Novoselova. Scientific approach S.L. Novoselova Krachkovskaya Natalia Leonidovna

(1933-02-04 )

Svetlana Leonidovna Novosyolova (1933-2005) - Soviet psychologist, doctor of psychological sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (since 1996; department preschool education and children's creativity), a member of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSD), vice-president of the Russian International Organization for Preschool Education, full member of the Academy of Creative Pedagogy (since 1996) and the Academy of Inventions (since 1997).

Her maternal grandfather, V.G. Margaritov, was from a priestly Cossack Don family. He was educated in Grenoble (France), where he and his future chosen one A.D. Grigorieva studied at the university. Later they taught French in Russia: V.G. Margaritov, teaching in Volsk and Irkutsk cadet corps, rose to the rank of collegiate counselor.

According to her recollections, her interest in natural history Novoselova was obliged to another grandfather: Fedor Ivanovich Bocharov, who graduated in 1908 from the Department of Natural Sciences of Kharkov University, where he studied paleontology and geography under the guidance of Professor A. N. Krasnov.

In 1947, the family moved to Moscow, to house number 13 on Tchaikovsky Street (Novinsky Boulevard).

In the ninth grade, in the Moscow school where Novoselova studied, a new subject appeared - psychology, which was taught by a graduate student from the Psychological Institute - Elena Mikhailovna Kudryavtseva. She recommended an inquisitive student, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Lodygina-Kots, who led a circle of schoolchildren, students and adults in the Darwin Museum who were interested in animal behavior and the origin of the psyche. So, while still a schoolgirl, S. L. Novoselova began her research on the intelligence of monkeys.

After graduating from the Department of Psychology of the Philosophical Faculty of Moscow University in 1956, she, while working as a junior researcher in the experimental laboratory of S. N. Braines at the Institute of Psychiatry of the USSR Ministry of Health, investigated the features of the intelligence of great apes (1956-1960); in the experiment of Braines and Novoselova, the ability of monkeys to mentally "complete" the missing elements of the situation was proved and to act on the basis of these "constructions". Then she continued to work on the problem of the prehistory of human intelligence, studied thinking, object and play activities of children of early and preschool age as a junior researcher (1960-1968) at the Research Institute of Preschool Education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, the director of which was A. V. Zaporozhets. After defending her candidate's dissertation in 1968, she was a senior research fellow at the institute for 30 years (1968-1998). For a number of years she read at the Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov, Moscow State Pedagogical University and other universities of Moscow, lectures on the problems of zoopsychology, genetically early forms of thinking, psychology of the development of play activity. Doctor of Psychology since 2002 - dissertation "Genetically early forms of thinking".

  • Development of thinking at an early age. - M., 1977;
  • Developing subject environment of childhood. - M., 1996;
  • The computer world of the preschooler. - M., 1997 (co-author);
  • Intellectual basis for the development of the activity of primates. - M .; Voronezh, 2000;
  • Genetically early forms of thinking. - M .; Voronezh, 2001.

Among the scientific and methodological publications of S.L. Novoselov, the author of the books:

  • Preschooler game. - M., 1989;
  • Parents about children's games and toys: Psychologist's advice. - M., 1992;
  • System "Module-game". - M., 1999;
  • Play in the development of the child. - M., 2000.

Notes (edit)


  • In memory of Svetlana Leonidovna Novosyolova // Personal development... - 2005. - No. 3. - S. 247-248.
  • Novoselova S.L. Development scientific interests (unfinished autobiography) // Personal development... - 2005. - No. 4. - S. 163-177.
  • Obituary // Questions of psychology. - 2005.

(1933-2005) - Soviet psychologist, Doctor of Psychology, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (since 1996; Department of Preschool Education and Children's Creativity), Member of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSD), Vice President of the Russian International Organization for Preschool Education, Full Member The Academy of Creative Pedagogy (since 1996) and the Academy of Inventions (since 1997).

