Grind grain in a mill or grind. Home mill, or how to grind grain at home

In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

FOUR hundred reviews

earthly BOTTOM

wash with SHAMPOO

GRIND the grain in the mill

SLIPED on ice

Explanation (see also Rule below).

A mistake was made in the word "grinding": the grain can be ground. But other verb forms have E: grinding, grinding, sweeping.

Answer: grind.

Answer: grind

Rule: Task 7. Morphological norms of word formation and inflection

General concept of morphological norms.

Morphological norms are norms for the correct formation of grammatical forms of words different parts speeches (forms of gender, number, short forms and degrees of comparison of adjectives and many others).

The morphological norm regulates word formation and inflection. These norms are necessarily studied in the school course of the Russian language and are checked in task 6 of the exam. In morphology (as well as in syntax and in the area of \u200b\u200bpronunciation) there are strong and weak norms. The strong ones are respected by all who speak Russian as a native language. The weak are easily influenced from the outside, poorly absorbed and often distorted. Their presence is determined by many reasons, in particular, the peculiarities of the development of the phonetic and grammatical systems of the Russian language. So, the norms of education and changes in participles, participles, adjectives and other parts of speech that existed back in the days of Leo Tolstoy have changed significantly today. It should be noted that for a fairly large list of words there are, on the one hand - colloquial forms, and on the other hand - literary, written... But along with this, there are also such forms that are unacceptable even in colloquial speech and are a gross violation. morphological norms... Anyone who turns to dictionaries knows that in explanatory dictionaries there are certainly notes "colloquial", which means colloquial, and others indicating the normality of the use of the form of a word in a particular style of speech.

In the tasks selected in the exam, students are required to find a word with a mistake and change it so that it meets the literary, written norm.

The normativeness of the use of one or another word is checked by the current modern dictionaries, not on the "internet" or "wikipedia". Words that allow two literary norms (and this happens!), As a rule, are not presented in the tasks.

The smell of freshly baked bread causes pleasant feelings in every person, especially if it is made from healthy whole grain flour, but it is very rare to treat yourself to such a treat. In shops you can find flour of any grind, but its quality sometimes does not correspond to the high cost. The most correct and logical solution to this problem would be to acquire your own mill, and if after reading these words an image of a huge building and massive millstones appeared in your head, we hasten to console you - today you can make a compact machine that will fit in any kitchen. In this article, we will show you how to build a homemade grain mill with your own hands.

Any housewife who wants to feed her family with healthy and tasty dishes dreams of her own mill. The manufacture of this device is not so difficult from a technical point of view, however, it will require the master to be able to handle turning equipment and drilling tools.

The home grain mill allows you to get flour of any grind - coarse, medium or very fine (depending on the settings). Sounds pretty tempting, especially when you consider that the cost of whole grain flour is incomparable with the cost of its production. If you look at it, the whole grain "real" flour is grain that has been roughly processed without removing the grain shells. They are also known as bran. White flour, on the other hand, undergoes multiple treatments, filtration and other procedures, as a result of which, in fact, all useful components are removed. It is logical that the cost of producing white flour is higher, but for some reason it costs less than "unrefined". This is a clear example of skillful marketing that obeys modern trends in a healthy lifestyle. If you want to eat healthy organic food - spend more money.

At the same time, the grain itself costs mere pennies, so you will spend a minimum of money to produce flour at home using a household mill. The most common model is the Malyutka mini-mill. It was invented many years ago in Udmurtia by two engineers. With the help of "Malyutka", you can not only grind grain to the required size, but also make compound feed for livestock, poultry, produce corn, buckwheat and any other flour. Agree, an indispensable device for a family living in a private house and keeping domestic animals.

The dimensions of such a home-made grain mill are very modest, but the performance is truly impressive - in just 5 minutes you can grind a whole bucket of corn, and it can handle a bucket of wheat in 2-3 minutes.

Specifications "Baby":

  • dimensions of the body without a hopper and a branch pipe - 320x160x170 mm;
  • capable of producing 2 types of grinding (coarse and fine);
  • low engine power - 180 W (high performance with significant energy savings. For comparison - conventional electric kettle or electric heating elements consume 2000 W / h);
  • productivity: corn - 0.2 buckets / min, wheat, oats and other crops - 0.5 buckets / min;
  • rotary grinder, reversible;
  • the total weight of the assembled device is 15 kg.

