The act of Lydia Mikhailovna is a pedagogical crime or. "My attitude to the teacher's act (based on Rasputin's story" French Lessons ") (2)

Lydia Mikhailovna is a young teacher of French and classroom teacher the main character of the story. After the director witnessed the game between the teacher and the student for money, Lydia Mikhailovna had to leave school. Of course, one can agree with the director's opinion that the teacher's act is “... a crime. Deposition. Seduction. And more, more ... ”. But if you know that the teacher decided on this not for fun, but for the sake of saving the child's life, then her act looks completely different. It contains the desire to help the hungry

student to survive in the truest sense of the word. The desire to help a very capable student not sink to the bottom, not sink to a thief's life, but, on the contrary, help him to reveal his abilities.

The modest, poorly dressed, very capable boy aroused the sympathy of the teacher. And upon learning that he is half-starved, the young woman tries to help the boy. She tries in every possible way to help him, even sends him a package. And only when the student refuses everything, the teacher decides to go to the extreme - she tries to let the student earn money himself.

In my opinion, the deed is based on mercy. You can talk about him endlessly, or you can take and help a specific person, as the teacher did. And the result of her act is obvious - from the main character it turned out good mangrateful to his teacher.


- why did Lydia Mikhailovna decide to play trick with her student

- essay on the topic French lessons

- Why did Lidia Mikhailovna decide to play memes

- review French lessons Rasputin

- an essay on how I feel about the act of Lidia Mikhailovna

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Lydia Mikhailovna is a young French teacher and class teacher of the main character of the story. After the director witnessed the game between the teacher and the student for money, Lydia Mikhailovna had to leave school. Of course, one can agree with the director's opinion that the teacher's act is “... a crime. Deposition. Seduction. And more, more ... ". But if you know that the teacher decided on this not for fun, but for the sake of saving the child's life, then her act looks completely different. It contains a desire to help a hungry student survive in the truest sense of the word. The desire to help a very capable student not sink to the bottom, not sink to a thief's life, but, on the contrary, help him to reveal his abilities.

The modest, poorly dressed, very capable boy aroused the sympathy of the teacher. And upon learning that he is half-starved, the young woman tries to help the boy. She tries in every possible way to help him, even sends him a package. And only when the student refuses everything, the teacher decides to go to the extreme - she tries to let the student earn money himself.

In my opinion, the deed is based on mercy. You can talk about him endlessly, or you can take and help a specific person, as the teacher did. And the result of her action is obvious - the protagonist turned out to be a good person, grateful to his teacher.

An essay on the topic: WHAT LIES IN THE BASIS OF LIDIA MIKHAILOVNA'S ACT (V. G. Rasputin. "French lessons")

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Searched on this page:

  • why did Lydia Mikhailovna decide to play trick with her student
  • essay on the topic French lessons
  • Why did Lydia Mikhailovna decide to play memes
  • review French lessons Rasputin
  • an essay on how I feel about the act of Lidia Mikhailovna

Skripko Elena Valerievna
Position: teacher of Russian language and literature
Educational institution: MAOU SOSH №17
Locality: Krasnodar city
Material name: Open lesson in literature
Theme: "What the Heart Says ..." based on the work of V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons"
Date of publication: 23.03.2017
Section: secondary education

Topic: "What the heart says ..." The moral problematics of V.G.

Rasputin's "French Lessons".

The form: public lesson on literature in 6 a

To reveal spiritual values, moral laws by which they live

heroes of V. Rasputin;

Develop the ability to analyze a work of art,

communication skills of students, continue development work

culture of speech of students;

Encourage students to present the writer's point of view and

own judgments, contribute to the education of ethical standards

student relationships;

Correct social behavior when working in groups, memory,

attention, logical thinking.

Lesson type: combined.

During the classes.

Organization of the class.

Introductory speech of the teacher.


Rasputin. Before you is an exhibition of the writer's books. (At the stand, the works of V.G.

Rasputin: "Farewell to Mother", "Live and Remember", "Last Bow",

"Money for Mary" and others).

The writer is interested in those moments of human life when there is

the need to commit an act that is significant not so much for the life of another

person, how much for

himself, for the most important thing in himself - for the soul. Works

Rasputin is consonant with the words of the 18th century French writer Joseph Joubert:

“The mind can tell you what to avoid, and only the heart says,

what to do. " This statement will become an epigraph to the lesson, (Slide 1)

dedicated to the study of the story of V. G. Rasputin "French Lessons".