Svetlana Leonidovna Novosyolova
Date of Birth 4 february(1933-02-04 )
Place of Birth Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region, USSR
Date of death August 30(2005-08-30 ) (72 years old)
A place of death Moscow, USSR
The country
Scientific sphere Thinking (psychology)
Alma mater Lomonosov Moscow State University
Academic degree doctor of Psychology
scientific adviser Sokolov, Evgeny Nikolaevich

Her maternal grandfather, V.G. Margaritov, was from a priestly Cossack Don family. He was educated in Grenoble (France), where he and his future chosen one A.D. Grigorieva studied at the university. Later they taught French in Russia: V.G. Margaritov, teaching in the Volsk and Irkutsk cadet corps, rose to the rank of collegiate counselor.

According to her recollections, her interest in natural history Novoselova was obliged to another grandfather: Fedor Ivanovich Bocharov, who graduated in 1908 from the Department of Natural Sciences of Kharkov University, where he studied paleontology and geography under the guidance of Professor A. N. Krasnov.

In 1947, the family moved to Moscow, to house number 13 on Tchaikovsky Street (Novinsky Boulevard).

In the ninth grade at the Moscow school where Novoselova studied, a new subject appeared - psychology, which a graduate student from Elena Mikhailovna Kudryavtseva began to teach. She recommended an inquisitive student, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Lodygina-Kots, who led a circle of schoolchildren, students and adults in the Darwin Museum who were interested in animal behavior and the origin of the psyche. So, while still a schoolgirl, S. L. Novoselova began her research on the intelligence of monkeys.

After graduating in 1956 from the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University, she, working as a junior researcher in the experimental laboratory of S. N. Braines at, investigated the features of the intellect of great apes (1956-1960); in the experiment of Braines and Novoselova, the ability of monkeys to mentally "complete" the missing elements of the situation was proved and to act on the basis of these "constructions". Then she continued to work on the problem of the prehistory of human intelligence, investigated the thinking, object and play activity of children of early and preschool age as a junior researcher (1960-1968) at the Research Institute of Preschool Education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, the director of which was A.V. Zaporozhets. After defending her Ph.D. thesis in 1968, she was a senior researcher at the institute for 30 years (1968-1998). For a number of years she read at the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow State Pedagogical University and other universities of Moscow lectures on problems

04.02.1933 - 30.08.2005

Doctor of Psychology, Senior Researcher, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (Department of Preschool Education and Children's Creativity). Full member of the Academy of Creative Pedagogy and the Academy of Inventions, member of the council of the Moscow branch of the All-Russian Society of Psychologists, member of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSD). Vice-President of the Russian International Organization for Preschool Education, working under the auspices of UNESCO.

S.L. Novoselova is a laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

She was born on 02/04/1933 in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region. In 1947, she arrived in Moscow, where she immediately began attending lectures for schoolchildren at Moscow State University, at the Polytechnic Museum, and at art and science museums.

From the end of the ninth grade, she enters a circle for schoolchildren, students and adult specialists interested in animal behavior and the origin of the psyche at the Darwin Museum, which was headed by N.N. Ladygin-Cotes. After graduation, she entered the Faculty of Philosophy (Department of Psychology) Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, where her teachers were A.R. Luria, E.N. Sokolov, A.N. Leontiev.

After graduation, she worked as a teacher in high school (1956), then a junior researcher in the laboratory of the Institute of Psychiatry of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences under the leadership of S.N. Braines (1957-60); Laboratory of Experimental Cybernetics of the Institute of Surgery of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1960). Since 1960, she worked at the Research Institute of Preschool Education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, first as a research assistant, and later (since 1988) as the head of the laboratory of psychological and pedagogical problems of play organized by her. Since 1992, S. L. Novoselova was the head of the laboratory of play and the developing subject environment of the Center "Preschool Childhood" named after AV Zaporozhets, participated in the development of the concept of the basic program for the development of a preschool child "Istoki" and writing the program itself.

For a number of years, S.L. Novoselova read lecture courses "Zoopsychology and Comparative Psychology", "Evolutionary Psychology", "Genetically Early Forms of Thinking", "Psychology of the Development of Play Activity" at the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Institute Youth, at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at the Moscow Pedagogical state university (Moscow State Pedagogical University).

Svetlana Leonidovna defended her doctoral dissertation in 2002. In the book “Problems of Psychological Research. Index of 1,050 doctoral dissertations. 1935-2007 ”it is noted that S.L. Novoselova is the record holder among women who defended their dissertations in adulthood.

