The board of mikhail and alexey romanov tests. Test "Russia during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich"

1. Establish a correspondence between the categories of the population and their requirements for the government of Alexei Mikhailovich.
PEOPLE 1) Liquidation of white settlements, from
A) Posadskys; taxes and duties;
B) merchants; 2) the right to leave the masters;
C) peasants; 3) the fight against bribery and
D) Cossacks; expansion of land holdings;
E) landlords. 4) cancellation of benefits for foreign

· 2. The names of the boyars L.S. Plescheeva, P.T. Trakhaniotova, N.I. Chistova, B.I. Morozov are associated with:
church reform of 1653; 2) The Salt Riot of 1648;
3) Time of Troubles; 3) the elimination of white settlements.
3. Real power in the state in the middle of the 17th century. was concentrated in the hands:
A) merchants; B) clerks; C) boyars; D) the small landed nobility; D) princes.



4. During the Salt Riot the following events took place: A) the refusal of the archers to shoot Muscovites who broke into the Kremlin;
B) the murder of the rebels B.I. Morozov;
C) an attempt to present Alexei Mikhailovich with a letter of petition when he entered Moscow from a pilgrimage;
D) expulsion of B.I. Morozov from Moscow;
E) brutal reprisals against the insurgents and mass executions in Moscow.



5. The government of Alexei Mikhailovich carried out a monetary reform with the aim of:
1) maintaining a single currency in the country;
receiving funds for military operations with Poland and Sweden;
overcoming the consequences of the Troubles;
fighting inflation and strengthening the ruble's position.
6. Set the correspondence between date and event. DATE EVENT
1648; A) Vasily Us's hike to Moscow;
1662; B) suppression of the ST uprising. Razin;
1666; C) Copper riot;
1671 D) Salt riot;
E) The Solovetsky uprising.

7. During the Copper Riot, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was:
in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery; 2) in the Kremlin; 3) in the village. Kolomenskoye; 4) in the Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda.
8. The difference between the Salt and Copper riots was that:
occurred in different cities;
in the first case, the tsar forbade the rebels to be punished, in the other he ordered them to be severely punished;
different social composition of the participants;
in one case, the rebels opposed the boyars and officials, and in the other, against the tsar and the monarchy.
9. The core of the ST movement. Razin became the Cossacks:
kuban; 2) Zaporizhzhya; 3) the Don; 4) egg.
10. Strugs were called in Russia:
1) arming the insurgent peasants in the form of spears; 2) high-speed Cossack ships;
3) siege weapons; 2) fortifications.
11. Detachments of the Cossacks under the leadership of Vasily Us during the campaign to Moscow in 1666 reached the city:
Tsaritsyn; 2) Tula; 3) Simbirsk; 4) Astrakhan.

12. Establish a correspondence between the result and the event. RESULT EVENT
Cancellation of the increased tax A) Basil's Salt hike; Usa to Moscow;
gathering of dissatisfied and fugitives B) ST uprising. Ra-for hikes "for zipuns"; zina;
refusal to carry out money- B) Copper revolt; noah reform; D) Salt Riot;
toughening of the persecution D) Solovetskoe re-Old Believers. stanie.


13. Cossacks under the leadership of ST. Razin in 1668 made a trip to:
Turkey; 2) Crimean Khanate; 3) Persia 4) India.
14. The first city captured by ST detachments. Razin, this:
Astrakhan; 2) Tsaritsyn; 3) Simbirsk; 4) Samara.
15. The Razins captured the cities without a fight: A) Simbirsk;
B) Samara; C) Tsaritsyn; D) Astrakhan; E) Saratov.



16. The uprising of the ST. Razin was supported by:
A) Mordovians;
B) Chuvash;
C) Yakuts;
D) Khanty;
D) the Mari.



17. In areas occupied by differences:
private property was abolished;
trade and any monetary transactions were prohibited;
the bureaucratic apparatus was disbanded;
state taxes were paid.
18. An uprising led by ST. Razin covered: A) Eastern Siberia;
B) Ukraine;
C) Ural;
D) Pomorie;
E) Central Black Earth Region.



