Criteria for certification of educators for the first category. The procedure for attestation of teachers of organizations

To improve the quality of teaching, changes are made to the certification teaching staff in 2018. The level of professionalism of teachers and the need to improve their qualifications will be checked in the form of KIMs on the basis of a general federal objective assessment.

The President of the Russian Federation instructed to form a national system of teacher growth (NSDS), the task of which is to establish the level of professionalism of teachers through the results of certification. How to improve the quality of knowledge among students?

In the certification of teachers for the establishment of qualification categories, the latest changes in 2018-2019 academic year associated with the introduction of unified objective requirements throughout the Russian Federation, which have been absent until now.

The content has changed - teachers will evaluate the effectiveness of labor on the basis of uniform federal assessment materials in the form of KIMs: knowledge of the subject, mastery of psychological and pedagogical methods.

The new model of the level professional qualification test (certification) will provide incentives for improving the quality and efficiency of the work of teaching staff.

Cardinal changes in certification in 2018 will open up the opportunity for a teacher to get any category (even the highest!) Even half an hour after graduation - you need to prove professional skills by showing your results. Taking into account the established category, wages will increase.

The reason for this change is the question of a young teacher, asked during a direct line with the president, about a significant difference in the salaries of novice and experienced teachers.

But pedagogical workers began to apply en masse for early certification in order to have time to pass it before the changes were introduced in 2018.

Currently, there are 2 types of attestations of teaching staff: for compliance with the position held and for the assignment of a qualification category.

The disadvantages of the current certification system are that it is "not always transparent" - there are different approaches in the regions of the Russian Federation. Only the procedure itself is obligatory, and the certification procedure is chosen by each region independently, since no uniform (federal) requirements for certification have been established for the Russian Federation.

The qualification category is determined based on the results of a subjective assessment of labor - on the basis of the “portfolio”, due to the lack of uniform federal assessment materials (ETFM) and uniform criteria for qualifications.

Methodological preparation of attestation documents (creating a “portfolio”) for teachers takes an unreasonable amount of time and effort. A significant part of the teacher's time is spent on writing reports and paper documents instead of directly educating children and improving their skills.

The existing certification rules do not allow a young teacher who has just received a diploma to immediately receive the highest qualification category. Because of this, he has a dramatic difference in salary compared to a long-time teacher.

According to the rules, you first need to get the first category, you can apply for the highest one no earlier than 2 years later:

Rejection reason


Applying for the establishment of the highest qualification category without obtaining the first qualification category

An applicant for the highest qualification category can only be a teacher who already has or had the first qualification category

Application for the establishment of the highest qualification category without observing the deadlines after receiving the first qualification category

The procedure provides that only no earlier than two years after the establishment of the first qualification category, an application for the highest qualification category can be submitted (clause 30 of Section III)

An application for the establishment of the same category follows before the expiration of one year from the date of the decision by the certification commission to refuse to establish them

The application can be accepted only from a teacher who has sufficient work experience, diligently fulfilling his official duties (Section III of the Procedure)

If a teacher has passed certification, then he has little motivation to improve his level of education and proficiency professional competencies - there are no prospects for professional (including official) growth.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that new model certification of teaching staff does not change the procedure for certification for compliance with the position. It is necessary to continue to be guided by the current regulatory document governing the certification procedure - the Procedure for the certification of teaching staff of organizations that carry out educational activities, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 276 (hereinafter referred to as the Certification Procedure).

This certification is required to pass every five years (there are exceptions for certain categories of teachers specified in clause 22 of the Certification Procedure).

The head of the PA makes a submission to the teacher for certification for compliance with the position held. The submission should not indicate that the teacher does not meet professional standards, because the requirements of professional standards (with the exception of qualification requirements) are not mandatory for application.

The Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 584 on the specifics of the application of professional standards establishes a transition period until January 1, 2020.

At present, the issue of excluding from professional standards the provision that they are used in certification is being worked out.

Attestation of a teacher for compliance with the position held is carried out on the basis of an assessment of professional, business qualities, the results of the performance of official duties under an employment contract. In terms of job responsibilities, you should still be guided by the section "Qualifications of jobs in education workers" of the CEN of education workers.

This table will help you determine whether an employee's education meets the requirements for teaching positions.

What will happen if the teacher does not will pass certification? If, according to the results of certification, the teacher does not correspond to the position held, they may terminate the employment contract with him or send him to professional education and / or additional professional training.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, the latest changes relate to the certification of teachers to establish (confirm) a qualification category or fill a new position in the order of job growth in accordance with qualifications.

