Great Northern War. Russia's victory in the Northern War (causes and consequences) Allies of Sweden

At the end of the 17th century, the Russian Tsar Peter the First set himself and the country three main foreign policy tasks: to continue the reunification of the ancient Russian lands and open the way to the Black and Baltic Seas. Great North War, which is studied in history in the 8th grade, opened the way to the Baltic and contributed to the "transformation" of Russia into an empire.

Causes and main participants in the war

At the end of the 17th century, Russia had three main foreign policy goals: the reunification of ancient Russian lands and the expansion of trade routes across the Black Sea and the Baltic. Only a war with Sweden, the most powerful power in the Baltic region, could help the Russian Tsar Peter the Great to solve the last issue - access to the Baltic Sea. Territorial claims to the Swedish king were not only from Russia, but also from other countries - Saxony and Denmark. In 1699, on the initiative of the Elector of Saxony and the King of Poland August II, the Northern Alliance or Northern League was formed, which united three countries - Denmark, Saxony and Russia, in the struggle against the Swedish ruler Charles XII.

Figure: 1. Clash of Russian and Swedish troops in battle

The reason for unleashing a war against Sweden was the cold welcome given to Peter the Great by the Swedes during the visit of the Grand Embassy in Riga. But, as they say, there would be a reason, but there would be a reason.

The beginning of hostilities

The outbreak of hostilities promised many hopes that were not destined to come true. In 1697, the Swedish throne passed to fifteen-year-old Charles XII. Sweden's longtime enemies perked up and decided to play at the young age and inexperience of the Swedish monarch. But their hopes were dashed.

Denmark was the first to be defeated, as a result of which it was forced to sign a peace treaty with Sweden on August 8, 1700. Soon the elector of Saxony August II, having learned about the approach of the main forces of the Swedish king Charles XII, decided to retreat. And on November 19, 1700, the army of Peter the Great was defeated in the battle of Narva. So, the Northern Union collapsed in the very first year of its existence, and was revived only in 1709, when a turning point occurred in the course of the Northern War, and the main failures and failures of Russia were far behind.

Figure: 2. Map of the Northern War

The strategic mistake of the Swedish king

Despite his young age, Charles XII showed himself to be a talented military leader: he appreciated the military experience he inherited, and chose the tactics of his ancestors - an unexpected attack. Thus, he attacked the Russian troops at Narva and made the right decision - the victory was his. But here, according to historians, he made a strategic mistake: he allowed the demoralized Russian army to retreat, deciding not to finish off the "wounded beast", and switched to a more powerful rival - the Polish-Saxon army of August II.

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Peter the Great used this chance for his own good: while the Swedes were "chasing" the Polish-Saxon army across Europe, he was engaged in the implementation of military reforms. The first fruits showed themselves already in 1701, when the Russian fleet won the battle at Arkhangelsk. And in 1703, the city of St. Petersburg was founded on the conquered territory at the mouth of the Neva, and in 1704 the port city of Kronstadt was founded on the island of Kotlin and the small islands of the Gulf of Finland adjacent to it.

Chronological framework

The Great Northern War began in August 1700, and contrary to the expectations of the Allies for a quick outcome in their favor, it lasted for many years - 21 years (1700 -1721). The hostilities covered vast territories... Based on where and when the major battles of the Northern War took place, the following stages are distinguished:

1. Northwest theater of military operations (1700-1708)
2. Western theater of operations (1701-1707)
3. Campaign of Charles XII to Russia (1708-1709)
4. Northwestern and Western theaters of military operations (1710-1713)
5. Military operations in Finland (1713-1714)
6. The final period of the war (1715-1721)

Figure: 3. Russian Tsar Peter the Great

The course of the war

The following table summarizes the main battles of each period of the Northern War: the name of the battle, where the battle took place, the date, and its consequences.

