The adoption of fate as its own. Take your destiny - this is a step towards the truth

Six Stage Awakening

6. Accept as it is - "Degree of Virgin".
The more person is able to understand, accept and love the embodiment of the highest spirit, which looks at him in the focus from the mirror - herself itself, the more chances he can see the same spirit and inside the others. It's time to take fate in your hands, take real yourself as you are.

Accept as it is

I often ask men such a question: "Your wife loves you?" They answer: "Yes, of course." Then I ask: "You like it to her as you are?" The answer usually sounds like this: "No".
In many cases, his wife's antipathy is interpreted by husbands as disrespect and even contempt. In his perception, she has changed a lot since they began to meet. Her enthusiasm and approval suddenly disappeared somewhere. Now she belongs to it disapproving and shows it with all his appearance. Therefore, the husband decides to push it to more respectful behavior by the fact that he ceases to show his love for her. It does not have success to the same extent that the wife loses in his strategy.

Accept as it means to allow a person to be as it is, without attempts to evaluate, compare, avoid, resist this, resist, suppress it, ignore, deny, devalue, change any or retain. Accept how there is implies attentiveness and awareness with respect to the adoption object.
Adoption as it is carried out by soul (pure consciousness), not a mind. The mind can not take as it is, he can only do something about being perceived: to evaluate, compare, to count, avoid, resist this, resist, suppress it, ignore, deny, devalue, change something or retain - and it is not is the adoption as it is.

When you are disappointed or upset by some person or situation, remember that you actually react not to a person or the situation, but on those your feelings and emotions that you have about this person or situation. This is your choice, your feelings, and in your choice cannot be to blame someone else. When you fully realize this and understand, you will be ready to take responsibility for your feelings and change them if desired. And if you can take things as they are, you will be ready to take responsibility for the situation in your life and for all the events in which you see some problems.

Whatever relationships you have attracted to yourself in your life at the moment, they are exactly what you need at the moment. For all the events taking place in your life there is a hidden meaning, everything ultimate serves as your development and evolution. When you resist the current moment, you actually resist the entire universe. Instead, it would be much wiser to make a decision, starting at the moment to stop fighting the whole universe, resisting a real moment. This means that your present acceptance will be complete and absolute. You will take things like they are, and not as you like to see them at this moment. It is important to understand it. You may want something in the future in a different way, but for a moment you take everything as it comes to you.

Acceptance means that you take commitment:
"Today I will take people, situations, circumstances and events as they are."
This means that I know that this moment is such as it should be because the whole universe is such that it should be. This instant is the one that you worry now - is the culmination of all the moments that you experienced in the past. This is a moment that it is because the whole universe is as it is.

God never judges and does not criticize us. He takes us as we are. In order to change the other, you must first change yourself. You need to change the course of your thoughts.

Read the following settings and try to reread them until they are in your subconscious.

1. Today I will take people, situations, circumstances and events as they occur, what they are. I will know that this moment is as it should be, because the whole universe is as it should be. I will not resist the entire universe through resistance to this moment. My acceptance will be full and comprehensive. I accept things as they are.

2. When taking things as they are, I will be responsible / oh for this situation, which develops around me and for all the events that I see as problems. I know that acceptance of responsibility means a refusal to accusing anyone in how this situation develops (including me). I also know that every problem is hidden the opportunity and my conscious attitude towards this feature will allow me to use this moment for its transformation with the maximum benefit.

3. Today I will consciously come from openness. I refuse to defend my point of view, from the need to convince or decline other people to your point of view.

You do not need to pretend at all. Just let the situation be like it is, that's all. This "permission to be" will take you beyond the limits of mind with all its resistance templates that create positive-negative polarity. This is the essence of forgiveness. Forgiveness of the present even more important than the forgiveness of the past. If you forgive every current moment - let him be as it is, - then you will not be hidden in you, which some time will still have to forgive.
The adoption will immediately free you from the domination of the mind and, thus, you can restore the intuitive connection with your soul. And as a result, the usual motivation of the ego is that there is fear, greed, the desire for control, to protect or indulge in the false feeling of its own "I" - cease to act. Now the spiritual mind is taken for business, much superior mind, and therefore your deed will flow a qualitatively different level of consciousness.
Most people need to survive great suffering before they can leave their resistance and accept everything as it is before learn to forgive. But when they do it, then one of the greatest wonders are performed: it is through what it seems evil, there is an awakening of the divine consciousness - the transmutation of suffering in the inner rest. The ultimate goal and the meaning of the whole existing evil in the world and suffering are that they prompted people to awareness who they actually have beyond their name and body. Therefore, the fact that we, relying on our narrow vision, perceive as evil, in fact, is part of the highest good, which has no opposite. However, this will not be able to become the truth for you in any way, like through forgiveness. In the meantime, it will not happen, we do not get rid of evil, and therefore evil continues to remain.
Through forgiveness, which in its essence means recognition of the unreality of the past and allows the present moment to be as it is, the magic of transformation is ne-only inside, but at the same time outside. The silent space of the deepest presence occurs both inside and around you. Whoever and whatever falls into this field of consciousness - it is experiencing its influence, sometimes the soon and obvious, and sometimes felt at the deepest levels, and then the changes become visible only after a while. You dissolve disagreements, heal from pain, dissipate unconsciousness - without any doing - alone only with its being and retaining the frequency of the vibration of the deepest presence.
When you live in a state of complete adoption of what is, it becomes the final of all your life dramas. Then no one is able to even draw you into a dispute, no matter how much he or she tries. It is impossible to argue with a fully conscious person. The dispute includes identifying himself with her mind and with his mental position, however, as with its resistance, as well as with the reaction to the position of another person. The result of the dispute is usually mutual reinforcement and strengthening of opposing parties. This is the principle of operation of the mechanism of emergencyness. You, staying in a state of adoption, you can still have a clear and firm point of view, but it will not be a reactive force for it, there will be no protection or attacks. And she will never turn into a drama. When you are fully realized, you go out of the conflict state.
"While in unity with yourself, it is impossible to even think about the conflict," says the course of wonders.
This applies not only to the cases of conflict with other people, but in a much greater extent concerns the internal conflict, which also stops, because disappears disagreement between what needs and expect your mind, and what is.
© Echart Tol - the moment of the moment "Now"


Openness means that your conscious attitude towards people, events and circumstances comes from openness and you refuse to convince or decline other people to our point of view. If you observe those who surround you, then notice that people spend ninety-nine percent of their time, defending their point of view. If you simply refuse to defend your point of view, then in this refusal you will get access to a huge amount of energy, which before it was squandered by the back.

When you defend, blame others, do not accept and do not go on a concession, your life meets resistance. Try to understand that whenever you, having met resistance, force the situation, the resistance is only increasing. It is unlikely that you should continue to remain hard as a powerful oak, who breaks the branches and escape the roots from the ground during a hurricane, and which in the end collapses under the head of the element. Instead, it makes sense to be flexible, like cane, which is inclined under the gusts of the wind and eventually straightens and survives.

When you have nothing to defend, you don't even allow a spore to arise. If you do it persistently and constantly, if you stop fighting and resist, you are able to fully feel and experience the current moment in the present, which is actually a gift. That is why this moment is called a "gift" in the present.

If you fully accept the present and become one with it, merge with it, you are experiencing fire, glow, spark of ecstasy, vibrating in each living harmony creature. As you start feeling the spirit of the Spirit in every living, as you start to get closer to this, joy begins to be born in you and you leave your former terrible nosch and the jet of denial, security, pain and offense. Only then you become a man with a bright heart, carefree, joyful and free.

Whatever relationships you have attracted to yourself in your life at the moment, they are exactly what you need at the moment. For all the events taking place in your life there is a hidden meaning, everything ultimate serves as your development and evolution.

Dipak Chopra. "7 spiritual laws of success."


The identity of the modern man split into several parts, and each of her fragment has its own character and its own independent memory. They exist relatively independently and can be interpreted at any time. The split intellect forms two lives. In one we are unusually strict with yourself, analyze any idea carefully before talking about her - in the other we are extremely easy to admit any compromises, we don't notice anything that we do not want to notice. We reconcile with this division. Our activity often goes into incision with our spiritual quest. The harm of our activity we are aware, but for which each of us does not consider itself responsible. We do not have a sense of personal responsibility, no courage, and there are even consciousness of their need.

The main problem in the life of each person is to understand and accept himself. No one is able to understand and accept himself until someone else will understand him and will not accept what it is. As soon as we accept and love those that we are, then those painful symptoms with which most of us are fighting all their lives will be removed by this understanding and accepting themselves.

The sense of responsibility is a positive feeling of guilt, it is the same voice of conscience, ennobles. A person has a frightened feeling of guilt is expressed in a sense of duty. Negative feeling of guilt, it is a sense of duty, aghesive. The desire to be freed from the sense of debt, which complicates life, causes the need to work, but without making the energy of their love. A frightened person performs work chairs with fears, but it does not receive complete satisfaction. Immediately the need to do the work turns into a duty to do work. The sense of duty is imposed, whereas a sense of responsibility a person takes over himself. And what other, as not a duty, is the accusation: "You do not love me!"

Responsibility - means not the accusation of anyone in the situation that you have. Then you accept this circumstance, this is an event, this problem. Any problem contains the sprouts of a favorable opportunity, and the awareness of this allows you to take a moment as it is, and converting it to something better.

