What items need to be handed over to a police girl. Admission to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs


To enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you need to pass exams and study. When to enroll, what subjects should be taken to a police officer after grade 11, is it possible to study after grade 9? Let's find out!

For some, work in the police is just an option for employment, but for others it is a conscious goal.

One way or another, to become a police officer, you need to get an education, which means you need to study.

What should you take for a police officer?

Some work in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs idealizes, others criticize it, and it is indisputable that the profession of a policeman is available to almost any citizen of our country, but only with the appropriate training and education.

And of course, a school certificate alone will not be enough. To become a police officer, after school you need to continue to study and pass exams.

What exams to take as a police officer? It depends on what kind of education you plan to study in your specialty and where to enter.

There are several options - from studying in police schools and colleges after grade 9 to getting higher professional education at the institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after grade 11. However, you can combine both options, getting an education slowly but surely.

What subjects should I take for a police officer after grade 9?

Graduation from general school is the first step towards obtaining an education for work under the patronage of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Graduates who plan to go exactly this way and want to understand what needs to be passed to a police officer after the 9th grade should decide on the wording, study features and options for admission.

  1. Firstly, work in law enforcement agencies has many specializations and you can become not only a police officer, but also receive a specialty that is completely unobvious and from that unexpected for many people, which is applicable and in demand in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You can become an investigator, interrogator, police officer, district police officer, and also a dog handler, a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs abroad, work in the economic security service, PDN bodies and even in special forces. Depending on what to choose, it will also depend on what exams to take for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs after grade 9.
  2. Secondly, you can work not only directly in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also in various law enforcement and control bodies, ranging from work in customs services and ending with notary offices. You can also go to work as a psychologist, dispatcher and have the status of a police officer. Such specialists are also very necessary and important.
  3. Thirdly, you can go to study at a school or a police college and even a technical school.

As a rule, implying a career as a police officer, after grade 9, applicants willingly consider a police college.

What are the exams to take at the Police College?

If the goal is specific and you want to connect your life with a legal profile, to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after the 9th grade, you need to pass Russian language and mathematics as the main subjects of the OGE for a police officer.

The target area of \u200b\u200btraining that is worth taking a closer look at in the Police College is "Law enforcement". This training program prepares professionals to work in the law enforcement field.

What else do you need to take for a police officer after grade 9 at a police college?

  • In addition to passing the compulsory Russian language with mathematics and elective subjects for the OGE, the applicant may need to take history.
  • You need to be prepared for the fact that after the 9th grade, a police officer will need to pass standards for physical training and show their endurance.
  • Medical examination is another important stage for the passage of the commission and further work in the law enforcement agencies.

It is also worth noting that upon admission to the educational departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, passing a police officer after grade 9 may require not only exams, but also tests for the content of prohibited substances in the body, and undergo a mental health assessment.

What exams to take for a police officer after grade 11?

For work and a career in the legal field, more options are available specifically to graduates of 11 grades of the school. To get an education, now you do not need to limit yourself to initial positions, there is no need to consider only colleges and police schools for admission, you can go to a university.

What does it give if you finish not 9, but 11 grades and what subjects should you take to a police officer after grade 11?

If we talk about the opportunities that open up after graduating from full school, there are many options for what to take to a police officer after grade 11 and on which profile to focus. You can become not only an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also a lawyer or judge, and work in various government bodies. All these are areas of the legal profile that become available for education and training.

If the choice fell on a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in order to become a police officer after grade 11, you need to pass USE exams, standards for physical fitness, medical tests and examinations, psychological testing.

Areas of training that should be of interest to most applicants if they are interested in the profession of a policeman - "Jurisprudence", "Legal support of national security", "Law enforcement", "Forensic examination".

In addition to the compulsory Russian language and mathematics, in most specialties, when entering the institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it will be necessary to take a police officer after grade 11, history and social studies.