The terms for obtaining a qualification category will change. A pedagogical worker can immediately get the highest category, even if he does not have the first category and no teaching experience. Since there is no experience and the teacher will not be able to show the results of the students yet, it will be necessary to show their results at the certification using the new model.

Thanks to the changes in the certification of teachers in 2018, the distance associated with experience will be reduced between a novice teacher and a more experienced teacher. At the same time, no one belittles the merits of the teachers of the older generation. It will be possible for young teachers to go for certification earlier if the teacher sees himself as a professional of a new quality.

Changes in the certification of teaching staff in 2018 also apply to the number of qualification categories assigned based on the certification results - their number can be expanded. Currently, there are two categories: the first or the highest. The new model for the certification of teaching staff involves the introduction of a multi-level system of qualifications.

According to the new model of attestation of teaching staff, the assignment (confirmation) of qualifications is carried out based on the results of an independent (objective) assessment using the ETFM during attestation (currently, based on the results of a subjective assessment of work, on the basis of a “portfolio”).

Significant changes in the certification of teaching staff in 2018 concern the content of the audit.

Control measuring materials will contain three blocks:

1. the level of knowledge in the subject taught by the teacher;
2. block on pedagogical science;
3. psychological block (communication skills).

Gradually, in these three areas, the teacher's professional assessment will be expanded.

It is important to remember that an objective assessment of a student's achievements can be given only in dynamics, in comparison - “today” should be compared with what he could “yesterday”, and not take the peak results of students.

To assess the work experience of a teacher who is certified for a qualification category, it is proposed to take the criteria for evaluating the competitive test "Methodological seminar" All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year in Russia". The teacher outlines conceptual methodological approaches based on work experience, talks about the technologies that help to implement the Federal State Educational Standard general education and Professional standard of the teacher.

Now the category is valid for five years. The frequency of attestation according to the new model has not yet been approved: Rosobrnadzor insists on attestation every 2-3 years, but it is more likely that they will set a period of 4 years.

Risks of the new model of certification of teaching staff:

1. At present, it is not yet clear by what criteria and who will check the essay to assess the teacher's outlook; perhaps the essay will be replaced by KIM.
2. Checking the psychological characteristics based on the analysis of the teacher's video lesson:
technical difficulties: professional video quality requires financial costs;
it is impossible to obtain permission to shoot from all the parents of the students.
3. Confirmation of pedagogical suitability from a legal point of view can be challenged in court.

Many teachers consider this type of verification to be incorrect, because their qualifications are confirmed by a diploma of education.

Surely these issues will be worked out in the new model of certification of teachers.

What happens if the teacher does not pass the certification? Teachers will not be fired, as this is not the purpose of certification. The teacher will be sent to training, retraining, refresher courses.

Currently, an increase in the level of education of a teacher and an increase in the level of mastery of professional competencies do not affect the professional (including job) growth of a teacher.

The introduction of a new model of attestation of teaching staff will allow young teachers to build their careers in different directions and improve their teaching skills (the path of horizontal growth).

The NSDS assumes the introduction of three job grades:

1. "teacher" (graduated from a specialized educational institution, has knowledge of his subject, knows how to plan a lesson),
2. "senior teacher" (a teacher with the first category - not only gained experience, but also mastered advanced pedagogical technologies, knows how to work with children with disabilities, is able to develop educational programs himself),
3. "leading teacher" (a teacher with the highest category - has all the competencies of a senior teacher, but acts as an integrator).

The senior instructor will be mentoring in a light workload. Each gradation can have three more divisions.

In the new certification model, the previous preferences for teaching staff will not be canceled: all previous titles, qualifications, categories, and the right to a seniority pension will remain.

In the 2018-2019 academic year, the certification of teachers will take place in the manner prescribed by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 276.

In 13 regions of the Russian Federation, a model of the level assessment of the competence of teachers of the Russian language and mathematics, who have expressed their willingness to participate in its implementation, is being tested.

Development new system certification will continue until 2020. Comprehensive testing of the new certification system based on the use of the federal bank of standardized assignments in the establishment of qualification categories will take place in the pilot regions of the Russian Federation and at the choice of teachers.

The certification of teaching staff for 2017-2018 is a completely new set of rules, regulations and charters, and the whole process is carried out and carried out in two stages, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics. For example, at the very beginning, the teacher will definitely have to demonstrate and show all his professional aptitude. But only then the teacher needs to prove the right to acquire the declared category.

The only thing that remains unchanged is that the decision is made based on the results of a special commission, which assesses the level of competence of a given teacher.

But, more about everything, because everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Types of certification.

As mentioned above, the process of certification of teachers has a small variety and classification. This is a mandatory and voluntary certification, which differ significantly from each other.

