Certification of a graduate student by a scientific advisor example. A sample of filling out the attestation sheet for scientific research of a postgraduate student of the first year of study

Postgraduate studies at Moscow University. S.Yu. Witte is carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards higher education.

Attestation is a form of control over the implementation of individual training plans by graduate students. Individual plans for the preparation of a graduate student are drawn up by graduate students and agreed with their supervisors for each year of study.

Postgraduate student certification is carried out once a year in the month of May.

Attestation is carried out at a meeting of the department to which the graduate student is attached. At the attestation, the report of the graduate student and his supervisor is heard on the progress of the implementation of the plan for the preparation of the graduate student, the pace of the dissertation work, the planned training of the graduate student in all stages of the educational and scientific activities, by passing the minimum candidate examinations, as well as the publication of research results.

For successful completion of certification, a graduate student must:

· Take in the research department and graduate school (room 309) your individual training plan;

· Prepare reporting materials (see the certification criteria specified in the individual plan);

To speak at a meeting of the department with a report on the work performed during the year ( check the dates of the meetings in advance in the research department and graduate school);

Submit to the research department and graduate school signed scientific advisor and the head of the department an individual plan for the preparation of a graduate student, the mandatory components of which are:

1) Review of the supervisor on the implementation of the individual plan of the graduate student in the reporting year. The review must be signed by the supervisor, it contains the evaluation components of the scientific and learning activities graduate student.

2) Graduate student report for the entire period of study that has elapsed, signed by the graduate student and supervisor (see the individual plan for the requirements for the content of the report).

Before certification, the supervisor checks in detail the implementation of the work plan by the graduate student for the past training period and enters the results of the check into the individual work plan. At the same time, the graduate student, together with his supervisor, draws up a training plan for the period until the next certification.

The postgraduate student's report material must be submitted to the research department and graduate school a week before the certification.

The decision made at the meeting of the department is recorded in the individual plan for the training of a graduate student and is drawn up with an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department on certification of a graduate student.

Within 5 days after the date of the certification, the employees of the departments submit the following documents to the research department and postgraduate study:

1. An extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department on the certification of graduate students.

2. Completed and signed individual postgraduate plans.

Based on the results of attestation, the transfer to the next year or the expulsion of the graduate student is carried out.

If the graduate student did not show the ability for research work and did not complete the individual work plan for the current period without good reason, then the graduate student is considered not certified, which is also recorded in his individual plan. This decision is the basis for expulsion from graduate school.

Certification of postgraduate students enrolled in the Federal State Educational Standard (Federal State Educational Standards)

The procedure for conducting intermediate attestation (hereinafter - attestation) of graduate students enrolled in the main professional educational program of higher education - the program for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (hereinafter - OBOP) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) is regulated by the "Regulations on intermediate attestation of graduate students (when studying under the Federal State Educational Standard) ".

The purpose of the certification is:

Monitoring the implementation of an individual plan by a graduate student;

Control over the implementation of the curriculum by the postgraduate student in the specialty (including the educational and research components of OBOP;

Ensuring the presentation of dissertations within the time frame corresponding to the period of study in graduate school.

Attestation is a mandatory form of postgraduate students' reporting on the work done during the reporting period. Intermediate certifications are held twice a year at the end of the semester: in May-June and December. The timing of the certification is established by order of the rector and is communicated to all interested parties. At each certification, the results for the entire previous training period are summed up.

Unsatisfactory results of attestation or failure to pass the intermediate attestation in the absence of valid reasons are recognized as academic debt. Graduate students are required to eliminate academic debt.

If academic debt is identified, further actions are consistent with the "Regulations on the procedure for applying to students and removing disciplinary measures from students." Postgraduate students with academic debt are entitled to undergo intermediate certification no more than two times within one year from the date of formation of academic debt. The specified period does not include the time of illness of the student, his stay on academic leave or maternity leave. The terms for the elimination of academic debt are established by order of the rector of the ASMU. To carry out the intermediate certification for the second time, a commission is created, which is approved by the rector of ASMU. Postgraduate students who have not passed the intermediate certification for valid reasons or have academic debt are transferred to the next half or year of study conditionally. Postgraduates who have not liquidated their academic debt within the established timeframe are expelled from the ASMU as having failed to fulfill their responsibilities for the conscientious development of the educational program and the implementation of the curriculum.

