The script of the literary composition for May 9. The script of the literary and musical composition for the Victory Day

Event progress

The melody "Farewell of the Slav" sounds

Host: Good afternoon, dear viewers! Today, on the eve of the Victory Day celebrations, we remember those who fought, who wrote about the war, who died in the name of peace and freedom.

Host: Although more than half a century has passed since the Victory Day, time has no power over the memory of people of different generations. The feat of the soldiers and the feat of the working people who forged victory in the rear will never fade. Remain in the ranks and poems of that time, and works, and songs that inspired the soul of a soldier during the war years. It could not be otherwise. Literature is not only a mirror of life, it is life itself.
So let's touch our hearts today to the exploits of our soldiers!

Host: The lightest, most summer day of the year,

Longest day of the twenty-second.

Children slept, apples ripened in the garden ...

We remember, we remember it again!

Host: We remember this night and at this hour

The explosion that the sun extinguished in a pitch roar,

Through inept bandages oozing,

The blood of the people turned red that June.

2 SLIDE CLICK Did you promise us to die, Motherland?

CLICK Leading Life promised, love promised, Motherland!

CLICK Host Are children born for death, Motherland?

CLICK Host Did you want our death, Motherland?

CLICK Leading Tycho said: "Get up to the rescue ... Motherland"

Participants enter the stage. They stand with their backs to the audience, remaining invisible until the first words. In words, they alternately unfold with lit candles.


1. I wanted to live, study, a little more and I would become a doctor ...

2. There was no teacher in our village primary grades, and I dreamed of becoming it ...

3. I was preparing to become a father. “There will be a son,” I said to Svetlana, and she laughed and answered: “Aha, son with pigtails” ...

4. I was building a house. Its own, solid, log, with patterned shutters, with windows to the river ...

- We who died on battlefields...

- We, tortured in concentration camps ...

- We, who died in the occupation ...

- We who died of hunger ...

They did not study and were not finished. We didn’t hear the long-awaited words: “Mom, Dad”.

The reason for this was ... WAR! And it began like this ...

Ved .: This day began not with a quiet dawn, but with the roar of bombs, the whistle of bullets and the grinding of steel. June 22, 1941. War. On this day, the writers of Moscow gathered, as if on a military alert, for a meeting.

Presenter: The war rushed over the ground

It went like a fire on the ground

Soaked the earth with blood,

And molten metal

Spilled three meters.

Host: Our mothers cry, and our peers are silently sad.

We did not know love, we did not taste the happiness of crafts,

We got the hard fate of soldiers for a long time.

Sasha and Vika come out.

Melody "Where the Motherland Begins"

The girl reads a verse. "Goodbye, boys" B. Okudzhava

Ah, war, what have you done, mean:
our courtyards became quiet,
our boys raised their heads -
they have matured for the time being,
barely looming on the doorstep
and left, a soldier followed ...
Goodbye boys!
try to go back.
No, don't hide you, be high
spare no bullets or grenades
and do not spare yourself,
And still
try to go back.

Oh, war, what did you mean, you did:
instead of weddings - parting and smoke,
our girls dresses are white
gave them to their sisters.
Boots - where can you go from them?
Yes green wings epaulettes ...
Don't give a damn about gossips, girls.
We'll settle scores with them later.
Let them talk that you have nothing to believe in,
that you are going to war at random ...
Goodbye girls!
try to go back.

The guy reads a verse. "Wait for me" K. Simonov)

Wait for me and I will come back.
Just wait really hard
Wait for the sadness
Yellow rains
Wait for the snow to sweep
Wait when it's hot
Wait when others are not expected
Forgetting yesterday.
Wait when from distant places
Letters will not come
Wait until you get bored
To everyone who is waiting together.

Wait for me and I will come back,
Do not wish good
To everyone who knows by heart
It's time to forget.
Let the son and mother believe
That there is no me
Let friends get tired of waiting
Sit by the fire
Drink bitter wine
In commemoration of the soul ...
Wait. And with them at the same time
Don't rush to drink.

Wait for me and I will come back,
To spite all deaths.
Who did not wait for me, let him
He will say: - Lucky. -
Do not understand those who did not wait for them,
Like among fire
By their expectation
You saved me.
How I survived we will know
Only you and me, -
You just knew how to wait
Like no one else.

Host: The Great Patriotic War against Hitlerite Germany was sacred, liberating, nationwide. Victory was brought closer not only by men. Delicate, fragile girls and women also shouldered the burden of the war. Women knew how not only to wait, but also to stand at the bench, raise children, and fight.

6 SLIDE Host: They say: “The war does not have a woman’s face,” but women went to the front. They helped the wounded, brought shells, they were snipers, pilots ... They were soldiers. Veronica Tushnova became a nurse CLICK

Their word was also a weapon. Anna Akhmatova CLICK, Olga Berggolts CLICK... They knew their poems, waited ...
(Reading the poem by O. Berggolts "I have never been a hero"

I've never been a hero.
She did not yearn for fame or reward.
Breathing in one breath with Leningrad,
i was not a hero, but I lived.

And I do not boast that in the days of the blockade
did not change the joy of the earth,
that, like dew, this joy shone,
gloomily illuminated by the war.

And if I can be proud of anything,
then, like all my friends around,
i am proud that I can still work,
without folding your weak hands.
I am proud that these days, more than ever,
we knew the inspiration of labor.

In the mud, in the darkness, in hunger, in sorrow,
where death, like a shadow, trailed at his heels,
we were so happy
breathed such stormy freedom,
that the grandchildren would envy us.