19. The hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church reacted to the ST uprising. Razin: 1) sympathetically;
2) with harsh condemnation;
with an understanding of the requirements;
willingly succumb to the demands of the rebels.
20. Domestic Cossacks arrested ST. Razin in:

▫ What is this all about? What's the use that the mechanism is revealed? What's next? Ah ... yes, `` the results of the work will help develop strategies ... ''
▫ Eh, dear Svetlana Alexandrovna! I would be glad to share this joy with you, but I am too familiar with all such offers on the network, and therefore I just advise you not to flatter yourself on this score. Most likely, all the nominees of this competition passed the qualifying round and similar proposals were sent to everyone. Almanac Russian Bell, no matter how famous and beloved it may be imagined, is unknown to almost anyone, but to make it famous, you need authors like you who will agree to certain financial investments for the publication of their work. At the same time, I note that instead of a fee, you receive a receipt for the transfer of the agreed amount to the editorial office. Since the amount will be quite lifting, this will not upset you very much, but if you calculate the total contribution to the common cause, you will see that the collected amount will be enough to publish at least two such almanac-supplements. On such conditions, you can open your publishing House and live on a grand scale, while conducting literary contests on the Internet, with which you will lure the writing people seeking recognition into your networks.
▫ I don’t want to spoil my mood .... “If Irina Timofeevna is salting cucumbers, then it’s better not to go into her yard - she’ll scold her completely, spit, hound her with dogs, and even go out the gate herself, support the building and start bawling all over the street , shake your kin up and down. There is no greater offense for her than if she is disturbed for such a profound deed. ..Solila Irina Timofeevna cucumbers, did her most serious business, saw nothing around, did not want to know. /////// Yes, perhaps she didn't really know who came after whom, who was the enemy to whom, what who needed, who was sick with what - it was the tenth thing for her, trivial. ... Well, they came, well, they left - what the trouble? “Don’t fool me,” she said with a chorus, “I don’t understand your account. I charged one - with Denikin's people and with Denikin's. I found some sign. Tell me by the numbers, I don’t remember. What are they, these same Denikinites yours, have covered the sun, or what? No, brother, my calendar is correct, you can't make a garden. He is always in his time. '
▫ Over the years, as never before, you understand sharply that the most valuable thing in a person is his health. God forbid turning into a vegetable and becoming a burden for your loved ones. Only state of the art Russian medicine does nothing to improve the health of citizens. You go through the commission and suddenly you find out that you have a whole bunch of sores that you definitely need to start treating. At the same time, referral to a paid clinic, where, after the tests, it is revealed that you immediately go to the coffin and wait for the hour of death. But, of course, exclusively for you and only for today your last hope - medicines from their personal pharmacy. And nothing that these are dietary supplements (no one died from them) There is no more effective remedy for your disease, and therefore take it, do not save on your health. And in general, if you believe the doctors, then there are no healthy people today by their definition.

Test.The heirs of Alexei Mikhailovich option 2

1. What changes have occurred in military affairs during the reign of Tsar Fedor?

A) The country was divided into 9 military districts

B) For the first time there were regiments of the new order

C) New military ranks - Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Captain

D) Recruitment kits introduced

E) The first elective (shock) regiments were formed





a B C




2. What changes have occurred in military affairs during the reign of Tsar Fedor?

A) A decree on universal military service was adopted

B) For evading service, the nobles were deprived of their estates

C) Military settlements introduced

D) The policy of centralizing military affairs in the country was pursued

E) The rifle units approached the regular troops





a B C




3. What taxation was introduced under Fedor Alekseevich?

1) Pillow 2) Household 3) Land 4) Income

4. Indicate the years of the reign (two kingdoms) of Ivan V:

1) 1682-1696;2) 1685-1692;3) 1684-1688;

4) 1682-1692; 5) there was no such king at all.

5. Princess Sophia, seeking the throne, tried, relying on the archers, to make a coup in ... year:

1) 1682;2) 1686;3) 1689;4) 1692;5) 1696.


Russia in the 17th century option 2

1. Establish a correspondence between the area and its specialization in the 17th century. Enter the received answer in the table:

3. What city was the main port of Russia for foreign trade in the first half of the 17th century?

1) Astrakhan 2) Arkhangelsk 3) Murmansk 4) Sevastopol

  1. What port did Russia have during the entire 17th century?
1) Azov, 2) Arkhangelsk, 3) Vyborg, 4) Murmansk.

5. The first salt-making manufactories appeared in:

1) Sol-Vychegodsk; 2) Sol-Vychegodsk and Prikamye;

3) Prikamye and Staraya Russa; 4) Staraya Russa and Usolye-Sibirskiy;

5) Usolye-Sibirskoye and Sol-Iletsk.

