Achievements of Belarusian science in recent years. Why should Belarusian science be in the 21st century? Scientific achievements of Belarusian scientists in the 21st century

Scientific knowledge is important not only for expanding humanity's understanding of the world. The results of the work of scientists are used in enterprises, in the agro-industrial complex, medicine, education, and other spheres of human activity. In order to emphasize the importance of scientific achievements for society, the Day of Belarusian Science was established in the Republic of Belarus.


Science originated in the Belarusian lands in the 7th-8th centuries of our era. Foundry, pottery, blacksmithing and weaving were actively developing here. The successful completion of the work depended on how well the master knew physics and chemistry.

With the spread of Christianity, churches and monasteries became centers for the development of scientific thought. Here they rewrote books, compiled chronicles, arranged libraries. The most famous educators of that time were Euphrosinia of Polotskaya and Kirilla Turovsky.

During the Renaissance, science and education gradually became secular. Printing played an important role in this. The first printer became the printed book was produced and distributed faster than the handwritten one, therefore, it was available to more readers.

In New and Newest times, Belarusian scientists have been actively working in the field of natural science and technology. In 1929, the Institute of Belarusian Culture was opened in Minsk, later transformed into the Academy of Sciences.

In the 30s, many representatives of the Belarusian intelligentsia became victims of repression. During the war, scientists worked in evacuation. In the postwar years, scientific institutions returned to the republic and continued their research.

The formation of the information society contributed to the revision of strategies for the development of science, therefore in 2005 they created

Heroes of the occasion

For a while, postpone work and set a festive table on the Day of Belarusian Science (the last Sunday of January) have the right to doctors and employees of research institutes, teachers, graduate students, undergraduates, members of student scientific societies.

The flagship of the republic's scientific achievements is the National Academy of Sciences, which conducts research in the field of physics, chemistry, mathematics, biochemistry, materials science, etc. The Minsk Research Instrument-Making Institute, the National Institute of Education, and other scientific organizations also operate in Belarus. Research is carried out at the departments of universities, in reserves and reserves, medical institutions, museums. Therefore, the Day of Belarusian Science is a holiday for many citizens of the republic.

Festive events

Conferences, seminars, exhibitions, thematic publications in scientific publications are timed to the festive date. So, in the foyer of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the exposition "Achievements of domestic science for production" is constantly working. In 2012, at a solemn meeting of the scientific community, the results of the achievements of technical sciences were demonstrated, and two years later, scientific problems were discussed at a press conference held by the State Committee for Science and Technology.

On the Day of Belarusian Science, the president of the country, deputy heads of the presidential administration, and other officials speak to scientists. Outstanding are recognized with awards.

Scientific achievements

Scientists of Belarus conduct research in all spheres of human knowledge. Thus, a new generation of lasers has been created at the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The devices are much smaller than their predecessors and do not harm the eyes.

Cast iron parts will become much stronger thanks to the inventions of employees of the Institute of Metal Technology, and with the help of fiber-optic industrial endoscopes (developed by the Belarusian-Russian University of Mogilev) diagnostics of hard-to-reach places of units and machines will become more operational and reliable. In the treatment of atherosclerosis, it is planned to use an ultrasound unit, created by specialists from BNTU.

Also in the republic they study DNA, grow emeralds, create new varieties of agricultural plants, revive cultural artifacts, master space, develop new methods of treating diseases, teaching and educating the younger generation. Therefore, when the Day of Belarusian Science comes once again, scientists have something to demonstrate for the holiday.

Problems and prospects for the development of science in Belarus

In recent years, the government has funded applied research to a greater extent. The problem of creating organizations uniting scientific and industrial personnel is urgent. There is an acute issue of examination of research results, attraction of investments. These and other problems are discussed on the Day of Belarusian Science.

When a holiday is celebrated, scientists and leaders talk about painful things. Thus, the chairman of the NASB Presidium is concerned about the aging of personnel, the reluctance of young people to engage in science. The reasons for this are low salaries and the loss of the prestige of the research assistant profession. Many specialists go to work abroad. The head of state sees the solution to these problems in the search for extra-budgetary sources of funding. The Day of Belarusian Science and its Achievements is the subject of special concern of the President.

Development is defined as the development of a scientific basis for regulatory documents and a solution to the problem of strengthening the institution of the family. On the basis of the results obtained by the humanities, the ideology of the state is formed. This is how the Day of Belarusian Science is held. Where is a similar holiday celebrated outside Belarus?

