Certification of teachers in the year what changes. New Year - new certification of teachers: pros and cons

Teacher certification 2018: a new model

A prerequisite for work in the field of education is the timely completion of certification. In other words, teachers, university professors, educators preschool institutions cannot build a career if they do not pass special courses in a timely manner, the purpose of which is to expand existing knowledge, improve qualifications.

More details

Teachers know for sure that they must undergo a recertification procedure every five years. This is necessary, first of all, in order not to lose existing skills, but to develop only forward. In general, the event is quite significant. However, like everything else, it changes every year, supplemented by some new data.

About the procedure

Before getting to the procedure, it is worth finding out exactly where it takes place. This can be done by reading the special regulations.

1. For the successful completion of the commission, it is necessary not only to demonstrate the existing knowledge, but also to show resourcefulness, the ability to react in one or another unforeseen situation, which can often arise within the walls of a school or university, and at the same time have nothing to do with knowledge.

2. If the teacher shows himself on the positive side, he has the right to hope that he can be offered a promotion from his superiors. A weighty incentive, but it is not available to everyone.

But one thing is for sure - without passing the certification, you cannot count on an increase. In some cases, if the teacher refuses to confirm his competence, he may be asked to leave the workplace. In any case, controversial situations cannot be avoided - that's for sure.

Basic information

So, the basic information regarding the certification of teachers, lecturers, any education workers will be reduced to the following:

1. Mandatory certification will affect employees in the educational sphere. The frequency of the procedure is once every five years. At the same time, they are exempt from certification in the following cases:

Teachers who go on maternity leave (for them, certification will be required after going to work);

Qualified teachers;

Newcomers new to education;

A teacher who recently left the hospital.

However, it is important to take into account the desire of the teachers themselves. If they fall into at least one category, but want to be tested, no one will forbid them to do this.

It should be said that voluntary certification is not prohibited, and only encouraged. In order to take part in it, it is worth submitting documents to the management in advance.

Teachers with no qualifications or with one can achieve a promotion to one grade. And more is possible provided that the qualification is obtained two years before the start of certification, no later than.

Recent changes during certification

Starting from 2018, it is planned to introduce new model certification of teachers. The main goal of the changes is to weed out weak teachers and leave only the strong ones, at the same time, with advanced training.

A very exciting moment for the organizers is the overestimation, which is often found in provincial towns. As a result, it turns out that the points scored during time of exam, do not correspond to the marks that the student had during all the years of study.

It is quite possible that this should be associated with the insufficient knowledge of the teacher himself.

The new form of teacher knowledge testing is being developed with the participation of teachers themselves, and, therefore, there is a possibility that it will be able to provide objective indicators.

In general, the test will include not only the level of knowledge. It will also necessarily include:

Checking the reaction of teachers to a particular psychological situation;

Testing teaching skills.

And only in case of successful results in all parameters, the teacher will be considered competent.

It is also known that teachers will be checked every four years, although previously there was information that this should be done more often, at least once every 2-3 years.

Currently, teachers are being tested, her new scheme is in the approval stage, but has already received a lot of negative feedback from teachers.

They are outraged by several points at once, including the need to write an essay that will demonstrate the development of their horizons, psychological tests.

If in 2018 the employee does not pass certification, he will be sent for retraining. However, in order to effectively prepare for the upcoming inspections, educational workers still have time..

Everything flows, everything changes ... But, as practice shows, not all the changes adopted by the Government lead to the better, although the first opinion is sometimes wrong. Following the latest changes in teacher certification, which will be introduced in 2018, messages and comments from disgruntled teachers have appeared on forums and websites. What is planned to change and why educational workers consider themselves offended, we will figure it out further.

Not so long ago, Deputy Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev told media representatives that next year it is planned to adopt a new model of teacher certification. According to him, similar measures are aimed at reducing the number of weak teachers and improving their qualifications. The results of VLOOKUP tests, comparing USE marks and marks in schools and grades show that some teachers overestimate the marks, in other words, they do not correspond to the actual knowledge of students. This is especially true in the provinces. Muzaev believes that the reason may lie in the lack of awareness of the teacher, the small baggage of his knowledge.