Main battles


Result of the battle

Northwestern theater of operations (1700-1708)

Battle of Narva

The defeat of the Russian army

Battle of Arkhangelsk

Victory of the Russian fleet

Battle of Erestfer

Russian army victory

Battle of Gummelshof

Russian army victory

Taking Noteburg

Russian army victory

Taking Nyenskans

Russian army victory

Battle at the mouth of the Neva

Victory of the Russian fleet

Battle on the river Sister

The retreat of the Swedish army

Taking Dorpat

Return of the "forefather city"

Taking Narva

Russian army victory

Battle of Gemauerthoff

The retreat of the Swedish army to Riga

Battle for Kotlin Island

The defeat of the Swedish fleet and landing

Hike of the Swedes to St. Petersburg

Autumn 1708

The Swedish army was forced to flee by sea

Western theater of military operations (1701-1707)

Battle of Fraunstadt

The defeat of the allied army (Russian-Saxon army)

Battle of Kalisz

The victory of the Russian army under the leadership of Menshikov

Campaign of Charles XII to Russia (1708-1709)

Battle of Golovchin

June 1708

The defeat of the Russian army and the retreat

Battle of the Good

Russian army victory

Fight at Raevka

The victory of the Russian army and the end of the Swedish offensive on Smolensk

Battle of Lesnaya

The victory of the Russian army (Karl XII is cut off from his bases in the Baltic States)

Destruction of Baturin

Capture of Mazepa's estate - one more material and food base is lost)

Boar's Defense

December 1708 - January 1709

Defeat the defenders of the fortress

Fight at the Red Kut

The defeat of the Swedish army (it retreated across the Vorskla river)

Liquidation of the Zaporizhzhya Sich

April - May 1709

Zaporizhzhya Sich was burned and destroyed

Battle of Poltava

Complete defeat of the Swedish army (Karl XII fled to the Ottoman Empire)

Northwestern and Western theater of operations (1710-1713)

Taking Riga

The victory of the Russian soldiers (the Baltics completely came under Russian control)

Capture of Vyborg

Russian army victory

Taking Stettin

June - September 1713

Russian army victory

Military action in Finland (1713-1714)

The battle on the Pälkane river

The retreat of the Swedish army

Fight at Lappola

Russian troops achieved control over the main part of Finland

Gangut battle

The first major victory of the Russian fleet (the Swedish fleet retreated, and the Russians occupied the island of Åland)

The final period of the war (1715-1721)

Ezel battle

The first victory of the Russian fleet on the high seas without boarding.

Grengam battle

Victory in a naval battle of the Russian fleet (the last battle of the Northern War took place at sea)

Nishtad peace

In 1718, King Charles XII of Sweden died before the end of the war. His successors, after unsuccessful attempts to restore the former greatness of Sweden, were forced to sign the Treaty of Nystad in 1721. According to this document, the following territories were transferred to Russia forever: Livonia, Estland, Ingria, part of Karelia, Vyborg. However, Peter the First pledged to return Finland to the Swedes and the payment of 2 million rubles for the land received. Thus, the main tasks foreign policy Peter the Great and Russia's goals to get access to the Baltic Sea and return the lost lands were achieved.

The important conquests of the Northern War include the emergence of a new type of armed forces for Russia - the Baltic navy, reforming the army, establishing its own metallurgical production.

What have we learned?

Today, the focus is on the famous Great Northern War, which lasted 21 years - 1700-1721. We found out what events took place during this period: the names of the main participants - Peter the Great and Charles XII were named, the places where the main events took place were indicated, the map of battles was described.

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Preparations for war have begun Peter 1 after returning from the Grand Embassy. The northern alliance of Russia, Denmark, Saxony and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was formed by 1699. In the same year, Russia entered into a sea with the Ottoman Empire, which made it possible to avoid a war on 2 fronts. Great Northern War 1700 - 1721 began the day after this event.

On August 17, the troops of Peter 1 moved to Narva. But the 35,000-strong army was defeated by Charles, who had only 8,500 soldiers on September 30. Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky regiments that day were able to cover the retreat of the entire army. Karl 12 came to the conclusion that the Russians were no longer dangerous and went along with the entire army to Livonia.

But, events did not develop in the way that Charles 12 had expected. Peter 1 was able to learn from the defeat a lesson. The Russian army was reorganized along the lines of the European ones. This worked. Already in 1702, the fortresses of Noteburg and Nienschanz were captured. Narva and Dorpat (Tartu) were taken in 1704. So Russia got access to the Baltic Sea.