When you do it, any frustrating situation turns into a favorable opportunity to create something new and beautiful, and any, so-called, your torch or tyrant becomes your teacher. Reality is an interpretation. And if you choose to interpret validity in this way, many teachers appear around you and many favorable opportunities for development.
Whenever you faced the tormentor, despot, teacher, friend or enemy (all of them are the same), remind yourself: "This is a moment such as it should be."
Whatever relationships you have attracted to yourself in your life at the moment, they are exactly what you need at the moment.
For all the events taking place in your life there is a hidden meaning, everything ultimate serves as your development and evolution.
Penetrate the responsibility and desire to go further. You will help if your desire is clean and sincere, but not immediately. Do not wait for the alms from God, the crumbs get begging.

© Loule Vilma - Light Source of Love

In modern society, many people live in an obsolete and destructive model of the consciousness of the "victim - tyrant". The position of the victim is terrible. The victim suffers literally from everything: from harmful neighbors, from persons not of that nationality, from weather conditions, from bad mood, from incorrect laws and governments, etc. The list can be continued. Everyone is to blame for her suffering, because nothing depends on the victim.
And now imagine, at least for a while, that you moved from the position of the victim to the position of the owner. You have taken over 100% responsibility for your life. You, together with the surrounding people, create all the situations in your life. Immediately the world around you begins to change, it is cleaned with all the colors of the rainbow. You are the owners of your emotions, you manage the events of your life and enjoy every day. You feel yourself the Creator.

Nothing by chance

Why do trouble come with me?

Start with the fact that Nothing by chance. This world is arranged in a certain way, and there are top laws that are subject to everything that happens. Ignorance, misunderstanding or rejection of these laws does not annul them. It can be said that life is built on the principle of school, where we must learn to wisdom: to know the laws of life and live in accordance with them to rejoice in every moment of life.

We live in a closed system in which all of its parts are closely interconnected with each other and possess mutual influenceTherefore, nothing accidentally, and nothing passes without a trace. What you emit, then you get. What goes around comes around. Only what you do in relation to others is returned to you. Folk wisdom. The golden rule from Buddhism is "do not make another of what you do not want ourselves" - built on the understanding of this.

Why it is difficult to understand. Because life here has a duration (time, inertia) and "return" comes not immediately. When you run the boomerang, it needs time to fly away, reach the end point and return; And while it flies, other boomerangs running before that are returned to you. Since the mind (in most cases) cannot track this causal relationship, there is no understanding that no one happens. Everything is interconnected and natural.

It is necessary to understand that the troubles that occur with us is not punishment from God, (higher forces, etc.), but the result of the violation by us of these most divine laws. In other words, I myself was the cause of these troubles. Taking it as a fact (I am responsible for what is happening with me), we create an opportunity for spiritual growth: learning, correcting their mistakes and achievements higher goal - Happiness.

Higher laws are absolutely fair and harmonious (Egoism sometimes does not allow you to see it). You are the reason what is happening with you. You have to understand what it is - what you do / did others. Only so you can learn wisdom and become happy. Therefore, this world is arranged.

You can not be offended or angry with a person who creates troubles. Otherwise, this will lead to the strengthening of its own ego, which is powered by a negative. In this case, spiritual growth is impossible or inhibited. Another person through whom the trouble came is not a source of this trouble, but only its conductor. Through it, life points to your own mistakes, asks you to think about, to realize and make the right conclusions. There would be no this person, would be another, but the situation would have turned out the same.

From trouble you need to extract lesson. If, of course, we do not want to recover on the same rake. If one and the same troubles again and again comes to your life, it speaks of a re-advancing on the same rake. Life is trying to teach us something, and we do not learn everything and do not learn. We do not think about (preferring to blame others), do not make the right conclusions and continue to do stupidity. Therefore, life is forced to teach us with the help of more and more hard situations. It can go far and being everything is painful.

How to extract a lesson from an unpleasant situation?

The first step is to take the situation as it is.
I am attributed to my life - thoughts, words and actions. This is the position of responsibility that opens the door of wisdom. There is no other way to wisdom. Showing responsibility on other people, God, etc. - This is the path of degradation, not spiritual growth.

The second step is the detection of your mistake, the causes of the unpleasant situation. Here you need a thorough analysis. You can immediately and do not remember (not understand, do not realize) which your actions attracted this trouble, especially if it was not in this life (the ego tries to take advantage of this factor in order to stop the analysis of the situation). But just remember - nothing happens. Think about what aspect of egoism indicates your life through this person or the situation? What is the negative or destructive character of another nature causes your reaction? Have you showed this aspect of the ego in relation to someone? If something in another causes an unpleasant reaction, this suggests that you also have it. It is necessary to detect it. Look for and find.

The outside world is the reflection of the inner world.. Tell me how you see the world, and I will say what you are. We see in others only what is in ourselves.

Attempts to change the other (without changing themselves) is the manifestation of the ego, unreasonable egoism, and, as a rule, this approach does not work. Change yourself - others will change. In extreme cases, your attitude to them will change, and it will stop touching you, the problem will disappear. Therefore, if you want to change your life for the better - start with yourself.

The third step - the eradication of the detected aspect of the ego. It can be done different ways. To begin with, it is possible to work out this as a duality. Perhaps this will be enough. In life, this aspect of the ego can be simply tracked and aware, and gradually it will disappear. You can also purposefully exhibit in life the opposite of this aspect (positive traction of character). Try different options.

Be genuine!
To be genuine - faithful to yourself!
But society populles us.
Only inner voice in life leads
And we imposed control and calculation.

The whole world is a supermarket, and all - sell,
And everyone surrounds the temptations of the comfort.
Kohl you will listen to other sellers,
Losing yourself and you will be a fool.

Your meditation is to listen to yourself.
Your truthfulness decorates you.
Do not use the mask, remain myself,
Let even pay the price big!

But the masks of others you should not tear!
After all, every one whom he wants to become.
He can remove the mask, and can play.
Not in the right no one change anyone.

Do not be a hypocrite with him never.
Beginned - sad, and anger is not trouble.
Fake smile not spoer face.
Be uniform - faithful to the end!
© Sergey Olhovysut My manifestation - Harmony of all things, the unity of the diversity of creation forms .. The beauty of the creation, which begins in me, and pours out of me, like the waves of pure light ... everything, with what I contact - only the verge of manifestation of my consciousness, Everything is the primordial light momentum, permeating the space of all worlds and spheres, manifesting the form only in the field of my energies ...

My light body is the structure of the truth, the divine wisdom, which I myself, which is inseparable from me, which I am ... and everything you need - allow wisdom to flow freely, do not prevent the act of creation, that beautiful universe, which is created here and Now that it is born within me in perfectness of sounding, paints and feelings ... take your divine nature, the beauty of that harmony, which nourishes the goodness every cage and every atom of this universe, permeating the breath of eternity, everything is my creature ...

The wings of the spirit stretch along the heavens of all the times and eras, relate to the most subsurface of the universe, exposing the sacred truth of the source of endless love ... How magicly and benevolent ... It is out of all understanding, beyond any feelings ... This is a swirl whirlwind of love and freedom, All-consuming creative fire ... Absolute silence, containing the voices of all birds, melodies of all songs ...

Absolute emptiness, filled with the life of all the manifested and unconcerned, fragrant all colors ... Absolute darkness, illuminated by the beauty of the radiance of all colors and rainbows ... Absolute chaos, chaos of continuous dance born and dying galaxies ... All this is the absolute harmony of one. .. all this is my true essence ...

In the unconditional acceptance of his original nature, in the feeling of the unity of all things, I am filled with the radiance of divine love, I gain peace and peace, fully giving up the streams of freedom, smoothly and serenely carrying me on the waves of infinite bliss ... Happiness that breathes inside, it blooms like The flower, and the beauty of the perfection of it, and the fragrance of gentle esters, bottled through the universe, the transformation space ...

Copyright © 2015 Love Certificate

In the life of each person there may be a stage when he stops, looks back, summarizes some results and forms plans for the future. This is natural and natural.

But there are situations when it seems that you stopped, froze when all the desires are smoothed. And these are not indifference, no. This is a quiet stop in the way that carries and harmony. Just desires become not as sharp, but the flow of thoughts is more smooth.

What is it? Internal fatigue? But it seems that it is not. Unwillingness rushing forward? And also no, the pulse of motion is saved. But here is a feeling of calm confidence, certain stability, the reduction of emotional gusts is fully present.

And this can be explained by the achievement of the point in the way, which can be called "critical" for of this person. Critical not in a negative sense, namely transitional. This is the stage of spiritual mature, when the awareness is that it is not necessary to strive for unattainable, that your tasks are only your tasks, and your way is your way. And all your suffering, boring, solutions - it is your sufferings, fighting and solutions. No one, besides you, could not go through this life.

The internal stability that you find at the same time allows you to look at things soberly. You understand that there are tasks that will never be able to you, and this is not your fault. Flower, even if he dismissed and fragrant, never wins the lion - the lion will just come on him and dispersed.

You understand that you do not need to be seen on someone else's, wade into impossible. You understand that satisfaction brings only what is closed with your program, with yours, accomplished for you, tasks. You calm down in the main thing and find a calm vision of yourself and circumstances.