We open notebooks, write down the epigraph in the notebook. How do you understand

the words of a French writer?

Children's answers.

Our task in the lesson - on the example of the story "French Lessons"

find out what, according to Rasputin, should be avoided in life and what

you need to do it.

Topic: “What the heart says ... »We write it down in a notebook.

Let's start the lesson by checking the homework. You have been divided into groups.

First group assignment: tell about the childhood of the writer. (Klepach, Gvaramadze)

Irkutsk region in the village of Ust-Urda, located on the coast

Hangars. Childhood coincided with the war: the future writer went to first grade

in 1944. And although there was no fighting here, life was difficult, at times

After graduating from grade 4 in Atalanka, Rasputin wanted to continue his studies. But school, in

which was the fifth and subsequent grades, was 50 km from her native

villages. It was necessary to leave home, and alone. Learning was

difficult: hunger (his mother gave him bread and potatoes once a week,

but they were always in short supply), poverty, loneliness. However, he only studied

excellent. “What was left for me? - then I came here and I have another business

there was no…. I would hardly dare to go to school, stay with me

unlearned at least one lesson, ”the writer recalled.

Question to the class: what helped Rasputin get an education and go to

people? (his perseverance, determination)

The second group prepared a message about the hero's life in the regional center according to the plan:

Why did the boy, the hero of the story, end up in the regional center?

What was the hero's progress in school?

What was the boy's state of mind?

Oleg Dmitriev wrote a poem about one boy, but

there were thousands of them at that time (Slide 4)

Sits with a piece of bread and rubs a plate silently

But bread won't give out for a piece, won't lie

And here the plate glows, sparkles with white.

As if a miracle mirror, from one fairy tale

Another movement of the crust and float up from the bottom

Cold, hungry, last war

The semi-basement vault will emerge with a gentle flat

And a little boy with his palm outstretched

Closer and more unbearable in the coveted ring there

Huge eyes scream on a narrow face

Forget it, another time and a fairy tale is not the same

But still the plate is clean, the plate is empty.

Can this poem be correlated with the biography of the author and with our

Conclusion: So guys, from your answers we understood that the prototype of the main

the hero of the story is V.G. Rasputin. All the events that happened

with the hero, were in the life of the writer. Eleven-year-old hero for the first time by will

cut off from the family, he understands that he is entrusted with

hopes of the family and the whole village: after all, according to the unanimous opinion

villagers, called to be a "learned man". The hero is doing his best

overcoming hunger and homesickness so as not to let fellow countrymen down.

How did the hero's relationship with the guys around him develop?? (answers


For a long time, society has considered gambling as immoral

occupation. How do you understand the meaning of the word immoral? How are you

why is gambling an immoral activity? What emotions causes

a person who lost at cards or roulette? Does it cause such a feeling

the hero of Rasputin's story? What is the name of the opposite feeling

immorality? (moral)

What is morality? How do you understand the meaning of the word? (Slide 5)

Find the definition in the dictionary and compare with yours.

A moral or immoral act is committed by the hero when playing

Chiku? (Rasputin offers us a different perspective on gambling.

boy's play is the only possible way to survive. Hungry and

the constantly homesick village boy only got himself

ruble for milk. There was nothing immoral in his behavior,

bad. He did not offend anyone and did not take money by force, and indeed wealth

is it one ruble?)

The third group worked with the question: to whom is the story “Lessons

french "? (Slide 6)

Group 3 message. The story "French Lessons" is dedicated to Anastasia

Prokofievna Kopylova, mother of V.G. Rasputin's friend and famous

playwright Alexander Vampilov, who has worked at school all her life.

The story is based on the memory of a child's life. Lydia Mikhailovna -

valentin Grigorievich's teacher of French, his classroom

leader. She is named in the work by her name. This is Molokova

L.M .. Several years ago she lived in Saransk, taught in Mordovia

university. When this story was published in 1973, she immediately recognized

i found myself in it, found Valentina Grigorievich, met several times with

him. Lydia Mikhailovna is still alive today, she lives in Moscow.

Question to the class: why do you think the author dedicated the story to his (Slide

the teacher? What role did Lydia Mikhailovna play in the boy's life?

To answer this question, let us turn to the text of the work.

