Institute for Design and Organization of Packaging Production. Russian universities

Created in 1953 on the basis of correspondence faculty Moscow institute of Technology food Industry... Previously called All-Union correspondence institute food industry (VZIPP), Moscow State Correspondence Institute of Food Industry (MGZIPP), Moscow State Technological Academy (MGTA), since 2004 Moscow state University technology and management (MGUTU). Since 2010, the full name of the university has changed to Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher vocational education "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky" (FGBOU VPO "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky").

Since 2010, the university has been involved in the implementation of a major project - targeted training of specialists from among the Cossacks. The total number of Cossacks studying at the university is more than two thousand people. It is this work and a large volume scientific research were the basis for assigning the name of K.G. Razumovsky, a Cossack from Little Russia, the first Russian President of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

"__" __________ 2012


Moscow 2012

BBK - UDC - 72

Made up:


Dormidontova V.V.

Landscape design environment: educational-methodical complex of discipline.–M .: MGUTU, 2012. 124 p.

The educational-methodical complex for the discipline "Landscape design of the environment" is compiled in accordance with the State educational standard higher professional education in the specialty 070601.65 - Design. Designed for full-time and part-time students.

© Dormidontova V.V.

Working curriculum ............................................... ....................................

1.1. Objectives of studying the discipline ............................................... ..............................

Educational and methodological support of the discipline ............................................. ...

2.1. Tasks and methodological instructions for conducting practical exercises


work ................................................. .................................................. ..................

2.3. List of basic and additional literature ....................................

2.4. List of tools, teaching methods and methods learning activities 20

2.5. Requirements for the level of mastering the program and the form of the current and

intermediate knowledge control ............................................... ........................

Study guide .............................................. ...............................

Electronic educational and methodological support of the discipline ......................

Materials that establish the content and procedure for the current and

intermediate knowledge control ............................................... ..........................

Material and technical support of the discipline .....................................

Innovative teaching methods ............................................... .....................

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE RF Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education


Institute "Design and Organization of Packaging Production" Department "Design"

"APPROVED" Director of the Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Mzhachikh E.I.

"__" __________ 2012



Specialty 070601.65 - Design Qualification: designer

Form of study and preparation period:

full-time (6 years, full training program); full-time (4 years, abbreviated training program);

part-time (6 years, full training program); part-time (4 years, shortened training program)

Moscow 2012

BBK - UDC - 72

Made up:

Dormidontova Victoria Vladislavovna - head Department of "Design" FSBI HPE "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky", Cand. architecture, professor


Mkrtchyan Stepan Vladimirovich - Associate Professor Department of "Design" FSBI HPE "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after KG Razumovsky", Cand. art history, associate professor.

Dormidontova V.V.

Landscape design environment : working programm.–M .: MGUTU, 2012.16 p.

Working programm the complex on the discipline "Landscape design of the environment" is compiled in accordance with the State educational standard of higher professional education in the specialty 070601.65 - Design .. Designed for full-time and part-time students.

© Moscow State University of Technology and Management, 2012 109004, Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val, 73

© Dormidontova V.V.

1. Organizational and methodological section .....

1.1. Goals and objectives of studying the discipline.

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1.3. Watch volume by type teaching load.................

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1.4. Thematic plans for the study of the discipline ............

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2. Educational and methodological support of the discipline ..........

Error! Bookmark not


2.1. Assignments for independent work students ....

Error! Bookmark not


2.2. Main literature............................

Error! Bookmark not defined.

2.3. additional literature................

Error! Bookmark not defined.

1.Organizational - methodical section

1.1. Objectives of studying the discipline

"Landscape design of the environment" is one of the main subjects in the cycle of special disciplines vocational training designers. The discipline is based on the knowledge gained during the study of the subjects "History of design, science and technology", "History of architecture and garden art", "Basics of composition", "Theory and methodology of environmental design", as well as practical skills acquired in the classroom on " Designing in Environment Design ”,“ Drawing ”,“ Painting ”. The discipline is methodologically necessary for the competent solution of the problems of "Design in the design of the environment", "Reconstruction of buildings", and is also connected with the issues considered in the study of "Interior and equipment of buildings".

The mastery of the subject is enriched with the knowledge gained during the introductory and measuring practice, as well as visiting museums and garden park complexes and ensembles.

The purpose of studying the discipline "Landscape design" is to familiarize students with the methods of pre-project research, with the basics of design and construction of landscape architecture objects.

As a result of studying the academic discipline, the student should know:

Historical patterns of development of styles in gardening art; compositional techniques inherent in historical styles;

theory of landscape design; landscape design technique; the basics of landscape gardening; Students should be able to:

Apply the knowledge gained in the course of studying the discipline when designing a landscape;

To organize a spatial environment with the predominant use of "natural" components: relief, water and vegetation;

When organizing landscape compositions, it is competent to solve functional planning, sanitary and hygienic and aesthetic problems; be fluent in professional terminology;

work in libraries, archives, the Internet.