And then you take your destiny. We take completely, entirely, without any reservations. Nobody, besides you on this earth, could not fulfill what you fulfilled you - whether it was bad, well, but this is your embroidery of fate, and you are the author of this "work" that the Lord entrusted to you.

Not everyone may take their destiny. And if this does not happen, a person will not experience satisfaction and pacification. Only so you can understand myself and your tasks - having accepted your destiny.

On a thin plan, this means the closure of two streams: present and the future. If a person does not take his destiny, he will not be able to come true with the future fully. And if the streams of the present and the future are not fully closed, then the future cannot be built harmoniously.

Take your destiny - this does not mean to accept, squeezing the lips, gritting his teeth and holding back the cry. Take a fate - this is to understand that this is the fate you are worthy, it is this inheritance that you received from your ancestors and it is with these, the specific tasks of your soul came to Earth. And that, without deciding these tasks, without unraveling specific nodes (which are yours and only yours), you will not go further.

Take fate - it's with a smile to look into the future, no matter how difficult it is. It is an opportunity to see the sun through the clouds, even if they stood the whole sky.

And if a person takes his fate - completely, with all my heart - and there is such an inner coup when the arrows of the internal watches are free. But this is not a stop, it is a jump, awareness of yourself in a new quality.

A transition is performed, and the future is combined with the present at a single point so that in the future it turns into a new linear structure of human life.

In the future there will be new transitions, but if this, the current transition was not accomplished, it was unlikely that a person could go to those orbits that become real only after the complete, unconditional, deep adoption of their fate.

Ether recording for beginners from the section "Philosophy" With the complexity of perception: 3

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00:00:00 every Tuesday, at eleven in the morning, live broadcast from Vladivostok. Tushkin Vasily Rurikovich "The most intimate knowledge", only on the radio and only for you.
[Leading] Good afternoon, dear radio listeners! I am glad to welcome you on the waves of Ayurveda-Radio. All those who gathered at this morning hour in Moscow, call to listen to the most interesting lecture. And all this live from Vladivostok. With us there will be Tushkin Vasily Rurikovich, a specialist in the field of Vedic culture, philologist, orientalist, and "the most intimate knowledge" and only for you. Today we will continue. "Accept your destiny." Good afternoon, Vasily Rurikovich.
[Tushkin V.G.] Hello.
[Leading] Hello. You are very audible. And I already announced the topic today. Let's be proceeding
[Tushkin V.G.] Yeah, good. So today's lecture is called "Accept your destiny." It may be such a little esoteric. But, nevertheless, I decided it, after all, to include in this popular course "The most intimate knowledge", because in general, I hope that the listeners perceive this information for some time, and I think That all this, in principle, will be correctly understood, and will achieve, so to speak, its goal.

00:01:32 So, "Accept your destiny" is a fairly relevant topic, because it shows how we need to respond to certain events of our life. And we often see some such standard reactions in people who are robging on fate, curse rock or something else. Or they say there: "Where does God look at?" Or something else. That is, we extremely rarely we encounter such behavior models when we see that people perceive life, indeed, how to study. And even when not everything happens in their lives, it's too smooth, they try to make the right conclusions.

00:02:26 Most people, nevertheless, are inclined to fight, fight when something happens to them there. They say: "unfairly. We must defend it. "And so on. Here. Here, of course, you need to see such a face very clearly, which is right that it is unfair, how to do it right. Naturally, this lecture is designed for people to some extent practitioners of spiritual life. And here there is one such popular popular misconception that a person who got on the path of spiritual development, he seems to live, well, there who is a Christian, he will say: "Like Christ for the sinus", who else there is some tradition somehow differently: "By such a divine cap of God, and that it seems like from him as with a goose water, nothing happens to him no longer, he is free from his destiny, from his karma, now he, as if So to speak, flies above the ground. "

00:03:30 But we see that in reality is not always so smooth, so everything is wonderful. And so, so to speak, well, the prehistory of this here is the lecture chtoli. It relates to the same situation described in the ancient Holy Vedic Text [Shichmatbagov]. Where such a character like Brahma, the Creator of this material world, according to the Vedas. Here, which in Russia was called a wrist. Where he assumes the Almighty one prayer. Here. And in this prayer, he says that "my dear Lord, the one who honestly and patiently waiting for you to have their mercy on him, and patiently makes suffering, consider them the consequence of their supreme deeds. Who leans in front of you in respect and continues to serve you in your own words, mind and body, without a doubt, worthy of liberation, for it has become his legal right. "

00:04:41 here. That is, such a little unusual reaction, unlike the standard behavior of the people of the West. And so, it requires some explanation because Western people are in their nature the wrestlers. Fight with everything around: with material nature, with the material world, with his own destiny, with the presidents, with superiors. All sorts of revolution are satisfied, i.e. We have already had a rooted tradition - not to take. It seems to them that the adoption of their fate is such, as if such, know, a weak position, the position of such a person who is such, you know, the paws up will raise and can do anything, can not protect himself

00:05:31 here. And we have a position of such an active fighter, which is still defending, justice, and everything else, everything else. Here. That is, here this is a position, it seems to be a Western man who grew up, well, this is a false ego, some chtoli delicate, unworthy person, which should fight and find in the struggle, in the struggle of their essence, so, in the struggle Rather. So, it means that this position, it requires some explanation because it relies completely to another understanding of fate, understanding life. That is, if we, let's get up onto the path of spiritual development, you need to immediately understand that the path of spiritual development is the path that leads us to the highest truth, which in its highest aspect is a personal loving. LOW LOVE

00:06:33 So, in connection with this, the question arises: "If we are moving towards God, and he participates in our fate, then take his destiny - what is it? Take your destiny - does it mean to take God's will? And accordingly, deal with fate - does it mean to fight with the will of God? Or what? "
In the West, unfortunately, people perceive God in some detachment from the material world, from fate. It seems to them that these are some such unrelated things that God, he is somewhere far away. And here is material nature, she is not connected with him. That is, people most of them do not see this connection, most often. And so they prefer to fight. But the Vedic concept, it is completely different. That is, if I accept God, it means that I also accept the fate he corrects some of my mistakes, or puts me in front of a certain choice so that I make certain conclusions and managed to fix my own mentality The past, which led me to errors. And these mistakes led me to the corresponding now, let's say reactions.

00:07:55 That is, spiritual life, it is not just based on faith. Spiritual life, it is based on a certain and clear understanding. That is, spiritual life should not be blind, should not be blind faith. It should be based on the understanding that if I serve God or I go to a meeting, then he definitely leads me. And that even if some difficulties are found in my life, then these difficulties need to be perceived as something that I need. Because difficulties are that at the base, in the mind, as it were, that I can not digest. Here, difficulties are a thing, as it were, a biased. Here, difficulties are the internal problems of consciousness that cannot digest one or another situation.

00:08:40 So, the mind begins to rush there or here, he says that such a problem is another problem. Here. That is, all external problems are needed in order to unleash certain internal nodes, certain, that we already have such paradigms of concepts, plexus of thoughts, stereotypes of some kind of thinking, which leads us to certain words, actions. And this all leads to certain some reactions: suffering or pleasures. So, external nature, it is not independent or separate from God. She is his external instrument through which he, so to speak, enters my destiny and gives me to understand certain things

00:09:29 So, even if a person rose to the spiritual path and dedicated himself to serving God, until he became completely spiritually mature, he still remains some kind of definite desire to enjoy the time, the happiness of this world. And therefore, the Lord creates certain situations to completely destroy these remnants of the spirit of pleasure in man, because it is to enjoy this world - it means to enjoy the illusion or sleep. Here. Delight - it may be well, but reality remains a reality. So, the sincere believer, practicing the spiritual path of a person, he really wants to return to the highest reality, in higher Mir. And therefore, in general, it takes some certain symbolic punishments from God, which comes through the material nature, and continues to be inclined to his body, mind and speech. And thus, he becomes the heir of liberation.

00:10:31 Here. As they say, in order to get the inheritance, for this you just need, just stay alive. When, let's say, our time comes, we get this inheritance. Those., In order to get liberation or entry into the highest spiritual world, for this you just need to stay alive in spiritual life. Stay alive in spiritual life - it means, including not to raise on fate, because fate is that [Need] to us God, to whom we, let's worship. Here. That is, as they say in the Vedas, it is impossible to get closer to the sun, without becoming fire, it is also impossible to get closer to God without becoming Divine. So in order to become divine, for this it is necessary to negotiate its material nature, this is this, material stereotypes of thinking, material conditionality. And certain some suffering, they are with the right approach are drugs from our diseases. Because real medicines, they are rarely pleasant, sweet. As a rule, good real medicines are bitter. That is why they somehow cover them, some sweet shell to make it easier to take.