The most important task on which the efficiency and durability of the mill depends is the manufacture of the rotor and stator.

Mill scheme

In the image below you can see a detailed diagram of the creation of a compact mill "Baby" with an indication of all the components used. Prepare a complete list of required parts before assembly.

Details for assembling "Baby":

  1. Electric motor (you can take the engine from an old washing machine, since you need a little power).
  2. Electric motor mounting points (12 pieces of M6 bolts with spring washers are required).
  3. Support for the engine from two steel corners 45x45 mm.
  4. The base (base of the mechanism) is made of sheet steel 6-8 mm thick.
  5. Ties (studs with nuts).
  6. Reception box made of roofing iron.
  7. Coupling for transmission of rotation of shafts.
  8. Rotor.
  9. Cover for bearing assembly.
  10. Stator.
  11. Iron pipe.
  12. Cover made of 3 mm sheet steel.
  13. Cover fixings (4 screws M6).
  14. Distance ring.
  15. Fasteners of the receiving box (2 bolts M6).
  16. Two bearings # 203.
  17. Places for fastening the cover for the bearing unit (3 screws M6).
  18. M6 screws with nuts for installation.
  19. Handle brackets made of 2 mm steel.
  20. Loading box.
  21. Axle (M6 stud and nuts 2 pcs).
  22. Wooden handle.
  23. Fixing points of the branch pipe with M6 bolts.

Making a rotor

The design of the "Baby" itself is outrageously simple, so anyone can handle the assembly if they wish, but for this one must be able to handle a lathe and drilling equipment. If you do not have the skills and are not in the plans to acquire them in the near future, you can order the necessary parts from the lathe. You will need a stator, a rotor, and a bearing cover.

In the event that you want to make everything with your own hands, you should take into account several technical nuances:

  1. Make a rotor directly with a variable section shaft.
  2. Make the shaft from M45 forging (length 9 cm, diameter 12 cm) or round timber (steel).
  3. Divide the whole process into several parts: preparation of metal blanks (in a circle of 105 mm at an equally distant distance, drill holes with a radius of 5 cm), removing the outer layer of the circle so that the size of the groove decreases to 104.5 mm, and the working teeth open, after which the finished the rotor must be hardened.

The rotor should also be hardened correctly: first, warm it up in an oven to a temperature of 800C, and then lower it into an oil container. Cooling the metal with water in this particular case is not highly recommended, since it will crack and become very fragile. Then you need to take a vacation, that is, heat the rotor again, but already to a temperature of 40C, and leave to cool at room temperature. The result is a very solid and durable part that will last for many years. To check whether the hardening is done well, run the file along the cutting side of the tooth - if it slides easily and does not leave a trace, then the hardening is good.

In the Malyutka mill, the rotor will rotate on two radial bearings. This will increase the rigidity of the assembly and the strength of the entire device by several times. Between the bearings, a 0.5 mm spacer must be attached to the shaft - this will allow the bearings to move slightly and will create the tension that is necessary for the assembly to adapt to the stress inside the mechanism.

Making a stator

The stator is slightly more difficult to manufacture than the rotor, as this requires the utmost precision. The work can be divided into several stages. First, grind the workpiece on the machine, then leave a small technological allowance. To do this, drill out the opening in the center up to 70 mm, mark a circle with a diameter of 105 mm on the workpiece, mark the center points of future openings. Subsequently they will create the stator work plane. The markings should be applied strictly according to the drawing.

Mark the outlines of the holes at the top and bottom, and then drill out blind “windows” about 26 mm deep. On the machine, remove the allowance that you left earlier and bore out the place where the working chamber will be located (105 mm). Turn the resulting workpiece over and make a landing groove where the bearings will be inserted. You will also need to carve a groove for the lip seal if you install one, but in practice the machine works fine without this part.

When the stator is ready, you can start creating threaded holes for the bearing and stator caps, pipe and loading box. Finally, the stator, like the rotor, must be heat treated according to the technology described above.

