The rules for compiling syncwine for literature. Rules for compiling syncwine for literature in different classes

History of origin

Building analytical skills

Writing a syncwine, a concise summary based on large amounts of information, is useful for developing analytical ability. Unlike a school essay, syncwine requires less time, although it has a stricter framework in terms of the form of presentation, and its writing requires the compiler to realize almost all of his personal abilities (intellectual, creative, imaginative). Thus, the procedure for compiling a syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three main educational systems: information, activity and personality oriented.


Various variations for composing syncwine contribute to the versatile compilation of tasks. In addition to composing a new syncwine independently (as in a pair, a group), options with:

  • drafting short story by ready-made syncwine (using words and phrases that are part of syncwine);
  • correction and improvement of the finished syncwine;
  • analysis of incomplete syncwine to determine the missing part (for example, a syncwine is given without specifying a topic - without the first line, it is necessary to determine it based on the existing ones).



  • Examples of syncwines: Exercise "Sinkwine -" Tolerance "" and Composing syncwines - in the section of Psychological exercises for trainings on
  • Cinquain. (eng.)

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    This article is about japanese poetry, see Haiku for the operating system. It is proposed to rename this page to Haiku (Hokku). Explanation of reasons and discussion on the Wikipedia page: Towards renaming / December 19, 2012. Perhaps its current ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Tanka (disambiguation). Tanka (Japanese 短歌 tanka ?, "short song") 31 syllabic five-line Japanese poetic form (the main type of Japanese feudal lyric poetry), which is a variety of ... Wikipedia

It is believed that cinquain arose based on the principles of creating oriental poetic forms. Initially, great importance was attached to the number of syllables in each line, the arrangement of stress. But in teaching practice not much attention is paid to all this. The main emphasis is on the content and principles of construction of each of the lines.

Syncwine building rules

  • First line poems are his theme. It is represented by just one word and necessarily a noun.
  • Second line consists of two words, revealing the main topic, describing it. These must be adjectives. The use of participles is allowed.
  • IN third line, through the use of verbs or participles, describes actions related to the word that is the subject of syncwine. The third line has three words.
  • Fourth line - this is no longer a set of words, but a whole phrase, with the help of which the component expresses his attitude to the topic. In this case, it can be either a sentence drawn up by a student independently, or popular expression, proverb, saying, quote, aphorism, necessarily in the context of the topic being revealed.
  • Fifth line - just one word, which is a kind of summary, summary. Most often it is just a synonym for the topic of the poem.

When writing syncwine in didactic practice, minor deviations from the basic rules of its writing are allowed. So, for example, the number of words in one or several lines can vary and the replacement of specified parts of speech with others.

As an example, here is a poem composed by children about this teaching method itself:

Figurative, precise
Generalizes, develops, teaches
"The power of speech lies in the ability to express a lot in a few words"

How to use syncwines in the lesson?

The topic chosen for composing the syncwine should be close and interesting to students. Better results can be achieved if there is room for emotionality, sensuality.

Children don't always get involved right away. Difficulties can be associated with the need to analyze, comprehend the topic, insufficient vocabulary, misunderstanding of certain terms, fear of making a mistake. To help the children, it becomes necessary to ask leading questions, broaden their horizons, encourage any desire of students, and answer their questions.

The main task of a teacher who uses the syncwine method in the lesson is the need to think over a clear system of logically interrelated elements, the embodiment of which in images will allow students to comprehend and remember the material of the subject.

How to teach children to write syncwine?

First of all, it is necessary to tell that sinkwine is the desire to fit in a short form your knowledge, thoughts, feelings, emotions, associations, this is an opportunity to express your opinion regarding any issue, subject, event, phenomenon, which will be the main theme of the work ... Then you need to explain the basic rules for writing the five-verse, for clarity, give a few examples. And only after that the teacher announces the topic, specifying the time allotted for this work.

After the completion of the creative process, children, if desired, read out their poems. If the work took place, for example, as homework, the teacher can read (or ask the author of the work to do it) the most interesting options. As an example, you can try to make one common syncwine by writing it down on the board. Work in pairs or groups is allowed. But individual work is considered the most effective, since it allows the teacher to understand the depth of understanding of the material by each of the students.

Areas of use

Sinkwine as a teaching method is universal. It can be applied to topics in any subject in the school curriculum. It allows you to interest students, helps to better understand and comprehend the material being studied. It is quite simple to compose a five-verse, so it is permissible to use it when working with children of any age.