Based on the results of the interim attestation, the rector's order is issued on the admission of a graduate student who does not have academic debt to the next period of study and the appointment of a scholarship (for budget education) for the next six months.

Requirements for attestation of graduate students

The structure of the educational component of the OBEP is established by the curriculum for the specialty. In order to ensure the submission of dissertations in terms corresponding to the period of study in graduate school, the minimum criterion requirements for the certification of graduate students for each semester are determined in terms of the volume of work performed and for the implementation of the OBOP components.

Criteria for the certification of graduate students


Mastering the educational program (ZET)

Foreign language

History and philosophy of science

Psychology and pedagogy high school

Special discipline

Public health and healthcare

Fundamentals of statistical processing of experimental data in medicine using computer technology

Pedagogical excellence

Practice (SET)

Research Work (ZET)

State final certification (ZET)

Preparation and delivery state examination

Defense of the final qualifying work

Preparation and implementation of certification of graduate students

In order to prepare for certification, a graduate student draws up a graduate student's certification sheet for the corresponding year or six months of training and individual plans:

The postgraduate student certifies the results on the educational component of the OBOP with the head of the scientific and organizational department (according to documents in the personal file of the graduate student), with the heads of departments (according to the minutes of the department meeting), chairmen of problem commissions (according to the minutes of the meeting of problem commissions), with the secretary of the Local Committee on Biomedical Ethics (according to the minutes of the committee meeting) and from the leading teachers of the disciplines of the curriculum (on the fact of meeting the requirements for credits).

Attestation sheets must be transferred to the head of the department in order to form the department's attestation sheet.

By the time of the certification by the postgraduate student, together with the scientific advisor, the corresponding sections of the individual plan of the graduate student are filled in:

Detailed information is entered on the results of work for the educational period preceding the certification (a year or half a year);

A work plan for the next training period is being formed.

By the time of attestation, the postgraduate student forms (updates) a list of scientific papers in the form established by the Higher Attestation Commission (hereinafter - HAC).

The head of the department or responsible for postgraduate studies at the department, on the basis of the attestation sheets of graduate students, fills in all sections of the department's attestation sheet, with the exception of the column "Attestation Result".

The decision on the results of attestation is made on the basis of the postgraduate student's report on the implementation of the individual plan, the characteristics of the supervisor and the results of meeting the certification requirements presented in the department's certification sheet, available to all department employees.

Attestation reporting

After attestation, within one week, graduate students submit to the scientific and organizational department:

Individual plan (certified by the scientific advisor and head of the department);

List of scientific papers in the form established by the Higher Attestation Commission;

Reporting on the passage of teaching practice (determined by the Regulations on the teaching practice of graduate students of ASMU).

After certification within one week, the heads of the graduating departments provide the scientific-organizational department of postgraduate studies:

Extracts from the minutes of the meeting of the department on the certification of graduate students (for each graduate student);

Attestation sheet of the department;

Attestation sheets of graduate students (certified by the scientific advisor and approved by the head of the department).

Certification of postgraduate students studying in FGT (Federal State Requirements)

Postgraduate studies are conducted on the basis of an individual postgraduate work plan, which is drawn up by a graduate student and his supervisor for each year of study. Attestation is a form of control over the implementation of individual work plans by graduate students.

Certification is carried out at a meeting of the department, to which the graduate student is attached, where the report of the graduate student and his supervisor on the progress of the plan and work on the dissertation for the current period is heard. Postgraduate students are certified once a year (May-June). To pass the certification, a postgraduate student must download the section "Postgraduate and doctoral studies" from the ASMU website (see below):

1.the attestation sheet of the graduate student (in 2 copies),

2. working plan of the reporting year from the "Individual plan of the graduate student" (in 2 copies).

Before certification, the supervisor checks in detail the implementation of the work plan by the graduate student for the past training period and enters the results of the check into the individual work plan. At the same time, the supervisor, together with the graduate student, draws up a training plan for the period until the next certification.

The results of the verification of the implementation of the individual plan and the plan for the preparation of the graduate student for the subsequent period are considered at the meeting of the department, where the issue of the current state of preparation of the graduate student and the pace of the dissertation work, the planned training of the graduate student in all stages of scientific activity, the publication of research results, as well as the passing of candidate exams are discussed. minimum. The decision made at the meeting of the department is recorded in the individual plan of the graduate student and is drawn up with an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department on certification of the graduate student with a full report on the work done for the reporting period (no later than June 15 of the reporting year).

