Tickets for professional modules of the specialty 09.02 03.

Autonomous non-profit professional educational organization





Qualification: technician-programmer

Full-time form of education

The normative term of study is 3 years 10 months.

based on the main general education

Training program for mid-level specialists vocational education developed on the basis of the federal state educational standard for the specialty Programming in computer systems

________Maksimova O. G. _____ teacher of special disciplines

_______Sobyanin O.A. _____ teacher of special disciplines

Academic degree, title, position, place of work, full name
The technical expertise of the CSPP passed.


Methodist of the Academy of Sciences of the POO "Ural Industrial and Economic College"
____________________ T.Yu. Ivanova



  1. General Provisions

    1. Legal and regulatory framework for developing a training program for mid-level specialists

    2. The standard term for the development of the program

    3. Characteristics of the professional activity of graduates and the requirements for the results of mastering the training program for mid-level specialists

    4. Field and objects of professional activity

    5. Professional activities and competencies

    6. Special requirements

  2. Documents defining the content and organization of the educational process

    1. Academic plan

    2. Calendar training schedule

    3. Programs of disciplines of the general humanitarian and socio-economic cycle

      1. OGSE program. 02 History

    4. Programs of disciplines of mathematical and general natural science cycle

      1. EN program. 01 Elements of higher mathematics

      2. EN program. 02 Elements of mathematical logic

      3. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics

    5. Programs of disciplines and professional modules of the professional cycle

  1. Material and technical support for the implementation of the training program for mid-level specialists

  2. Assessment of the results of mastering the training program for mid-level specialists

    1. Monitoring and assessing the achievements of students

    2. The procedure for the implementation and protection of the final qualifying work

    3. Organization of final state certification of graduates
Applications: programs of academic disciplines and professional modules.

  1. General Provisions

    1. Legal and regulatory framework for developing a training program for mid-level specialists

The training program for middle-level specialists of secondary vocational education is a complex of normative and methodological documentation regulating the content, organization and assessment of the quality of training of students and graduates in the specialty 09.02.03 Programming in computer systems.

The regulatory legal framework for the development of a training program for mid-level specialists (hereinafter referred to as the program) is:

- federal law "On education in Russian Federation»;

- the federal state educational standard (FSES) in the specialty of secondary vocational education (SVE),

- regulatory and methodological documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
1.2. The standard term for the development of the program
The standard term for mastering the program of basic training in the profession, specialty 09.02.03 Programming in computer systems in full-time education:

On the basis of secondary (complete) general education - 2 years 10 months;

- on the basis of basic general education - 3 years 10 months.

2. Characteristics of professional activity

graduates and requirements for the results of mastering the training program for mid-level specialists
2.1. Field and objects of professional activity

The area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity of graduates:

a set of methods and tools for the development, maintenance and operation of software for computer systems

Objects of the graduate's professional activity:

Computer systems;

Automated information processing and control systems;

Computer systems software (programs, software complexes and systems);

Mathematical, informational, technical, ergonomic, organizational and legal support of computer systems;

Primary labor collectives.
2.2. Professional activities and competencies
Professional activities and professional competencies of the graduate.

The code



Development ofprogrammaticmodulessoftwareproviding computer systems

PC 1.1

Develop specifications for individual components.

PC 1.2

To develop software product code based on ready-made specifications at the module level.

PC 1.3

Debug software modules using specialized software tools.

PC 1.4

Perform testing of software modules.

PC 1.5

Optimize the module program code.

PC 1.6

Develop components of design and technical documentation using graphical specification languages.


Database development and administration

PC 2.1

Design database objects.

PC 2.2

Implement a database in a specific DBMS.

PC 2.3

Resolve database administration issues.

PC 2.4

Implement methods and technologies for protecting information in databases.


Participation in the integration of software modules

PC 3.1

Analyze design and technical documentation at the level of interaction between software components.

PC 3.2

Integrate modules into the software system.

PC 3.3

Debug a software product using specialized software tools.

PC 3.4

Develop test suites and test scripts.

PC 3.5

Inspect the components of the software product for compliance with coding standards.

PC 3.6

Develop technological documentation.


Performing work in the profession "Operator of electronic computers and computers"


Development and operation of information systems

PC 5.1

Modify individual modules of the information system in accordance with the work assignment, document the changes made.

PC 5.2

Participate in experimental testing of the information system at the stage of trial operation, fix the identified coding errors in the developed modules of the information system.

PC 5.3

Develop fragments of documentation for the operation of the information system.

PC 5.4

Install and configure the information system within their competence, document the results of the work.

PC 5.5

Fulfill the regulations for updating, technical support and data recovery of the information system, work with technical documentation.


Execution of works onwebsite design and programming

PC 6.1

Develop a design idea based on a creative approach to solving a design problem.

PC 6.2

Design a website and banner ads for the Internet

PC 6.3

Plan and implement a website in Adobe Dreamweaver

General competencies of the graduate

The code


OK 1

To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.

OK 2

Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3

Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

OK 4

Search and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6

Work in a team and team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7

Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of assignments.

OK 8

To independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

OK 9

To navigate in the face of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.

3. Documents defining the content and organization of the educational process
1. Constitution of the Russian Federation

2. Federal state educational standard

2. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation"

3. Documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

3.3. Programs of disciplines of the general humanitarian and socio-economic cycle

      1. OGSE program. 01 Fundamentals of Philosophy

      2. OGSE program. 02 History

      3. OGSE program. 03 Foreign language

      4. OGSE program. 04 Physical culture
3.4. Programs of disciplines of mathematical and general natural science cycle

3.4.1 The EH program. 01 Elements of higher mathematics

3.4.2. EH program. 02 Elements of mathematical logic

3.4.3 Probability theory and mathematical statistics

3.5. Programs of disciplines and professional modules of the professional cycle

General professional programs

      1. OP program. 01 Operating systems

      2. OP program. 02 Computer systems architecture

      3. OP program. 03 Technical means of informatization

      4. OP program. 04 Information Technology

      5. OP program. 05 Programming Basics

      6. OP program. 06 Fundamentals of Economics

      7. OP program. 07 Legal support of professional activity

      8. OP program. 08 Algorithm theory

      9. OP program. 09 Life safety

      10. Program OP.B.01. PC user

      11. Program OPV.02. Information security basics

      12. Program OP.B.03. Graph Algorithms

Professional modules programs

      1. Professional module program PM.01 Development of software modules for computer systems.

      2. Professional module program PM.02 Development and administration of databases.

      3. Professional module program PM.03 Participation in the integration of software modules.

      4. The program of the professional module PM.04 Performing work in the profession "Operator of electronic computers and computers"

      5. Program of the professional module PM.B.05 Development and operation of information systems

      6. Program of the professional module PM.V.06 Design Basics

  1. Material and technical support for the implementation of the program
training of mid-level specialists
List of offices, laboratories, workshops and other premises

socio-economic disciplines;

foreign language;

mathematical disciplines;

standardization and certification;

economics and management;

social psychology;

life safety.

database development technologies;

system and application programming;

information and communication systems;

project management.

computing technology;

training bases of practice.

