Training option number 11 of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Russian

The work is assigned 3 hours (180 minutes).

The examination paper consists of one part, including 20 tasks with a short answer basic level difficulties. All tasks are aimed at check of mastering basic skills and practical skills applying mathematical knowledge in everyday situations.

The answer for each of tasks 1-20 is an integer or final decimal fraction, or a sequence of numbers... An assignment with a short answer is considered completed if the correct answer is written in answer form No. 1 in the form provided for in the instructions for completing the assignment.

When performing the work, you can use the basic formulas of the mathematics course, issued along with the work. Use only a rulerbut you can make a compass do it yourself. Do not use tools with reference materials printed on them. Calculators on exam not used.

During the exam, you must have an identity document ( passport), pass and capillary or gel pen with black ink! Allow to take with myself water (in a transparent bottle) and food (fruits, chocolate, rolls, sandwiches), but may be asked to leave in the hallway.

The examination paper consists of two partsincluding 19 tasks. Part 1 contains 8 tasks of a basic level of difficulty with a short answer. Part 2 contains 4 tasks of increased difficulty level with a short answer and 7 tasks high level difficulties with a detailed answer.

For execution examination work in mathematics 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

Answers for tasks 1-12 are written as an integer or final decimal... Write the numbers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to the answer form number 1, issued on the exam!

When performing work, you can use those issued along with the work. Use only a rulerbut you can make a compass do it yourself. Do not use tools with reference materials printed on them. Calculators on exam not used.

During the exam, you must have an identity document ( passport), pass and capillary or gel pen with black ink! Allow to take with myself water (in a transparent bottle) and food (fruits, chocolate, rolls, sandwiches), but may be asked to leave in the hallway.





No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total

Maximum scores 5 6 5 10 2 4 8 3 7 16 66 Task number 1 In the "Russian spelling dictionary" edited by V.V.

Lopatin, the following entries are given:

1) enough "accurate; cr. F. -Chen, -chna; painful"; cr. f. more "flax, sick";

modern "nny; kr. f. -e" nen, -e "nna; imperishable; cr. f. -en, -enna.

2) short "tko"; short f. Ko "ro" current, short ", ko" ro "tko"; va "zhny; cr. f. va "wives, important", va "important, important" Analyzing the examples given in each line, draw conclusions about the reasons for the introduction of a spelling dictionary into the entry additional informationassociated with the formation of word forms.


1) The spelling dictionary indicates short forms adjectives if they are characterized by vowel fluency (\u003d 1 point), stress mobility (\u003d 1 point) or other difficulties in education and writing (\u003d 1 point).

2) Neuter forms and many others. numbers (\u003d 1 point) are given only if they differ from the form female by stress (\u003d 1 point).

Total 5 points Task number 2 Indicate the term by its definition.

A special case of transposition, the transition to the category of nouns of words of other parts of speech due to their acquisition of the ability to directly indicate an object.

Give 5 different examples of the transition to the category of nouns of certain parts of speech.

Criteria Substantiation \u003d 1 point.

For each correct example, 1 point.


Examples of parts of speech using as a noun1:

substantiation of the adjective: "the patient recovered";

ordinal: “submitted for the second”;

adverbs: "our tomorrow";

onomatopoeic word: "I heard a measured tick-tock"; © GAOU DPO CPM, 2016 All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in Russian Training options. School stage... Grade 11

Sacraments: "the audience asked many questions."

Total - no more than 6 points.

Task number 3 Group the conjunctions by meaning: because, if, if, if, if, if, so, as, so that. Present the answer in the form of a table. Title the table and its columns.

Criteria For example: Value (s) of conjunctions Conjunctions with value Conjunctions with goal value Conjunctions with the value of the condition cause Because, for In order to Once, if, if, if For each correct answer, 0.5 points. For the table 1 point. Total: 5 points.

Task number 4

1. From what words and with what affixes were the following words formed?

Homeless homeless wicked restless mismanaged dishonest illiterate

Sample answer:

TOP, top - c-top-y (prefix-suffix method).

2. Comment on the features of the meaning of the prefix without (s) - in these words, depending on the method of education.

1. House - no-house-n-th (prefix-suffix).

Shelter - de-shelter-n-th (prefix-suffix).

Peace - restless-n-th (prefix-suffix). In addition, there is in the language the word deceased as calm. Rest assured. Then a prefix (only if there is motivation).

Moral - non-moral (prefixed).

Household - non-household (plumbing).

Honest - dishonest (prefixed); or dishonest-n-th (in the meaning of "dishonest" - a prefix; in the meaning of "without honor" - a prefix-suffix).

Literate - non-literate (prefixed).

© GAOU DPO CPM, 2016 All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language Training options. School stage. Grade 11

2. With a prefixed-suffixed formation without (s) - has a typical preposition meaning - the meaning of the absence of what is called a noun.

With the prefixed way of word formation without (c) - gets a broader meaning, similar to the negative particle and the prefix HE-.

Evaluation criteria 1 point for a word correctly parsed according to the sample.

3 points for the answer about the meaning depending on the completeness and correctness (keywords are in bold in the answer).

Total 10 points.

Task number 5 In the Russian language there is a phraseological unit to rule the ball in the meaning of "to rule, manage, dispose." For example, V.S. Vysotsky: "And the wrong comrade is running the ball there." Let's compare the lines from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." by A.S.


Prince Guidon rules that city.

Everyone praises him earnestly.

What obsolete morphological feature in its behavior has retained the verb edit in the given phraseological unit?

Answer The verb edit retained the sign of transience, which has now been lost. Modern government is instrumental: to rule the city.

Evaluation criteria For the correct answer - 2 points.

Total 2 points.

Task number 6

In the comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" there are the following lines:

Who flashes by, opens the door, On the way, by chance, from a stranger, from afar -

With a question I, be at least a sailor:

Have you met you somewhere in the post carriage?

And in the work of A.S.

Pushkin's "The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda" contains the following lines:

Everything dances with him until daylight, The horse will harness, the strip will plow.

How does writing the highlighted words separately (contrary to the modern norm) help to understand their origin?

The answer and criteria for evaluating Wordforms from far away, to light are short adjectives in the meaning of a noun, but in genitive (2 points). IN modern language short adjectives are not inclined (1 point): apparently, this contributed to a stronger "fusion" of the preposition with the adjective and the transition

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Task number 7 It is known that the stylistic coloring of the means of communication between the parts of a complex sentence can influence the overall stylistic coloring of the entire sentence. Let us illustrate what has been said with an example of a complex sentence with a subordinate reason: It was cool in the house, BECAUSE the stove was heated for a long time and it had time to cool down (general use) - He did not put on his caps, BECAUSE HOW cold it was (simple) - Forgive them, for they do not know, what they do (book., high.).

The same picture is typical for a complex sentence with a clause of the condition.

List the colloquial / vernacular means of communication between parts of a complex sentence with a clause of a condition. For each case, give an example of the corresponding complex sentence.

1. If (if only):

If I didn’t love you, I would endure everything indifferently.

2. If (if):

If so, I can do without your permission!

3. It would be good (b):

I wish the quality was consistent with the idea, I would order the whole batch without delay.

I, if I knew, would have enrolled in the artel long ago.

5. Whenever (b):

Of course, I would have recognized him when I met him.

6. Since:

So help me with your deed, since your sympathy is not just empty words!

7. The form of the imperative mood of the verb in singular. including:

Had I taken a half step to the right, I would have hit a mine like a drink!

And the daredevil should be rewarded, if one appears!

Total 8 points.

© GAOU DPO CPM, 2016 All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language Training options. School stage. Grade 11 Task number 8 In a combination of words (including "quasi-words") by means of anagramming (rearrangement of letters in places), a linguistic term is encrypted.

Example: Ali's Cupcake (Answer: vocabulary)

Unravel the linguistic term encoded in the anagram:

Tiger Eater and Sculpted Answer.


Total 3 points.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Task number 10 Translate the text and answer the questions.

And I was not ashamed of a single word, but it’s like I’ve overpowered the beast, so we’ve upset it. He saw, as if he wouldn’t listen to his words, began to verbally say: “Save yourself, my dear father and lord Vasily, save yourself, my mother and my mistress, save you too, brother Boris, my elder brother, save yourself, brother and spouse Yaroslav , if you are saved, brother and enemy Svyatoplche, you will also be saved, brothers and squad, you will be saved! It is no longer the imam you see in the life of seven, but we are parting, I need from you. " And crying verbally: “Vasily, Vasily, © GAOU DPO CPM, 2016 All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language Training options. School stage. Grade 11 my father and lord! Incline your ear and hear my voice, and look and see your child that happens to you, how I am tempered without guilt. Alas me, alas me!

Hear the sky and breathe the earth. And you, brother to Boris, hear my voice ... "

1. How was the form of the word "word" formed? Has this model survived in modern Russian? Give examples.

2. What phonetic process does the word "voice" reflect? Find another example with this phenomenon in the text.

And not a single word put them to shame, but, like fierce beasts, they attacked him. But he, seeing that they did not heed his words, began to say: “May my beloved father and lord Vasily, and my mother, my mistress, and you, brother Boris, the mentor of my youth, and you, brother and accomplice, get rid of eternal torment. Yaroslav, and you, brother and enemy Svyatopolk, and all of you, brothers and squad, may everyone be saved! I will no longer see you in this life, for they forcefully separate me from you. " And he said crying: “Vasily, Vasily, my father and lord! Incline your hearing and hear my voice, look and see what happened to your son, how they kill me for nothing. Alas for me, alas for me! Hear, heaven, and heed, earth! And you, brother Boris, hear my voice ... "

1.Using the suffix -es-. Heaven is heaven, miracle is miracles.

Sometimes in a high (or ironic) style, you can hear the form of the word:

i'm tired of listening to your words.

2. Disagreement, enemy.

Evaluation Criteria Translation of the text - 10 points (1 point is deducted for each material error that distorts the meaning of the text; the translation cannot be given less than 0 points). Attention! An approximate translation is given.

Using the suffix -es- (1 point). Examples - 1 point. Word word example

- 1 point. An example of a body in an ironic sense (usually about full man): He washes his bodies in the bathroom - 1 point.

Disagreement (1 point), enemy (1 point).

Total 16 points.

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