Oh yes, we discovered terrible happiness, -
not yet praised with dignity,
when they shared the last crust,
with the last pinch of tobacco
when they had midnight conversations
by the poor and smoky fire,
how will we live when victory comes,
appreciating our whole life in a new way.

And you, my friend, are you even in the years of peace,
how will you remember the midday of your life
house on Krasnykh Komandirov Avenue,
where the fire smoldered and blew from the window.
You will straighten up again, as you are today, young.
Rejoicing, crying, the heart will call

Long live, may reign always
simple human joy,
the basis of defense and labor,
immortality and power of Leningrad.
Long live the harsh and calm,
looking death right in the face,
choking ring
as a person,
as a Worker,
like a Warrior.

My sister, comrade, friend and brother:
after all it is we, baptized by the blockade.
We are called together - Leningrad;
and the globe is proud of Leningrad.

We are living a double life now:
in a ring and cold, in hunger, in sorrow
we breathe tomorrow -
happy, generous day.
We have already conquered this day-

And whether it will be night, morning or evening,
but on this day we will get up and go
warrior-army towards
in his liberated city.
We'll go out without flowers
in dented helmets,
in heavy quilted jackets,
in frozen half-masks,

as equals - welcoming the troops.
And, spreading his xiphoid wings,
bronze glory will rise above us,
holding a wreath in charred hands.

Leading: 6 SLIDE Yulia Vladimirovna Drunina. A girl from an intelligent Moscow teaching family, she wrote poetry since childhood.

Slide (photo, words)

The student comes out (Julia Drunina):

At 17, I volunteered for the front right from school, worked as a nurse in a hospital. Then he became a medical instructor in an infantry battalion. She fought in the infantry, in the artillery. She was wounded and awarded the Medal For Courage and the Order of the Red Banner. In 1944, I was demobilized for disability after another shell shock.

Although I have been writing since childhood, I felt like a poet in 1944. The first collection of poems was published in 1945 in the Znamya magazine, of course, the poems were about the war.

(Poem by Yu Drunina "I Didn't Cry")

Ah, Lidochki, Nastenka, Tanya,
Radiance of trusting eyes!
Where in the hours of testing
What if the strength comes from you?

I really want happiness and peace!
But if ... we are not the first time ...
The commander's widow fell
To his field tablet.

I fell down, bit my lip,
But you can't cry - guys ...
- What is your name? Maybe Russia?
- I am Lida. So they call me.

Through difficult tears, sternly
Full of love and anger
Widows smile to the widow
The great holy war ...

(The poem "Zinka" by Y. Drunina is recited by heart by roles)

2 girls

In memory of a fellow soldier - Hero Soviet Union Zina Samsonova.

1. We lay down by the broken spruce,

We are waiting for it to start to brighten.

It's warmer under the greatcoat

On chilled, damp ground

You know, Yulka, I'm against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

Somewhere in the apple backwoods

Mom, my mom lives.

Do you have friends, darling,

I only have one.

Spring is boiling over the threshold.

It seems old: every bush

The restless daughter is waiting.

You know, Yulka, I'm against sadness,

But today she doesn't count ...

We barely got warm

Suddenly an unexpected order: "Forward!"

Again next to me in a damp overcoat

The light-haired soldier walks.

2.It got bitter every day,

They walked without rallies and banners.

Surrounded by Orsha

Our battered battalion.

Zinka led us to the attack,

We made our way through black rye

On funnels and gullies,

Through mortal lines

We didn't expect posthumous glory

We wanted to live with glory.

Why, in bloody bandages

Is the light-haired soldier lying?

Her body with her greatcoat

I covered, clenching my teeth,

Belarusian winds sang

About Ryazan wilderness gardens.

3. - You know, Zinka, I am against sadness,

But today it doesn't count.

Somewhere in the apple backwoods

Mom, your mom lives.

I have friends, love,

She had you alone.

Smells in the hut of sourdough and smoke,

Spring is boiling over the threshold.

And the old lady in the colorful dress

I lit a candle near the icon.

I don't know how to write to her,

So that she does not wait for you ...

Host: It’s not a woman’s business to kill, but then, in 1941, very young girls went to the front, by hook or by crook besieging the military enlistment offices, adding a year or two to themselves, rushing to the front line. Boris Lvovich Vasiliev wrote about such girls 8 SLIDE

Student comes out (B. Vasiliev):

I was born in Smolensk into a family of military personnel. He was not going to be a military man, he dreamed of becoming a historian, but the war crossed everything out. On July 8, 1941, I, a ninth-grade volunteer, arrived at the front as part of a fighter battalion. He took part in the battles for his native Smolensk, near Vyazma. After the war he began to professionally study literature. The stories "Encounter Battle", "Tomorrow Was the War" were written, and the first story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" immediately received readers' recognition.

Scene from the novel by B. Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet".

Kiryanova spoke briefly: she said "I listen" twice and assented five times. Sergeant Major:

Build people.

Completed, Comrade Chief.

Build, there is nothing to say. One has hair, like a mane, to the waist, the other has some papers in his head. Warriors! Scale the forest with such, catch the Germans with machine guns! And they, by the way, have some birthmarks, sample 1891 fraction of the 30th year ...

At ease!

Zhenya, Galya, Liza ... The foreman frowned:

Wait, Osyanina! We are going to fish for the Germans - not fish. So that at least they know how to shoot, or something ...

They know how.

Vaskov wanted to give up, but caught himself:

Yes, here's another. Maybe someone knows German?

I know.

What am I? What am I? It is necessary to report!

Fighter Gurvich.