It is worth noting that education and training of personnel at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out not only in specialties in the field of crime investigation and law enforcement, but also in the field of judicial activity, legal and psychological assistance.

I was told that in order to enter the institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a police officer after grade 11, they may be required to provide the results of the exam in physics, and the site says something else.

Depending on the specific specialization, you can find other introductory subjects. In the main areas, exams for a police officer after grade 11 must be passed in history and social studies. But you can also enroll in specializations related to the field of psychology and pedagogy, radiophysics, information technology. In this case, the major subjects that need to be taken for the exam after grade 11 at the Ministry of Internal Affairs may change, which means that profile mathematics, computer science, physics and even biology can be found as introductory ones.

What subjects do you need to take on a police girl?

The argument that police work is not a woman's business has long been refuted. Even despite the fact that not all "combat positions" are available to girls, the fair half of humanity has excellent chances to pass exams for a police officer in various areas of legal activity and make a dizzying career in the internal affairs bodies.

Irina Volk can be one of the examples of girls who are striking and memorable for their perseverance, intellectual superiority, indisputable beauty and brilliant career. Irina went through her educational path from entering a legal lyceum after grade 9 to graduating from the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Where can school graduates go today, what subjects do you need to take on a police girl? The answer to this question depends on the grade after which you plan to continue your studies. It is possible to apply for further education after the 9th and 11th grade.

If you enter after 9, then you can become a student of a law college, and indeed any secondary school where training in legal specialties is carried out. And if after 11, then you can go to study both at the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and at one of the universities that train specialists for various purposes for work in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

After grade 9, the most accurate hit on the target will be admission to the Police College (school).

What to take for a cop after 9 girl?

The girl entering the Police College after the 9th grade will have to go the same way as the guys. Admission is carried out in accordance with the legislation of Russia and does not in any way limit the right of girls to become a student, or rather a student of a law college. As compulsory entrance exams, girls after the 9th grade will need to pass the same OGE exams in Russian language and mathematics as the guys. You will also need to undergo a medical examination, get an opinion from a psychologist-narcologist and pass the standard for physical training.

I am a girl, I want to take exams for a police officer after the 9th grade in order to enter the Police College. Are the fitness standards for girls different?

Nature itself has endowed men and women with different physical indicators, and, of course, this must be taken into account when entering the colleges of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and passing the entrance standards. On average, the required physical minimum, which must be passed when applying for a police officer after grade 9 for girls, is reduced by 20-25%.

Hthen the girl should take the police officer after grade 11?

As in the case of 9 grades, after 11, girls pass entrance exams similar to the guys, and if they get good points on the exam, they will be able to go to the budget in the country's law schools.

What should a girl take for a police officer after grade 11? For legal specialties, the Russian language and basic mathematics will be compulsory, and history and social studies will be the main ones.

If you go to study, for example, at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in areas directly related to work as a police officer, you will need to pass the standards for physical training.

It is important to note that professions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for girls are not limited only to legal specializations. You can find your place in the personnel services, actually get a job as a psychologist, an accountant - there are a variety of vacancies in law enforcement agencies. It goes without saying that in this case the profiling exams on the exam will be different.

What exams to take at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

At the moment, there are several academies operating in the country that have the status of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The academies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are located in Moscow, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk.

The Moscow subdivision trains the management staff of the Internal Affairs Directorate and pedagogical personnel for the Master's programs. But to become a policeman in the Academies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of other regions can try any 11th grade graduate.

What should be taken to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs upon admission? It depends on what specialty the applicant will be interested in. If it is exclusively legal, the applicant is expected to receive the USE results in Russian, social studies and history. These are the main subjects that must be taken at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs upon admission.

Legal directions in which the admission is conducted:

  • Legal support of national security (Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod Omsk);
  • Law enforcement (Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk);
  • Forensic examination (Volgograd);
  • Jurisprudence (Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk)

For the above specialties, in addition to the USE results, at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a police officer also needs to pass standards for physical training and undergo a medical examination.