If the graduate student did not show the ability for research work and did not complete the individual work plan for the current period without good reason, then the graduate student is considered not certified, which is also recorded in his individual plan. This decision is the basis for expulsion from graduate school. If these requirements are not met, the graduate student is expelled from the graduate school of ASMU by the order of the rector upon presentation of the report of the supervisor.

After passing the certification procedure, the completed and certified certification sheet and the individual plan are submitted to the scientific and organizational department and serve as the basis for transfer to the next year or deductions.

After passing the certification graduate student passes to the scientific and organizational department the following documents:

1. completed attestation sheet of the graduate student;

2 . individual plan, in which the results of the implementation for the past and work planning for the next year of study are filled.

The fact of non-fulfillment of the individual plan by the graduate student is recorded in the characteristics of the graduate student and in the decision of the attestation commission, which serves as the basis for the rector's order to expel the graduate student.

Criteria for attestation of graduate and doctoral students

Form of study

Certification indicators

1 year

2 year

3 year

4 year

graduate school

1) Approval of the dissertation topic for the NCC. Advanced dissertation plan;
2) Exams of the candidate's minimum;
3) At least 1 publication;
4) At least 1 presentation at a scientific conference;
5) The first chapter of the dissertation (a literary review on the topic of research from at least 100 sources). Second chapter of the thesis.

    Passing the candidate exam is a stage of intermediate certification.

    The attestation certificate of a postgraduate student is the main document confirming the assessment of his studies in graduate school, the completeness of mastering the training program. On the basis of the attestation, the graduate student is transferred to the next period (semester, year) of study and a scholarship is assigned to him (provided that full-time study is on the budget, there is no “satisfactory” grade based on the results of the intermediate attestation, no academic debt).

    Attestation sheets are kept in the personal file of the graduate student. In case of non-certification, the graduate student is expelled from the graduate school.

    The supervisor can initiate an appointment before the director of the Center at any time school year current attestation of a graduate student. The current certification is assigned due to the failure of a graduate student, ignorance of his duties, loss of connection with the Center, etc.

    Upon completion of the training, the final certification of the graduate student is carried out.

    At the end of the term of study, graduate students must:

  • complete individual academic plan;
  • pass the candidate exams in the history and philosophy of science, foreign language and special discipline;
  • pass the state exam (for those who entered graduate school in 2014 and later);
  • prepare and, after conducting a preliminary examination, submit a dissertation work for defense.

Based on the results of the final (state) attestation, the attestation commission makes a decision on the completion of postgraduate studies: 1. upon expiration of the term of study without submitting a thesis for defense (the degree of readiness of the thesis is indicated) - a certificate of the period of study in graduate school is issued;

2.with the presentation of the thesis to the Dissertation Council (a certificate of the Dissertation Council on the acceptance of the thesis for defense is submitted to the Attestation Commission) - a document (diploma) is issued on the completion of postgraduate studies;

3.with the defense of the thesis (the graduate student submits the abstract of the thesis and a copy of the candidate's diploma) - a document (diploma) is issued on the completion of the graduate school.

Persons who have successfully passed the final (state final) attestation are issued a document on education and qualifications (who entered postgraduate study before 2014 and are studying in the main professional educational program of the postgraduate vocational education (postgraduate study), compiled on the basis of federal state requirements for the structure of the main professional educational program of postgraduate vocational education for postgraduate students (postgraduate studies), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 03.16.2011 No. 1365). The final (state) certification is carried out on the basis of the results of passing the candidate exams and the defense of scientific work.

Persons accepted for training after 2014, enrolled in the main professional educational programs of higher education - programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies in the direction of training highly qualified personnel, developed on the basis of the requirements of the federal state educational standard higher education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation of September 3, 2014 N 1200, who successfully passed the state final attestation, a postgraduate (postgraduate) diploma is issued, confirming the receipt of higher education under the postgraduate (postgraduate) program. "State final attestation" includes preparation and passing of the state exam and presentation of a scientific report on the main results of the prepared scientific and qualification work (dissertation), drawn up in accordance with the requirements established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Intermediate attestation of a postgraduate student is an assessment of intermediate and final learning outcomes in disciplines, internships, performing scientific research, carried out in the form of hearing a postgraduate student's report on the implementation of the curriculum and individual plan and analysis of teaching materials 2 (two) times a year: during from 09 to 31 January (winter)and from 01 to 30 June (summer)... Each certification takes place in two stages:

1. At the first stage - the department certification (for each certification)

The postgraduate student, together with the supervisor, fill out the certification sheet, at the meeting / meeting of the profile structural unit, to whom a postgraduate student is assigned, he reports on the work done, briefly presents the results of the work envisaged for this period in the curriculum and individual plan.