Simulators, training complexes:

Sports complex:

sports Hall;

a wide-profile open stadium with elements of an obstacle course;

shooting range (in any modification, including electronic) or a place for shooting.

library, reading room with Internet access;

5. Assessment of development results

training programs for mid-level specialists

5.1. Monitoring and assessing the achievements of students

For the purpose of monitoring and evaluating the results of training and accounting for individual educational achievement students apply:

  • incoming control;

  • current control;

  • midterm control;

  • final control.
The rules for participation in monitoring activities and the criteria for assessing the achievements of students are determined by the Regulation on the control and assessment of students' achievements.

Incoming control

Purpose of incoming control consists in determining the abilities of the student and his readiness to perceive and master the educational material. Entrance control, preceding training, is carried out in the form of an oral questioning, testing, and a written examination.

Current control

The current control of the training results is carried out by the teacher and / or the student in the process of conducting practical exercises and laboratory work, as well as performing individual homework 1 or in the training testing mode in order to obtain information about:

  • performing the required actions by the trainee in the process of educational activities;

  • the correctness of the required actions;

  • conformity of the form of action to this stage of mastering the educational material;

  • the formation of an action with an appropriate measure of generalization, mastering (automation, speed of execution, etc.), etc.
Mid-term control

Cross-border (intra-semester) control of students' achievements is based on the modular principle of organizing training in sections of the discipline. Midterm control is carried out by an independent commission consisting of a teacher leading the lesson, specialists from the structural units of the educational institution. The results of midterm control are used to assess the achievements of students, determine the student's rating in accordance with the accepted rating system, and correct the learning process (self-study).

Final control

The final control of the results of training students is carried out by a commission in the form of tests and / or examinations appointed by the administration of the educational institution, with the participation of the leading teacher (s).
5.2. Requirements for final qualifying works

5.2.1. The structure of the final qualifying work (WRC)

The final qualification work (WQP) is aimed at comparing the level of fundamental, general professional and special training achieved by the graduate with the requirements of the professional educational program of the specialty.

The quality of professional and special training of a certified specialist is objectively determined on the basis of the results obtained by him, covering the main stages of the scientific and technical process.

FQP should be carried out on the basis of an individual assignment containing initial information sufficient for a systematic analysis of a specific object.

FQP is drawn up in the form of a settlement and explanatory note and sketches, made in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents.

5.2.2. Organization of WRC implementation

Themes of final qualification works are developed by teachers of the cyclic commission and together with specialists from other educational institutions, organizations interested in the development of these topics, and are considered by the cyclic commission. The topic of the final qualifying work can be proposed by the student, provided that he justifies the feasibility of its development.

Themes of final qualifying works should reflect the current level of development of science, technology and production.

The assignment of the topics of the final qualifying works (indicating the leaders) for the students is made out by the order of the director.

On the selected research topic, the head of the final qualifying work develops, together with the student, an individual plan for the preparation and implementation of the final qualifying work.

Four weeks of calendar time according to the curriculum are allotted for the performance of FQP in accordance with state requirements in the specialty.

FQP can be experimental - practical and theoretical.

The length of the FQP should be at least 30 printed pages.

WRCs have the following structure:

  • introduction, which reveals the relevance of the choice of the topic, formulates the components of the methodological justification: object, problem, goals and objectives of the work;

  • theoretical part, which contains the theoretical foundations of the problem under study;

  • the practical part, which presents the plan of the work, the characteristics of the methods used in the experimental part;

  • conclusion, which contains conclusions and recommendations regarding the possibilities of practical application of the results obtained;

  • list of used literature (at least 20 sources);

  • applications.
5.3. Organization of final state certification of graduates

The organization of the state final certification of graduates is regulated by the Regulations on the state final certification of graduates of the Academy of Sciences of the VET "Ural Industrial and Economic College".

The defense of final qualifying works is carried out at an open meeting of the State Examination Commission of the SEC.

The main functions of the GEC are:

  • a comprehensive assessment of the level of training (educational achievements) of a graduate in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the SPE

  • resolving the issue of assigning a qualification level based on the results of the SIA and issuing a graduate a diploma of secondary vocational education;
- making proposals and recommendations for improving the content, provision and technology for the implementation of educational programs carried out by the Academy of Sciences of the VET "Ural Industrial and Economic College", based on the analysis of the results of the SIA graduates.

The methodological council of the Academy of Sciences of the POO "Ural Industrial and Economic College" annually develops the GIA program. The GIA program includes a list of documents required for admission to the final certification, the composition of the final certification, topics and requirements for diploma theses (projects), as well as criteria for assessing the result of education. The GIA program is approved by the director in agreement with the employer after discussing them at a meeting of the methodological council.

The GIA program is part of the training program for mid-level specialists.

When developing the GIA program, the following are determined:

  • type of state final certification;

  • the amount of time for the preparation and conduct of the state final certification;

  • the timing of the state final certification;

  • maintenance of the fund of appraisal assets;

  • conditions for preparation and procedure for conducting state final certification;

  • forms of state final certification;

  • criteria for assessing the level and quality of graduate training.
The GIA program is brought to the attention of the student no later than six months before the start of the state final certification.

For the GIA Program for assessing the personal achievements of graduates for their compliance with the requirements of the relevant federal state standard, funds of assessment tools are created to assess knowledge, skills and the level of acquired competencies. Assessment funds are developed and approved by agreement with employers.

1 Individual homework (IDH) is a traditional form of organizing independent extracurricular work in order to check the results of self-study. Depending on the content, IDZ can be a graphic, calculation, computational and graphic work, as well as an abstract, analytical review, essay, etc.


Branch of the federal state budgetary educational

higher education institutions

"Maikop State Technological University"

in the village of Yablonovsky

Polytechnic College

Subject (cyclical) commission of information and mathematical disciplines

I approve

Deputy director of open source software

A.Z. Rysmyatov

"____" _______________ 2015


by discipline training practice.

for basic training

by specialty 09.02.03 Programming in computer systems.

graduate qualification software technician.

full-time form of education .

Yablonovskiy –2015

The work program is based on the FGOS SPE and the curriculum of the MGTU branch in the village of Yablonovsky, specialty 09.02.03 "Programming in computer systems"

Compilers of the work program:

teacher ________________ Shaplok A.A.

teacher ________________ Huade R.A.

The work program was approved at a meeting of the subject (cyclical) commission of information and mathematical disciplines "____" ____________ 2015.

Chairman of the subject (cycle) commission ________________ A.A. Shaplok

College Methodist

"____" ____________ 2015 ________________ Aleskerova A.A.

Chairman of the issuing

subject (cycle) commission ________________ Shaplok A.A.


Passport of the work program of educational practice

The results of mastering the program of educational practice

The structure and content of educational practice

Conditions for the implementation of educational practice

Monitoring and evaluation of the results of educational practice


1.1. Scope of the work program

The work program of the educational practice is part of the training program for mid-level specialists in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty SPO 09.02.03 "Programming in computer systems" of the enlarged group of the direction 09.00.00 "Informatics and computer technology".

1.2. Place of studypractices in the structure of the training program for mid-level specialists

The work program of educational practice is part of the training program for mid-level specialists (hereinafter PPSSP) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in the specialty SPE 09.02.03 "Programming in computer systems" in terms of mastering the main types of professional activity:

PM.01. Development of software modules for computer systems;

PM.02. Development and administration of databases.

