When will there be a war in Russia May. Military events and political news

Mars & le scepter se trouuera conioint,
Dessous Cancer calamiteuse guerre:
Vn peu apres sera nouueau Riy oingt,
Qui par long temps pacifiera la terre.

Mars and the scepter will unite,
Under [constellation] Cancer disaster-carrying war.
Soon a new Ruler will be anointed for the kingdom,
Which will bring peace to the earth for a long time
(Century 6 quatrain 24)

Nostradamus cunningly encrypted everything here, but there is a master key for each lock ...

Scepter in the slang of astrologers they call Jupiter ... the researchers of quatrains thought so ... but there is one more nuance - Juno. And the astrological sign of Juno - sceptertopped with a star.

Mars and the scepter will unite - any astrologer would think that here we are talking about the conjunction of the planets (aspect), but this is just a conjunction in one sign!

Mars in the sign of Scorpio from May 25 to August 2, 2016, Juno in the sign of Scorpio from July 8 to November 6, 2016

About Ruler - No comments...

Mars esleue en son plus haut beffroy,
Fera retraire les Allobrox de France:
La gent Lombarde fera si grand effroy,
A ceux de l "Aigle comprised sous la Balance.

[When] Mars will be at its highest tower / house / peak,
Make the allobrogues leave France
Lombardians will be overwhelmed / terrified
Eagle inhabitants like Libra
(Century 5, quatrain 42)

Night abode Mars - sign Aries, daytime abode Mars - the sign of Scorpio.
Mars in Scorpio - from May 25 to August 2, 2016

Anagram allabrog \u003d alla og br - "Allah ak bar" \u003d "The Almighty is great" - the most important cry of Muslims \u003d allabrog \u003d allahakbarovtsy \u003d Muslims.

Lombardy \u003d The pawnshop is the USA, the state is the world loan office, which issues all countries printed money paper green candy wrappers (dollars) in exchange for real values: gold, jewelry, raw materials, food, machinery, equipment, etc. A typical example: buying gold for green bills - US dollars, and laying it in Fort Knox (USA).
Reference: Lombardy is a historical province in Italy, where in the old days - Lombard merchants were engaged in financial transactions for the issuance of cash loans secured by property, i.e. pawnshop - loan office for the issuance of cash loans secured by property.

A country Eagle like Libra \u003d Libra is for Russia, see 4.50; 4.68 and other quatrains, and the Eagle (two-headed, with a head similar to Libra, a mutant eagle) is the coat of arms of modern Russia.

When Mars is in Scorpio, Muslim aliens will be expelled from Christian France, and the World Lombard - the United States will inflict a terrible blow (lead to atomic horror) on Russia, the country of the Two-headed Eagle - i.e. like a Libra.
Note: we are waiting in the near future for another series of terrorist attacks in France, otherwise the French "do not itch" ...

We compare all of the above dates:

Under the constellation Cancer - from June 21 to July 22, 2016
Mars in Scorpio - from May 25 to August 2, 2016
Juno in Scorpio - from July 8 to November 6, 2016

At the intersection we get - from 8 July to 22 July 2016, give or take ... (the unfavorable period will last until the "red day of the calendar" ...)

There is still time before the start of this date-period - I hope that The rulers and politicians in the West will come to their senses !!!

Otherwise, the World Fire will start! The US attack on Russia (nuclear missile strike) - and Russia's retaliatory strike, as Nostradamus wrote.

The indirect and undiscovered invasion of the Anglo-Saxons into Russia is still in full swing. Moreover, let's be objective, not only to Russia. Leaving diplomats diplomatically, let's at least say in our kitchen what everyone already knows - practically all terrorist attacks, coups, wars and sudden epidemics like this all over the world are organized by “our Western partners” and, if you look at the consequences, only where and only when and where these force majeure events bring profit and strengthen the influence of the US State Department and the masters of the Federal Reserve System behind it - financial international transcorps.

The first thing that the Anglo-Saxons traditionally do when planning some kind of dirty trick is a priori to blame the intended victim for it. Today, when the media subordinate to them from each iron tell about the inevitable and obligatory invasion of Russia into the Baltic States, Ukraine and Poland, it is from them that one can guess where and how the Anglo-Saxons are going to arrange another war on european theater military operations, when, how and with what forces they are going to cross the border of the Russian Federation.