What did the main character remember the teacher? Find in the text


a portrait of Lydia Mikhailovna; what is special about it? (reading

descriptions of “Lydia Mikhailovna was then….”; “In her face there was

cruelty ... ")

What feelings did the boy evoke in Lydia Mikhailovna? (She belonged to

him with understanding and sympathy, appreciated his sense of purpose. In connection with

the teacher began to study with the hero in addition, expecting

feed him at home)

Why did Lydia Mikhailovna decide to send a parcel to the boy and why

the idea failed? (She wanted to help him, but she filled the package

“City” products and gave herself away. Pride would not let the boy

accept a gift)

Did the teacher manage to find a way to help the boy without infringing on him

pride? (She offered to play for money in the "wall").

Why did the main character consider it extremely indecent and immoral

accept money from Lydia Mikhailovna in the form of "handouts", but calmly

did you relate to the "chika" and the game of "measurements" with her? ( Main character considered

money won honestly, and money without

any effort on his part hurt his pride. Lydia Mikhailovna

easily revealed the reason for refusing the gift. And chose a different way

How do you feel about this act of the teacher?

Is it moral for her to decide to gamble with her own student?

(There was no other way to help the main character - he

did not sit down, did not accept gifts or money, but give him a job for those

it would have been even more immoral at times.)

Would it be moral to close our eyes to his hunger? Is it moral

would a professional position of neutrality be? (No, because in

in the first place it would be inhuman. May she not be brought up in

him of high morality, did not care about his moral education. Before

in all, Lydia Mikhailovna took care of him physical condition, About,

so that he at least can study normally without constantly thinking about hunger).

Teacher conclusion... Playing for money with her student, Lydia Mikhailovna, with

from the point of view of pedagogy, she committed an immoral act. "But what

hungry, post-war years malnourished, she tried to help him: under

by the kind of additional activities she invited home to feed,

sent a parcel, as if from a mother. But the boy refused everything. AND

the teacher decides to play with the student for money, playing along with him. It

goes to the deception, but is happy, because she succeeds. This is better than

moral heartlessness and professional neutrality.

How did the headmaster feel about playing with the student? What he accused Lydia of


Formally, he is right. But behind this lies immorality and lack

philanthropy, understanding the difficulties of a child's life, torn from


“The mind can tell you what to avoid, and only the heart says,

what to do. " How does this statement compare with the work of V.

G. Rasputin "French Lessons"?

"Reception plasticine hero"

Now, using plasticine, mold what characterizes the teacher as


- what do you think is better to be kind or better to be strict

If necessary modern teacher sense of humor? (for what)

Protecting your crafts.

V. Stage of reflection.

- Why do you think this story was created?

The outcome of the struggle between good and evil can only be decided by a kind person who

will lend a helping hand, show mercy and love, such a person

turned out to be a young teacher.

Man is a mystery. It must be solved. And if you solve it all

life, then do not say that you wasted time, you are engaged in this secret,

then you want to be human.

Good is the greatest secret on earth, remember this.

Why, Rasputin will answer this question. (slide 8)

Teacher conclusion... The most formidable judge of man is himself. Guided by

their life principles, ethical standardswe are all ours

actions are mostly unconsciously exposed detailed analysis and

assessment, reproaching and blaming myself for the wrong step. And it is this reproach of conscience

much more painful than the condemnation of society, namely a quiet, vile voice,

whispering: "Oh, how bad you did ... you shouldn't ..."

makes accusations far more dire than the cruellest


surrounding people. And before him you will not be justified. Because

morality at all times is assessed according to the same criterion:

how human the act was. And Lydia Mikhailovna has nothing

make excuses. She acted according to her conscience, as her heart wanted.

Homework... Write a mini - essay on the topic: "What should

to be a teacher to stay in the student's memory "

Reflection. What has today's lesson taught me? What did I understand in the lesson? what

got me thinking during the lesson?

Autobiography of Fomichev, Zozul, Negovor

The writing

In Valentin Rasputin's story, a French teacher committed an unusual act towards her student, who lived far from home. He went to fifth grade at forty-eight. He lived poorly, he did not have enough money for food. Most of all he needed milk, as he had dizziness due to anemia. To earn money for milk, he started gambling with high school students who beat him for winnings.
The student went to school willingly. He was good in all subjects, except French. Because of the pronunciation. The student had to go every day to the home of the French teacher Lydia Mikhailovna. She felt sorry for the hungry boy. And she tried to feed him after class. But he was proud and refused to eat, so he went there like torture. Then the teacher made another attempt to help the boy. Once, when he came to study, the teacher invited him to play for money in the "wall". He agreed. But later he noticed that the teacher played along with him. The game was losing its meaning. Once, attracted by a knock, the director came to find out what was the matter and found the teacher and the student playing for money. After this incident, Lydia Mikhailovna left.
I consider this act noble and selfless, because the teacher in various ways tried to help the talented boy and, so that no one would touch him, left school.