What exams are taken at the institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

In Russia, about 20 universities have the status of an institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Requirements for candidates entering the institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are similar to those for applicants to academies. This applies to both physical tests and items that must be taken to a police officer.

What to take at the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

There are 3 Ministry of Internal Affairs universities in the country, each of which is represented not only in its own region, but also by branches outside of it.

  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia operates in Moscow, and its branches in the Moscow region, Ryazan and Tver;
  • Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia operates in Krasnodar and is represented by branches in Simferopol, Novorossiysk and Stavropol;
  • St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia provides basic training in St. Petersburg, but the university also has a branch in Kaliningrad.

For higher education programs in legal specialties, in order to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one must pass the Russian language, history and social studies. A number of educational institutions offer full-time and distance learning. Both boys and girls can study in the above areas by enrolling in budgetary, and sometimes contractual training. It is worth remembering that an applicant who, after grade 11 or 9, decided to take exams for a police officer, is also expected to pass standards for physical training and undergo a medical examination.


on the recruitment of boys and girls (grades 9-11) to the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in Moscow in the 2017 academic year

Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Moscow, st.Academika Volgina, 12)

The first faculty of training criminal police specialists

(Moscow, st.Academika Volgin, 12)

Prepares specialists in the field of operational investigative activities of the Internal Affairs Directorate and in the fight against economic crimes, specializing in Law Enforcement, qualification - a lawyer. The term of study is 4 years 6 months full-time.

Faculty of training specialists in the field of information security

(Moscow, st.Koptevskaya, 63)

Prepares specialists in the field of operational and investigative activities of the Internal Affairs Directorate for information-analytical and operational units, as well as departments of information security, state and official secrets in the specialty "Organization and technology of information security", qualification - information security specialist. The term of study is 5 years full-time. Entrance tests: Russian language, literature (written presentation); history of Russia (orally); mathematics (in writing), physical training.

Faculty of training of investigators (Moscow, st.Academika Volgina, 12)

Prepares specialists in the field of preliminary investigation in the police department in the specialty "Jurisprudence", qualification - a lawyer. The term of study is 5 years full-time.

Faculty of training specialists of the public security police

(Moscow, Bobruiskaya st., 5)

Prepares specialists in the field of administrative activities of the police department, district police officers, traffic police, licensing and permitting service in the specialty "Law enforcement, qualification - lawyer." The term of study is 4 years 6 months full-time.

Faculty of training forensic experts (Moscow, st.Academika Volgina, 12)

Prepares specialists for the forensic departments of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the specialty "Forensic examination", qualification - forensic expert. The term of study is 5 years full-time.

Faculty of Economics (Moscow, Maly Ivanovskiy lane, 2)

Prepares specialists for units for combating economic crimes, for financial and economic units of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the specialty "Accounting, Analysis and Audit", qualification - economist. The term of study is 5 years full-time. Entrance tests: Russian language, literature (written presentation); geography (in writing followed by an interview; mathematics (in writing); physical fitness).

International Law Faculty (Moscow, st.Academika Volgina, 12)

Prepares specialists in the field of international cooperation of law enforcement agencies for legal services (civil law specialization) in special. "Jurisprudence", qual. - lawyer. The term of study is 5 years full-time.

Faculty of Psychology (Moscow, Koptevskaya st., 63)

Prepares practical psychologists for the police departments in the specialty "Psychology", qualification - psychologist. The term of study is 5 years full-time.

Faculty of training specialists of the migration service (Moscow, Koptevskaya st., 63)

Prepares specialists in the field of migration activities of the Department of Internal Affairs in the specialty "Jurisprudence", qualification - a lawyer. The term of study is 5 years full-time.

Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (Moscow, Kolskaya str., 2)

Faculty of Law

Prepares specialists in the field of operational and investigative activities of the Internal Affairs Directorate for tax crimes, specializing in "Jurisprudence", qualification - a lawyer. The term of study is 5 years full-time. Entrance tests: Russian language, literature, mathematics or Russian history (optional), social studies, physical training.

Faculty of Economics

Trains specialists in combating economic crimes for the financial and economic units of the Internal Affairs Directorate, specializing in Finance and Credit, Taxes and Taxation, qualification - economist. The term of study is 5 years full-time. Entrance tests: Russian language, literature, mathematics, social studies, physical training.

Police College No. 1 of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in Moscow (Moscow, Fabritsiusa st., 26) after 9 classes Prepares specialists in the field of administrative activities of the Department of Internal Affairs in the specialty "Jurisprudence", qualification - a lawyer. The term of study is 4 years (secondary specialized legal education) in full-time form. Entrance tests: Russian language, literature (written presentation), history of Russia (oral), physical training.

The profession of a policeman can be obtained not only in the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also in secondary specialized educational institutions, which were previously called police schools, now most of them have been renamed to colleges, and there are very few of them left. If you can enter universities only after 11 grades, then colleges are also accepted on the basis of 9, and in Suvorov schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - after 8.

Selection criteria

The requirements for those who plan to enter the police school after grade 11 or 9 are quite strict. First of all, this is the absence of health problems and excellent physical fitness, good academic performance, stress resistance, and a high intellectual level. And also the willingness to always come to the aid of people and the firm conviction that the choice was made correctly.

Conditions of admission

Citizens of the Russian Federation who have successfully completed the 9th or 11th grade have the right to enter police colleges. Training is conducted in the daytime (less often also in the evening) form, on a budgetary or paid basis. Both boys and girls can enter college on equal terms.

For preliminary selection for the budgetary department, the admission of personal files begins on March 1. For their registration, you must contact the personnel departments of the local police department. General acceptance of documents ends on August 1.

Before admission to the entrance examinations, all applicants must pass a medical commission at the educational institution itself.

Applicants must submit the following documents to the medical board:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Blood tests for HIV and Wasserman reaction.
  3. An electrocardiogram taken during exercise.
  4. Certificate on the passage of fluorography.
  5. Health statement for five years (outpatient card).
  6. Vaccination information.

In addition to the commission, all future cadets pass:

  • testing for general psychological state and IQ level;
  • physical education entrance tests, which include running (100 and 1000 meters) and strength exercises. The scores for this exam have a significant impact on competitive selection.

The term of study in the full-time department, depending on the specialty, ranges from 2 years 10 months to 3.5 years on the basis of 9 classes and from 1 year 10 months to 2.5 years - upon admission after 11 classes.

Required documents

In order to enter a police college (school) after grade 9 or 11, you need to contact the personnel department of the territorial division of the internal affairs bodies (OVD). Its staff will form a personal file of the applicant and send him to college.

Personally, the admissions office is submitted:

  1. Application (for minors with parental consent).
  2. Passport or other identity document (plus a copy).
  3. Certificate and annexes to it (with a copy).
  4. Medical certificate 086 / U.
  5. Copy of health insurance.
  6. Professional color photographs 3x4 (6 pcs.).
  7. A certificate with the results of testing for the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances issued by a licensed state health institution (test for 10 types of narcotic and psychotropic substances).
  8. Characteristics from the school.
  9. Copies of documents for the provision of benefits (if any).

Although, according to the current legislation, it is not necessary to submit the results of the OGE and the Unified State Examination for admission to the police college, educational institutions can add to the lists of documents required when submitting an application a certificate from the school or a printout from the RTSOI website with the results of the GIA in mathematics and Russian. This does not violate the rights of applicants - admission is carried out according to a competition of certificates and the results of tests in physical culture. But if candidates gain an equal number of points, then grades for priority subjects for the college and a particular specialty are taken into account when choosing.