After the American, German and Polish, even the Canadian intelligence was lit up with the exposure of the "imminent Russian aggression":

“According to the Canadian Intelligence and Security Service, Russia in recent times began re-equipping its army on a huge scale. The conventional units of the armed forces are being modernized. The state is preparing for war, ”write analysts, whose opinion is quoted by Gazeta Wyborcza.

The report details possible military scenarios instead of the so-called hybrid war, which (allegedly S.V.) was conducted by Russia in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.

Canadians also argue that Russians have no desire to peacefully cooperate with Europe and North America... At the same time, they emphasize that the economic sanctions imposed on Moscow have so far not brought any result in the direction of change. russian politics in relation to the West, sums up the Polish edition.

At the same time, the question "What the hell of Russia is Poland and the Baltic states, deindustrialized and driven head over heels into debt?" considered indecent inappropriate and diligently ignored. That is, from the intended victim of aggression - Russia - they diligently mold the aggressor, which makes it possible to confidently assert that the accusers of Russia are preparing to attack it directly and openly as soon as favorable conditions arise for this.

At the same time, the Anglo-Saxons declared mobilization worldwide. It would seem, where is Poland, and where is Canada, but come on, not just intelligence, but also the leadership of NATO troops in Latvia is taken over by the Country of Maple Leaves, is deploying its troops directly on the border with the Russian Federation, that is, they are preparing for war against Russia and on Russian territory. The final solution to the Russian question (Barbarossa 2.0) moves from theory to practice.

The matter remained with favorable circumstances. Let's highlight the following:

1) Europe, as the main victim of the upcoming turmoil, must:
A) Be ready to fight with Russia for the happiness of the Anglo-Saxons to the last European
B) I agree to be robbed by the Anglo-Saxons to the bone, regardless of the outcome of hostilities

And Europe is doing its best to live up to these Anglo-Saxon expectations.

At the same time, the European elite is before our very eyes divided into two antagonistic camps, one of which - strictly pro-American - requires complete obedience to the transcorps from Finintern and patience, after which it promises to pay off Napoleonic and Hitler's bills for "chickens, milk, eggs" at the expense of Slavic "subhumans"

The second European camp, impressed by “Fuck EU” from Victoria Nuland and realizing that the Anglo-Saxons do not intend to share the loot not only with Russian, but also with European compradors, is trying, if not to cancel, then at least to slow down the slide of Europe into a new big war, but their voices are now in the suppressed minority, as a result of which the whole of Europe as a whole squeaks, chokes, but eats the anti-Russian Russophobic cactus.

The EU is a bureaucratic empire seeking expansion at the expense of neighboring territories. An empire that is so aggressive also because it does not have political independence - the EU is de facto occupied by the Americans. Therefore, the anti-Russian vector of Brussels' policy is consistent, growing in terms of goals and systemic. It resulted in the well-known Eastern Partnership campaign. No one even hid the fact that the main goal of the European Union is to tear everyone away from Russia.

Now, for the sake of their own survival, the Anglo-Saxons need to tear apart Russia itself. At the same time, however much the colonial government in the Russian Federation does not suit them anymore - Russian officials and oligarchs, even loyal to the finintern, turned out to be so gluttonous, and the economic situation in the "civilized world" itself is so awful that even the crumbs from the lord's table can be shared with the natives expensive. This means - only tin and trash, only hardcore and a complete transition of all natural resources into the hands of "real - true - Anglo-Saxon masters" with the complete utilization of the natives following the example of the American Indians.

The second favorable factor is within Russia itself.

Modern conquistadors are actively looking for the "Montezuma" they need in the Russian open spaces, and both a gross liberal and a leavened patriot will do the job, so long as he does not interfere, but helps to kindle the flames of war on the European continent, without noticing the overseas ears sticking out over the whole and every provocation, for every and every "unknown sniper", for any and every terrorist act of "some crazy loner" or an Islamic state, surprisingly fighting and committing terrorist attacks only there and only when it brings the greatest profit to financial geniuses from Wall -straight.

Analysts who simulate the military aggression of the West and Russia's ability to repel this aggression constantly make the same methodological mistake - assuming that there will be wall to wall, where only enemies are in front, and only ours behind ... But the Anglo-Saxons they never fight like that.