Peter the Great's proposal for peace, directed to Charles 12, did not find a response. The Great Northern War continued. Charles 12, mustering his strength, set out in 1706 on a campaign against Russia. At first he was lucky. Karl 12's army occupied Minsk and Mogilev. Also, he was able to enlist the support of the Little Russian hetman Mazepa. But the further advance of the troops led to the loss of the convoy. Lost Karl 12 and reinforcements. On September 28, 1708 Levengaupt's corps was defeated by the army commanded by Menshikov.

On June 27, 1709, Charles 12 faced a crushing defeat in the Battle of Poltava. This battle led to the complete victory of Russian arms. Karl 12 himself and Mazepa were forced to hide in the lands belonging to the Ottoman Empire.

By 1713, Sweden had lost all territories in Europe. Baltic Fleet Peter 1 in the next 1714 was able to win the first victory - in the Battle of Ganut. But, the war, which required constant exertion of the country's forces, dragged on. And there was no unity among the states of the Northern Union.

Karl, ousted from the lands of Finland, began negotiations for peace in 1718. However, the parties could not agree and the actions of the Russian army became more active. Soon, in 1719-20, Russian troops landed on the territory of Sweden. It was only when the situation for Charles 12 became truly threatening that peace was concluded. The Peace Treaty was signed on August 30, 1721 in Nystadt.

The Great Northern War under Peter I brought Russia Estland, Ingria, Livonia, Karelia. And Finland was returned to Sweden.

This is the Northern War in short. In honor of the victory, the Senate presented Peter the Great with a new title. From that moment, Russia began to be called an empire, and Peter 1 - an emperor. Its status as one of the strongest world powers was strengthened.

Causes: 1. to get access to the Baltic Sea. 2.Lands of the baltics. main events: 1700-battle near Narva (defeat) 1702-capture of Nut 1703-start of construction of S.P. 1704-victory of the Russians at Narva 1708-victory at the village of Lesnaya (mother of the Poltava victory) 1709-Battle of Poltava 1711-Prut campaign (encirclement of Peter's army by the Turks) 1714-battle at Cape Gangut victory 1720-battle at Grengam island victory 1721-Nishtadt peace treaty Results: Russia got access to the Baltic Sea, pinched the Baltic states, empire status, international authority, regular army and navy. army reform creation of a regular army and navy

Northern War (1700-1721)

If you say that war is the cause of evil, then peace will be their healing.


The Northern War between Russia and Sweden lasted 21 long years from 1700 to 1721. Its results were very positive for our country, because as a result of the war, Peter managed to "cut a window to Europe." Russia has achieved its main goal - to gain a foothold in the Baltic Sea. However, the course of the war was very ambiguous and the country had a hard time, but the result was worth all the suffering.

Causes of the Northern War

The formal reason for the start of the Northern War was the strengthening of Sweden's positions in the Baltic Sea. By 1699, a situation had developed in which virtually the entire coastline of the sea was under Swedish control. This could not but cause concern for her neighbors. As a result, in 1699, the Northern Alliance was concluded between the countries concerned about the strengthening of Sweden, which was directed against the rule of Sweden in the Baltic. The members of the Union were: Russia, Denmark and Saxony (whose king was at the same time the ruler of Poland).

Narva confusion

The Great Northern War for Russia began on August 19, 1700, but the beginning of it for the Allies was simply terrible. Taking into account that Sweden was still ruled by a child Karl 12, who was barely 18 years old, it was expected that the Swedish army did not pose a threat and would be easily defeated. In fact, it turned out that Charles 12 was a strong enough commander. Realizing the absurdity of a war on 3 fronts, he decides to defeat the opponents one by one. Within a few days, he inflicted a crushing defeat on Denmark, which effectively withdrew from the war. After that, it was the turn of Saxony. August 2 at this time besieged Riga, which belonged to Sweden. Charles II inflicted a terrible defeat on his opponent, forcing him to retreat.

Russia actually remained in the war one on one with the enemy. Peter 1 decided to defeat the enemy on his territory, but in no way took into account that Charles 12 had become not only a talented, but also an experienced commander. Peter sends troops to Narva, a Swedish fortress. The total number of Russian troops is 32 thousand people and 145 artillery pieces. Charles 12 sent an additional 18,000 soldiers to help his garrison. The battle turned out to be fleeting. The Swedes hit the joints between the Russian units and broke through the defenses. Moreover, many foreigners, whom Peter valued so much in russian army... Modern historians call this defeat "Narva confusion".

