Is it worth studying for publishing. Publishing professions

"There are three most corrupt professions in the world, and I did not think that my daughter would choose one of them!" - Dad said when he heard that I want to become a journalist. And all the other household members were also in a slight shock. After all, all my life I was going to enter medical school, and then suddenly.

Persuaded, or rather, discouraged me from the decision long and hard, but their success was almost nil. As a result, I nevertheless entered the journalism faculty, only with a degree in Publishing. What does it change? At first it seemed to me that a lot.

After all, who is a publisher? This is a person or organization licensed or licensed to publish. In any case, such a definition of its future profession I heard it in my first year (now I have already grown to the 3rd).

And, for example, in explanatory dictionary Ozhegova is even simpler: "The publisher is the one who publishes the work of print." It's nowhere clearer. But - stop! Did I dream about it? And in general, what does a journalist have in common with a publisher?

Has my dream of becoming a tribune of truth and justice sunk into oblivion? Or, better to say, covered herself with a copper basin?

I was terribly upset. Especially when I visited a publishing house and a printing house a couple of times. Just mortal boredom! You sit all day and edit materials written with someone else's pen, while you yourself could ... Eh! You can also talk in a publishing house only in a whisper and only when absolutely necessary. You need complete concentration and attention. God forbid you will miss what mistake!

And even worse in printing. You breathe paint all day long, glue book bindings. You prepare products for printing and publish them. It’s hard, but at least talking is not forbidden. Please, on any topic. If only the work does not interfere ...

In general, I had seen enough of all the delights of my future profession and decided to urgently transfer to the cherished specialty - journalism. I will not describe my painful reflections on the topic "to be or not to be." It is unlikely that anyone is interested. But now I am already in the 3rd year of the Faculty of Journalism, majoring in Publishing.

Why wasn't it transferred? Well, first of all, I realized that you can become a journalist without a special diploma. If you really want to. Second, I finally saw the virtues of being a publisher and editor. There were a lot of them: if you are an editor or a publisher, no one forbids you to become a shark of a feather. There would be a desire! This specialty gives you several professions at once: publisher, editor, journalist, web designer and even translator. Just choose! When you learn to edit other people's mistakes, you begin to see your own mistakes better. Self-improvement that is.

In general, I have learned to respect my profession. And it does not interfere with my dream at all.


You need to study at the Faculty of Journalism only in absentia, and at this time work, work and again ...
I saw such full-time students who write an article for a month ... At a time when I write them in a week, it's scary to say how many.
As a result, I had no problems with my diploma. By the way, those who study at the publishing house undergo practical training in our editorial office. There is no way to go beyond an inept corrector :) The loss of time is absolute.

04/17/2008 06:56:51 AM, Enn

Hello, dear author! I did not speak for a long time - there was no time to think it over.
I graduated from the law school, although already in the 1st year I realized that it was not mine. But then I did not know yet what was mine. At the rate of 5 I understood: journalism. Now I am constantly collaborating with two editions and occasionally with another one. As the editor of a column in one of them told me, everyone has unsuccessful articles, and one shouldn't make a tragedy out of it and consider oneself a mediocrity. It is necessary to draw conclusions and write in accordance with them in the future.

Returning to the article. Unfortunately it cannot be called
1. The topic of your parents' attitude to your future profession at the moment has not been disclosed.
2. It is not clear why you didn’t enter the journalism specialty - either you couldn’t pass the exams, or there weren’t enough publications for the creative competition, or at some point you wavered and immediately applied for the “publishing business”.
3. "Painful reflections on the topic" whether or not to be "," to be translated or not "would still be better described. It's interesting. This is really important, this is exactly the kind of personal experience that is worth sharing with others. they kept silent about it.
4. In more detail it is necessary about why you stayed to study as a publisher. The thesis "you can become a journalist with any diploma" had to be backed up either by your observations (well, maybe even modest, but still experience of journalistic work), or by logical arguments. It's the same with the virtues of the editorial profession.
Without this (alas, these ladies are right), the article really pulls into a 9-grade essay on the topic "who to be": "because I want and like it!".
And you also need to be able to properly respond to criticism. If the editor makes a remark to you, will you really react in the same way: "I am not Dostoevsky!" - and?
I would like to note, however, that it is incorrect to compare journalism with fiction literature.

And the answer to main question after all, it never sounded. So why is an author studying publishing?

Why, it's understandable ... by the way, it's not very clear why a person wanted to become a journalist, but went to publishing. Did they not take / did not get to another place (journalism) / was ashamed because of the "venality" of the profession?

You can be a journalist doing ... whatever, even cleaning sorting, who would argue?