Hours by type of study load


Volume in hours according to plan

Hours of classroom work





forms and means of composition)


iCal overview)




ka and reservoirs)


ZAINA (typology)


ZAYNA (factors affecting the formation of objects

PHYTODESIGN (plants in the interior)

FITO DESIGN (gardens on artificial grounds)



Calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bcommon plantings for

groups of residential buildings

Residential garden

Residential garden

Landscaping of the square, streets, highways

Natural ingredients in the interior

Building a landscape

Building a landscape







1.1. Landscaping, origin and place

Landscape planning, landscape architecture, gardening art, landscaping, landscape design - terms, concepts, objects, directions and levels of design

1.2. Basic scientific concepts

Landscape and its types. The concept of cultural, natural, anthropogenic, urban and recreational landscapes. Biocenosis, biogeocenosis, ecology, urban ecology, social ecology. Stability of the natural complex.


2.1. Form properties and composition tools

Space as a material for landscape composition. Types of composition: planar, frontal, depth-spatial, volumetric.

Properties of forms: geometric appearance, size, position in space, mass in visual perception, texture, texture, color, chiaroscuro. Geometric view of space: point, linear, planar.

Means of composition: symmetry, scale, proportions, scale, meter, rhythm, identity, similarity, contrast, nuance, tectonics. The laws of composition. Integrity, balance, subordination. Center of composition, compositional axis. Methods of identifying the main and subordinate. Viewpoint and view, panorama, linear, aerial and park perspective, backstage.

2.2. Visual and psychological perception of the natural environment

Features of the influence of the properties of forms and their spatial location on human perception. Mood landscapes in ancient China: frightening, laughing, idyllic. Compositional techniques and emotional sensations of tension, relaxation, relaxation, fear, fun and ease.

2.3. A brief historical overview

"Natural" origin of the methods of composition of space. Natural conditions terrain as a factor that determines the spatial characteristics of the garden composition. Layout types and their features. The evolution of methods for organizing garden space. The first planning elements in gardens Ancient egypt (reservoirs, pergolas). The first space-organizing element is the alley. Axial compositions of temples. Functional typology of gardens. Reflection of the religious worldview in the gardens.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon, hunting parks of Persia.

Typology and new park elements Ancient Greece... Reflection of the worldview of the Greeks in the gardens. Public gardens. The central composition is a peri-stylish garden. Nymph.

Topiary art, typology of gardens, development of private villas, new elements as a reflection of the Roman worldview. Atrium garden, maritime theater.

Features of Moorish gardening art and its influence on the development of European gardens. Alhambra, Generalif, Alcazar gardens in Cordoba and Seville. Centric compositions of the cloister gardens of medieval Europe. Pharmaceutical gardens, herbal gardens, botanical gardens.

Development of methods of axial organization of spaces in the gardens of the Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism. Views, panoramas, longitudinal, transverse and ray perspectives. Hierarchy of compositional centers. Grottoes, fountains, sculptural decoration, bosquets. Regular planning techniques.

Landscape gardens in ancient China and an Enlightenment landscape park in England. The influence of Confucianism on the formation of the techniques of the Chinese garden. Landscape gardens of Russia.

New garden techniques from the Art Nouveau era. Combination of regular planning and scenic planting of vegetation.

Continuity and innovation of functionalism gardens. Garden installation. Art landscapes.

It seems to many that the profession of a designer appeared quite recently, and indeed, the specialty "Design" entered the official list of specializations just a couple of decades ago. However, people involved in the creation of new clothing models, interior design, and the development of concepts for the automotive industry have always existed, so it is not surprising that design skills are taught not only in private design schools and paid non-state institutions. Many of the oldest have historically established faculties and departments of design, which provide deep fundamental education in the most diverse areas of creativity.

The most common designer specializations

  • Graphic design involves the creation of various types of promotional products (packaging, magazines, souvenirs, brochures), study computer programs for the creation of graphic objects, image processing, layout of printing products. Students study painting and graphics, master the basics of artistic photography and video shooting;
  • Environment design includes specializations such as interior Design and landscape design... Future professional designers create three-dimensional models, are engaged in three-dimensional design and, of course, master software packages that allow working with 3D objects.
  • Clothing design useful for future couturiers. Within the framework of this specialization, students are trained in working with sewing equipment, designing and decorating clothes and other textile products, and predicting fashion trends.
  • Web design - a widely demanded specialization today, based mainly on computer technology.

Is the profession of a designer in demand?

The uniqueness of this profession is in its diversity. A hard-working and talented designer in our time will never be left without a piece of bread. For example, a graphic designer can always work in related areas - interior design, clothing, or do web design.

According to the portal today, the profession of a designer is among the ten most demanded, and the average salary of a specialist engaged in artistic and technical activities ranges from 15 to 30 thousand rubles.

Where to study to become a designer at Moscow universities?

10 best places to study to be a designer on a budget.

The name of the university Passing score of the exam
Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry S.G. Stroganov 283
Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Faculty of Technology and Design 277
Moscow State University of Design and Technology. Institute of design 266
Moscow State University for the Humanities M. A. Sholokhova 238
Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy) 233
Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky, Faculty of Design and Organization of Packaging Production 227
Russian state social university, social and humanitarian faculty 217
Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), Faculty of Art History 210
Moscow Art and Industry Institute 167
Moscow State technical University "MAMI", faculty "Cars and tractors" 134

In addition to the above educational institutions, applicants seeking to become designers are waiting for non-state universities, where there are also budgetary places and / or places for those wishing to study on a commercial basis. When choosing a university, be sure to pay attention to the presence of the institute of state accreditation. Otherwise, having spent 4-5 years of your life on university studies, you risk getting your hands on a non-state diploma, which is of dubious value in the eyes of your potential employer.

What exams do future designers take?