A new form of certification of teachers in 2018, according to the official, is being developed in conjunction with the teaching staff, which will eliminate mistakes in the preparation of tasks to test the professional suitability of teachers. The new model of verification of educational workers will consist of three main blocks:

  1. Checking the level of knowledge in the subject.
  2. Verification of psychological characteristics.
  3. Testing pedagogical skills.

This approach will allow to determine not only the level of knowledge of the teacher, but also his ability to present material, find a common language with children, and so on. So far, there is no information about the form in which the test of knowledge, psychology and pedagogy will take place, since the schemes and method have not been fully worked out, and the proposed options cause indignation in employees of the educational sphere.

Weaknesses of the new form of teacher certification in 2018

It is known that new certification teaching staff from 2018 will be held every 4 years. Earlier, Rosobrnazdor stated that the check should be carried out more often - every 2-3 years, but so far such a proposal has not been implemented.

Despite the fact that while the new model of teacher verification has not been approved and is in the process of being developed, a wave of indignation is rolling on the Internet and across schools. Here are the main points that displease teaching staff:

  1. Teachers are encouraged to write an essay that will assess their horizons. The question arises as to who will check their work and by what criteria. The option is not excluded that the assessment will be biased, and the requirements are significantly overestimated. It is also possible that the essay will replace the CMM (like the exam). It will include both general and narrowly focused questions on the subject.
  2. It is suggested to test psychological characteristics based on the analysis of the teacher's video lesson. But technical difficulties arise, since the video should not be filmed on a phone or other gadget, but performed by a professional. But this requires financial costs, as well as permission for filming from all parents of the students, which in principle is impossible.
  3. Confirmation of pedagogical suitability from a legal point of view can be challenged in court, since the presence of the necessary skills is indicated by a document (diploma) received after graduation from a higher educational institution.

A similar situation with the testing of skills and abilities affected the drivers. After the officials introduced a mandatory retake test and a test of driving skills when exchanging driving licenses. The drivers managed to prove through the court that they had already passed such a check when passing the exam before obtaining a license. It is possible that the situation will repeat itself and teachers will be able to defend their rights.

What will happen to teachers who did not pass certification in 2018?

Since the certification of teachers in 2018 will become tougher and it is possible that not everyone will be able to pass it, a natural question arises as to what will happen to those. According to Anzor Murzaev, teachers will not be fired or punished, since the goals of the changes are completely different - the formation of a highly qualified teaching staff from high level knowledge. The more a teacher knows, the more knowledge he will be able to convey to students.

Teachers who failed to pass the certification will be sent for advanced training. Such an approach will allow getting rid of weak workers in the educational sphere, but not by dismissal, but by training. Rosobrnadzor emphasized that teachers have nothing to fear, and new changes will bring the education sector to a new level.

The new certification of teachers in 2018, tested in the fall in several regions of Russia, was developed last spring and is designed to fill the gaps in teachers specialized subjects... About 30% of teachers are not able to solve problems on their own, to write a dictation accurately. What kind of qualitative leap in education can we talk about if it is lame basic training teachers? The certification, which teachers will now pass every 4 years, is aimed at filling gaps in specific disciplines, increasing the level of general knowledge, including psychology. This, according to the ideas of the developers, will serve to get closer to students, increase the prestige of the profession. Is it really capable of this new form teacher certification?

At the desk with the students

The appraisal block is shaped like an exam sheet, so that primary and secondary school workers will have to sit down at a desk with their students. However, in essence, the new model is noticeably different. Mentors will be asked to tick off the answers they think are correct, and to be creative by writing an essay or essay proposing their own approach to teaching.

Intentions designed to raise general level professional competence teachers are understandable, but not fully worked out. Most experts are inclined to believe that the new form of teacher certification in 2018 should include 3 main sections.

