The world's largest naval fleets of the country. Navy

There is also a Caspian flotilla.


The date of birth of the American Navy is considered to be October 12, 1775. It was then that the war of independence of the United States began and the Continental Congress decided to equip 2 sailing ships (later there were others). Their task was to intercept ships from England, providing all the necessary for their troops in America. At the end of the war, the small fleet ceased to exist and reappeared in 1794 - to resist the pirates from North Africa. From that moment on, the sea power of the United States only strengthened. The ships of the Americans glorified themselves in the battles with England in the war of 1812-1814, with Mexico in 1846-1848. During the Civil War 18611-1865. the fleet remained on the side of the Northern Alliance. Further, there was some stagnation in the development of the country's navy, but with the development of geopolitical and trade interests at the end of the 19th century, already full-fledged American naval forces began to form.

The US Navy is currently the most powerful in the world. It includes (according to 2013 data) 597 ships of various functionality and displacement. It consists of a submarine and surface fleet, as well as naval aviation. At the same time, the marines are separated into a separate branch of the military, and the coast guard is subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Security.


The British navy dates back to 1660. For 450 years of their existence, they managed to go through various stages, including at one time they were the strongest fleet in the world. British ships took an active part in World Wars I and II, and at the moment the Royal Navy is one of the five most powerful fleets in the world.


The German naval forces were created by combining the Volksmarines (GDR Navy) and the Bundesmarines (German Navy). Initially, the FRG had an army that outnumbered the Eastern Republic, and therefore the Bundesmarine is the fundamental structure that was formed in the 50s of the 20th century. In 1990, the number of both Navy was 36 thousand people. Due to the termination cold war it was decided to reduce the fleet to 19 thousand officers and soldiers and remove all heavy ships from service. In 2012, another reorganization took place, according to which the fleet will have no more than 14 thousand servicemen.


The French Republic is proud of its navy. Back in the XII century, during the Hundred Years War, the ships of this country took part in the battle at Sleis for domination in Europe. Then the British won. But the most important historical victories of France at sea were still ahead.

Marine Nationale (national French Navy) include:

  • Surface ships;
  • Submarine fleet;
  • Naval Aviation;
  • Marine Corps and Special Forces, consolidated into a single structural unit.

French naval bases are deployed not only in the metropolis (Toulon, Brest and Cherbourg-Octeville), but also abroad (in Reunion-Port-des-Galets, in Martinique - Fort-de-France, in Caledonia - Noumea, in French Guiana - Degrades des Cannes and Polynesia –Papeete). Currently, the country's naval forces have about 300 combat and support ships.


Chinese Navy People's Republic began their active development after graduation civil war... The first warships were purchased from Soviet Union... So, in 1953, an Agreement on Technical Assistance was signed, according to which the USSR was to supply 137 ships to China: 42 ready ships and 95 unfinished ones. At the beginning of the 21st century, the fleet for the first time made a round-the-world voyage, which passed through 3 oceans: the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic. In 2015, a serious exercise was held, in which the notorious heavy aircraft carrier Liaoning was used. These maneuvers were not to the liking of the United States, which almost caused a serious military conflict.


The Turkish navy is one of the oldest in the world. It dates back to the 11th century. However, modern history begins in the first half of the 20th century. The Turkish Navy played an important role in the military battles for part of Cyprus. At that moment, the landing ships, with fire support from the sea, landed soldiers on the island and divided the territory into 2 parts. Today Turkey is a balanced strike force seeking to maintain order in the eastern Mediterranean and southern Black Seas. As a NATO member, the Turkish government can afford not to develop its own naval power to the level of world leaders, while the country feels confident and protected.


The Imperial Navy was founded in the second half of the 19th century; by the beginning of World War II, the Japanese Navy was one of the strongest in the world. In terms of the number of aircraft carriers - the most powerful heavy ships to attack, they could only compete with the United States. However, defeat in the war did not give them the opportunity to develop their fleet in the form in which they would like. According to the new Constitution, there are serious restrictions on the formation of the army, including the navy. However, in last years Japan provides itself with quality ships, permitted by new conditions. Let's take a closer look at the location japanese fleet and types of ships, as well as weapons on them.


The Royal Netherlands Navy was formed in 1488 after Emperor Maximilian II signed a decree to establish the Admiralty. William II at the beginning of the 19th century made a decision, according to which the Dutch fleet began to be called "royal". Since then, the port of this honorable status has always accompanied the national Navy of this country. All military conflicts with the participation of the Netherlands have never been without the Royal Navy.

Holland has been a colonial power for centuries. Back in 1938, more than 2, 2 million square meters were under its control. m. territories. Today this figure is 144.0 thousand square meters - which is still almost 4 times the area of \u200b\u200bthe metropolis itself.


Many of the world's navigational successes rightfully belong to the Spanish navy. Columbus, Magellan and Elcano - the names of these discoverers and travelers are known all over the world. In the 16th and early 17th centuries, no one could resist the Spanish Navy, which reigned supreme in the world's sea spaces and controlled almost all trade routes. In the 18th century, the country somewhat reduced its strength, but still possessed the 3rd largest fleet in the world. The 19th century came and Spain began to lose colonies on the American continent. Then there was a devastating defeat in the Battle of Trafalgar from the powerful British fleet. The Spanish-American War of 1898 further plagued the navy of this once great maritime power.

