Maya Onishchenko and Alexander Lobzhanidze: How to Prepare for the State Exam in Geography. Alexander lobzhanidze named four main problems of school geography Alexander lobzhanidze geography

Konstantin Tochilin: Well, our traditional column on Mondays is "About the Unified State Exam in Substantive". Nobody is insured from the exam. If you have already slipped through, then you have children and various other relatives who can get under this USE. And today we have geography.

Oksana Galkevich: By the way, I don’t know how for NG (in the sense - for the New Year), but we begin to prepare for the USE live with the program "OTRazhenie" traditionally in the fall, dear friends.

Geography. Well, there are compulsory subjects. And geography is just a subject of choice. Geography is required for admission to specialties in the following areas: again (sorry for the tautology) geography, geology or ecology. The geography test consists of two parts with short and extended answers. In order to get the minimum passing score, which in 2018 will be 37 points, it is necessary to correctly solve the first 12 tasks.

Konstantin Tochilin: Course.

Oksana Galkevich: Yes, by the way, also its own course. The maximum possible score is 47. On the exam in geography, graduates will need a ruler, a protractor and a calculator. Well, the duration of this exam is 3 hours. Here's a small reference.

Konstantin Tochilin: And in the remaining 22 minutes, with the help of our guests, we will try to quickly tell about all this. Our guest is Maya Onishchenko, a geography teacher at school No. 1500 in Moscow, a leading examiner of the Unified State Exam. Hello.

Maya Onishchenko: Hello.

Konstantin Tochilin: And Alexander Lobzhanidze, Head of the Federal Commission of Developers of Control and Measuring materials of the exam by geography. Good evening.

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Hello.

Oksana Galkevich: Hello. Let's immediately, without departing far from this box office, turn to our viewers. Dear friends, if you are a parent, if you are a teacher, and most importantly, if you are the very same student, student who chose geography as a subject for next year, for delivery, please call urgently, write urgently, ask questions ... Because, you will not believe, but in the studio we have people who are preparing these very test items, that is, they know everything about the exam.

Konstantin Tochilin: Knows all about it, yes.

Oksana Galkevich: Alexander Alexandrovich…

Konstantin Tochilin: Yes, come on, of course.

Oksana Galkevich: Alexander Alexandrovich, we ask our guests all the time under this heading, we start the conversation with the following. What is the dynamics of academic performance from year to year, if we talk about the USE? And how many guys from year to year join, choose this subject for delivery - more, less? What is the dynamic?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Well, we have positive dynamics in terms of points. This is already good. If the year before last the percentage of those who got less than 37, that is, the passing score, was 13%, last year it was 9.3%.

The second important figure (probably, it is not entirely related directly to the exam) are graduation verification workwhich is now held by FIPI too, federal Service on supervision in education (Rosobrnadzor) conducts in the eleventh grade. So, geography took first place in terms of the number of participants in these works - more than 300 thousand people took part in writing the CD in geography.

If we talk about the dynamics in terms of participation in the USE, then it is insignificant. Every year we have about 2.5-3% of our applicants. And this figure is equal to about 14 thousand last year. This is due to the fact that, as you said at the very beginning, the range of leased institutions and universities is extremely limited. By the way, this is stated in the Concept of Geographical Education, which is now being coordinated by the Russian Geographical Society with the Ministry of Education. Russian Federation... It must be accepted. That is, the question is to increase the number of universities accepting geography as an introductory subject.

Konstantin Tochilin: In general, it broadens the horizon, to put it mildly, right?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Of course. For example, to put it mildly, we do not understand why, tourism, which is ours, geographic ...

Konstantin Tochilin: What is not necessary?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Not necessary.

Konstantin Tochilin: Come on?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Story. But not one instead of the other, but one together with the other - that would be quite.

Oksana Galkevich: Is this your intraspecific competition, excuse me, with historians?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: No no no!

Konstantin Tochilin: Well, one does not cancel the other.

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Yes.

Konstantin Tochilin: Maya Viktorovna, how do children generally relate to geography? The old expression: "Why study geography when there are cabbies?" Now it has probably transformed: why study geography when there are Google and Yandex maps, for example, right? Or is there interest? How is it?

Maya Onishchenko: And we just have a division into profiles in high school. For those who are interested in geography, there is a special profile for those. There is more to the study of geography than basic level in the tenth grade, and in the eleventh in general studying, in contrast to all other profiles. This is our creature. If children who are just wondering how the world works. And geography is also for such. Well, here you are right, outlook. Of course, outlook. There are profiles in which geography is not represented at all - well, for example, a humanitarian profile. So the child needs to find himself.