00:11:35 So, it is very important to understand that we practice spiritual life within our karma, our fate. This inertia karma or fate is not so immediately terminated. As imagine that the included fan, if you, let's remove the plug from the outlet, then, although the nutrition does not arrive, another inertia causes the fan to spin. Similarly, the person who got on the path of spiritual cleansing, worship God, he already, can be said, pulled out the plug from the outlet, that is, he does not make new karma, that is, such activities that is tied to the material world. Here. But the inertia of his last karma, as well as inertia, some rotating fan, it continues to him, as if, to come from his past, for his past actions

00:12:31 here. Therefore, although spiritual life, spiritual knowledge, the practice of worship, prayer, it lights karma near, in the form of seeds, which is in our thin body. Here is karma sprouting, karma of this body, for some other time continues to pursue us. That is, it is necessary to understand that karma has different levels. Here. My body, let's say it is sprouted by karma. Here. What sprout tomorrow is today in the form of a seed and expects his time in a thin body. Some karma exists only at the level while desires and plans. So far I did not even do anything for this, but I plan. That is, karma is such as a multi-level, multistage process. So, as if thin forms of karma at the level of desires or at the level of seeds, they can, as if, to burn with fire of spiritual knowledge, spiritual practice

00:13:31 And here is the karma, which is already, say, now there is some kind of inertia, let's say my body. These things are, they are very poorly amenable to some changes, modifications. These are the things you need to endure. So, all kinds of some consequences, reactions that come to us from our past, we need to see our wrong mood, which led to sins, and sins led to suffering. That is, a reasonable person, for the mind, he is given to him to deal with definite self-analysis so that he can be able to find certain reasons in itself, which led to one or another consequences. And this person should be able to endure these things, realizing that he himself is to blame and at the same time without any offense on fate, to worship God to worship God, body, speech.

00:14:32 And so, the ability to realize your guilt and make their responsibility distinguishes truly spiritual people or the people loyal to God from ordinary people who often consider themselves innocent victims, which hostages of fate or hostages of circumstances. Here. And since people are not inclined due to their such spiritual immaturity to take this responsibility, they tend to shift it on others and blame others. This we see constantly when people criticize someone there: politicians there, someone else that everyone around such bad things, so, and I am so good, I'm the hostage there such circumstances and so on. Here. That is, it in itself speaks of the immaturity of the position of a person and about his misunderstanding of what is happening.

00:15:29 Here. He does not understand that someone there may be really bad or guilty. But it's not about it, but the fact is that I was next to such somehow there poor manAnd now I get. Why others do not go out why it is me. Why exactly I was. Regardless of who this bad or good, why I, if I am so wonderful, then why I was in such a not very good situation. And indeed, where God looks. So, that is, such self-critical thinking often lacks people. Here. And they misunderstand it wrong, challenge life and begin to fight with it. As a rule, the result is such that they are confused even more. And here in this ancient Vedic text [Shichmatbagov], there is a curious story, which occurred on the threshold of the onset of our era [Kaliugia], about 5 thousand years ago. And it was so

00:16:27. That is, one of the last ledic kings, his named Parikshit, Maharaja Parikshit. He embraced his possessions and saw, then the bull and the cow who stood on the road, and near them was a person who was dressed in such clothes by the form of royal. Here. But at the same time he was engaged in activities not at all royal. As they say, the king is a defender, a defender of people, the defender of the law, the defender of justice. So, and he must protect those living beings, which are dependent on it, in particular animals. The same cows, which, according to the Vedas, are the most useful animals for humans, as they give milk, all these products associated with it are obviously manure, many different things elsewhere. Here. And therefore, the protection of cows, it has always been a list of mandatory duties to protect the king.

00:17:27 And this king Maharaja Parcshit emperor, well, he swayed his possessions, and then he saw somehow, so to speak, too, a person who also ruins in the clothes of a certain king. Here. This black look was all, it was just the most impersonal potassium purusha or a person who is responsible for this current era. He was ready to enter his rights. And before he to enter into his rights, he needed something to do something. Here. And he, it means that such a stick hit the legs of this bull or a cow. This is a symbolic image - bull, cow. They are, as it were, such principles of goodness, the principles of harmony, which keeps the well-being of the nation and in general. And so it is believed that this here is a bull, [Dharma] so-called or bull here is this religiousness or goodness, it stands on four legs, i.e. four, as it were, supports in a civilized benevolent stable society.

00:18:27 The first support is mercy, the second support is asceticism, the third is purity, and the fourth is truthfulness. And here it is said that here in each of the four eras of the cycle, once I talked about the cyclicality of the flow of time. Here. Some kind of leg, say, ceases to act and because this process of gradual degradation of the era is coming, then with each era, it remains less religious principleswho support goodness. And so, it means, almost three legs of this bull have already been interrupted, and only one last remained. It is said that the last leg is good. In the current era, this truthfulness is that people are still looking for this truth, this truth is somewhere there, someone even finds it. But in general, most people they have almost forgotten. But there are any more faithfulness

00:19:25 And this potassium purusha, this man who claimed the Tsar of this era, which was about to come. He wanted to speak, to kill the last leg of religion, destroy the principle of truthfulness. And at this time, this young emperor Parikshit him took him for all this business. And when he shouting at him, said: "Stop, which means that this happens here?" He turned to this bull, that, who symbolizes this, the principle of goodness and religion and said: "What? Explain to me what is happening here? Who is to blame for what it is? Who behaves with you? " Here. And the most interesting thing is that although everything was obvious, in fact, this potassium Purusha was caught at the crime scene, everything, bloody stick, and everything was visible here. Nevertheless, this bull itself or this [dharma], personified as if, so to speak, goodness or religiosity, he answered very somehow evasively. When Maharaja asked him: "And who is to blame for all this happened?" He says: "Well, it's hard to say who is to blame. Here. Because, maybe, so to speak, I myself may be something else. So, anyway, if it all comes to me, it means that it once came out of me. "

00:20:47 That is, in all this is not so much the answer of this bull, but how much is his position, that although the criminal seemed to be near, he did not make a guilt on him. Although it seems that the criminal was completely obvious where here. Here. And this is this game in an innocent sacrifice, it is now very popular. People love to indicate: "That's the same one to blame." But this bull, a symbol of religion, he said such a very unique phrase that requires, of course, a separate explanation. He said that "The one who points to the criminal himself is a criminal." Like this. Try, digest. Not easy phrase. What does it mean? This means that the Lord, in whose hands is the material nature, sends me a certain reaction, so that the circle of responsibility is closed, and I got what I deserve.

00:21:40 But if I challenge the justice of punishment, then I blames God in injustice. And since I blames God himself in injustice, it means that I am a criminal. That is, such, you know, non-standard logic. That is, it means that I do not recognize the right of God to punish me and make you think. If so, then what then my faith in God, if I do not recognize the educational law for him that he punishes me. God must be taken in his life. He does not just control the universe, creation, maintenance, destruction, but he also manages my destiny personally. If it is so, then everything that happens in my destiny is all coming from him to me for something, so that I think.

00:22:35 If I start rapid and say that: "No, it's all unfair," and so on, all so on, then what is my faith in what the Lord leads me. How can I then be sure that he guides me to himself, and everything will be fine? How can you grow on the one who we worship? After all, if the punishment is unfair, then God is unfair, so it turns out? But if I persist in ignorance and insist on its right thing, it means that my consciousness will not change. And I will make the same mistakes as before, and get the same reactions. That is, it must be understood that when suffering comes to me, then suffering is a logical completion of this karmic circle. Once something comes out of me, and now it comes to me. If I do not accept what came to me, it means that I do not recognize my guilt. Here. That is, I still keep my past mentality, on the basis of which I made some errors.

00:23:42 And the meaning of suffering in the fact that I refuse my erroneous installations, mentality, which led to sin. And sin led to suffering. So, here is this bull [Dharma], he could easily indicate Purusha's potassium on this, as for the cause of his sufferings. But he did not do this. And because the attempt to dump the guilt on others does not eliminate us from suffering, but on the contrary, extend them. Why? Because if I did not pass this, this is a lesson for humility before the fate, then actually it means that I will, so to speak, again and again the same, step on the same rake. While I do not understand that this stick hit me on my head, because I came on this lower part of the robble, which is associated with the top.

00:24:43 That is, so far I do not understand how the rake is arranged that if we step on the bottom, then the top hits for me. Now, if I do not understand this, it means that I will step on these rakes further. That is, while a person does not understand that certainly its actions lead to some kind of reactions, so, and that this mechanism is tripled by God in order for us to see that the cause of suffering in ourselves. So far, we will not understand this installation, until then we will raise on fate, you see. But it is very important not just tolerate, squeezing my teeth, but to endure with understanding that I deserved it. That is, you know, this is not some humility of a scored dark person, and this, on the contrary, humility of a person, very deeply understanding, understand. Because, well, you can, let's say so, to worship God, etc., but internally, when some things come to us, we can not take it, consider ourselves innocent.

00:25:40 Nevertheless, this is the same prayer with which I started, Brahma's prayer. After all, he says that, no matter what some definite reactions come to me for my past actions, here, a person must continue to worship the Supreme Body, speech and mind, perfectly realizing that everything that comes to him, when It comes from me. Then, in such a right understanding, that is, humility, humility is not in stupidity, but humility in knowledge, humility of patience in knowledge. When a person lives in such a state, it just unlocks all these karmic nodes, all these are wrong, how to say so to speak, ligaments in the mind, all these are material installations, about our independence from God, etc. d., All other things. Here, then all this, how to say so, easily and easily spinning, is unleashed.