If the graduate student for the summer intermediate certification (until June 30) has not eliminated the academic debt in disciplines and practices for the previous year of study in relation to the attested year, the graduate student is recommended for expulsion.

"Conditional attestation" is not allowed in the summer intermediate attestation.

2. At the second stage - institute certification (for each certification)

The director of the institute examines the results of attestation (attestation sheets) of graduate students in specialized structural divisions for which graduate students are assigned. If necessary, the director of the institute conducts face-to-face interviews with certified graduate students.

Possible decisions made by the director of the institute: "approve" - \u200b\u200bif the work of the graduate student is completed in full or "not approve" - \u200b\u200bif the mandatory types of work are not completed. The decision of the director of the institute is entered in the graduate student's attestation sheet and is confirmed by the signature of the director of the institute. In the event of a discrepancy between the decisions on the certification of the profile structural unit to which the graduate student is assigned, and the director of the institute, the decision of the latter is decisive.

Based on the results of interim attestation, a graduate student can be "Certified", "Conditionally certified"when the certification is postponed for a good reason (the scholarship will be accrued in this case) or "Not certified"... Those who did not pass the intermediate certification, in terms of mastering educational disciplines, are given the opportunity to retake, but not more than twice. If the decision about "Conditional certification" is saved at the next certification, then the student is expelled from NUST MISIS.

Successful completion of the certification is considered (provided that all requirements are met):

Assessment of the work of a postgraduate student is carried out on the basis of the implementation of the curriculum of the postgraduate program and the individual plan (or accelerated IEP) in accordance with the following mandatory criteria:

Certification criteria

Execution control start

Certification for which academic debt must be eliminated

Preparation of a justification for the choice of a dissertation topic

Preparation of a literature review on the topic of the dissertation

Winter intermediate certification of the 1st year of study

Summer intermediate certification of the 1st year of study

Presentation of a detailed plan of the dissertation research

Winter intermediate certification of the 1st year of study

Summer intermediate certification of the 1st year of study

Passing exams and tests according to individual curriculum

Winter intermediate certification of all years of study

Summer intermediate certification of all years of study

Passing candidate exams in history and philosophy of science and foreign language

Winter intermediate certification of the 1st year of study

Summer intermediate certification of the 1st year of study

for three-year programs

for four-year programs

Availability of 50% of the thesis text (confirmed by the supervisor)

Winter intermediate certification of the 2nd year of study
for three-year programs

Summer intermediate certification 2 years of study

Winter intermediate certification of the 3rd year of study
for four-year programs

Summer intermediate certification of the 3rd year of study

Presentation at scientific conferences

Winter intermediate certification of the 2nd year of study
for three-year programs

Winter intermediate certification of the 3rd year of study
for four-year programs

Summer intermediate certification of the 3rd year of study

Passing the candidate exam in the specialty

Winter intermediate certification of the 2nd year of study
for three-year programs

Summer intermediate certification of the 2nd year of study

Winter intermediate certification of the 3rd year of study
for four-year programs

Summer intermediate certification of the 3rd year of study

Attending lectures, seminars, master classes, passing tests and exams for individual training courses


In accordance with the volume established in the individual plan of the graduate student

Collection and processing of dissertation material of scientific qualification work

Evaluated at each certification

Writing and publishing scientific articles

Evaluated at each certification

Dissertation text writing

Assessed at each certification in accordance with the scope established in the individual plan of the graduate student

Representation at a meeting / meeting of a specialized structural unit
NUST MISIS reports on the work done during the year, a detailed work plan for the next year. Registration of a report on the work done (filling out the certification sheet)

Submitted to midterm certification

Local regulations and methodological documents:
  • P 096.04-18 Regulations on the procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for educational programs of higher education - programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies at NUST MISIS (4.7 MB)

"Regulations for attestation of graduate students and applicants for the degree of candidate of sciences of the federal state budget ..."


attestation of graduate students and applicants for the scientific degree of candidate of sciences

federal state budgetary educational institution

higher professional education

"North Caucasian state institute arts "

Certification of graduate students and applicants is carried out in accordance with federal

subsequent amendments and additions), "On higher and postgraduate vocational education" dated August 22, 1996 No. 125-FZ (with subsequent amendments and additions), with the Regulation on the training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel in the system of postgraduate vocational education in the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 27, 1998 No. 814) (with subsequent clarifications and additions), with the Charter of the North Caucasus State Institute of Arts (approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 504 on May 26, 2011).