Konstantin Tochilin: Although it is also somehow strange, in general - a humanitarian profile without geography?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Well, probably, one should bear in mind that there is still such a broad concept of "geographical culture". When some foreign presidents in our country confuse Iran with Iraq, and also "open up" new countries - this is all just from the decline in geographic culture. We would not like to have this in our country. And it is all the more important that they know the geography of their country in great detail and well. Therefore, the "Geographical Dictation", which is held in recent times Russian Geographical Society, and other actions are aimed at popularizing geography. And within the framework, again, of the Concept of Geography Education, we insist that geography be presented in all profiles, only in one case it is for the outlook, and in the other case - to deepen knowledge of this subject and prepare for a university.

Oksana Galkevich: Excuse me, I've just listed the specialties where geography is required. There was no meteorology. Maybe she is inside some specialty, direction? It seems to me that it is very important, it is necessary to pass geography there.

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Well, if you are applying to the geography department of a university, then yes, it is. In Gidromet, as far as I remember, in St. Petersburg, in my opinion, there is no geography. There is no geography, say, to the Institute of Geodesy and Cartography. And the map, of course, is a geographical thing.

Oksana Galkevich: Amazing!

Konstantin Tochilin: Listen, and all sorts of military and espionage, God forgive me, institutions? There certainly is no way without geography.

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Well, given the fact that the president of the Russian Geographical Society is Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu, who is also the Minister of Defense, I think this issue is also being considered.

Konstantin Tochilin: Tell me, each exam, of course, has its own specifics. And what is the specificity of the geographical exam? It is clear that this is not how foreign language, not like chemistry. How's that? Are there maps? Or does it need to be written? Or is it necessary to look for the Bab al-Mandeb Strait on the map in front of the affected commission? What does it look like?

Maya Onishchenko: By the way, you need to look for the strait, just not in front of the commission, since the exam is passed in writing. But there are also such questions. I would split two exams here.

The first exam is graduation for nine grades. And there children are allowed to use atlases - school atlases, of course, student atlases, well, you can. And knowledge of the nomenclature is important, but something can be seen in the atlas itself.

Fundamentally different for the eleventh grade, where children on the exam are given a political map of the world with marked countries, but without capitals, and an administrative-territorial map of Russia, subjects, but also without capitals. And here it is already necessary to demonstrate knowledge of the nomenclature by a tooth. Yes, this is the specificity of our subject - to know what and where to be. But geography is big. There is physical geography, there is economic geography. There is, in fact, cartography. There is a geoecological section. So we have such a complex subject. This is probably its specificity.

Konstantin Tochilin: The phone breaks ...

Alexander Lobzhanidze: There is one more task - a task with a topographic map, where you need to solve a number of tasks along the profile that is proposed for this map. And also to know the conventional signs of the topographic map, which is important.

Oksana Galkevich: By the way, I wonder ... or rather, I wanted to check with you. So it's not just cramming what is where, right?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Of course not.

Oksana Galkevich: This includes, I don’t know, calculate the millimeters of precipitation that will fall here and there, the pressure of the atmospheric column? Problem solving?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Everything consists of several elements. Knowledge of geographical patterns, because it is absolutely impossible to memorize everything. Yes, some knowledge of the nomenclature. And, of course, practical skills.

Konstantin Tochilin: And by nomenclature you mean ... If in a human voice, what is it?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Here is the same Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, which you mentioned, including.

Konstantin Tochilin: Let's give viewers a chance to ask a question. Vladimir is in touch, if I'm not mistaken, right?

Viewer: Yes, yes, Vladimir.

Konstantin Tochilin: Hello. We listen to you.

Viewer: Hello. I have a question for Maya, I think. She will support me as a geographer in her specialty. We have an institute, where the professor was Yuri Grigorievich Maslenkov. Now, however, he moved to the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Geography, in fact, it is connected with geodesy, and with geology, and with topography, and with toponymy, and directly, all the more so, is connected with history. All historical events are directly related to geography. I personally consider geography to be connected directly with all these sciences, with history.

And a person who doesn't know geography ... Well, I just don't understand. Well, maybe because I served in the Air Defense Forces, and there the azimuth, altitude, all terrain reliefs must be taken into account. And I believe that the role and importance of geography in school is greatly diminished. So I think so personally. Well, I'm still a little local historian and almost traveled the whole Union, I was in Central Asia, and reached the border, and served on Lake Baikal, so I have such an idea. By the way, Irkutsk is the most dangerous airfield - there you have to sharply decline, rise sharply. There was such an accident in 1970, I served there. Firstly, it gives a lot of knowledge that will be directly useful to a person in life.

Oksana Galkevich: A person keen on geography.

Viewer: Maybe even ... Well, I, of course, will not be history, literature and the Russian language ...