In order for the mill for grinding grain to work properly, it is necessary to correctly and with great precision set the coordinates of the stator. For this, bolts are used. During operation, the rotor must move easily and smoothly, without jerking or jamming. Only when you are sure that all the parts are moving properly can you make a trial run of the mill. To do this, it must be fixed on a table or stool so that the device does not fall to the floor from vibration.

Bed making

Another important structural detail is the frame, that is, the base plate. For its manufacture, you can use a thick steel sheet of 6-8 mm. The stator is attached to the frame with M6 screws, which will simultaneously hold the branch pipe. It can also be removable. To do this, it will be necessary to install a branch pipe in the opening of the base, which will correspond to the diameter of the part. And it will stay in the mechanism only due to friction.

To make a branch pipe, take a piece of thin-walled pipe, the outer diameter of which is 28 mm. A product with a round or square section is suitable, and depending on this factor, a hole of the appropriate shape and diameter must be made in the bed.

If you have mastered the manufacture of all of the above parts, making a loading box will not be difficult. It can be made from a roofing iron sheet by bending it in a given shape and soldering the seams. Regular sheet metal can also be used, but roofing is much stronger and more durable. When the box is ready, install it on the stator and fix it with two M6 bots.

Before you start creating a manual grain mill, keep in mind that if the rotor turns in one direction, then only the first half of the stator working chamber will be involved. When the rotor rotates in the opposite direction, the second part of the chamber will turn on. There is a different number of protrusions on both sides, and their sizes are also different. For this reason, the grinding in the first and second case will be different. This allows you to get coarse or fine flour depending on your needs. All you have to do is change the direction of the rotor.

Installation of electrical equipment

It is clear that power is needed to set all parts in motion. In this case, the power of electricity. Before you start cutting out the components of the mechanism, prepare the necessary electrical equipment. Fortunately, this simple design doesn't require anything complicated or expensive.

You will need an electric motor, a capacitor of about 3.8uF, a fuse, and a toggle switch. Install the motor on a dielectric plate, attach the rest of the parts to the same. To rotate the rotor in the opposite direction, simply switch the capacitor.

Align the crushing shafts and the motor shaft in alignment. Use a rigid coupling to transmit rotation. Be sure to drill bolt guide holes in all mounting brackets to adjust and fine tune the position of the shafts. Make holes also in the bed (base) - they are needed for movement.

All that remains is to load the grain into the receiving box, place the container under the outlet and make your first flour grinding at home.

Not everyone can make such a practical mill, but this task is quite feasible, even if you do not have turning equipment at home. Below is a video about a grain mill, which clearly shows how to make an alternative design using granite millstones and with minimal financial investment:

To manufacture it, you also need special equipment, but even if you order all the parts in the workshop, the cost of the device will turn out to be much lower than that of store products.

We've covered how to make a grain mill, and we hope this article will help you make your own flour for making delicious and healthy food.

you say. Nast. time. from chalk 2.

Ushakov. Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is MELU in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • MELU in Explanatory dictionary Russian language Ushakov:
    you talk about. Nast. time. from ...
  • Grind in Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -mery, -you can; -bloty; soy. that. Resins, grind, finely grind. R. grain. R. e powder. II carry ^ to grind, -yu, -you. II ...
  • GRIND in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    2, grinding, grinding; not sov. that (colloquial). Say something. absurd. M. nonsense, nonsense, nonsense. Meli, Emelya, your week (sweat, oh empty ...
  • HAMMERS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , grinding, grinding; ground; nonsov. that. Turn into flour, powder; grind. M. grain. M. stone (crush). Ground coffee. II Sov. ...
  • Grind in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    2, - shallow, - you dare; - gold; Sov., what and what (colloquial). To speak something. absurd. N. ...
  • GRINDERS in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -mery, -you can; - gold; Sov., what and what. Cook by grinding. N. flour. N. coffee. II nes. grind, -I, ...
  • GRIND in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -mery, -you can; - gold; sov. that. 1. Grind into flour, crush. P. grain at the mill. P. stone. 2. Grind a lot. ...
    young "th, grind", me "lem, me" lesh, me "summer, me" years, me "fierce, sweeping", young "l, young" la, young "lo, young" whether, shook ", "those," chalking, chalking, chalking, chalking, chalking, chalking, ...
  • SMALL FRY in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    small fry ", small fry", small fry ", small fry" zg, small fry ", small fry" m, small fry ", small fry", small fry "y, small fry" y, small fry "mi, small fry", ...
  • Grind in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    shallow, shallow, shallow, shallow, shallow, shallow, those, shallow, t, shallow, t, shallow, shallow, l, shallow, la, shallow "those, grinding", grinding, grinding, grinding, grinding, grinding, grinding, grinding, ...
  • Grind in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    you "grind, you" grind, you "grind, you" grind, you "grind, you" grind, you "grind, you" grind, you "grind, you" grind, you "grind, you" grind, you " shallow, you "chalk, you" are "chanterers, you are" chanters, you "are" chanterers, you are "chanterers, you are" are "
  • BREAK in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, you are grinding, ...