You can also enter the police college bypassing the local internal affairs bodies by submitting documents directly to the educational institution. This format is called direct dialing. Its peculiarity is that after graduation, the cadet is sent to work in any of the Russian internal affairs bodies, and not precisely in the one that recommended him for study, having formed a personal file.

Where to apply - top 3 schools

If for the graduates of the 11th grade the choice is quite extensive, then it will be much more difficult to enter the police school after the 9th grade. Since the main emphasis in vocational training is made on the fact that employees with higher education work in the internal affairs bodies, there are few specialized secondary educational institutions that train employees for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, almost all of them are located in Moscow:

  • Police College (founder - Moscow Government);
  • College of Law (founder - Moscow Government);
  • Professional training center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region (admission only on the basis of 11 classes).

But in all universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there are secondary vocational schools (or separate training programs in the specialties of secondary vocational education).

After the reorganization of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, carried out in 2008, there are only three police schools in Russia, and they all specialize in training dog handlers for service in the internal affairs bodies:

  • Rostov school of service-search dog breeding of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • Branch in Yegoryevsk (Moscow region) of the Rostov school of service-search dog breeding;
  • Ufa school for training cynologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Secondary education and a specialty necessary for working in law enforcement agencies are also given by civil higher and secondary educational institutions, for example:

  • St. Petersburg Police College InterPoliceCollege - InterPolisCollege (non-state);
  • College (faculty of SPE) MFYuA (Moscow University of Finance and Law).

You can get the profession of a police officer on the basis of 8 classes. To do this, you need to enter one of the seven Suvorov military schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • St. Petersburg;
  • Astrakhan;
  • Yelabuga;
  • Grozny;
  • Novocherkasskoe;
  • Chita;
  • Samara Cadet Corps.

The Suvorov schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs accept 8th grade graduates who, as of December 31, of the year of admission, are under 16 years old.

From the moment of enrollment in departmental colleges, cadets are awarded the rank of private police, and upon completion of training - a police lieutenant. Cadets and students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive the rights, benefits and duties of police officers. They are paid a scholarship. Freshmen are in a barracks position, that is, on full state support.

Who graduate from police colleges

After graduating from the Police College, graduates receive a certificate of complete secondary education, as well as one of the specialties according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • 40.02.01 - law and organization of social security, qualification - lawyer;
  • 0240.02.02 - law enforcement, qualification - lawyer.

After graduating from the Police College, graduates can work as investigators, district police officers, UGRO specialists, criminologists, employees of administrative and legal departments - that is, in the positions of private or junior leadership in any police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. You can find out about vacancies and recruitment even during your studies or practice.

Many graduates of police colleges do not stop there and continue their studies at the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The knowledge and experience they gained during their studies in the open source programs, as well as excellent physical fitness and self-discipline, serve as significant advantages when entering universities and institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Applicants who have already proven that they are not random people in law enforcement agencies are more likely to be accepted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs higher educational institutions than high school graduates.

For reference

Police schools, which until recently trained employees for work in the police department in the positions of private and junior commanding officers, were reorganized by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1510-r dated October 29, 2007:

  1. Moscow Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - merged with the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  2. The St. Petersburg Special Secondary School of the Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Arkhangelsk Special Secondary School of the Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are merged with the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the formation on the basis of the Arkhangelsk School of the University branch.
  3. Yelabuga Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - merged with the Kazan Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and transformed into its branch.
  4. Nizhniy Tagil Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - became part of the Ural Law Institute as a branch.
  5. Novosibirsk Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - became a branch of the Barnaul Law Institute.
  6. Chita Special Secondary School of Militia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - transformed into a branch of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Dozens of other police schools (Astrakhan, Voronezh, Omsk, Makhachkala, etc.) were included in the institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs even earlier - in 2005-2006. Accordingly, all secondary specialized educational institutions received the status of universities, and you can enter them only after 11 grades.