00:26:35 So, it is necessary to maintain its spiritual practice, loyalty, loyalty to God at all levels of being, without any offense at him. Then these sufferings will indeed pass, and we will come out purified as the exam. Here. I am as an example, illustration, I will give a story, too, one such an ancient about one patient of the king. The king was sick of some very strange disease, from which no lycari, the best, could not find medicines. He was offered everything, they tried to treat in different ways. Nothing happened to him, it became worse and worse. And so, it means they were invited from some other kingdom some kind of right there is generally super doctors, here, who seems to be said to help him. Here

00:27:28 And the king, rather, this new doctor examined this king and said: "I have a recipe, but I'm not sure that you will take it." Here. Well, all steel are courtesy: "Of course, say there what kind of problem? We will take everything we find any medicine, for any money, "etc. And then this doctor said: "Well, okay, I will tell you a recipe. But attach, so to speak, the solution is not easy. " He says: "In order for the king to heal, he needs to wash in the blood of thousands of babies." When he uttered such a recipe, then, of course, everyone was dumbfounded, everyone silenced. Because, well, who could expect such a recipe. And the king immediately said: "Well, it is impossible. In general, as I can, thousands of babies. This means that it is not enough that thousands of babies will die, even the same babies, they are not alone: \u200b\u200bfamilies, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters. Yes, how many sufferings are generally how many thousands of people suffer only because of what. No, I'm not ready for it, not ready, I just can not. "

00:28:39 Here. But ministers, advisors began to say: "But, nevertheless, although there are babies, it is clear. But still you are the king, you are such a figure. There are only thousands of babies should die, and in the kingdom there are many thousands of people. Imagine that if you die, this is such a good king, here even more people will suffer. We are better than we lose a thousand than we deliver suffering to many people. " That is, this was such a dispute, conversation. Although, of course, the decision was very, very difficult, and, in the end, the king for a long time, so to speak, rushing between the advice of his ministers and advisers and the prompting of his own mind. He did not sleep the night. Here. And in the morning he still accepted such a decision. And there are already advisors, so to speak, [laughs] They declared the whole country that, maybe there are some mother who themselves are ready to give their babies voluntarily. So to speak, so that there is no need to, that is, all this is forced to do.

00:29:41 here. And very big concerns began in the kingdom. People there began to rap it: "Such things". And in the end, it means that the king came to this decision that no, he could not accept, cannot accept such a recipe. He cannot accept such a medicine. And he was so deeply internally worried about his citizens, for these babies, for their parents, etc., that in his heart it took very serious changes that were not there before. Here. The king is a person who works with many external things: there is some kind of money, some control, enemies, affairs, economics and other things. Here. And not so often, maybe, so to speak, he managed to look inside himself.

00:30:32 And here, suddenly, such a situation that prompted him to reconsider his attitude to people, to the lifetime itself, weigh the circumstances: to put yourself on one scale of the scales, to another bowl of scales - that thousand babies, in addition With all their relatives. Here. And when he felt a deep compassion for these people there, he got rid of the inner cruelty, which, in fact, was the cause of his illness. And he began to recover. That is, this doctor, a very deep specialist from the field of Ayurveda looked at this man and realized that his illness, the reason is very deep, rooted in his mind. Here. That is, from the point of view of Ayurveda, a person, human health can exist at different levels

00:31:32. The external state of health is the state of our physical body. Then there is this here our subtle body, i.e. The psyche, mind, mind, our some thoughts, desires, aspirations. Here. What such a subtle body, there is a certain health, or not health, when a person about someone thinks well or badly, he envies or he is angry there, someone curses something else. And the deep layer of our Being is the layer of the soul, i.e. Understanding how we are associated with God, understanding such deep laws of the universe, connection with other living beings, etc. Here. And from the point of view of Ayurveda, a person should be, as if, his health can be stable when it comes from this very deep spiritual level. And if a person appears to look out healthy, but at these levels, on thin, he is not healthy on the spiritual, then sooner or later, of course, all this, some diseases will turn out.

00:32:34 On the other hand, when a person is internally healthy, then he almost and externally does not get sick. Here. And from the position of the same Ayurveda, a person should be able to adequately answer not only the questions: "Who are you?" So, in terms of belonging the body, that there is Russian - not Russian, or a man - a woman, something like that. And not just tell about your interior, about your thin body: "What I have a knowledge of who I am on education." And the person should also have this such as, to realize his identity or this here is his spiritual belonging to God, at the level of the Spirit. Because, here, if a person simply externally says that I am so there, such something, the Russian is there Vanya, Petya or someone else, Sasha, Masha. Here. He studied there, there, such an education. But if he cannot answer the most deep spiritual question: "Part of what you are that you are a particle of God." If a person is not able to realize himself, then from the point of view of Ayurveda, such a person should be considered patients, i.e. He does not understand who he is, on the deep level.

00:33:34 And gradually this is a misunderstanding who he is such, it goes into his subtle body, transforms into certain forms of all internal misconceptions of incorrect, identifiers at the level of thin. And then this is already gradually gradually, as if, such errors in the stereotypes of thinking, etc., they accumulate there. And then they already lead to some definite wrong external actions, and this also leads to some end result Diseases. So, therefore, as if, health is not easy, as it were, such an external thing, it is a certain state of consciousness to the entire depth of our being, for all that, as if, the totality of our being. It is not just so superficial. To smell there with some kind of ointment or cream there are holes there, etc. That is, the most important thing is that in itself to realize your personal connection with God. Then we will have the right thoughts, the correct mood, desire, in relation to this world, to other living beings. And, accordingly, the right actions that are already formed by everything our external state and well-being, health and whatever

00:34:40 So, in order to achieve this state of liberation, for this it is necessary that the correct processes take place inside. Here. That is, it is necessary in all circumstances to always be aware of your connection with God, and to remain his servant. Then it is liberation and will be legal right as the father's inheritance. Our Father, he is quite a liberated person, he is released. And we, in theory, should also be freed souls. But when we forget about these our relations with your father, then we get into slavery of material nature. So, we practice our spiritual life as part of their fate, their karma. And therefore these reactions continue to come to us as some such shocks in the back.

00:35:36 But we must endure these things with understanding. Again, I emphasize not stupidly tolerate, namely with understanding. Here, then our erroneous thinking, which led to errors will be corrected and then there will be no more obstacles on our spiritual path. And here in [blessing], in one of the ancient Vedic texts, the Verkhovna says that if a person is concentrated by his mind on him, then he overcomes all the obstacles caused by life by the grace of the Lord. However, when a person shows such that, as it were, independence, or removes from God, then he is simply confused in his fate.

00:36:27 Here, that is, the most important thing is the mood of our consciousness, which is what it is drawn to what we have inside, what thoughts, what understanding of life. Here. Because the body in itself suffer something can not, the body itself is just a car, the car is always dead, and the soul is always alive. That is, such concepts as death and suffering, they are illusory enough. In the sense that the soul, it is generally speaking, is in such a spiritual dimension of being, it is not linked with the material world. And the body is like a car, it is always dead. Here. Then the question arises: "Who is experiencing suffering?" If the soul is immortal, and the body is always dead, then the question arises: "Who dies?" That is, here are such a state as a state of suffering or, the state of death, they are products of our kind of illusion. Here, which is connected with our incorrect understanding of the world, with an incorrect understanding of life, with this here is the rupture of our relationship with the Supreme

00:37:30 This is why it begins to correct the correction of his life, fate, at all levels: at the level of health, at the level of relationship, at the level of any, - with the fact that we restore this very deep basic connection with God . And knowledge about it is called such a term as [Sambahydhogian], i.e., knowledge of our connection with the Supreme. When a person is aware of this connection, then on the basis of this understanding, he begins to practice the spiritual process. And when he practices this spiritual process, then such practical changes in our lives are already beginning to happen. That is, on a person, as a substantial reason, which has a certain freedom of will, is definitely responsible.

00:38:28 Life is given to us, in order not to disappear from problems, like now, people are there: "Well, how do you live?" "Yes, here they solve the problems there, some problems decided, others came - these decided, some more came." That is, we see how people are trying to keep some kind of slipping happiness. And they are trying to dismiss or get rid of some problems that they raise themselves as from an abundance horns. People think that there is life in this fight. Yes, [laughs] They are accustomed to such an understanding. But, in fact, it is only, so to speak, the external facade. Of course, you have to deal with some kind of problems, everyone absolutely has to deal. But the look at them and the approach to their solution can be fundamentally different if we understood where these problems come from, and why they come to me. Here. That is, life is given to us in order that we have allowed this very deep problem.

00:39:29 Here, that is, one problem is our problem of relationship with God, she now has become a million other small problems that we have to decide. And it turns out that people instead of solving one main global problemThey don't even know about it, they, as it were, try to close their closure, this is this embrasure, all these problems that are raised on them. They can't understand anywhere, but why so many problems in life, why. That one decided, the other one decided, the other appeared. That is, it is approximately similar to the situation of a person who is in a boat, and in a platoon boat. Water enters through this hole, and he, with some kind of scale or bucket, pulls out this water. And he is all in the sweat, he is constantly fighting, he pulls out this water, and she continues to do. And here it is barely barely, thanks somehow, thanks to its enthusiasm.

00:40:28 That is, we see that many people live, so many people live - they are constantly in the eternal so-like stream of struggle, and the end and edges are not visible. And what is the reasonable action in this situation? The reasonable effect is such - that, of course, no one opposes, the water needs to be trapped, the problem needs to be solved. But in order to, so to speak, the circle of these problems has not been expanding, for this you must first solve the main, head problem, central. That is what? Close the hole, close the hole. Here. That is, it's for a breakdown, that this is for a breach of such, through which constant problems come to us. This gap is that these are these broken relationships with the source of happiness, with a source of knowledge, with a source of all, with the source of all the best, with God. Here. And therefore people do not possess such a vision, such knowledge, they tend to decide a million secondary problems, but at the same time they completely ignore this is this primary, main problem, this hole, through which these things continue to come in their lives, so to speak, endless problems.