Science Day in other countries

The tradition of honoring scientists in the post-Soviet space dates back to the USSR. In April 1918, from the pen of V. Lenin came out "Sketch of the plan of scientific and technical work." Since then, scientists have received congratulations on the third Sunday in April.

After the collapse of the USSR in Russia and Ukraine, holidays (February 8 and the third Saturday in May) are timed to coincide with the founding of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated annually at the international level. A similar initiative was launched in 2001 by UNESCO. Fans of the theory of evolution celebrate Darwin's Day on February 12.

There are also festivals of science, professional holidays of narrow specialists: physicists, chemists, etc. Therefore, one can congratulate domestic and foreign scientists almost every month of the year.

The Academy of Sciences has identified the top 10 results in basic research for 2016. The top ten includes studies in history, microbiology and optics.

1. Localization of states of light

A new method for localizing quantum states of light based on a limited number of so-called reconstruction measurements. The method allows for efficient quantum tomography of light.

2. New type of light fields

Institute of Physics B.I.Stepanova

Prediction and implementation of a new type of light fields - tunable Airy laser beams, which have the property of self-restructuring of the profile when propagating in scattering and inhomogeneous media. Such beams are required for the delivery of light energy over long distances in comparison with conventional (Gaussian) beams.

3. Image analysis against breast cancer

Joint Institute for Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

A new method for analyzing complex images of large sizes based on deep learning information technologies. As the Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Academician Sergei Kilin, explained, commenting on the result, the method made it possible to develop a highly effective method for automatic analysis of histological images, which determines the presence of breast cancer at the earliest stage of the disease.

The team of authors, participating in the 2016 TUPAC16 and CAMELYON16 International Competitions dedicated to the problem of automated diagnosis of breast cancer, in which more than 100 professional teams from different countries of the world participated, entered the top four in the nomination "Predicting the proliferation index based on counting mitosis", ahead of the teams universities in the USA, Germany, Great Britain, etc.

4. Unique materials for space

GNPO "Powder Metallurgy"

The mechanisms of mass transfer in the processes of sintering silicon and carbon with nanoadditives have been established, which make it possible to form lightweight structural elements from a composite based on silicon carbide ceramics with unique mechanical and thermophysical properties (layer-by-layer identity of the coefficients of thermal linear expansion and thermal deformation). This result is aimed at creating large astronomical mirrors for use in outer space.

5. Materials for new generation solar cells

GNPO "Scientific Research Center of the NAS of Belarus for Materials Science" together with physicists

Stimulated and laser radiation was discovered in multicomponent direct-gap semiconductors, and the mechanism of radiative recombination, leading to their appearance in film structures intended for the creation of new generation solar cells, was established.

6. Slowing down "pathological" reactions

Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Amino, nucleic and polyunsaturated fatty acids modified with deuterium have been synthesized, which have the effect of significantly slowing down biochemical reactions causing various pathologies. The effect is realized when hydrogen atoms are replaced by deuterium in certain places of biomolecules that exhibit instability to oxidation. The obtained compounds are promising for creating a new generation of drugs.

7. Step to regeneration of nerve cells

Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Institute of Physiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Fundamentally important results have been obtained for the prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders and neurodestructive pathologies, including genetic modification using dendromers of nerve tissue cells in order to overproduce a neurotrophic factor in them that stimulates the restoration of the peripheral nerve, and the use of recombinant human lactoferrin. The obtained result shows the ways of solving the most complicated problem of nerve cell regeneration.

8. Modulators of glucose oxidase

Institute of Microbiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

For the first time, chemical compounds were discovered - modulators (isopropanol, ethanol, choline chloride), which significantly accelerate the production of the enzyme glucose oxidase by microorganisms, which serves as the basis for creating an effective thermostable drug with increased catalytic activity used in bioelectronic devices.

9. Unique monument of the Viking age

Institute of History of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

An archaeological complex has been discovered and studied: the Cordon of the Vitebsk Podvinya is a unique for Eastern Europe monument of the Viking Age (VIII-X centuries). The materials of the complex prove the participation of the Varangians in the development of the trade and economic potential of the region, reveal its extensive international relations and the leading role in the formation of the Dnieper-Lovatsky segment of the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks" at an early stage (IX - mid-X centuries) of the formation of state structures in the eastern Slavs.