The classical package of documents of the applicant entering the university must include homework - usually from 6 to 10 works.

The number and combination of exams, of course, depends on the specific institution. In most institutions, applicants must provide uSE results in literature and the Russian language, history is often included in the list of compulsory subjects.

A feature of the examination program of art universities is the mandatory presence of a creative competition. It can include a pencil drawing of a plaster sculpture or even a living nature, painting with watercolors, gouache or tempera - more often a still life, a composition task.

Natalia Kogteva

License series AA No. 003568, reg. No. 3564 dated 03.06.2010
Certificate of state accreditation series AA No. 001518, reg. No. 1485 dated June 22, 2008

Moscow State University of Technology and Management. K.G. Razumovsky founded in 1953

Directions of training:

Institute of Biotechnology and Fisheries:


  • "Biology"
    Profile: bioecology.
  • "Ecology and nature management"
    Profile: ecology and nature management.

  • Profile: aquatic biological resources and aquaculture.
  • "Technical Physics"
    Profiles: technical physics, engineering and physics of low temperatures.
  • "Food of animal origin"
    Profiles: technology of fish and fish products.

Master's degree:

  • "Biology"
  • "Aquatic biological resources and aquaculture"

Institute for Design and Organization of Packaging Production.


  • "Design"
    Profiles: environment design, graphic design.
  • "Technology of printing and packaging production"
    Profile: technology and design of packaging production.

Institute for System Automation and Innovation:


  • "Applied Informatics in Economics"
    Profile: Applied Informatics.

  • Profile: automation of technological processes and production.
  • Innovation

Master's degree:

  • "Applied Informatics"
  • "Automation of technological processes and production"

Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies:


  • Profiles: psychology and pedagogy of preschool education, psychology and social pedagogy, psychology and pedagogy of vocational education
  • "Teacher Education"
    Profiles: foreign language, art
  • "Psychology"

    Master's degree:

    • "Psychological and pedagogical education"
    • "Psychology"

    Institute of Food Technology:


    • Profiles: technology of fermentation and winemaking, technology of bread, confectionery and pasta, technology of sugar products.

    Master's degree:

    • "Food from plant materials"

    Institute of Technological Management:


    • "Commodity Science"
      Profiles: commodity assessment of the quality of goods at the stages of commodity circulation, storage and sale, commodity science and expertise in the production and circulation of agricultural raw materials and food products.
    • "Food from plant materials"
      Profiles: technology of fats, essential oils and perfumery and cosmetic products, technology of food products, technology of canned food and food concentrates, technology of storage and processing of grain.
    • "Technology of production and organization of public catering"
      Profiles: technology and organization of restaurant service, technology and organization of centralized production of culinary products and confectionery.

    Master's degree:

    • "Product technology and organization of public catering"

    Institute of Management


    • "Management"
      Profiles: state and municipal government, marketing, production management, small business management, financial management, management and financial accounting.
    • "Trading business"
      Profile: marketing in trade.

    Master's degree:

    • "Management"
    • "Trade business (commerce)"

    Institute of Management and Informatization:


    • Profile: automated information processing and control systems
    • "Technological machines and equipment"
      Profiles: machines and apparatus for food production, food engineering of small enterprises.

    Master's degree:

    • "Informatics and Computer Engineering"

    Institute of Economics and Business:


    • "Economy"
      Profiles: accounting and auditing, macroeconomic planning and forecasting, world economy, finance and credit, organization economics, regional economics.

    Master's degree:

    • "Economy"

    Law Institute:


    • "Jurisprudence"
      Profiles: state law, criminal law, civil law.

    Master's degree:

    • "Jurisprudence"

Size: px

Start showing from page:


1 named. KG Razumovsky Institute "Design and organization of packaging production" Department "Design" "APPROVED" Director of the Institute Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Mzhachikh E.I. UDC 7 EDUCATIONAL-METHODOLOGICAL COMPLEX OF THE DISCIPLINE "EQUIPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTS AND SYSTEMS" Specialty Design Qualification: designer Form of study and training period: full-time (6 years, full training program); full-time (4 years, abbreviated training program); part-time (6 years, full training program); part-time (4 years, reduced training program) Course: 5 Moscow 2012

2 LBC UDC 72 Discussed and approved at the meeting of the department on June 17, 2011 (minutes 9 of the year) Compiled by: Konyashkina Anna Yurievna associate professor of the department "Design" FSBI HPE "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky." Reviewer: Mkrtchyan Stepan Vladimirovich Associate Professor of the Department "Design" FSBI HPE "Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K. G. Razumovsky", Cand. art history, associate professor. Konyashkina A.Yu. Equipment and improvement of environmental objects and systems: educational and methodological complex. M., MGUTU, p. The educational-methodical complex for the discipline "Equipment and improvement of environmental objects and systems" is compiled in accordance with the State educational standard of higher professional education in the specialty Design. Designed for full-time students and part-time forms learning. Moscow State University of Technology and Management, Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val, 73 Konyashkina A.Yu. 2

3 CONTENTS Page 1. Working curriculum Objectives of studying the discipline Educational and methodological support of the discipline Tasks and guidelines for conducting practical classes Tasks and guidelines for organizing independent work List of basic and additional literature Requirements for the level of mastering the program and the form of current and intermediate control of knowledge Study guide Materials establishing the content and procedure for conducting the current and intermediate control of knowledge Material and technical support of the discipline