The revival of the Spanish Navy began in 1982, when the country joined NATO's North Atlantic military bloc.


The main motto of the Italian naval forces is a dictum, familiar to almost every citizen of this country - "Patria e Onore". Translated into Russian, it means “Motherland and Honor”. After the establishment of statehood and the liberation of the Apennine Peninsula from the rule of foreign invaders in 1870, the Italian authorities faced the most important task - the protection of the borders, which were mostly maritime. Within a few decades, the fleet was created. He played a prominent role in the war between the Kingdom of Italy and the Ottoman Empire, known as the "Libyan War". Then the ships carried out the transportation of ground forces to the shores of North Africa and provided them with most favored nation treatment. After 3 years, the First began world War, in which the Italian Royal Navy was directly involved. After the formation of the Soviet Republic, he was involved in the Entente forces in the battle against Russia.


The Brazilian fleet dates back to 1821, when the country's independence from Portugal was proclaimed. Initially, it consisted of only 8 ships and took an active part in the long-term conflict with the former colonialists. Then there was a struggle at sea and land with Paraguay, as well as a serious confrontation with Chile and Argentina at the beginning of the last century. After World War II, the country's armament received new ships from the allies - the United States and Great Britain. The fleet began to strengthen.

Today, Brazil's naval forces are one of the largest in the Western Hemisphere and are second only to the Americans in terms of power. The headquarters of the country's naval command is located in the capital Brasilia. The National Marine Corps is self-administered. This type of troops of this Latin American state is structurally distributed over nine districts. The Brazilian Navy has its own specifics - in addition to performing the generally accepted and traditional tasks for the fleet, it is also responsible for ensuring the safety of merchant ships. In other countries, similar functions lie exclusively with the coast guard.


The official birthday of the Navy of the Republic of Korea is considered September 15, 1948 - immediately after the division of the single country into its southern and northern (DPRK). Then the ships, as well as the personnel of the country's navy, faced the first test.

A qualitative leap in the development of the Korean naval forces took place in 2002. It was then that the country's fleet received the most modern and high-tech warship in its history - the lead destroyer Chungmugong Yi Sun-Shin, made according to the KDX-2 type. The displacement of the vessel is 4500 tons. Since that time, South Korea has taken a major step towards the creation of an ocean-going fleet, which it is today. In its region, the republic's naval forces are second only to India, Japan and China. True, military experts say that there is practically no qualitative difference between these fleets today.

The Korean Navy is one of the ten largest fleets in terms of displacement - approximately 170.0 tons. By 2107, about 70.0 thousand people served in them. The personnel of the Marine Corps is 29.0 thousand people. The striking force of the country's naval forces is submarines. The most modern of them are made at the national shipyards of Hyundai and DEU corporations.


Interesting historical fact - The North Korean fleet was created in the 40s of the last century and was initially subordinate to the country's Interior Ministry. This continued until they had torpedo boats in service and a full-fledged division for that time was formed. After this event, the DPRK Navy was allocated to a separate branch of the military.

Then the war with the United States began, as a result of which the Koreans lost almost all of their ships and boats. And the tasks of the sailors included the installation of mines on the coastline in opposition to the American landing force. After the military conflict, the North Korean leadership actively strengthened its country's navy. Submarines and surface ships of various functionality appeared.


The Royal Australian Navy (RAN) was formed in 1901. It was then that the Federation process took place in this country and all the marine resources (ships, bases and infrastructure) of the colonial countries were united into a single national Navy. After 10 years, it became known as the Royal Australian Military navy". The British controlled the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Australia for a long time - right up to the First World War. Further, Australian sailors independently defended the borders of their island state.

At the time of the creation of the fleet, it was assumed that it would perform exclusively defensive functions, but over time, the development strategy of the Australian Navy has changed, and today they are quite powerful offensive ships with appropriate weapons.


The fleet of the Indonesian naval forces - both naval and personnel (training) - was created with the direct assistance of the USSR. In the 50-60s of the last century, the Soviet Union took an active part in strengthening the Navy of this country, which received, within the framework of joint cooperation, about 70 ships for combat and auxiliary purposes. The cruiser Ordzhonikidze (Irian) stands out among them.


The Iraqi Navy was established 80 years ago. It was located in Basra and consisted of only 4 small boats guarding the coastal zone of the kingdom. The active development and expansion of the country's naval forces began after the revolution. It happened on July 14, 1958 and became the starting point for the formation and modernization of the Iraqi armed forces. This process naturally affected the fleet. By 1988, the personnel of the Iraqi Navy was 5.0 thousand people. In the 80s, the Soviet Union and Italy supplied the following types of weapons to the republic:

  • rocket boats (Osa class) equipped with Styx missiles;
  • lupo-class frigate - 4 units;
  • assad-class corvette - 6 units.

But during the Gulf War, almost the entire Iraqi Navy was defeated. Until 2003, Iraq's national naval forces did not exist. It was then that the Americans seized the base in the port of Umm Qasr with the remnants of boats and a new revival of the fleet began in 2004.


At the end of the 60s of the last century, Great Britain made a historic decision - it completely withdrew its national forces from the Persian Gulf. Iran is a country of great importance in this region. The government was well aware of this fact and immediately set about expanding and strengthening its own navy. The Iranians were helped in the creation of the navy by the Americans, who sought to strengthen their political influence in the Middle East. By 1970 they handed over to the Iranians about 20 vessels of various functionality and displacement free of charge or at a "symbolic" price.

