Poem "I remember - a long winter evening" Bunin Ivan Alekseevich. Presentation to the literature lesson "Poemical I. Bunina" I remember a long winter evening "" Presentation to the lesson on literature on the topic Year of writing I remember a long winter evening

"I remember - Long Winter Evening" Ivan Bunin

I remember - a long winter evening,
Twilight and silence;
Light bulbades pouals dimly
The storm crying at the window.

"My dear, whispers mom, -
If you want to rear
To be vigorous and cheerful
Tomorrow morning to be again -

Forget what worked the blizzard,
Forget what you are with me,
Remember the quiet forest whisper
And half-day summer heat;

Remember how birch was noisy,
And in the forest, at mezhi,
Go slowly and smoothly
Golden waves of rye! "

And familiar council
I trustfully atten
And, mashed dreams,
Began to be forgotten.

Together with a quiet sleep merged
Ubaukivanny dreams -
Whispering of concerns
And vague noise birch ...

Analysis of poem Bunin "I remember - a long winter evening"

The conquest peaks the literary Olymps Ivan Bunin began not from prose, but from poetry. He wrote poems from early childhood and was already published in magazines by 17 years. The first successes were so obvious that the author himself did not doubt exactly what exactly will be engaged after leaving the parent home. It is noteworthy that the youthful works of this author are a sample of very thin and sublime lyrics. With age, Bunin became more pragmatic and restrained, revealing his true feelings only in prose.

An early period of creativity of this author includes the poem "I remember - a long winter evening", written in 1887. It is dedicated to child memories and the amazing sensations that we all have experienced at least once in life, being in the parent house. From the first lines of the work it becomes clear that the window is raging the weather. "The light of the lamp pouches the light, the storm crying at the window," said the poet. But under the protection of caring maternal hands, the hero of the poem feels in complete safety, and the quiet voice of the closest and expensive person gives an amazing sense of joy. Mother persuades the kid to fall asleep, but for this he must forget that the blizzard is working around the window. "Remember the silent forest whisper and half a day Summer", "the woman advises his little son. It would seem that in these words there is nothing surprising, but it is they warming the soul of the baby. He mentally represents that the cold winter has changed in gentle summer, and on the field, which is located behind the rural sidelines, "slow and smoothly gold waves of rye".

The Mother Council turns out to be very useful, and the poet admits that, thanks to this, he "mastered dreams, began to forget." Going into a delightful journey in the kingdom of Morpheus, a little boy, instead of howling the Purgi, heard "whisper of concerns and vague noise birch." It is these childhood memories that are so clearly embarrassed into memory Bunin, which at the age of 17, when adolescents seek to leave the parental home to prove their consistency, he once returned to the very carefree moment of his life every time. And the inspiration in them was inspiration for creativity, intuitively realizing that this happy time left irrevocably.

The poem is written in the form of a lullaby, which was subsequently transferred to the music and in the first half of the 20th century he enjoyed tremendous popular as in Russia and beyond.

The Russian writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, famous all over the world, began his literary activity by poetic works, among the most picturesque and sensual lyrical poems, "I remember - a long winter evening." The date of its creation is 1887, he is believed to the early work of the poet and writer Bunin, who began writing his poems very early and already from 17 years of his works were published in literary magazines of that time.

The poem "I remember - a long winter evening" is dedicated to the author's childhood memories of his mother and life in the house, the amazing sense of heat, caring and tranquility, which surround every child in the house of his parents who are loving him and protecting from adults and storms of the surrounding adult world .