4 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE RF Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT KG Razumovsky Institute "Design and organization of packaging production" Department "Design" "APPROVED" Director of the Institute Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Mzhachikh E.I. WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE "EQUIPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTS AND SYSTEMS" Specialty Design Qualification: designer Form of study and training period: full-time (6 years, full training program); full-time (4 years, abbreviated training program); part-time (6 years, full training program); part-time (4 years, shortened training program) Course: 5 Moscow

5 BBK UDC 72 Discussed and approved at the meeting of the department on June 17, 2011 (minutes 9 of the year) Compiled by: Konyashkina Anna Yurievna Associate Professor of the Department of Design Reviewer: Mkrtchyan Stepan Vladimirovich Associate Professor of the Department of Design, FSBI HPE Moscow State University of Technology and Management the names of K. G. Razumovsky ", Cand. art history, associate professor. Konyashkina A.Yu. Equipment and improvement of environmental objects and systems. Work program and guidelines for studying the course M., MGUTU im. KG Razumovsky, 2012 The work program for the discipline "Equipment and improvement of environmental objects and systems" is drawn up in accordance with the State educational standard of higher professional education in the specialty Design. Designed for full-time and part-time students. Konyashkina A.Yu. Moscow State University of Technology and Management, Moscow, Zemlyanoy Val, 73 5

6 CONTENTS 1. ORGANIZATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL SECTION ... Error! Bookmark not defined Aims and objectives of the discipline ... Error! Bookmark not defined Amount of hours by type of study load Thematic plan lessons Discipline content TEACHING AND METHODOLOGICAL SUPPORT OF THE DISCIPLINE .. Error! Bookmark not defined Independent work ... Error! Bookmark not defined Main literature Supplementary literature

7 1. Organizational methodological section 1.1. Objectives of studying the discipline "Equipment and improvement of environmental objects and systems" is one of the subjects in the cycle of special disciplines of professional training of designers, and the final discipline of the block of engineering disciplines summarizing both theoretical knowledge and practical skills obtained in the study of the following disciplines "Typology of forms architectural environment "," Construction in the design of the environment "," Reconstruction of buildings ", as well as a number of general professional disciplines in the direction of training students in the specialty" Environment Design ". The purpose of the discipline is to prepare the student for independent project work on the formation of space, taking into account all the requirements for residential or public interior, urban environment or landscape. During the study of the discipline, students get acquainted with the aesthetic and pragmatic tasks of designing equipment, subject content and improvement of the object-spatial environment, master the principles of placing various equipment and landscaping. A series of lectures on this discipline contributes to the development of a rational approach to the complex solution of engineering and technical problems in the formation of a harmonious living environment in students. The hands-on course includes a series of jobs in which students learn to perform technical tasks related to detailed design in environmental design. As a result of studying the discipline, the student should know: Designing the interior, taking into account the requirements for the placement of furniture and equipment of various types; Methods and principles of engineering support for the environment of civil buildings, its natural and artificial lighting for optimal human life; Methods and principles of engineering support for open spaces; Objects of engineering structures, elements of improvement of the urban, landscape environment Students should be able to: Apply the knowledge gained in the course of studying the discipline for the formation of internal and external space; To organize the internal spatial environment, taking into account all the necessary requirements for the equipment of the premises of civil buildings; Competently solve functional planning, sanitary-hygienic and aesthetic problems; Carry out subject filling of the internal environment of an architectural object in accordance with the functional purpose of the premises. 7

8 The amount of hours by type of teaching load Table 1 Specialty course pln. full-time course mid-hour mid-hour course mid-hour Total volume in hours Pract. Samost. Credit Total Lectures work work (sem),

9 lessons Thematic plan of lectures and practical lessons Table 2 Distribution of classroom lessons by forms of training Topic of the lesson Full-time Evening pln skr pln, skr Lk Pr Lk Pr Lk Pr Section 1. Interior equipment 1 General information about, 5 - interior equipment 2 Engineering equipment of buildings 3 Lighting equipment Stoves, fireplaces, hearths Ladders, ramps, vertical transport 6 Ceilings, floors Furniture Convertible equipment elements Section 2. Equipment and landscaping 9 General information about, 5 - equipment and landscaping 10 Engineering preparation of the territory 11 Reservoirs, water devices Flat devices, Bridges, retaining walls, Organization of lighting, 5 0, Small forms, garden, 5 0.5 1 sculpture 16 Equipment and improvement of the urban environment Total: Note: Lk lectures, Pr practical exercises, pln full form of training, skr abbreviated form learning. nine

10 Section 1. Interior equipment Discipline content LECTURES 1. General information about interior equipment. Types of equipment and furnishing of interiors, classification, requirements. Equipment placement principles. Modern materials and technologies used for the production of interior equipment. 2. Engineering equipment of buildings. Engineering communications, breeding principles and devices. Installation and distribution of water supply and sewerage of buildings. Types and device of home heating and ventilation of premises. Power supply of buildings. Sanitary appliances. 3. Lighting equipment. The principles of placement in the structure of the building. Work, emergency, signal lighting equipment, artistic interior lighting. Light-color systems for furnishing interiors. Lighting. 4. Stoves, fireplaces, hearths. Types and arrangement of stoves, fireplaces, hearths. Accommodation principles, requirements. 5. Ladders, ramps, vertical transport. Types of stairs, elevators used. Interior stairs. Principles of equipping premises with stairs, ramps, elevators. 6. Ceilings, floors. Arrangement of ceilings with the placement of lighting equipment of various types. Suspended, hemmed and stretch ceilings, modern materials and technologies for their construction. Underfloor heating device. Principles of equipment for floor structures special purpose... 7. Furniture. Furniture for home, office, industrial furniture and equipment. Classification of furniture by the type of materials used and the way they are processed. Materials used in the manufacture of furniture. 8. Transformable items of equipment. Principles of placement of transformable partitions. Built-in equipment and furnishings for interiors. Arrangement of decorative awnings. Section 2. Equipment and landscaping 9. General information on equipment and landscaping. Requirements, classifications, principles of placement. Architectural elements. Engineering facilities. Specificity of equipment for landscape elements and urban environment. ten