Konstantin Tochilin: Vladimir, thank you. We realized that you are a passionate person. We are also deeply outraged that there are so few institutions and specializations for which geography is needed. But still, let's give the opportunity to those few who have gone deep into geography (I mean schoolchildren), we will give the opportunity to pass this exam for sure.

And immediately the question. Is the school course enough or do you need to do some self-preparation? I am not saying that to travel around the world. Although, probably, it would be very useful, but nevertheless.

Maya Onishchenko: Yes, practice is a great thing. There is nothing better when a child imagines objects not from a book, but sees them simply alive. Therefore, any geographical field practice Is, of course, a dream.

And as for such daily realities. Well, first of all, of course (it may sound very naive, but nevertheless), in fact, you need to study hard. And it is better to do this throughout the entire school, because ... Well, each subject has its own specifics. We have a fairly large volume of this very nomenclature, which was recalled several times today. And it still needs to be taught. And it is impossible to learn it quickly. It takes a certain time for knowledge to settle down well in the head. Therefore, diligent study in school is, of course, the key to success. The school course is the foundation of the basics.

It's great if ... That's how Vladimir said, there was a passion for geography. It is very great if the child is doing extra work. And additionally it can be anything. If we are talking specifically about preparing for this exam, then these can be various sites aimed at preparing students. These can be printed publications. Perhaps such a deepening would be useful. But the basis of the basics is diligent study and study of textbooks.

Oksana Galkevich: Dear guests, what is the difference between the unified state exam in geography and the exam in other subjects? Maybe there is some difference in the structure? Specificity, shall we say?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Well, the specifics - we've already talked about this. First of all, these are cards that are not found in other items. As our classic said: "Maps are the alpha and omega of geography" - because everything begins on a map, and any geographic exploration on a map ends. Therefore, this difference is, of course, significant.

Second - in addition to the ability to read the two maps that are in the beginning, I said, there are others - topographic maps, for example. Structure? Today it changes for all exams, we are moving away from the "guessing game", as well as in all other subjects, that is, we do not have purely multiple choice questions ...

Konstantin Tochilin: That is, the capital of Russia and four options, right?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Yes, the capital of Russia and four options. That is, these are questions related to causation, which are very important in geography. These are questions related to practical skill, sometimes life skill, to determine the height of the sun at some point or to determine geographic coordinates. That is, these are, among other things, practice-oriented tasks. This is the specificity of geography.

Oksana Galkevich: But it's interesting to know your opinion. Maybe even Maya Viktorovna will answer this question. You know, we have a lot of TV viewers all the time under this heading, no matter what subject is being discussed at that moment in the studio, they write: "The USE is stupidity. The USE is stupid for schoolchildren. This is just against the very historical culture, geographical culture and everything else. "

What do you think, as a teacher, is the Unified State Exam really a worthy exam? Does it allow you to test and understand the child's knowledge within the school course? Or is it really the wrong form of organization? Just tell me honestly.

Maya Onishchenko: In general, I must say that USE already for so many years has given up, and the control and measurement materials themselves are being improved all the time. They have become much clearer, much more logical, much clearer. And if so, then it is easier for the child to prepare.

In addition, it somehow, it seems to me, structures the preparation, first, and makes the child somehow more seriously, or something, to approach the lessons. He understands what is required of him - and, accordingly, he can prepare for answers. Well, then, we have such a subject that is optional - accordingly, it is passed by motivated people who liked geography from the very beginning. Well, or the second option - why dissemble here? - who need it for admission. But they also choose a university by their sincere recognition.

In general, it seems to me that the Unified State Exam has made the procedure for entering a university more honest. Because it's not a secret for anyone that internal exams in universities are now allowed only for a separate set of universities, and these are very worthy universities. AND uSE results are required for admission. And therefore it seems to me that this is honest and correct, especially if we are talking about those children who study in the periphery. For them, this is, if you will, a way out into big life, for them it is support.

Konstantin Tochilin: Well, actually, to what extent ... Well, geography does not exist by itself. How important is the component in related disciplines in the Unified State Exam - regional economics, regional ecology, all this?

Maya Onishchenko: Geography, in its economic part, is, of course, just adjacent to economics, to discipline. And we pay quite a lot of attention to geoecology, which is also a joint discipline between ecology and geography. And in fact, these are practical questions from everyday life - something that children are likely to face when they leave the walls of the university and work as specialists in their field.

Oksana Galkevich: I just opened the FIPI website and found there Open bank assignments for the exam. These are the tasks of the past years - do I understand correctly, Alexander Alexandrovich?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Yes.

