Bad Society Why Wasya's Life Become Hard. Complex syntactic constructions, ways of their formation

Solving the problem of space debris is not only a technical issue, but also a matter of national security, writes columnist for The Conversation Saadia Pekkanen. According to her, such garbage is fraught with a hidden challenge - the militarization of space technologies, which are supposedly designed to clean this very garbage.

« As an international relations scholar who studies space-related politics and laws, I have come to understand that most people do not fully understand: addressing space debris is as much a technical issue as it is a national security issue."- Saadia Pekkanen, professor at the University of Washington writes in his article for The Conversation.

It is naive to believe that the debris orbiting the Earth is just an obstacle in the way of manned missions, she notes. Since activities in extraterrestrial space are closely related to geopolitics on Earth, space debris is fraught with a hidden challenge - the militarization of space technologies aimed at cleaning up this very debris.

« To be clear, space debris poses significant risks: however, to understand these risks, I need to explain what it is and how it is generated. The term "space debris" refers to non-functioning man-made objects, remnants of activities related to the early days of the space age", Writes Pekkanen.

Over time, she notes, the term has taken on a broader meaning and now includes both used stages of launch vehicles and screwdrivers, bolts, and even bits of paint.

In Earth's orbit, there are 23 thousand pieces of garbage more than 5-10 centimeters in size, which can be tracked and cataloged, and hundreds of millions more objects that cannot be tracked. Both large and small objects flying at lethal speeds are no doubt dangerous for civil, commercial and military missions in extraterrestrial space.

According to the European Space Agency, by 2018 there were about 500 breakdowns, collisions, explosions and other events in space that led to the formation of space debris.

However, decisions made by governments and businesses to counter orbital debris - be it lasers, networks, magnets, robotic arms and service satellites - have only heightened fears of a possible hidden race to dominate extraterrestrial space.

After all, the same technologies that can be used to combat debris can also be used against functioning spacecraft, the article says. Since no one can be sure about the intention behind such "commercial" space debris cleaning technologies, governments will try to outflank their competitors in this market. Both old and new space powers can easily disguise their military intentions with legitimate fears of the threat of space debris.

The merger of the market and the military industry is no longer some kind of conspiracy theory, but reality, the author notes. If you are a great power, such as the United States, that is highly dependent on space technology both economically and militarily, then you are vulnerable not only to space debris, but also to technologies designed to clean it up. Both your allies and your opponents are aware of this.

« In space, as on Earth, the world's main space powers - the United States, China, Japan, Russia, India - have moved from a simple awareness of the state of affairs in space to a comprehensive understanding of the combat situation. If things continue to move in this direction, then accidental or deliberate events using orbital debris can destroy peaceful prospects for extraterrestrial space.", - Saadia Pekkanen points out.

The issue of preserving safe space cannot be solved by any power, no matter how great it is, the author emphasizes. It also cannot be solved by military or technological means alone.

To work out a lasting peaceful solution, space powers and leaders of states need to resort to a policy of containment and diplomacy, as well as to ensure public awareness, Saadia Pekkanen concludes his article for The Conversation.

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The first and surface reason is to seek support. It's not just a nuisance that hurts, but a sense of isolation, even in the smallest things. Everyone is happy and getting ready for the long summer weekend, while I cough and sit at home in a scarf and wool socks. This means that I am not like everyone else, I have dropped out of the team, nobody needs me and I am incomprehensible with my problems. And at this moment it is important to hear that it is not. It is also always useful to find out that you are not alone in your worries: your friend's husband's husband flirts on social networks, and your mother's jelly did not freeze in her youth. It is precisely because of the desire for involvement that they often create thematic groups of comrades in misfortune on the forums: since someone had it, this is normal. And if this someone was able to overcome the misfortune or trouble, then I can.

The second reason is the desire to understand yourself. Not to get advice in its pure form, but by speaking and arguing aloud, it is better to understand the situation, look at it from the other side.

In the worst case, it turns into a game "Yes, but ..." - when a person rejects all the advice. Change jobs? But I'm so hard to get used to new things. Talk to your boss? But he won't hear me. The task of a person in this case is to gain a foothold in the idea that his situation is hopeless, inaction is optimal, and even get emotional stroking.

But there is another option, much more productive: we wait for support when we are afraid to recognize our own opinion as correct. And in this case, the wisest advice seems to be the one that meets our inner needs.


If the problem is really serious, speaking is one of the stages of experiencing it. Children often play at the strange or frightening that they have experienced or seen. Or paint it. Adults - tell other adults.