Their mechanized columns will go on the attack only if ... Remember how in June 1941 aviation in Belarus was disarmed and crowded at several airfields, the sights from the guns were removed and sent for verification, the command staff was recalled from their units for studies and various conferences ... And now, in all honesty on your heart, tell me, is that impossible today? Do you have full confidence that “Topols” and “Yars” will not be prevented from reaching the starting lines? That the space constellation and early warning system will not suddenly go blind? That the required order will be delivered on time and that everyone who has to carry it out?

I would have your confidence, gentlemen-comrade optimists. The G-Wagon show convinces me otherwise. And this show, and the rest, completely objective management indicators and indicators of managers convince that everything is not at all rosy, and the Anglo-Saxons constantly, consistently and persistently solve their main task - the formation of a multi-storey fifth column, which is the main and main favorable circumstance for another attempt to attack Russia.

From the behavior of the Anglo-Saxons, you can even guess how far they have advanced in this business and at what stage they are. Today the number of "friends" among russian elite allows them to lie with impunity and painlessly rude, but does not allow them to proceed with the redistribution of property. And if they rush, it will mean that they (from their point of view) have formed a critical mass of Judas in the corridors of power and army barracks, which will provide, as in 1991, surrender even without a battle ...

Well, the very rhetoric of the modern servants of the new Reich, the dynamics of rudeness and lies, the military preparations themselves indicate that they are on the finish line, before recruiting critical mass there are very few traitors left and do not intend to stop.

Why they will lose again is a topic for a separate article. In short - the Anglo-Saxons are again brought down by their linear logic, according to which where 2 + 2, there must be 4…. It works everywhere. But not in Russia. Russia never fell under this formula. Doesn't hit now. But the trouble lies elsewhere

In the person of the Anglo-Saxons, Russia (and the entire “non-civilized world)” has lost an equivalent intellectual partner capable of conducting a fully meaningful dialogue. ... today, in relations with them, the factor of brute, physical strength is increasingly coming to the fore. Alas, this is practically all that they still understand. And if so, as Big Brother said at the Chicago forum in 2015: "Europe has too much faith in its own and it will have to remember its cities on fire and corpses in crowded streets ..."

For reference:

“The United States has all its nuclear power concentrated in MEAT, on 14 Ohio SSBNs. These are 3.000 W76 warheads and 400 W88 warheads. Everything else is of no interest. When attempting a sudden disarming strike (and this is the only possible option), the main missile launch area is the traverse of the northeastern end of Novaya Zemlya and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Novosibirsk Islands, from where to Uzhur and other areas where our missile regiments are stationed no more than 3,000 km with a flight time of less than 15 minutes ...

Ice conditions allow strikes from mid-July to late September. The optimal time is the second half of August. "

By the way: Ivanov, then Minister of Defense, warned that the entry of the NATO fleet into the Kara Sea would be an act of war. And the Russian Aerospace Forces will inflict a preemptive nuclear strike on it.

In recent weeks, the intensity of shelling of Donbass along the line of "Putin's knee" has noticeably increased, and in this connection there have been suggestions that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are preparing for a large-scale offensive.

Both Kiev and the Kremlin would benefit from a "small victorious war."

Kiev - in order to regain confidence in the authorities, greatly undermined by the current economic situation in the country, and at the same time to distract the people from this very situation.

To the Kremlin - for the same, by and large. And also to cover up the situation in Syria, which leaves much to be desired and it is simply impossible to get out of it without good cover.

But that's in theory.

But in practice, the Kremlin gave up Donbass in favor of Europe, Swiss accounts, friendship with Merkel and other cellos, not in order to recapture it later.

And for Kiev, starting a large-scale war is too risky. This will be a clear violation of the Minsk agreements, and if the OSCE can still close its eyes to shelling along the "Putin line", then it will be simply impossible to ignore the large-scale offensive, it will have to open its eyes with all that it implies for Kiev's relations with the European Union. Let me remind you that it was Merkel and Oland who persuaded Poroshenko to sign the Minsk agreements, the failure of which is unlikely to be approved. In addition, there is a risk of driving the APU into the next boiler, and then what?

Although you can look at the situation from the other side and draw parallels with the 08.08.08 war, on the eve of which shootings also became more frequent, and Saakashvili decided to send troops to storm Tskhinvali just during the Olympics.

The Olympic Games in Rio will start one of these days.