Oksana Galkevich: Is it a useful thing to see through, so to speak?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Of course. What we actually said was that one of these basic elements preparation is to solve the tasks that are presented on the verified site Federal Institute pedagogical measurements, because these are tasks corresponding to the codifier, these are tasks verified by more than one group of experts and testologists from the point of view of their correctness. They are used in the format of a real unified state exam.

Oksana Galkevich: Well, the assignments, of course, still change every year?

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Of course of course. The bank of tasks is large, tasks are not repeated, they change. In addition, there is an exchange ... Tasks are not repeated even in one year, they are different in different regions. This is the basic principle of the Unified State Exam, that this information cannot be transmitted, as it were, if on Far East would be the same option as in Central Russia. These are several different options that are formed from a whole line of different tasks.

Konstantin Tochilin: And, probably, the last question actually. If you are not satisfied with the result of the exam, file an appeal, do not submit? In which cases? And how to do this, if there is a feeling of some inner righteousness?

Maya Onishchenko: This is also one of the elements of the exam, and very important. And the child must definitely know about the appeal procedure when he goes to the exam. Well, firstly, because our exam in the line of exams is passed first. Secondly, because he surrenders as a result of studying the course, and for many this course ends in the tenth - not in the eleventh, but in the tenth grade, and the child can take our subject at the end of ten grades. And to uSE appeals he may not be ready yet, so it is important to instruct him.

The mechanism, in general, is as follows. The child can view scans of his works in his electronic cabinet. And it is very important to do this conscientiously, carefully, conscientiously, sparing no time. Perhaps there will be some technical problems - well, the machine, let's say, incorrectly verified the badges. All children have different handwriting - perhaps not that way. This is also the basis for the appeal.

Then it is absolutely necessary to review your work thoughtfully again, now without the stress inherent in the exam, and think over, remember the questions, see your answers. Here the child is convinced that it is worth going to the appeal. It is worth submitting an application on appeal to come accompanied by a parent. This is support after all. Well, I will say right away that parents do not interfere with procedural issues, but they have such a psychological climate, they give the child confidence during the procedure itself.

The procedure usually lasts 15 minutes. And during the appeal, the expert examines the tasks of the second part in detail with the child - well, the one that the person himself checked. If the first part is checked by a machine, and there may be some problems with verification, then the second part is a person. And the expert tells the appellant in detail, in detail, how it was carried out ... well, according to the criteria - compliance or non-compliance of the child's answers with certain criteria.

Oksana Galkevich: Dear guests, we, unfortunately, are already running out of time. Here the bell rang. If we literally turn on the TV viewer for twenty seconds ... This is your colleague, there is a proposal. Let's listen. Tatyana.

Konstantin Tochilin: Tamara from Moscow.

Oksana Galkevich: Tamara. Sorry. Tamara, hello.

Viewer: Tamara Vladimirovna

Konstantin Tochilin: Hello Tamara Vladimirovna.

Oksana Galkevich: Good evening.

Viewer: Veteran of labour. Hello. City of Moscow, Tamara Vladimirovna, labor veteran. I have a short sentence like it was in the old days when I worked. Now I am 75 years old. Please open a TV channel. And instead of showing what children don't need, children should have geography and preparation for examinations of the exam on TV. You are welcome! I take care of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Thank you very much.

Konstantin Tochilin: Thank.

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Thank. Well, there are two channels that are practically open already. Channel One is the channel of the Russian Geographical Society "My Planet", where there is a lot of geography. Well, I don't take foreign geographic channels either - National Geographic, for example, Animal Planet and so on. The second channel is an educational one, through which you can now also receive a lot of information and prepare for an exam in geography. These are actually different types of electronic schools that we have on the Internet today: the Moscow Electronic School, the Russian Electronic School, where all the lessons will be posted on the Internet. And the child, regardless of where he studies, can hear the best teachers, hear the best practices of their lessons, and also solve tasks that will undoubtedly help him prepare for the unified state exam.

Oksana Galkevich: Great! Thank you so much. Thanks to the audience for being indifferent. And thank you for your answers. In the studio today were: Alexander Lobzhanidze, head of the Federal Commission for Developers of Control and Measuring Materials for the Unified State Exam and OGE in Geography, and Maya Onishchenko, a geography teacher ... a geography teacher, sorry, school number 1500 in Moscow, a leading exam expert. Thank you, dear guests.

Konstantin Tochilin: Thank.

Alexander Lobzhanidze: Thank.

Maya Onishchenko: Thank.

Opening All-Russian Congress teachers of geography will be held on October 28 in the Hall Cultural Center Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow. Leninskie Gory, no. 1). The President of the Interregional Association of Teachers of Geography of Russia shared his vision of the problems and prospects of school geography Alexander Lobzhanidze.