1.3. Goals and objectives of the practice

The task of educational practice in the specialty 09.02.03 "Programming in computer systems" is the systematization, generalization and consolidation of knowledge and skills, the formation of general and professional competencies, the acquisition of practical experience within the above professional modules, as well as the consolidation and improvement of professional the skills of students in the studied specialty, the development of general and professional competencies, the development of modern production processes.

As a result of passing educational practice within each professional module, the student must acquireexperience:

  • carry out the development of specifications for individual components;
  • develop software product code based on ready-made specifications at the module level;
  • debug software modules using specialized software tools;
  • perform testing of software modules;
  • to optimize the program code of the module;
  • develop components of design and technical documentation using graphical specification languages.
  • develop database objects;
  • implement a database in a specific DBMS;
  • solve the issues of database administration;
  • implement methods and technologies for protecting information in databases.

1.4. Practice hours

The duration of the training practice is 11 weeks, 396 hours.


As a result of passing educational practice, the student must havegeneral competences (OK):



OK 1

To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.

OK 2

Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

OK 3

Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

OK 4

Search for and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

OK 6

Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

OK 7

Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of tasks.

OK 8

To independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

OK 9

To navigate in the face of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.

OK 10

Fulfill military duty, including using the acquired professional knowledge (for young men).

and professional competencies (PC)



PM.01. Development of software modules for computer systems

PC 1.1

Carry out the development of specifications for individual components

PC 1.2

To develop software product code based on ready-made specifications at the module level.

PC 1.3

Debug software modules using specialized software

PC 1.4

Test software modules

PC 1.5

Optimize the module program code

PC 1.6

Develop components of design and technical documentation using graphical specification languages

PM.02. Database development and administration

PC 2.1

Design database objects

PC 2.2

Implement a database in a specific database management system (DBMS)

PC 2.3

Resolve database administration issues

PC 2.4

Implement methods and technologies for protecting information in databases


3.1. Thematic plan of educational practice

Professional module name

The amount of time allocated for practice (hours / week)


(based on basic general education)


IV semester

PM.01. Development of software modules for software of computer systems


V semester

Intermediate certification in the form of offset

PM.02. Database development and administration


VI semester

Intermediate certification in the form of offset

Name of interdisciplinary courses with indication of specific sections (topics) that ensure the performance of types of work

Types of jobs

Number of hours / weeks

Educational and introductory practice

1. History of the development of programming

2. Specialty and specialization. Tips for beginners

3. Basic elements of programming

4. Beginning of programming in the TURBO PASCAL environment

Introductory lecture

Processing and systematization of literary material

Solving problems

36 / 1

PM.01. Development of software modules for computer systems

MDK.01.01. System Programming

1. Implementation of the development of the code of the program module

2. Technology of working with files when creating a module.

3. The technology of developing a module using windows and controls.

4. Raster graphics. Development of a module with graphic elements.

5. Library dynamic link DLL. Using structured programming principles

6. Methods and tools for the development of technical documentation for a software product.

MDK.01.02. Applied programming

1. Introduction to Applied Programming

2. Procedural programming

3. Modular programming

4. Object-oriented programming

1. A formalized technical assignment for software development

2. Primary documentation on software development

3. Program code designed according to the requirements of the relevant GOST

4. Documentation for the developer

5. User documentation

6. Test protocols

Development of an algorithm for the task and its implementation by means of computer-aided design

Development of software product code based on a ready-made specification at the module level

Use of tools at the stage of software product debugging

Testing a software module according to a specific scenario

144 / 4

PM.02. Database development and administration

MDK.02.01. Infocommunication systems and networks

1. Introduction to computer networks

2. Network data transmission medium

3. TCP / IP protocol stack

4. Distributed networks and routers

5. Routing protocols

6. An introduction to classless addressing and routing

7. Virtual local area networks

8. Principles of building dial-up connections

9. Basic algorithms in switched networks

10. Security and resiliency of switches

11. WAN Basics

12. IP address management

13. WAN Protocols

14. Controls and services

15. Introduction to Network Administration

16. Structured cabling systems.

17.Wireless networks

MDK.02.02 Technology of development and protection of databases

1. Introduction. Databanks in automated systems

2. Data bank architecture

3. Data models implemented in industrial DBMS

4. Relational data model

5. Designing a relational database

6. Typical organization of a modern relational DBMS

7. Access DBMS

8. Organization of databases and data management tools in MS SQL Server

9. Data control operators

10. General database design methodology

Heterogeneous infocommunication network project:

1. Organizational structure of the organization with a description of the functionality of departments

2. Drawn diagram of cable routing

3. Calculation of the total cost of cabling the building

4. Justification of the choice of equipment and calculation of costs for connecting remote structural units to each other

5. Calculation of costs for the necessary tools and other equipment

6. Calculation of the hardware of client computers (and the necessary peripherals)

7. Calculation of server hardware

8. Calculation of the software part of client computers

9. Calculation of the software part of the servers

10. Description of the computer network addressing system, equipment settings (DHCP, DNS, WiFi, etc.)

11. Description of the principles of the policy of administration of operating systems in the organization

12. The described policy of software and hardware redundancy

13. Implementation of the administered database in the organization

14. Documented data structure (ER-models, SQL-scripts)

Consideration of dynamic and static routing.

Implementation of IP addressing, subnets.

Learning the basics of switching and intermediate routing.

Getting an initial information on classless routing, as well as studying switching in local networks, virtual networks (VLANs).

Study of WAN technologies, DHCP, DNS, PPP, ISDN and DDR technologies. A brief overview of the concepts and principles of network administration.

Studying basic standards and specifications in the field of structured cabling systems, gaining practical skills in working with SCS, designing and troubleshooting SCS.

Creating database objects in modern systems databases and access control to these objects.

Working with modern Case-database design tools.

Formation and configuration of the database schema.

Development of application programs using the SQL language.

Application of standard methods to protect database objects.

Administration of local area networks.

Elimination of possible failures.

Creation and configuration of individual user accounts and user groups.

Registration of connection to the domain, accounting documentation.

Installation and configuration of anti-virus software, database software, monitoring software.

Securing the Internet connection by means of the operating system.

216 / 6


396 / 11


4.1. Requirements for the documentation required for the practice:

  • regulations on the practice of students mastering the basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education;
  • the program of educational practice of the specialty SPE 09.02.03 "Programming in computer systems";
  • practice schedule.

4.2. Requirements for the logistics of practice

The implementation of the working program of educational practice is carried out on the basis of an educational institution and presupposes the presence of laboratories and classrooms equipped with computer technology and programming and software design environments.

Equipment for industrial practice:

  • guidance material;
  • design and programming software;
  • software environments for emulating operating systems and computing platforms;
  • a set of educational and methodological documentation.

Technical means:

  • computer, printer, availability of a local network connection, access to the Internet (for each workplace);
  • a server running a Windows operating system (any version);
  • database server Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2012 or Oracle 10g;
  • switches, routers for working in a local area network;
  • the necessary tools for the installation and configuration of a computer network;
  • other telecommunication, computer and peripheral equipment that can be used for students to perform industrial practice tasks.