Sinkwine is a special poem that is the result of an analysis and synthesis of existing or just received data. It can be used at the stage of challenge, when children, even before getting acquainted with a new topic, compose a poem, based on the information that they know at the moment. This allows the teacher to understand what the guys already know on this issue and will give the opportunity to correct the information that needs to be conveyed to the children for the correct assimilation of the material.

At the stage of comprehension, writing syncwine allows the teacher to evaluate how students understand the topic under study, diversifies the educational process, makes it more interesting, because syncwine is also a play activity. In this case, the methodology is a change in activity, contributing to some emotional unloading of schoolchildren.

And you can use it on. Thought, translated into an image, allows the teacher to assess the level of understanding of the studied material by the students. Sinkwine is classified as a fast, but very powerful tool for reflection.

Composing syncwine is a creative activity and is often used in the study of humanitarian subjects - literature, history. But in order to diversify the educational process, make it more interesting, you can use this technique in physics lessons, for example. After getting acquainted with the topic "Light", the teacher invites the children to compose a syncwine.

Answer using adjectives, what is he? Bright, warm

Tell us, using verbs, what does he do? Lights up, illuminates, flickers.

Make up a sentence or phrase that expresses the attitude to the topic, and is a kind of conclusion. Needed by people.

Summarize in one word. Radiance.

In natural history, you can invite children to compose poems about the seasons.

Roast, fun
Walk, play, relax.
Look forward to.

Warm, bright

Nature is waking up.

Options for working with syncwine

In addition to the traditional compilation of syncwine, other types of work with five-verses in the lesson are possible.

Compose a story based on a ready-made poem. It is advisable, when compiling it, to use the words and phrases used in the given syncwine.

Edit the finished syncwine in order to improve it.

Add syncwine. To do this, you need to analyze the given poem, identify the missing part and fill it in. For example, you might suggest a poem that doesn't include a topic. Using words that characterize and reveal it, students should understand what it is about:

Fleeting, fading
Runs, stops, heals
Stunning phenomenon
A life.

Children must determine that the theme of this syncwine is "Time".

Advantages of the method

When composing syncwine in the classroom:

  • interest in the studied material increases;
  • figurative thinking develops;
  • students' creativity develops;
  • communication skills and the ability to express their thoughts succinctly and concisely are improved;
  • thinking and imagination develops;
  • the ability to analyze is developed;
  • the time allotted for storing information decreases;
  • expands lexicon.

Compilation of syncwine in the lesson takes relatively little time, but at the same time it is an effective way of developing figurative speech, which contributes to the rapid receipt of the result.

In the course of working on this technique, students are able not only to deepen their knowledge on any topic, but also to improve their skills to work independently with additional sources of information, to plan their educational activities.

Examples of syncwines

In natural history, you can invite children to compose syncwines about the seasons.

Roast, fun
Walk, play, relax.
Look forward to.

Warm, bright
Blooms, turns green, pleases.
Nature is waking up.

At a literature lesson, the teacher, as a homework assignment, invites children to make a syncwine about favorite piece... The result could be like this:

Smart and brave.
Travels, makes friends, wins.
I admire her.
This is the book "The Girl of the Sixth Moon" by Mooney Whitcher.

You can invite children to write a syncwine about the sun:

The sun
Bright, distant
Warms, shines, makes us happy.
I love sun.
Life-giving star.

Sinkwine is an analysis and synthesis of information, a play on words. This is poetry that promotes creative self-development and beautiful expression of your thoughts. This is the way of writing original and beautiful poems... That is why sinkwine, as a teaching method, is gaining more and more popularity and is increasingly being used in the educational process.

Elvina Azatovna
Using the Sinkwine technology in the work on the development of speech of preschoolers

Modern life dictates its the laws: people's speech becomes businesslike, even in a daily environment, laconic, dry, devoid of imagery, brightness. Good command of the word is an art that needs to be studied for more than one year. The social status of a person and a professional career depend on this.

Development cognitive - speech abilities in children is one of the main tasks preschool education ... Today - figurative speech in children, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions preschool age is a very rare phenomenon. IN speeches children there are many problems: poor vocabulary, inability to compose a story from a picture, retell what they read, it is difficult for them to memorize a poem. Therefore, the pedagogical influence with development and speech of preschoolers - painstaking, daily, necessary work.