State transformations of Peter 1 option 1

1. What did Peter 1 rely on in carrying out his reforms in the field of economic and political development?

1) Free enterprise 2) Wage labor

3) Election and representation 4) Violence and serfdom

2. What body was created by Peter the Great instead of the Boyar Duma?

1) Supreme Privy Council 2) Disciplinary Chamber

3) Cabinet of Ministers 4) Near Chancellery

3. What functions did the Senate perform under Peter 1?

1) The body that limited the power of the emperor

2) the Supreme judicial, executive and partly legislative body

3) Executive only

4) Only the judiciary

4. Authorities and administrations created by Peter I:

a) Zemsky Sobor b) Cabinet of Ministers c) Senate d) State Council.

5. The Governing Senate, established in 1711, replaced:

a) Orders b) Boyar Duma c) Zemsky Sobor d) Chosen Rada.
Test " North War»

1. The Northern War lasted from ...

A) 1670-1671

B) 1721-1741

B) 1700-1711

D) 1700-1721

2. The Battle of Narva took place ...

A) April 1703

B) August 1700

C) November 1700

D) January 1711

3. The Battle of Poltava was of great importance for Russia, because….

A) this is a fundamental turning point in the Northern War;

B) this event ended the Northern War;

C) Allied countries began to fear Russia;

D) Sweden avoided the battle.

4. The sea battle at Cape Gangut took place ...

A) June 1821

B) May 1713

C) July 1714

D) August 1711

5. The "Northern Union" included countries ...

A) England, Holland, Russia.

B) Denmark, Russia, Austria.

C) Russia, Rzeczpospolita, Denmark.

D) Russia, Austria, Rzeczpospolita.

Test "Northern War"

1. Russia entered the Northern War after ...

A) signed a peace treaty with Austria;

B) a regular army was created;

C) signed a peace treaty with Turkey;

D) won the Spanish crown.

2. Peter I called "Mother of the Poltava Battle" ...

A) the battle of Narva;

B) Gangut battle;

C) the battle near the village of Lesnaya;

D) Prut battle.

3. The Battle of Poltava took place ...

A) June 1709

B) June 1711

C) August 1700

D) September 1708

4. The main reason for Russia's participation in the Northern War is….

A) the acquisition of new territories;

B) acquisition of an outlet to the Baltic Sea;

C) establishing trade relations;

5. Russia and Sweden signed a peace treaty in ...

A) 1583 in Pskov;

B) 1721 in Nishtadt;

C) 1617 in Tikhvin;

D) 1711 near the Prut river.

State transformations of Peter 1 option 2

1. What did the establishment of the Holy Synod mean?

1) Strengthening the role of the church in the country, strengthening its influence and power

2) The final submission of the church to the state

3) The emergence of a control body over the patriarch

4) Introducing freedom of religion

2. Which of the following characterizes the functions and position of the fiscal?

A) Controlled the administration

B) Received a high salary

C) Covered bribery and embezzlement

D) Identified cases of violation of the law

E) Received a share of the confiscated property





a B C




3. Who was the Prosecutor General of the Senate under Peter 1?

1) P. Yaguzhinsky 2) A. Menshikov 3) P. Shafirov 4) F. Prokopovich

4. The decree of Peter I on the reform of church government and the subordination of the church to the state was called:

a) Savior on Ilyin b) "Decree on single inheritance"

c) table "about ranks" d) "Spiritual regulations".

5. The most important colleges were
A) Military, Manufacturing Collegium, Synod

B) Military, Commerce Collegium, Foreign

C) Military, Admiralty, Foreign D) Military, Admiralty, Secret Chancellery

Final test for the section

"Russia inXVII in."

First option.