4.3. List of educational publications, Internet resources, additional literature

Main sources:

  1. Semakin I.G. Fundamentals of Algorithmization and Programming: a textbook for students. SPO - M.: Academy, 2013, 304s
  2. Terekhov A.N. Programming technology: textbook. M.: Internet University of Information Technologies, 2014, 152p.
  3. Chernyakova N.V. Basics of programming. Methodical instructions for the implementation of practical work for students of secondary vocational education. Voronezh: VIVT, 2013, 90s.
  4. Kurchenkova T.V. Applied programming. Methodical instructions for the implementation of practical work for students of secondary vocational education. - Voronezh: VIVT, 2013, 39p.
  5. Istomin E.P., Novikov V.V., Novikova M.V. High-level methods of computer science and programming: A Textbook. - SPb .: LLC "Andreevsky publishing house", 2006, 228s.
  6. Bryant R., O` Hallaron D. Computer systems: architecture and programming. Per. from English SPb .: BHV-Petersburg, 2005,1104s.
  7. Computer science and programming. Algorithmization and programming: textbook / N.I. Parfilova, A.V. Prutskov, A.N. Pylkin, B.G. Trusov. M .: Academy, 2012, 336s.
  8. Laforêt R. Object-oriented programming in C ++. SPb.: Peter, 2013, 928s.
  9. Frank P. C ++: A Training Course. SPb.: Peter, 2012, 496s.
  10. Epshtein M.S. Practicum on programming in the C language: textbook. allowance. M.: Academy, 2011, 128 p.
  11. Epshtein M.S. Programming in C: a textbook for open source software. M.: Academy, 2011, 336s.
  12. Pavlovskaya T.A. Pascal: Language Programming high level: Tutorial. - 2nd ed. SPb.: Peter, 2010, 464s.
  13. Pavlovskaya T.A. C / C ++. High-level language programming. SPb.: Peter, 2013, 461s.
  14. Faronov V.V. Delphi. Programming in high-level language SPb .: Peter, 2006, 640s.
  15. Alyaev Yu.A., Kozlov O.A. Algorithmization and programming languages \u200b\u200bPascal, C ++, Visual Basic: Tutorial. M .: Finance and statistics, 2004, 320s.
  16. Timofeevskaya M. Learning programming. SPb.: Peter, 2002, 384s.
  17. Knut Donald Erwin The Art of Programming, Volume 1. Basic Algorithms. M .: ID "Williams", 2002, 720s.
  18. Knut Donald Erwin The Art of Programming, Volume 2. Obtained Algorithms, 3rd ed .: Per. from English I .: ID "Williams", 2003, 832s.
  19. Knut Donald Erwin The Art of Programming, Volume 3. Sorting and Searching. M .: ID "Williams", 2001, 832s.
  20. Baula V.G. Computer architecture and operating environments: textbook / V.G. Baula, A.N. Tomilin, D.Yu. Volkanov. - M .: Academy, 2012, 336s.
  21. Gornets N.N. Computers and peripherals. Computers and computing systems: a textbook for students. institutions of higher. prof. Education - M .: Academy, 2012, 240s.
  22. Loshakov S. Computer peripherals / Loshakov S. - M .: Internet University of Information Technologies (INTUIT), 2013.- 272 p.
  23. Dogadin N.B. Computer architecture: textbook / Dogadin N.B. - M .: BINOM. Knowledge laboratory, 2012.- 272 p.
  24. Looney K. Oracle Database 10g. Complete reference. T.1. + CD - M .: Lori, 2006, 701s.
  25. Sinitsyn S.V. Operating systems: a textbook for students. institutions prof. Education - M .: Academy, 2012, 304s.
  26. Safonov V.O. Fundamentals of modern operating systems: a tutorial - M .: BINOM. Knowledge Laboratory, Internet University of Information Technologies (INTUIT), 2011.- 583 p
  27. Tanenbaum E. Modern operating systems. -SPb.: Peter, 2013, 1120s.
  28. Deytel H.M., Deytel P.J., Chofnes D.R. OS. Distributed systems, networks, security. Part 2. 3rd ed. Per. from English -M.: Binom-Press, 2007, 704s.
  29. Golovin Yu.A. Information networks - M .: Academy, 2013, 384s.
  30. Smelyansky R.L. Computer networks: in 2 volumes. Vol. 1. Data transmission systems. - M .: Academy, 2011, 304s.
  31. Smelyansky R.L. Computer networks: in 2 volumes. Vol. 2. Computer networks. - M .: Academy, 2011, 304s.
  32. Kusmartseva N.N. Development and operation of remote databases. Tutorial. - Volgograd: Volgograd Business Institute, 2013, 143 p.
  33. Tatarnikova T.M. Database management systems. Tutorial. - St. Petersburg: Russian State Hydrometeorological University, 2013, 88 p.
  34. Kovyazin A.N., Vostrikov S.M. World of InterBase - SPb: Peter, 2005 .-- 496s. + CD
  35. Molchanov A.Yu. System software - S.-Pb .: Peter, 2010. - 400 p.
  36. Freeman E., Robson E. Learning HTML5 Programming. SPb.: Peter 2013
  37. Vasiliev A.N. Java. Objective-Oriented Programming: A Tutorial. SPb.: Peter 2013
  38. Fufaev E.V. Databases: textbook for students SPO M.: Academy 2013
  39. Gusyatnikov, V.N. Standardization and development of software systems textbook / Gusyatnikov V.N., Bezrukov A.I. - M .: Finance and statistics, 2013. - 288 p.

Additional sources:

  1. Patterson D., Hennessy J. Computer architecture and computer systems design. - SPb.: Peter, 2012, 784s.
  2. Bogachev K.Yu. Fundamentals of parallel programming: textbook / Bogachev K.Yu. M .: BINOM. Knowledge laboratory, 2013.- 342 p.
  3. Kirnos V.N. Introduction to Computing. Fundamentals of computer organization and programming in Assembler: a tutorial / Kirnos V.N. - Tomsk: El Content, Tomsk state University control systems and radio electronics, 2011.- 172 p.
  4. Tanenbaum E., Austin T. Computer architecture. - SPb.: Peter-2013, 816s.
  5. Antonova G.M. Modern means of computers and telecommunications -M .: Academy, 2010, 144p.
  6. Millsup K., Holt D. Oracle. Optimization of performance. from English - SPb .: Symbol-Plus, 2006, 464s.
  7. Kayt T. Effective Design of Oracle Applications. - M .: Lori, 2006, 637s.
  8. Hotka D. Oracle8i by examples. - M.: Williams Publishing House, 2001, 416s.
  9. Harrington D. Designing Object-Oriented Databases. Tutorial. - Moscow: DMK Press, 2001, 272 p.
  10. Mikheev R.N. MS SQL Server 2008 for administrators -SPb.: Peter-2010, 987s.
  11. GOST 18421-93 Analog and analog-digital computers. Terms and Definitions
  12. GOST 19.001-77 Unified system of program documentation. General Provisions
  13. GOST 19.005-85 Unified system of program documentation. R-diagrams of algorithms and programs. Graphic designations and execution rules
  14. GOST 19.101-77 Unified system of program documentation. Types of programs and program documents
  15. GOST 19.102-77 Unified system of program documentation. Development stages
  16. GOST 19.103-77 Unified system of program documentation. Designation of programs and program documents
  17. GOST 19.104-78 Unified system of program documentation. Basic inscriptions
  18. GOST 19.105-78 Unified system of program documentation. General requirements for program documents
  19. GOST 19.106-78 Unified system of program documentation. Requirements for printed program documents
  20. GOST 19.201-78 Unified system of program documentation. Technical task. Requirements for content and design
  21. GOST 19.202-78 Unified system of program documentation. Specification. Requirements for content and design
  22. GOST 19.301-79 Unified system of program documentation. Test program and methodology. Requirements for content and design
  23. GOST 19.401-78 Unified system of program documentation. Program text. Requirements for content and design
  24. GOST 19.402-78 Unified system of program documentation. Program description
  25. GOST 19.403-79 Unified system of program documentation. List of original holders
  26. GOST 19.404-79 Unified system of program documentation. Explanatory note. Requirements for content and design
  27. GOST 19.501-78 Unified system of program documentation. Form. Requirements for content and design
  28. GOST 19.502-78 Unified system of program documentation. Description of the application. Requirements for content and design
  29. GOST 19.503-79 Unified system of program documentation. System Programmer's Guide. Requirements for content and design
  30. GOST 19.504-79 Unified system of program documentation. Programmer's guide. Requirements for content and design
  31. GOST 19.505-79 Unified system of program documentation. Operator's manual. Requirements for content and design
  32. GOST 19.506-79 Unified system of program documentation. Description of the language. Requirements for content and design
  33. GOST 19.507-79 Unified system of program documentation. Statement of operational documents
  34. GOST 19.508-79 Unified system of program documentation. Maintenance manual. Requirements for content and design
  35. GOST 19.601-78 Unified system of program documentation. General rules for duplication, accounting and storage
  36. GOST 19.602-78 Unified system of program documentation. Rules for duplication, accounting and storage of program documents executed in print
  37. GOST 19.603-78 Unified system of program documentation. General rules for making changes
  38. GOST 19.604-78 Unified system of program documentation. Rules for making changes to program documents executed in a printed way
  39. GOST 19.701-90 Unified system of program documentation. Diagrams of algorithms, programs, data and systems. Symbols and rules of execution
  40. GOST 28195-89 Software quality assessment. General Provisions
  41. GOST 28806-90 Software quality. Terms and Definitions
  42. GOST 34.601-90 Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Automated systems. Stages of creation
  43. GOST 34.602-89 Information technology. Set of standards for automated systems. Terms of reference for the creation of an automated system
  44. GOST 7.70-96 System of standards for information, library and publishing business... Description of databases and machine-readable information arrays. Composition and designation of characteristics. Replaced by GOST 7.70-2003.
  45. GOST R 51188-98 Information security. Testing software for the presence of computer viruses. Model guide
  46. GOST R 51189-98 Software weapons systems. Development order
  47. GOST R 51904-2002 Software for embedded systems. General requirements for development and documentation
  48. GOST R 52657-2006 Information and communication technologies in education. Educational Internet portals of the federal level. Rubrication of information resources
  49. GOST R 53798-2010 Standard Guide for Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS)
  50. GOST R 54360-2011 Laboratory information management systems (LIMS). LIMS Standard Validation Guide
  51. GOST R 54593-2011 Information technology. Free software. General Provisions
  52. GOST R 55692-2013 Electronic modules. Methods for drawing up and debugging test programs for automated control
  53. GOST R 55711-2013 Complex of technical means of automated adaptive HF (HF) duplex radio communication. Work algorithms
  54. GOST R ISO 9127-94 Information processing systems. User documentation and packaging information for consumer software packages
  55. GOST R ISO / IEC 10746-1-2004 Information technology. Open distributed processing. Basic model. Part 1. Basic provisions
  56. GOST R ISO / IEC 10746-4-2004 Information technology. Open distributed processing. Basic model. Part 4. Architectural semantics
  57. GOST R ISO / IEC 12119-2000 Information technology. Software packages. Quality requirements and testing
  58. GOST R ISO / IEC 12207-99 Information technology. Software life cycle processes. Replaced by GOST R ISO / IEC 12207-2010.
  59. GOST R ISO / IEC 14764-2002 Information technology. Software maintenance
  60. GOST R ISO / IEC 15026-2002 Information technology. System and software integrity levels
  61. GOST R ISO / IEC 15288-2005 Information technology. Systems Engineering. System life cycle processes
  62. GOST R ISO / IEC 15504-1-2009 Information technology. Process assessment. Part 1. Concept and vocabulary
  63. GOST R ISO / IEC 15504-2-2009 Information technology. Process evaluation. Part 2. Conducting an assessment
  64. GOST R ISO / IEC 15504-3-2009 Information technology. Process evaluation. Part 3. Guidance for the assessment
  65. GOST R ISO / IEC 15504-4-2012 Information technology. Process evaluation. Part 4. Application guidance for improving and assessing process capability
  66. GOST R ISO / IEC 15910-2002 Information technology. Process for creating user documentation for a software tool
  67. GOST R ISO / IEC 8631-94 Information technology. Software constructs and conventions for their presentation
  68. GOST R ISO / IEC 9126-93 Information technology. Evaluation of software products. Quality characteristics and guidelines for their application
  69. GOST R ISO / IEC TO 12182-2002 Information technology. Software classification
  70. GOST R ISO / IEC TO 15271-2002 Information technology. Guidance on the application of GOST R ISO / IEC 12207 (Software life cycle processes)
  71. GOST R ISO / IEC TO 16326-2002 Software engineering. Guidance on the application of GOST R ISO / IEC 12207 in project management
  72. GOST R ISO / IEC TO 9294-93 Information technology. Software Documentation Management Guide


The assessment of the results of mastering educational practice is carried out by the head of the practice and teachers of the professional cycle.

As a result of mastering educational practice within the framework of the professional module, students undergo intermediate certification in the form of credit.

Learning outcomes

(mastered competencies)

Main indicators for assessing the result

Forms and methods of control and evaluation

GC1 - Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it

Demonstration of interest in the future profession of a technician-programmer

Interpretation of the results of observations of the student's activity in the process of mastering the educational program

GC2 - Organize their own activities, determine the methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality

Selection and application of methods and methods for solving professional problems with participation in the informatization of an organization. Evaluation of the effectiveness and quality of implementation

GC3 - Solve problems, assess risks and make decisions in non-standard situations

Solving standard and non-standard professional tasks with participation in the informatization of the organization

OK4 - Carry out a search, analysis and evaluation of information necessary for the formulation and solution of professional tasks, professional and personal development

Effective search for the necessary information; Using various sources to find information, including electronic

GC5 - Use information and communication technologies to improve professional performance

Application of software products in the process of informatization of the organization

OK6 - Work in a team and a team, ensure its cohesion, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers

Polite, conflict-free interaction with students, teachers during training. Ability to listen to the interlocutor and defend your point of view

GC7 - Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work with the assumption of responsibility for the result of completing tasks

Self-analysis and correction of the results of one's own work

OK8 - To independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development

Organization of self-study while studying the professional module

OK9 - Be ready to change technologies in professional activity

Analysis of innovations in the field of information technology

OK10 - Perform military duty, including using the acquired professional knowledge (for young men)

Application of the acquired professional knowledge when performing military duties (for young men)

PC 1.1 - Carry out the development of specifications for individual components.