Speaking about the forms, methods and techniques of teaching children, one cannot but say about serious changes in the system preschool educationthat touched on both the organizational and content aspects of education. The adoption of the FSES DO requires the educator to think more deeply about the methods and techniques for organizing educational activities, since the role of the educator is guiding, developing... Search for approaches to improve efficiency educational process makes it necessary to pay great attention to the use of innovative pedagogical technologies and methods.

For myself, I noted that one of the most effective interesting methods that allows you to activate cognitive activity and promotes development of speech, is an work over the creation of a non-rhymed poem, syncwine.

The innovativeness of this technique lies in the fact that conditions are created for personality developmentcapable of thinking critically, that is, excluding unnecessary things and highlighting the main thing, generalizing, classifying.

Sinkwine is used as a method of developing figurative speechallowing you to quickly get the result. Is not contradicts educational and correctional programs of preschool educational institutions.

Relevance and feasibility use of syncwine is explained bywhat before total:

New creative intellectual opportunities are opening up;

Fits harmoniously into work on the development of LGK;

Contributes to the enrichment and updating of the dictionary;

Is a diagnostic tool;

Has a complex effect (develops speech, memory, attention, thinking)

-used by to consolidate the studied topic;

i am a playful technique;

With creative using syncwine in the classroom it is perceived preschoolers like a fun game. But you need to remember that you need to make syncwine only on topics well known to children and be sure to show an example.

Children must have sufficient vocabulary, master generalizations, concepts: word-object, word-action, word-attribute.

Match words in a sentence

Drafting syncwine is used for reflection, analysis and synthesis of the information received.

The most important thing that I am very impressed with in this method is that Sinkwine - everyone gets it!

This method can be easily integrated with all educational areas, and the simplicity of construction syncwine allows you to quickly get the result.

When to start getting to know this technique? With older children

Dear colleagues, and I would like to introduce you to this technique.

Word syncwine(English Cinquain) comes from the French word "five"which means "Poem of five lines"which are written according to certain rules.

Traditional (classical) sinkwine as a genre of poetry, based on the counting of syllables in each verse, was invented by the American poet Adelaide Crapsi at the beginning of the 20th century, under the influence of Japanese poetry popular at that time.

Didactic compilation rule syncwine was developed much later... For pedagogical and educational purposes, as an effective method speech development, intelligent and analytical skills, synquine is used in many countries of the world, since the late 90s and in Russia.

To the basic rules of drawing up syncwine include the following:

1 line - one keyword - title, heading, subject, usually a noun that defines the content (item name, artwork, hero name, etc.);

2nd line - two words (adjectives describing the features of an object or its properties.

words can be connected by conjunctions and prepositions.

3 line - three words (Verbs)... Subject actions related to the topic.

4 line - four words - a sentence. A phrase that shows the author's attitude to the topic.

5 line - one word - a resume word, association, synonym that characterizes the essence of the topic, philosophical generalization, expresses the author's personal expression and emotion to the topic in the first line, usually a noun.

Strict adherence to the rules of writing syncwine is optional... To improve the text on the fourth line, you can use three or five words, and the fifth line contains two words. Possible options use and other parts of speech.

Algorithm syncwine for childrenwho can't read, looks like a Christmas tree. Parts speeches can be highlighted in different colors.

Subject (theme) - one noun word.

Two adjectives per topic.

Three related verbs.

Suggestion on the topic.

Association by topic: one word-item.

Also in its i use the syncwine compilation scheme shown on slad 11. Slad 11.


words-objects (nouns)

tag words (adjectives)

action words (Verbs)

words-objects (nouns)

To date, dozens of domestic authors point to great help syncwine in setting correctness and meaningfulness speeches for children preschool age .

Is it possible to learn to compose syncwines of childrenwho can't read yet?

Sure you may. Make up sinkwine works for everyone... Drafting syncwine looks like a game, because writing is fun, useful and easy! The main thing is to start writing and everything will definitely work out. Children who cannot read orally make up syncwine with question words. About who about what? What, what, what? What did you do, what did you do? With the help of leading questions, children learn to highlight the main idea, answer questions and, according to a certain algorithm, create their own oral, non-rhymed poems.

For instance,

Who! Doll

Which one? Beautiful, beloved

What is he doing? Standing, Sitting, Smiling

Sentence. My doll is the most beautiful

Association. Toy

In order to most correctly, fully and accurately express his thought, the child must have a sufficient vocabulary. therefore work begins with the refinement, expansion and self-improvement of the vocabulary.