Will the history of 2008 repeat itself, only this time in the Donbass?

The analogy is interesting, but the situation is still not the same as in South Ossetia in 2008.

First of all, Donbass is not South Ossetia... And the scale is different and the balance of forces is completely different. If the Georgian troops had multiple superiority over the Ossetian ones and without Russia's intervention Tskhinvali would have been taken in a matter of hours, then the Armed Forces of Ukraine will not be able to take Donetsk and Lugansk in a matter of hours, this is out of the question.

Therefore, Poroshenko will not be able to end the war in one "Olympic night" anyway. Under no circumstances.

The situation is also different in that Russia had to send troops to defend Tskhinval, which Saakashvili clearly did not count on for a number of reasons. And the terrain was not very helpful, and Putin was in Beijing, and in general, until 08/08/08, no one imagined that post-Soviet Russia was capable of such a throw.

But in Donbass everything is different. Putin does not need to leave any troops to defend Donetsk. You just don't need to. Because you don't need to. Gladiolus because. Ikhtamnet means.

In addition, it will turn out too "a blueprint" if Poroshenko repeats Saakashvili's maneuver one to one.

Let's not forget that Poroshenko is not a completely independent commander, to put it mildly. Behind Petya Waltzman are advisers from the United States (just like advisers from Russia are behind Zakharchenko) and Pan Poroshenko has no right to start a war without their agreement. He has no mandate to do this.

And the SBU is basically the Ukrainian branch of the CIA, as a result of which surprises from Poroshenko are practically excluded. In which case, Petya Valtsaman will simply be found choking on a cherry bone and cry over the body of "Ukraine's best chance", this is where his attempt to accept will end independent decision "across the stripes".

Maybe then Washington itself will sanction a decisive attack on Donbass?

This is theoretically possible.

Although I doubt that the Americans will go for such an explicit copying of history 08.08.08. Typically, Washington acts in a variety of ways, not repeating two scenarios as a blueprint. Moreover, the last time the operation ended not very successfully, let's say.

And most importantly, if Washington decides to initiate a large-scale offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Donbas in the coming days, it will drive the Kremlin into a corner. And once cornered, even a rat can bite. This is hardly what they want in the United States, and even on the eve of the elections.

Get a "bite" from someone caught in desperate situation Putin will be extremely disadvantageous for American democrats. This will undermine their position and increase the chances of a victory for Trump, who is in favor of negotiations with Russia.

But on the other hand, the pre-liberation situation of the American Democrats is already rather precarious, so they also need a "small victorious war", wherever. Although it will rather be Syria than Donbass. Because Donbass is not interesting for American voters, it dropped out of the American agenda for a long time.

The situation with the Minsk agreements reminds me of Khasavyurt lately.

Let me remind you that the first Chechen one ended with the signing of the Khasavyurt agreements, which ... were violated six months before the change of the Russian president. And the presidential elections themselves were held against the backdrop of - yes, the very "small victorious war."

Therefore, if the Minsk agreements repeat the fate of the Khasavyurt ones, then the "small victorious war" should begin either on the eve of the presidential elections in Ukraine, or on the eve of the presidential elections in Russia.

However, logically, there is still a year and a half before the presidential elections in Russia, even a little more. This means that by the elections russian President "small victorious war" if it starts, it will not be this, but next year. Unless, of course, the Kremlin decided to hold the elections a year earlier, which cannot be ruled out either.

But we must not forget that the "small victorious war" in Donbass may end for the Kremlin with a deterioration in relations with the West, which are already difficult. The only exception can be a war coordinated with the West itself, which in principle is also possible - for example, with the aim of dividing Ukraine "by the hands of Moscow", this may have its own meaning.

There may also be such an option that the breakdown of the Minsk agreements and the "small victorious war" will be timed to coincide with the presidential elections in Ukraine. But there are still two years before the presidential elections in Ukraine, which means the war is also premature. Unless the West decides to change Poroshenko ahead of schedule.

It has already been said about the "small victorious war" timed to coincide with the US presidential elections - if it happens, it will be more likely in Syria than in Donbass, because the fate of Donbass and even the whole of Ukraine does not worry the American voter so much that it could become decisive for the elections ...

But the most important thing is that the balance of power in Donbass is such that a "small victorious war" seems generally difficult to carry out.