Oh-ho-ho! How do they say - hands up?

Hyundai hoh.

Exactly, - the foreman waved his hand. - Come on, Gurvich ...

These five lined up. Serious, like children, but there seems to be no fear yet.

We go for two days, so we must count. Take dry rations, cartridges ... five clips each. Refuel ... Well, eat, then, is dense. To put on shoes like a human being, put yourself in order, prepare yourself. For everything - forty minutes.

The rest of the time the foreman devoted to a small lecture, which, in his opinion, introduced the fighters to the course of the matter:

Do not be afraid of the enemy. He is walking along our rear, so he is afraid himself. But don't let him get close, because the enemy is still a healthy man and is armed specially for close combat. If it really happens that he is next to him, then you better hide. Just don’t run, God forbid: it’s a pleasure to hit someone running from a machine gun. Walk only in twos. Do not lag behind and do not talk on the way. If the road comes across, how should you proceed?

We know, - said the redhead. “One is on the right, the other is on the left.

Secretly, - said Fedot Evgrafych. - The order of movement will be as follows: in front - the head patrol in the composition of a junior sergeant with a soldier. Then in a hundred meters - the main core: I ... - he looked around his squad, - with an interpreter. A hundred meters behind us - the last pair. Walk, of course, not close, but at a distance of visibility. If an enemy is detected or something incomprehensible ... Who can scream like an animal or like a bird there?

They giggled, fools ...

I ask you seriously! In the forest, you can't give signals with your voice: the German also has ears. They fell silent.

I can, - Gurvich said timidly. - According to the donkey: and-a, and-a!

Donkeys are not found here, - the foreman remarked with displeasure. - Okay, let's quack study. Like ducks.

He showed it, and they laughed. What they suddenly felt cheerful, Vaskov did not understand, but he himself could not help smiling.

Host: Yuri Vasilievich Bondarev. In June 1941, Yura Bondarev was a little over 17 years old. Like all peers, he was eager to go to the front.

Slide (photo)

A student comes out (Yu. Bondarev):

I graduated from the crash course of the artillery school and already in 1942 fought at Stalingrad.

The novel Hot Snow, written in 1969, is just about these events: about the battles on the outskirts of Stalingrad artillery battery. Based on this novel, a feature film was shot under the same name. In 1945, after another wound, I was demobilized. In my book Moments, I wrote: “War has already become history. But is it? For me, one thing is clear: the main participants in history are people and time. Not forgetting time means not forgetting people, not forgetting people - it means not forgetting time. To be historical is to be modern. "

(Watching an excerpt from the movie "Battalions Ask for Fire")

Host: Viktor Petrovich Astafiev is a Siberian. Orphanage. In 1942 he volunteered for the front.

Slide (photo)

Pupil (Astafiev):

I fought in the artillery, was a signalman, driver, artillery reconnaissance officer. He took part in the battles on the Kursk Bulge, liberated Ukraine, Poland, was seriously wounded, contused, in 1945 he was demobilized. I always felt guilty before those who did not live, did not love. He told his truth about the war in the stories: "The Merry Soldier", "So I Want to Live", in the terrible monumental novel "Cursed and Killed".

Host: V.P. Astafyev wrote not about the victorious immortal people, but about the "ordinary" man in the war, who retains kindness and love in himself in the hellish conditions of the monstrous, incinerating element of war.

Host: They are. Young soldiers bore the main hardships of the war on their shoulders. Such as a simple Russian soldier Vasily Terkin - the hero of Tvardovsky's poem.

(Vasily Terkin enters the stage)

Terkin: Here I came from a station

To his native village council.

I came, and here is a party.

No partying? Okay. no,

I'm on another collective farm, and on the third

All the districts in sight

Somewhere in this world

I'll get to the party.

Host: And love in war? In war, feelings were even sharper, more piercing, because the soldier never knew how long his happiness would last.

Host: I don't know which outpost

Suddenly I will be silent in tomorrow's battle,

Dying, I remember again

The girl I love

The one that did not have time to kiss.

Host: Many modern poets write about war. Among them is Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky. He was a child when the war began. He grew up in a military family, and therefore knew a lot about the war. Vysotsky carried the theme of war throughout his life.

Host: Vladimir Vysotsky himself explained it this way: “... why do I have a lot of war songs? Why do I turn to so often military theme? .. First, we must not forget about it. War will always excite - it's like this a great victorythat covered our land for four years. Secondly, I have a military family ... "

Host: “The songs of Vysotsky about the war are, first of all, songs of very real people ... Strong, tired, courageous, kind. Such people can be entrusted with their own lives and the Motherland. Such will not fail. This is how the most significant, the highest concepts pass from parents to children ... ”(R. Rozhdestvensky)

Ved. CLICK Vsevolod Bagritsky - died at the age of 19 near Leningrad, recording the story of a political instructor.

CLICK Pavel Kogan - died at 23 near Novorossiysk, leading a reconnaissance group.

CLICK Nikolai Mayorov - killed in a battle in the Smolensk region at the age of 23

CLICK Mikhail Kulchitsky - died at 23 at Stalingrad.

CLICK Semyon Gudzenko - died of wounds.

Host: Human memory. Time has no power over her. And no matter how many years and decades have passed, the people of the Earth will come back to our Victory again and again.


(The song "Cranes" sounds, slides of the heroes of the Soviet Union of the Mishkinsky region)

Host: We remember you, soldiers

Let not all names be known

But the wars of that cruel rumble

Will not stop at all times.

Host: Having drunk the cup of suffering all the way down,

You passed away young

But in our memory at all times

You will remain forever alive.