Main scientific results:

Development of questions of evolutionary psychology,

Development of the theory of pre-verbal generalizations, mechanisms of self-development of the child's activity,

- development of the psychology of the development of game activity,

- development of classification of games and toys,

- study of the problem of the universal and ethnic in the content of traditional games,

For the first time the problem was posed and the theory of the developing subject environment was developed; creation of variable design projects of this environment in educational institutions,

- development of the concept of informatization of the preschool level of education in the country.

13 Ph.D. theses were defended under the supervision of S.L. Novoselova. She regularly participated in international congresses and conferences. Has over 160 scientific works... A number of works by S.L. Novoselova were published in Germany, France, Yugoslavia, Spain, Hungary and Japan), were repeatedly published in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the USSR.


Novoselova S.L. Development of scientific interests (unfinished autobiography)

About protection doctoral dissertation S.L. Novoselova, Anccupov_Problemy_psihologicheskogo_issledovaniya.pdf


Svetlana Leonidovna Novoselova: Scientist. Teacher. Person. Vospominaniya.docx

Svetlana Leonidovna Novoselova(02/04/1933 - 08/30/2005) - a well-known Russian psychologist, Doctor of Psychology, a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, head of the laboratory of play and the developing subject environment of the Scientific Center "Preschool Childhood" named after V.I. A.V. Zaporozhets, member of the editorial board of the journal "Personal Development", Council of the Moscow Branch of the Russian Psychological Society, Academic Council of the State Darwin Museum, International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSD), Vice President of the Russian International Organization for Preschool Education, which has been working since 1989 under the auspices of UNESCO ...

S.L. Novoselova was born in the city of Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region on February 4, 1933. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy (Department of Psychology), Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov in 1956; Candidate of Psychological Sciences since 1968; Doctor of Psychology since 2002; Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences since 1996 (department of preschool education and children's creativity); full member of the Academy of Creative Pedagogy since 1996 and the Academy of Inventions since 1997.

Svetlana Novoselova took her first steps in science while still a schoolgirl. At a very young age, she began her research on the intelligence of monkeys under the guidance of the remarkable scientist-researcher and naturalist Nadezhda Nikolaevna Lodygina-Kots. Studying chimpanzees, Svetlana was ready to be with her subjects day and night. Involvement in research activity from a young age indicated that an unconditional scientist enters into science.

The official scientific activity S.L. Novoselova began working as a junior researcher in an experimental laboratory at the Institute of Psychiatry of the Academy of Medical Sciences, where she studied the features of the intelligence of great apes (1956-1960). Then she continued to work on the problem of the prehistory of human intelligence, investigated thinking, object and play activity of children of early and preschool age as a junior researcher (1960-1968), then a senior researcher (1968-1998) and head. laboratory (1988–1992) at the Research Institute of Preschool Education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. Since 1992, she was in charge of the laboratory of play and the developing subject environment of the Scientific Center "Preschool Childhood" named after V.I. A.V. Zaporozhets of the Moscow Department of Education. For a number of years she read at the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow State Pedagogical University and other universities in Moscow, lectures on the problems of zoopsychology, genetically early forms of thinking, psychology of the development of play activity.

The life path of Svetlana Leonidovna is inextricably linked with science. Her range of interests covered various scientific problems and applied issues. The main scientific achievements are associated with the development of issues of evolutionary psychology, the theory of pre-verbal generalizations, the mechanisms of self-development of the child's activity, the psychology of the development of play activity, the classification of games and toys, the problem of the universal and ethnic in the content of traditional games, the theory of a developing subject environment and the creation of variable design projects of this environment in educational institutions , development of the concept of informatization of the preschool level of education in the country.

S.L. Novoselova has published about 200 scientific works, including the monograph: Development of thinking at an early age. M., 1977; Developing subject environment of childhood. M., 1996; The computer world of the preschooler. M., 1997 (co-authored); Intellectual basis for the development of the activity of primates. M .; Voronezh, 2000; Genetically early forms of thinking. M .; Voronezh, 2001. Among the publications of the scientific and methodological nature of the book: The game of the preschooler. M., 1989 (author and editor); Parents about children's games and toys: Psychologist's advice. M., 1992; System "Module-game". M., 1999; Play in the development of the child. M., 2000. Co-author of the scientific concept and text of the basic program for the development of a preschool child "Origins" (1997).