The main theme of the poem

Reading the first lines of the work, we present a picture of winter weather, storms and blizzards, flying outside the cozy little, children's bedroom "The light of the lamp poured, the storm crying at the window." The baby is a little frightened and can not fall asleep, however, surrounded by warmth and care of his mother, who is a quiet and melodious voice, with his distractions about summer, noise birch and zlot by Sea Ries, skillfully soothes him, and he feels in complete safety. The presence of a native person, her caress and care, simple advice to remember the "silent whisper of the forest and half-day summer heat" warm the soul of a little man, and he is trusting and obediently following the mother's instructions, represents a picture of a summer roast day, where they merge on the verge of sleep and reality "whisper crushing ears and vague noise birches. " The child quietly and calmly falls asleep "Masculated Dreams, began to forgot," Lauginated by a quiet speech of mom and sweet golden girls, carrying him on the wings of sleep from the storms and the weatherproof of the winter night, in a bright and naughty summer sultry day.

The words of the mother in the poem are transmitted using the verbs of the past time, at the end there appears the author's pronoun "I", saying that the story told by readers is memories of the author about his childhood, which are so bright and vividly captured in his memory that those feelings And experiences are felt by the author and now just. And even if not one dozen years passed from that moment, and the author had long left the father's house, these sweet children's dreams remained forever in his soul and memory, they help him cope with troubles and problems in his adult life. Love and support that parents gave him in the house of his childhood house, his happy memories of a carefree barefot childhood, and an understanding that it will never return, they become the source of his inspiration, its strength and internal straightening, helping to survive all life Storms and adversity on his way.

Structural and composite features

Written in the form of a lullaby song, poem Bunin "I remember - a long winter evening" is very easily perceived on the emotional, sound and visually associative level. An important motive of this work becomes the transfer of the state of a half, semi-leading lyrical character, which is transmitted by the description of the late winter evening in the Children's Spallen "Twilight and Silence", "Lights light pouring quietly", using such verbs as "rear", "forget" Smoothly, "" Slowly ". For the separation of the work on certain parts, punctuation is used: the dash in the first sentence shows for the past time, that these events took place in the deep childhood of the author, the dash in the second stanza serves as a separator between sleep and reality, a dash in the last stanza - symbolizes the transition from standing Wake up to sleep state.

This lyricic work is written by such a poems as a poem, using the male rhyme and cross-rhyme. To create a sensual and heartfelt poetic image, the author uses the following means of artistic expressiveness as epithets (summer heat, vague noise, quiet sleep), personification (storm crying, waves of rye, howl of blizzard, wind whisper), metaphors (golden ears of rye, vague noise Berez), inversion and alliteration.

The poem of Ivan Bunin "I remember - a long winter evening," draws pictures close and understandable for us, after all, the memories of mom, the house and children's dreams forever remain in the memory of every person as the most expensive and necessary, because they warm our souls with warmth And love for our loved ones, become our last stronghold in the fight against the most randry life storms.

Memories of childhood in the poem I. A. Bunin "I remember - a long winter evening ..."

In this poem, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin recalls his childhood, about Mom. He tells us that everything remained in his heart forever.

At first he draws a picture of the "Long Winter Even." His description leaves the feeling of cold, anxiety even fear:

I remember - a long winter evening,

Twilight and silence;

Light lamps are sinking

The storm crying at the window.

But then the image of Mom, the love and care of which leave the hero of the feeling of calm and security in the soul of the hero: "" "My dear," - whispers mom ... ". She asks him to fall asleep, remember about warm summer, plunge into the world of carefree sleep. It's not by chance that the mother repeats the word "forget" twice:

... Forget what Wat a blizzard,

Forget what you are with me,

Remember the quiet forest whisper and half-day summer heat ...

In this poem, the motive of sleep is very important. There are such words about him: "Rear", "forget", "Ubaukhivny". Adcharations "Slowly", "smoothly" help us to imagine that the hero falls asleep.

Means of expressiveness that binun uses when describing the winter evening, also create a poetic image of sleep: "Twilight and silence", "Light lamps are silent."

After the words of Mother, the narrative in the poem is carried out in the past time, the pronoun "I" appears. We understand that a lot of time has passed, the hero has grown, but the memories of his childhood left very good, unforgettable and vivid impressions in his soul.

And the familiar advice I trustfully bowed and, mashed dreams,

Began to be forgotten.

Together with the quiet sleep merged Ubayukivan Greaz -

The covers of concerns and vague noise birch ...