Host: No, time has no power over us

He cannot kill our grief.

We wash your ashes with tears

Learning to be grateful.

Host: The literature about the war is a tribute to the memory of the feat of the Russian people, the feat of the Russian soldier. We must pass this baton of memory to the next generations.

(The poem is read by a 3rd grade student "I draw people")

I paint people

I paint the grass

I paint everything

What's around in reality.

I paint at home

And gardens in the moon.

I paint everything

What will I see in a dream.

I don't want to paint

Explosions from bombs.

Don't cry

Nobody in my picture.

We will not give our planet offense.

"Yes!"- flowering gardens

“No!” - we say to war.

Final song "Hello, world" (music by L. Quint, lyrics by V. Kostrov)

goal: to contribute to the formation of patriotic feelings of schoolchildren, a sense of involvement in the history of their country, its past.


  • to expand the knowledge of students about the Great Patriotic War,
  • develop creative student ability,
  • to form aesthetic feelings of schoolchildren.

Registration: multimedia presentations for songs about war (classes prepare presentations for the competition in advance).

1st host: Today our country celebrates one of the most significant holidays - Victory Day. This is “joy with tears in our eyes,” as one poet said. Indeed, on this day, both joy and sorrow are near.

2nd host: There is no family in Russia that was bypassed by the war. Therefore, on this day, every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields and those who, after the war, established a peaceful life.

3rd host: And they also congratulate those warriors of the Great Patriotic War who live today, and their number is decreasing, today the youngest soldiers of the last military draft are already well over seventy. Many veterans have not only grandchildren, but also great-grandchildren, and even great-great-grandchildren.

4th host: The war ... From Brest to Moscow 1000 kilometers, from Moscow to Berlin - 1600. Total 2600 kilometers.

1st host: This is if we speak in the mean language of numbers. So few, isn't it? 2600 kilometers. By train - four days, by plane - four hours, and running on bellies - four long, endless years.

2nd host: War ... This is the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest, this is 900 days of besieged Leningrad, this is the oath of the Panfilovites: "Not a step back, Moscow is behind us!"

3rd host: This is a victory obtained by fire and blood at Stalingrad, this is a heroic deed Kursk Bulge, this is the storming of Berlin, this is the memory of the heart of the whole people.

4th host: Forgetting the past means betraying the memory of the people who died for the happiness of the Motherland.

1st host: No, neither we nor future generations should forget about it.

2nd host: If a minute of silence were declared for every person who died in the Second World War, the world would be silent for fifty years.

Song "Holy War", presentation of 8 "A" class.

Reader 4:

Did you bequeathed to us to die, Motherland?
Life promised, love promised, Motherland!

Reader 5:

Are children born for death, Motherland?
Did you want our death, Motherland?

Reader 4:

The flame hit the sky - do you remember, Motherland?
She said quietly: "Get up to the rescue ..." - Homeland.

Reader 5:

Nobody asked for fame from you, Motherland.
Everyone just had a choice: me or Motherland.

Reader 4:

The best and most expensive is the Motherland.
Your grief is our grief, Motherland.

Reader 5:

Your truth is our truth, Motherland.
Your glory is our glory, Motherland! ( R. Rozhdestvensky. "Requiem").

The song "We will not stand for the price" is being performed.

Reader 6.

We are not here with you because the date,
Like an evil shard, memory burns in my chest,
To the grave of the unknown soldier
Come on holidays and weekdays.
He protected you on the battlefield
I fell without stepping back,
And this hero has a name:
Soviet army simple soldier.

3rd host: In Moscow, near the Kremlin wall, at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the Eternal Flame always burns. There are written the words: "Your name is unknown, your feat is not forgotten."

4th host: And in Kaliningrad, as in any other city of our great country, the Eternal Flame always burns in memory of those who did not spare their lives for the sake of millions of others' lives - our lives.

1st host:

Let's remember all by name,
Let us remember with our hearts.
The dead don't need it
It is necessary - alive!

2nd host: Let us honor the memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War a minute of silence.


Reader 7:

Fewer veterans every year
We meet at the eternal flame
Which were mined in the 45th
Victory for you and me.
Gray-haired veterans go to the fire,
Honor the dead frontline friends
And many wounds whine that war,
More and more over the years.
Congratulations to everyone on the Victory Day,
Sixty has passed since then
When fathers and even our grandfathers,
The fascists were given a memorable rebuff! ( "To the Victory Day". Chebotnyagin A.S.).

3rd host: For many of today's children, the Great Patriotic War is almost the same distant past as the war with Napoleon. And therefore, young people with a swastika appear on Russian soil.

4th host: And some historians are beginning to speculate what would have happened if Soviet soldiers had not blocked the way for the Nazis.

1st host: And they did not reason, they simply stood to the last: in Brest and in Stalingrad, near Kursk and in besieged Leningrad... They stood and stood their ground, their birches.

The vocal group performs the song "The Last Battle".

Readers-1, 2, 3 against the background of quiet music read a poem by K. Simonov« Wait for me".

2nd host: It was they, the young soldiers, who bore the brunt of the war on their shoulders.

3rd host: The Great Patriotic War lasted 1418 days. Fascist barbarians destroyed and burned over 70 thousand cities, towns and villages of our Motherland.

4th host: They destroyed 84 thousand schools, 334 higher educational institutions.

1st host: The enemy did not spare either women, or the elderly, or children. Millions of Soviet lives were claimed by the war.