11 10. Engineering preparation of the territory. Engineering structures in the environment of external spaces. Vertical layout. Principles for the design of general plans, landscaping. Landing drawing. Drainage of the territory. 11. Reservoirs, water devices. Geoplastics and water devices. Engineering equipment for water devices. Types of fountains and principles of their construction. 12. Plane devices. Paths and paving. Coating of planar devices, arrangement of borders. Types of fences, requirements. Placement of sites, their coverage, drainage. 13. Bridges, retaining walls. General information about the principles of placing bridges of various types. Retaining wall construction. 14. Organization of lighting. Requirements, classifications, principles of placement. Glowing elements of architecture. Traditional lamps (lanterns), architectural lighting. 15. Small forms, garden sculpture. Equipment of landscapes with small forms, principles of their placement. Garden furniture. Equipment of the external environment with garden sculpture. 16. Equipment and improvement of the urban environment. Monumental decorative elements of the urban environment. Coloristic solution of the urban environment. Design of festive, temporary and transformable objects. Improvement of inter-highway areas. Section 1. Interior equipment PRACTICAL EXERCISES 1. Engineering equipment of buildings. Engineering communications, breeding principles and devices. Sanitary appliances. Practical work 1 "Organization of the interior space of a residential apartment" 2. Lighting equipment. The principles of placement in the structure of the building. Lighting. Practical work 2 "Organization of the interior space of the cafe". 3. Stoves, fireplaces, hearths. Types and arrangement of stoves, fireplaces, hearths. Accommodation principles, requirements. 4. Ceilings, floors. Analysis and analysis of technical issues of ceilings and floors with elements of engineering equipment for completed projects. eleven

12 5. Transformable items of equipment. Seminar on the first section. Section 2. Equipment and landscaping 6. Engineering preparation of the territory. Study of issues related to the detailed design of environmental objects. Practical work 4 "Technical equipment of external objects" 7. Reservoirs, water devices. Consideration of technical issues related to the construction of reservoirs, fountains, etc. 8. Plane devices. Consideration of technical issues on the arrangement of planar devices of objects performed on course design in the disciplines "Landscape design of the environment" and "Design in the design of the environment." 9. Bridges, retaining walls. Analysis and analysis of technical issues related to the construction of bridges and retaining walls for completed projects. 10. Organization of lighting. Analysis and analysis of technical issues of lighting devices for implemented projects. Small forms, garden sculpture. Seminar on the first section. 2. Educational and methodological support of the discipline 2.1. Tasks and guidelines for practical training PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF PRACTICAL WORKS The course "Equipment and improvement of environmental objects and systems" consists of a lecture course, and a practical one, which includes a number of graphic tasks. By doing practical work, students consolidate the lecture material and acquire the necessary skills. The aim of the workshop on the discipline "Equipment and improvement of environmental objects and systems" is to get acquainted with the principles of designing equipment for interiors and landscapes. The tasks of studying the discipline include familiarizing students with: - functional, constructive and technological requirementsfor the design of equipment for interiors and landscapes; - with the methodology of architectural design in the field of interior and landscape design. In the course of studying the discipline, students must: 12

13 to master the principles and basic features of architectural and design design of interiors and landscapes; to study the methods of forming the environment of interiors and landscapes; develop the desire to search for rational, most economical and environmentally friendly solutions based on the use of technical literature and building codes; be able to apply the skills of graphic design of architectural and structural drawings, taking into account the peculiarities of architectural graphics. THEMATIC PLAN OF THE PRACTICAL COURSE OF THE DISCIPLINE Duration of classroom practical classes Table. 1 Topic Distribution of hours Int. pln. Omn. skr. Wed pln., skr. Section 1: Interior equipment 1 Organization of the interior space of a residential apartment Organization of the interior space of a cafe Seminar on a given topic total: Section 2: Landscaping Technical equipment of external 4 objects Terrain organization plan Territory lighting plan total: Total:

14 2.2. Tasks and guidelines for the organization of independent work Methodical guidelines for the independent work of students enrolled in the specialty "Environment Design" are developed in accordance with the curriculum and programs of all disciplines of the Department of Design. The specificity of the specialty is associated with its creative nature. Therefore, the importance of independent work of a student of this specialty is especially great. Academic plan includes a set of disciplines that provide the knowledge necessary for the future practical activities of environmental designers. Among them are theoretical and historical disciplines, engineering and creative disciplines. The study of each discipline requires, in addition to attending classrooms, the student's independent work. The time required to study the historical discipline, preparation for the exam, test, can be calculated on average quite accurately, because you need to read and remember a certain amount of information. The time required to complete practical tasks control works on engineering subjects, can also be determined, since the work is reduced to finding the only correct solution to a typical problem according to a well-known algorithm. But it is more than difficult to normalize the time for completing creative tasks, because, firstly, creative process is always individual, depends on a specific personality, and secondly, when solving creative problems there is no single correct solution, there are always a lot of them, more or less successful. Creative search artistic image the work is long, intense, internal and completely independent. As a rule, most of the extracurricular time of students of creative specialties is spent working on creative assignments. Mastering the profession of an environment designer requires the development of outlook, direct knowledge of historical styles and monuments, modern trends in design, technologies, materials, structures, engineering equipment and design standards, as well as the development of artistic culture, mastering the types of graphics as the main language of the designer. This implies specialized travels for the full-scale study of architectural monuments and landscape gardening, work in libraries of technical, foreign literature, visiting specialized exhibitions and much more. All of the above goes beyond educational process, but rather makes up the program of a lifetime. In the university, the guidelines and skills of "professional" life must be instilled. Methodological guidelines for independent work of students of the specialty "Environment Design" take into account the specifics of each discipline, control and graphic works, term papers and projects, tests and exams, i.e. all control "points" provided by the curriculum. 14

15 Disciplines of the creative block, such as "Basics of composition", "Design in the design of the environment", "Prototyping", "Landscape design", "Computer design" take a special place. The specificity of these subjects lies in the fact that in the process of working on project assignments, all theoretical knowledge obtained in the study of individual disciplines is combined in the minds of students, lining up into a system and acquiring practical sense... In the course of developing course projects, knowledge of the patterns of volumetric-spatial composition, building structures and materials is consolidated. Skills of working with building codes, GOSTs, catalogs, reference books, special literature are taught. The techniques and means of graphics, the ability to build perspectives, axonometrics, and perform layouts are mastered and improved. Work on practical tasks develops three-dimensional thinking, imagination, creativity, taste, as well as an understanding of the richness and diversity of the content of design design and complex social problems that are solved in the process of the spatial organization of the living environment. In addition, in the process of educational design, many atypical, problematic situations arise, the need to solve which teaches them to take independent actions and decisions. Thus, there is a gradual formation of not only a future specialist, but also an independent creative personality... Therefore, independent work on assignments and projects actually takes a lot more time than indicated in the curriculum. Distribution of hours by type of independent work Independent work Self-study Literature Preparation of an essay, graphic work Preparation for the test full-time evening. full-time evening full-time evening full-time evening p s p s p s p s p s p s p s p s

16 Content of independent work Independent study of literature involves reading textbooks, teaching aids, books and magazines recommended for each discipline in the corresponding work programs and guidelines; The preparation of the abstract is carried out in accordance with the instructions given here; Visiting exhibitions, museums assumes acquaintance with monuments of architecture and landscape gardening, as well as collections of art museums, expositions of specialized exhibitions; Preparation for the test, the exam is carried out according to the list of control questions given in the work program for the discipline; Graphic work is also carried out in accordance with guidelines; Preparation for a test, an exam in creative disciplines consists in the registration of all educational works completed during the semester, and their presentation for the final review or defense. Ideal-Press A.V. Efimov "Design of the architectural environment" tutorial for universities, M. Architecture-S, K. \u200b\u200bPraht "Furniture and architecture" M .: Stroyizdat "Soviet monumental art". M: Soviet artist Typological foundations of artistic design of the architectural environment. M: Architecture-S I.M. Khilko "ABC Interior: Architectural Details". M: Stroyizdat S. Mikhailov "History of Design" Kazan: Union of Designers of Russia, volume 2 8. VG Shukhov "The Art of Construction" M: Mir 1994 Further reading 1. А.V. Ikonnikov "Function, Image in Architecture" M. Stroyizdat

17 2. AV Ikonnikov "Aesthetic values \u200b\u200bof the subject-spatial environment" M. Stroyizdat K. Prakht "Furniture and architecture" M .: Stroyizdat IM Khilko "ABC Interior: Architectural Details". M: Stroyizdat S. Mikhailov "History of Design" Kazan: Union of Designers of Russia, volume 2 Periodicals 1. The best interiors 2. Construction technologies 3. Salon interior. Private interior of Russia. 4. Living environment 5. Interior + design 6. Components and technologies 2.4. Requirements for the level of development of the program and forms of current and intermediate control of knowledge Form Type of control Semester (course) of study full abbreviated Day pass 11 semester 7 semester Evening test 11 semester 7 semester 3. Educational-practical manual The educational-practical manual due to the large volume is withdrawn into a separate document. 4. Materials establishing the content and procedure for conducting current and intermediate knowledge control Section 1. Interior equipment Questions for offset: 1. General information about interior equipment. 2. Types of equipment, classification, requirements. 3. Modern materials and technologies for furnishing interiors. 4. Provision of microclimate for civil buildings 5. Engineering equipment of buildings. 17