- Alexander Alexandrovich, you have long been the head of the Association of Geography Teachers. What are the main problems of teaching geography in schools today?

The Association has existed for 15 years, I have been heading it for 10 years. Today regional offices exist in 25 regions. The first and main problem of school geography - aging of the teaching staff. The reason is obvious: given the low salaries in the regions, young graduates of teacher training colleges and universities are reluctant to go to school. The consequence of this situation is to increase the gap between the generations of teachers focused on traditional forms teaching and students living in the new information space. Second problem - lack of a single state standard to educational and methodological complexes. In market conditions, a huge number of lines of textbooks have emerged, many of which are written in old educational paradigms. As a result, there is a lack of continuity from class to class, from region to region. When moving from one school to another, the student and parents are faced with the problem of switching to a new teaching materials. Third problem - the unsettled exam. You can discuss the correspondence of the questions to the program and the unambiguity of the answers as much as you like. the main problem is that the exam "dries up" geography, replacing it humanitarian basis to train on solving issues. Fourth problem - loss of the practical importance of geography both for life and for future career... Recently practice long hikes and the expeditions of schoolchildren around their native country have sunk into oblivion, hence the decline in interest in the practical component of geography. In most universities, geography has disappeared from the list entrance examinations economics faculties, having remained only in specialized geographical faculties - hence the drop in interest in it among graduates. Have these problems changed over the past 5-15 years? Yes, unfortunately, they have escalated.

- What regions of Russia (subjects or specific schools) can boast high level teaching geography?

Despite the general high level of the capital cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, there are a number of other centers with a traditionally high level of geographic education. Winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian and International Olympiads represented Kursk, Irkutsk, Stavropol, etc. It all depends on specific factors: the presence of a significant regional center for geographic education (university), an institute for advanced training of teachers, a competent proactive methodologist in geography and, of course, talented teachers who have prepared not a single generation of winners and prize-winners of Olympiads, participants in geographic competitions and numerous projects.

- What, in your opinion, should be done today, first of all, to improve the quality of teaching geography in schools?

First of all, it is necessary to fully implement the requirements of the new FSES for basic school and achieve a decent position of geography in the basic curriculum high school. Secondly, the efforts of the geographic community should be aimed at popularizing geography in all spheres of modern life.

The main scientific provisions formulated by the author on the basis of the conducted research:

  1. on the basis of a culturological approach, a methodological model has been built that implements in practice the task of continuous ethnocultural geographic education in the system "basic school - high school", developed and introduced into practice tutorialsimplementing the provisions of this methodological model;
  2. in the content of school geography, an independent scientific and educational direction has been developed - ethnic geography, which integrates modern knowledge in the field of socio-economic geography and geography of the population and, at the same time, is designed to develop on the basis of recent achievements geographical scientific thought, the best traditions of the ethnographic school, formed back in pre-revolutionary Russia;
  3. for the first time developed and introduced into teaching practice the program of the educational-methodical complex on ethnic geography for high school; proposed and substantiated the most effective forms of organization and teaching methods aimed at a deeper assimilation of ethnographic material by students, an increase in their creative activity, an increase in personal orientation educational process and motivation cognitive activities;
  4. a methodological approach has been developed and tested in practice, providing an assessment of the ethnocultural component of school geographic education; a criterion-descriptive system for assessing the ethnocultural achievements of students, both on the subject and on the personal level, is proposed.

I. Monograph:

1. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnocultural paradigm of modern geographic education // M .: MIIO, 2007. - 208 p. (13.0 pp.)

2. Lobzhanidze A.A. Concept of the content of geographic education in a 12-year school / Dronov V.P., Barinova I.I., Dushina I.V., Lobzha-nidze A.A., Maksakovsky V.P., Petrova N.N., Sirotin V. .AND. // "Geography at school". 2000. -№ 2. - P.37-45 (0.5 pp., Authorship is not divided)

3. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnogeography and geography of religions. / Lobzhanidze A.A. Zayats D.V. "Profile school". 2005.- No. 4.- P.30-38 (0.8 p.p., authorship is not divided)

4. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnocultural paradigm of modern geographic education. // "Geography at school". 2006.-№3.- P.44 - 48 (0.5 pp.)

5. Lobzhanidze A.A. The program of the profile course "Ethnogeography and ethno-cultural regions of the world." / Lobzhanidze A.A., Zayats D.V. // "Geography at school". 2006.- No. 3.P.48 - 49 and No. 4. Pp. 35 - 38 (0.5 pp. Authorship is not separated)

6. Lobzhanidze A.A. Cultural geography and cultural-geographic regions of the world. // "Profile school". 2007. -№4 - С.33-42 (1 pp.)

7. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnocultural aspects of geographic education in the multicultural space of Russia. // "Geography at school". 2007.- No. 4.- P.39-45 (0.6 pp.)

8. Lobzhanidze A.A. Assessment of the quality of ethnocultural education of students within the framework of the cultural approach // "Geography at school", 2008, No. 7. - pp. 41-45, no. 8 pp. 45-51 (1 pp.)

9. Lobzhanidze A.A. On XY All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in geography. Tasks of the first theoretical round. / Danshin A.I., Kirillov P.L., Lobzhanidze A.A., Mazein N.V., Naumov A.S., Panin A.V., Rogachev S.V., Uskov V .А. // "Geography at school" .- 2006.- №6. -FROM. 54-67 (1.3 pp, authorship is not divided)

10. Lobzhanidze A.A. At the XYI All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Geography. Tasks of the first theoretical round. / Danshin A.I., Kirillov P.L., Lobzhanidze A.A., Mazein N.V., Naumov A.S., Panin A.V. // "Geography at school." - 2007. - No. 6.- P.55-63 (0.8 pp., Authorship is not divided)

11. Lobzhanidze A.A. At the XYII All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in geography. Tasks of the first theoretical round. / Danshin A.I., Kirillov P.L., Lobzhanidze A.A., Mazein N.V., Naumov A.S., Panin A.V. // "Geography at school", 2008.- №6. P.55-58, No. 7. P.45-51 (0.8 pp., Authorship not shared)

III. Educational and methodical works:

12. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnogeography and geography of religions. A textbook for university students. / Lobzhanidze A.A., Gorokhov S.A., Zayats D.V. // M .: Publishing Center "Academy". - 2005 .-- 176 p. (11.5 pp, author's contribution - 65%.).

13. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnogeography and geography of religions. Workshop for students of geographical faculties pedagogical universities./ Lobzhanidze A.A., Zayats D.V. // M .: Prometheus. - 2005. - 64 p. (4.0 pp, authorship is not divided)

14. Lobzhanidze A.A. Geography. Planet Earth: A Textbook on Geography for Grade 6 General Education Institutions. M .: Education. 2006 .-- 242 p. (15.1 pp.)

15. Lobzhanidze A.A. Workbook to the textbook on geography for the 6th grade of educational institutions. Geography. Planet Earth. // M .: Pro-light. 2006. –192 p. (12.0 pp.)

16. Lobzhanidze A.A. Geography. Earth: A textbook on geography for the 6th grade of educational institutions. / Ed. Lobzhanidze A.A. / Koshevoy V.A. Lobzhanidze A.A. // M .: AST-press school, 2002 .-- 289 p. (18.0 pp, author's contribution - 50%)

17. Lobzhanidze A.A. Peace of the Earth. Geography textbook for the 6th grade of educational institutions. / Dushina I.V., Koshevoy V.A., Lobzhanidze A.A., Letyagin A.A. // M .: "Ballas", "S-Info", 1998.- 225s. (13.9 pp, author's contribution - 25%)

18. Lobzhanidze A.A. Geography. Land and people: A textbook on geography for the 7th grade of educational institutions. / Ed. Lobzhanidze A.A. // M .: AST-press school, 2005.290 p. (18.0 pp.)

19. Lobzhanidze A.A. Geography of Russia: textbook for 8-9 grades. general educational institutions / Ed. V.P. Dronov: in 2 books. Book 1: Nature, population, economy. 8 cl. / Barinova I.I., Dronov V.P., Rom V.Ya., Lob-zhanidze A.A. - M .: Drofa, 2001. - 319 p. (19, 9 pp., Author's contribution - 10%)

20. Lobzhanidze A.A. Geography of Russia: textbook for 8-9 grades. general educational institutions / Ed. V.P. Dronov: in 2 books. Book 2: Regions of Russia. 9 cl. / Barinova I.I., Dronov V.P., Rom V.Ya., Lobzhanidze A.A. - M .: Bustard. 2002. –320 pp. (20.0 pp., Author's contribution - 10%)

21. Lobzhanidze A.A. Peace of the Earth. Geography textbook for grade 6 educational institutions. / Koshevoy VA, Dushina IV, Lobzhanidze AA // M .: "Ballas". 2005.-272 p. (17.0 pp, author's contribution - 15%)

23. Lobzhanidze A.A. Workbook for the textbook on geography "World of the Earth" for the 6th grade of educational institutions. / Dushina I.V., Koshevoy V.A., Lobzhanidze A.A., Letyagin A.A. // M .: "Ballas", "S-Info", 1999. - 109 p. (6.8 pp, author's contribution - 25%)