00:41:34 Here, so, human life and responsibility in general, and we need to find in yourself, specifically in yourself, these things, to restore these these deep relations with God, and already when the main This is the embarrassment of it, the fundamental problem is solved. Now, now, so to speak, in such a more natural and calm, not such extensive, mode, we can already solve residual, so to speak, the problems that inertia naturally continue to come into our lives. But over time, like any inertia, they fade. That's why, this is our today's topic "Accept your destiny," it is in principle and puts its task to show this here is a certain karmic cycle. That everything that comes to us is sometime from us. And the Supreme Lord through the material nature simply provides this mechanism of delivery to us here these reactions, in order for us to think and tried to change something in our fate.

00:42:47 here. But it should be on the basis of knowledge, understanding and such inner humility. That is, life needs to be perceived not in the spirit of the feeling of pleasure: "Well, let me insulate those, others!" And life must be perceived as a kind of school, because a real life, it begins in spiritual reality, when the soul is not burdened with a physical body, which, in fact, is just a suit of prisoner. Here is, as if you see, a person who has on his foot, on the chain the ball is so chained that it means that this is a prisoner. So here's the same when we see the soul, concluded in the physical body, it means that the prisoner, that is, the guilty.

00:43:30 This is why real life It begins with the level of liberation, when a living being is already in the highest reality. And until then, this is this correctional period, and it will continue until we, as it were, will continue, while we are within ourselves these are all nodes, until we let us go all this offense while We are on fate until we can't understand that everything that comes to us, it once comes from me. Therefore, there is no need to rap on fate, because fate is the will of God, if we accept God, it means that we should also take our destiny. Everything, they finished today. Today there is a little shorter, that's, but I look here there are certain questions, so ...
[Leading] Yes, we have questions,
[Tushkin V.R.] ... Will, what to talk about
[Leading] Vasily Rurikovich, I read them:

00:44:26 [Leading] The question came first from Sergey, he came after last transfer: "I recently asked a question on the theme of the last lectures of Vasily Rurikovich" Vedas and Christianity ", which was confused. In the authority of the Vedas, he did not dissuade me, but I could not give an answer. I would like to hear an authoritative opinion on this reason exactly from you. How to treat the pre-worm avatar when he himself says in the Gospel: "Everything, no matter how predicting them, the essence of thieves and robbers"?
[Tushkin] Yeah. Yes, strong, of course, the argument. Here you can get confused, but it's not about the argument. Understand this thing that arguments from the logic area, so, and you can find them a lot for, and a lot against it. Here is the question in the other, that every person, say, looking for a spiritual something, he takes some kind of authority, which for him is a kind of one such point of reference or such a soil, which is worth it.

00:45:37 Here, and therefore, in every spiritual tradition, the system, there are certain statements that indicate some such, well, well, the exclusivity of the process or personality, which represents this process. This is understandable, i.e., for example, you can answer this question another question. If I take and put a quote from [Bultgitse] Chapter Ninth, the text is twenty-third, here, where Krsna says: "Those who worship other gods, in fact, worship me, but do it not as it should be literally there is against Rules. " So now, let's say, someone stands on the position of Christianity and he says that this is the words of Christ such, such, everyone who was before me, all there are thieves and fraudsters.

00:46:30 And you tell him, but I have another phrase that the one who worships other gods by Krishna, actually worship me, just not correctly, do not do it right. And how to do through me, and that's it! That is, he is my own, as they say, the trump card is puts, you are his own. Here, that is, it, as if, such a little thanks, because I say, there are some such a certain phrases in any system. And it should also be understood that some things say in a certain historical context. Those, suppose Christ spoke with his students in a certain place, in a certain historical context and hardly, so to speak, they were familiar with the Vedic tradition, which, firstly, in other geographical locations was more common and ancient and the oldest and etc. Those, no matter how, there were no such times, so to speak, transcontinental communications so that people know about it well, books, too, in a limited one.

00:47:31 here. Therefore, it is quite obvious that this is the phrase: "Those who have been before me thieves and robbers," it can be quite true in a certain historical context in that land there, in those places, etc. Here. It is about the same thing that this phrase is known that "no one can come to his father except through me." This phrase, it is drawn up in present. And, indeed, at the time when Christ spoke her in Palestine at that time and in that place, there was no one else who could people continually spiritual as Christ. Here. But she does not discuss such things that from now on and dream and at all times, etc. Here. Because you understand how such, and by themselves attempts, moves, they place their goal to deprive the person of freedom of will. Those. Imagine that, for example, you or I accepted the Vedic tradition, and we took it not just, but, let's say, according to the bee of the heart, in which, among others, God is located.

00:48:35 And so, you, as it were, we sincerely share this knowledge, and here someone who says: "But you know, there, in the Bible, the fact and the fact that everyone who is said Were before me - this is thieves and robbers. " And that is, now it's like a knife in the heart, i.e. The Supreme Lord, who is in your heart, which leads you to a certain way, and someone simply takes you some kind of phrase and trying to deprive you of the most valuable. As if such, well, this is not a force of external, but so thin by twisted the arm, it deprives you of freedom of will, but only so - accept everything! And what should you do? Those. This, as it were, well, an incorrect such method, because I then say, I can also bring some other quote at this. Here. I.e., as a rule, people use these things here are not the means to help in the spiritual plan to man, but in order for well, to replenish their ranks there, or something else, or to be elevated by himself, humilizing another and etc.

00:49:40 Here, so, of course, you will not find the full conformity of tradition, and do not look for them, there is no, i.e. There are as such fundamental source things from the general ideology, which I once had already said, so I will not repeat now. But this is such as detailing, it always remains as part of some tradition. And just people, here are a little politically motivated, they are pressing on these pedals, as if, pedaling here is this way so that, because they do not have internal purity, let's say, yes? If you, here, met such a Christian, who is right at all, exudes Divine Love, generally the kinderic man and everything is fine, and you are straight through it, here, God felt, yes, and what would not accept such a process, wonderful ?

00:50:32 And when, let's say, you do not meet this, then you begin to unscrew your arms, here, phrases, like: "... what were those that were before me ...", and everything and now I have to take it, I have to abandon my spiritual experience. Suppose I go to Vedic, there is some kind of spiritual experience. Here, I feel the presence of God in my life. Here, and here, suddenly, someone comes with such a phrase and everything, he seems to throw him as a mandate on the table, and all: "You are arrested, you are not ..., i.e. You must refuse. " Why I have to abandon my experience, from my understanding of this age tradition, when the same Krishna speaks [Bagavatgit] that: "Get rid of affection, fear and anger and many, many people in the past have passed through the process of knowledge development, purification Askie and reached me. " These things are. Why should I refuse from this, from such a great tradition? Just because someone, let's say, it makes another argument. Here. I would not have, let's say no understanding and experience, maybe I, as it were, and led it. But when a person is already on the way, and he feels the heart, as if, as the Lord he himself leads

00:51:31 Someone now comes with some political, motifs, obviously not with spiritual, and can not make anything spiritual. But he presents me, as if, such a phrase, on the basis of which I should refuse something from something there. These security forces act so, you understand. Siloviki, they there a pistol knife there is something else, and they say: "Come on, like this or anything, life or wallet." And unscrew your hands. That's, i.e. It is in itself, as it were, it turns out that people use phrases from spiritual scriptures at all with spiritual goals, but with some political goals. And in principle it can be seen. Here. By how they behave, serve, somehow there are aggressively behave or so they say: "Well, let's if you have divine love, well, here I want her, let's where this divine love?" And if instead of divine love, I see some kind of political, or I see that people are simply motivated, let's say there, the expansion of their rows or the replenishment of the number of church, church treasury or something else, here , as it were, all this, as it were, with such a pathos. Suppose, it is argued by some such words, it is already immediately all the White threads.

00:52:39 Here, so you need to look at all these things from the position of the quality of spiritual life. Phrases - phrases, quotes - quotes, you can and there are these all sorts of different quotes. But if you are talking about your advantage, then I want to see real, not at the level of phrases and quotes, and I want to see this advantage really. If it is, then I do not mind, and if, let's say, I can not make sure of it, I see the advantages in the other, then, and here your quotes, you understand. That is, spiritual life, and indeed everything, it seems to convince in fact. So, because quotes can be thrown by different, such as quotes. Here, but convince real qualities. Here, they are or there or not. If a person moves to God, then he has Divine qualities. Where are they? If I do not see them, then I just like this quotes, as it were, the scribes. Here, which indicate some letters there. And where is the real product?