As a result of the Narva battle, Russia lost 8 thousand people killed and all the artillery. It was a nightmare result of the confrontation. At this moment, Karl 12 showed nobility, or made a mistake. He did not pursue the retreating Russians, believing that without artillery and with such losses, the war for Peter's army was over. But he was wrong. The Russian tsar announced a new recruitment to the army and began to restore the artillery at a hasty pace. For this, the bells of churches were even melted down. Also, Peter began to reorganize the army, because he clearly saw that at the moment his soldiers could not fight on equal terms with the opponents of the country.

Battle of Poltava

In this material, we will not dwell in detail on the course of the Poltava battle. since this historical event is detailed in the corresponding article. It should only be noted that the Swedes were stuck for a long time in the war with Saxony and Poland. In 1708, the young Swedish king actually won this war, inflicting a defeat on August 2, after which there was no doubt that the war was over for the latter.

These events sent Karl back to Russia, since it was necessary to finish off the last enemy. Here he met worthy resistance, which resulted in the Battle of Poltava. There, Karl 12 was literally defeated and fled to Turkey, hoping to persuade her to war with Russia. These events have made a turning point in the situation of the countries.

Prut campaign

After Poltava, the Northern Union was again relevant. After all, Peter inflicted a defeat that gave a chance for overall success. As a result, the Northern War continued with the Russian troops taking possession of the cities of Riga, Revel, Korel, Pernov and Vyborg. Thus, Russia actually conquered the entire eastern coast of the Baltic Sea.

Charles 12, who was in Turkey, even more actively began to persuade the Sultan to oppose Russia, because he understood that a great danger was hanging over his country. As a result, Turkey entered the war in 1711, which forced Peter's army to loosen its grip in the North, as now the Northern War forced him to fight on two fronts.

Peter personally decided to carry out a Prut campaign in order to defeat the enemy. Not far from the Prut River, Peter's army (28 thousand people) was surrounded by the Turkish army (180 thousand people). The situation was simply disastrous. The king himself was surrounded, as well as all his entourage and russian army in full force. Turkey could have ended the Northern War, but did not do it ... This should not be considered as a miscalculation of the Sultan. In the murky waters of political life, everyone catches soybeans. To smash Russia meant to strengthen Sweden, and to strengthen it very strongly, creating from it the strongest power on the continent. For Turkey, it was more profitable for Russia and Sweden to continue fighting, weakening each other.

Let's go back to the events brought by the Prut campaign. Peter was so shocked by what was happening that when sending his ambassador to negotiate for peace, he told him to agree to any conditions except the loss of Petrograd. A huge ransom was also collected. As a result, the Sultan agreed to a peace, according to the terms of which Turkey received Azov back, Russia destroys the Black Sea fleet and does not prevent the return of King Charles 12 to Sweden. In response, Turkey completely released the Russian troops, in full gear and with banners.

As a result, the Northern War, the outcome of which after the Battle of Poltava seemed a foregone conclusion, received a new round. This made the war more difficult and took much longer to win.

Naval battles of the Northern War

Simultaneously with the land battles, the Northern War was fought at sea. Naval battles were also quite massive and bloody. An important battle of that war took place on July 27, 1714 at Cape Gangut. In this battle, the Swedish squadron was almost completely destroyed. The entire fleet of this country, which took part in the battle at the Gangut, was destroyed. It was a terrible defeat for the Swedes and a splendid triumph for the Russians. As a result of these events, Stockholm was almost completely evacuated, since everyone feared an invasion of Russia deep into Sweden. In fact, the victory at Gangut was the first major naval victory for Russia!

The next significant battle also took place on July 27, but already in 1720. It happened not far from Grengam Island. This naval battle also ended in an unconditional victory. russian fleet... It should be noted that British ships were represented in the Swedish flotilla. This was due to the fact that England decided to support the Swedes, since it was clear that the latter could not hold out for a long time alone. Naturally, England's support was not official and she did not enter the war, but she "kindly" presented her ships to Charles 12.