The entire history of mankind is associated with wars that lasted centuries with small peaceful intervals. And if you look deeper into the history of major confrontations between states, the presence of warships was of great importance. You can recall the Greek and Roman galleys of antiquity, the most powerful military fleet of Britain, which made it the master of the seas and oceans, as well as later naval battles. In the chronicle of glorious battles, a huge contribution was made by an actively developing one, who won a leading position in the Baltic, Black Seas, the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. In numerous wars, Russia took part in an alliance with various European states, which in certain situations regularly betrayed it. It was not for nothing that the Emperor of Russia Alexander II said the historical phrase: "Russia has only two allies - its army and navy."

Prerequisites for creating a fleet

At the end of the 17th century, Russia had the only way to the sea in the north of the country in Arkhangelsk, but did not have its own merchant and military fleet. The situation began to change with the arrival of Peter the Great in the kingdom. Where did he, the God-given tsar, surrounded by old Russian veneration and growing up in the patriarchal silence of the village of Preobrazhensky, have an irresistible craving for the sea, ships and trips to distant overseas countries? But it appeared, and although the first Emperor did not utter words similar to those of Alexander, thanks to his will and participation in hard labor, Russia entered the Baltic and Black Sea, where the first victories were achieved, and the young empire became one of the most successful naval powers. The chronicle of victories is usually counted from the victory of the Russian fleet under the command of Admiral F. Apraksin and Peter I over the Swedish squadron at Cape Gangut. And the naval battle, which finally strengthened the young Russian fleet, took place in 1720 near the island of Grengam, where the Swedes suffered a decisive defeat.

The work of defending Russian interests in the seas surrounding the territory of the Russian State was continued by Catherine II, also called the Great. During her reign, the Crimea was annexed, and Potemkin with the admirals of the Russian fleet laid the port city of Sevastopol, which became a base. From here, the squadron of Admiral F.F.Ushakov went out to battle with the Turkish squadrons and almost completely destroyed them in the naval battles near Trebizond. Then there was the Battle of the Chesme Bay, which brought the Russians control of the Dardanelles. The names of Vice Admiral Nakhimov, who won the Battle of Sinop in 1853 and led the defense of Sevastopol, many other admirals, glorious naval officers and sailors, are forever inscribed in the annals of Russian naval glory.

The memory of the glorious deeds of Russian naval sailors is sacredly preserved by all who today inherit the glorious traditions of the imperial and Soviet Naval Forces. And Russian sailors have something to remember and be proud of - for 300 years of their history, in 75 naval battles, enemy commander ships lowered their flags in front of the proud St. Andrew's banner and the flag of the USSR Navy. Every citizen of Russia treats his sailors and ship power with love and pride, therefore, it is no coincidence that back in 1939 a holiday was established - the Day of the Russian Navy, which is celebrated at the end of July.

The military fleet of Russia today

After the catastrophic decline of the 90s, the fleet is gradually building up its forces and is already equipped with modern ships and other equipment, which makes it possible to reliably protect the water borders of the state and designate its presence in international waters. As one of the most important branches of the military, the navy of the Russian state is based on historical traditions, is clearly structured, equipped with effective weapons and staffed with professional personnel from sailors to admirals. Exercises of the Russian Navy are regularly held, which increase the combat skills of personnel and their striking power is growing. Today, our country, its territorial waters and interests in the World Ocean are guarded by the Baltic, Northern, Pacific, Black sea fleets and the Caspian flotilla.

Structural divisions of the Navy

Organizationally, the Russian Navy includes:

Submarine forces

This branch of the military includes nuclear and diesel-electric, which are equipped with torpedoes, cruise and ballistic multipurpose missiles with nuclear warheads. It is positioned as a strike force capable of keeping the situation under control, under reliable protection of border areas and ready to carry out assigned tasks. The development program for this segment has already yielded positive results, and the fleet has additionally included powerful nuclear submarines capable of sailing autonomously, ripping open two-meter ice and launching ballistic missiles of the latest generations from an underwater position at an enemy located at a distance of up to 12 thousand kilometers. In addition, the newest diesel-electric submarines armed with guided torpedoes and rocket launchers entered service on the Black Sea. of different class... This latest development of designers and shipbuilders is distinguished by almost complete silence and stealth from enemy radars, which makes our potential adversaries nervous.

Today, 48 reactor-powered cruisers and 24 diesel-powered submarines are on dangerous duty.

Surface forces

Strategic ships and formations carry out the protection of sea borders, cover and escort of submarines, the transfer of marines with landing on the coast, the installation of minefields, the destruction of enemy mines, combat, material and technical support.

The construction of powerful ships with nuclear reactors, which make them autonomous in cruises, equipping with all kinds of missiles, torpedoes and sea-air complexes, turn them into a real threat to enemy groups. are mobile and can independently reach any corner of the world's oceans as part of groups and formations. And in contact with submarines, deck or coastal aircraft and the marines, it is a formidable force that protects the interests of the country.

Today, 211 ships and boats are completely ready to perform combat missions, among them are the flagships:

In addition to these vessels, 189 combat and auxiliary floating craft of the widest use operate in the seas.