18 6. Engineering communications, breeding principles and devices. 7. Sanitary appliances. 8. Lighting equipment. The principles of placement in the structure of the building. 9. Light-color systems for furnishing interiors 10. Lighting devices. 11. Stoves, fireplaces, hearths. Types and arrangement of stoves, fireplaces, hearths. Accommodation principles, requirements. 12. Ladders, ramps, vertical transport. 13. Types of stairs, elevators used. 14. Principles of equipping premises with stairs, ramps, elevators. 15. Furniture. Classification of furniture by the type of materials used and the way they are processed. 16. Materials used in the manufacture of furniture. 17. Transformable items of equipment. Section 2. Equipment and landscaping 18. Principles of coordination of the territory. 19. General information about equipment and landscaping. 20. Engineering preparation of the territory. 21. Engineering networks, principles of placement in the city. 22. Vertical layout. 23. Landing drawing and its elements. 24. Organization of atmospheric water effluents. 25. Principles and methods of drainage of the territory. 26. Engineering structures as an object of environmental design. 27. Reservoirs, water devices. 28. Geoplastics and water devices. 29. Plane devices. 30. Bridges, retaining walls. 31. Organization of lighting. 32. Traditional lamps (lanterns), principles of placement. 33. Small forms, garden sculpture. 34. Equipment and improvement of the urban environment. Questions for checking residual knowledge: Section 1. Interior equipment 1. Types of interior equipment. 2. Classification of interior equipment 3. Requirements for the equipment of civil buildings. 4. Engineering equipment of buildings (water supply and sewerage). 5. Engineering equipment of buildings (Heating and ventilation). eighteen

19 6. Ensuring the microclimate of civil buildings, 7. Engineering communications, breeding principles and devices. 8. Sanitary appliances. 9. Lighting equipment. The principles of placement in the structure of the building. 10. Lighting devices. 11. Types of stairs, elevators used. 12. Principles of equipping premises with stairs, ramps, elevators. 13. Furniture. Classification of furniture by the type of materials used and the way they are processed. 14. Materials used in the manufacture of furniture. 15. Transformable items of equipment. Section 2. Equipment and landscaping 16. Principles of coordination of the territory. 17. General information about equipment and landscaping. 18. Engineering networks, principles of breeding on the territory of the city. 19. Vertical layout. 20. Landing drawing and its elements. 21. Organization of atmospheric water effluents. 22. Principles of territory drainage. 23. Methods of drainage of the territory. 24. Reservoirs, water devices. 25. Plane devices. 26. Bridges, retaining walls. 27. Traditional lamps (lanterns), principles of placement. 28. Small forms, garden sculpture. 29. Equipment and improvement of the urban environment. 5. Material and technical support of the discipline The study of the lecture course of the discipline takes place in the lecture halls of the institute, equipped with tables, desks, blackboard. The study of the practical part of the course, involving the demonstration of illustrative material, takes place using a computer projector or overhead projector at the request of the teacher. 19



Ministry of Education of the Kaliningrad region state budgetary educational institution of secondary vocational education of the Kaliningrad region "Art and Industrial College"


State educational institution of higher professional education "Lipetsk State Technical University" APPROVED Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering Babkin V.I. WORKING

ANNOTATION OF THE DISCIPLINE "SUBJECT FILLING OF THE ARCHITECTURAL ENVIRONMENT" Main educational program "SUBJECT FILLING OF THE ARCHITECTURAL ENVIRONMENT" Directions of preparation 07.03.03 "Design of the architectural environment"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova Department of Architecture and Design Guidelines on the study of the discipline to lectures,

Elements and processes of profile design - 1 2 course, 4 semester, 3 credits Leading teacher: senior teacher Ustinova I.K. Module name: Module 13.1 - Special disciplines - 6 credits,

8. FUND OF EVALUATION FUNDS FOR INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATION OF STUDENTS IN THE DISCIPLINE General information 1. Department of Arts, Service and Tourism 2. Direction of training 54.03.01 "Design" Profile "Design


State educational institution of higher professional education "Lipetsk State Technical University" APPROVED Dean of ISF Babkin VI 2011 WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE "Typology

Explanatory note Small architectural forms as a definition are referred to the terminology of landscape design, but in fact they are small structures, functional and aesthetic, harmoniously fit into

MINSK INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT APPROVED BY Rector of the Minsk Institute of Management N.V. Land 2013 Registration UD- / r. Design of urban planning environment Curriculum by specialty higher education


2 1. General information about the discipline 1.1. Discipline name: Planning and building of populated areas 1.2.1. The complexity of the discipline is 108 hours (3 CU) of which: according to the curriculum of full-time education: lectures

Work program Form F SO PSU 7.18.2 / 06 Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova Department "Architecture and Design" WORKING EDUCATIONAL

MINSK INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT Faculty of Communications and Law Department of Design Master's Degree Semester 1 APPROVED Rector of Minsk Institute of Management N.V. Land 2013 Registration UD- / r. Introduction to design education

OBJECTIVES AND OBJECTIVES OF THE DISCIPLINE 2.1. The purpose of teaching the discipline Formation of ideas about the meaning and possibilities of landscape design in the qualitative transformation of open urban spaces into social

Minsk Innovation University APPROVED Rector of Minsk Innovation University in 2017 N.V. Land Registration UD- / uch. TYPOLOGY OF DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT OF RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR Curriculum

The work program of the discipline "B.1.V.OD.12 Complex formation of objects and systems of the architectural environment" / comp. E.V. Shepov The work program is intended for full-time students in the direction

State educational institution of higher professional education "Lipetsk State Technical University" APPROVED Dean of the Faculty V.I. Babkin THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE VOLUME

Ministry of Education and Science of the Udmurt Republic budgetary professional educational institution of the Udmurt Republic "Sarapul College of Mechanical Engineering and information technologies»ADDITIONAL