… .And in the middle of the January holidays the boy received a package. It contained pasta and three red apples. The boy guessed that it was from Lydia Mikhailovna.

Other compositions on this work

The moral choice of my peer in the works of V. Astafiev "Horse with a pink mane" and V. Rasputin "French Lessons". The moral choice of my peer in the stories of V. Astafiev and V. Rasputin Have you ever met a person who selflessly and unselfishly did good to people? Tell us about him and his deeds (based on the story of V. Rasputin "French Lessons") What did these French lessons become for the protagonist? (based on the story of the same name by V. Rasputin) School teacher in the image of V. Rasputin (based on the story of V. Rasputin "Lessons from French") Analysis of the work "French Lessons" by VG Rasputin My attitude to the teacher's act (based on Rasputin's story "French Lessons") The selfless goodness of the teacher in Rasputin's story "French Lessons" The meaning of the image of Lydia Mikhailovna The image of the teacher in the story by V. G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

Theme: "Education of feelings" in the story of V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

Goal: to reveal the spiritual world of the hero of the story; note the role of play in human life; show the originality of the teacher; designate moral issuesraised by the writer in the story.

During the classes

Teacher: Today in the lesson we will discuss three aspects of the story "French Lessons". First of all, let's dwell on the image of the main character, his state of mind; further we will talk about the "extraordinary person" - the teacher of French; Let us conclude the conversation about the story by discussing its main problems.

The main character in the story

Teacher: I suggest starting the conversation with a story about the hero. I would like to draw your attention to questions that will help you tell about the hero.

    Why did the boy end up in the regional center? (Tonya)

    What were the successes of the hero of the story in the regional center? (Tanya)

    What was the hero's state of mind? (Styopa)

    What made the boy play chica for money? (Raphael)

    How did the hero's relationship with the guys around him develop? (Lesha)

    What was the boy's attitude towards the teacher? (Anya)

Sample answers:

    "I studied well here too ... in all subjects, except French, I kept the A."

    “I felt so bad, so bitter and hateful! - worse than any disease. "

How do you understand the word "hateful"? Why does he compare his condition with illness?

    "Having received it (ruble) ... I bought a jar of milk at the bazaar."

The hero was not only alone in this regional center, he was tormented by hunger. Now imagine these two feelings together! It was 1948. There is hunger in the village, poverty is all around, but despite this, food is sent to him "quite often". How? "About once a week."

    "They beat me in turn ... there was no man that day ... more unhappy than me."

    "I was scared and lost ... she seemed to me an extraordinary person, not like everyone else."

Teacher: Throughout the story, we see a game, and not just a game, but a post-war game.

    What's so special about her?

    Why didn't the children play, for example, war?

    Why did you gamble?

    What do you think is play and what does it mean in the life of every person?

A game - an expression of the essence of human relations. In play, a person reveals himself, sometimes unexpectedly and almost always reveals himself.

    How did the hero of the story prove himself in the game?

    Why doesn't the hero have a name? After all, throughout the entire story, we do not hear him, no one calls him by name?

(Probably, this fifth-grader boy was Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin himself, who told us about his childhood in the story "French Lessons")

Teacher: I must agree with you. Listen to what V.G. Rasputin about the story: “... After more than 20 years I sat down at the table and began to remember what had once happened to me, a fifth-grade boy from a remote Siberian village. Rather, I began to write down what was never forgotten, what was constantly asking for people in me. I wrote this story in the hope that the lessons taught me in due time will fall on the soul of both a small and an adult writer. "

Conclusions: For the first time, an eleven-year-old boy, by the will of circumstances, was cut off from his family, pulled out of his usual environment. However, the little hero realizes that he is entrusted with the hopes of not only his relatives, but of the whole village: after all, in the unanimous opinion of his fellow villagers, he is called to be a “learned man”. The hero makes every effort, overcoming hunger and homesickness, so as not to let his fellow countrymen down.

Lidia Mikhailovna - "an extraordinary person"

Teacher:What did the boy remember the French teacher? Read the description of the portrait of Lydia Mikhailovna. What is particularly noted in it?

(“Lydia Mikhailovna was then probably twenty-five years old or so ...” and further in the text: “There was no cruelty in her face.”)

Teacher:What feelings did the boy evoke in Lydia Mikhailovna?

(Lydia Mikhailovna treated the boy with understanding and sympathy, she appreciated his dedication. In this regard, the teacher began to additionally study French with the hero, hoping to feed him at home.)

