Esotericism how to change the past to improve the present. Desire to change the past: detailed analysis and valuable advice

There are only memories of him. Such a point is solipsism. Solipsists, if you do not go into details, explain the world around them through their own existence. This lamp is on because I think about it. The earth is flat because all scientists believe it. Of course, the documented past cannot be erased (this is the same as losing its adequacy). But small rough edges (an obsessive memory of a twenty-year-old exam or gossip that no longer makes sense) can be corrected. This is done through meditation exercises, relaxation techniques, or psychoanalysis sessions.

Magicians. These are people who can change the surrounding reality with the power of their minds. Whether it is true or not is difficult to verify. After changing the past, we are changing the present, but we cannot compare one past with another. The mind of the ordinary is designed in such a way that it cannot exist in two realities at once. But there is a magic school at the junction of magic and laughter therapy, which is called Simoron. In order to change the past, you have to climb onto the toilet and ... jump from it into another universe. Jumped? Excellent! From this moment begins new life.

Theoretical physicists. Each of them will be happy to explain what a wormhole is and how to use it. Nora is a kind of distortion of space and time, a tunnel through which you can get from Moscow-2011 to Paris-1734, fly into a parallel universe, or even get lost in the space between worlds. All of this is incredibly exciting and amazing. But it will be possible to turn to physicists for real help only when they understand such concepts as exotic matter and quantum gravity.

Sci-fi. It is worth reading them, if only because they have tested, probably, all possible plots related to a change in the past. For example, in the short story "And Thunder Came" by Ray Bradberry, a butterfly crushed in prehistoric times changes language and political views in the distant future. In the story "The Three Deaths of Ben Baxter" by Robert Sheckley, it is said that the range of possibilities is limited, but fate, fatality, predestination will still take its toll. Very interesting in this sense is the story of Isaac Asimov "The End of Eternity" about a secret organization that exists in Eternity - a kind of closed space with its own passage of time. The Organization changes the past and future of people living in Time. What is the result of trying to avoid difficulties, alleviate suffering, push and save? To the fact that a person loses his opportunities, his experience and chances for a happy future.

In order to change the past, the help of a psychotherapist is not required.

Mary and Robert Goulding Methodology "Expanding Perspectives"

They say that the past cannot be changed. The creators of the School of Resolving Mary and Robert Goulding don't think so. The past can change if you so desire. The secret is in your perception. And the methodology "Expanding perspectives", which has become a classic of Transactional Analysis (TA), will help to reveal it. It is also successfully used in Symboldrama, Gestalt and Psychodrama.

This technique allowsreturn to conflict situation of the past, in which you, for example, were unjustly accused, offended, punished, slandered, or you yourself took someone else's thing, played a trick on someone evil, causing suffering to another person.

The main feature that unites these "minor" situations from childhood is the emerging irritation and discomfort, as well as anger, sadness, fear, guilt - whenever you think about them.

The help of a psychotherapist is not required here. This exercise can be done independently. The main thing is to take it seriously, work through every detail from your past and let it go. Let a new joyful, happy, resourceful memory come to the vacant place. Ready? Let's start then.


Retire. Prepare a pen or pencil and a piece of paper.

Part 1. Fiasco

Think of a situation when you had a chance to experience what the Gouldings call "a trifling, terrible trauma." A bomb did not fall on your house, your mother did not threaten to commit suicide, no one beat you.But then you felt just awful, and the memory of this "nightmare" still lives in you.

Here are some examples:

  • At the concert, you forgot the end of the piano piece you were playing;
  • You got your pants wet in kindergarten;
  • You've been caught playing hospital games;
  • A neighbor's boy built a hut in a tree and invited everyone to play there except you;
  • Reading aloud in the lesson, you got lost, and everyone began to laugh at you;
  • Your teacher called you a fool.

Remember a similar situation that happened to you. You can close your eyes or leave them open. Imagine yourself in it and live it again as then. Do not hurry. Remember all the details. Stay with it.

How do you feel about reliving this situation?

In what words do you think of yourself and others?

If you want, write these phrases:

1. I feel _______________ (Insert just one word here. For example, anger, sadness, fear, shame, envy).

2. In one or two sentences, describe what you secretly think about yourself, and about other people, and about life in general in that situation:

He she They - __________________________________________________

I -___________________________________________________________

Life is ___________________________________________________

Those who decide on this experience notice that they had to endure the same confusion of feelings, an obscure threat, which they often experienced in distant childhood.

What you say about yourself, others and about life may be the very decision you made at that long time ago.And you still continue to live it. Maybe it's time to reconsider the decisions made at the age of six or eight?

Part 2. Victory

Now, if you want, you can relive this situation, but in a new way. Come out of it as a winner. It is not necessary to change others in it. If the teacher was cruel then, let her remain so. If your mother was acting stupid then, imagine her like that.

We often cannot get out of a painful situation, only because we are waiting for others to change. We want people to behave differently in that terrible situation for us. It is because of her that we cannot let go of the past. And if then you wet your pants, then you wet them. If you have stolen a piece of chalk, you have stolen it.

What can be changed here? Now you can change how you feel and think about this situation, revise your attitudes and perception of the past. You can also change your words and deeds after this "trivial-terrible" situation, once inflicted on you.

And this time you will win! Ready?

Mentally choose your ideal ally, a friend you can completely rely on. In this capacity, you can imagine whoever you want - the Pope, the President, the famous actor, the image of a superman or a perfect woman.

Choose someone who can help you emerge victorious from your situation. Having chosen such a partner, take him with you at that moment of your life. Let him help you win!

You can try to find something funny in your situation. Laughter is a great way to change everything!

You won?

Are you satisfied with what you have done?

If so, great!

If not, then maybe you are still waiting for changes in others?

Or have you chosen the wrong ally for yourself?

Choose another assistant, start over. And win!

Part 3. The helper is you

Analyze what qualities you have endowed your assistant, and try to give these qualities to yourself.

Return to your situation without an assistant, but with his qualities.

Become your own friend and support!

Go back to the past, and let you be the Winner now.

This will be your new decision!


Greetings to the Winners! How do you like the new experience?

Now that you have looked at the situation through the eyes of an adult, you will be able to accept the fact that exercises, techniques, techniques and real experience are different things. published

Who among us has not regretted the past? Who among us would not dream of changing some events in our life or, returning to the past, to act differently in this or that situation? In fact, it is possible, some scientists believe.

Scientists have long addressed this topic, considering multiple versions of a time machine and other ways of influencing the past.

Scientists agree that there are some difficulties with time travel, which are not yet possible to overcome.

In particular, the laws of physics prohibit travel to the past. By changing the course of events in the past, we would essentially change the present and the future. The most frequently cited example in this area is the “grandfather paradox”. If you travel back in time and kill your grandfather in infancy, he will never meet your grandmother. Your father will not be born. Accordingly, you too. This means that you cannot travel back in time to change it.

However, modern science is ready to expand the horizons of reality perception. Thanks to quantum physics today, many scholars are ready to view the relationship between the past and the future.

At the level of quantum particles, scientists have found confirmation of the so-called Wheeler's "delayed choice" experiment. In other words, it has been proven that at the level elementary particles actions taken in the present can influence the past.

Perhaps people are already doing this, simply without realizing that a time machine is not necessarily a device. Perhaps the time machine is a quantum effect that each of us is capable of.

Wheeler's experiment

Moreover, the Australian physicists who carried out this experiment claim that it proves the illusory nature of life.

“Our research proves that measurement is everything. On a quantum level, reality doesn't exist if you can't see it. ”- Study leader Andrew Truscott, a physicist from Australia national university in Canberra.

The essence of the experiment, first proposed by the American theoretical physicist John Wheeler in 1978, is to determine at what point an atom is determined to behave like a particle or a wave. It is now known in science as Wheeler's Delayed Choice Experiment.

In the experiment, the researchers trapped helium atoms in a "Bose-Einstein condensate" state, which allows quantum effects to be observed at the macroscopic level, and then removed all but one of the atoms.

This single atom was then passed between two laser beams, which acted in the same role as the fine mesh acts for light beams. Those. in the role of an uneven lattice.

Then a second such “mesh” was added to the path of the atom. This led to a distortion of the path of the atom, it went on both possible paths as a wave would. Thus, the atom took two different paths.

However, during the next experiment, the second “grid” was not added. And the atom chose only one possible way... Behaving not like a wave, but like a particle.

According to the researchers, the fact that the second “grid” was added after the atom crossed the first “crossroads” suggests that the atom was still undecided about its nature before being observed a second time.