We had a dream to bake real homemade bread on fresh homemade flour for a long time. Already five years ago, we were looking for how to grind whole grains at home. Then they found a single food processor, for which it was possible to purchase a special attachment separately, but there was no feeling that the grain would be baked into flour. Now I am sure that it would be ground there in about the same way as a grain is ground in a coffee grinder - it's still not flour.

About six months ago home mill was found! Moreover, it is made of solid wood, made in Germany, small, compact, and relatively inexpensive - given the number of years we have been waiting for, and the uniqueness of the offer, because there are no analogues. Perhaps building a large mill, but no one knows how to approach this.

She grinds not only grain, but also spices: cloves, black and allspice peppers, anise and fennel, cumin and coriander ... Freshly ground, they have a completely different aroma than purchased ground. When you grind grain with spices, there is a special amazing aroma at home, it is difficult to convey in words. By the way, even just freshly ground grain is fragrant, it smells like fresh bread, and after the millstones the flour comes out warm from the mill.

The range of home mills is huge, so we didn't choose right away. We chose one thing, but the seller advised a slightly different mill, which we agreed to. She has a warranty longer than 10 years. The body is an array of beech, stone millstones, there are two power options, we took a more powerful one, 600 W, it grinds more than 200 g of flour per minute, that is, it grinds a kilogram or more in a few minutes. We have Octagon 2:

In the same place where the mills are sold, there is a lot of useful things on sale. For example, earthenware - forms for baking bread and baking dishes for various products, more details here - clay pots, earthenware. Including there are very important things for homemade bread - in fact, forms (round and loaf) and various clay breadbins.

Option 3

Read the text, complete tasks 1 - 3

(1) The death of the Western Roman Empire in the early Middle Ages led to the destruction of temples, luxurious country villas, the destruction of entire cities, the loss of many works visual arts, destruction of written monuments of the past and, as a result, the decline of culture in general. (2) the legacy of the ancient civilization, reduced to dust, did not disappear without a trace. (3) The new culture was based on the synthesis of the traditions of the Romanesque, Celtic, Germanic peoples and a number of achievements of ancient culture, and Christianity became the factor that facilitated the gradual unification of such different cultures into a single culture of medieval Europe.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The death of the Western Roman Empire in the early Middle Ages led to the decline and destruction of the great culture created by ancient civilization.

2) On the basis of ancient culture, almost destroyed in the early Middle Ages, and the traditions of the Romanesque, Celtic and Germanic peoples, united by Christianity, a new European culture was formed.

3) The legacy of the lost Western Roman Empire, combined with the traditions of the Romanesque, Celtic and Germanic peoples and the unifying force of Christianity, became the basis of the new European culture of the Middle Ages.

4) Christianity became the main unifying force during the decline of the new culture of the European Middle Ages, which was formed on the basis of the traditions of the Celtic, Romanic and Germanic peoples.

5) The death of the Roman Empire was natural, since the ancient civilization had to give way to the stronger traditions of the Romanesque, Germanic and Celtic peoples.

2. Which of the following words or word combinations should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combinations of words).

In addition, meanwhile, because the point is that So

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word CULTURE. Determine in what sense this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

CULTURE, -y, w.

1) The totality of the achievements of mankind in industrial, social and spiritual terms. The history of culture.

2) The same as culture. A man of high culture.

3) Breeding, cultivation of some n. plant or animal. K. silkworm.