Teacher:Why didn't he sit down to eat with her? Do you understand his behavior?

Teacher:Why did the idea with the parcel fail?

(The teacher filled the parcel with “city” products and thereby gave herself away. Pride did not allow the boy to accept the “parcel”)

Teacher:Did the teacher manage to find a way to help the boy without infringing on his pride?

(She invited him to gamble at the wall.)

Teacher: Why did Lydia Mikhailovna send the second package?

(The package was a confirmation of Lydia Mikhailovna's good feelings for the boy and her confidence in her righteousness.)

Teacher: Is the hero right when he considers the teacher to be an extraordinary person?

(Lydia Mikhailovna is endowed with an extraordinary ability for compassion and kindness, for which she suffered, having lost her job.)

Conclusions: Lydia Mikhailovna takes a risky step, playing with a student for money, out of human compassion: the boy is extremely exhausted, and refuses to help. In addition, she considered remarkable abilities in her student and is ready to help them develop in any way.

"Education of feelings" in the story

Teacher:V.G. Rasputin once said: “The reader learns from books not life, but feelings. Literature, in my opinion, is above all the education of feelings. And above all kindness, purity, nobility. "

What are feelings?

(Feelings - emotions, "movements (excitement) of the soul"

IN everyday life talking about feelings of hunger, thirst, pain; pleasant and unpleasant; fatigue, illness and health; joy and sorrow, love and hate; horror, shame, fear, delight, compassion, i.e. almost all feelings are associated with the human soul.)

Teacher:What feelings does the story "French Lessons" bring up?

(Kindness, compassion)

Teacher:The writer conducts the education of feelings through the image of a teacher, although her game with a student for money is perceived very ambiguously. How can you evaluate the act of Lydia Mikhailovna? Express your opinion.

(On the one hand, this is not pedagogical; on the other hand, playing with a student for money was the only way to help him.)

Teacher:Why is the story titled "French Lessons"?

(French lessons, communication with Lydia Mikhailovna became life lessons for the hero, education of feelings.)

Teacher:What have you learned from these lessons?

(Participation, understanding of the people around, sensitivity, dedication and dedication.)

Conclusions:Playing for money between a teacher and her student, from the pedagogical point of view, is an immoral act. But what is behind this act? The writer asks. Seeing that the student (in the hungry post-war years) is malnourished, the French teacher, under the guise of additional classes, invites him to her home and tries to feed him. She sends him parcels as if from her mother. But the boy refuses everything. The teacher offers to play for money and, naturally, “loses” so that the boy can buy milk for these pennies. And she is happy that she succeeds in this deception.

Kindness is what attracts the heroes of the story. The hero discovers kindness and sympathy, understanding among the people around him.

Teacher:At the end of our today's lesson, I suggest you open the "Museum of the Hero" of the story "French Lessons".

Teacher:What items would you put in a museum?

Pasta (they talk about pride, the boy's self-esteem, which did not allow him to accept the parcel), a half-liter jar of milk (for which he had to play for money), notebooks (emphasize the hero's abilities in learning), coins (testing the hero by playing), apples (the teacher's kind attitude towards him), potatoes, bread (the hero's menu, hunger that he had to overcome).

Conclusions: All these subjects help us to better understand the character traits of the hero, speak of his difficult fate in post-war Russia.

Teacher:Our lesson has come to an end, and I want to tell you that a person's personality is formed in childhood, it is in childhood that its formation takes place and everything that a person absorbed in childhood determines him further destiny... If we look at the life of V.G. Rasputin, who had a hard time in childhood: he knows firsthand what hunger and longing for family are, but he was able to become a world-famous writer who was recognized during his lifetime (although many writers and poets gain fame and are valued after death). How did he do it?

First, he is a purposeful person, he knows what he wants from life.

Secondly, of course, the lessons he received in childhood, not only French lessons, but the lessons of kindness, mercy, compassion, sympathy, the lessons of "education of feelings" - all this determined his literary fate.

Your attention is invited to a poem by another famous poet Mark Sergeev, which is called "Life asked me"

I would like this poem to push you to the appropriate thoughts.

"What do you want?" - life of me


And I answered her: “I want everything:

heights that are not easy, like kindness,

forests that surround like doubt,

roads, sometimes leading nowhere,

palms that, when they meet, give

a heart".

Summing up, I would like to ask: What was the story "French Lessons" for you? What are you thinking about in today's lesson?

Homework: Composition-reasoning "What do you want?" - life asked me.