MINSK INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT APPROVED BY Rector of the Minsk Institute of Management N.V. Land 2013 Registration UD- / r. Theory and methodology of environmental design Curriculum in the specialty of higher

UDC 378 (744: 72) PECULIARITIES OF GRAPHIC TRAINING OF INTERIOR DESIGNER E.M. Volkova, Cand. architecture, associate professor Nizhny Novgorod State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Nizhny Novgorod,

The work program of the discipline "B.1.B.16.4 Subject content of the architectural environment" / comp. E.V. Snopov - Orenburg: OSU, 2014 The work program is intended for full-time students in the direction

The work program of the discipline "B.1.V.DV.4.1 Basics of designing equipment for the architectural environment" / comp. E.V. Snopov - Orenburg: OSU, 2014 The work program is intended for full-time students

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State Academy of Culture and Arts" Faculty of Information Resources and Design

MINSK INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT APPROVED BY Rector of the Minsk Institute of Management N.V. Land of 2013 Registration UD- / base. Theory and methodology of environmental design Curriculum in the specialty of higher

1. OBJECTIVES OF MASTERING THE DISCIPLINE The objectives of mastering the discipline (module) of the interior of living quarters are - to develop students' creative approach to the formation of a living environment, to give skills in architectural and design

State educational institution of higher professional education "Lipetsk State Technical University" APPROVED Dean of the Faculty V.I. Babkin THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE BASICS

Work program Form F SO PSU 7.18.2 / 06 Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova Department of Architecture and Design WORKING PROGRAM

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Tyumen State Oil and Gas University"

8. Fund evaluation tools for intermediate certification of students in the discipline (module): General information: 1. Department of Arts and Design 2. Direction of training 54.03.01 Design. Profile design

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Voronezh State Architectural and Construction

Discipline Direction of training Training profile / specialization Qualification (degree) of the graduate Normative term of study Form of study WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE (MODULE) VERTICAL PLANNING

MINSK INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT APPROVED BY Rector of the Minsk Institute of Management N.V. Dry land 2008 Registration UD- / r. DESIGN OF URBAN ENVIRONMENT Curriculum for the specialty: 1-19 01 01 Design, direction

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin" Department "Design of architectural

KNOW ECONOMIC BUSINESS - COLLEGE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE OP 01. MATERIALS SCIENCE, specialty Design (by industry) basic training qualification: designer Moscow, 011 Working program

1 Goals and objectives of the discipline 1.1 The purpose of teaching the discipline: - to familiarize students with the main provisions of the design business, with the nature of the research tasks facing the designer and the main

WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE (MODULE) Discipline Direction of training WORKING DOCUMENTATION OF CONSTRUCTION OF GARDEN AND PARK OBJECTS 250700.62 Landscape architecture Training profile Qualification (degree)

Department of Education of the City of Moscow State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "College of Small Business 4" WORKING PROGRAM of the subject Dendrology and basics

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION State educational institution of higher professional education Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

MINIBRANAUKI RUSSIA Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service"

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Far Eastern federal university"(FEFU)

MINIBRANAUKI RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ukhta State Technical University" Industrial Institute (secondary vocational



Curriculum for bachelors "070303 DAS-12-234 adapter.plm.xml", direction code 07.03.03, year of preparation start 2012 1. Calendar curriculum Month Numbers 1-7 September 8-14 15-21 22-28 29-5 6-12 October

Ministry of Education and Science of the Astrakhan region of the State Autonomous Educational Institution VPO "Astrakhan Engineer Nernostroitelny and Nstitut" APPROVED First Vice-Rector TV Zolina

Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education "New humanitarian Institute»ANNOTATION of the main professional educational program (OBOP) preparation of bachelors Direction 54.03.01 DESIGN

I APPROVE THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS Rector of the Educational Institution "Belarusian State University of Transport" CURRICULUM V.I.Senko Specialty: -69 Architecture Registration


Work program Form F SO PSU 7.18.2 / 07 Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov Department of Architecture and Design WORKING PROGRAM

Minsk Institute of Management APPROVED by Rector of the Minsk Institute of Management N.V. Land of 2013 Registration UD-069D / r. Expodesign Curriculum of a higher education institution of the second level (master's degree)

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION TUVIN STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT Urban economy APPROVED 1 at the meeting of the GC Department Protocol from #\u003e "& U. Head of department." / A.Kh. Dadar

AN EXAMPLE PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE OF THE BASIS OF ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING STRUCTURES Recommended for the direction of preparation of the specialty 270800 "CONSTRUCTION" Qualification (degree) of a graduate bachelor Moscow

PROGRAM for applicants to the magistracy of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia In the direction of "ARCHITECTURE" Specialization "ARCHITECTURE OF RESIDENTIAL, PUBLIC AND INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS" The program is made

1. The purpose and objectives of mastering the discipline 1.1. The purpose of mastering discipline 2 The aim of mastering the discipline "Architecture of civil and" is to form students' theoretical knowledge of the main stages

Title page working curriculum F SO PSU 7.18.3 / 30 Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova Department of Architecture and Design

1. Goals and objectives of the discipline The process of studying the discipline "Basics of landscape design" is generally aimed at preparing the student for different types creative activity, education of creative thinking,

M inister t in about the formation of and in and at the A s trakhan s about the area G A O U A O V P O “Astrakhansk i n z e r n o - c t o and t e l n s t i t u t »WORKING