In this poem, Bunin describes a picture close and expensive to everyone. Memories of mom, summer, warm and children's festice warm the soul and help to survive any winter storm.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin

I remember - a long winter evening,
Twilight and silence;
Light bulbades pouals dimly
The storm crying at the window.

"My dear, whispers mom, -
If you want to rear
To be vigorous and cheerful
Tomorrow morning to be again -

Forget what worked the blizzard,
Forget what you are with me,
Remember the quiet forest whisper
And half-day summer heat;

Remember how birch was noisy,
And in the forest, at mezhi,
Go slowly and smoothly
Golden waves of rye! "

And familiar council
I trustfully atten
And, mashed dreams,
Began to be forgotten.

Together with a quiet sleep merged
Ubaukivanny dreams -
Whispering of concerns
And vague noise birch ...

The conquest of the vertices of the literary Olympus Ivan Bunin began not with prose, but from poetry. He wrote poems from early childhood and was already published in magazines by 17 years. The first successes were so obvious that the author himself did not doubt exactly what exactly will be engaged after leaving the parent home. It is noteworthy that the youthful works of this author are a sample of very thin and sublime lyrics. With age, Bunin became more pragmatic and restrained, revealing his true feelings only in prose.

An early period of creativity of this author includes the poem "I remember - a long winter evening", written in 1887. It is dedicated to child memories and the amazing sensations that we all have experienced at least once in life, being in the parent house. From the first lines of the work it becomes clear that the window is raging the weather. "The light of the lamp pouches the light, the storm crying at the window," said the poet. But under the protection of caring maternal hands, the hero of the poem feels in complete safety, and the quiet voice of the closest and expensive person gives an amazing sense of joy. Mother persuades the kid to fall asleep, but for this he must forget that the blizzard is working around the window. "Remember the silent forest whisper and half a day Summer", "the woman advises his little son. It would seem that in these words there is nothing surprising, but it is they warming the soul of the baby. He mentally represents that the cold winter has changed in gentle summer, and on the field, which is located behind the rural sidelines, "slow and smoothly gold waves of rye".

The Mother Council turns out to be very useful, and the poet admits that, thanks to this, he "mastered dreams, began to forget." Going into a delightful journey in the kingdom of Morpheus, a little boy, instead of howling the Purgi, heard "whisper of concerns and vague noise birch." It is these childhood memories that are so clearly embarrassed into memory Bunin, which at the age of 17, when adolescents seek to leave the parental home to prove their consistency, he once returned to the very carefree moment of his life every time. And the inspiration in them was inspiration for creativity, intuitively realizing that this happy time left irrevocably.

The poem is written in the form of a lullaby, which was subsequently transferred to the music and in the first half of the 20th century he enjoyed great popularity, both in Russia and beyond.

The first "brief essay of life and creativity" was published by A.Skripov in 1963. A close friend of the poet, who conducted a correspondence with him during 1929-1936, Skipov published a large number of previously known materials. His work, which possesses the undoubted advantages of a reliable testimony, obviously did not lose its value and now, but it fully affected the views and estimates like the following people with the domestic literary criticism of the 60s.

The first story "Dark Alleys", which gave the name of the entire cycle, develops the motive of the story "Ida": regrets about lost happiness illusory, because life goes as it should go, and a person is not free to make some changes in it. The hero of the story "Dark Alleys", while still being a young landowner, seduced a charming peasant hope. And then his life went to his man. And after many years, he, being already military in large ranks, turns out to be in those places where he loved in his youth. In the hostess of overlooking horses, he will find out hope, aged, like he himself, but still a beautiful woman.

War covered the block in Chessham. He met her as a new absurdity of the already ridiculous life. He loved Germany, German universities, poets, musicians, philosophers; It is difficult for him to understand why peoples should fight in favor of their rulers. The hardest and shameful world is better than any war. Dmitrievna's love immediately learned to her sister of mercy and went to the front. Mikhail Tereshchenko refused every literary activity.