  1. 1654 - this date means

  1. the beginning of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich

  2. s. Dezhnev's opening of the strait between Asia and America

  3. reunification of Ukraine with Russia

  4. adoption of the Cathedral Code

  1. The eternal right of the feudal lord to dependent peasants and the prohibition of the transition from one owner to another was established in

  1. Code of Law of Ivan IV

  2. decree on "reserved years"

  3. decree on "lecture years"

  4. Cathedral Code

  1. Production based on division of labor and use of manual techniques

  1. factory

  2. workshop

  3. manufactory

  4. small-scale

  1. Church reform led to

  1. split in the Russian Orthodox Church

  2. greater dependence of spiritual power on secular

  3. the division of power between the king and the patriarch

  4. the growth of the material wealth of the church

  1. Cathedral Code was accepted into the board

  1. Fyodor Ivanovich

  2. Boris Godunov

  3. Mikhail Romanov

  4. Alexei Mikhailovich

  1. The largest popular performance in the 17th century.

  1. Salt riot

  2. Copper riot

  3. uprising led by S. Razin

  4. Solovetsky uprising

  1. Which of the following artists was the greatest master of painting of the 17th century?

  1. Simon Ushakov

  2. Boris Ogurtsov

  3. Vasily Poyarkov

  4. Simeon Polotsky





Final test for the section

"Russia inXVII in."

Second option.

  1. The uprising led by S. Razin took place in

  1. 1648 - 1650

  2. 1662 - 1664

  3. 1670 - 1671

  4. 1676 - 1781

  1. A new class for Russia in the 17th century.

  1. merchants

  2. industrialists

  3. archers

  4. cossacks

  1. Personally free peasants who owned communal lands and carried government duties were called

  1. monastic

  2. palace

  3. black-haired

  4. landlord

  1. Church reform carried out by the patriarch

  1. Filaret

  2. Joasaph

  3. Joseph

  4. Nikon

  1. During the XVII century. Happened

  1. strengthening the role of Zemsky Sobors in the life of the state

  2. final form of serfdom

  3. reforming command system

  4. expansion of powers of the Boyar Duma

  1. Russia's decision to accept Ukraine into its membership led to

  1. war with Turkey

  2. a new war with the Commonwealth

  3. popular uprisings

  4. changes in country governance

  1. One of the most striking architectural monuments of the 17th century. is an

  1. Terem Palace of the Moscow Kremlin

  2. Faceted Chamber

  3. st Basil's Church

  4. church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye

  1. Set the correct match





Reforms of Peter I. Grade 7

Option 1

  1. What is significant in the history of Russia in 1649 1) the end of dependence on the Golden Horde 2) the adoption of the "Table of Ranks" 3) the victory of Russia in the Northern War 4) the adoption of the "Cathedral Code"
  2. Indicate what event happened later than all others 1) the adoption of the "Cathedral Code" 2) the accession of the Romanovs 3) Russia's access to the Baltic Sea 4) the appearance on the political arena of False Dmitry 1
  3. Which of the listed documents provides for the equalization of boyar estates and noble estates 1) "Cathedral Code2 2)" Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility2 3) "Decree on single inheritance" 4) "Decree on the three-day corvee"
  4. The reorganization of the army during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich led to 1) the emergence of regiments of a new system 2) the introduction of recruitment 3) the introduction of general conscription 4) the appearance of rifle regiments
  5. Which of the following was a consequence of the development of the order management system in the 17th century 1) increasing the role of local government 2) increasing the role of officials in governing the state 3) strengthening the role of Zemsky Sobor and Boyar Duma 4) election of government bodies
  6. Give a definition to the concepts: reitar shelves, tax, notch, plow
  7. What are the new features in the economic life of the country in the 17th century?

Option 2

  1. What century in the history of Russia was called rebellious 1) 16 2) 17 3) 18 4) 19

2 Which of the above was characteristic of the political development of Russia in the 17th century 1) the proclamation of Russia as an empire 2) the establishment of Zemsky Sobors 3) the strengthening of autocratic power 4) the change of rulers as a result of palace coups

  1. According to the terms of the Stolbovo peace with Sweden, concluded in 1617, Russia 1) lost access to the Baltic Sea 2) lost the Left-Bank Ukraine 3) gained access to the Baltic Sea 4) lost the Smolensk lands
  2. Which of the named persons was statesman 17th century 1) G.A. Potemkin 2) I.S. Peresvetov 3) A.L. Ordin-Nashchokin 4) A.F.Adashev
  3. Which of the above was one of the results of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich 1) legal registration of serfdom 2) the abolition of the patriarchate 3) the division of Russia into the provinces 4) the termination of the Rurik dynasty
  4. Why the 17th century is called rebellious
  5. Give definitions to the concepts: pyatina, attributed peasants. autocratic monarchy. White settlement

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Methodical development this lesson compiled according to the technology of problem-dialogical teaching ...