Our friend, colleague, a real scientist, a deep and sympathetic person, an interested friend of our magazine, Svetlana Leonidovna Novoselova, has passed away.

We grieve and remember.

You are not a slave!
Closed educational course for children of the elite: "The true arrangement of the world."

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Date of Birth:
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Awards and prizes:

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Svetlana Leonidovna Novosyolova (1933-2005) - Soviet psychologist, Doctor of Psychology, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (since 1996; Department of Preschool Education and Children's Creativity), Member of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development (ISSD), Vice President of the Russian International Organization for Preschool Education, Full Member The Academy of Creative Pedagogy (since 1996) and the Academy of Inventions (since 1997).

Her maternal grandfather, V.G. Margaritov, was from a priestly Cossack Don family. He was educated in Grenoble (France), where he and his future chosen one A.D. Grigorieva studied at the university. Later they taught French in Russia: V.G. Margaritov, teaching in the Volsk and Irkutsk cadet corps, rose to the rank of collegiate counselor.

According to her recollections, her interest in natural history Novoselova was obliged to another grandfather: Fedor Ivanovich Bocharov, who graduated in 1908 from the Department of Natural Sciences of Kharkov University, where he studied paleontology and geography under the guidance of Professor A. N. Krasnov.

In 1947, the family moved to Moscow, to house number 13 on Tchaikovsky Street (Novinsky Boulevard).

In the ninth grade, in the Moscow school where Novoselova studied, a new subject appeared - psychology, which a graduate student from Elena Mikhailovna Kudryavtseva began to teach. She recommended an inquisitive student, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Lodygina-Kots, who led a circle of schoolchildren, students and adults in the Darwin Museum who were interested in animal behavior and the origin of the psyche. So, while still a schoolgirl, S. L. Novoselova began her research on the intelligence of monkeys.

After graduating in 1956 from the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University, she, working as a junior researcher in the experimental laboratory of S. N. Braines at, investigated the features of the intellect of great apes (1956-1960); in the experiment of Braines and Novoselova, the ability of monkeys to mentally "complete" the missing elements of the situation was proved and to act on the basis of these "constructions". Then she continued to work on the problem of the prehistory of human intelligence, investigated the thinking, object and play activities of children of early and preschool age as a junior researcher (1960-1968) at the Research Institute of Preschool Education of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, the director of which was A. V. Zaporozhets. After defending her candidate's dissertation in 1968, she was a senior research fellow at the institute for 30 years (1968-1998). For a number of years she read at the Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov, Moscow State Pedagogical University and other universities of Moscow, lectures on the problems of zoopsychology, genetically early forms of thinking, psychology of the development of play activity. Doctor of Psychology since 2002 - dissertation "Genetically early forms of thinking".

  • Development of thinking at an early age. - M., 1977;
  • Developing subject environment of childhood. - M., 1996;
  • The computer world of the preschooler. - M., 1997 (co-author);
  • Intellectual basis for the development of the activity of primates. - M .; Voronezh, 2000;
  • Genetically early forms of thinking. - M .; Voronezh, 2001.

Among the publications of a scientific and methodological nature:

  • Preschooler game. - M .: Pedagogy, 1989;
  • Parents about children's games and toys: Psychologist's advice. - M., 1992;
  • System "Module-game". - M., 1999;
  • Play in the development of the child. - M., 2000;
  • System "Game module". - M., 2004.

Write a review on the article "Novoselova, Svetlana Leonidovna"

Notes (edit)


  • In memory of Svetlana Leonidovna Novoselova // Personal Development. - 2005. - No. 3. - S. 247-248.
  • Novoselova S.L. Development of scientific interests (unfinished autobiography) // Personal development. - 2005. - No. 4. - S. 163-177.
  • // Questions of psychology. - 2005.


An excerpt characterizing Novoselova, Svetlana Leonidovna

Later, slightly moving away from the shock, Svetodar asked Marsila if she knew about what he saw. And when he heard a positive answer, his soul literally "sobbed" with tears of happiness - in this land, his mother, the Golden Mary, was really still alive! The very land of Occitania recreated this beautiful woman in itself - "revived" its Magdalene in stone ... It was a real creation of love ... Only nature was a loving architect.