Naval aviation

Since the Ministry of Defense adheres to a defensive doctrine, the Navy's carrier-based aviation forces are not very large, and their task includes reconnaissance of the combat situation, the destruction of aircraft, anti-aircraft missile systems and enemy air defense systems. As part of the Russian Navy, it serves with an aviation wing:

  • carrier-based fighters Su-33, MiG-29K / KUB;
  • training aircraft Su-25UTG;
  • ship helicopters Ka-27, 29, 31;
  • upgraded Ka-27M.

Helicopters based on the decks of ships provide real support in the search for submarines and the guidance of missiles at them. The helicopters are equipped with air-to-surface missiles and other homing weapons that allow them to fight low-flying anti-ship missiles, provide powerful fire support to landing marines, and destroy missile and artillery installations located on the shore or on enemy combat boats.

Strategic and tactical aviation is deployed at coastal airfields, in areas close to naval infrastructure, it interacts with the leadership of naval and land formations, and its tasks include:

  • protection of naval bases, civil ports and coastal areas from attack;
  • fighting enemy surface ships and submarines;
  • launching missile and bomb strikes against enemy ground targets;
  • destruction of sea transports and other means of technical and material support of enemy forces.

Given the enormous length of the country's maritime borders, the air fleet remains the most important highly mobile instrument for their protection.

The composition today includes:

  • long-range anti-submarine aircraft Tu-142 (modification of the Tu-95 bomber);
  • anti-submarine aircraft Il-20, Il-38, Il-38N;
  • fighter-interceptors MiG-31;
  • transport aircraft An-12, 24, 26;
  • helicopters Mi-8, 24 and Ka-31.


The prototype was created by Peter the Great and showed itself in the battle at Cape Gangut. Much later, warriors in vests and peakless caps, or "black death", as the marines called the Nazis, showed miracles of heroism in all fleets during the Great Patriotic War... Today's marines are true to the traditions of their ancestors and constitute a formidable force in the Navy. These warriors are always ready for lightning-fast landings and active combat operations. Modern marines are well armed and equipped, fighting are supported by naval aviation and ships, have the latest floating technology. Also, the MP units are always ready for, the protection of bases, ports and other coastal facilities.

Coastal Defense Troops

These troops are one of the structures whose tasks include the protection of bases, ports, strategic sections of the coastline, islands, straits leading into sovereign waters from the landing of the enemy and the passage of enemy ships.

Rear units and subunits

Logistic support essential element systems for the efficient functioning of all naval units. Their tasks include the uninterrupted supply of everything necessary for the Russian Navy, so that it remains alert while protecting sea borders and fulfilling the tasks set by the state.

Tasks and capabilities of the Russian Navy

The military designation of the Navy has now acquired a strategic character and the Russian Federation, forced to respond to challenges, is actively increasing its naval potential and strength. The main task of the seafarers remains the protection of borders and the observance of nuclear parity with. Most of the strategic cruisers that are part of the Russian Navy are distinguished by:

  1. The ability to quickly and autonomously redeploy to any dangerous area of \u200b\u200bthe globe, conducting combat duty in international waters.
  2. Mobility, which makes it possible to constantly maneuver, avoiding a possible strike by the naval and other forces of the enemy.
  3. The saturation of ships with modern high-precision weapons and radar protection means, which makes it possible to detect, recognize and destroy enemy objects at a distance of hundreds and thousands of meters without coming into direct contact.
  4. The secrecy of the movement of submarines in the depths of the ocean and the possibility of planned duty at a short distance from the strategic centers of the enemy. These characteristics of submarine cruisers with reactor installations, which allow them to be autonomously submerged for a long time, have a sobering effect on the aggressiveness of the opposing side. The complexity of determining the location of such a cruiser and the presence of strategic nuclear weapons on board deter aggressive intentions, since there is a threat of a tough retaliatory strike.

Aircraft carriers, submarines and other ship formations are constantly creating tension in different parts of the world. Examples of this are the Persian Gulf, the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan, the Baltic and Black Seas, where carrier formations and other ships threaten and provoke Iran, North Korea, our country. For the entire period of US dominance at sea, you can list the mass of points on the globe where their military presence is noted. Unlike the States, the Russian Navy does not undertake aggressive actions against any countries, and, in contrast to these actions, carries out the tasks set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense.

The oceans should be open to all states with merchant, fishing, container and tanker fleets, since for more than one century it has been the main transport artery connecting continents and countries. At the same time, it is also a storehouse of biological resources that form the basis of food in many countries, and in addition, it is a storehouse of energy resources. Russia, with the richest shelf in the Arctic Ocean and the United States' attempts to control resources and maritime transport communications, is simply obliged to modernize and update its Navy in order to have the military resources to withstand the aggressive behavior of the United States.

Many believe that in the future the military will use vehicles that are not limited to use in one element only. These will be a kind of amphibians capable of moving on land, air and water. Others, in turn, believe that military operations will completely go into virtual space. After all, does it make sense to discuss navy in the drone age? It is unlikely that humanity will ever again see a full-scale military conflict on the high seas.