Donbass has become a place of clashes between Russia and Anti-Russia, a place of a geopolitical rift, a place where the Russian and Ukrainian peoples clash with treachery and with each other.

The resumption of a large-scale war in Donbass does not promise anything small and victorious to anyone.

This is why the Minsk agreements were signed, that both mafia-kleptocratic post-Soviet clans - Russian and Ukrainian - faced great risks and losses, as well as pressure from Germany and France, which absolutely did not need a war on the doorstep of Europe.

It turned out to be more profitable for Kiev and the Kremlin to draw a "ceasefire line" across the Donbas and throw mines, shells, and accusations against each other over it. What they are doing to this day.

Therefore, the intensification of shelling may simply turn out to be "the exasperation of the truce," and not at all preparation for the offensive.

Although, unfortunately, nothing can be ruled out.

For and against a new war there are such strong factors that I personally do not undertake to determine which of them will outweigh.

I can just briefly list those and others.

For a new war in Donbass:

1. The need to divert public attention from the economic situation (this is true for both Kiev and the Kremlin).

2. The need to cover the exit from Syria (for the Kremlin).

3. The need for a victorious war on the eve of the presidential elections in Russia (most likely in a year, but possibly this year) or Ukraine (similarly).

4. Upcoming elections in the United States (it is unlikely that Washington needs a war in Donbass for this, but it cannot be ruled out).

6. The beginning of the Olympics, which may serve as a cover for the start of hostilities (although a too exact repetition of the events of 08.08.08 itself looks doubtful).

Against a new war in Donbass:

1. High risk of unfavorable development of events for either side, defeat will almost certainly lead to a change of power in the losing side.

2. Almost certainly a protracted unpopular war instead of a small and victorious one.

3. It is impossible to take Donetsk in one night, as planned with Tskhinvali (to the question of repeating the operation 08.08.08).

4. The Ukrainian Armed Forces will not go on the offensive without the sanction of Washington, no matter how much Kiev or the Kremlin would like. The VSN will not go on the offensive, all the more so - this is ruled out by the position taken by Russia in this conflict.

5. Washington is more interested in Syria than Donbass, so the most likely place of aggravation on the eve of the US elections is the Middle East, not Ukraine.

6. The Minsk agreements, implemented "with special cruelty", which allow Kiev and the Kremlin to constantly throw accusations, look more profitable than a protracted unpopular war with unpredictable consequences.

As can be seen from the above lists, it is almost impossible to determine what will play a decisive role. In any case, not at our level with you.

We do not know what they think about the future of Ukraine in Washington, whether they want to divide it or leave it in its current state of "fail state" for many years. We do not know whether the Kremlin will wait for 2018 or decide to hold the presidential elections ahead of schedule. We do not know whether Poroshenko will be kept until the end of his term or whether they will decide to replace him in advance. Or have already decided ...

Unless astrologers can tell if it will start in the coming weeks new war in Donbass.
But I'm not an astrologer.

One thing I know for sure - it does not depend on the opinion and desire of the residents of Donbass. Therefore, there is simply no such factor as the opinion of the Donetsk people in the above list. And this is probably the saddest thing in the current situation, almost sadder than a possible war.

After the attacks in Paris and Mali, many European leaders started talking about a new world war and the impending apocalypse.

Against the backdrop of statements by politicians, pastor Ricardo Salazar, who calls himself the new Nostradamus, made predictions about the near future of the planet.

According to the religious prophet, new catastrophes await the world: the fall of an asteroid, the third world war and the reign of the Antichrist.

He is so confident in his righteousness that he named specific dates of expected events - from the end of 2015 until the second coming of Christ. The latter, according to Salazar, will happen in 2023.