4) High level of something., high development, skill. K. speech.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of stress: the letter denoting a stressed vowel sound is incorrectly highlighted. Write this word down.




5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

The whole European world has to ENDURE global changes.

If the suit is a little baggy on you, then this is a purely ETHICAL flaw, it concerns only the appearance, moreover, it can be easily corrected.

This man was all mercilessly polite, IRONIC, strict and understanding.

In addition, special prizes of the government, the city hall, the prize of the union of circus figures and the audience's sympathy were established.

On the day of the wedding, the father put on a ceremonial dress with a ribbon over his shoulder and was unusually handsome at the wedding ceremony of his daughter.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

FOUR hundred reviews

earthly BOTTOM

wash with SHAMPOO

GRIND the grain in the mill

SLIPED on ice

Match between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they are allowed: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

B) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an adverbial turnover

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with an participial turnover

E) violation in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

1) Sitting on the shore, we admired both the beauty of the sunset and the happy faces of each other.

2) The order will be canceled after the expiration date.

3) She was lying in her chair, for the hundredth time going over several phrases she had heard today.

4) I did not recognize my favorite tree: its branches were chopped off, located low.

5) Being in the forest is dangerous, so be careful and attentive.

6) The paintings of this group of young artists were not only exhibited in modest clubs and city sites, but also in large museum halls.

7) Some students don't do their homework.

8) Me and my friends are preparing for a citywide conference on social studies.

9) The lecture read by the professor was a great success, as it touched upon urgent problems.

8. Determine the word missing the unstressed unchecked vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

mass ... fat

t .. nice



(pre-election) to .. campaign

9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

ave ... a refuge, ave ... been (in the city)

and ... go, not ... welcome (ropes), under..language, take..mother

o.. was (punishment), by..pushed


move .. go

led ... to lead

shy ... out

enamel ... out

sowing in (wheat)

11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.



(fog) is falling ...

sleep well

wobbled (blown)

12. Identify a sentence in which NOT with the word is written LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write this word out.

The door to the veranda was (NOT) CLOSED.

This manuscript sheds light on a country that is (UN) KNOWN in detail to anyone until now.

The dressing gown had in Oblomov's eyes the darkness of (NOT) ESTIMATED merits.

The air here was (NOT) OUR, alien, and my heart ached.

The box turned out to be (NOT) something other than a repository of cartridges.

13. Determine a sentence in which both selected words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

(AT) MEETING the train flew pillars, copses, steppes; I was sitting by the window and (ON) CHILD smiled naively.

In my letter ALSO (SAME) I inform you that all matters have been successfully completed by me, so that (ON) COUNT of this you can no longer worry.

Raisa Pavlovna (ON) was embarrassed at the beginning, even (HOW) LOST lost control over the situation, but quickly pulled herself together and continued the conversation.

(NOT) (ON) FAR AWAY from the pine forest, we ALL (SO) decided to make a halt.

14. Indicate all numbers in the place of which НН is written.

Tragically tense (1), full of contrasts and contradictions, illuminated (2) from the inside by (3) searches for the ideal of art (4) world of F.M. Dostoevsky is clearly reflected in the language of his works.

15. Arrange the punctuation marks... Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONEcomma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) On the banks of the rivers, bushes of currant and willow of alder and forest raspberry huddled together.

2) In the distance, the chalk rocky shore gleamed white and the young green of oaks and pines was bright green.

3) I forbid myself to think about anything and return mentally to any of my feelings and refrain from assumptions.

4) He heard only frequent heartbeats and a dull murmur of blood in his head.

5) Natalya moved away from her mother and then thought, then went to work.

16. Arrange all punctuation marks:

Nikita (1) straightening his legs (2) and (3) with difficulty, pouring snow from them (4) rose, and immediately a painful cold penetrated his body.


17. Arrange any missing punctuation marks: specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

Thank you (1) dear daughter (2) for your heartfelt attention. How pleased it would be for me (3) my good, dear Kitty (4) to thank you for the more satisfying news of your health. After all, (5) your health is no less of my worries, and I warn you that (6) strongly (7) do not agree to share the heroic submission with which (8) you (9) accept your present state as something irreparable.