Naval vessels, especially their predecessors, which today sleep soundly on the ocean floor, are impressive symbols of the past, present and future military conflicts of mankind. As an example, a few weeks ago, China sent three of its ships to patrol an area adjacent to a small Japanese island, whose ownership has long been contested by China. At the same time, last April, China unexpectedly hijacked a Japanese cargo ship as repayment of Japan's outstanding debt since 1936. As you can see, today the navy bears the image of a symbolic military force, rather than actually possesses it. However, it cannot be argued, for example, that 45 destroyers are not capable of anything. One way or another, today the possession of a large military fleet gives countries power and increases their authority in the eyes of other states. China and Japan, whose military conflicts have lasted for millennia, know this firsthand.

Below you will find out the approximate tonnage and number of ships owned by the largest countries in the world.

15. Royal Netherlands Navy: 116.308 tons

Once the most powerful navy of its time, he made the history of the 17th century with his own hands. Today, he is assigned the role of a peacekeeper in the NATO bloc, however, the presence among 23 ships of such monsters as the frigates De Zeven Provinciën, worth $ 800 million each, as well as the Karel Doorman support ships, worth $ 400 million each, makes this peaceful the flotilla is quite menacing.

14. Indonesian Navy: 142,094 tons

The Indonesian fleet is much larger than the Dutch. As of 2009, it has 150 units and is one of the largest in the Southeast Asia region. Indonesia's military units include various modern Chang Bogo class submarines, corvettes and frigates. Like the Netherlands, Indonesia has quite a few defensive frigates of impressive tonnage.

13. Turkish Navy: 148,448 tons

The origins of the Turkish Navy go far back to the Ottoman Empire, however, the official date for the organization of the Turkish National Navy is considered to be 1920, when the war of independence ended. Initially, the Turkish flotilla consisted mostly of classic cruisers and destroyers, which were subsequently decommissioned. At the moment, Turkey boasts frigates, patrol boats and mine tankers, as well as fourteen military submarines, leading Turkey to a leading position among the world powers in the field of underwater control.

12. Spanish fleet: 148.607 tons

The powerful sea power, which once gave us the travels of Christopher Columbus and other discoverers, currently owns only 42 ships, mainly of a transport and defensive nature. But among its small fleet, Spain also hides several modern assault ships Juan Carlos I, named after the former king of Spain. These ships are valued at 600 billion US dollars and are among the heaviest and most powerful ships of our time.

11. Naval Forces of the Republic of China (Taiwan): 168.662 tons

Founded in 1924, the ROC Navy exists solely to contain the likely invasion of the People's Republic of China. It consists primarily of massive Tian Dan class defensive frigates equipped with state-of-the-art intrusion detection equipment. The total number of Taiwan ships is 50 units.

10. Brazilian Navy: 172,190 tons

In this photo, you can see how the Brazilian navy frigate Bosisio (F 48) opens fire on an unmanned aircraftlaunched during US military drone tests. But even this giant will look like a baby next to the flagship aircraft carrier NAe São Paulo, weighing 32,800 tons. By the way, the most powerful fleet of South America even managed to take part in hostilities during the Paraguayan War in the 19th century, during the First and Second World Wars, as well as Operation Big Omar in 1962.

9. Italian Navy: 184,744 tons

Partially disbanded after the defeat in World War II, the Italian navy currently consists of 63 warships. Among them can be found the flagship aircraft carrier Cavour (550), weighing 27,000 tons, missile frigates of the Maestrale and Bergamini classes, as well as several submarines. Among the achievements of the Italian Navy can be noted the sinking of the Austro-Hungarian battleship SMS Szent Istvan during the First World War.

8.Republic of Korea Navy: 195,910 tons

Along with its northern neighbor, the Republic of Korea competes with its neighbors for a number of islands in the East China Sea. It currently has 80 operational military vessels, many of which will soon be decommissioned. The Republic of Korea's military units also include Son Wonil class submarines and twenty Incheon class defensive frigates manufactured by Hyundai, each worth $ 230 million.

7. French Navy: 321.855 tons

In the photo you can see the Rubis Amethyste class submarines belonging to the French navy. The French Navy has a long history of maritime triumphs and its participation in key battles at sea during World War II. Today, here you can see the 14 335-ton nuclear submarine of the Triomphant class, the flagship aircraft carrier R91 of the Charles de Gaulle class, with a displacement of 37,000 tons, as well as a number of modern frigates, destroyers, landing ships and even several old schooners.

6. Royal Navy of Great Britain: 345,400 tons

No world power owes its status to the Navy as much as the United Kingdom. Until the outbreak of World War II, the Royal Navy remained the most powerful in modern history... During the Cold War, he regained its former glory, carrying out a number of successful submarine missions against the Soviet Union. Today it is one of the most versatile fleets in the world. There are Albion-class amphibious transporters, Vanguard-class ballistic submarines, and the latest missile destroyers, worth $ 1.7 billion per unit.

5. Indian Navy: 381.375 tons

The Indian fleet is similar in composition to the Indonesian fleet, where ships of small tonnage predominate: slightly exceeding the British fleet in tonnage, it has three times more combat units. Mostly lightweight ships are found here, however, a modified Russian aircraft carrier with a displacement of 45 400 tons can serve as a separate pride of the Indian fleet. Despite its surface successes, the Indian Navy faced significant difficulties in protecting its underwater borders. According to analysts, the renewal of the submarine fleet could take a whole decade.