Our service is both dangerous and difficult, as the famous song says. What makes the girls go to this dangerous and difficult service? Not only men work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there have always been professions in the police for girls, but now they also exist in the police. Oddly enough, but many girls want to work in the police and not only graduates of the institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also with higher legal, economic or pedagogical education.

Women in uniform are now becoming more and more in the ranks of the police. Of course, most often they are not hired for combat positions, but for "paper" ones. But a female operative is also not uncommon.

Today there is a wide range of police professions for girls. Women can engage in virtually all activities. There are restrictions on admission only for health reasons. Before being hired, you will have to undergo a very thorough medical and psychological examination. Medical examination is the most difficult stage of getting a job. Ideally, there should be good physical fitness and strong resistance to stress.

In order to get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a girl must have a higher education, good health and not have dark spots in her biography. That is, she herself should not have conflicts with the law and not have relatives who were on trial or investigation. Military service can be considered an advantage.

What are the specialties in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for girls?

Many women work in the passport control services, in the departments of the OUFMS, as inspectors in the departments for juvenile affairs. Many women work in the so-called "paper" job - in the accounting department, in the personnel service, in the headquarters. But not all women want to sit in the office, many get a job in the police for "combat" positions of operatives, investigators, criminologists or even escorts in women's colonies. Many women work as psychologists. There is also a very high percentage of the fair sex in the bodies of justice - prosecutors, judges.

Standardized professions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for girls

Criminalist. He conducts the necessary examinations necessary to find the criminal. He is one of the first to appear at the crime scene: examines, takes fingerprints, photographs, searches and takes material evidence. From one fingerprint or a drop of blood, a forensic scientist can learn a lot about a person, can calculate the trajectory of a bullet in the trail of it, etc. The work of a forensic expert is like no other suitable for girls, as it requires the qualities inherent in a woman - attentiveness, scrupulousness, accuracy.

Policeman. This is the investigator, and the operative, and the district police officer, and even the traffic police have recently taken girls. True, they take more for dispatching posts, and not stand on the roads on patrol. The work is dangerous, difficult and fraught with many difficulties. First of all, this is an irregular work schedule, which is not good for every woman.

Investigator. Basically, of course, men work in this position, but a fairly large number of female lawyers strive to test themselves in this field. An investigator handles various cases and must know more in all areas of legislation than a narrow legal specialist.

Cynologist. Essential profession. Everyone remembers the hero of the film, Lieutenant Glazychev and his dog Mukhtar. Cynologists train dogs, are engaged in breeding and selection, develop certain qualities in dogs. For work, you need some knowledge in the field of genetics, veterinary medicine, zoopsychology, zoology, zoodietology and methods of raising dogs. Also a good job for women, it requires first of all love for dogs, patience, kindness and courage. Also, there should be no allergy to dog hair.

A related specialty, although not related to work in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, has a lot in common with it - a bodyguard. Women bodyguards are in high demand due to their scarcity.

At work in the police, women face many difficulties related to the specifics of this work. First of all, this is constant psychological tension and stress, not everyone can cope, especially those positions that work directly "on the ground". This is an irregular schedule, at any time of the day or night they can call for service. It is the need to obey the charter It is not easy for women to combine family life with police work. Not every spouse is ready to put up with the constant absence of a wife. Caring for children also takes time that female police officers cannot devote. But, despite this, there are more and more women wishing to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they are ready to endure the hardships of the profession and often achieve success in the fight against crime. The choice of a profession in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for girls does not mean that one should forget about attractiveness. Girls in uniform try not to lose their femininity even in such a difficult and masculine job.

Many boys in childhood when asked "Who do you want to become?" answer: "Policeman". This is perhaps the most common answer, just like the "astronaut". For some, this has remained just a childhood dream - and nothing more. But there are also those who, since childhood, have chosen their own path in life and really dream of working in law enforcement agencies, fighting illegality and crime and helping people. After all, this profession is one of the most important for the state. Police officers protect public order, property, life and health of our citizens. Without the police, chaos and anarchy would reign in society. Do you want to become a police officer?

