What Russian cosmonauts say about flat earth. "The Earth is flat, the Moon is a hologram, and Australia does not exist": more and more Americans do not believe in scientific truth

To begin with, an example from personal life: a few years ago, for the first time, fate brought together a distant relative. He used to drink hard, but now he and his wife moved to the Sunday Adelaja sect. So we started talking with him somehow about the stars. And it turned out that he and his wife were sure that the stars are holes in the heavenly dome, through which God's light seeps through! And this despite the fact that the apartment has a TV and the Internet, and two daughters are studying at the institute.

"What revolves around the Earth?" In France, on the program "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire", the player takes the help of the audience.

Vitaly Dubogrey writes: Recently one of the commentators confused me. I won't explain, I'd rather quote his words verbatim

"Yes, the globe is ridiculous ... Considering that everyone in naval navigation and aviation uses a flat earth map (azimuth map). When will this truth be revealed and people will expose this lie?"

When asked why the globe made him laugh so much, I got the following answer:

"The fact that heliocentrism was invented 500 years ago by Copernicus, for a large fee. Before that, people have saved hundreds of maps and drawings, in ALL cultures, about the opposite. The Bible also says about this. Now in the United States, the truth has been going on for a year, actively they talk and show about it on youtube. Moreover, they are already conducting physical experiments, launching balloons, making measurements, and more than 200 facts have already been collected. It's just that people who see the globe at school since childhood are used to it. (+ Hollywood films) "

"P.S. Type in youtube" 200 facts about flat earth ". Believe it or not, it's your business, just for yourself, study it. P.S. The bigger the lie, the harder it is to refute it."

Like this. In the 21st century, it turns out, instead of flying to other worlds, we are returning to the idea of \u200b\u200ba flat earth.

I wondered what these 200 proofs were and found them. Ready? Go!

The horizon always appears perfectly flat 360 degrees around the observer, regardless of altitude. All rockets, airplanes and drone footage showing a curved horizon is fake.

The law of communicating vessels ( well, at least he's not a fake). Here, like, if the earth were a ball, the water in the ocean could not be at the same level ( apparently the glass would be all south)

Rivers only flow down in any direction ( north South West East), and if the Earth were a ball, then many of the rivers could not flow, since it is impossible to flow upward ( to the north, as I understand it)

Surveyors, engineers and architects never consider the estimated curvature of the earth when designing

If the earth were actually a ball, then the pilots of the aircraft would constantly have to adjust their altitude, otherwise they would fly into space.

To summarize, it all comes down to this

The Earth is a flat disc 40,000 kilometers in diameter, centered at the North Pole
- The sun and moon revolve over the surface of the earth. The same thing happens with the stars.
- Gravity occurs due to the fact that the Earth is moving upward with an acceleration of 9.8 m / s ?.
- The South Pole does not exist. What seems to us to be Antarctica is an ice wall encircling the world.

All photos of Earth from space are fakes

The distance between objects in the southern hemisphere is much greater. The fact that flights between them are faster than it should be according to the map of a flat earth is explained by the fact that the pilots of the airliners are also involved in the conspiracy.

Who can tell me what it is ?! How to take it ?! Are we sliding into the Middle Ages ?!

And here's another beautiful one:

Popular duck pro North Korea There is a story that the news about the landing of the first North Korean cosmonaut on the Sun has passed through all the media in the DPRK.

DPRK news agencies allegedly told gullible residents of the country about the immortal feat of a seventeen-year-old astronaut named Hung Il Hong, who was the first among people to land on the Sun and then returned to Earth. In total, his flight lasted for eighteen hours. The news also says that the landing of Hung Il Hong on the Sun took place at night so that the young astronaut would not suffer from ultra-high temperatures on the star closest to Earth.

The funny thing is that many people took the news very seriously.

And who wants to become a millionaire in French with the question "What revolves around the Earth"? Suggested Answers: Moon, Sun, Mars, Venus.


The "flat earth" theory, which, despite its scientific achievements, has more and more adherents every day, is a large-scale trolling, say Russian cosmonauts Alexander Misurkin and Sergei Ryazansky

Astronauts from the Russian Federation, currently in orbit of our planet, discussed the theory of "flat earth" with the press during the presentation of the SPACEWALK 360 project.

According to them, the theory of "flat earth" is nothing more than trolling, but high-quality space trolling.

“I don’t believe that people living in the twenty-first century can be idiots to the point of considering the Earth flat,” Ryazansky said, in whose words Misurkin fully agreed.

The flat-earth theory adherents, meanwhile, are not appeasing - one of their leaders, rapper Bobby Ray Simmons Jr. from the United States, is raising money to launch space satellites, which will somehow prove that our planet has the shape of a disk.