4. Japanese Navy: 405.800 tons

The Japanese Navy has about 100 ships in service and ranks second in the world in terms of the number of destroyers. Japan has two 10,000-tonne missile destroyers as well as one 27,000-ton Izumo-class helicopter carrier. At the current date, the Japanese naval forces are considered peacekeeping and specialize in anti-submarine and air defense.

3. Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy: 896,445 tons

Surprisingly, the Chinese naval forces not only have a huge number of combat units, but also their excellent quality. In total, China's squadron has 377 vessels, most of which have only recently been commissioned. Among them, an aircraft carrier with a displacement of 59,500 tons stands out, as well as 15 corvettes, destroyers and submarines.

2. Russian Navy: 927.120 tons

And although the Russian Navy was officially founded in 1991, most of its constituent ships previously belonged to the USSR. The newest destroyer of the Russian Navy is about 20 years old, and the oldest is almost 50. At the same time, the submarines are more modernized and equipped with the latest military developments. Despite the impressive number of ships, most of them are expected to be decommissioned in the near future.

1. US Navy: 3.378.758 tons

Looking at the catalog of the US Navy, you are likely to be amazed that at least one ship has been launched into the water every year and continuously, from 1970 to the present day. At the moment, the US Navy has 270 units. Thus, it is not surprising that most of the US spending went to the military. At the moment, America has an impressive lead over its closest competitors, and its position is unlikely to change in the next few years.

Countries spend billions of dollars each year on their military forces. The armies, air forces and navy receive generous amounts of funding to maintain the current level of combat readiness, developing and purchasing new weapons. Over the past several centuries, the powers of the world have quickly realized the importance and necessity of the navy. As well as being a symbol of power and wealth, a strong navy can project power, be used as a political tool, protect commercial lines, and deliver troops anywhere in the world. For many peoples, one of the most important and versatile components of their fleets is the submarine. The first submarine was built in the 17th century. Over the next several hundred years, the submarine went through a large number of evolutions, significantly improving its mobility, practicality, lethality and general capabilities. Today, submarines are a formidable force that terrifies potential adversaries. Today we take a look at the 10 largest submarine fleets in the world. This list is based on total diesel-electric and nuclear boats from the state.

South Korea - 14 submarines

The South Korean submarine fleet begins this list. The Korean Navy currently has a fleet of 14 diesel-electric submarines. Currently, 12 of these submarines are German Type 209 and Type 214, while two ultra-small submarines are built in Korea. The small boat Type 214 has eight torpedo tubes and the ability to fire anti-ship missiles and mines.

Turkey - 14 submarines

All submarines of the Turkish Navy are diesel-electric boats and belong to the German variant Type 209. These submarines are among the most exported types. At a cost of about $ 290 million, the Type 209 is capable of firing Harpoon anti-ship missiles. From next year, the Turkish Navy plans to replace the Type 209 with the more modern German Type 214 diesel-electric submarines.

Israel - 14 submarines

When you think of a naval power, Israel certainly does not come to mind. From a military point of view, most people see Israel as a land power. And yet it is known that the Israeli navy currently has 14 submarines (although most internet sources report lower numbers). The most famous here are the Dolphin boats. Built in Germany since 1998, the Dolphin-class submarines are diesel-electric and capable of carrying and firing Israeli nuclear weapons.

Japan - 16 submarines

Today, Japan's submarine force consists of diesel-electric submarines. The oldest of them was built in 1994. Japan's newest submarines are of the Soryu class. They are created using the latest technologies, have a range of 11,000 kilometers and can fire missiles, torpedoes and mines.

India - 17 submarines

Currently, the vast majority of India's submarine force consists of diesel-electric submarines built in Russian and German shipyards. These ships have allowed India to show its power in coastal waters and the Indian Ocean over the past 25 years. More recently, steps have been taken to create an Indian nuclear submarine fleet. The lease of an Akula-class submarine in Russia and India's development of its nuclear military program are clear signs that India would like to significantly expand the capabilities of its submarine fleet. Given the time and cost involved in building nuclear submarines, it is likely that diesel-electric boats will remain the backbone of the Indian Navy for the next few years.

Iran - 31 submarines

No, this is not a typo, Iran does indeed currently have the fifth largest submarine fleet in the world. Over the past few years, the Islamic Republic of Iran has embarked on the development of new surface ships and submarines. Submarine forces were, and to a large extent remain, focused on coastal and Gulf operations. The most modern submarines are three Russian-made diesel-electric boats of the Kilo class. Built in the 1990s, these submarines provide Iran with the ability to patrol over 11,000 kilometers and pose a real threat to any naval forces approaching Iranian shores.

Russia - 63 submarines

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, the Soviet Navy, like most Soviet military forces, received inadequate funding and maintenance. This situation has changed over the past few years, with Russia striving to reform and modernize its armed forces. The Russian Navy's submarine fleet is one of the branches of the armed forces that has benefited from this reform. Russia has about 30 nuclear submarines. New submarines are being actively built now, probably, the submarine forces of the Russian Navy will soon be able to improve their position on this list in the coming years.

China - 69 submarines

Over the past 30 years, China's military has gone through a massive expansion and modernization program. In addition to ground and air forces, the submarine fleet has undergone significant development in order to expand its functionality. China currently has about 50 diesel-electric submarines, which form the backbone of its submarine fleet. In addition, China has several nuclear ballistic missile submarines as a nuclear deterrent.