10. Reproduction of rye "in vitro"

Scientists of the Scientific Research Center of the NAS of Belarus on Agriculture

A unique technology for obtaining regenerants has been developed and tested in vitro ("In vitro") from the anthers of rye - an agricultural crop that is difficult to regenerate on an artificial nutrient medium. Creation of doubled haploids (DH lines) allows to halve the time required for obtaining homozygous forms of rye as parent components and to accelerate selection.

Only at a temporary distance do the contours and scales of many events and phenomena of the recent past begin to appear. Great things are seen at a distance. What has been done over the years of independence?

Economic growth

Consistent economic growth began to be observed since 1996, when the first All-Belarusian People's Assembly approved the Main Directions of the country's socio-economic development for 1996-2000. In the course of their implementation, the first economic results were obtained, and in 2000 the country surpassed the indicators of the pre-crisis 1990 in terms of production of industrial products, consumer goods, and real money incomes of the population. She began to receive practical confirmation of the correctness of the chosen model of the country's socio-economic development. If in 1994 the average monthly income of citizens amounted to $ 20 in equivalent, then in 2001 wages increased to $ 100, at the end of 2005 - $ 261, and today this figure has almost doubled.

food security

In terms of food production, our country is one of the leaders among the post-Soviet states. In 2014, the country produced 113 kg of meat in carcass weight, 707 kg of milk, 417 eggs, 662 kg of potatoes per capita. More than 80 percent of the population's food needs are met by domestic production. Food imports are around 8 percent. At the same time, over the years of independence, our country has become one of the five leading suppliers of milk and dairy products in the world.

Minsk agreements

Independent Belarus became the first of the post-Soviet states to renounce the possession of nuclear weapons and completed their withdrawal from its territory at the end of 1996. Our country is a party to all major agreements on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, we have ratified the Treaty on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms and the Lisbon Protocol. In 1995, we signed a Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA. A major UN initiative in the field of maintaining international peace and security was Alexander Lukashenko's proposal to create a nuclear-weapon-free space in Central and Eastern Europe. And today the peacekeeping role of our country is widely known also thanks to its efforts to normalize the situation in Ukraine.

Peaceful atom

In January 2008, a decision was made to build the first nuclear power plant in our country. On August 9, 2012, at the construction site near Ostrovets, a ceremony was held for the President to lay a capsule with a message to future generations. Construction of the station continues today. Our NPP will consist of two power units with a total capacity of up to 2,400 MW. In accordance with the general contract for the construction of the station, the first power unit is planned to be commissioned in 2018, and the second in 2020.

Space exploration

On July 22, 2012, we launched our own spacecraft from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, becoming from that moment a space power. As a result, we got the opportunity to create an independent Earth remote sensing system, which will allow us to refuse the services of other states for receiving and processing space information. It is in demand in forestry, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. In the same year, our fellow countryman, a native of Cherven, Oleg Novitsky, visited space as part of the Russian crew.

Arena of planetary significance

Sport is another area of \u200b\u200bour rightful pride. 75 of our citizens became Olympic champions, more than 26 thousand physical culture and sports facilities function in the country. The most significant of them is the multifunctional cultural and sports complex “Minsk-Arena” - one of the most modern multifunctional buildings in Europe. Its construction began in the spring of 2006, and its grand opening took place on January 30, 2010 as part of the 2nd KHL All-Star Game.

MKSK “Minsk-Arena” has taken the leading position as the most capacious site among all the sites of the KHL teams and is one of the leading ice hockey arenas in Europe in terms of spectator capacity. The structure, impressive with its high-tech architectural design, surpassing all previously built sports arenas in the country in terms of external beauty, internal design and a range of modern services, is a landmark not only in our country, but also on the entire European continent. It was she who became the main site of the 2014 Ice Hockey World Championship.

Universal value

Mir Castle became, in fact, the embodiment of the fate of our land. It was burned by the Swedes, it was taken by storm by Suvorov, it was destroyed by Napoleon's army ... In 2006, the restoration of its complex, which had been languidly dragging on since the Soviet era, received a second wind. If in the USSR the restoration of a unique historical complex was carried out at very modest means and not always with high-quality materials, then this work was completed in an independent country with the use of modern technologies. On December 16, 2010 the ceremonial opening of the complex took place. Today Mir Castle, according to the 38th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, is one of the sites, and there are 981 such sites all over the world recognized as “universal value” in accordance with the 1972 World Heritage Convention. It is included in the List of World Natural and Cultural Heritage.

