What modern geographers do. Profession geographer

Includes the specialty of a geographer who is worth understanding in more detail. A geographer is a specialty the main task which is the study of physical and economic phenomena. In addition, on the basis of the information received, the geographer will have to justify the need for changes in environmental management and suggest rational ways to resolve issues related to them.

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It is believed that since the times of the last geographic discoveries, it is almost impossible to find something new and unexplored. And this will be the mistake. Often, the study is conducted in several directions, which allows you to make new and new discoveries.

The point is that a sufficiently large stratum of data can act as an object of geography research, giving the most complete picture of what is happening.

To obtain professional knowledge and skills, it is necessary to graduate from the university, which has the corresponding faculties.

What is the peculiarity of the work?

If we consider the description of the profession of a geographer, then it should be said that geographical science considers more than 55 different directions.

for instance, geographers study the composition and changes of the soil, take into account all known changes that occur with the earth's crust. Water resources can be studied, for which the subsection of geography - oceanology and hydrology is responsible. Specialists leave for the places of volcanic eruptions. Can study natural migration population and many other issues.

The main duties of a specialist

When choosing a geographer, you should understand that this is a very responsible specialty. In addition, you will have to choose one of three directions. It will be physical, economic and cartography.

Geographers study objects such as:

  1. all types of soils;
  2. all types of glaciers;
  3. oceans and everything connected with them;
  4. extinct or active;
  5. what changes are taking place with crust;
  6. study the composition, and can also calculate the population size;
  7. study of existing and opening of new tourist routes.

Each direction is studied by individual specialists with the necessary education and qualifications.

Among the tasks facing the geographer, you will need to know and be able to draw up an explanation and reasoned documentation regarding various processes and identified phenomena. Based on the information received, forecasts will be made, scientific work with the preparation of scientific articles, training of schoolchildren or students is carried out.

To obtain accurate information, geographers will have long trips, both within the country and abroad.

What qualities should a professional geographer have?

The important qualities of a geographer include:

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  • the specialist must have an inquiring mind and a penchant for the study of natural sciences;
  • it is important to have leadership qualities, communication skills, analytical mind.

Main positive and negative properties

It is worth listing the pros and cons of the specialty.

So, the pluses include:

  • the ability to independently choose the range of activities that is most attractive;
  • there is an opportunity to get a job in research institutes, as a teacher at a university, schools, gymnasium;
  • a specialist working in private organizations;
  • very low congruence in this field of activity;
  • always interesting and not related to the routine of reports, work.
  • Disadvantages should be understood as high requirements for knowledge and practical experience;
  • Very frequent and long standing business trips.

Now you know what kind of specialty a geographer who is, what knowledge he should have.

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Probably, when the word "geography" you first of all imagine distant countries, tropical forests and savannas, sandy deserts and oases, tundra or polar ice... You remember the brave travelers who discovered new lands. But how many of you know what a complex science it is, in what ways did it develop?

The roots of geographical science go back to antiquity. Our distant ancestors knew quite well the geography of those places in which they lived, and were able to depict them on primitive maps drawn in the sand, carved on wood, bark, and stone. The rudiments of real scientific geographical knowledge arose during the slave-owning system among the ancient peoples of Asia - the Assyro-Babylonians, Persians, Indians, Phoenicians, as well as in Egypt. The remarkable navigators of antiquity - the Phoenicians, who lived on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, already knew not only the shores of this sea, but about 1200 BC. e. penetrated Gibraltar and then reached the British Isles in the north and at least the Canary Islands in the south.

Geography has experienced several periods of prosperity, closely associated with important historical events. For example, in the era of great geographical discoveries, in the XV-XVII centuries, the largest feudal states, interested in the discovery and seizure of new lands - colonies, equipped one expedition after another to distant countries. It was then that America was discovered and sea routes were laid from Europe to India and other countries of the East.