Where do they study to be police officers

So, in order to get the cherished form, it is not enough just to unlearn in a comprehensive school. This will require special skills (not only physical) and specialized education.

In our country, future law enforcement officers are trained by a special police school. It is an educational institution that produces skilled workers in the field. It is in schools that the police are given the practical skills necessary for the successful fulfillment of official tasks, which are sometimes not only difficult, but also life-threatening. Such establishments are designed mainly for the male population of the country. Girls are rare here - no more than 10%.

Choosing a school

So, what kind of police school is there? In Russia, there are several stages of obtaining a "police" education.

The first stage is the police high school or cadet corps. It also includes some colleges that offer a specialty in Law and Social Security Organization (lawyer).

Educational institutions of this type are Astrakhan, Novosibirsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yelabuga, Bryansk and other secondary special police schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. And also the Moscow and Simbirsk cadet corps of justice. Secondary police schools offer daytime, evening and length of study in such an institution depends on the form of education and on the existing education, but does not exceed three years.

The maximum rank that can be awarded after graduating from a secondary specialized institution is junior lieutenant.

If you want something better and more significant, then you have to get a higher education. So, you need the Higher Police School. Such institutions include: Moscow, Krasnodar and St. Petersburg universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Volgograd and Omsk academies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the Academy of Economic Security located in Moscow, Siberian Legal, Barnaul, Voronezh, Rostov, Saratov and other institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia. Here, just like in secondary schools, the possibility of daytime, evening and correspondence forms of education is provided. Study lasts up to 5 years.

The Higher School of Militia provides an opportunity in the future, upon graduation, to apply not only to higher ranks, but also to prestigious work in the prosecutor's office, justice, etc.

Well, the highest level is the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It is she who prepares police leaders of the most various levels and carries out retraining of personnel.

Who can become a police officer

So, any citizen of the Russian Federation can become a candidate for admission to a police school. The main requirements for applicants are good physical fitness and good health.

For admission, you must pass the exams well. The police school also requires high marks in the certificate of basic or secondary education.

There are age restrictions for candidates. So, the maximum age of an applicant should not exceed 25 years.

How to enter a police school

So you are serious about doing it. What to do?

At the end of the nine grades of a regular school, a police high school awaits you. Usually young people go there who have a permanent registration in the area in which such an institution is located. School enrollment takes time, requires some action and effort, and involves several stages. Now more about each of them.

Stage 1: application

The first step for you is to apply for admission to your chosen school. It is written in the name of the director of the educational institution. An important point is that the police school is not entitled to accept the document if it does not contain the signatures of the parents of the student candidate. Parents or guardians are required to give their permission for their child to enter such an educational institution. You can't do without it.

Application deadline is limited - it can be sent to school before

Stage 2: checking the "past"

After the police school has accepted your application, it is sent to a special personnel service. There, personal files of each of the applicants are created in accordance with the requirements, and all information regarding the applicant who submitted the application is checked and studied.

At this stage, nothing is needed from you, except for the ideal "past". The personnel service carefully checks not only the presence and absence of previous convictions and criminal or administrative prosecution of the student candidate himself, but also his immediate family members. So it's as lucky here.

At the end of the check, a decision is made: either to give a recommendation for admission to the police school, or to refuse.

Stage 3: medical examination

While the “past” is being checked, the applicant himself is not sitting idle. In order to enter the police school, you must undergo a medical examination. As a rule, this is done at the place of residence of the applicant.

For admission to the medical commission, you must provide:

  • the results of some tests: for example, blood for syphilis or AIDS, fluorography, heart ECG and others;
  • an extract from the medical record for the previous five years;
  • information about vaccinations already made.

Based on the data provided, the medical commission makes one of the following decisions: the candidate is fit or not fit for police service.