Introducing children to concepts "Word for an object"and "Word denoting the action of an object", we thereby prepare the platform for the subsequent work on the proposal... Giving concept "Word denoting a feature of an object", we accumulate material for the distribution of the proposal by definitions. Children realize that the sentence contains the main words, without which it is not built. If the compilation syncwine is difficult, you can help with leading questions.

You need to start with simple conceptsfamiliar theme.

What a flower does - grows, blooms, smells, sways, dries up, withers.

A girl and a boy can perform several actions - looking, crying, smiling, shouting, jumping, running, sitting, playing.

What is shown in the picture: the cat is lying, the kettle is boiling.

Several signs for one item - yellow, sour, juicy, aromatic (lemon).

Children master concepts "Alive and inanimate" subject, learn to correctly pose questions to the words denoting objects, actions and signs of objects, to depict them graphically, as well as using pictures-associations or objects. Graphical charts help children to feel more specifically the boundaries of words and their separate spelling.

Sinkwine - this is not a way to test the knowledge of children, it is a way to check at any stage of studying a topic what is at the level of associations among pupils.

Method syncwine in work with preschoolers can be used starting from the second half of the year in senior groupwhen children have already mastered the concept "Word-object", Word-action, "Sign word", "sentence"... The richer the child's vocabulary, the easier it will be for him to build not only syncwinebut also retell the text and express your thoughts.

Didactic syncwine it is appropriate to make at the end of each lexical topicwhen children already have a sufficient vocabulary on a given topic. At first, it is planned when drawing up syncwine work with children in pairs, in small groups and only then individually. Must be encouraged syncwines, which contain the most accurate description of various aspects of a topic or subject.

Tasks for children to compose syncwine can be various:

To one word-subject on a lexical topic

To different words-subjects related to each other by a lexical topic.

Drafting short story for a ready-made didactic syncwine using words and phrasesincluded in this syncwine.

Correction and improvement of the finished syncwine

Analysis incomplete syncwine to identify the missing part (for example, given syncwine without specifying a subject - without the first line, it is necessary to determine it based on the existing ones).

The higher the level of speech child development, the more interesting it turns out syncwines... The seeming simplicity of the form of this technique hides a powerful, versatile tool for reflection. After all, evaluating information, expressing thoughts, feelings and ideas in a few words, in fact, is not so easy even for an adult. It's challenging and rewarding work, but poems created by children often become "Highlight" direct educational activities.

You can give work home for joint activities of the child and parents: draw an object and compose syncwine, which does not require much time, this game can be played even on the way to kindergarten... And as a result, when it is drawn up, almost all personal abilities of the child are realized. (intellectual, creative, imaginative)... Parents can make a piggy bank with a child syncwines... Based on poems, cartoons, read stories and fairy tales, situations from life ...

Sinkwine for preschoolers is:

A means of creative self-expression of a child;

A playful way of enriching vocabulary;

Preparing for short retelling;

mastery of concepts: word-object (living-inanimate, word-action, word-sign;

Ability to highlight the main idea, formulate an idea, select synonyms, correctly understand and ask questions, coordinate words in a sentence;

An exciting activity that makes everyone preschooler can feel like a genius creator.

IN recent times in school classes, it has become popular to use a methodology called "syncwine". It is believed that this stimulates the mental activity of students, contributes to the development creative thinking, writing and reading skills, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions, formulating them briefly. In addition, composing syncwines is very interesting and children are happy to do this.

What is Sinkwine?

This form of versification appeared at the suggestion of the American woman Adelaide Crapsi at the beginning of the last century, thanks to the Eastern principles of poetry - haiku and tanka. The result is syncwine - a laconic five-line poetic form that carries synthesized information. Sinkwine is divided into several varieties, each of which has certain rules for composing.

Crapsie came up with the traditional form of composing the five-verse, where the work included 22 syllables and had a structure of this type: 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 2, where the number means the number of syllables in each line.

To teach American schoolchildren, they began to use didactic form syncwine. It differs from other five-lineages in that it is important not to observe the syllable structure, but to the semantic information of the lines.

The classic traditional syncwine is composed like this:

  • The first line is a subject, noun, or pronoun;
  • The second line - two adjectives or participles, they briefly characterize the topic, describing it;
  • The third line is three words of verbs or participles that reveal the action;
  • The fourth line is the author's opinion about the described topic in four words;
  • The fifth line is the final one, the essence of the topic, consisting of one word and any part of speech.