  • First, the mandatory certification. This type implies certification, mandatory without exception for all employees. It is worth noting that in 2018 it will be held in accordance with all those innovations that were introduced and implemented in 2017. It is worth saying that all those teachers who started their labor activity directly in 2015 are not suitable for this type of certification, and those teachers who have just come out of maternity leave do not fall under it, even though the period of the previous one is already expired or expires. Moreover, those teachers who, for some reason, have not worked for the last 4 months, can also refuse certification on completely legal rights.
  • Secondly, voluntary. This type implies direct certification for everyone who wants to improve their qualification category ahead of schedule. The main purpose of this certification is to create stimulation professional growth among those teachers who really need it. If you want to become a participant in this type of certification, then in 2018 you need to write and submit an appropriate statement of your desire and intentions and, of course, send it to the director educational institution... As a rule, the application must be reviewed within one month, but no more. In the event that the answer is positive, then a special commission is assembled, which will decide further destiny teacher. According to the law, the entire certification process takes no more than 2 months. If, for some reason, the teacher does not agree with the decision of the attestation commission, then he has the right to convene another commission capable of resolving this dispute, or to go to court.

Probably, it is no secret to anyone that professional development implies an increase in the level of wages.

New regulations and rules.

Already from the beginning of the new 2017-2018 academic year, each teacher must be sure to familiarize himself with the introduced transformations and changes in the issue of certification. What changes and provisions should be named and noted first of all?

It is worth saying that after the expiration of the established period, or, more precisely, 1 month, the applicant must necessarily receive a notification letter to his home address, where the place and time of the certification will be indicated in detail. As a rule, the certification schedule for the first and the highest qualification category is established and approved by the Ministry of Education in advance.

As you can see, the process of certification of teaching staff has really undergone a number of serious changes, which must be dealt with. teaching staff, because everyone already has a certain experience and their own knowledge base.

Annually the legislative framework RF is undergoing changes. In 2019, amendments were made to the certification procedure for teachers. What is certification? How is it carried out and what changes have been made?

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What it is

Certification of teaching staff (APR) is a complex system of measures aimed at assessing the level of qualifications of teachers, teachers, educators, as well as assessing their personal and professional qualities and productivity labor activity.

The test results are used not only to assess an individual teacher, but also to identify the effectiveness of a particular educational institution.

Certification solves several tasks:

  1. Identification of candidates for a managerial vacancy.
  2. Revealing the teacher's compliance with the position held.
  3. Determination of the possibilities for personal and professional growth of an employee of the pedagogical sphere.
  4. Determination of readiness for professional development.
  5. Assigning a higher category.
  6. Encouraging teaching staff to use innovative methods, approaches and technologies in their work.
  7. Identifying the need for additional training, including refresher courses.
  8. Opportunity for career growth.
  9. Skills and knowledge check teaching activities specific employee.

Thus, the main purpose of certification is to identify suitability for the position held and improve qualifications. In practice, APR is increasingly used for the search and selection of personnel for leadership positions in the educational sphere.

Certification of teachers is carried out once every 5 years or more often at the request of the employee himself or at the discretion of the employer.


APR is carried out on the basis of the current Federal Law No. 273 "On Education" and the Order of the Ministry of Education No. 276 on the approval of the procedure for the procedure.

Certification is carried out every 5 years or more often among all employees of the educational sphere, including the management.

The exceptions are:

  • teachers who already have qualifications;
  • teachers or employees of the field appointed to the position by the Government of the Russian Federation or the President of the Russian Federation;
  • teachers with less than 2 years of experience in their current position;
  • employees holding a senior management position temporarily;
  • pregnant employees or employees on maternity leave;
  • employees who are on maternity leave or parental leave for a child under 3 years old;
  • teachers who are absent from the workplace for more than 4 months before certification.

APR for compliance with the position or for advanced training has several features and nuances that must be observed:

  1. An attestation commission must be assembled to evaluate an applicant for the position or for the suitability of the position held. Commission composition:
    • chairman;
    • deputy;
    • secretary;
    • ordinary members of the commission.
  2. Before the APR is carried out, the employer must issue a corresponding Order. The employee must be familiarized with the document no later than 1 month before the event.
  3. The results of the commission meeting will be accepted as competent if the majority of the commission members (at least two-thirds) were present at the certification.
  4. A meeting and assessment of a teaching staff member can only be held in his presence. If necessary, the certification can be postponed to another day.
  5. The results of the meeting should be expressed in one of the following forms:
    • suitability of the position;
    • inappropriateness of the position;
    • qualification assignment (1, 2 or higher);
    • refusal to grant qualifications.
  6. Voting is conducted at an open meeting without the participation of the applicant.
  7. The results of the event must be recorded, and the protocol itself must be signed by all members of the commission and the certified teacher.
  8. The attestation result can be appealed in accordance with the established procedure.
  9. The meeting of the certification commission can be initiated by the teaching staff for the purpose of improving their qualifications. In this case, the consideration of the case is carried out only on the basis of a written application from the applicant. By law, the application is considered no more than 30 days after filing.
  10. Advanced training is possible no earlier than 2 years after the assignment of another category.