Architectural transformation

The National Library is rightfully called the visiting card of the country. The original building in the form of a complex polyhedron invariably attracts the eyes of Minsk residents and guests of the city. The grandiose construction began in 2002, the President opened the library on June 16, 2006.

Today it is not only the richest collection of books (about 9 million copies in more than 80 languages), but also a huge multifunctional center where high technologies, ultra-modern design and unusual architecture are combined. It is an information, research, sociocultural and sociopolitical center of our country. In 2005, on behalf of the President, the Center for International Meetings and Negotiations at the level of Heads of State and Government was established here. Presidents, heads of governments and parliaments, international organizations, well-known scientists, writers and artists have repeatedly become guests of honor of the National Library.

Combat-ready defense

Prospective requirements for the Armed Forces formed the basis of the Concept of their construction until 2020. In accordance with it, the goal of the construction and development of modern armed forces is to increase their combat effectiveness, primarily through modernization and rearmament with new types of weapons and military equipment, and an increase in the quality of training of military command and control bodies and troops. Our Armed Forces are viewed as the main factor in strategic containment of external threats, as well as ensuring stability in the state.

Better to see once

The concentrated embodiment of the achievements of our country over the years of independence is personally demonstrated by the Museum of Modern Belarusian Statehood. No other post-Soviet country has a similar center for collecting, studying, preserving and presenting contemporary history. Here are the first decrees of the President, samples of state awards, models of buildings that have been recently erected or restored, developments of scientists of the National Academy of Sciences, sports trophies.

Belarus is proud of both scientists and scientists. will tell what famous scientists, scientists and cultural figures,glorified our country and not only.

Ignat Domeyko (1802 - 1889)

Place of birth: the city of Novogrudok, Grodno region

Research area: geology, mineralogy, , ethnology

A Belarusian by birth who became a national hero of Chile. A man with an active civic position and an unsurpassed scientist. One of the best graduates of Vilnius University. Member of the secret society of philomats["science lovers" - approx. ed.]... After participating in the uprising of 1830-1831, he was forced to emigrate to France. There he graduated from a mining school and received a mining diploma. , after which he left to work at the invitation of Chile, where his potential as a researcher was revealed.

Geology, mineralogy, , ethnology - valuable works remained in all these areas. During his lifetime, he gained fame as a world-renowned scientist, this is confirmed by his participation in many scientific societies in Europe. For many years Ignat Domeyko was the rector of the University of Chile. Organized the meteorological service in Santiago de Chile.

2002 marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of our fellow countryman, in memory of his merits, UNESCO named this year after an outstanding philomat

Ivan Chersky (1845 - 1892)

Place of birth: Svolna estate, Vitebsk province

Research area: geography, geology, geomorphology, paleontology

The explorer of Siberia is from Belarus.A number of geographical objects are named after the famous scientist. He compiled a map of Lake Baikal, which was presented at the International Geographical Congress in Venice and was awarded a small gold medal. He received an excellent education at home, his mother was engaged in training. At the time of admission to the Vilnius gymnasium, he knew French, German, English and Latin, played the piano, and painted. When Chersky was 15 years old, he entered the Vilna Government Institute.

How did he end up in Siberia? For participation in the uprising of 1863 under the leadership of Kalinovsky, he was exiled to Siberia for life, stripped of his noble title, and his family estate was confiscated. Already in exile, he met with geographers and geologists, who instilled an interest in nature and thus helped the young scientist to reveal his talent.

Geological map of Chersky, which depicts Lake Baikal

Nikolay Sudzilovsky (Nikola Roussel) (1850 - 1930)

Place of birth: city of Mogilev

Research area: ethnography, geography, chemistry and biology

A native of the Mogilev region, who became the first president of the Senate of the Hawaiian Islands, and also a famous scientist. He graduated from the law faculty of St. Petersburg University, but he was expelled for participating in student unrest. Then he entered the medical faculty of Kiev University. This was the beginning of the medical future, which in the future brought world fame to our compatriot.