USA - 72 submarines

The US Navy's submarine forces are surprisingly not the first on this list. However, despite the fact that America has the second largest submarine fleet in the world, nevertheless, they have the most powerful submarine fleet. Currently, the vast majority of US submarines are nuclear powered, which means they are limited only by food and water when performing operations in the ocean. Currently, the most numerous are Los Angeles-class submarines, of which about 40 are in service. Built between 1970 and 1990, the Los Angeles-class submarine costs about $ 1 billion, has a displacement of almost 7,000 tons, and can dive to a depth of over 300 meters. However, the United States is now beginning to replace these Cold War-era boats with newer and more modern Virginia-class submarines worth about $ 2.7 billion.

North Korea - 78 submarines

The Korean People's Army's fleet ranks first on this list with 78 submarines. All DPRK submarines are diesel-electric and they all have a displacement of less than 1,800 tons. The potential danger of this force was demonstrated in 2010, when a small 130 ton Yono class submarine sank the South Korean corvette Cheonan. However, the DPRK's submarines are largely considered obsolete. The bulk of the submarine fleet consists of old Soviet-era boats and small home-made coastal submarines. Small North Korean submarines are very good at operations in shallow water basins and riverbeds. During the war, they can be used for mining, reconnaissance in enemy harbors and transporting special forces to enemy shores.

The Russian Navy (USSR), as an independent branch of the Armed Forces, took shape in the period from the late 17th to the early 20th century.

The creation of a regular military fleet in Russia is a historical pattern. It was due to the country's urgent need to overcome the territorial, political and cultural isolation that became at the turn of the 17-18 centuries. major obstacle to economic and social development Russian state.

The first permanent grouping of forces - the Azov fleet - was formed from ships and vessels built in the winter of 1695-1696. and was intended to assist the army in the campaign to capture the Turkish fortress of Azov. On October 30, 1696, the Boyar Duma, on the proposal of Tsar Peter I, adopted a resolution "Sea ships should be ...", which became the first law on the fleet and was recognized as the official date of its foundation.

During Northern War 1700-1721 the main tasks of the fleet were determined, the list of which remains practically unchanged to this day, namely: the fight against the naval forces of the enemy, the fight in sea communications, the defense of its coast from the sea, assistance to the army in coastal areas, strikes and ensuring the invasion enemy from the sea. The proportion of these tasks changed as the material resources and the nature of the armed struggle at sea changed. Accordingly, the role and place of individual branches of the forces that were part of the fleet changed.

So, before the First World War, the main tasks were solved by surface ships, and they were the main branch of the fleet. During the Second World War, this role for some time passed to naval aviation, and in post-war period with the advent of nuclear missile weapons and ships with nuclear power plants, submarines became the main type of forces.

Before the First World War, the fleet was homogeneous. Coastal troops (marines and coastal artillery) existed from the beginning of the 18th century, however, organizationally they were not part of the fleet. On March 19, 1906, submarine forces were born and began to develop as a new branch of the Navy.

In 1914, the first units of the Naval Aviation were formed, which in 1916 also acquired signs of an independent type of forces. Naval Aviation Day is celebrated on July 17 in honor of the first victory of Russian naval pilots in an air battle over the Baltic Sea in 1916. Finally, the Navy as a diverse strategic formation was formed by the mid-1930s, when the Navy organizationally included naval aviation, coastal defense and units Air defense.

The modern system of naval command and control bodies was finally formed on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. On January 15, 1938, by a decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars, the People's Commissariat of the Navy was created, which included the General Naval Headquarters. During the formation of the regular fleet of Russia, its organizational structure and functions were unclear. On December 22, 1717, by order of Peter 1, the Admiralty Board was formed for the day-to-day management of the fleet. On September 20, 1802, the Ministry was formed Marine Forces, later renamed into the Naval Ministry and existed until 1917. The combat (operational) command and control of the naval forces appeared after the Russo-Japanese war with the creation of the Naval General Staff on April 7, 1906. At the head of the Russian fleet were such famous naval commanders as Peter I, P.V. Chichagov, I.K. Grigorovich, N.G. Kuznetsov, S.G. Gorshkov.

Permanent groupings of forces in naval theaters took shape as the Russian state solved the historical tasks associated with the acquisition of outlets to the World Ocean, the country's inclusion in the world economy and politics. In the Baltic, the fleet has permanently existed since May 18, 1703, the Caspian Flotilla since November 15, 1722, and the Black Sea fleet since May 13, 1783. In the North and the Pacific Ocean, the groupings of the forces of the fleet were created, as a rule, on a temporary basis, or, without having received significant development, they were periodically abolished. The current Pacific and Northern fleets have existed as permanent groupings since April 21, 1932 and June 1, 1933, respectively.

The fleet received the greatest development by the mid-80s. At that time, it included 4 fleets and the Caspian Flotilla, which included more than 100 divisions and brigades of surface ships, submarines, naval aviation and coastal defense.

Throughout their glorious history, Russian and Soviet warships could be seen at all latitudes of the seas and oceans, not only for military purposes, but also discovering new lands that penetrated polar ice for scientific research... Study and description by military sailors of the northern shores of Siberia, Kamchatka, Alaska, the Aleutian and Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, circumnavigation, the discovery of Antarctica was of global importance. Russia was glorified by such well-known navigators as M.P. Lazarev, F.F.Bellingshausen, G.I. Nevelskoy and others.