1st reader:

They drove their mothers with their children
And they forced to dig a hole, but themselves
They stood, a bunch of savages,
And they laughed in hoarse voices.
Lined up at the edge of the abyss
Powerless women, skinny guys.
A drunken major came with copper eyes
Threw away the doomed ...

2nd reader:

Muddy rain
Buzzed in the foliage of neighboring groves
And in the fields, dressed in darkness,
And the clouds fell over the ground,
Driving each other furiously ...
No, I won't forget this day
I will never forget, forever!
I saw: rivers cried like children,
And mother earth sobbed in rage.
I saw with my eyes
Like a mournful sun washed with tears,
Out through the cloud into the fields,
The last time the children kissed
Last time...

3rd reader:

The autumn forest was rustling. It seemed that now
He was mad. Raged angrily
Its foliage. The gloom thickened around.
I heard: a powerful oak fell suddenly,
He fell, letting out a heavy sigh.

1st reader:

The children were suddenly seized with fear, -
Clung to their mothers, clinging to the hem.
And the shot rang out a sharp sound,
Breaking the curse
That escaped from the woman alone.
A child, a sick boy,
I hid the head in the folds of the dress
Not an old woman yet. She
She looked, full of horror.
How not to lose her mind!
Understood everything, understood everything baby.

2nd reader:

- Hide, mommy, me! Do not die! -

1st reader:

He cries and, like a leaf, cannot contain a shiver.
The child that is most dear to her
Bending down, mother raised with two hands,
I pressed it to my heart, right against the muzzle ...

2nd reader:

- I, mom, want to live. Don't, Mom!
Let me go, let me go! What are you waiting for? -

1st reader:

And the child wants to break free
And crying is terrible, and the voice is thin,
And it stabs into the heart like a knife.

Adult reader:

“Don't be afraid, my boy. Now you will breathe freely.
Close your eyes, but don't hide your head
So that the executioner does not bury you alive.
Be patient, son, be patient. It won't hurt now. -
And he closed his eyes. And the blood turned red
A writhing red ribbon along the neck.
Two lives fall to the ground, merging,
Two lives and one love!
Thunder struck. The wind whistled through the clouds.
The land cried in deaf melancholy,
Oh, how many tears, hot and flammable!
My land, tell me what's wrong with you?
You have often seen human grief
You bloomed for us for millions of years
But have you experienced at least once
Such a shame and barbarism?
My country, enemies threaten you
But raise the banner of great truth higher
Wash his land with bloody tears
And let its rays pierce
Let them destroy mercilessly
Those barbarians, those savages
That the blood of children is swallowed greedily,
The blood of our mothers ...

2nd host: There was no equal to the Soviet person in stamina, courage, skill.

3rd host: It was these people who turned the tide of the war not only in their own direction, but also in favor of the allies and brought victory to the countries of Europe, thereby changing the entire course of world history.

Against the background of the song "At anonymous height" presentation of the 8th "B" class.

Reader 9.

Let's go to the death battle with the enemies
Her eagles, her sons.
Mother has been waiting for them for years:
Perhaps everyone will come from the war ...
Asleep at Mamaev Kurgan,
At Stalingrad, one son,
The other is in the middle of the sea-ocean,
Among the gloomy Baltic depths.
And the youngest at the Danube:
Medals indicate that ...
And the mother believes everything, waiting
That the children will return to the house.
Sits motionless by the road
With a frozen stone face ...
Or maybe this is a strict profile
Is it carved on the stone with a chisel? ( L. Zabashta. "Mother").

On the background of the song "Cranes" presentation of the 7th "B" class.

Reader 10.

When fireworks thundered from edge to edge.
Soldiers, you gave the planet
Great May, victorious May.
Even then we were not in the world,
When in a war storm of fire
Deciding destiny for future centuries,
You fought, a sacred battle.
Even then we were not in the world,
When you came home with victory,
May soldiers, glory to you forever
From the whole earth, from the whole earth.

On the background of the song "May Waltz", the presentation of the 7 "B" class pupils.

Reader 11.

The war ended long ago

And on the chest of their order
Burn like memorable dates, –
For Brest, Moscow, for Stalingrad
And for the blockade of Leningrad,
For Kerch, Odessa and Belgrade,
For all the shell fragments.
And at night you still
The battles near the Bug are dreaming somewhere,
And the "messengers" scribble point-blank,
And you cannot rise from the hollow.
The lieutenant calls to attack,
But then he falls, struck down ...
And at home they will wait a long time
But they will only wait for the funeral.
On the same day and hour
You are in a hurry to meet your friends,
But every year there are fewer of you,
And you will forgive us for this,
That they could not save you
Didn't heal your wounds.
And here at the place of these meetings
The grandchildren of the veterans arrive.
The war ended long ago.
Soldiers came from the war long ago.
And on the chest of their order
Burn like memorable dates.
To all of you who endured that war -
In the rear or on the battlefields, -
Brought a victorious spring, -
Bow and memory of generations.

1st host: We, the young generation of Russia, will always remember the heroic deeds of our people during the Great Patriotic War.

2nd host: Let the names of the heroes who gave their lives for our future remain forever in our hearts.

3rd host: We will never forget those who, not sparing their lives, won freedom and happiness for future generations.

Reader 12.

I am one of those who have not seen the war
But she scorched me too ...
And again in the middle of silence
I am standing at a soldier's grave.
Time has stood still ... Granite will freeze ...
There comes a moment of silence.
And the fire speaks to me -
Voice of memory ... Voice of sorrow ...

Reader 13.

“This flame is our destiny.
Our songs and youth are gray.
There are ears of bread above the ground
Cranes fly over the ground ... "
Names ... Names ... Names ...
All who have gone into the sacred flame.
But the war is still overtaking
Veterans who stayed with us.