For a long time, geographers were engaged in the discovery and study of different countries: they studied the communication routes connecting these countries, collected information about the structure of the earth's surface, flora and fauna, population and economy. Man was attracted to lands still unknown to him, the discovery of which promised wealth. The travelers tried to describe everything they saw in detail.

But over time, people ceased to be satisfied with some descriptions and they began to look for an explanation for the phenomena of nature. So geography turned into a science that studies the causes and connections of natural phenomena, as well as their impact on human economic activity.

In our time, the cognitive direction in geography has been replaced by a new one. Now geography seeks to actively influence nature. The task of modern geography is increasingly becoming not only the study of newly discovered territories, but also the better development of the Earth by man. The main goal of modern geography is to help a person to conduct a household on a scientific basis, to make the best use of natural resources, restore them by transforming nature.

Geography as a science falls into two main branches: physical geography and economic geography.

Physical geography explores the natural shells surrounding us, that is, the lower part of the atmosphere (air shell), the waters of the oceans, seas and land, soil cover, vegetation and animal world, the surface of the earth's crust, their relationship. Soviet physical geography strives to learn about the natural properties of the environment in which human life takes place in order to use it intelligently and transform it in the interests of people.

In the process of development and accumulation of scientific knowledge in the XIX and XX centuries. from physical geography, some branches of geographical science separated and separated, each of them now studies separate parts of the geographical environment - this is geomorphology (the science of relief the earth's surface and its development), hydrology (the science of the watery shell of the Earth), climatology, botanical geography, zoogeography, soil geography, etc.

However, the geographic environment that surrounds us is a single whole. This was shown at the end of the last century by the remarkable Russian natural scientist V.V.Dokuchaev. The largest Soviet geographers, continuing to develop Dokuchaev's ideas, established that in the natural geographic environment, everything is closely connected and interacts with each other.

another - relief, air masses, waters, soil and vegetation cover, fauna. Therefore, being interested in individual branches of geographical science, one should never lose sight of the interaction of various processes occurring on the globe, their influence on human activity and the influence of man himself on the course of these natural processes.

Economic geography decides how, in connection with natural conditions, it is better to locate various sectors of the economy - industry, agriculture, transport, etc. It also considers the impact of human economic activity on the surrounding nature. Economic geography also solves such social problems as the rational (best) use of land, the fight against the forces of nature that harm humans, etc. Together with other geographers, economic geographers study the problems of the most reasonable use of natural resources, methods of their protection, restoration , and in some cases, and multiplication.

At the same time, geographers continue to study individual countries, or regional studies. This task is of particular importance today, when the colonial system is collapsing and the peoples freed from the yoke of imperialism need the help of the developed countries.

Diverse and interesting tasks are facing Soviet scientists studying the geography of our great Motherland. After all, the USSR is the largest state in the world. Its area is 22.4 million. km 2 ... FROMwest to east of the USSR stretches for 10 thousand. km.The total length of our state border is over 60 thousand. km! Our country possesses all the natural resources necessary for economic prosperity, defense power and cultural development of the people.

The Soviet people, their scientists and engineers, relying on knowledge of the laws of nature, are transforming the land of their homeland and making its colossal riches serve them. But still a lot of them are not used by man. Finding and studying new natural resources is one of the tasks of our geographers.

Using natural resources, man inevitably transforms the surrounding nature. At first, the impact on nature was of an unconscious nature, people did not take into account possible undesirable results. For example

From early childhood i love geography, because it is so interesting to learn new things about the world around you. Honestly, sometimes I regret not becoming a geographer :(

Who is a geographer

Science itself is one of the most ancient - the foundations were laid back in the 1st century A.D. It was then that Ptolemy generalized all the data into a single science. Nowadays scientists are studying the geographic shell, which, in fact, is the interpenetrating sphere of all shells, namely:

  • atmosphere;
  • lithosphere;
  • biosphere;
  • hydrospheres;
  • noosphere.