00:53:33 Here, you can show me the price list that your price list is the best of all. Well, the price list is wonderful. And where are the goods? Where is the product? If the love of God is, I want to see her, I want to feel it, and the fact that it is written there to write everything you can see. So, so I would become this way to build a conversation and in general, let's say, take the position of justifying it, too, slightly strange. Here. Because the Vedic tradition is more ancient. Let others explain why they do not have in the Vedas. Why should I explain that why not here in Christianity. Let a later tradition explain why not there as in the Vedas, in the ancient Scriptures. Here, here you can simply, so to speak, it is easy to shift the focus on other things, and let the coming becomes justifying. Personally, my position is such, that's all

00:54:26 [Leading] I read another question. He was sent to us Oksana. The question sounds like this: "I thought that while I was responsible for my child up to 14 years, and for karma I decide what to do for a child. And here is the consequence: my husband does not allow me to devote children, devote children to the Vedic Scriptures, considering that Christianity is checked and more correct. I have no right to argue with my husband, and the Vedic Basics is closer to me as the most just and opportunity to answer very tricky questions. While children read the Bible. The husband sometimes or does not want or, maybe he does not have enough time to study the danger (written in quotes) of Vedic knowledge and give me the answer: you can or not give to children these knowledge? In the children's Bible it is written that the Baptist's ion was fed by wild honey and locust. Explain this error, typo or incorrect translation? Respect for your work, Oksana.

00:55:29 [Tushkin V.R.] Well, here, probably, it is easier to start with the end, about the locust. The so-called these acrides, which are written there, here, I, of course, is not a specialist in all these languages \u200b\u200bon which the Bible is written. Here. But I heard that acrides still translates it like a dairy product like a prostroprus, what is there from these cows or someone there, from the goats, some kind of dairy product. And honey because rather strange, of course, from personality, which is here such a prophet to hear that it feeds on some unclean products. Because there is a phrase, then that it eats on honey and acrides in order to distinguish good from evil. That is, not just that, how would you now honey and acrides, let's say if it is translated as a locust, then all that we have honey and locust to eat chtoli? That is, it is not like an example.

00:56:25 Here, but in order to distinguish good from evil, for this you need to be in goodness. The person who is in passion, he confuses good, evil in ignorance he takes one thing. So, and in goodness he sees that there is something. So, in order to be in goodness, for this requires blatant products. Honey here is clearly not suitable, but locust, sorry, no sideways to benevolent products fit. Therefore, it is not easy there to list his diet, that he elated honey and acrides, i.e. locust. And in the same way, it is necessary to read the phrase that he ate honey and acrides in order to distinguish good from evil. And here from this last phrase, here, we can already withdraw the previous one: how is it still correct to translate - the locust dried or this dairy product? Will it be, so to speak, the feeding of dried locust contribute to the exception of good from evil. Maybe we all need to go to it, then we will immediately see the difference between good and evil? That is, it is nonsense, right?

00:57:22 Here, that is, a poor food, she must give, so to speak, here to a benevolent consciousness, and locust does not apply to a blatant food. So, so from the end on the basis of this, I still inclined to think that the correct translation of the word acride is a dairy product. Because he belongs to benevolent. And here is a dairy product or there is a prostrochy, this is the most, that's what it is necessary. This is a poor product that forms a person's ability to distinguish good from evil. Well, with regard to your first question, relationship with your husband, it is certainly much more complicated. I do not know what you, honestly, advise. Here you need to watch it. How do children react to these things? That is, if children, let's, easily perceive, they can also give both. That is, in principle, as if, he will not be a reasonable parent, let's say, somehow to the detriment of your child or somehow configure it one against the other. A reasonable parent will try to give the child such a holistic vision and show that the world is holistic.

00:58:30 That's, there is, let's say, people who live in such a place, they have such a tradition. So, and they perceive, let's say God here. And elsewhere people perceive the same God somewhat differently. There are such books, there is such a book, there the Bible, there is a book [Blavutgit], there is a book "Karan". That is, all of them in principle say about God, but a little bit different words. That is, you can not so that you are there you are strictly behind your husband Christianity or, let's, you are closer to the Vedic tradition. And what to do poor children? Or go behind the Father, or go for the mother. Here, but you can, in principle, explain the other, because, again, I say, there are no differences in such global questions. Still, I recall then, since it was about this, about the three basic principles of general ideology, which are true for all religions. That is, the first is that the spirit comes from God, and the matter, and no one will argue with this and the Consciousness, and Matter comes from God. First.

00:59:25 Here, the second principle. Since we are connected with God, as souls either directly through the attitude of love, or indirectly through relationships with this material world, through time. If we are associated with it or directly or indirectly, it means that we are always responsible in front of him. This is the second postulate of the general ideology. And the third postulate of the general ideology is such that if we are always connected with Him, he is eternal and eternal. And the matter is under time - this means that a priority occupation for a person should be the development of their eternal relations with God, rather than temporary relations with matter. That is, this, as it were, the Christian postulate, which is primarily looking for the kingdom of God. Everything, these are three such postulates of general ideology that cannot be disputed. They are true for any religion. Here is this idea if you, say, are engaged in the spiritual education of children, you need to convey. And better if they know both. But now, when they know both, both on the basics as such, now the moment of responsibility of their own freedom is coming, you see

01:00:31 And here is already a husband, not a husband, you - no one can affect, because the duty to give the child a choice. Let him choose himself, even if the mother and dad do not decide for him. Mom, dad must provide him as a wide range of spectrum and explain here so, here there is a little differently. Essence as it were, but here are some such some external features There are different. Here. And let him choose himself, because who knows what the child himself wants. Here, while he is completely, as they say, small, we can program it, simulate his behavior. But then he still begins to show his freedom of will. Therefore, I think the decision should lie in another plane. Do not choose something or that, and if you, let's say there is one thing, you are inclined to one, and the husband is there to another, children, as if not very good to drag there or here. Give both other things on general basis. And then they themselves will be able to choose, then the Father is already, that he, so to speak, as he will go against the will. Maybe children will choose Christianity who knows. If they become real Christians, what is the problem? Here, or they will choose the Vedic Ways, maybe something else they will find. Who knows? Maybe the Muslims they will want to become, or in general, who knows the materialists?

01:01:41 That is, this is their freedom of will, see. Here. Therefore, I think it is not necessary here, as it were, to drag the blanket there or here. And you need to show general principles, here, some differences, as far as possible to explain. Here, and then let them choose themselves. So, perhaps, I would answer.
[Leading] Wonderful, great. Thank you very much, Vasily Rurikovich, who answered questions from our radio listeners. At the moment, there are no more questions. I thank you for today's interesting lectures. One question is only asking: "What will be the next topic of our transfer?"
[Tushkin V.R.] Next topic, well, here I am inclined to make "six internal enemies."
[Leading] Wonderful. So let's talk, respected radio listeners, about six internal enemies next week. Thank you, good bye
[Tushkin V.R.] Goodbye
[Leading] Goodbye
Ayurveda Radio, in the arms of the beautiful.

In the literal translation from Sanskrit, the word karma means "action". Moreover, the action includes not only actions, but also our words and thoughts. Simple words, the law of karma means that every our action (act, word and thought) has appropriate consequences. Even the most minor effect has consequences.

In our culture there is a proverb, which very extent transmits the very essence of the law of Karma: "What we have, then you will become."

This law is recognized by all global religions, simply formulated in different ways. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the law of karma is one of the cornerstone. In Christianity, Islam, Confucianism and other religions, this law is formulated as a universal ethical Maxim Maxim: "Treat people as you want to treat you" . Many of us this law is known as the third Newton law: each action causes an equal and oppositely directional action.

Despite limit brevity The wording, this law regulates all the consequences of each step of each acting person in the Universe, be it a meteor or a shower infusor. The universal law of karma is obeyed by everything, it does not matter whether they recognize him real. Ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility to the court of cause and investigation.

How does karma law work?

Right now, each of us enjoys the fruits of their past actions, words and thoughts. We reap the fruits of those seeds who sowed in the past. Right now, each of us sows new seeds with their actions, words and thoughts, thereby creating prerequisites for your future.

Seeds that we sow now, sooner or later come. They will go when suitable circumstances will appear for this. It does not always happen quickly. Sometimes years pass before the results of our past actions are manifested in our lives. It is because of this delay, we are most often not able to trace the causal relationship between our past actions and what happens in our life at the moment.

People say that something happened by chance that they were lucky or vice versa is not lucky ... But in the law of Karma there is no place for accidents, good luck and happy coincidences.

The entire universe is worn from justice. Everything happens, because that is, the reason.

Something may seem random to us, simply because we are not able to see the causal relationship.

For example, you are reading this post now - you are interested in spiritual development and meditation. Perhaps it seems to you that you are interested in it just like that, out of curiosity, by chance. But of course, it happened no coincidence. You deserved this elevated interest with your past pious actions. It is your good karma that allowed you to be interested in meditation and spiritual development. Tell me, is it interested in your friends? Only people with fairly clean karma are given the opportunity to engage in spiritual practice in this life.

Agree, if we always clearly realized the work of the universal law of Karma, we would be much more careful in our actions, words and thoughts. Because we would clearly have seen that no action remains without consequences.

The bad karma is bad in what makes you today such that tomorrow you will do what you will have to regret. Karma means that we are not punished for our actions, but by our actions.

That is what they mean when they say that karma is punishment, payback. Indeed, our negative actions, thoughts and words after some time return to us in the form of problems, failures, diseases and suffering.

But at the same time, it is often forgotten that the law of karma applies to all of our actions, and not just negative. Therefore, just all our good deeds, words and thoughts accumulate our good karma and return back to our life, bringing opportunities, success, health, harmonious relationships, joy, happiness, etc.

Karma and the fate of a person

Individual human karma consists of a set of all his past actions that he made in current and past lives. (About past lives and reincarnation we will talk in one of the following issues.) Thus, the past actions of a person, by virtue of the law of Karma, will inevitably lead to the relevant consequences in his life, as soon as suitable conditions arise.