Documented specifications of software components

PC 1.2 - Carry out the development of software product code based on ready-made specifications at the module level.

Development of correct and well-documented program code for your own modules

practical work, practice test

PC 1.3 - Debug software modules using specialized software.

practical work, practice test

PC 1.4 - Perform testing of software modules.

Availability of a competent method for checking the program for correct functioning

practical work, practice test

PC 1.5 - Optimize the program code of the module.

Reducing the code of a program module without losing functionality and ease of use

practical work, practice test

PC 1.6 - Develop components of design and technical documentation using graphic specification languages.

Documented specifications of software components for both programmers and users

practical work, practice test

PC 2.1 - Develop database objects.

Create databases, tables, views, and other database objects using software tools and SQL

practical work, practice test

PC 2.2 - Implement a database in a specific database management system (DBMS).

Creation of databases in modern database management systems

practical work, practice test

PC 2.3 - To resolve issues of database administration.

Ability to customize a database management system

practical work, practice test

PC 2.4 - Implement methods and technologies for protecting information in databases.

Implementation of password protection and means of differentiation of rights at the database level

practical work, practice test

Vladimir Schweitzer

Changing Europe, with all the similarity of the problems facing it, is not a homogeneous organism devoid of any country specificity. Here, as before, there are leading states, there are “second line” countries that have a certain impact on the course of European and world events. There are also those who, for various reasons, still cannot say their weighty word in the section on solving economic, political and social problems of our time.

In this situation, which is natural for the period of transition from the old two-speed Europe to Europe, striving to create a single market space and democratic power structures, the territorial size of states, the size of the population of each of them, is less and less important. A much more significant factor is the degree of integration of the respective country into the common European economic, political and social space, the ability to find a “national niche” in the complicated system of international relations.

The concepts of “large” and “small” European countries differ. The states of the European continent refer exclusively to the categories of their differentiation by the size of the territory they occupy and the number of people living on it. True, the question immediately arises here: are there clear generally accepted criterion-specific numerical indicators by which one can determine which state is “big” and which is “small”? ...


PM 03


Professional module programdeveloped on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for the specialties of secondary vocational education (hereinafter - SPE)

09.02.03 "Programming in computer systems"

Organization-developer: Tambov Regional State Autonomous Professional Educational Institution "Industrial and Technological College"

Developer: Bulygina Angelina Aleksandrovna, teacher of special disciplines,

Piryazeva Natalia Vladimirovna, teacher of special disciplines


1.Passport of the PROGRAM


« Participation in the integration of software modules "

    1. Scope of the program

The program of the professional module (hereinafter the program) is part of the approximate basic professional educational program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the VET in specialties 230115 Programming in computer systems(basic training) and 051001 Professional education (by industry)specialization 230115 Programming in computer systems in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity (VPA): and relevant professional competencies (PC):

PC 3.1. Analyze design and technical documentation at the level of interaction between software components.

PC 3.2. Integrate modules into the software system.

PC 3.3. Debug a software product using specialized software tools.

PC 3.4. Develop test suites and test scripts.

PC 3.5.

PC 3.6. Develop technological documentation.

    1. The professional module has interdisciplinary links with the following disciplines (interdisciplinary courses, professional modules):

    Informatics and ICT;

    Information Technology;

    Computer systems architecture;

    Basics of programming;


    1. Goals and objectives of the module - requirements for the results of mastering the module

In order to master the specified type of professional activity and the corresponding professional competencies, the student in the course of mastering the professional module must:

have practical experience:

    participation in the development of software requirements;

    participation in software design using specialized software packages

be able to:

    own the basic methodologies of software development processes;

    use methods to obtain code with a given functionality and quality level


    software development process models

    basic principles of the software development process;

    basic approaches to integrating software modules;

    basic methods and tools for effective development;

    basic software verification and validation;

    concepts and implementation of software processes;

    principles of construction, structure and techniques for working with tools that support the creation of software;

    methods of organizing work in teams of software developers;

    the main provisions of the metrology of software products, the principles of construction, design and use of tools for measuring the characteristics and parameters of programs, software systems and complexes;

    software quality standards;

    methods and tools for developing software documentation

Total - 885 hours, including:

compulsory classroom teaching load - 633 hours, including:

Theoretical lessons - hours,

Practical work - hours, term paper - 30 hours;

student's independent work - 201 hours;

production practice - 252 hours.


The result of mastering the program of the professional module is the mastery by the students of the type of professional activity Development of software modules for software of computer systems, including professional (PC) and general (OK) competencies:

The code

Name of the learning outcome

PC 3.1

Analyze design and technical documentation at the level of interaction between software components

PC 3.2

Integrate modules into the software system

PC 3.3

Debug a software product using specialized software tools

PC 3.4

Develop test suites and test scripts.

PC 3.5

Inspect the components of the software product for compliance with coding standards.

PC 3.6

Develop technological documentation

To understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show a steady interest in it.

Organize their own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

Make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

Search for and use the information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

Work in a team and in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, consumers.

Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), for the result of tasks.

To independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

To navigate in the face of frequent changes in technology in professional activities.

Fulfill military duty, including using the acquired professional knowledge (for young men).


3.1 Thematic plan of the professional module

Professional competency codes

Names of sections of the professional module

Total hours

Amount of time allotted for mastering the interdisciplinary course (s)


Compulsory classroom study load of the student

Student's independent work



Production (according to the profile of the specialty),




incl. laboratory work and practical exercises,





including, term paper (project),












PC 3.1, PC 3.2,

PC 3.3, PC 3.4

MDK 03.01 Software development technology





PC 3.2, PC 3.3

MDK 03.02 Use and







PC 3.5, PC 3.6

MDK 03.03 Documentation and certification






3.2. Training content for the vocational module (PM)

MDK 01. Software development technology


Topic 1: General principles of software development


Software products: purpose, characteristics

Basic concepts of software. Program, software, tasks and applications.

Technological and functional tasks.

The process of creating programs: setting the problem, algorithmization, programming.

Characteristics of the software product and its specificity.

Classification of software products.


Life cycle

Life cycle concept.

The main processes of the life cycle.

Supporting life cycle processes

Software development life cycle models.

Quality of software systems

The quality of the software system.

Criteria for assessing the quality of software systems.

Quality characteristics and quality indicators.

General characteristics of the quality of software systems: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, mobility.

Quality management methods used in modern programming technologies.

Certification of software systems.

Functional and non-functional requirements.

Methods of primary collection of requirements.

Requirements analysis.

Rules for the formulation of consistent requirements.

Technical task.

Laboratory works

Development and analysis of software system requirements

Software system design

Technical task

Topic 2. Software development


Software design methodology

Internal organization of the software.

Software design methods and signs of their classification. Non-automated and automated design of algorithms and programs. Structural design and its methods.

The principle of systems engineering.

Top-down design.

Modular design.

Object-oriented design.

User interface design.

Code Development Techniques


Modular programming.