History lesson: the autocracy of Alexei Mikhailovich

Lesson of the History of Russia in the 7th grade under the educational system "School 2100". The lesson is based on work with a textbook. Students learn to identify cause-and-effect relationships, give morals ...

PEOPLE 1) Liquidation of white settlements, from

A) Posadskys; taxes and duties;

B) merchants; 2) the right to leave the masters;

C) peasants; 3) the fight against bribery and

D) Cossacks; expansion of land holdings;

E) landlords. 4) cancellation of benefits for foreign

2. The names of the boyars L.S. Plescheeva, P.T. Trakhaniotova, N.I. Chistova, B.I. Morozov are associated with:

    church reform of 1653; 2) The Salt Riot of 1648;

3) Time of Troubles; 3) the elimination of white settlements.

3. Real power in the state in the middle of the 17th century. was concentrated in the hands:

A) merchants; B) clerks; C) boyars; D) the small landed nobility; D) princes.

4. During the Salt Riot the following events took place: A) the refusal of the archers to shoot Muscovites who broke into the Kremlin;

B) the murder of the rebels B.I. Morozov;

C) an attempt to present Alexei Mikhailovich with a letter of petition when he entered Moscow from a pilgrimage;

D) expulsion of B.I. Morozov from Moscow;

E) brutal reprisals against the insurgents and mass executions in Moscow.

5. The government of Alexei Mikhailovich carried out a monetary reform with the aim of:

1) maintaining a single currency in the country;

6. Set the correspondence between date and event.

    1648; A) Vasily Us's hike to Moscow;

    1662; B) suppression of the ST uprising. Razin;

    1666; C) Copper riot;

    1671 D) Salt riot;

E) The Solovetsky uprising.

7. During the Copper Riot, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was:

    in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery; 2) in the Kremlin; 3) in the village. Kolomenskoye; 4) in the Aleksandrovskaya Sloboda.

8. The difference between the Salt and Copper riots was that:

    occurred in different cities;

    in the first case, the tsar forbade the rebels to be punished; in the other, he ordered them to be severely punished;

    different social composition of the participants;

    in one case, the rebels opposed the boyars and officials, and in the other, against the tsar and the monarchy.

9. The core of the ST movement. Razin became the Cossacks:

    kuban; 2) Zaporizhzhya; 3) the Don; 4) egg.

10. Strugs were called in Russia:

1) arming the insurgent peasants in the form of spears; 2) high-speed Cossack ships;

3) siege weapons; 2) fortifications.

11. Detachments of Cossacks under the leadership of Vasily Usa during
the campaign against Moscow in 1666 reached the city:

    Tsaritsyn; 2) Tula; 3) Simbirsk; 4) Astrakhan.

12. Establish a correspondence between the result and the event.

    Cancellation of the increased tax A) Vasily's hike
    for salt; Usa to Moscow;

    gathering of dissatisfied and fugitives B) ST uprising. Ra-
    for hikes "for zipuns"; zina;

    refusal to carry out money- B) Copper riot;
    noah reform; D) Salt Riot;

    toughening of the persecution E) Solovetsky rebellion
    Old Believers. stanie.

13. Cossacks under the leadership of ST. Razin in 1668 committed
hike to:

    Turkey; 2) Crimean Khanate; 3) Persia 4) India.

14. The first city captured by ST detachments. Razin is:

    Astrakhan; 2) Tsaritsyn; 3) Simbirsk; 4) Samara.

15. The Razins captured the city without a fight:
A) Simbirsk;

B) Samara; C) Tsaritsyn; D) Astrakhan; E) Saratov.

16. The uprising of the ST. Razin was supported by:

A) Mordovians;

B) Chuvash;

D) the Mari.

17. In areas occupied by differences:

    private property was abolished;

    trade and any monetary transactions were prohibited;

    the bureaucratic apparatus was disbanded;

    state taxes were paid.

18. An uprising led by ST. Razin were covered by:
A) Eastern Siberia;

B) Ukraine;

D) Pomorie;

E) Central Black Earth Region.

19. The hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church reacted to the ST uprising. Razin: 1) sympathetically;

2) with harsh condemnation;

    with an understanding of the requirements;

    willingly succumb to the demands of the rebels.

20. Domestic Cossacks arrested ST. Razin in:


