Florence Welch. Biography, personal life, personality traits, the singer's illness

Florence was born in London (London), in the family of Harvard professor Evelyn Welch and advertising specialist Nick Welch; in addition, Welch is the niece of the satirist Craig Brown through his mother. At school, Florence consistently demonstrated the highest class of study - although she often received comments for her constant singing. Later, Welch was diagnosed with movement coordination disorder and dyslexia; in addition, Florence suffered from insomnia and depression. After school, Welch entered the Camberwell College of Arts; for a long time, however, she did not study there, being carried away by music. Almost from the very beginning, rather dark themes dominated in her work; Florence's obsession with unforgiving fate and nightmares is partly caused by the slow and painful extinction of her grandfather and her grandmother's suicide.

The name of the group "Florence and the Machines" came from a long-standing internal joke - the "machine" was nicknamed the girlfriend and one of the first partners of Florence, Isabella Summers (Isabella Summers).

In 2007, Florence recorded several compositions with the group "Ashok"; later a whole album "Plans" was created from the recorded materials. Welch later became the band's official manager; however, quite quickly she realized that she had chosen a team that was not quite suitable for her and terminated the contract. The manager of "Florence and the Machine" was Mairead Nash - his singer literally captivated her with her lightness bordering on shamelessness.

The band released their debut album, "Lungs" on July 6, 2009; in the UK charts, it climbed to # 1, and in the European charts - to # 13. As of August 6, 2009, a total of 100,000 copies of this disc have been sold. On July 25, 2009, the album was released on the Web and for American music lovers; officially on sale in the United States, it appeared only on October 20th.

One of the album's most successful singles was the melody "Kiss with a Fist" - it even made it into the soundtracks of "Wild Child" and "Jennifer's Body" and the TV series "Save Grace" ("Saving Grace") The second single, "Dog Days Are Over" - recorded without the help of instruments in a studio "literally the size of a restroom", aroused no less enthusiasm among the audience.

On March 20, 2010, Welch revealed something about her second album in an interview with NME magazine. It was directed by producer Paul Epworth; Florence was inspired this time by scientific materials - which was all the easier to do given the fact that most of her relatives were either practicing doctors or were somehow connected with medicine. The first officially released recording of the album was "Strangeness and Charm"; Wells played her at The Olympia Theater in Dublin on May 2, 2010, during her regular tour. Florence claims that the new album will combine dance rhythms with a certain inner darkness and will be built around drum beats and heavy, strong bass.

In February 2011, Welch announced that work on the second album was ongoing and was about to lead to a logical finale; the actual studio recording Florence was going to start in the period from April to June 2011.

About creativity

  • When your heart is broken, you are at the peak of your creativity - you have to channel all your energy somewhere, just not to think about it. Satisfaction is a creativity killer, but don't worry - I can easily force myself to go into a state of dissatisfaction.
  • Many of my songs are about imaginary things that cannot be touched - these are ghosts and gossip, my late grandmother, and also dreams.
  • It always seemed to me that with each new song, you are trying to understand something about yourself: Why me? What is wrong with me? What's my way?
  • I think if I hadn't become a singer, I would probably be doing interior design or something similar. I like the mess, and I'm also a very greedy visual. I don't perceive dullness, I need things to be interesting ... maybe I'm just a frustrated designer stuck in a singing career?
  • I try to write texts that will not become outdated, so that they encourage thinking about things like death and love, sex and violence.
  • There is more enthusiasm and intuition in my performance than skill and mastery.


  • I dyed my hair red when I was 10 years old. And at 11 - in my Gothic period - I dyed myself black and was just like a witch. I built small altars with candles in my bedroom, cast some spells so that a boy from a parallel class would fall in love with me. I don't think he fell in love ...
  • My room looks like an antique shop full of weird stuff and junk. There is a huge sword there. And a stuffed bird, and a couple of birdcages. And a lot of newspaper clippings. I used to have a strange habit of collecting obituary titles. I am especially impressed by the stories about the drowned.
  • I am sick of everything Victorian, everything connected with the era of Jack the Ripper, with an ancient and bloody time inhabited by ghosts.
  • I think music should be scary. Music is exorcism.

About torment

  • When it all started, there was a lot of close attention - to me, to my past, to the color of my hair. I struggled for a long time to make the musical aspect more important than the personal aspect.
  • The release of the first album was painful. I was terribly scared, because everything was for the first time. The first experience of interaction with the media was simply paralyzing. I almost lost my mind - I cried all the time in our studio, sitting on the floor.
  • I like to sleep during the day. I have never been one of those people who can put their head on the pillow and sleep peacefully. Night is the time of the deepest fears, worries and anxiety. In the dark, I can wind myself up so that my imagination will lead me to the most hopeless corners of consciousness.

About performances

  • I like to give concerts in the open air, because the heavens are open to you, and nature also becomes a part of the show. Wind, rain, lightning ... they seem to challenge you.
  • I like to see people from the stage who have their own performance during my songs.
  • The stage is the place where I can be myself. A place where no one is judged. Although at the same time you are speaking in front of people who are ready to judge you.
  • I'm scared that I might stun people by performing in a small room.

About fans

  • I am very flattered when I see people from the stage who are confused and dressed in my style.
  • I feel a huge responsibility towards the fans who paid to see me. I want to give them as good a show as I can.
  • I actually have incredible fans - so dedicated and they wish me happy birthday and Christmas. I receive parcels with poems and pictures on the theme of my songs. They call it “Floetry”.

Florence Welch is an English performer, the constant lead singer of Florence and the Machine. The name of the musical group is often attributed to the singer as a stage name. We learn about how the girl followed her dream of becoming a world famous performer from our article.


Florence Welch was born on August 28, 1986 in London (England). The girl spent all her childhood in the south of London, in Camberwell. Besides Florence, the Welch family had two younger children. It should be noted that the girl's mother was Evelyn Welch, a Renaissance specialist and professor at Queen Mary College, London. My father worked in the advertising field. He also founded one of the American marketing companies that released the well-known video about the Aero air bar.

It is also noteworthy that Father Florence himself was once fond of music. The head of the Welch family admitted that, unlike his star daughter, he did not succeed in realizing himself in the world of show business. Nevertheless, in his city he was a famous rock and roll player. In his youth, Nick took part in the squatting movement and communicated with Joe Strummer.

Perhaps, the father influenced his daughter's career to some extent, because from early childhood he listened to the Ramones with her. Mother, in turn, insisted that little Florence listen to her lectures on the Renaissance.

When the girl was 14 years old, her parents separated. At the moment, everyone has their own family, but good communication between the former spouses has not stopped.

Carier start

Florence Welch began her music studies at the age of 11. During one of her private school classes, she meets members of a local jazz group called Ashok. After receiving an offer to participate in the team, Florence Welch agrees. As it turned out later, the girl never liked to perform other people's songs, which is why she soon left the band.

At the age of 18, Florence entered the Camberwell College of Art. During her studies, the young performer becomes a member of the Team Perfect and The Fat Kid groups. But even in these groups, the girl does not find herself.

In 2007, Florence Welch meets Mired Nash, who later becomes her manager. Since that time, the girl has been looking for a musical partner for the young singer. Johnny Borell was considered the first for this role, but nothing came of the joint project.

Everything fell into place when Mired introduced Florence to Isabella Summers, known as "The Machine." This is how the name Florence and the Machine was born to the musical project.

Florence and the machine

Florence Welch and Isabella immediately get to work and release two songs called Dog Days Are Over and Between Two Lungs. The duo find producer James Ford and record 4 more songs. After that, the career of the girls is rapidly gaining momentum. So, in 2008, the radio began to play the song You’ve Got the Love, Kiss with a Fist, Rabbit Heart, Dog Days are Over.

Released albums

In 2009, the band released an album called Langs and immediately took second place in the UK album chart after Michael Jackson. It is worth saying that this collection received the Brit Award for Best Album of the Year.

Florence Welch, whose songs are listened to by millions, reacted quite calmly to such a breakthrough, saying only that she wanted the same triumph for the second album.

In 2012, the DVD Florence and the Machine titled MTV Unplugged followed, featuring a duet with Josh Homme. The composition immediately took the leading position in the British charts.

In 2015, another album, Florence and the Machine, was released. The album received 5 nominations for and was shortlisted for the Mercury Prize.

In 2016, singer Florence Welch (What the water gave me was also a hit with Florence and the Machine) recorded the title track for Final Fantasy XV.

The singer's "oddities"

The performer claims that from early childhood she began to communicate with ghosts. So, at the age of 10, she dreamed of werewolves and vampires. Therefore, the girl preferred to sleep with her sister Grace. The singer notes that she does not have extrasensory abilities, but because of her visions, she constantly experiences sleep problems. “My house is full of ghosts. Sometimes it is very difficult for me to be there. "

It is also noteworthy that it was very difficult to descend the stairs at the Florence award ceremony. This was noticed by everyone who was present in the hall.

Regarding what is happening in the press, there were reports that the singer was sick with dyspraxia and dyslexia (difficulties in assessing space). According to one eyewitness, Florence literally walked through the glass door, inflicting multiple cuts on herself. By the way, the singer denies her illness in an interview.

Florence Welch. Personal life

Earlier it became known that Florence Welch is dating guitarist Felix White. This was reported by a trusted source in a British newspaper. It should be noted that the musicians have known each other since early childhood. That is why they get along well with each other. As mutual friends of the couple said, Felix constantly supported Florence in her career exploits.

Unfortunately, at the moment the couple broke up, and the singer is again in an active search. So, recently Florence was spotted at one of the parties with Sean Penn. The paparazzi captured the couple happy and smiling. We do not know where this relationship will lead, but the photo clearly shows that together they feel pretty good.

Recall that Florence has already been burned twice in love. She recently parted ways with literary editor Stuart Hammand after a 3-year relationship. After that, the girl started a short-term romance with the actor