Structured programming.

Object-oriented programming.

Programming style.

Development of the software help system.

Creation of user documentation.

Software testing and maintenance

Basic principles of testing organization.

Types of testing.

Software errors.

Structural software testing methods.

White box principle. Step-by-step and monolithic unit testing.

Top-down software testing.

Upward software testing.

Functional testing methods. The black box principle.

Equivalent Partitioning Method.

Boundary conditions analysis method.

Functional diagram method.

Comprehensive testing.

Debugging programs.

Maintenance of programs.

Collaborative software development

Principles of collective software development.

Methods for collective development of software products.

Organization of teamwork of programmers.

The scheme of interaction of specialists associated with the creation and operation of programs. Types of brigade organization. The team of the chief programmer. Responsibilities of the team members. Distribution of responsibilities in the brigade.

Laboratory work


Analysis of the chosen programming style

Software project development

Structural algorithm development

Development of a software product using object-oriented programming

Help system development

White box testing

Black box testing

Boundary Solution Analysis Methods

Ways of Cause-Effect Diagrams

Top-down integration testing

Upstream integration testing

Domain analysis

Automated testing

Debugging programs

Optimizing programs

Work as part of a brigade

Independent work when studying section PM 1

Systematic study of class abstracts, educational and special literature (on questions to paragraphs, chapters of textbooks compiled by the teacher).

Work on a course project.


Subjects of extracurricular independent work:

The relationship between software life cycle processes.

The programming crisis and ways to get out of it.

The structure of the software development process and organization.

The role of metrics in the software development process.

The Basiley paradigm.

A set of basic metric indicators.

The structure of the division of work on software development.

Assessment of the scope and complexity of software.

Assessment of possible risks in the implementation of software projects.

Metrics collected, standards, methods and templates used.

Methods for obtaining information in the design of a software product.

Technical design of a software product.

Classification and purpose of interfaces.

User interface types. Purpose and characteristics.

Programming languageTurboPascal... Characteristics.

The programming language Algol. Characteristics.

Programming languageDelphi... Characteristics.

Programming languagesBasic and VisualBasic... Characteristics.

Programming languageFortran... Characteristics.

Programming languageAssembler... Characteristics.

Indicators of the effectiveness of the software product.

Manual and automated debugging.

Syntactic and semantic debugging.

Destructive and non-destructive debugging.

Designing software modules.

Coding of software modules.

Unit integration testing. User interface testing.

System integration testing.

Equivalence classes and boundary conditions.

Testing transitions between states.

Load tests.

Functional Equivalence Testing.

Regression testing.

Methods for ensuring reliability at various stages of the software development life cycle.

Prediction of errors.

Preventing errors.

Providing fault tolerance.

Building a diagram of the distribution of workers by stages.

Assessment of the quality of the software product.

Software protection of software products.

Legal methods of protecting software products.

Licensing of software products.

Economic aspects of the creation and use of software.

Section PM 2. Use and software development tools


MDK 02. Software development tools

2 64

Topic 3. General characteristics of software development tools


Definition of software development tools.

Classification and main features of modern tools.

General and special software.

Fixed assets used at different stages of program development

Application design tools

Code implementation tools

Program testing tools.

Tool systems of programming technology and their main features: complexity, focus on collective development, technological certainty, integration.

The main components of instrumental systems of programming technology: repository, tools, interfaces.

Laboratory work

Development of software modules

User interface design

User interface development

Topic 4. Application CASE - funds


CASE-funds, their purpose : CASE technologies

Modern methods and means information systems design.

CASE - means, their purpose and application. ClassificationCASE - funds.

Qualities that an organization must have for a successful implementationCASE - funds.

Characteristics of modern CASE-tools

Features of modern large IP projects.

Factors contributing to the appearanceCASE - funds.

Comparative characteristics CASE-funds. Working with windows.

Customizing the user interface.

Application of CASE-tools.

Building models of software systems using a structural approach.

Building models of software systems using object-oriented approach.





{!LANG-4b92d991ec00646368c84e4f47a8030b!} CASE{!LANG-6f8fc19e7676f673ef075846a695a26c!}






Laboratory work


Domain analysis

Development of {!LANG-4c7b3c68e5c0bb9ef6f84f938b9daa6a!}{!LANG-f69e6eb30fe23f61d1f3d1c8413dbe77!}


{!LANG-b87011e4c1fd5ad27b1a0c812bb94668!} CASE{!LANG-9db7ae9d106c24bbaa68adf7fd32c467!}

{!LANG-b87011e4c1fd5ad27b1a0c812bb94668!} CASE{!LANG-71403a22f709fecae87dabd4a39aaf2f!}

{!LANG-b87011e4c1fd5ad27b1a0c812bb94668!} CASE{!LANG-1c1f10bba1f528ca3db74771c146812c!}







{!LANG-b04fa76228bb723ee1155b6fd3d405cd!} 2.



































{!LANG-d6c61dd0b7305da6dd045b69d4ff73d1!} {!LANG-611801cb13cd9c3bb5227e7bccdfb85b!}






Laboratory works



{!LANG-7ffd0eec1a4637e3a1f73f6024687473!} {!LANG-ca8689b6da4cead31d27e2a488f9fbaa!}









Laboratory works



{!LANG-731097d3c0170ad59bc0db6d3231f2c8!} {!LANG-bd0ebb9f7acd022d433a5c2cce2df814!}




Laboratory works




Topic 4. {!LANG-a629f54f626a7fbbab06ca72515f80eb!}







Laboratory works






{!LANG-d5a22dcb68534efc0d9cc9a0281718bd!} {!LANG-74b6aadc26e57a501362e4f9e6a5f65c!}







Laboratory works


{!LANG-931be52833f06b251bab84d9012d7f8a!}{!LANG-a14baa347fcd6b795cf81addbc148ec6!} .






{!LANG-286473be14ab5c632ef58b23ad9968c6!} {!LANG-e4e38ca61df41eeabaeb76334317e2e7!}{!LANG-dd566284b852c3f1b9dd9e6f28a2d6ab!}


Laboratory works










Laboratory works











Laboratory works




{!LANG-cf286f04418b0cacf3562baa5afab68f!} {!LANG-9e503b2df02e733eeae54f68caf5e9f9!}


























4.1. {!LANG-96dd63e88d30054f37b24adad5e62562!}

{!LANG-f50f9fa1e7ba10889f4fe6a859de747f!}{!LANG-9ee286c3b38efee538b87f98e3f2df20!}{!LANG-d6df519216e06c44d8fa43f008521257!} software development tools{!LANG-4e4b00f4aa911b0db1be145aff28a59a!}{!LANG-c369cae6aa0484fd504e7830e71d927f!}{!LANG-670e8a59a08c7dbb230ab46144dc1531!}






{!LANG-5c40e7316d06e631e3dc9578bb3bf82f!} {!LANG-a8ec8e804694864593f9d040d6f5c322!}{!LANG-fc01eb1d32a208546d63889f16e73205!} software development tools» :


{!LANG-c535ddee9ee477a8b6aab1d98ab02442!} {!LANG-5b9a6682289a4dd25f0829be6746a4d7!}










Main sources:





  1. {!LANG-32df79f38c233129feb0da73ee95e5d4!}
  2. {!LANG-cb3d65baa82d4c469bf9aa0b7cfd00d6!} {!LANG-39e0fe953c37823447a3fb5ed6b360eb!}. – 2009.
  3. {!LANG-32a7779ead3e08bd278943598fab1a48!}









    « {!LANG-60149587317b99105b5a8547ebcd5214!}».