The role of the fleet in the history of Russia has always gone beyond the scope of its purely military tasks. The presence of the fleet contributed to the pursuit of an active foreign policy by our country. It has more than once become a deterrent for the enemy of our state in the event of a threat of war.

The role of the fleet in the formation of national identity was great. The victories at Gangut, Grengam, Ezel, Chesma Fidonisi, Kaliakria, Navarino, Sinop became a matter of national pride. Our people sacredly honor the memory of the outstanding naval commanders F.F. Ushakov, D.N. Senyavin, M.P. Lazarev, V.N. Kornilov, P.S. Nakhimova, N.G. Kuznetsova.

Russia on geographic location, the totality of economic, political and military interests in the World Ocean - a great maritime power. This is an objective reality that Russians and the world community will have to reckon with in the next century.

Navy structure

The Navy (Navy) is a powerful factor in the country's defense capability. It is subdivided into strategic nuclear forces and general purpose forces. Strategic nuclear forces have great nuclear missile power, high mobility and the ability to operate for a long time in various regions of the World Ocean.

The navy consists of the following types of forces: submarine, surface, naval aviation, marines and coastal defense troops. It also includes ships and vessels, parts special purpose, units and subdivisions of the rear.

The submarine forces are the striking force of the fleet, capable of controlling the vastness of the oceans, covertly and quickly deploying in the desired directions and delivering unexpected powerful strikes from the depths of the ocean against sea and continental targets. Depending on the main armament, submarines are subdivided into missile and torpedo, and by the type of power plant into nuclear and diesel-electric.

The main strike force of the Navy is nuclear submarines armed with ballistic and cruise missiles with nuclear charges... These ships are constantly in various regions of the World Ocean, ready for the immediate use of their strategic weapons.

Nuclear submarines armed with ship-to-ship cruise missiles are mainly aimed at fighting large enemy surface ships.

Nuclear-powered torpedo submarines are used to disrupt enemy underwater and surface communications and in the defense system against submarine threats, as well as to escort missile submarines and surface ships.

The use of diesel submarines (missile and torpedo) is mainly associated with the solution of typical tasks for them in limited areas of the sea.

Equipping submarines with atomic energy and nuclear missile weapons, powerful sonar systems and high-precision navigation weapons, along with comprehensive automation of control processes and the creation of optimal conditions for the crew's life, has significantly expanded their tactical properties and forms of combat employment. In modern conditions, the surface forces remain the most important part of the Navy. The creation of ships - carriers of aircraft and helicopters, as well as the transition of a number of classes of ships, as well as submarines, to nuclear power have greatly increased their combat capabilities. Equipping ships with helicopters and aircraft significantly expands their capabilities to detect and defeat enemy submarines. Helicopters create the possibility of successfully solving the problems of relaying and communication, target designation, transfer of goods at sea, landing of troops on the coast and rescue of personnel.

Surface ships are the main forces to ensure the exit and deployment of submarines to combat areas and return to bases, transportation and cover of assault forces. They are assigned the main role in the setting of minefields, in the fight against mine danger and the protection of their communications.

The traditional task of surface ships is to strike at enemy targets on its territory and to cover their coast from the sea from the enemy's naval forces.

Thus, a complex of important combat missions is assigned to surface ships. They solve these tasks in groups, formations, and formations both independently and in cooperation with other branches of the naval forces (submarines, aviation, marines).

Naval aviation is a branch of the Navy. It consists of strategic, tactical, deck and coastal.

Strategic and tactical aviation is intended for confrontation with groups of surface ships in the ocean, submarines and transports, as well as for bombing and missile strikes against enemy coastal targets.

Deck aviation is the main striking force of the Navy's aircraft carrier formations. Its main combat missions in armed combat at sea are to destroy enemy aircraft in the air, launch positions of anti-aircraft guided missiles and other enemy air defense assets, conduct tactical reconnaissance, etc. When performing combat missions, carrier-based aviation actively interacts with tactical aviation.

Helicopters of naval aviation are an effective means of target designation of a ship's missile weapons when destroying submarines and repelling attacks from low-flying aircraft and enemy anti-ship missiles. Carrying air-to-surface missiles and other weapons, they are a powerful means of fire support for the landing of the Marine Corps and the destruction of enemy missile and artillery boats.

Marine Corps - a branch of the Navy, designed to conduct combat operations as part of amphibious assault forces (independently or together with Ground forces), as well as for the defense of the coast (naval bases, ports).

Combat operations of the marines are carried out, as a rule, with the support of aviation and artillery fire from ships. In turn, the marines use in combat all types of weapons characteristic of motorized rifle troops, while applying landing tactics specific to them.

Coastal defense troops, as a branch of the Navy, are designed to protect the naval forces' bases, ports, important coastal areas, islands, straits and narrow areas from attacks by enemy ships and amphibious assault forces. The basis of their weapons are coastal missile systems and artillery, anti-aircraft missile systems, mine and torpedo weapons, as well as special coastal defense ships (water area protection). Coastal fortifications are being created on the coast to provide defense with forces of troops.

Rear services units and subdivisions are intended for logistics support of the forces and combat operations of the Navy. They ensure the satisfaction of the material, transport, household and other needs of the naval formations and formations in order to maintain them in combat readiness to fulfill the assigned tasks.