consideration of issues of the information processing process based on algorithms, i.e. to consider questions about the information bases of management processes, which is of great ideological and practical importance;

· information technology line must receive further development, in a number of aspects, the methodology for studying information technologies should be changed - an important aspect of the methodology for teaching information technologies is the development of a unified approach to their study, the formation of ideas about the scientific foundations of information technologies, and the implementation of this approach can be reflected on the basis of the following principles:

o - the study of information technologies should not be reduced to the development of specific means of information and communication technologies, it is necessary, first of all, to form a scientific basis, a basis for the development of new technologies;

o - a prerequisite for the assimilation of information technologies is a preliminary study of the issues of structure, types, properties, forms of presentation, etc. information, methods of recording it, algorithms for its transformation, which are considered in the course of computer science;

o - when studying information technologies, on the one hand, all the main content lines of the general educational course of informatics (information, presentation of information, information processes, algorithms, formalization and modeling, information technology, telecommunications) should be developed and concretized, on the other hand, these content lines act as the scientific basis of the studied information technologies;

o - the key issues in the study of information technologies, ensuring the unity of the methodological approach to their study, are the issues of the unity of means and methods for presenting information of different types, the functional completeness and minimization of information processing operations, the algorithmic basis for the implementation of technologies.

o to determine the content of variable parts of specialized courses in informatics in accordance with modern ideas about the profile differentiation of the content of teaching informatics at the senior level of school.

Improving the organization of the educational process (methods, means and organizational forms of training) in informatics at the senior stage of school in the context of specialized training:

· providing the educational process with educational and methodological literature;

· increasing study time for studying computer science;

· the use of new teaching methods (method of educational projects, etc.) aimed at the implementation of a student-centered approach to learning;

· organization of not only frontal work, but also group and individual work of students;

· updating the software used to support the course material being studied;

· system development additional education (additional classes, electives, circles, organization of distance learning courses using the Internet, etc.);

· providing after school hours the opportunity for students to work independently at a computer with Internet access.

Creation of conditions for the implementation of effective specialized training in computer science in high school:

· equipping educational institutions with modern means of informatization (computers with appropriate software, scanner and other informatization means);

· internet connection;

· professional development of informatics teachers.


Any pedagogical activity, of course, must begin with an understanding of its purpose. The choice of the goal of teaching a specific discipline is significantly influenced by the goals of the entire education system, the place and role of the academic discipline in the general content of education, its features, interests and needs of students.

Purpose of training on the present stage is defined as ensuring a lasting and conscious mastery by students of the basics of knowledge about the processes of transformation, transmission and use of information and, on this basis, disclosing to students the value of information processes in the formation of a modern scientific picture of the world, the role of information technology and computing technology in the development of modern society; instilling in them the skills of conscious and rational use of computers in their educational, and then professional activities.

Based on work experience, the most optimal structure of the basic course of the subject Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Science its structure is presented from three large equal thematic blocks: general theoretical, system and applied programs block and programming fundamentals block. Such a course structure is objectively justified by the main task facing it, which is to form a certain foundation of knowledge in the field of computer information technologies and an appropriate cultural level among students. And this implies equally knowledge of the principles of computer operation, and skills in working with modern software products, and an algorithmic way of thinking with knowledge basic elements programming.

Today, when they argue about whether any educational section or even a subject at school is needed, they often start from whether this knowledge will be useful in life ...

First of all, I want to say that the criterion "not useful in life" is not a criterion at all. Or, in any case, an incorrectly formulated criterion.

Personally, I think the most productive is this: let's ask ourselves what needs to be studied in a Russian school so that its graduates become more competitive in the world labor market.

Computer science provides several special knowledge and skills, without which it is impossible either to be successful in the labor market today, or to receive an education that will allow you to remain successful tomorrow. First, schoolchildren must master some kind of language to describe the new informative reality. Kozma Prutkov remarkably formulated: "Many things are inaccessible to us, not because our concepts are weak, but because these things are not included in the circle of our concepts." It only seems that this language will be mastered automatically, in the "process of life" ...

The second very important point. Computer science should develop an algorithmic style of thinking, which, by the way, is not fully capable of developing mathematics. Algorithm and information coding tasks are intellectual training that, roughly speaking, makes people smarter. Historically, there have been several systematic courses - "workshops" that were designed to make people smarter. Outside of mathematics, workshops on “dead” languages \u200b\u200b— Latin and Greek — were successful. Their grammatical system was quite complex and represented some kind of formal system, the practical development of which required systematic intellectual efforts. Another formal system that was once popular in education is Roman law. The skills developed in the computer science course make a significant contribution to the level of general intellectual preparation. And this level in the modern labor market is valued no less than specific skills.

But thirdly, specific skills are very important. In America, a student pounds the keyboard without looking at it, at a speed of 60 words per minute. "Keyboard literacy" of American schoolchildren is a national treasure of the United States. A country in which schoolchildren are given the opportunity to learn this is richer and more powerful than a country in which the bulk of schoolchildren do not know how. A successful career today is hard to imagine without "keyboard literacy". The same is true for the so-called "computer literacy".


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.The main components of informatics content in educational institutions... Appendix 2 to the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated February 22, 1995 No. 4/1 // INFO.- 1995.-No. 4.- P.17-36.

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