Proverbs about trusting people. Proverbs about trust in the culture of different nations

Trust breeds trust. ( aphorisms about trust)

Moritz Ferdinand Schmalz

Trust only those who can lose as much as yourself.

"Breylek's rule"

Smart people know that you can only believe half of what we are told. But only the very smart know which half.


A person must be believed even when he is telling the truth.

Boris Krutier

If people did not trust each other, they would have to live within their means.

Herbert Proknow

Those who are trusted are tested by those who are trusted.

Yuri Mezenko

Trust must be won, trusted can be bought.

Wieslaw Cermak-Novina

You can count on a person starting from a certain amount.

Mechislav Shargan

We don’t trust people either because we don’t know them, or because we know them too well.

He already knew himself well enough not to trust others.

Wieslaw Malicki

Gullibility is the mother of distrust.

Adrian Decursel

Whoever begins by believing everyone, ends up by considering everyone a cheat.

Christian Friedrich Goebbel

The basic virtue of a citizen is distrust.

Maximilian Robespierre

Healthy distrust is a good basis for teamwork.

Joseph Stalin

Distrust is the wisdom of a fool.

George Bernard Shaw

Distrust is a manifestation of timidity.

Paul Claudel

Mistrust as a method wins; distrust as a principle loses.

Tadeusz Bochenski

A fish that sees a hook in every worm will not live long.

Zbigniew Holodiuk

Never trust the first person you meet, for example, yourself.

Janusz Vasilkowski

Trust the word more than paper! And paper - more than a person!

Mikhail Genin

Don't trust someone who doesn't trust anyone. ( aphorisms about trust)

Arturo Graf

Proverbs about trust are taught in school because it is a complex abstract concept. But the ability to trust is an important human quality. Trust appears only when a person is confident in another, when he understands and feels. It can also be felt for someone who is fair and respectful to others.

  1. "The people's trust is more valuable than gold." This was especially important for rulers and senior officials. Because the people have always been great strength, and if he was dissatisfied with the order, he could rebel. But if a person acted fairly, treated the people with respect, then people responded to him with respect and supported him.
  2. “If you lose confidence, you can't make up for anything.” It is difficult for a person to start believing anew to someone who has not met his expectations once. And only with good deeds, he may be able to return the favor of another.

Sayings of other nations

Proverbs about trust and gullibility are present in all cultures, but their meaning is similar to the sayings of Russian folk art:

  1. "Don't trust a person who praises himself too much" is a Japanese saying. It can be explained as follows: if a person says too much good about himself, then he often exaggerates. He tries to prove that good is not in deed, but in word. Remember to be humble.
  2. "Those who believe easily will soon repent." This Italian proverb can be explained as follows: you should not tell the first person you meet everything about yourself. You don't know what kind of person he is, won't he then tell all that you told him to others? Therefore, you can only trust your family and friends.

Proverbs that talk about trust help teach children to be respectful to another. They teach that there is no need to tell everyone everything, but it is very important to appreciate the trust that you have.

Proverbs about trust are taught in school because it is a complex abstract concept. But the ability to trust is an important human quality. Trust appears only when a person is confident in another, when he understands and feels. You can also feel this feeling for someone who is fair and respectful towards others.

Proverbs about trust

Famous sayings will be presented below:

  1. "The people's trust is more valuable than gold." This was especially important for rulers and senior officials. Because the people have always been a great force, and if they were dissatisfied with the order, they could rebel. But if a person acted fairly, treated the people with respect, then people responded to him with respect and supported him.
  2. "If you lose confidence, you can't make up for anything." It is difficult for a person to start believing anew to someone who has not met his expectations once. And only with good deeds, he may be able to return the favor of another.

Sayings of other nations

Proverbs about trust and gullibility are present in all cultures, but their meaning is similar to the sayings of Russian folk art:

  1. “Do not trust a person who praises himself too much” - this can be explained as follows: if a person says too much good about himself, he often exaggerates. He tries to prove that good is not in deed, but in word. Remember to be humble.
  2. "Whoever believes easily will soon repent." This Italian proverb can be explained as follows: you should not tell the first person you meet everything about yourself. You don't know what kind of person he is, won't he then tell all that you told him to others? Therefore, you can only trust your relatives and friends.

Proverbs that talk about trust help teach children to be respectful to another. They teach that there is no need to tell everyone everything, but it is very important to appreciate the trust that you have.