“The Lord is grieved by the shepherds and false prophets who lie in the church and pervert the gospel. He will punish those religious leaders who sought economic gain in their sermons, Salazar says in his video. “Many of these false prophets will die during the calamities I predicted. In their place will come others who honor God and His will. "

According to the predictions of the pastor, the following events await us:

  • By the end of 2015 or early 2016: Europe will close its borders to refugees, and then martial law will be introduced in other countries, including the United States.
  • February 2016: China will attack Japan.
  • April 2016: A star visible to the naked eye appears in the sky. It will burn brighter every night. Russia will confirm the approach of the asteroid.
  • from May 15 to May 17, 2016: At 2:20 am local time, a nine-kilometer asteroid will collapse off the coast of Puerto Rico. This will cause earthquakes and tsunamis around the world, which will destroy about 1.2 billion people in the first hours after the disaster.
  • After the disaster: Volcanoes around the world will begin to erupt. The sun will be covered with ash clouds, the greenhouse effect will melt part of the ice, which will cause flooding in many countries, including the United States, where California will disappear.
  • 16 June 2016: World War III will break out as the combined forces of Russia and China attack the weakened United States.
  • 25 october 2016: Alliance of Russia and China wins the third world war.
  • March 2017: The Chinese yen becomes the new global currency.
  • End of 2018 - beginning of 2019: Russia attacks Israel.
  • 2020 year: Antichrist arrives on Earth and rules the world.
  • 2023 year: The Second Coming of Christ and Salvation.

According to Express, Pastor Salazar, who is of Peruvian origin, now resides in Japan. A certified lawyer in the past, and now a preacher plans to build the largest Christian temple in the world.

According to him, two years ago God began to use the preacher as a channel for communication, since then Salazar began to transmit the predictions that came to him through "dreams, visions and voices."

Scientists and Internet users urge to treat these predictions calmly, as there were many false statements about the coming end of the world, but none of them came true.

Professor Gary Shogren said that Salazar had previously predicted that a 10.2 magnitude earthquake would occur between the United States and Japan on July 22, 2015, and a meteor shower would burn a third of the world's forests on August 22. The pastor then predicted a global panic on October 8 or 9 after an asteroid exploded over the Earth's surface.

“None of these predictions happened, so let's just hope he screwed up the rest of the predictions as well,” Shogren said.

In the last one and a half to two years, the world geopolitical situation has deteriorated significantly. Russia has worsened its relations with Ukraine, Georgia, the EU, the USA, Japan, Canada, Australia and other countries. The countries exchanged mutual sanctions. Also, the military confrontation between the United States and Russia has escalated and the normal relationship between Russia and Ukraine has practically been destroyed.

The United States is testing new types of weapons. The other day, a test was carried out of a new modernized atomic bomb... Perspective types of weapons are also constantly tested in Russia. NATO and Russian warplanes and ships occasionally clash and display hostile behavior. Against this background, Ukraine continues to passively-aggressively destroy the east of its own country. All this as a whole looks very alarming.


In general, people are afraid of two scenarios for the development of events. This is the war between Russia and Ukraine in 2016. Which is scary. But even worse is the possible war between Russia and the United States in 2016. However, both scenarios look almost unbelievable.

If in Ukraine the adequacy of the top leadership raises questions, then in Russia the main people in the country think soberly and will never allow war with Ukraine. Such a scenario could lead to a conflict with NATO countries.

The conflict between Russia and NATO is also very dangerous, given the fact that NATO member countries have nuclear weapons and a large number of powerful cruise missiles and other non-nuclear weapons. The war between Russia and the United States also frightens people extremely, because an exchange of nuclear strikes will lead to the fact that there will be no winners.

The United States is developing a strategy of a lightning strike, which provides for the rapid destruction of all the most important nodes of Russia's infrastructure, and the missile defense system (anti-missile defense) must protect against a retaliatory strike from Russia.

However, no one knows how the missile defense system will work against Russian missiles. In addition, promising hypersonic missiles are being developed in Russia, which are almost impossible to shoot down. Russia also has a nuclear triad - submarines with nuclear weapons, static nuclear mines, as well as air forces with nuclear weapons... Also, no one knows whether the Perimeter, Dead Hand system, a system of automatic retaliation on the part of Russia if a serious blow is struck, is now working. No US leader in his right mind would attack Russia. Rather, the United States is escalating the situation with its rhetoric, focusing on the domestic voter.

Recently, however, the United States named Russia one of the main threats to the world, and specifically in the United States. But it is obvious that Russia does not threaten the United States, Europe or anyone else.


Of course, there will be no large-scale war in Russia in 2016. You don't need to be a military anaitic or psychic to do this. Our country fought in the 20th century so that now the country's population could be twice as large as it is. And we still feel the demographic waves that remained with us after the 1st and 2nd world wars. And given that Russia spends astronomical sums of money to re-equip the army with the most modern technology, no one dares to attack us.