Attestation in the system of postgraduate education is one of the main forms of educational and scientific activity of the structural unit of the North Caucasus State Institute of Arts, which trains scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel.

Postgraduate students of full-time and part-time forms of study and applicants for academic degrees of candidate of sciences are subject to certification. The purpose of certification is to control the implementation by graduate students and applicants of the individual schedule of dissertation research, the processes of educational and scientific activities.

The certification is carried out in accordance with the certification schedule at the department and is approved by the Academic Council. The schedule of attestations is drawn up by the department, approved by the head of the department, brought to the attention of graduate students and applicants, and the postgraduate department is presented.

The certification may be attended by interested specialists and officialsdirected by the first vice-rector and vice-rector for scientific work with control functions.

The proposed Certification Regulations determine the timing and sequence of actions in the process of certification of graduate students and applicants, scientific advisers and consultants, departments and the Academic Council of the North Caucasus State Institute of Arts.

1. There are types of attestations in the postgraduate education system of the North Caucasus State Institute of Arts: final and semester (current).

1.1. Semester (current) certification of full-time and part-time graduate students takes place 2 times a year at the specialized department in late September and early April. Postgraduate students submit to the supervisor a short report on the educational and scientific work done in accordance with the individual plan.

In accordance with the schedule, certification of graduate students and applicants for the degree of candidate of sciences takes place at a meeting of the specialized department. The postgraduate student or applicant prepares a report to the report at the department and attaches the materials listed in clause 2.2. The report is reviewed by the supervisor. He reports his conclusions on the implementation of an individual plan by a graduate student or an applicant and recommendations at a meeting of the department.

The head of the department transmits the certification sheet and an extract from the decision of the department to the AK. The attestation commission considers the submitted materials in the presence of a graduate student or an applicant and their supervisor, receives clarifications on the issues that have arisen and in its decision clarifies or supplements the department's decision with recommendations for a graduate student and supervisor or makes a decision to refuse certification with an indication of the reasons. The head of the specialized department sends an extract from the decision of the commission to the Academic Council, which in turn approves the decision of the AK or puts the report of the graduate student at the meeting of the council.

Postgraduate students distance learning and applicants for a scientific degree of candidate of sciences can, within a specified time frame, submit a report on the work done and materials for the report to the supervisor for absentee consideration at a meeting of the department. In this case, the attestation sheet and an extract from the decision of the department are presented by the head of the department for consideration at the AC and approval by the Academic Council.

Attestation sheets, extracts from the decisions of the Academic Council, copies of postgraduate students' reports are submitted to the postgraduate study department until October 20 (autumn certification) - April 20 (spring certification). Postgraduate students who have extended their training period and applicants undergo certification and submit documents no later than a week before the end of the training period.

After analyzing the attestation materials, the postgraduate study department prepares an order to transfer certified graduate students and applicants to the next year of study, to enroll full-time postgraduate students of a budgetary form of study on a scholarship and to expel students with negative attestation.

1.2. Final certification is carried out at the end of the training of a postgraduate student or applicant for a scientific degree based on the results of work in graduate school.

Full-time postgraduate students personally report at a meeting of the Academic Council on the work done for the entire period of study. The final report should contain a conclusion on the degree of readiness of the thesis and answers to all positions of clauses 2.3, as well as materials attached to the report. The work of a graduate student or applicant is preliminarily assessed by a supervisor or consultant, who state their opinion on the degree of readiness of the dissertation and the reasons that did not allow it to be completed on time at a meeting of the department.

The attestation sheet, an extract from the decision of the department and a report with the attached materials are transferred to the attestation commission. After analyzing the documents, the AK gives recommendations to the Academic Council on the degree of readiness of the dissertation, on the compliance or non-compliance of the work done with the certification requirements and notes the high or low quality of the leadership of the scientific supervisor or consultant and the department as a graduate student.

Materials final certification are submitted to the postgraduate study department before October 10, the attestation materials for postgraduate students whose studies have been extended, and applicants are submitted no later than a week before the end of the training period.