Nishtad peace

Russia's victories at sea and on land forced the Swedish government to go to peace negotiations, agreeing to virtually all the demands of the winner, since Sweden was on the verge of complete defeat. As a result, in 1721 an agreement was concluded between the countries - the Peace of Nishtad. The Northern War after 21 years of hostilities was over. As a result, Russia received:

  • the territory of Finland to Vyborg
  • the territories of Estland, Livonia and Ingermanland

In fact, Peter 1 with this victory secured the right of his country to enter the Baltic Sea. The long years of war paid off in full. Russia won an outstanding victory, as a result of which many political tasks of the state were solved, which faced Russia since the time of Ivan 3. Below is presented detailed map northern war.

The Great Northern War allowed Peter to "cut a window to Europe," and the Nishtad peace secured this "window" for Russia officially. In fact, Russia confirmed its status as a great power, creating the preconditions for all European countries to actively listen to the opinion of Russia, which by that time had already become an Empire.

Peter 1 began to plan fighting upon his return to the country in 1699. The consequence of this preparation was the creation of the Northern Union, which was joined by 3 more states (Denmark, Saxony and later - the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth).

Great Northern War 1700 1721 unfolds immediately after the signing of peace with the Ottoman Empire. First of all, Russia began to advance its army to Narva, where the first battle takes place. The result was the complete defeat of the army, in which there were more than 35,000 people, and on the side of the enemy there were 8,500 soldiers. As a result, the ruler of Sweden concluded that Russia did not threaten his troops and withdrew the army. However, it was only the beginning of the northern war, which lasted another 21 years.

Causes of the Northern War.

The main reasons for the Northern War:

  • The desire to reduce the influence of Sweden, which had one of the strongest armies in Europe, and was also the leading state in Western Europe. With the accession to the throne of the young and inexperienced Charles II, such an opportunity arose.
  • Each state of the Northern Union had its own separate interests: Denmark wanted domination in the Baltic Sea, Russia just needed access to the Baltic Sea along with the lands of Karelia and Ingria, and Saxony wanted to return Livonia.
  • The pride of Peter I was hurt in Riga (it was the second most important city in the Kingdom of Sweden after Stockholm) - he received a cold welcome and took it as a personal insult.

Events of the Northern War.

The Russian prince takes appropriate measures and reorganizes the army, taking the European one as a model. After 2 years, Russia captures Noteurg and Nienschanz, as well as a number of other fortresses within 2 years. As a result of these events, the Russian army gains control over the passage to the Baltic.

Despite a series of victories, the ruler of Russia offers the enemy to conclude a truce, which the latter refuses. Northern War events begin to gain momentum with the attack of Charles 12 on Russia in 1712. The fighting leads to the fact that the interventionist manages to take control of Minsk, Mogilev and acquire a new ally in the form of the hetman of Ukraine Mazepa. Nevertheless, in the course of the further offensive, the enemy army is deprived of supplies and reserves as a result of a successfully planned attack by the Russian army.

In the summer of 1709, near Poltava, the Swedish army suffers a complete defeat, as a result of which both the ruler of the country and the hetman Mazepa are sent to Turkey. Then, naturally, the Ottoman Empire joins the company, already in 1711 capturing a number of cities. Sweden is for years of the Great Northern War is gradually losing its land. Success accompanies Russia and at sea, in 1914 the reformed fleet won its first victories at Cape Gangut. Despite this, the war continues, since there is no unanimity among the members of the Northern Alliance.

After Russia's victory in Finland in 1718, Karl 12 decides to start peace negotiations, which only lead to an aggravation of the war. Already in 1719-1720, wars landed directly on the coast of Sweden. The result of the almost complete defeat of Sweden is the peace treaty concluded in Nystadt in the summer of 1721.

As a result Northern war in Russia was completely over, and the Senate appointed Peter 1 emperor. Since then, Russia has been called an empire.

Results of the Northern War.

For Russia, the results of the Northern War were as follows:


  • Access to the Baltic Sea was gained.
  • The territories of Ingria, Kuplandia, Karelia were captured.
  • The city of St. Petersburg was built on the conquered territory, providing a waterway to Western Europe, which allowed the country's economy to develop much faster through trade.
  • Sweden has lost its position in Europe and has not reached the previous level.


  • Russia was financially ruined.
  • There was a demographic crisis due to the large number of deaths in the war.