Of course it is general foundations syncwine writing to try to stick to. But small adjustments can be made if the meaning of the poem benefits from this. So that the five-line does not turn out to be a random set of words, it is allowed to enlarge the words in a line or replace parts of speech, and so on. The main thing is that as a result the author creates an interesting creation with important information.

The pedagogical value of syncwine

IN russian schools this poetic form began to be used not so long ago, in the last decade of the last century. But in Western school programs, it has been successfully used for almost 100 years.

From a pedagogical point of view, syncwine is a great way to creatively realize a student. Such a poetic form helps to find and highlight the most important moments in the information field, to compose them and briefly bring them to the attention of others.

Sinkwine helps to overcome the monotony of speech in a child, helps to enrich vocabulary, speed up mental development... Writing five-verses helps build analytical thinking skills. It is convenient to use it as a final task for checking the passed material. The ease of constructing a poem makes this development method very effective for children of different ages.

To suck cinquain, you need to have knowledge and understanding of the material covered. This form can be used not only in literature or Russian, but also in subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, you can check the level of student's knowledge by compiling syncwine. Moreover, although in time it passes faster than writing a standard test, but the intensity of the work of thought will require no less. And the result will be much more original, interesting and revealing.

Let's try to figure out how to write a non-rhymed poem step by step using the word "book".

1 line

1 line is the topic, which means that the word "book" is the finished opening line of our poem. But books are different, what characterization to give it? To do this, you need to concretize the topic (in this case, the book). Let's move on to the second line.

2 line

Line 2 gives a description of the subject (topic). What does the word "book" represent? everyone has their own associations, for example:

  • Electronic, paper;
  • Interesting, captivating, with pictures and illustrations;
  • Boring, technical, with formulas and schemes;
  • Old, ancient, with marginal notes.

The list can be very long and unambiguous correct definition no, everyone has their first perception when pronouncing a word. Someone presents a favorite children's book, someone a weighty tome in their father's office, someone has an abstract image in the form of store shelves with many creations. You need to write what is presented in connection with "your" book. For instance:

  • bright, colored;
  • boring, instructive;
  • historical, interesting.

From the second line, the nature of our book is clearly presented.

3 line

Line 3 should describe the action. What actions generally take place with a book? It is composed, written, published, sold, on the shelf, and so on. But it would be more correct to describe actions in relation to the author: captures, drives into sleep, makes you bored, teaches, tells, makes you worry. The choice of characterizing verbs depends on the description given. For example, boring, moralizing in the second line cannot captivate, awaken the imagination in the third.

When writing the third line, the main rule is to stick to the image that has already been created. You also need to monitor the use of single-root words, if the book was described as interesting, then you should not characterize the action that it interests. Transfusion of "water" will turn out. It is better to use a word similar in meaning: interesting book fascinates.

4 line

Line 4 of the five-verse implies the expression of a personal relationship to the topic (book). As a rule, this line is the most difficult to formulate. Schoolchildren are constantly taught that thoughts must be expressed directly and unambiguously: I love reading, I find books useful and didactic. In practice, sinkwine does not require an assessment and implies a free interpretation. You need to determine what is most important in relation to you and your life related to books.

For instance:

  • i hate sitting at a book;
  • learned to read at the age of five;
  • i have a lot of books at home.

If the imagination draws deforestation for the production of paper for books, then there may be such formulations:

  • published a book - destroyed a tree;
  • paper books - a planet without trees.

That is, the expression of a personal relationship to books in a clear and understandable form. If it is difficult to immediately compose a short, capacious phrase, then you can write your thought in free form, not counting the number of words, and then decide how to reduce it to the desired size. For example: "I love reading historical novels and can sit over a book all night until morning." As a result, the shortened version will look like:

  • i read all night long;
  • read the entire book until morning;
  • book in hand - a dream beyond the threshold.

5 line

Line 5 is the final one, its task is to sum up the whole work in one word. First you need to write the resulting four lines and read them. This is almost a ready-made, non-rhymed poem. Let's say I remembered children's works:

  • Bright, fabulous.
  • Entertains, fascinates, lulls.
  • Mom read before bedtime.

To formulate the main idea of \u200b\u200bsyncwine, you need to draw a conclusion from the resulting work: "I remember how in childhood I liked it when my mother read fairy tales at night." Most likely, the final word will already be contained in the final phrase. In this case, the word "childhood" will be appropriate.

Examples of syncwines

Writing syncwines is a creative and fun process. Children are very fond of such activities and often offer themes for poems themselves. Here are some examples of how to create simple, non-rhymed five-lines for elementary school students.