  1. The block of knowledge of the subject in which the teacher specializes. The teacher is obliged to answer questions, show imagination, solve independent work.
  2. Psychology unit, which is designed to assess the communication skills of the mentor. The results of the section show how much the teacher manages to find a common language with the students.
  3. Block assessing teacher's pedagogical training. Its results will become a criterion for the ability to get out of difficult situations, smooth out conflicts.

What outrages teachers

Representatives of the Ministry of Education assure that the new rules for certification of teachers in 2018 are not a punitive measure aimed at reducing the number of teachers who are already in short supply. The mentors who fail the exam will be sent to refresher courses, where they will be able not only to prepare for the second exam, but also to raise the grade, which will have a positive effect on income. However, good intentions sound great on paper, but it is not clear how this will be organized in practice, which causes justified indignation of teachers. The weakest points of the new certification rules, according to school workers, are the following factors.

  1. The mechanism for checking creative works has not been defined. It is not entirely clear who and by what criteria will check the essays and essays written during the certification.
  2. The level of psychological abilities of the teacher is supposed to be assessed on the basis of the video recording of the lesson. However, this requires hardware and parental consent.
  3. Teachers' professional competence can be challenged in court on the basis of existing diplomas. It is problematic to establish professional suitability or incompetence.

Should you be afraid of the upcoming certification?

Despite the obvious shortcomings, a program to improve the level of training of specialists has been launched. It is unlikely that it should be regarded as a panacea that can dramatically and quickly transform the existing concept of education. However, even if ten, twenty, one hundred cases of the teacher's inadequacy are found, this is already not bad, since it will save the school from people who are not doing their own thing. At the same time, we are not talking about instant dismissal: if desired, each mentor will have the opportunity to raise the level of knowledge in the relevant courses, to think about further prospects in the chosen field.

Do not forget that a significant part of teachers were released from the new certification of teachers in 2018. Among them are pregnant women, workers with a qualification category, employees who left after illness or maternity leave.

There is no need to be afraid of certification - when it comes to raising the level of education of the younger generation, any means are good. The technique has not yet been worked out, but life itself will offer the best options for certification. It remains to be hoped that positive innovations will have a real impact on the professional growth of teachers, and will not become a formal dummy and fertile ground for scandals.

To improve the quality of teachers' work, various adjustments are made to the process of their mandatory certification every year. The process of checking the professionalism of teachers is carried out in the form of KIMs, using as a basis an objective assessment of the federal level.

Basic information

Several years ago, the President of Russia approved the formation of a special system of teacher growth, the main task which - an assessment of the level of professionalism of the noted workers with the help of special developments of the Ministry of Education. To find out on what basis the certification of teachers for 2018-2019 is planned, one should initially condemn the main provisions of this process.

  1. Content - the effectiveness of the teacher's work is assessed on the basis of specially prepared material set out in the form of a KIM. In this form, not only knowledge of the subject is assessed, but also the psychological and pedagogical method of presenting it to students.
  2. New test model - provides incentives among teachers to improve the quality of their own work and its effectiveness.
  3. Change - provide an opportunity to acquire the highest category for an ordinary teacher who has just graduated pedagogical university... To do this, it is enough to demonstrate before the commission your own professional skills and the result of mastery. The teacher's salary directly depends on the assigned category.

The reason for the above modernization is the solution of the issue of young teachers. Their salaries are not very remarkable anyway, and while their colleagues can count on more substantial pay for their own labor, those who really want and can work well are forced to settle for a scanty amount. Therefore, already now all young teachers are applying for early certification en masse.

Existing disadvantages of the certification system

At the moment in Russia there are two types of certification of representatives of the pedagogical sphere.

  1. For the assignment of a qualification category.
  2. For compliance with the position held.

The main disadvantage of such certification is considered to be its "opacity". It turns out that the issue of professional development in the regions of the country is approached in their own way. The procedure itself is considered mandatory, not its content. The problem lies in the fact that there are no uniform requirements for certification.