On the basis of certification sheets and decisions of the Academic Council, the postgraduate department prepares an order for the release of graduate students and applicants. The order indicates the full name of the graduate, specialty, full name of the supervisor / consultant, department, the result of the graduate's work. In the last column it is noted "with early defense", "with defense", "with the presentation of the thesis to the dissertation council", "with the discussion of the thesis at the department", "with the end of the training period".

1.3. An extract from the decision of the department and the Academic Council is signed by the head of the department and the secretary of the meeting and, accordingly, by the chairman of the Academic Council and the scientific secretary.

The attestation sheets are signed by the head of the department, scientific advisor / consultant and graduate student (applicant). Postgraduate students of distance learning and applicants are informed of the results of certification within five days.

2. Graduate students and applicants for certification prepare reports. The report can be of the character of text, set out point by point, or book-bound documents in accordance with the list, accompanied by an annotation. The text typed on the computer is stapled and stored in the personal file.

The report must be prepared in accordance with the requirements below.

2.1. The report for the semester certification of a postgraduate student and an applicant for the first year of study contains:

The topic of the dissertation research, approved by the Academic Council of the North Caucasus State Institute of Arts (date, protocol number);

Annotation of the review of scientific domestic and foreign publications;

Help from the supervisor based on the materials of teachers leading training in a foreign language, history and philosophy of science, and special disciplines. (The results of the current educational work of graduate students are recorded in the group's journal and are submitted by teachers by December 20, February 20, April 20 to the postgraduate study department, from where, after analysis, the data are sent to the corresponding department to the supervisor for operational work);

Certificate of the head of the department about the completed pedagogical work;

Information about the completed scientific work for the reporting period.

2.2. The annual and final report of the postgraduate student of the first and second years of full-time study and the postgraduate student and applicant for the first, second and third years of study must contain the following information:

The topic and individual plan of the dissertation research, approved by the Academic Council of the unit;

The degree of dissertation readiness, assessment of the implementation of the individual schedule of the dissertation work, the reasons for the failure to meet the schedule;

Annotation of completed sections (completed chapters in handwritten form);

Review of domestic and foreign publications on the topic of the dissertation;

Proposed new technological, technical, environmental, humanitarian, economic and other studies;

List of scientific publications on the topic of the dissertation, including in publications according to the list of the Higher Attestation Commission;

Grants, awards for scientific achievements, patents;

Scientific internships and their results;

Information about participation in scientific conferences of various ranks;

Information on the implementation of the curriculum plan (passed candidate exams in history and philosophy of science, in a foreign language, on mastering a block of specialization disciplines in preparation for a candidate exam in a specialty, passed a candidate exam in a specialty, teaching practice);

Other information that the graduate student or applicant considers it necessary to report.

2.3. For certification at a meeting of the Academic Council, a graduate student submits the following information in the form of a presentation and handout:

Specialty and qualifications in higher education, year of study, form of study and specialty in graduate school, practical work experience;

The topic of the dissertation research, approved by the Academic Council of the North Caucasus State Institute of Arts (date, protocol number);

Report on the work performed (in the form of clause 2.2);

Certification sheet and an extract from the decision of the department;

Evaluation by the department of the implementation of the individual schedule and the status of the dissertation readiness (for the second and third years of study);

Planned research (for the first or second year of study);

Proposed new technological, technical, economic, environmental and other solutions;

Proposed places for the implementation of research results (organizations, enterprises, etc.);


1. Forms of attestation of graduate students and applicants.

3. Extract from the decision of the department according to the report of graduate students and applicants,

4. Extract from the decision of the department on the final report of graduate students and applicants.

5. Extract from the decision of the Academic Council of the North Caucasus State Institute of Arts on the report of graduate students and applicants

Appendix 1.