No matter how it gets worse

It happens that she shared with a loved one - and it only got worse. It seems that they listened to you, and showed participation - but everything is not so.

Why is this happening?

When a person shares his experiences, the devaluation of the problem touches him most of all - they say, nonsense, relax, it's a matter of everyday life. At such a moment, it seems that you are simply not taken seriously. When you receive another “just stop bothering” in response, you feel that your difficulties and experiences are minimized and not considered important.
No less offensive and offer of help "on condition". "I'll give you money, but promise that your husband won't get a dime out of it." “I’ll help with the work, but don’t put it off until the last day.” Authoritarian advice from above crushes if the counselor asserts himself more in the role of a teacher than worries about you.
In difficult times I don't want to hear that you are strong, smart, brave and will overcome everything. Subconsciously, this is perceived as "you are able to solve your problems without me." And the best support is the words "I'm with you" and "you can rely on me."

But it is quite possible that what we heard may differ from what the interlocutor said. Before you take offense at indifference, think: did the person understand what you meant? Did you explain the importance of the problem or hid pain and sadness behind self-irony? Sometimes, in order to get support, you should ask for it in plain text: it's hard for me, please be there.

Why do they need it?

Restraint and the ability to solve problems on their own, "not to whine" and "not to burden" those around with such people is perceived as an exceptional advantage. I feel bad, but I smile, talk about the weather and sales: well, am I not great? Don't I protect my loved ones from negativity?

The answer is far from straightforward. If we are talking about really close people, and not about tired colleagues during the deadline. The fact is that relatives and lovers often really feel us, our state, mood, resentment or sadness. But not finding confirmation of them, they begin to worry. You wave it off: “It's okay, nonsense. You have a great handbag! " And the interlocutor feels anxiety: something is wrong. Maybe he doesn't deserve your trust? Or offended without noticing it? Often asking for help is hindered by the fear of looking like a failure: "I'm not doing well, I'm not good for anything." Fear of rejection: what if it turns out that “the friend I trust doesn't deserve it at all”? Or a bad experience: I told you about my secret, and they laughed in your face.

Yes, asking is always difficult. But true closeness assumes that with this person you can be anyone, even vulnerable, weak, insecure. Empathy is essential for a strong relationship. Of course, if it does not turn into manipulation. And tell me honestly, what would you prefer yourself: listen to your friend now or find out later about her problems from others? Surely she would also like to become your confidant. And if you do not solve the problem, then help you decide.

Methods for the formation of complex syntactic structures.

Complex syntactic constructions complex sentences with various types of union and non-union communication are called. These include:

1) composition and submission;

2) composition and non-union communication;

3) subordination and non-union communication;

4) composition, submission and non-union communication at the same time.

Examples of such mixed-type sentences with a subordinate link:

1. Tatyana Afanasyevna gave her brother a sign that the patient wanted to sleep, and everyone quietly left the room, except for the maid, who again sat down at the spinning wheel (Pushkin).

3. No matter how prepared he was, his heart skipped a beat: still a great event (Panteleev).

4. And he began to tell why it didn’t work: everything around was already flooded with water, and in order to get to the village, one had to walk along a narrow strip of several tens of meters on both sides of the railway.

syntactic punctuation complex sentence

Complex sentences, their types

A complex sentence is a sentence, parts of which are connected by subordinate unions or relative words.

The subordinate connection between parts of a complex sentence is expressed in the syntactic dependence of one part of a word on another.

A part of a complex sentence that is syntactically dependent on another subordinate part is called a subordinate clause. The part of a complex clause to which the subordinate clause is subordinated is called the main clause.

A subordinate relationship is expressed in certain formal indicators - subordinate unions and relative (union) words.

Conjunctions serve only as a means of syntactic communication between parts of a complex sentence, relative (union) words, along with this, perform the function of one of the members of the sentence. Compare: Makar felt that someone pushed him with his foot(Korolenko); The old man could not answer what he would do with the treasure(Chekhov).

In the first sentence whatperforms the function of a union, since it is devoid of semantic significance and serves only as a means of communication and an indicator of syntactic relations between parts of a complex sentence.

In the second sentence whatis a relative (union) word, since it does not lose its semantic fullness and plays the role of an addition in the subordinate clause.

There are the following types of subordinate clauses:

1) attributive; 2) explanatory; 3) time; 4) places; 5) mode of action; 6) reasons; 7) goals; 8) comparative; 9) conditional; 10) concessional; 11) consequences (see Appendix Table 2).