Reader 12.

The flame is beating ... And the sky is ringing ...
And in the honor guard
Those boys they are
Once protected from a bullet.
See what kind of eyes
Soldiers of my generation.
And a thunderstorm flew to them -
It is a memory touch.

Reader 13.

It is in them that life continues
Those who fell into crimson dew
Those who lie in the epic field
And over whom the birches bent.
Look at the Eternal Flame -
He is in the hearts of the restless and young.
Eternal feat - eternal pain.
And the singed strings are ringing ...
Memory! We are faithful to her forever. (Elena Senyavskaya).

Readers read an excerpt from R. Rozhdestvensky's Requiem.

13th Reader.

Through the centuries, through the years - remember!

14th Reader.

About those who will never come again -

15th Reader.

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Eternally worthy!

13th Reader.

As long as hearts are pounding, remember!

14th Reader.

At what price happiness was won, -
Please remember!

15th Reader.

Tell your children about them,
to remember!

13th Reader.

Tell the children of children about them,
to be remembered too!

The song "Victory Day" by D. Tukhmanov sounds, presentation of the 7th "A" class.

Literary and musical composition "Touching the Heart to the Feat"

Musical composition A. Orlov "Domes of Russia"

Lena F: The pages of the history of our Motherland are filled with courage.

Kolya I: And the highest peak of this courage was BOB

Lena F: This war, the most popular and truly the most sacred of all wars on Earth, will forever remain a great lesson in human courage.

Kolya I: Of course, historians can meticulously calculate the number of divisions that took part in one or another battle, the number of villages burned, cities destroyed ...

Lena F: But they cannot tell how the 7-year-old felt, in front of whom she blew up her sister and brother with a bomb.

Kolya I: What was a 10-year-old boy in besieged Leningrad thinking about, boiling a leather boot in water, looking at the corpses of his relatives.

Lena F: They can tell about it themselves.

Kolya I: Those who saw this war

Lena F: Those who survived that war

Kolya I: Those who are still alive

Lena F: Those 70 years ago were not yet sixteen

Kolya I: Those whose childhood was scorched by the fire of Vov are dedicated

Elya Sh:

I put on my first adult dress,

The first shoes with heels.

Oh, I wanted to dance this waltz so much!

Beads and ribbons, hand in hand!

A waltz sounds. Couples of graduates are dancing on the stage, the girl and the guy in the center are the main characters. (slide - June 21, 1941, graduation ball.)

June morning on the screen (music from the song "Kisses Bridge" sounds)

June ... the sunset was falling

And the sea overflowed on a white night.

And the ringing laughter of the guys was heard,

Not knowing, not knowing grief.

June ... Then we did not know yet,

Walking from school evenings,

That tomorrow will be the first day of war

And it will end only in the 45th, in May ...

Igor S:

The prom ball whirled us with you ...

Here is the dawn in the window opening!

Elya Sh:

No, not dawn, this is the glow of battle!

This is June - 22nd

Year 41 - war!

Everything breathed such silence,

That the whole earth was still asleep, it seemed

Who knew that between peace and war

Only 5 minutes left!

The growing drone of aircraft, explosions, shooting. Graduates get scared, run away, 1 young man remains on the stage. Boys change into uniforms.

The song "Sacred War". (Verse 1)

Leva M is already in shape:

We had a premonition of blaze

Of this tragic day

He came. Here my life,

Homeland! Take them from me!

I love you with a new love

Bitter, forgiving, alive

My homeland is in a crown of thorns,

With a dark rainbow overhead.

But our hour has come, and what does it mean

Only you and I have been given to know.

I love you - and I cannot do otherwise

You and I are still one.

Zhenya K:

Ah, war, what have you done, mean:

Our courtyards have become quiet,

Our boys raised their heads -

They have matured for the time being,

On the threshold they barely loomed

And they went after the soldier - the soldier ...

Goodbye boys!

Boys, try to get back nazal!

Couples say goodbye, girls hold them, boys step aside.

Lena F: Yes, they did not expect, yes, they were not ready. But already on June 22, death claimed the lives of people, already on June 22.

Karina in the guise of death:

The earth exploded from the shell

You didn't know this was war

And I already walked next to you

And looked around.

Death drove on a broken cart

And bloody mud interfered.

It was still far from the snow

It was June, but it chilled you.

You are children, still boys

But you are already on my list!

Death does not look at the age of the soldier

Does not look at valor and honor!

(girls leave, change into a sanitary uniform).

Denis M : To reach you, forty-fifth,

Through hardship, pain and trouble,

The guys left childhood

In the forty-first terrible year.

Elya Sh : The war unceremoniously invaded the peaceful life of the people. Heroic and tragic times simultaneously minted their characters.Many of them found themselves in the circumstances of a choice between life and death.

Verse Children of War:

Kolya I: The torn bear consoled

The little girl in the mutilated hut:

Girl: “Don't cry, don't cry ... She herself was malnourished,

I left you half of the sugar ...

The shells flew and exploded

Black earth mixed with blood ...

There was a family, there was a house ... Now we stayed

All alone in the world - you and me ... "

Kolya I: And behind the village the grove was smoking,

Struck by monstrous fire

And Death flew around like an evil bird,

An unexpected misfortune came to the house ...

Girl: “You hear, Misha, I am strong, I don’t cry,

And they will give me a machine gun at the front.

I will avenge the tears I hide

For the fact that our pines are burning ... "

Kolya I: But in the silence the bullets whistled loudly,

An ominous reflection flashed through the window ...