In this sense, it is appropriate to talk about fate, because the aggregate of past actions of a person has already planned a certain vector, according to which his life will develop.

If you come to a strong astrologer, he will be able to open the map of your destiny and there is no mysticism. Just the vector of your life is determined by the position of the planets during your birth. Therefore, astrologers can tell a lot about your life by date, accurate time and place of your birth.

Nearby skeptics will return: "How can I believe and rely on the" random "location of the planets? I could be born and a day later? " .

No, could not. Time, place and family in which you born are not accidental. We are born and dying in accordance with our karma. You were born in a certain place, in a strictly appointed time and it is from our parents, because it is such a fate (and, as a result, this location of the planets) was required by your karma. Do you understand?

In fact, our ability to understand something in this life also depends on the karma. We are not given to understand and realize more than our karma will allow. The same can be said about money, success in affairs, health, good luck, relationship, etc.

So it turns out, everything in our life is already predetermined by our karma?

In fact, a lot has already been predetermined, but not all. Not everyone, because we have complete freedom of choice in the present moment.

What you now have this present moment (in what situation you are now) is predetermined by your karma. But how you act in the present moment and what seeds you sew your own actions, words and thoughts are your freedom of choice, which is already the next moment becomes your destiny.

Accepting your fate

The problem of most people is the defeat of their fate, the failure of what is. We do not like how things are now. We are dissatisfied with the world, we would like to be in a different place, going to another time (in the past or future), to be with other people, look different, to be someone else. We are not ready to accept what is right now.

But we didn't just like it exactly where we are. This is our karma to be here. We cannot start the way to change from some kind of fictional point. Movement can start only from the point where we are now. It is important to understand.

The spiritual development of a person begins with the adoption of his fate, as well as with liability for his life.

It is worth it to clearly understand that the fate of a person is exclusively his responsibility. Each man creates his fate with his actions, to blame some.

Therefore, the best thing we can do is fully accept your karma, our destiny. In this case, your karma becomes your dharma - You start living your true life, go to your own way. Dharma is your unique path of spiritual development.

Dharma Moon - shine at night, Dharma Volcanoes - erupt, Dharma Ship - Swatch, Dharma Giena - Sweet. Your dharma is to develop. It is your unique karma that gives you the best possible development.

Universality of the law Karma

The law of karma is not limited to individual karma of a person, which was concluded above. There are also karma family and generic, karma organization, city, country and all mankind. And all these karma interlaced each other.

The law of Karma is universal - it is used absolutely to everything in the universe. We live in a phenomenal world, managed by the law of Karma: everything that surrounds us is the karmically determined phenomena. They arise, because for their occurrence there were reasons and suitable conditions formed, and they will disappear when they will disappear their causes.

Now try to look at your life with this perspective: all the situations in which you fall (traffic jam on the road, stuffy in the subway, turned off the light, the neighbor drills the wall, etc.), they themselves are neutral and impersonal. It's just a manifestation of karma - the situation themselves do not have a personal relationship to you, they arose, because they had causes and they would disappear when these reasons disappear. But if you are not able to treat what is happening is impartially, then your negative attitude (thoughts, actions, words) you generate karma and sew a shift for the future.

For me, this understanding was a powerful shift in the perception of the world, when I first realized this during an intensive ritrite on meditation.

Just think: everything around is born, exists and dies simply by virtue of his inner law of Karma. It does not have a personal relationship to you, just karmically conditioned phenomena. If you really realize it, can you be angry, get angry, offended, attach? For what? On whom? On karmically due to phenomena?

If you go even further, we ourselves are karmically conditioned phenomena. We were born, because there were reasons and suitable circumstances. We die and born again also in accordance with our karma to continue the work that we are doing here.

Why are we born and why do you need karma?

We are born again and again to learn love. Each of us has its own fate, their own way and their lessons that need to be in this incarnation. We are all at different stages of development, but at the same time we all go in one direction - along the path of spiritual evolution, awakening.

The challenge of karma in this journey from one embodiment to another to help a person become informed, to discard the illusory ideas about himself as a body and to realize themselves as the Divine and Immortal Soul.

In this world of dualities, we have a unique opportunity to experience all the experiences of the experiences and the whole range of feelings, so that through the gradual evolution to exalted your consciousness to Divine Love.

If you have unrealized desires by the end of this life, be it the desire of money, sex, fame or beautiful car, you will be given the opportunity to go back. This world is so kind to us that it is allowed to return here the infinite number of times, while we finally do not play in this material world and do not exhaust all our "Wishlists". This is happening because the earth is the best place For the execution of material desires.

Karma ends when all desires end. In the East it is believed that the last thought before death predetermines new rebirth. Therefore, they are preparing for death in advance to be able to meet her calmly and vigilantly.

How to improve your karma?

The natural desire of a reasonable person is to try to relieve life, free from suffering and be happy.

To achieve this, you need to work on your karma. Unfortunately, we cannot cancel the past - for all our bad actions in the past, we will have to answer sooner or later.

But there is also good news: karma can not only work out, but also to work. Than? Regular actions, words and thoughts in the present moment. In our power, use the present moment to work out good karma, thereby improving its cumulative karma.

Karma Improvement Recipe is simple:

Regular meditation is one of the best ways to improve your karma.

You will notice how your life will be transformed when you form a steady habit of meditate. Why is this happening?

Habit is a repetitive action. Our desires become our thoughts, our thoughts become our actions, our actions are becoming a habit, and habits become our destiny!

Now think what you do in meditation from the point of view of karma?

You sew new seeds - seeds of wisdom, awareness, calm and harmony, patience and courage, seeds of joy and love. Say these seeds - you improve your destiny. Therefore, the practice of meditation is capable of changing the trajectory of your life. Agree, it absolutely changes the practice perspective.

They say everyone has its own fate, and often we do not like it. Few people can sincerely say: I am completely satisfied with my life, and I do not want to change anything in it.

Parable about fate: take it impossible to change

It is difficult for us to take your destiny, and I don't want to accept it at all. We consider ourselves worthy of a better life, so we make a lot of effort in attempts to change our own destiny, even if all previous attempts turned out to be in vain. Everyone puts comma in right place: Accept you can not change.

Comparing his life with the life of other people, it seems to us that their fate can be envied, and we would gladly change their lives on the life of the one who envy. However, we do not know that they actually feel those people inside themselves. The mask can be booted any, but what is going through a person inside - here is the question. A small mystical parable about yoga and the adoption of fate.

Parable about fate and yoga

A long time ago, when there were still powerful yogi-mystics on Earth, to one of them, after a long road in the mountains, a logger came, ordinary seliner, and said:

You are famous yoga and sorcerer, I have heard about your mystical abilities. In the village they say that you call rains when we have drought, and accelerate clouds when our fields flood with water. At the distance he cured from the deadly disease of several of our people, although never even saw them with their own eyes and did not speak with them. They say, you are doing mystical yoga all my life and you can a lot of what we are simple people, do not even guess. I came to you to ...

I know who you and why came, - suddenly continued yogi with a quietly quiet voice. "You don't like that you work for three, and you get just like everyone else." You have a beautiful wife, but she does not love you as you would like. Your children do not justify your expectations. You are tormented by heavy dums and diseases. You can't take your destiny and consider life unfair, so I came to me.

Yes, it is, - having hung out, Lesorb said. - Can you help me?

Yogg-mystic closed his eyes and replied:

I will help you. Call me three people whose fate you consider it better.

Selyanin, not a bag, called three people. Then Yoga ordered to close his eyes and explained:

For a few minutes I immerse you in a special state. You will be aware of everything that is happening, but you can not move, think about, and you can not independently stop this process. Will you just watch and feel all I will show you, agree?

Having consent, a mystic using yoga techniques began its work. Immediately he showed the logger of one day from the life of a gravel, which was named first among three who had "fate better." The lumberjack experienced all the events of one of the days of the life of the groom, from dawn to sunset, one after the other, all joys and sadness, as if he was a stable - so everything was realistic and emotionally. And only at the end, when the "day of the Konya" ended, the lumberjack suddenly realized that he was not harsh. The sigh of relief broke out of his chest.

Can you accept such fate? Would you like to be in his place? - asked Yoga.
"No," Selinina responded with a second.

Further, Yoga showed him the usual day of Gonchar, who was the second in the list. The logger, besides his will, plunged into the events of the Day of Gonchar, completely surviving them one by one, good and bad while the day did not come to an end. Calling a bit and realizing that he is not a potter, the lumberjack shakeped and sigh deeply.

Would you like to have such fate? - the yogi mystic responded.
- Oh no…

And then Yoga showed Selyanin the life of a merchant, a third person in the list, to whom the lumberjack secretly envied. One day from the life of a merchant - all the events of this day - the logger was also brightly experienced in all details. After waking up after this extremely realistic illusion, he again heard the voice:

Are you ready to accept such fate?

Heavily breathing after intensively experienced experiences of three people, the logger barely walked:

Not! I was very mistaken, considering that their fate is better than mine. I would not want to swap with them.

Yoga looked at him carefully and said:

Okay. Now ask what you want.

A minute reflected, the man replied:

Let me just stay a logger and live your life as it is. After all this, I can take my destiny as it is. Thank you help.

Since then, the lumberjack has never complained about life and did not envy anyone. Because he knew on his mystical experience: the external behavior of a person and his inner world Often are not reflection of each other.