18. Arrange all punctuation marks: specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

The office was a high corner room with two windows overlooking a shady garden (1) because of a broken line (2) of which (3) a strip of a factory pond (4) and the outlines of crushed mountains could be seen.

19. Arrange all punctuation marks: specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

It is necessary to look (1) in what spirit the adherents of pure art themselves write (2) and in what spirit the works approved by them (3) and (4) are written when we look at this (5) we will see (6) that they do not care about pure art , but they want to subordinate literature to the service of one tendency, which has a purely everyday meaning.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding unnecessary word. Write this word down.

When the cannonade died down and they finally entered the house, a completely dead man was found on the floor.

Read the text and complete assignments 21 - 26

(1) I recently received a letter in which a schoolgirl writes about her friend. (2) The teacher of literature invited this friend to write an essay about a very prominent Soviet writer. (3) And in this essay, the schoolgirl, paying tribute to both the genius of the writer and his importance in the history of literature, wrote that he had mistakes. (4) The teacher considered all this inappropriate and scolded her very much. (5) And now a friend of that schoolgirl turns to me with a question: is it possible to write about the mistakes of great people? (6) I answered her that it is not only possible, but also necessary to write about the mistakes of great people, that a person is great not because he was not mistaken in anything. (7) No one is free from mistakes in our life, in our difficult life.

(8) What is important to a person? (9) How to live life? (10) First of all - not to commit any acts that would lower his dignity. (11) You can not do very much in life, but if you do not do anything, even small, against your conscience, then by doing so you bring tremendous benefits. (12) Even in our everyday life, everyday life... (13) But in life there can be difficult, bitter situations when a person is faced with the problem of choosing - to be dishonored in the eyes of others or in his own. (14) I am confident that it is better to be dishonored before others than before your conscience. (15) A person should be able to sacrifice himself. (16) Of course, such a sacrifice is a heroic act. (17) But you have to go for it.

(18) When I say that a person should not go against his conscience, should not make a deal with it, I do not mean at all that a person cannot or should not make mistakes, stumble. (19) No one is free from mistakes in our difficult life. (20) However, a person who has stumbled faces a grave danger: he often comes to despair. (21) It begins to seem to him that everyone around is scoundrels, that everyone is lying and doing bad things. (22) Disappointment comes, and disappointment, loss of faith in people, in decency is the worst thing.

(23) Yes, they say: "Take care of honor from a young age." (24) But even if it was not possible to preserve honor from a young age, it must and can be returned to oneself at a mature age, to break oneself, to find the courage and courage in oneself to admit mistakes.

(25) I know a person who is now admired by everyone, who is very much appreciated, whom I am in last years I loved his life. (26) Meanwhile, in his youth he committed a bad deed, a very bad one. (27) And he later told me about this act. (28) He confessed himself. (29) Later we sailed with him on a motor ship, and he said, leaning on the deck rail: "But I thought that you would not talk to me." (30) I did not even understand what he was talking about: my attitude towards him changed much earlier than he confessed to the sins of his youth. (31) I myself already understood that he did not realize much of what he was doing ...

(32) The road to repentance can be long and difficult. (33) But how does the courage to admit one's guilt decorate - it adorns both a person and society.

(34) Anxieties of conscience ... (35) They prompt, teach; they help not to break ethical standards, to maintain dignity - the dignity of a morally living person.

(after D.S.Likhachev *)

* Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev(1906-1999) - Soviet and Russian philologist, culturologist, art critic, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

1) The teacher of literature scolded the student who made many mistakes when talking about the works of the great writer, and gave the schoolgirl an unsatisfactory mark.

2) If a person has not committed any evil deeds, has not made a single deal with his conscience, this does not mean that he good manthat benefits humanity.

3) The very fact that he has made a mistake can lead a person to despair.

4) You need to preserve honor from a young age, because otherwise it will be impossible to restore a good name later.

5) Once one person confessed to the narrator of his bad deed, but this did not change the narrator's opinion about this person.

22. Which of the following statements are faithful? Enter the answer numbers.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentences 2-4 contain a narrative.

2) Sentence 7 indicates the condition of what is said in sentence 6.

3) Sentence 10 answers the question in sentences 8 and 9.

4) Sentence 35 indicates the reason for what is said in sentence 34.