Proverbs about trust are taught in school because it is a complex abstract concept. But the ability to trust is an important human quality. Trust appears only when a person is confident in another, when he understands and feels. You can also feel this feeling for someone who is fair and respectful towards others.

Proverbs about trust

Famous sayings will be presented below:

  1. "The people's trust is more valuable than gold." This was especially important for rulers and senior officials. Because the people have always been a great force, and if they were dissatisfied with the order, they could rebel. But if a person acted fairly, treated the people with respect, then people responded to him with respect and supported him.
  2. "If you lose confidence, you can't make up for anything." It is difficult for a person to start believing anew to someone who has not met his expectations once. And only with good deeds, he may be able to return the favor of another.

Sayings of other nations

Proverbs about trust and gullibility are present in all cultures, but their meaning is similar to the sayings of Russian folk art:

  1. “Don't trust a person who praises himself too much” is a Japanese saying. It can be explained as follows: if a person says too much good about himself, he often exaggerates. He tries to prove that good is not in deed, but in word. Remember to be humble.
  2. "Whoever believes easily will soon repent." This Italian proverb can be explained as follows: you should not tell the first person you meet everything about yourself. You don't know what kind of person he is, won't he then tell all that you told him to others? Therefore, you can only trust your relatives and friends.

Proverbs that talk about trust help teach children to be respectful to another. They teach that there is no need to tell everyone everything, but it is very important to appreciate the trust that you have.

How can you deal with someone you can't trust? If the cart does not have an axle, how can you ride it?


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Vice - and believe everyone, and trust no one, only the first vice is nobler, the second is safer.


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If I am credulous, then only to a certain extent I accept only those little inventions for which they beat on the lips, and do not tear out my eyes.


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When the eyes say one thing and the tongue another, an experienced person believes more first.

R. Emerson

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Where there is no trust, there can be no real affection.

E. Ozheshko

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Trusting unreasonable sensations is a property of gross souls.


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Gullibility is the weakness of a man and the strength of a child.

Charles Lam

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Only once they lose life and trust.

Publius Cyrus

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Trust someone, so trust in everything.

Caecilius Statius

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Lost trust is like a lost life, it is irrevocable.

Publius Cyrus

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TRUST: a feeling that prompts you to believe someone, even if you know that you yourself would be lying in his place.

Henry Louis Mencken

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Excessive gullibility often turns out to be stupidity, excessive distrust always turns out to be misfortune.

Johann Nestroy

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Where there is no complete frankness, full trust, where there is even a little hiding, there is no and cannot be friendship.

V. Belinsky

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We tend to believe strangers - they never deceived us.

Samuel Johnson

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Nothing flatters our pride more than the trust of the greats of this world, we accept it as a tribute to our merits, not noticing that it is usually caused by vanity or an inability to keep a secret.

F. La Rochefoucauld

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I trust you because I need you.

Mason Cooley

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The most terrible disbelief is disbelief in oneself.

T. Carlyle

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Trust everyone, but shuffle the cards well.

Finley Peter Dunn

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The surest way to build public trust is to use it as little as possible.

D. Washington

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For an adult, gullibility is weakness, for a child it is strength.

C. Lam

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TRUST: the mother of distrust.

Adrian Decursel

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That. what they say to the person to whom everyone speaks is only half of what they hide from him.

Duchess Diana

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It's hard to believe the gullible.

Agexander Kumor

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In our trust in others, inertness, selfishness, and vanity are often central to our trust. Sluggishness, when we, in order not to act ourselves, are more willing to trust another. Self-love, when we believe something else, tempted by the need to talk about our affairs and circumstances. Vanity is when trust can be good for us.

A. Schopenhauer

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Trusting yourself is very difficult. Sometimes this cannot be achieved even once in a lifetime. Because the carefully built system of worshiping the author, the system of parties that are grouped around each author, gave rise to incredible snobbery, sometimes completely out of the blue, and it puts pressure on a person who does not enter these circles. He may be well versed in electronics, but this does not raise his social status in any way and therefore does not elevate him in his own eyes. With what, with what sense organ can he trust himself, his taste?

Irina Lyubarskaya

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Faith and trust are associated with openness. If I have lost confidence in a person, then I have closed myself off from him. If I have lost confidence in a person, I have lost faith in a person. Likewise, if I have lost trust in God, I lose faith in God. - "Giving advances to love"