Painful CONSIDERATIONS (ie THOUGHTS) on the topic "to be or not to be", "to be translated - not translated", it seems to me, would just be of interest to the reader.

By style. Simple sentences are generally okay? It reminds me of the school essays of a 9th grader who does not like to read (I don’t want to offend, I just have such a 9th grader in my family now).

It seems to me that it would be appropriate to say how the irreconcilable dad now relates to the choice of his daughter.

Girl, dear, get yourself a LJ and write there. Better yet, break away from your computer and start living, acquiring life experience, without which there can be no journalist, and it is the presence of which the author distinguishes good article from another graphomaniac creation.

10.10.2007 16:44:27, Sinister

Girls, let's calm down. Well, the author has not yet grown to become a journalist, well, he is growing up. I, too, in my first year of specialization "journalism of print media" was told that without a single newspaper publication by the end high school, in journalism, in general, there is nothing to do. And I began to write more or less normally only by the end of the university. Now my book is coming out. And in the third year - and you will write not so :) Not all are early, some are just retired to write and start.

Just about, verbiage, idle talk ... Is this what a competent, real journalist should do? Not such nonsense. I wrote such notes back in the 9th grade, at a special seminar on journalism. But already in the 3rd year ... What do they teach you there? What kind of university is this? Maybe you really need to transfer to the "Mass Media" department or what is there in your university? And purposefully learn to write?

08.10.2007 12:21:30, I passed by

Comment on the article "Why am I studying publishing?"

Or does the specialty of the diploma "literary worker" allow you to work at school? And why not in the know if they are now graduate students? Why am I studying publishing? Institute of Hospitality, Service and Tourism on Kibalchich

Why am I studying publishing? As a result, I nevertheless entered the journalism faculty, only with a degree in Publishing. At the rate of 5 I understood: journalism. Now I am constantly collaborating with two editions and ...

Why am I studying publishing? 2. It is not clear why you did not enter the specialty "journalism" - either you could not pass the exams, or publications for creative Documentation and archival science .... does it make sense?

So why is an author studying publishing? Why is understandable ... by the way, it is not very clear why a person wanted to become a journalist, but went to publishing. And I began to write more or less normally only by the end of the university. Now my book is coming out.

It seemed to me that he had decided on his specialty - sports management. I worked as a fairly high-level manager in the publishing business, but for this I needed ...

Why am I studying publishing? If you are ready to pay for RGAFK, then go there. With weak math in technical university nothing to do, even in management.

This business is profitable, according to GOST and Word we will conduct several classes, you will gain experience working under the guidance of serious specialists. Why am I studying publishing?

Why am I studying publishing? The thesis "you can become a journalist with any diploma" had to be backed up either by your observations (well, maybe even modest, but still experience in journalistic work), or by logical arguments. It's the same with virtues ...

I want to go to "Publishing and Editing", but in absentia - it is very expensive. And infa about distance learning on their website only for high school graduates.

I want to get a second degree in publishing and editing. The only university, as I understand it, in this case is mos. state university of the press.

Why am I studying publishing? Second, I finally saw the virtues of being a publisher and editor. I do not understand where on the VKontakte page (where the link leads) the audio file is.

2000 - Graduated from the Moscow State University of Printing with a degree in Publishing and Editing and qualification as an editor-publisher.

Why am I studying publishing? As a result, I nevertheless entered the journalism faculty, only with a degree in Publishing. I graduated from this very "shameful" faculty at Moscow State University.

If a future student He is perfectly familiar with the basics of Russian and other languages, if he can skillfully and competently express his thoughts and positions and he wants to improve and develop his abilities in the future, then when choosing a profession, he needs to get acquainted with the professions of publishing. Quite recently, when there was no worldwide system - the Internet, representatives of these professions were journalists, editors, publishers, proofreaders, art editors and printers of books and newspapers.
Today, with the advent of the world wide web, new and very profitable and successful specialties have appeared - HTML coder, Web designer, rewriter, copywriter.

All these professions are diverse in their directions, the tasks of the topic and they can be very diverse. But they have one thing in common - this is the massive dissemination of information through print, music and other forms.

When choosing a profession in the field of publishing, it is important to have the following basic qualities:

Knowledge of Russian and foreign languages. Having a creative approach to displaying information. Ability to beautifully, competently and correctly express their thoughts.

The most common admission exams are:

Despite the development of modern information technologies, publishing does not cease to be an interesting and important specialty. It is chosen by those who understand the value of paper printed products. And in today's Russia, such a profession remains popular and in demand.

The specialty 42.03.03 "Publishing" opens up wide opportunities for self-realization. It assumes active participation in the creation of a new book, but at the same time it is possible to perform other functions in the publishing process. Immersion in the topic will allow you to find out how many specialists are needed at all stages of work on the publication.

Conditions of admission

This course involves teaching all the necessary skills that are important when working with words.Therefore, the emphasis is on philology, but in parallel they master and technical disciplinesand information Technology... Since modern printing is inextricably linked with them. What subjects do future bachelors have to take upon admission:

  • social studies (profile exam);
  • russian language;
  • history or foreign language.

Future profession

A graduate of the direction is a broad-based specialist who has great opportunities for self-realization. He will be able to apply his own skills and knowledge gained in the formation of the publication, starting from the post of editor or layout designer. Since he will be taught important technical points, the professional will be able to establish publishing processes. But you can choose another path: criticism, research, distribution of printed materials, teaching.

Where to go

The bachelor's program is taught in several universities in Moscow, as well as the best institutes and universities in Russia:

  • Russian New University;
  • Moscow State University of Printing Arts Ivan Fedorov;
  • Moscow State University for the Humanities and Economics;
  • St. Petersburg technical University named after Peter the Great;
  • Kuban Social and Economic University.

Training period

Graduates of the eleventh grade traditionally enter the full-time department: it can be completed in four years. But as an option, they choose other forms of education: correspondence, evening, mixed. Then you have to study for five years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

Since the mastered direction can claim to be a wide-profile one, the list of subjects mastered on the course is quite wide:

Acquired skills

A specialist with a bachelor's degree will be able to boast of many competencies:

  • editorial activity;
  • work on the composition and structure of the future book;
  • creation of real proposals for the design of the publication;
  • search for the optimal solution for publishing a book: selection of consumables, type of printing;
  • control of the design and execution of the publication;
  • budget creation;
  • the formation of electronic media;
  • functions of printers: collection, folding, binding of books;
  • layout;
  • pre-sale preparation;
  • organization of delivery of publishing goods;
  • participation in the organization and conduct of advertising campaigns;
  • formation of the assortment of a bookstore and other enterprise working with publishing products;
  • the function of an intermediary between the publisher and the author;
  • research in the field of reading preferences;
  • formation of publishing policy.

Job prospects by profession

Who can work after graduation:

The level of remuneration directly depends on the place of application of professional forces and skills. The minimum that a graduate can count on is 20 thousand in domestic currency. But choosing an advertising niche or journalistic activity, opening his own publishing house, a graduate significantly raises this bar for himself.

Benefits of studying in a master's degree

If there is an opportunity to continue studying, the profession can become a lifelong business that will bring a stable high income. Master's studies are inextricably linked with practice, and this increases the status of a graduate in the eyes of a potential employer. Not to mention the fact that many students, even during practical classes, find a worthy job for themselves.

A graduate with a master's degree can safely teach at a university. He will already be able to cope with a leadership position in organizations and institutions of a different nature. For example, it can be the position of an administrator, project manager.

The profession of a book publisher is no longer described by the word "printer". A book publisher is not the one who prints books, that is, he takes a manuscript and "fills" it into a printing press, and the circulation falls out from that end. It was like this for a long time, but it has ceased to be so.

Now the publisher is the one who brings the book to market, creates and maintains demand for it. Exactly the same, I will note in parentheses, the profession of the author has also changed: the author is not the one who wrote the book. This is the one who wrote the book and presented it to society - this is part of the profession.

The publishing business presupposes the training of such a specialist who is not only a bibliophile, but also knows the market, has a huge outlook, qualities and managerial knowledge. And at the same time it focuses not only on literal material profit.

After all, there are things whose value we understand later. Remember, in Tsvetaeva: "My poems, like precious wines, will have their turn ...". The same can be said about books.

Personal qualities

The necessary personal qualities and abilities of the publisher include communication skills, ease of communication, resistance to stress, initiative, tact, persistence, vision, and logical thinking, the ability to negotiate with people of different temperaments and social status.

If the publisher does not like to communicate with people, then this profession is not suitable for him, since the constant fatigue and stress from communicating with other people will interfere with making effective decisions for the manager.

Education (What you need to know?)

Students study literature, modern printing, book history, book art, design, marketing, printing technology, economic disciplines.

Place of work and career

The publisher can be found in a large publishing house, which has several areas of work at once. For example, classic, popular science or children's literature. Each of them is led by a separate project manager who knows this particular sector - monitors the activities of competitors and is always aware of new products.

Another segment of the publishing market is the press, where the publisher acts as the head of a separate publication or a line of newspapers and magazines, united by thematic or some other principle.
Internet: site owners are also publishers.

Where to study?

Universities by specialty Specialty Forms
Cost per year
score (2018)

Institute liberal education


Full-time (4 years)

free (18 seats)
108 000

Institute of Natural Science and Standardization

Full-time (4 years)

free (25 seats)
120 200


Full-time (4 years)
Extramural (5 years)

free (19 seats)
101 210
28 100

Technology of printing and packaging production

Full-time (4 years)
Extramural (5 years)

145 200
30 000

Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities


Full-time (4 years)

free (10 seats)
139 707

An editor is one of the best options to satisfy the ambitions of the humanities. But what do you need to know about this position in order to prepare yourself for professional duties in advance? What skills do you need to learn while studying? And what is the right way to build your career?

To begin with, this is a very responsible profession. An editor is a specialist responsible for preparing material for printing. That is, he will be "hit by the head" if the final version of the article contains errors or false information. Therefore, the editor, like a teacher in kindergarten, tirelessly makes sure that his charges skillfully do their job.

It should also be noted that there may be several specialists in the same publication. So, chief Editor responsible for the creation of the basic concept, selection of topics for articles and authors. But the art editor deals exclusively with page design, improves the quality of photos and the color design of the magazine.

Classification of editors

With that said, let's take a look at what kinds of editors exist. Indeed, thanks to this information, the future specialist will be able to determine a specific direction and focus on its development.

So, at the moment it is known about such types of profession:

  • art editor;
  • scientific editor;
  • technical editor;
  • broadcast editor;
  • literary editor.

You should also warn that each direction has its own characteristics. This can make it difficult to move from one category to another.

Where can you study?

This specialty requires a higher education. At the same time, the closer it is to the specifics of the profession, the more chances you have of getting such a coveted position. Therefore, if a person is not satisfied with the editorial office of the newspaper, he is counting on something more, then he needs to master one of the following specialties:

  • editing;
  • publishing;
  • literary creativity;
  • philology;
  • journalism;
  • linguistics.

Fortunately, the majority russian universities has such departments. Therefore, you should not worry about the fact that you will certainly have to go to the capital for the education of an editor.

What qualities should a good specialist have?

Alas, this profession is not suitable for everyone. An editor is a position that requires certain qualities, without which success cannot be achieved here. Let's take a closer look at them.

Responsibility comes first. Whether he is the editor-in-chief or a regular editor, he must be able to "keep in check" both his charges and himself. After all, it is he who is the person who is responsible for the quality of the material and the project as a whole.

Therefore, it makes sense that the editor should have excellent organizational skills. Only in this way will he be able to create the atmosphere necessary for work and competently distribute responsibilities between his subordinates. In addition, he will have to constantly push his colleagues towards self-improvement, otherwise they will not be able to grow professionally.

And, of course, endurance. Without it, the editor is nowhere, especially before the delivery of the project. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to get tired both physically and psychologically. Mountains of unverified material, lack of sleep, responsibility for the result of the work of the whole team ... And that's not all.

Principal duties of an editor

Naturally, one cannot foresee the entire range of responsibilities, since this is a very multifaceted profession. A magazine editor, for example, is more busy than a specialist working for a small newspaper. Therefore, we will have to limit ourselves to only the basic functions of the profession, without going deeper.

So what does an editor do?

He creates the main one down to the titles of the articles, issues the assignment to the authors and indicates the deadlines, controls. Analyzes the material received from the writers and solves it further destiny... If necessary, returns articles for revision, while indicating the mistakes or inaccuracies. Checks the quality of the printed material and makes corrections.

In addition, the editor can participate in all stages of writing articles. He can also train authors, and, if necessary, send them for advanced training. If we talk about the editor-in-chief, then his duties are even broader. Therefore, large publications often have a whole group of specialists who are distributed throughout the organization, and each is responsible for his own area of \u200b\u200bwork.

The newspaper office is the perfect place to start any editor's career. Firstly, you can get invaluable work experience here, and secondly, it is much easier to get a job here than in a glossy magazine. Otherwise, when looking for a job, you need to build on the available vacancies and the requirements for them.

You should also remember that at first you can work as a freelancer. Thus, many electronic publications recruit editors who are ready to perform their duties remotely. Overall, this is a good chance for those who live in a small town with limited opportunities.

Pay and competition

An editor is a profession in which the salary largely depends on the place of work. Thus, in small newspapers these specialists receive no more than 20-25 thousand rubles. And here are the popular editions offer amounts much higher. For example, the average salary in Moscow ranges from 40-50 thousand rubles.

Now about the competition. While it is quite easy to get a job in small newspapers and electronic publications, it is much more difficult to get into more prestigious places. Firstly, all ambitious specialists strive to settle there, and secondly, the companies themselves often intensify the struggle for vacant positions. And nevertheless, having a good store of knowledge and self-confidence, the editor will never be left without a piece of bread.