An innate sense of justice did not allow him to stay away from the events taking place, wherever he was. Under the pseudonym Nikolai Roussel participated in the uprising of the Bulgarians against the Turks. Arriving in the Hawaiian Islands, he supported democratic transformations - at that time Hawaii was a kingdom. He successfully combined social and scientific activities. He left behind geographical descriptions of Hawaii and the Philippines. The famous scientist of Belarus became a member of the American Society of Geneticists.

Nikolay Sudzilovsky spoke eight European languages

Alexander Chizhevsky (1897 - 1964)

Place of birth: Grodno province

Research area: biophysics, philosophy, poetry

The famous researcher of the biological effects of the Sun and the Universe on people. Studied the coincidence of periods of solar activity with outbreaks of war in the history of mankind.Alexander Chizhevsky was diversified: the founder of space science and heliobiology, philosopher, poet, artist, and also an honorary professor at universities in Europe, Asia and America.

The Soviet scientific-documentary film "Prisoner of the Sun" was dedicated to the life of the scientist

Sophia Kovalevskaya (1850 - 1891)

Place of birth: estate of Polibino, Vitebsk province

Field of Study: Mathematics, Mechanics and Astronomy

The world's first female professor of mathematics. Interest in the queen of sciences from an early age grew into the work of a lifetime. Young Sophia wanted to study her favorite science at the university, but the rules of that time did not allow a woman to get higher education. And to go to study at a foreign university, you needed the permission of your father or husband. Sophia's father did not give his consent, then the girl at the age of 18 entered into a fictitious marriage with the young scientist Kovalevsky. The adventure ended with a happy ending: over time, the fictitious marriage grew into a real family, and Mrs. Kovalevskaya became a world famous mathematician.She devoted many works to mathematical analysis, mechanics, astronomy.

Sofia Kovalevskaya was also endowed with a gift for writing: she wrote two stories - "Nihilist" and "Memories of Childhood"

Pavel Sukhoi (1895 - 1975)

Place of Birth: glubokoe city, Vitebsk region

Vitebsk citizens became famous not only for the flight of artistic words, but also for the design thought. Pavel Sukhoi is rightfully considered the star of Belarusian technical science. While studying at the Imperial School, he was engaged in the development of an aircraft, met and communicated with pilots, whose stories about the flight infinitely inspired the young designer. During the Great Patriotic War under his leadership, an armored Su-6 attack aircraft was created. After that, the famous scientist of Belarus took up developments in the field of jet aircraft.

Pavel Sukhoi is the author of 50 original aircraft designs, more than 30 of which were built and tested

Mikhail Vysotsky (1928 - 2013)

Place of birth: village Semezhevo, Minsk region

Research area: technical sciences (jet and supersonic aviation)

The Minsk region presented Belarus with a talented mechanical engineer - Mikhail Vysotsky. The path of the future scientist and designer began with the work of an assembly fitter at the Minsk Automobile Plant. Then he graduated from an auto-mechanical technical school and already in absentia - a mechanical engineering institute in Moscow. He supervised the creation of the best models of the MAZ car, for decades he was the general designer for automotive equipment in Belarus. He has 134 inventions and 17 patents. In 2006 he was awarded the title of Hero of Belarus.

Memorial plaque in honor of Mikhail Vysotsky on the building of the "Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the NAS of Belarus"

Zhores Alferov (1930)

Place of birth: the city of Vitebsk

Research area: physics

Among the famous scientists of Belarus there is also a Nobel laureate (the title was awarded in 2000). Let the name seem unfamiliar, but we all come across his inventions every day. The work of CDs and disk drives of modern computers would be impossible without the "Alferov laser".

Zhores Alferov was engaged in research and development, headed various scientific structures and societies. At one time he was the editor-in-chief of the journal "Physics and Technology of Semiconductors" and participated in the publication of other periodicals. He wrote over 500 scientific papers, three monographs and created 50 inventions.

Traffic lights, mobile phones, car lights, equipment in supermarkets - they use the discoveries of a Belarusian

Boris Keith (1910 - 2018)

Place of birth: St. Petersburg

Research area: astronautics, mathematics, physics, chemistry

Although Boris Kit was born in Russia, he spent most of his life in his father's homeland - the current town of Korelichi, Grodno region.