What changes have occurred

The latest changes in the certification of teachers in 2019:

  1. Introduction of general federal standards for conducting APR.
  2. Checking the level of pedagogical and psychological skills of an educational worker by video recording of the learning process.
  3. The assessment of the professional competencies of pedagogues is carried out according to a highly specialized essay, which can subsequently be replaced by an exam.
  4. A beginner teacher can get a category already 2 years after the start of labor activity.
  5. Introduction of stages of passing certification activities.
  6. Introduction of additional criteria for evaluating teachers.
  7. Introduction of the possibility to challenge the decision of the certification commission in court.

Despite significant changes, the procedure for attestation for compliance with the position held has not changed.

How is

In accordance with the changes in 2019, the certification procedure includes the following stages:

  1. Identification of the need for an APR, including for the reasons:
    • personal statement of the teacher for professional development;
    • personnel selection for new or leadership positions;
    • standard check for suitability for the position held.
  2. Gathering of the certification commission and appointment of the chairman.
  3. Publication of the Order and the schedule of certification activities.
  4. Carrying out the APR in two stages:
    • stage 1: confirmation of professional knowledge and skills;
    • stage 2: defense of teaching qualifications.
  5. Making a decision on awarding qualifications or meeting the position by a majority vote at a general vote.
  6. Issuance of the Minutes, including the main aspects of the meeting, decision, signatures of all members of the commission and the teacher who passed the certification. The protocol should be entered into the employee's personal file. The results of the meeting can be appealed against in court.

To pass the APR, the certified teacher must provide the commission with the following package of documents:

  • written consent to conduct certification activities;
  • application for attestation for qualification assignment;
  • a copy of the results of previous certification (if any);
  • higher education diploma;
  • a detailed report on the activities carried out in a specific position;
  • document on assignment of a pedagogical category (if any);
  • characteristics from the current place of work;
  • cover letter from the manager;
  • letters of recommendation from colleagues and other officials;
  • employee information card;
  • two videos taken in the teaching process.
  • other documents at the discretion of the certified teacher.

A sample application is presented below:

Thus, the certification of teaching staff should be carried out at least once every 5 years in order to identify the compliance with the position held and other competencies.

Changes in 2019 tightened the certification procedure, which, according to experts, can qualitatively improve the level of education in the country.

In December 2015, the President of the Russian Federation instructed to form a national system of teacher growth (NSDS), the task of which is to establish the level of professionalism of teachers through the results of certification. How to improve the quality of knowledge among students?

Certification of teaching staff in 2018: general provisions

In the certification of teachers for the establishment of qualification categories, the latest changes in the 2017-2018 academic year are associated with the introduction of objective requirements that are uniform throughout the Russian Federation, which have so far been absent.

The reason for this change is the question of a young teacher, asked during a direct line with the president, about a significant difference in the salaries of novice and experienced teachers.

But pedagogical workers began to apply en masse for early certification in order to have time to pass it before the changes were introduced in 2018.

Disadvantages of the certification system at present

Currently, there are 2 types of attestations of teaching staff: for compliance with the position held and for the assignment of a qualification category.

The disadvantages of the current certification system are that it is "not always transparent" - there are different approaches in the regions of the Russian Federation. Only the procedure itself is obligatory, and the certification procedure is chosen by each region independently, since no uniform (federal) requirements for certification have been established for the Russian Federation.

Certification for the correspondence of the position of teaching staff

Special attention should be paid to the fact that the new model of certification of teaching staff does not change the procedure for certification for compliance with the position. It is necessary to continue to be guided by the current normative document governing the certification procedure - the Procedure for certification of teaching staff of organizations carrying out educational activities, approved. by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 04/07/2014 No. 276 (hereinafter referred to as the Certification Procedure).

Download the checklist “How to prepare teachers for certification and summarize
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In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2016 No. 584 on the specifics of the application of professional standards, a transition period is established until January 1, 2020.

At present, the issue of excluding from professional standards the provision that they are used in certification is being worked out.

Download the requirement for teaching positions in accordance with the TSA of educators
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This table will help you determine whether an employee's education meets the requirements for teaching positions.