  1. The assignment of a qualification category is carried out through the assessment of the teacher's work - his "portfolio" is studied. Here are just exact ETFs and there is simply no qualification criterion.
  2. The current rules of the Ministry of Education do not allow a young teacher who has just received a diploma to expect to receive the highest qualification category. According to the rules, you will initially have to earn the first category, after which you can apply for the highest one, but not earlier than two years after the last certification.
  3. Creating a "portfolio" - a certification document, takes a lot of time and effort from the teacher, which he should spend on teaching schoolchildren. As a result, most of the teacher's time is spent for other purposes.
  4. If the teacher has already managed to successfully cope with the certification, he loses all desire to continue education and acquires new ones. professional competencies due to lack of motivation. The problem is the lack of career prospects.

Certification for compliance with the position held in 2019

Special attention of teachers should be paid to the new model of attestation, which does not change the very procedure for obtaining a "credit" for compliance with the post. As before, this process will be guided by existing regulations and rules. The transition period of the legislation of the Russian Federation to the new certification rules is established until January 1, 2020.

At the moment, politicians are considering the issue of a possible exclusion from the teacher assessment standards of some items previously used in the procedure.

The announced type of certification is carried out based on the assessment of pedagogical qualities, skills and the results of the duties performed, prescribed in the employment contract. The part dealing with the teaching duties is guided by the relevant TSA.

Thanks to the modernization of the certification process for teachers, it will be possible to reduce the distance between those who have sufficient experience and a novice professional. This does not mean at all that someone is trying to belittle the merits of a teacher of the older generation. Just why young personnel cannot get more if their professional qualities allow it.

In the new certification model, the confirmation of the teacher's qualifications should be carried out on the basis of an objective, independent assessment, using the ETOM certification form.

The content of the check will also change. Control materials should be divided into 3 main blocks:

  • pedagogical subject;
  • the level of knowledge of the science that is taught;
  • communication skills.

In the above areas, the professional assessment of representatives of the general education sphere will be expanded in the future.

It is very important to remember that the assessment of the knowledge of pupils studying according to the methodology of the tested teacher should be carried out not according to peak results, but in the dynamics of “what he knew and what he learned”.

Risks of the new model

It turns out that not everything is new - good. Is it worth using this statement on current topics? Let's figure it out.

  1. It is not yet really clear who exactly and by what criteria should check the teacher's essay to assess his outlook. Perhaps in the future it will be replaced by KIMs.
  2. Analysis of the teacher's lesson to determine its psychological characteristics:
  • additional financial costs are required;
  • there is no way to get permission to film students from all parents.
  1. The professional suitability of a teacher can be challenged in court.

According to most of today's teachers, this kind

testing their knowledge is not considered entirely appropriate, because first of all their qualifications are confirmed by a diploma.

What to do if the teacher was unable to pass the certification? Nobody is going to fire anyone, since this is not the main goal. True, you will have to come to terms with further retraining: training, refresher courses.

Growth prospects

To date, the existing certification models have no effect on the teacher's professional growth. Thanks to the new model, you can count on building a teaching career in different directions.

The NSDS proposes that the government use 3 job grades for such purposes.

  1. Teacher.He has completed his studies, has knowledge of the subject and is free to plan and teach lessons.
  2. Senior teacher.The teacher with the first category who has mastered innovative technologies, works with students with disabilities, and is able to independently develop a curriculum.
  3. Leading teacher.A teacher with the highest category, who has all the competencies of the previous link and acts as an integrator.

The senior teacher can do mentoring without taking too much of his time. By the way, each of the presented gradations has its own branch.

In conclusion, it remains only to add that the development new system certification of Russian teachers will continue until 2020. The approbation of innovations should take place in several regions of the country. Points and all other, more detailed information on the noted topic, it will be possible to find out shortly before the official entry into force of the upgrades.

All workers in the educational sphere, and to be more specific, these are teachers of schools, universities, kindergarten teachers and specialists from primary or secondary institutions, are already familiar with the information that from 2017 the rules regarding the certification process will change. Simply put, this process will take place according to completely new provisions.