5) Propositions 23-24 present the reasoning.

23. Write out a phraseological unit from sentences 1–5.

24. Among sentences 1–7, find the one (s) that is (s) related to the previous one using the attributive, demonstrative and personal pronouns.

25. “The style of D.S. Likhachev is extremely recognizable. Moreover, this recognition applies to both the lexical and syntactic levels of text organization. In the syntax of the presented fragment of text, it is worth noting such means as (A) ______ (sentence 34) and (B) ________ (sentences 8-10). And in the vocabulary - (B) ________ ("courage", "courage" in sentence 24, "make mistakes", "stumble" in sentence 18). Throughout the entire text, the author repeatedly uses such a technique as (D) ______ (“decorates” in sentence 33, “dignity” in sentence 35) ”.

List of terms

1) synonyms

2) nominative sentence

3) parceling

4) lexical repetition

5) epiphora

6) rhetorical appeal

7) metonymy

9) question-answer form of presentation

26. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Please comment on the formulated problem. Include in the commentary two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important to understanding the problem in the original text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write, do you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reading experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The length of the essay is at least 150 words


1 . Answer: 23 | 32.

2. Answer: meanwhile.

3. Answer: 1.

4. Answer: drills.

5. Answer: aesthetic.

6. Answer: grind.

7. Answer: 2,8,5,4,6

8. Answer: campaign

9. Answer: the outcome was not good

10. Answer: shy

11. Answer: get some sleep

12. Answer: unappreciated

13. Answer: also about

14. Answer: 1234.

15. Answer: 15

16. Answer: 14

17. Answer: 1234

18. Answer: 1.

19. Answer: 1356.

20. Answer: absolutely.

21. Answer: 35

22. Answer: 135.

23. Answer: 4

25. Answer: 2914

Approximate range of problems

1. The problem of mistakes in human life. (Can you live your life without making any mistakes?)

1. In our complex life, no one is free from mistakes. Making mistakes, being aware of them is a natural process

2. The problem of the relationship between the greatness of a person and the mistakes he made. The problem of publicizing the mistakes of great people. (Can the greatness of a person consist in the fact that he was not mistaken in anything? Is the concept of "greatness" related to the mistakes that a person makes? Can we talk about the mistakes of great people or should this be hidden?)

2. The greatness of man does not lie in the fact that he did not make any mistakes. Therefore, one can and should talk about the mistakes of great people.

3. The problem of the role of conscience in human life. (What is the role of conscience in a person's life? Does life "by conscience" protect against mistakes? Does life "by conscience" bring benefits?)

3. Living "according to conscience" does not protect against mistakes, but conscience is what prompts, teaches, helps not to violate ethical norms, to preserve the dignity of a morally living person. Even if a person did not do much in life, but lived in harmony with his conscience, he has already brought significant benefits.

4. The problem of choosing guidelines for life path... (How should a person live his life? What is important for him to focus on first of all?)

4. A person should not commit any actions that would lower his dignity. You don't have to go against your conscience. Therefore, the main guideline should be one's own conscience.

5. The problem of choice: to be dishonored in the eyes of others - or in your own. (Which is better: to be dishonored in the eyes of others or to lose honor and dignity in your own eyes?)

5. It is better to be dishonored before other people than before your conscience. Of course, dishonor in the eyes of others is a great sacrifice, but it must be made ..

6. The problem of honor. (Is it possible, having committed a bad, dishonorable act in youth, to regain honor in adulthood?)

6. If you have not managed to preserve honor from a young age, it can and should be returned to yourself in adulthood.

7. The problem of remorse. (Do you need to repent of the mistakes you have made?)

7. Despite the fact that the path to repentance can be long and difficult, since it is very difficult to admit one's mistakes, it is very useful, it beautifies a person, because repentance is a manifestation of courage

8. The problem of the consequences of mistakes. (What dangers await a person who makes a mistake? What is one of the most dire consequences of a mistake?)

8. A person who has made a mistake can become desperate. Then there may be disappointment, loss of faith in people, in decency, and this is the worst thing.

* To formulate the problem, the examinees may use vocabulary that differs from the one presented in the table. The issue can also be cited from the source or pointed out with links to but