24. Lobzhanidze A.A. Workbook for the geography textbook Geography. Earth: // Ed. Lobzhanidze A.A. / Lobzhanidze A.A., Kornienko E.V.M .: AST-press school. 2004 .-- 190 p. (12.0 pp., Author's contribution - 80%)

25. Lobzhanidze A.A. Workbook for the textbook on geography "World of the Earth" for the 6th grade of educational institutions. / Koshevoy V.A., Dushina I.V., Lobzhanidze A.A. // M .: "Ballas" .- 2005.- 80 p. (5.0 pp, author's contribution - 30%)

26. Lobzhanidze A.A. Geographic atlas of the student. / Barinova I.I., Ge-rasimova T.P., Dronov V.P., Krylova O.V., Lobzhanidze A.A., Maksakovsky V.P., // M .: "Bustard", "DiK" 1999. –289 p. (18.0 pp, author's contribution - 10%)

27. Lobzhanidze A.A. Atlas for grade 9 Geography of Russia. Population and economy of Russia. / Dronov V.P., Lobzhanidze A.A. // M .: "Bustard", "DiK" 1997. - 48 p. (3.0 pp, author's contribution - 50%)

28. Lobzhanidze A.A. Specialized training in geography: regulatory documents and methodological developments. Elective courses./ Comp. V.V. Abaturov, A.A. Lobzhanidze - Moscow: Shkolnaya Pressa, 2008 .-- 125 p. (7.8 pp, author's contribution - 50%)

29. Lobzhanidze A.A. Concept of geographical education / Dronov V.P., Barinova I.I., Dushina I.V., Maksakovsky V.P., Petrova N.N., Sirotin V.I. // Collection, M. of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 2001. -18 p. (1 pp., Authorship is not divided)

30. Lobzhanidze A.A. Geography of Russia: population and economy. Short course. // M .: "Bustard" 1997. - 87 p. (5.4 pp.)

31. Lobzhanidze A.A. Programs of disciplines of subject training in the specialty 012500 - Geography: For pedagogical universities and institutes. - M .: "Flinta", "Science", 2000 - 368 p. / Ethnology and ethnogeography, pp. 346 - 352, ( 0.6 pp)

32. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnogeography and geography of religions. Approximate program of the discipline. / Zayats D.V., Lobzhanidze A.A. - M .: "Prometheus", Moscow State Pedagogical University. - 2004. - 25 p. (1.5 pp., Authorship is not divided)

33. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnology and ethnography. Elective course for 10 - 11 grades. / Lobzhanidze A.A., Zayats D.V.// "Geography", supplement to the newspaper "First September", - 2005. - No. 4 - p.8-16 - No. 5 - pp. 10-17 (1 pp., authorship not shared)

34. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnocultural regions of the world. The program of the educational-methodical complex M. GOU MPGU –2007. - 19 p. (1 pp.)

35. Lobzhanidze A.A. Historical, cultural and civilizational regions of the world. The program of the educational and methodological complex. M. GOU MPGU –2008. -18 s. (1 pp.)

36. Lobzhanidze A.A. Population geography and ethnodemography. The program of the educational-methodical complex. / Rakovsky S.N., Gorokhov S.A., Lobzha-nidze A.A. // M. GOU MPGU –2007. -18 s. (1 pp, authorship not shared)

37. Lobzhanidze A.A. Spatial organization of modern society. Program module for scientific and methodological support of professional development of teaching staff, AUP of the university, branches, partner universities of M. GOU MPGU –2008. -19 p. (1 pp.)

38. Lobzhanidze A.A. The program of courses in geography "School - 2000". / Dushina I. V., Koshevoy V. A., Lobzhanidze A. A., Letyagin A. A. // M. "Ballas" 1997. - 40 p. (2.5 pp, authorship not shared)

39. Lobzhanidze A.A. Geography of Russia. Workshop for students of geographical faculties of pedagogical universities. // Ed. Lobzha-nidze A.A. in 2 parts. Part 1: general characteristics population and economy of Russia. / Lobzhanidze A.A., Baranchikov E.V., Rogoten N.N., Po-godina T.A. - M.: Moscow State Pedagogical University. - 2002 .-- 223 p. (14, 0 pp, author's contribution - 50%.)

40. Lobzhanidze A.A. Geography: A great reference book for schoolchildren and those entering universities. // M .: "Bustard". - 1998 .-- 928 s. // Geography of Russia: population and economy, pp. 114 - 155, pp. 593-658 (4.2 pp.)

41. Lobzhanidze A.A. Geography. Reference book for high school students and university students. // M .: "AST-PRESS", 2001. - 656 p. / Chapter 5 Economic and social geography Russia and the countries of the New Abroad. - pp. 437 - 569 (5.5 pp.)