And the girl ran out of the house:

Girl: "Oh, Mishka, Mishka, how scared me! .."

Kolya I: Silence. No voice is heard.

The country is celebrating the victory today ...

And how many of them, girls and boys,

Orphaned by a vile war?! ..

Denis : For four long years, 1418 days, the bloodiest and most terrible war was waged on our land. Those were years of hardship, grief, hunger, hard work, millions of lost lives.

Song "Legendary Sevastopol »

Elya Sh : Ruined cities and villages, scorched fields, shattered dreams and hopes of the Soviet people. At the same time, these were years of courage, selfless love for the Motherland.

Boy: Soldiers are missing

And the share of wives and mothers:

Familiar steps at the door.

Everyone has their own luck

Although they walked in the same ranks.

You would give them the Lord salvation -

Missing in action.

I gave them strength not to lose heart,

And do not suffer before death.

And didn't let the rumors be believed

That they can sell their homeland.

They left and did not return

But there is no funeral and no.

And they turned around in anticipation

Almost all seven decades.

Their life is just a moment for us,

But everyone knows, old and young,

That we owe a generation

All those who are missing.

Soldiers are missing

And the share of wives and mothers:

Wait, from dawn to dusk,

Familiar steps at the door.

Denis M : During the war, along with adults, children and teenagers fought against the fascist invaders. They became guardsmen of the front and rear: they were on duty on the roofs of houses, prevented an attack by enemy aircraft, helped build defensive lines, extinguished fires from incendiary bombs, provided medical assistance to the injured, helped workers forge weapons and produce ammunition. They became messengers and scouts, miners and military pilots. (slide - children of the war years).

Denis M: Child of the forties

Lena F: Mom, what is going on, tell me?

And why doesn't dad come?

Why left us

And didn't you have any bread and salt?

And why is there smoke in the sky?

Why are we looking at the stars?

You can't see them anyway ...

Denis M: But still the mother was silent.

Lena F: Oh, mom, why are you silent

And you don't yell at me?

After all, I'm again in stockings full of holes,

On my legs are sluggish.

Why is my brother sleeping

And doesn't say anything?

He did not get up for two days ...

Denis M: But my mother's voice was still silent.

Lena F: Ah, Mom, what is the noise?

And why is our house on fire?

Why is everyone running without looking back?

Why are we playing hide and seek?

Say a word, I beg you!

If you answer, I'll be silent right there.

I will not interfere with my brother ...

Denis M: But still the mother was silent.

Lena F: And that's what I want, Mom.

So that we eat on a roll,

A piece of sugar and tea

I miss my dad so far.

What if dad doesn't come?

Who will take me in his arms

Will he spin it so that it gets seasick? ..

But my mother was still silent ...

Denis M: The girl did not know what she had become

An orphan ... because the mother was silent ...

And it will not succeed again

Relatives feel love.

Elya Sh: Moving eastward, the Germans announced the so-called mobilization of the population to work in Germany. Whole echelons of teenagers were taken abroad. In July 1944 alone, more than 40 thousand children were taken to Germany.

The song "The Seagull"

Kolya I: It's hard to talk about the war. It is difficult, because it shakes to the depths of the soul, and hands reach at once to all the books and letters, and the pages seem not just squares of paper with imprinted typographic signs, but those sheets torn from school notebooks, those pages from Komsomol tickets, those boards of camp bunks and even rough bricks on which the heroes left their last wordsaddressed to those who will live.

Lead 1 : March 12, Liozno, 1943.

Dear kind papa!

I am writing you a letter from German bondage. When you, papa, read this letter, I will not be alive. And my request to you, father: punish the German bloodsuckers. This is the will of your dying daughter.

A few words about the mother. When you get back, don't look for mom. The Germans shot her. When they were asking for you

Daddy, I turned 15 today, and if you met me now, you wouldn't recognize your daughter. I became very thin, my eyes were hollow, my pigtails were shaved off, my hands dried up, like a rake. When I cough, blood comes out of my mouth. The dress is torn, in rags, a number on the neck, like a criminal. Nobody needs me. Here many people are not needed by anyone. Hungry roam, hunted by the shepherd dogs. Every day they are taken away and killed.

Yes, papa, and I am a slave to a German baron, I work for the German Charlene as a laundress, wash clothes, wash floors. I work a lot, but I eat twice a day in a trough with "Rose" and "Clara" - this is the name of the master's pigs. The baron ordered so. “Russ was and will be a pig,” he said. I live in a wood shed: I cannot enter the room.

Today I learned the news: the gentlemen are leaving for Germany with a large party of slaves and female slaves. Now they are taking me with them. No, I will not go to this thrice damned Germany. I decided it would be better to die on my own side than to be trampled into accursed German soil. Only death will save me from a cruel beating.

I don’t want to be tormented as a slave by the damned, cruel Germans who didn’t let me live! .. I will, papa: avenge my mother and me. Goodbye, good papa, I'm going to die. Katya Susanina. My heart believes: the letter will reach.

Denis M: A selection was made in Germany. Who is stronger - to the labor exchange, who is weak, the sick - to a concentration camp - for experiments.

On the screen, footage of victims from concentration camps to the music "Buchenwald alarm"

Elya Sh: The most ominous symbols of the brutal appearance of fascism have become the concentration camps. In Buchenwald, 56 thousand people were killed, in Dachau - 70 thousand people, in Mauthausen - more than 112 thousand, in Majdanek - the number of victims was about one and a half million people, in Auschwitz over 4 million people died.