Tears glistened in my eyes ... And I was not at all ashamed of it. I would give a lot to meet one of them alive! .. Especially Magdalena. What wondrous, ancient Magic burned in the soul of this amazing woman when she created her magical kingdom ?! The kingdom in which Knowledge and Understanding ruled, and the backbone of which was Love. Only not the love that the "holy" church shouted about, having worn out this wondrous word to the point that I did not want to hear it any longer, but that beautiful and pure, real and courageous, the only and amazing LOVE with whose name the powers were born ... and with whose name the ancient warriors rushed into battle ... with whose name was born new life... by whose name our world changed and became better ... This Love was carried by the Golden Mary. And it is to this Mary that I would like to bow ... For everything that she carried, for her pure, bright LIFE, for her courage and courage, and for Love.
But, unfortunately, it was impossible to do this ... She lived centuries ago. And I couldn't be the one who knew her. An incredibly deep, light sadness suddenly swept over my head, and bitter tears poured down ...
- Well, what are you, my friend! .. Other sorrows await you! - Sever exclaimed in surprise. - Please, calm down ...
He gently touched my hand and gradually the sadness disappeared. Only bitterness remained, as if I had lost something light and expensive ...
- You cannot relax ... War awaits you, Isidora.
- Tell me, Sever, was the teaching of the Cathars called the Teaching of Love because of the Magdalene?
- Here you are not quite right, Isidora. The uninitiated called him the Teaching of Love. For those who understood, it carried a completely different meaning. Listen to the sound of words, Isidora: love in French sounds - amor - isn't it? And now strip this word, separating the letter "a" from it ... It will turn out a'mor (a "mort) - without death ... This is the true meaning of the Magdalene's teachings - the Teaching of the Immortals. As I told you before - everything simply, Isidora, if you just look and listen correctly ... Well, and for those who do not hear - let it remain the Teaching of Love ... it is beautiful too, and there is still a bit of truth in this.
I stood completely dumbfounded. The Teaching of the Immortals! .. Daariya ... So, what was the teaching of Radomir and Magdalene! .. The North surprised me many times, but never before I felt so shocked! .. The Teaching of the Cathars attracted me with its powerful, magical power, and I could not forgive myself for not talking about this with the North before.
- Tell me, Sever, is there anything left of the Qatar records? Something must have survived? Even if not the Perfect ones themselves, then at least just disciples? I mean something about them real life and teaching?
- Unfortunately - no, Isidora. The Inquisition destroyed everything, everywhere. Her vassals, by order of the Pope, were even sent to other countries to destroy every manuscript, every remaining piece of birch bark that they could find ... We were looking for at least something, but we could not save anything.
- Well, what about the people themselves? Couldn't there be something left for people who would keep it through the centuries?
- I don’t know, Isidora ... I think, even if someone had a record, it was changed over time. After all, it is natural for a person to reshape everything in his own way ... And especially without understanding. So it is unlikely that anything has survived as it was. It's a pity ... True, we have preserved the diaries of Radomir and Magdalene, but that was before the creation of the katar. Although, I think, the teaching has not changed.
- Sorry, for my confused thoughts and questions, Sever. I see that I have lost a lot without coming to you. But still, I'm still alive. And while I'm breathing, I can still ask you, can't I? Can you tell me how Svetodar's life ended? Sorry to interrupt.
Sever smiled sincerely. He liked my impatience and my thirst to "have time" to find out. And he continued with pleasure.
After his return, Svetodar lived and taught in Occitania for only two years, Isidora. But these years became the most expensive and happiest years of his wandering life. His days, illuminated by the cheerful laughter of Beloyar, passed in his beloved Montsegur, surrounded by the Perfect ones, to whom Svetodar honestly and sincerely tried to convey what the distant Wanderer had taught him for many years.
They gathered in the Temple of the Sun, which increased tenfold by itself Living Force... And also protected them from unwanted "guests" when someone was going to secretly enter there, not wanting to appear openly.
The Temple of the Sun was called a tower specially built in Montsegur, which at certain times of the day let direct sunlight through the window, which made the Temple truly magical at that moment. And this tower also concentrated and strengthened energy, which for those working there at that moment eased the tension and did not require too much effort.