General information

Most of the representatives of the pedagogical sphere know firsthand that any teacher or educator is obliged to undergo a recertification procedure every 5 years. This action is necessary in order to improve the knowledge and skills of teachers, and to understand whether their level of understanding of the subject of the position held. According to those who have come across certification at least once in their practice, such a procedure is considered the most significant event for any representative of the education sector.

Before getting to the specified procedure, you need to find out exactly how to pass the certification of teachers 2017-2018, the position of which will help you figure it out much faster.

1. The commission must face 100% preparation of all participants in the diagnosis of knowledge, because it is here that the teacher will have to show the existing store of skills. In some moments it would be nice to surprise with your professionalism and resourcefulness, because some situations at school or university do not in any way relate to knowledge of your own subject. The listed criteria will help the commission determine the degree of qualification of any teacher, during the assignment of assessment points.

2. Successful completion of recertification allows a teacher or teacher to count on the award of a certain educational institutionwhere the designation of the subject works, more high salary... Is it not true, a powerful incentive for personal professional growth and achieving new achievements?

Briefly about the main

Educational attestation is either mandatory or voluntary.

1. Mandatory certification 2017–2018 applies to all employees in the specified field of activity who underwent a similar procedure 5 years ago. Exempt from such a check:

teachers with a qualification category;

pregnant women;

persons who are on maternity leave at the time of the inspection; they have the right to go through the announced procedure 2 years after returning to their legal position;

newcomers in the field of education who have worked in their current position for less than 2 years;

teacher who is absent from work due to illness for more than 4 months; certification will have to go through a year after the moment of going to work.

If the listed categories of citizens nevertheless expressed a desire to start testing personal knowledge and skills, no one can dissuade them from such a decision or prevent them from attestation.

2. Voluntary certification is carried out by persons who wish to increase their existing level qualifications. To do this, you will have to contact the manual with a statement in advance. It should be noted that teachers who own only 1 category, or no qualifications at all, can achieve its increase to 1 category. To obtain the highest grade, you will have to acquire 1 categories no later than two years before the start of certification. In addition, a teacher with the highest category can confirm its level by voluntary assessment of their own knowledge.

New rules and regulations

With the arrival of 2018, each pedagogical staff member is given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with innovations related to the certification process. According to the latest information, routine teacher testing should be based on two main steps.

# 1. Confirmation of the correctness of the current position.

# 2. Getting the highest category.

Each of the described stages has a number of features that require a more detailed discussion.

1. During the verification of compliance with the current position, a special commission will have to correctly assess the knowledge, skills and abilities of each teacher. In the process of the described "revision" it is necessary to determine the method of communication with children and the general level of professionalism. Simply put, the current stage is necessary for assessing the professional aptitude of teachers, or rather, whether they have the right to continue teaching practice.

2. At the time of obtaining a professional qualification category, the teacher has the right to acquire only 1 or the highest degree... However, in order to achieve the first level of qualification, the teacher will have to meet the following list of parameters:

have the first, ending their right after the expiration of time.

If the teacher wants to become a happy owner of the highest category, he will have to take into account the following conditions:

be the owner of the first category for at least 2 years;

Documents required for attestation

Russian officials decided to change the list of documents required to start pedagogical certification 2018 year. Previously, only a corresponding statement was required from an employee of the marked field of activity. Now the whole registration process is going on a little differently - the main responsibility rests on the shoulders of an educational institution at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. To do this, you need a list of the following documents.

1. Statement signed by the teacher.

2. A copy of past certification results, if any.

3. A copy of the diploma of secondary vocational or higher pedagogical education.

4. A copy of the document confirming the presence of the first or highest category, if previously received.

5. If necessary, a copy of the documents confirming the change of surname.

6. A detailed description or a cover letter from the place of work, thanks to which it will be possible to confirm the level of professional activity and competence of the teacher.

A month after the submission of the listed documents, a letter will be sent to the indicated address of the applicant with a detailed description of the time and place of the future certification.