For a long time he taught at local gymnasiums, did not stop working even during the German occupation, for which he found himself between two fires. On the one hand, under the threat of arrest, secretly from the Germans, he tried to develop the program of the trading school in Molodechno to the level of the university. On the other hand, partisans perceived his educational activities not for the good of the Belarusians, but as assistance to the enemy. To avoid punitive measures, Boris Kit emigrated to Germany, then to the United States. Here, the scientist was actively involved in development: he used liquid hydrogen in rocketry, participated in the development of fuel for the Apollo spacecraft and the Shuttle shuttle spacecraft. In 1960 he published the first ever textbook on fuel for rocket systems. The name of Boris Kit is embedded in the "time capsule" of the world's best astronautics, walled up in the wall of the American Capitol.

The Boris Kit Prize has been established in Belarus, which is awarded to writers, scientists, journalists and students known for their democratic activities

Vladimir Ulashchik (1943−2018)

Place of birth: village Valitskovshchina (Minsk region)

Research area: physical medicine

Vladimir Ulashchik was born into a family of workers, successfully graduated from school and became a student at that time at the Minsk State Medical Institute. The scientist's talent was revealed in the student circle when he received a gold medal at the All-Union competition for one of his studies. Then there was a Ph.D. thesis defense, work in laboratories of BelNII of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Physiotherapy, BelMAPO, Ministry of Education, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. And from 1987 to 1990 he served as the Minister of Health of Belarus.

He studied the mechanisms and patterns of action on the body of various physical factors (direct current, ultrasound, microwaves, mineral waters, therapeutic mud, and so on), developed the general principles of modern physical therapy and proposed new physiotherapeutic methods and devices. Co-author of the discovery "Regularity of acoustic vibrations of the brain." The methods and methods of treatment developed by him and his staff (and there are more than 20 of them) are included in the guidelines and are successfully used in sanatoriums. Physiotherapy equipment developed by him is used in medical institutions in Belarus and other CIS countries. Was the chief editor of magazines "Healthcare" and "Medical knowledge”, As well as a member of the editorial boards of other Belarusian and foreign publications. Author of textbooks on medicine, 80 inventions and patents, 25 physiotherapy devices.

You can find out more information about scientists of Belarus on the website of the National Academy of Sciences in the section "Academics" and "In memory of a scientist".

Young scientists of Belarus and how to get into their ranks

Belarusian science does not stand still. At the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, there are 15 councils of young scientists who are engaged in research in various scientific fields. To get into the ranks of young scientists, you need to go through several stages. First you need to get a higher education, complete a master's and postgraduate studies of any ... During your studies, it is advisable to participate in scientific conferences and publish. Upon completion of graduate school, it is necessary to write and defend a thesis for the degree of candidate of sciences. Then the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus decides to award an academic degree or academic title. This is a time-consuming path, but you can follow it if you are doing what you love and use. Not for the sake of their own vanity, but in the name of science and progress.

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The formation of Belarusian science began in the 20s of the XX century. Although some scientific research was carried out on the territory of Belarus before that time, in particular in the Gori-Goritsk agricultural school, etc. In the conditions of military intervention, devastation, the government of the republic took a number of measures to eliminate illiteracy, open universities, and create scientific centers ... An important moment in the scientific life of the BSSR was the opening of the Belarusian State University, to which a number of library funds of the Academy of Sciences were transferred. Archaeological Commission, Central Book Chamber, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other universities. However, for the development of the republic's productive forces, it was necessary to create specialized scientific institutions. Life required significant functional developments aimed at overcoming the technical and economic lag and solving regional problems of the BSSR. On January 30, 1922, the Institute of Belarusian Culture was founded, headed by S. Nekrashevich. Research work in Inbelkult was carried out in the humanitarian direction and natural science. The humanitarian section included vocabulary, terminological, literary, ethnographic and other commissions. In the section of natural science - geological, local history sections. In 1926, according to the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR, the Institute of Belarusian Culture was separated from the People's Commissariat of Education and reorganized into a state research institution under the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR.In 1928, Inbelkult became the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR, which was solemnly opened on January 1, 1929. Among the academicians, its founders, there were well-known scientists and cultural figures J. Lesik, D. Zhilunovich, V. Ignatovsky, V. Lastovsky, J. Kupala, J. Kolas and many others.

In 1924-1930, research institutes were created: sanitary and hygienic, social hygiene, tuberculosis, gynecology, labor, physiotherapy, geological, Central Pai peat station. Thus, science moved from research in small laboratories of the university and higher technical schools to systematic, well-organized work in scientific institutes. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 62 scientific institutions operated on the territory of our republic: 26 scientific research institutes, 15 scientific stations, 2 reserves, 3 museums, 16 universities.