IV. Science articles:

42. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnocultural direction in socio-economic geography. // Scientific works of the Moscow Pedagogical state university... Physics and mathematics and natural sciences. Collection of articles. - M .: Publishing house "Prometheus" MPGU, - 2007. - 480 p. - P.454 - 461 (0.7 pp.)

43. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnocultural orientation of modern geographic education // Modernization of the system of geographical education. // Proceedings of the XII Congress of the Russian Geographical Society, T. 7 - SPb. - 2005. - P.105-109 (0.4 pp.)

44. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnocultural education as part of pedagogical culture // "Geography and ecology in the school of the XXI century." 2006.- No. 4. - S. 53-55 (0.3 p. L.)

45. Lobzhanidze A.A. Problems of teaching geography in modern school // "Geography and ecology in the school of the XXI century." - 2006. - № 6. P.42–45 (0.3 pp.)

46. \u200b\u200bLobzhanidze A.A. How geographic knowledge helps to navigate in a multicultural world. / Lobzhanidze A.A., Zayats D.V. - P.17-23, No. 19 - P.15-25, No. 20 - P.17-26, No. 21 - P.17-25, No. 22 - P.16-25, No. 23 - P.17- 25, No. 24 - P.16-25 - (4.5 pp, author's contribution - 30%)

47. Lobzhanidze A.A. Altai. Preserve of ethnic cultures // "Geography", supplement to the newspaper "First September". 2002. - No. 12 - P. 22 -23 (0.2 pp.)

48. Lobzhanidze A.A. Altai. Burkhanism // "Geography", supplement to the newspaper "First September". 2002. - No. 12- С.21 (0.1 pp.)

49. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnomosaic. // "Geography", supplement to the newspaper "September First". 2006. -No. 14 - С.31-34 (0.4 pp.)

50. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnoreconstruction. // "Geography", supplement to the newspaper "First September". 2007. - No. 20 - P.36-37 (0.2 pp.)

V. Abstracts of scientific conferences:

51. Lobzhanidze A.A. The role of the ethnographic component in the formation of educational geography of the new century. // Three centuries of geographical education in Russia: past, present and future. // Collection of materials of the scientific and practical conference. SPb, 2004. - P.12-13 (0.1 pp.)

52. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnocultural paradigm of modern geographic education. // Collection of materials of the scientific session based on the results of the scientific research work of the Moscow State Pedagogical University for 2004, M .: Prometey, Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2005. - pp. 22-24 (0.2 pp. .)

53. Lobzhanidze A.A. Methodological principles of formation of the content of the elective course "Ethnogeography and ethnocultural regions of the world" // "Teacher of the XXI century: Profile education and prospects of school geography" // Collection of materials of the V interuniversity scientific-practical conference. - M .: MGPU, 2005.S. 20-23 (0.3 pp.)

54. Lobzhanidze A.A. Formation of ethnocultural competence of a geography teacher within the framework of the axiological approach. // “Teacher of the XXI century. Profiled training and prospects of school geography "// Collection of materials of the YI interuniversity scientific-practical conference, Moscow: MGPU, 2007. - S.20-23 (0.3 pp.).

55. Lobzhanidze A.A. Multiculturalism and geographical education in Russia. // Collection scientific papers Faculty of Geography 2006 - M .: Moscow State Pedagogical University. - 2007. - P.11-14 (0.4 pp.)

56. Lobzhanidze A.A. Elective courses in geography at a specialized school. Science and graduate School specialized training (materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference): in 2 hours. Part 2 - St. Petersburg, 2007. - P.71-75 (0.4 pp.)

57. Lobzhanidze A.A. Ethnocultural approach in modern school geography. // Earth sciences and domestic education: history and modernity (materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the memory of Academician of the Russian Academy of Education A.V. Darinsky) - SPb .: 2007. - pp. 37-39 (0.2 p. l.)

58. Lobzhanidze A.A. Culturological paradigm of education and school geography. // Geography: science and education in the system "society-school-university" // SPb .: 2007. - P.307-308 (0.1 pp.)

59. Lobzhanidze A.A. Assessment of the quality of students' geographic education within the framework of a cultural approach. // “Teacher of the XXI century. The quality of students' knowledge: content, organization, control. // Collection of materials of the YII interuniversity scientific-practical conference, M .: MGPU, 2007. - P.10-18 (0.8 pp.)

60. Lobzhanidze A.A. Russia: multicultural space - multicultural education - Actual problems of geography. // Proceedings of the V Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference - Gorno-Altaysk: RIO GAGU. - 2008. - pp. 235-237 (0.3 pp.)