Warm, sunny.

Swim, relax, walk.

The best time of the year.



Cruel, scary.

Kills, tortures, shoots.

I've seen films about the war.


Big, noisy.

Teaches, helps, guides.

I like going to lessons.


Caring, affectionate.

She regrets, nurses, looks after.

Grandma has the most delicious pies.


Fragrant, sweet.

Blooms, smells, ripens.

I love cherry jam.


Brilliant, colorful.

Shoots, sparkles, rumbles.

It is a symbol of joy and victory.


Small, defenseless.

Laughs, rejoices, grows.

Children are the flowers of life.


Brave, brave.

Catches, protects, guards.

My city is the safest.

September 1

Festive, smart.

Let's go, study, get acquainted.

The first time in first class!


Active. Conscious.

Builds, acts, follows.

Together we are strong.

If you need to compose a syncwine on a topic, but you are having difficulty with it, we can help you. Write the topic of syncwine in the comments to the article, and we will try to compose it for you.

In the early 20th century, American poet Adelaide Crapsi developed new form a poem consisting of five lines - syncwine. A lot of time has passed since then, and today many types of syncwines have appeared, which will be discussed below.


A poem form consisting of five lines and based on a count of the syllables in each line. Its structure looks like this: 2-4-6-8-2. That is, the first line should contain a word or phrase of two syllables, the second - of four, the third - of six, and so on. Traditional syncwine can be rhymed or not.

An example is the works of Irina Yanakova:

God gave
Raven cheese
She was flattered by flattery
No need to open your mouth
In vain.

The hall is empty
When your poems
On stage with the expression you
Was reading.


Five-line form with reverse verse sequence only. That is, in the first line - a word or phrase of two syllables, in the second - of eight, the third - of six, etc. The structure is as follows: 2-8-6-4-2.

An example of such a syncwine from Ariel Dororo:

A thunderstorm appears before us
Turning into a river


A poetic form of two five-line stanzas, where the first stanza is a traditional syncwine, and the second is the opposite.

An example from the same Ariel Dororo:

Thunder crash
Like gunpowder in clouds
Exploded by a meteor spark
The sky will become a black sea
Even the gills of the echo
Smell fishy
With fur

Sinkwine butterfly

The form of the poem, consisting of nine lines with a syllable structure 2-4-6-8-2-8-6-4-2.

And again an example from the most talented Ariel Dororo:

Into the wild
Strange dance
Like prominences
Lightning skeletons gallop
Seen from the depths of Lethe
Atlantis demons
Came out to scald

Crown of syncwines

A completed poem consisting of five traditional syncwines.

Example from Alena Timakova:

All day
Stubborn rain
Knocks on my window.
What a monotonous blues.
I smoke ...

Soaked through
And turn off the lights
Crying, gray

You called.
You were a little drunk
And he told me guiltily:
"I love" ...

I will open the door.
And the heart is like a ball
Ready to jump out of hand

Shut up ...
Close eyes…
We'll listen to the rain
And come up with music
The words…

Garland of syncwines

The most beautiful variation we think. Consists of a crown of syncwines with the addition of a sixth syncwine to it, in which the first line is taken from the first, the second from the second, the third from the third syncwine, etc.

Example from Yulia Zaitseva:

Sleep is not coming.
Opened window.
Staring into the stardust
I believe

What is there
In the moonlight
The Little Prince lives
And looks at it too

There, by the window, -
Lonely shadow.
Shouts: "Flower, is it you ?!"
In reply

And laugh
Easy and careless ...
“How, after all, it’s good that

At night
We met!
I am happy because
That you really exist
You are…"

In the moonlight
A lonely shadow ...
How good it is that
You are.


Unlike previous types, in this five-line form, the text is based not on syllabic dependence, but on semantic and syntactic assignment for each line.

The first line is one noun or pronoun expressing main theme syncwine.

The second line is two adjectives or participles that describe the features and properties of the selected topic.

Third line - three verbs or participles describing actions within the topic.

The fourth line is a four-word phrase that expresses the author's attitude to the subject being described.

The fifth line is one summary word describing the essence of the subject.

Strict adherence to the rules for writing didactic syncwine is not necessary. For example, the fourth line can use three, five, or six words, and the fifth line can use two words.

An example of a syncwine on the theme "Home":

Handsome, dear.
Built, rented, sold.
Someone lives in it.