A historic milestone in the training of scientists and pedagogical personnel in the BSSR was the "Regulations on scientific workers of higher educational institutions and scientific institutions of June 8, 1927, which laid the legal foundations for the postgraduate form of education. Since that time, postgraduate study has become the main form of training intellectual forces in almost all specialties. In 1934, 2 scientific degrees were established - candidate and doctor of sciences, and scientific titles were introduced - assistant, associate professor, professor in universities and junior and senior research workers in research institutes. Resolutions of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (March 20, 1937 and April 26, 1938) regulated the procedure for public defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations. In 1934, the BSSR began training highly qualified personnel - doctors of science through doctoral studies.

Belarusian science suffered great losses during the Stalinist repressions. In the 1930s, the NKVD authorities fabricated the cases of "counter-revolutionary organizations". More than 20 employees of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR were unjustifiably accused, including V. Lastovsky, J. Lesik, D. Zhilunovich and others. According to the NKVD, as of July 1, 1938, as a result of the "defeat of the anti-Soviet underground of the BSSR," the number of convicts amounted to 2570 people, including 25 academicians and employees of the BSSR Academy of Sciences, and 41 university teachers. The repressions have significantly weakened the human resources of the republic's scientists.
In the post-war period, Belarusian science was literally revived from the ashes.

Since the beginning of the 50s, research in the field of physical, mathematical and technical sciences has been significantly expanded in the BSSR, which ensured the creation of new progressive directions of industry, high rates of scientific and technological progress. New directions in the field of the humanities also developed. By the end of the 80s, more than 160 state scientific institutions operated on the territory of Belarus. The main and most widespread type was research institutes with branches and departments. 32% of them solved the problems of technical sciences, 27% - related to natural science, 17% - social sciences, 12% - agricultural and veterinary sciences, 12% - medical sciences. The total number of people employed in the field of science and scientific services in Belarus is more than 100 thousand people.

The growth dynamics of fixed assets of science is evidenced by the commissioning of scientific towns of the Institute of Nuclear Energy of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR (Sosny), INSTIT) and agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture (i Zhodino), the Institute of Oncology and Medical Radiology of the Ministry of Health of Belarus (city of Borovlyany), etc. Since 1970, the construction of a new academic town began, on the territory of which laboratory buildings of institutes: physical and technical, microbiology, etc. began to operate. Scientific organizations received technological and power equipment, electronic computing complexes, complex optical equipment, unique devices. The achievements of Belarusian scientists in numerous scientific fields have been recognized not only in the USSR, but also abroad. The Academy of Sciences of the BSSR has developed world-class scientific schools in linguistics, theoretical physics, physical optics and quantum electronics, mathematics, chemistry, geology, etc.

The collapse of the USSR and the resulting rupture of economic and scientific ties negatively affected the position of the spider. Fundamental changes in state building - the formation of an independent Republic of Belarus - demanded reforms in the scientific sphere as well. However, it was carried out and continues to be implemented inconsistently and inconsistently. The constant reduction in funding for science, the destruction of its material and technical base, low demand for the results of scientific research on the part of the state lead to a reduction in the scientific potential of the republic and the departure of many scientists abroad. According to information provided by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (1999), in the 90s more than 450 scientists emigrated from the republic to the USA, Western Europe, Israel. Fundamental research has found itself in the most difficult conditions. The emergence of commercial firms, joint ventures and other organizations related to market relations has led to the "pouring" of specialists into these structures from the most promising areas of science - mathematics, laser physics, radio electronics, instrumentation, etc.

The main scientific center of the Republic of Belarus is the National Academy of Sciences. Its role in organizing, conducting and coordinating fundamental scientific research is determined by the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus", as well as by the decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus (1998). They outline the foundations and guarantees of its activities, the principles of interaction with authorities, subjects and participants in scientific and scientific and technical activities.

In our time, the importance of science in the life of society is gradually increasing. The history of mankind testifies to the fact that successful economic, social and technical development and an increase in living standards are impossible without using the achievements of fundamental and applied science. Therefore, measures to support science and stimulate its development should become an integral component of the state policy of the Republic of Belarus in the 21st century.