Stage 4: the level of intelligence

First, it is necessary to pass a special test, with the help of which it is found out whether the candidate is taking any drugs, whether he suffers from alcohol or other toxic dependence. If the test is passed successfully, the applicant proceeds to the introductory test. At this stage, it is checked at what level his intellectual development is. Here the police school itself chooses what the test will be. It can be an exam, an interview, or a psychological IQ).

Stage 5: exams

After passing the psychological testing, student candidates are allowed to check the knowledge gained in a comprehensive school. Exams for admission to the police school are taken orally and in writing. Applicants pass Russian language and Russian history.

Testing knowledge of the Russian language takes place in the form of a short essay, presentation or dictation. The exam on the history of Russia is taken orally.

Stage 6: physical fitness check

After an intellectual test, the last and most crucial stage awaits you. If you successfully pass the physical test, then you are guaranteed admission to the police school.

So, the physical fitness of applicants is checked in certain sports. In addition, the standards for boys and girls differ. Both girls and boys are provided with long (1-2 km) and short (100 m) distance running. And also for guys - pull-ups on a high bar, for girls - performing certain complex strength exercises.

The result after passing the test can be expressed in the formulations: "excellent", "good", "satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory".

To pass the short distance run, the guys must come running with the following result (in seconds):

  • 13.6 - excellent;
  • 14.2 - for "good";
  • 14.6 - for "satisfactory".

Girls can run slower and pass with the following result:

  • 16.5 - excellent;
  • 17.1 - for "good";
  • 17.5 - for "satisfactory".

To pass the long distance running (2 km), the guys should have the following result (in minutes and seconds):

  • 7.50 - excellent;
  • 8.10 - for "good";
  • 9.00 - for "satisfactory".

The long distance for girls is shorter than for guys, and is 1 kilometer. They should come running with the following result (in minutes and seconds):

  • 4.25 - excellent;
  • 4.45 - for "good";
  • 5.00 - for "satisfactory".

Pull-ups for boys are rated based on the number of times:

  • 12 - excellent;
  • 10 - for "good";
  • 6 - for "satisfactory".

Strength exercises for girls (for example, abdominal exercises) are also scored based on the number of times:

  • 30 - excellent;
  • 26 - for "good";
  • 24 - for "satisfactory".

If the applicant does not score the required number of points or seconds for at least one of the exercises, he gets the overall result - "unsatisfactory".

A negative result is equated to failure of the exam, which automatically nullifies all the applicant's chances of admission.

Enrollment in the police school takes place after the admission committee of the educational institution considers the results of checks at all stages: applications for admission, the conclusions of the medical committee, the result of the check for the presence and absence of convictions and prosecution, the level of intelligence, entrance exams and physical training.

Based on everything the applicant has passed, the commission makes a decision whether this applicant is suitable for studying at a police school or not. But it must be remembered that there are many who wish, and only the most worthy and purposeful students are accepted.

Cops in skirts

And what about the fair sex? After all, not only guys can be policemen, but also girls. Of course, after all, this profession has long been considered male and requires a lot of physical training. And in some educational institutions, such as cadet corps, only guys are accepted as students.

But girls are gradually achieving equality here too. Today, 20% of police officers are women! And it's not uncommon to meet a “cop in a skirt” on the street.

There is no such special educational institution as a police school for girls in our country. The training takes place together with the guys. All are rigorously selected. Of course, it is much more difficult for girls to enter such educational institutions, since initially fewer "student places" are created for them. However, at admission and the standards for them are less than for guys.

Perhaps the most famous girl in the Russian police is Oksana Fedorova, a major, as well as a winner of world beauty contests, a successful model, TV presenter, etc.

And yet this is not a woman's profession. Many of the girls who have already become a police officer are faced with a very pressing problem: family or work. And this is wrong. After all, a woman should have time for children and the family hearth, but a man should defend the Motherland.