“I'll launch these damn satellites into your stinking space and then everyone will understand what hole we live in. I'll just collect the money, ”he says.

By the way, supporters of the theory of "flat earth", in order not to look at all, in the words of our cosmonauts, "idiots to such an extent", put forward various arguments, such as: "since there are flat stars (astrophysicists, indeed, discovered flat stars, that is, not just like a disc, but disc-shaped), which means that planets can be like that.

It is a pity that the discussion is of a trolling nature, because people more interesting than rapper Bobby tried to comprehend the theory of "flat earth", and there were a lot of them.

For example, in the mythology of J.R.R. Tolkien says that when Atlantis plunged into the abyss (its inhabitants angered God with their pride), the Lord closed the paths of the world, and for us it turned out to be round. Although the path is straight, if you look for it, it may open ("The Silmarillion").

Stoic Posidonius, at one time, put forward the concept "Earth is a shell in Oceanos". In Antiquity, people did not separate the waters of the ocean and the sky, calling all this together with the word Oceanos.

On the famous map of Gerardus Mercator (1569), at the site of the North Pole, an unknown continent is depicted with a mountain in the middle, divided crosswise by four rivers. The inscription made on the inscription says that the map of the northern mainland is based on the evidence of the knights of King Arthur, as well as travelers of the XIV century. So, there was no ice in the Arctic during the early Middle Ages ?! It turns out that travelers reached polar limits through magic - this is Mercator's explanation of clarity, from the point of view modern geography, does not add ... Magical geography, flat Earth, straight path, sometimes opening as Tolkien wrote - all these are concepts of the same order, one can consider them as fairy tales. For many centuries, the Trojan War was considered a myth, and Homer's Iliad was considered a collection of fairy tales - until Schliemann returned them to our world.

Media workers, obviously, did not study well in universities, because the reaction in the press to the trick of the Russian cosmonauts turned out to be unprofessional.

We, journalists, are used to delving into the letter of the law - fighting against corrupt officials, schemers and other criminals. Fight with what excites us here on earth, and excites everyone.

But on a cosmic scale, our worldview is usually lacking. We cannot even assume that there can be machinations with the cosmos itself. And they, global machinations, still exist, and the world is becoming more and more convinced of this.

Here is one episode. IN last years more and more questions arise to the so-called astronauts - to their function, in the form of the Earth, to evidence of the existence of space flights, etc.

And so russian cosmonautsin orbit told what they think about the theory of a flat earth. It is not bad that the Russian astronauts treated the theory with humor, calling the idea of \u200b\u200ba flat earth "cool professional space trolling."

The main thing about the space clowns' remark is that one of them put it this way: "I don't believe that people can be such idiots." This is how the inhabitant of the ISS Sergey Ryazansky put it on the "live broadcast". Alexander Misurkin also supported him.

The channel explained that "the astronauts made such a statement during the presentation of the SPACEWALK 360 project - the first panoramic video shot in outer space."

I'm sure readers will be interested to see what the Earth looks like in this panoramic video, so we suggest you watch this MIRACLE in the video below (from 9:03). I think EVERYONE will be surprised that the Earth in this design looks like a sprawling hyperbolic surface.

As for Sergei Ryazansky's trick, it should be given a legal assessment. The fact is that this cosmonaut on behalf of Russia insulted many millions of people in different countries, calling them idiots. This is a crime. Freedom of speech and personal opinion is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation and in the constitutions of other countries, therefore, no Ryazansky has the legal right to distribute insults or make his own profane diagnoses.

If he thinks that the Earth is round, then let him present at least one photograph of a round Earth. So far, the entire space industry in many countries for more than 50 years of its existence has not been able to take a single photograph of a round Earth.

But spacecrafts have filled the media space with fake “videos” and “movies” “materials, which should have long been qualified as fraud.

Sophia Nyman

For a long time in the pseudo-scientific environment, conversations about the theory of a flat earth have not ceased. Popular Western bloggers, athletes, and cultural figures express dubious views on the structure of the world. Russian cosmonauts do not take these statements seriously, but the authors of the global rally are praised for their ingenuity.


“In my opinion, supporters of a flat Earth are such a cool professional space trolling,” cosmonaut Sergei Ryazansky is quoted as saying. “I don’t believe that people can be such idiots,” he added during a direct line with the ISS. Another cosmonaut from Russia in orbit supported his colleague. "I don't even have anything to add to Sergei's words," said Alexander Misurkin.

The conversation about the supporters of the flat earth theory took place at the presentation of the first ever panoramic video shot in outer space. "It seems to me that this is a great technology, a great idea. We are very happy that we, the Russians, were the first to try this technology during a spacewalk," Ryazansky said.