Denis M: For 1418 days and nights fighting raged. 1418 days and nights were led by the Soviet people liberation war... The path to victory was long and difficult.

1 child : Are children born to die,


2 child : Did you want our death,


1 child : The flame hit the sky -

Do you remember,


Quietly said: "Get up to the rescue ..." -


2 child : We are from lead rods

Falling into the snow with a run

But - rose in growth

Voiced like Victory!

Together: As a continuation of the day

We walked hard and powerfully ...

1 child : You can kill me

Together: It's impossible to kill us!

Mother (Zhenya Ozh).

My boy, how long have I been waiting for you!

And suddenly I heard the call of Victory.

I've already collected everything on the table,

I'm waiting for you, but you're still not there.

All the dust flew off the bird cherry long ago.

My boy, where are you lost?

Our house is already full of friends and acquaintances,

You are the only one left.

Son (Leva M)

Mom, you know I'm to blame

I am guilty before you.

I was going to go back

And suddenly that last fight.

Fight after the war

But the Fritzes did not know this.

Everyone's nerves are bared

This is probably why I fell.

I died, mom, forgive me

Wait for me at the gate.

And if Varya asks me,

Say love is not a mistake.

Mother (Zhenya Ozh).

My boy, don't go, wait!

Let's take a different path.

Let the other die in that the last fight,

Let him leave his love.

Son (Leva M).

Oh, mother, another - because he is my brother,

He is also not guilty of anything.

Once I fell to fall in the last battle,

So I will carry my love away.

Forgive me mom!

TALKING WALLS about the already dead

A minute of silence.

Isakov N. 5b:

The boy has flowers in a little hand.

He will put this bouquet on the marble.

This baby cannot remember the war,

However, he cannot forget her either.

How to forget if the world was given

Those for whom he brought his bouquet.

The boy laid flowers at the mass grave

People who saved the planet from troubles.

For frolicking, for playing,

Peaceful dreams so that they can see.

For the children not to see the war,

The people of the earth are obliged to fight.

Elya Sh : On the difficult roads of the war, at the cost of millions of lives, victory was won, a victory over Nazi Germany, which enslaved half of the world, which considers itself a nation of masters. For some, the war ended there, on the battlefield, along with life, but for others it still lives in hearts and terrible nightmares.

Children with "Talking Walls" about the living.

Everlasting memory dead! Eternal glory to the living!

Kolya I: Thank you for everything, fathers and grandfathers!

Lena F : Those who took the enemy with a bayonet and a bullet!

Denis M: And to those who, bringing Victory Day closer,

For weeks he did not leave the shop.

ALL: Thank you for our happy holiday,

For this difficult and wonderful day!

Kolya I : Thank you veterans

Soldiers of the last war

For your severe wounds

For your disturbing dreams.

Musical composition "Thank you, our dear grandfathers" - chorus

The script of the literary and musical composition for May 9 "Faithful sons of the Fatherland!", For performers from grade 4 to grade 11 with a detailed description of the production.

Literary - musical composition

"Faithful sons of the Fatherland!"

Developed by: Alieva Elena Anatolievna, primary school teacher,

the first qualification category MBOU "Tuchkovskaya secondary school No. 1"

Ruzsky district of the Moscow region.

Eight readers in military uniform. The first four readers stand in the middle on the first line and symmetrically on the second. From the 5th to the 8th, there are two people on the third line along the edges. The whole composition is read against the background of music.

Musical introduction. "Holy War" (minus).

Reader 1... The warrior is entrusted with the most sacred thing that we have - the fighting efficiency of the Fatherland. History remembers many examples when the soldiers gave themselves without a trace in the name of the Motherland, went, if necessary, to death. The people of the world pay tribute to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, who liberated our Motherland and the countries of Europe from fascism. Living memory about the immortal feat of the rank and file during the war to bring to us the poems of poets.

Reader 2.Whirlwinds of fire whistled,

The sunset was painted with blood

And the rank and file rose

Behind the row - a row

Behind the row - a row ...

Reader 3... Keeping alignment with the banner

On his commander,

They walked boldly into the flames

And they left it.

Reader 4The battles thundered like thunderstorms

And went to death without further ado

Great Private Sailors,

Immortal Private Smirnov.

Reader 1Enemy malice was broken into dust

About their will and perseverance.

I met all of Europe after

Their liberators.

Music "Victory Day" (minus)

Reader 2.And they walked with a sovereign step,

Guards walked firmly,

Those are happy that over the Reichstag

The Banner was lifted up.

Reader 3... And they brought home Victory

Having pleased the Motherland,

So that her, like a baton,



Reader 4{!LANG-d08019872d008641ebfa131e36e4076b!}



Behind the row - a row ...


Reader 5.

{!LANG-326c706ed6015cae14a5cdd17580fba6!} {!LANG-f97d158d561bf3ab360aea7357329c20!}{!LANG-4a2f5b533411272b003dbb788250afa7!}

Reader 6.
















{!LANG-942f7abed521d6d8d9ba3eab90d589fe!}{!LANG-7327172beb33e4a362c8429b1cb36379!} {!LANG-436f35ff1eb2d9a1e2297aedebd016fb!}

Reader 9.

























{!LANG-4745cf54d5b9c5b28f11aab6062dd546!} {!LANG-5d80a6cc264cd9be4a87573aa0ad3905!}{!LANG-004d486ce0cdaa70354ae9bc28de8ee2!}






{!LANG-29a61f8bc819e572d694140d970349a6!} {!LANG-e253b799fd1d68bf33489fb8eed7d504!}