    {!LANG-9827b872f8842c5a6e01266cacd53bd7!}- {!LANG-63396088cff89c9fa288dbe34841f206!}\\ {!LANG-9b95229e56b185a4cf6db51dcb32f829!}. {!LANG-41fb2fa2d064add9517c2f47efb8eed6!}. {!LANG-151252d244d93673df134747452765f0!}{!LANG-4268fd1c3093e0e5000044b5d76ee22f!} {!LANG-530458b6608a01a92c0dfc13409508ea!}_ {!LANG-91d92c4103cfad80cd815ff4b116868c!}. {!LANG-0c7a9b42690a64ec9bedf56c2a2dfc82!};




{!LANG-1ebfbdb0ea24b236c5e0bcb5fb997980!}Participation in the integration of software modules{!LANG-73265d8623d55950abdc12c337cc90a5!}{!LANG-d7bcb243918c0b28f23c28de5a99637e!}{!LANG-5d1590ea904a765f60352e9e4dc2e04d!}{!LANG-e03be4f9ca5f8cf114b697c982fc4bcf!}.




{!LANG-53027a283d1aa155bb386c156b00f768!}{!LANG-d906eb8f0127716e976f8aed6c1e597f!}Participation in the integration of software modules{!LANG-65dec4f07cea271c9ba022c8f2983831!}{!LANG-4e234d035cc9bd69547bd66a26572311!}».

{!LANG-2cc930292764800c528324ecda3abcf5!} {!LANG-04e06d80cdbd6d2149daa6048dbe2ea9!}: « {!LANG-f4c274b10272b2fc1cabfd857a925d01!}»; « {!LANG-be0871efdd89a9ef0e85281e0d7e62fd!}»; « {!LANG-d3b635eb38a046394fdbd7462cd791dc!}».
















































Main indicators for assessing the result

Forms and methods of control and evaluation


































5. {!LANG-b73b405997de9e7120a01b6ef9d29a36!}{!LANG-9b436021ab7a6c86a24b83011934a998!}


























{!LANG-11933d5ee805b44bd2f9854961ec4d89!} {!LANG-1209a398659096146df0d38ad10c087c!}{!LANG-32d64170508b9dad765738f8c6cca03a!}
























Computer systems;

Automated information processing and control systems;

Computer systems software (programs, software complexes and systems);

Mathematical, informational, technical, ergonomic, organizational and legal support of computer systems;

Primary labor collectives.













Develop specifications for individual components.

To develop software product code based on ready-made specifications at the module level.

Debug software modules using specialized software tools.

Perform testing of software modules.

Optimize the module program code.

Develop components of design and technical documentation using graphical specification languages.


Design database objects.

Implement a database in a specific DBMS.

Resolve database administration issues.


Analyze design and technical documentation at the level of interaction between software components.

Integrate modules into the software system.

Debug a software product using specialized software tools.

Develop test suites and test scripts.

Inspect the components of the software product for compliance with coding standards.

Develop technological documentation.
























































{!LANG-e2ad2ef93e07f46e598276828c07b4e6!} {!LANG-7001bf6ad76529763d80f489bc4119d8!}{!LANG-a3d0269b0f2772811ea66c5c0c792e55!}




















{!LANG-8e0bdfb4a891620b4965803066d50282!} {!LANG-b7ed11299b35dee892f6baf72b0dc362!}{!LANG-afa4c8a6da1d510480fafbd90a2b4266!}





{!LANG-29f80f49f3b5d84132af38d2a1f093bb!} {!LANG-5e5fdf6b36df3be2c40ca927bf289a51!}{!LANG-c9beb195a6467161a524979d40e2edfd!}















{!LANG-6958a9ac3d2b144a6b9e909e8cbdb9eb!} {!LANG-ad534583d1b39fde1024b8bb4b557f0b!}{!LANG-ee7df0f52e33c3a754bd26fb3e4abc7a!}






{!LANG-5f6198c096b8dc436b11978451e07762!} {!LANG-6fc07b06cc5c774a7d3c6d26e1f3a96d!}{!LANG-49d53a021f40bfc185b244e812ac42fe!}






{!LANG-36ed13f636a5cdf98ed6e2157f8b0a50!} {!LANG-8635246ebe483db58c2808895fdd9b0f!}{!LANG-c1b77c7f47568911a302a1587c949f50!}

{!LANG-2840c8578d5937bb57078d9ae4da0efe!} {!LANG-6cee70ac9d7d98dbdd4cf3b02be19a98!}{!LANG-3407e9c10eb1d67d872f5ecf476ef31f!}














{!LANG-54c93980ed1aa77f002c1c081079018e!} {!LANG-c86f1d4c5b26e3916974967778930e8e!}{!LANG-03e9f8108458d5735a14414cb7929656!}
















{!LANG-31e4f4e842353686b65a6d8e1ad9b0aa!} {!LANG-16aa264177b0eb40714d6bb6ab82bd01!}{!LANG-4ba10b642a6a4f34b0de8f606527c8a6!}

































{!LANG-b3f392f7b5e233e995cdea7b7db2e17f!} {!LANG-73126a5f29d04bce1491c7f5369b9cf0!}{!LANG-096cc75e28f2d19a3b659cad4110e6c7!}





{!LANG-a0001482b42080ff5edaa00b1030eeb4!} {!LANG-3e6e445744649607754f3fa5edc4225e!}{!LANG-29ff5dc72071db56dc15a899c6624a03!}




{!LANG-0dceb219416b4f619f58e763db9a70a1!} {!LANG-fbff5edc789dee879a3e6f5786101d66!}{!LANG-2db6cd1c996c52ac6d0eafe066eb7aca!}





















{!LANG-c43c47cbef81f84c7760e5bc30ea437a!} {!LANG-8353649b50bc4a907edef3d98e1aab8d!}{!LANG-11aebde33331c7cfd9c0aa1f618af5f5!}

{!LANG-7fd9d74c55ad68cd2daaab6069ddd166!} {!LANG-bf5aebf38d5b36ae42095d2312c96479!}{!LANG-5863253a83fa3d7512d8fbb0f3af8648!}






{!LANG-f3c6419117d0e8f72dc1ad686936f052!} {!LANG-03d9fd14f047d151ba3dee1ae843a2d3!}{!LANG-c45a7b9edaa1d4bf35e214ab4e7ab6b0!}


{!LANG-6bc4422138ad5d06ae634a4ef0bffb26!} {!LANG-0fd3dcc29c7dc48fa48669efc65aad07!}{!LANG-200e2b4187e9a466769f5611aa64a755!} {!LANG-1ee8621db370d17b2b4901538808abe1!}{!LANG-bb0b703b69f47a0841246d0eb3795641!} {!LANG-19f71f370ca128880580829a88faa078!}{!LANG-f13f14ca5a7c40769fef0ff460284580!}