Simply put, if you accept the fact that the atom took a certain path at the first crossroads, the experiment proves that future measurements can influence the past of the atom, explains study leader Andy Truscott.

“The atom did not travel between the conditional points A and B,” he explains. “Only after measurements at the final point of observation did it become clear whether the atom behaved like a wave, splitting in two directions, or like a particle, choosing one.”

New confirmation

A recent study by a group of Italian physicists showed that the experiment can be repeated even when the photon travels a considerable distance. In the course of their experiments, the photon traveled 3.5 thousand km and still chose the path according to the “delayed choice”.

According to the American scientific columnist Mike McRae, it is as if a horse ran 3,500 km and only then would decide which race it participates in and which route it runs.

Of course, photons are not humans or animals. And it is not yet clear whether objects of a larger scale can be in a state of quantum superposition. And it is not clear if more large objects also define your past by choosing an observer from the future.

Wheeler was convinced that our consciousness was somehow connected to the fabric of space-time. But modern science does not yet know how to prove or disprove this assumption.

The eyes of the beholder

Quantum physics actually remains “a thing in itself”, and its inconsistency with Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is one of the main problems of modern science. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon for research in other fields of science to be consistent with the achievements of quantum physics.

So, in the authoritative journal Annalen der Physik (the same one where Einstein published his most famous works) in the fall of 2016, the work of Dmitry Podolsky, a theoretical physicist from Harvard University, was published.

Podolsky claims that the “arrow of time” is directly related to the observer. Time itself does not exist, the physicist states. Time is only a characteristic that is related to the observer's ability to retain memories of the events he experienced.

In turn, it is precisely time that explains the fact that we (observers) do not see quantum effects at the macrolevel.

It would seem that if a quantum superposition (when a particle is simultaneously in two states) exists at the level of elementary particles, then it should also exist at the macrolevel. But that doesn't happen.

When we open the box with the cat in the famous Schrödinger's experiment, we recognize one of two things - the cat is either alive or dead.

In fact, playing the role of an observer in the system, we not only influence its existence, including in the past, but are also a part of it. Having made a “measurement”, we determine the “fate” of the cat and become a part of the reality in which the cat is either alive or dead.

The very appearance of the “arrow of time”, which points from the past to the future, is associated with our ability to preserve information about already experienced events, Podolsky points out.

Therefore, as soon as we make a certain “measurement” in the present, which affects the past, we remember the events in a certain sequence. And other versions of the past do not exist in our memory.

Retention of memories of the past is the only evidence that time “moves” forward, not backward.

And time itself does not play any role in any of the known laws of physics, states Podolsky. Not in Newton's laws, not in Einstein's equations. We nowhere see evidence of time “moving” forward.

In Einstein's theory of relativity, there is no assumption that there is some kind of "special" present. On the contrary, the theory of relativity claims that all moments are equally real, Podolsky asserts.

Thus, it is possible that we are constantly changing the past with our present actions, but we simply do not retain memories of it.

Each person may have a desire to change the past. Perhaps, if some circumstances had turned out differently, or, being at the crossroads of decision-making, we would have made a different choice, then life would be completely different.

Can the past be changed?

We want to change some actions or events that brought pain. It's hard to realize that the past cannot be changed. Powerlessness appears, but not everything is so hopeless. No matter how incredible and strange it may sound, the past is subject to us.

How can you really change the past?

It is very important to change your attitude towards events that happened before. These events will acquire a completely different meaning, and, therefore, the influence of these events on us will change. In principle, this is what we want to change the past for, because difficult memories of it very often interfere with fully living in the present.

There is a way to change the past to relieve pain, regret and sadness, and soothe suffering. It is necessary to change the attitude towards what has already happened. Yes, situations will not go anywhere from the past, but they can be simply turned into facts from life that were once, but which can no longer upset and hurt.

It is necessary to understand that we do not know how life would be if it were not for an event that we want to change in every possible way. Perhaps it was this situation that taught us something, or gave an impetus, becoming a real life lesson. Everything that happens to us has some definite meaning, and only time will help to realize it. No wonder they say: "There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped."

You can understand yourself and change your own attitude to the past, and, consequently, the past itself, if you let go of it, because it is known that someone who lives in the past cannot live a full life in the future.

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