The main subject of study is interaction of humanity and nature, and the main goal of science is the rationalization of environmental management.

Geographeras a scientist - enough wide-profile specialistcomprehensively studying the entire planet. We can say that he is engaged in both the study of the entire planet and the events taking place on it. Science itself seems to be twofold: both natural and social. It is not limited to just one description, but deals with solving, clarifying and predicting... Its importance these days is obvious - it actually works for the future of humanity.

Modern geography

Nowadays, when it would seem that there are no more blank spots on the map, science does not lose its relevance. Scientists continue to study our planet by making no longer territorial discoveries, but trying to establish this or that geographical pattern. Geography today is a system of sciences, in which 3 directions are distinguished:

  • physical geography - study of relief and rocks, plants, animals, and so on;
  • socio-economic - deals with the study of the relationship between nature and man - the territorial organization of society;
  • cartography - drawing up and supplementing maps.

Modern science uses both old methods and new ones, for example, aerospace exploration and modeling... With help spacecraft it became possible to accurately orientate in the space of various geographic sites... In the Himalayas, several high-mountain lakes were discovered, and a whole mountain range was discovered in Antarctica.

Even in the 21st century, it is too early to say that new discoveries are impossible, because the planet is constantly changing... This means that geographers constantly have a subject of study, and it is quite possible that major discoveries are yet to come.

Geography is one of the most ancient sciences. From time immemorial, man has been attracted by unexplored lands and riches of distant worlds. The pioneers created not only maps, from their expeditions they brought a description of the terrain, vegetation, cultural features and life of the indigenous population.

It may seem to a common man in the street that our planet has been studied up and down. It would seem, what other discoveries can scientists present to us? However, the object of research of science is a huge layer of data. So the profession of a geographer will be in demand on the labor market for a long time.

Description of the profession of a geographer

Today the science of geography involves about 55 different directions. Experts are engaged in the study of soil, changes in the earth's crust, water resources (oceanologists), volcanic activity, population migration, etc.

During the period of the first discoveries, researchers were mainly concerned with describing what they saw. Their work was dangerous, as expeditions to uncharted lands always involved risks. Modern geographers are engaged in describing processes, identifying causes and forecasting.

The main tool of the scientist is the map. Regardless of the area of \u200b\u200bexpertise, the specialist must be able to read and draw maps.

The work of a geographer involves business trips that can take several months. Geography teachers are an exception to the rule.

Physical and economic geography

The work of an expert in physical geography consists of the following stages:

  • Training ... The specialist studies the available materials, thinks over and draws up a plan for the upcoming work.
  • Research ... At this stage, the scientist is directly studying the area, taking samples of water and soil. The received data is recorded on paper or electronic media.
  • Laboratory research ... The last stage is the study of samples in the laboratory by exposing them to chemicals. The modern geographer's toolkit contains computer technology that makes it possible to obtain detailed data, which in the future form the basis for long-term and medium-term forecasts.

Do not miss:

Specialists in the field economic geography mainly engaged in the study of maps, analysis of all kinds of data.

The geographer's research is closely related to other sciences. That is why the profession involves the study of chemistry, physics, history and other sciences. In some industries, for example,geodesy mostly representatives of the stronger sex work. This is due to grueling business trips and far from the best living conditions.

A modern geographer must possess not only theoretical knowledge, but also understand the tools and special programs.

Labor market research has shown that the most high salaries are ready to offer employers of the Moscow and Leningrad regions:

Pros and cons of the profession of a geographer


  • a wide range of fields of activity. Competent specialists of demand both in research institutes, universities, and in private organizations;
  • low competition in the labor market;
  • interesting, not routine work.


  • constant business trips.

The following educational institutions offer to master the profession:

  • Far Eastern State Social and Humanitarian Academy;
  • Faculty of Geography and Geoecology, St. Petersburg State University;
  • Yuzhny federal university... Faculty of Geology and Geography;
  • Faculty of Geology and Geography, Belgorod State University.