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North Caucasus State Institute of Arts"


Postgraduate _______________________________________________________________

Of the year _______________________

full-time or part-time in the department ______________________________________________________________

name of the department, laboratory, department of the institute

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

a) Attending lectures of the supervisor and other teachers ___________



d) Lectures or sections of the course read by the graduate student _________________________









IV. Characteristics of the scientific and pedagogical work of a graduate student ________________________________________________________________________

















Scientific adviser _________________________ Date ________________

(Signed) Conclusion of the department ______________________________________________________







- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Applicant _______________________________________________________________

Years in the department ______________________________________________________________

name of the department, laboratory, department of the institute I. Implementation of an individual plan by the applicant

- & nbsp– & nbsp–



b) Seminars with students ______________________________________

c) Consulting students ________________________________________________

d) Lectures or sections of the course read by the applicant _________________________




III. Work on dissertation

Dissertation topic ________________________________________________________


The term of the dissertation defense according to the plan _________________________________________

What sections of the thesis are developed _____________________________________




What are the difficulties in working on a thesis ________________________


IV. Characteristics of the scientific and pedagogical work of the applicant ________________________________________________________________________

















Scientific adviser _________________________ Date ________________

Conclusion of the department ______________________________________________________







protocol No. ____ dated ________________________

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Heard: report on the work done by a graduate student (applicant) (1, 2, 3, 4) of the course of the full-time (correspondence) form Ivan Ivanov (full name).

Scientific adviser: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Full name It was decided: to certify the graduate student (applicant) Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov (full name) and transfer to the next year of study.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Philosophy ____________________________________________

History and philosophy of science ___________________________________________

Foreign language (what) ________________________________________________

Specialty (code, name) _______________________________________



Additional qualifications Teaching practice in the amount of ___________________________________ hours Preliminary defense of a scientific research on the topic: ______________________





1. Postgraduate student (full name) completed scientific research (did not complete).

2. The postgraduate student (full name) fully completed the individual curriculum, passed the preliminary defense of the dissertation work at the department with a recommendation (to finalize, submit to the dissertation council).

1.protection before the deadline;

2. submit work at the department before the deadline and conduct a defense within a year after graduation;

Head Department Scientific Supervisor

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

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"Young Science Visitor (2013). UDC 37.037 Vitaliy Kashuba, Valentin Golub, Nataliya Nosova Technology for monitoring the state of the spatial organization of the body of schoolchildren in the process of physical education National University physical education and sports of Ukraine (Kiev); Kiev State Institute of Decorative and Applied Art and Design named after Mikhail Boychuk (Kiev) Statement of a scientific problem and its significance. The most important concept associated with the orientation of the human body in ... "

“Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Culturology and art history. 2014. No. 2 (14) UDC 069.014 L.A. Kravtsova MUSEUMS OF COAL MINING COMPANIES IN THE SOCIOCULTURAL SPACE OF THE KEMEROVSK REGION AT THE EARLY XXI C This contributed to the fact that in ... "

"THE MAGIC WORLD OF THE TOY Exhibition-presentation". The toy is not only an object of children's fun, but also a great, real and original art. " G. Blinov Folk toy Wonders made of clay Song made of wood Many-sided dolls For skillful hands Magic paper Secrets of plasticine Soft toy with your own hands Toys - heroes of children's books Folk toy Wonders made of clay song of wood Many-sided dolls The book presents a diverse palette of Russian folk art... The Russian is playing on it with bright colors ... "

«ISSN 1813-6796 ВІСНИК КНУТД 2013 №1 Material knowledge, light and textile industry UDC 681.003 V.L. ZHUKOV Saint-Petersburg State University of Technology and Design HYBRID SYSTEMS OF COGNITIVE MODELS OF DESIGN OBJECTS BASED ON AVANT-GARDE CREATIVITY A method of researching design objects as hybrid systems of cognitive models of artistic and aesthetic images based on the principles of constructing fractal geometry with the creation of a database ... "

“The subject and objectives of rhetoric. Speech technique Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of International Education and Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Engineering Pedagogy of ISPK Vladimirova Tatyana Leonidovna Definition Rhetoric is the science of the art of constructing speech, the rules of its pronunciation in order to provide the desired impact on the audience. Aristotle "Let's define rhetoric as the ability to find possible ways of persuading about a given subject." Cicero "It is necessary to know the whole history in order to draw examples from it ..."

«Mysterious canons and the serial method of composition in the music of the twentieth century: on the problem of interaction Ivanova Ekaterina Vladimirovna Cand. Art Criticism, Associate Professor of the Department of Music Theory of the Moscow State Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovskogo, 125009, Russia, Moscow, B. Nikitskaya st., 13 E-mail: [email protected] ru RIDDLE CANONS AND THE SERIAL METHOD OF COMPOSITIONS IN MUSIC OF XX CENTURY: TO THE PROBLEM OF COOPERATION Ekaterina Ivanova Candidate of Arts (PhD), Associate Professor of the ... "

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