Changes in 2018 in the certification of teachers for the assignment of a qualification category

In the 2017-2018 academic year, the latest changes relate to the certification of teachers to establish (confirm) a qualification category or fill a new position in the order of job growth in accordance with qualifications.

Thanks to the changes in the certification of teachers in 2018, the distance associated with experience will be reduced between a novice teacher and a more experienced teacher. At the same time, no one belittles the merits of the teachers of the older generation. Young teachers can get certification earlier if the teacher sees himself as a professional of a new quality.

Significant changes in the certification of teaching staff in 2018 concern the content of the audit. Control measurement materials will contain three blocks:

Gradually, in these three areas, the teacher's professional assessment will be expanded.

It is important to remember that an objective assessment of the student's achievements can be given only in dynamics, in comparison - “today” should be compared with what he could “yesterday”, and not take the peak results of students.

Download the document Criteria for assessing teaching experience
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To assess the work experience of a teacher who is certified for a qualification category, it is proposed to take the criteria for assessing the competitive test "Methodological seminar" of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia". The teacher outlines conceptual methodological approaches based on work experience, talks about the technologies that help to implement the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education and the Professional Standard of the teacher.

Risks of the new model of certification of teachers

Many teachers consider this type of verification to be incorrect, because their qualifications are confirmed by a diploma of education.

Surely these issues will be worked out in the new model of certification of teaching staff.

Prospects for the professional growth of teachers in the new certification model

Currently, an increase in the level of education of a teacher and an increase in the level of mastery of professional competencies do not affect the professional (including official) growth of a teacher.

The introduction of a new model of attestation of teaching staff will allow young teachers to build their careers in different directions and improve their teaching skills (the path of horizontal growth).

The NSDS assumes the introduction of three job grades:

The senior instructor will be mentoring in a light workload. Each gradation can have three more divisions.

In the new certification model, the previous preferences for teaching staff will not be canceled: all previous titles, qualifications, categories, and the right to a seniority pension will remain.

How will the certification of teachers take place in 2018: implementation timeline

In the 2017-2018 academic year, the certification of teachers will take place in the order regulated by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 07.04.2014 No. 276.

Since September 2017, in 13 regions of the Russian Federation, a model of the level assessment of the competence of teachers of the Russian language and mathematics, who have expressed their willingness to participate in its implementation, has been tested.

The development of a new certification system will continue until 2020. Comprehensive testing of the new certification system based on the use of the federal bank of standardized assignments in the establishment of qualification categories will take place in pilot regions of the Russian Federation and at the choice of teachers.

Download document Stages of development of a new model for certification of teachers
Download in.pdf

* Qualification of an employee - the level of knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience of the employee (Article 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

Why certification of teaching staff for 2017-2018 is necessary, its rules and regulations are known to every employee of an educational institution. First of all, this task has its own goals, thanks to which it is possible to determine not only the level of knowledge of the teacher, but also his professional suitability for work in a team of students.

Important features

In order to take part in the event, a researcher is obliged to submit an application in the appropriate form to his supervisor with a request to re-evaluate his abilities in relation to his position.

In response to this document, a confirmation should come that this specialist has the right to undergo certification. Only after that, on the appointed day, the teacher is invited for recertification.


There are a number of patterns that imply the conduct of reevaluation of teachers' experience. Let's consider them in order:

  1. All interested participants in the educational sphere, regardless of age category, have the right to take part in the certification.
  2. Teachers of not only higher educational institutions can assess their capabilities and experience, as well as improve their qualifications, but general education schools and kindergartens.
  3. You can get only one category at a time with advanced training.
  4. If the teacher has not worked for 1 year in educational institution or has been absent due to illness for at least four months, he does not have the right to improve his qualifications.
  5. Voluntary certification is carried out only once every two years, and mandatory - every 5 years.

Pay attention! All participants in the assessment must be as prepared as possible for certification. The commission requires 100% readiness of each student in their subject. In addition, knowledge of additional discipline (even partial) is encouraged. Due to this, you can get additional points.

After the teacher passes all the recertification measures and receives an increase in his own qualifications, he has the right to contact his superiors with a statement that he wants a salary increase for his position. The teacher's salary can be raised exactly as much as the degree of increase deserves.

Additional provisions

It is noted that persons who are on maternity leave or pregnant teachers do not undergo recertification. Such participants are eligible for re-certification of their skills after they have worked, returning to their place for at least two years.

You can make an appointment in advance for a voluntary assessment. If a teacher independently wants to check his personal professional aptitude, no one can dissuade him from such an undertaking, and even more so, prevent him from testing his knowledge.