How will the certification of teachers change from year to year. New Year - new certification of teachers: pros and cons

Attestation teaching staff - check of employees of educational institutions, it happens every 5 years. In the process of this verification, the certification committee must clarify the following questions:

  • Are teaching staff appropriate for the position they hold?
  • Do they know how to build even relationships with students and it is interesting to present information to students?
  • Did the teacher improve his / her professional level in the period between certifications?
  • Is it legal to raise his qualification level?

Events of this kind are aimed at encouraging teachers to improve their professional level, helping the higher management to adequately form the staff.

Based on the results of the passed certification, the further professional fate of the teacher is decided.

Who will be certified in 2019?

There are 2 types of attestation checks:

  • Mandatory - all education workers who do not have a grace period for one reason or another are subject to;
  • Voluntary - organized after writing a relevant application on the initiative of an employee who is pursuing the goal of career advancement;

Who is exempt from certification?

  • Young employees of the teaching staff who have been working in this field for no more than 2 years;
  • Pregnant women and employees on maternity leave, as well as persons on maternity leave;
  • If the teacher is sick for a long time (more than 4 months in a row);
  • If the employee already has a qualification category obtained no more than 5 years ago;

It should be remembered that after a pedagogical worker leaves parental leave for a child under 3 years of age to work, such an employee is subject to certification no earlier than 2 years later.

The same period has been set and for those who wish they will once again move up the career ladder. You must wait 2 years after the last refresher.

What is the composition of the certification commission?

For this purpose, members of the commission are elected from the ranks of the educational organization itself. It may also include the chairman, deputy chairman and secretary. The composition must be approved by the head of the institution.

The package of documents required for successful certification:

A statement written by the teacher with all the details; In the event that the certification is not the first - you should also provide copies of previous documents (their results);

  • A copy of the diploma of teacher education;
  • If the employee has a qualification category - present its certified copy;
  • A copy of the document confirming the fact of the change of surname, if any;
  • Detailed description from the workplace;
  • Information card with the results of professional activities;

For employees of an educational organization who have expressed a desire to improve their qualifications by going through the procedure voluntary certification, it is necessary to add a video presentation to the package of documents proposed above with two classes held between the certification period in the amount of 2 copies.

Teacher certification schedule

Schedule of meetings of the City Attestation Commission:

P / p No. month 2017-2018 account g.
approved by order of DOGM dated August 29, 2017 No. 725
Approximate schedule of meetings
City Attestation Commission

in accordance with the terms earlier
meetings held
certification commissions in Moscow

for 2019-2019 account g.
1. september27.09.2017 25.09.2018
2. october25.10.2017 30.10.2018
3. november29.11.2017 27.11.2018
4. december27.12.2017 25.12.2018
5. january31.01.2018 29.01.2019
6. february28.02.2018 26.02.2019
7. march28.03.2018 26.03.2019
8. april25.04.2018 30.04.2019
9. may30.05.2018 28.05.2019

Why certification of teaching staff for 2017-2018 is necessary, its rules and regulations are known to every employee of an educational institution. First of all, this task has its own goals, thanks to which it is possible to determine not only the level of knowledge of the teacher, but also his professional suitability for work in a team of students.

Important features

In order to take part in the event, a researcher is obliged to submit an application in the appropriate form to his supervisor with a request to re-evaluate his abilities in relation to his position.

In response to this document, a confirmation should come that this specialist has the right to undergo certification. Only after that, on the appointed day, the teacher is invited for recertification.


There are a number of patterns that imply the conduct of reevaluation of teacher experience. Let's consider them in order:

  1. All interested participants in the educational sphere, regardless of age category, have the right to take part in the certification.
  2. Teachers of not only higher educational institutions can assess their capabilities and experience, as well as improve their qualifications, but general education schools and kindergartens.
  3. You can get only one category at a time with advanced training.
  4. If the teacher has not worked for 1 year in educational institution or was absent due to illness for at least four months, he does not have the right to improve his qualifications.
  5. Voluntary certification is carried out only once every two years, and mandatory - every 5 years.

Pay attention! All participants in the assessment must be as prepared as possible for certification. The commission requires 100% readiness of each student in their subject. In addition, knowledge of additional discipline (even partial) is encouraged. Due to this, you can get additional points.

After teacher will pass all re-certification activities and will receive an increase in his own qualifications, he has the right to apply to his superiors with a statement that he wants to increase his salary for his position. The teacher's salary can be raised exactly as much as the degree of increase deserves.

Additional provisions

It is noted that persons who are on maternity leave or pregnant teachers do not undergo recertification. Such participants are eligible for re-certification of their skills after they have worked, returning to their place for at least two years.

You can make an appointment in advance for a voluntary assessment. If a teacher independently wants to check his personal professional aptitude, no one can dissuade him from such an undertaking, and even more so, prevent him from testing his knowledge.

The existing model of teacher testing is planned to be seriously modified. Read how the certification of teachers in 2019 is carried out and what changes await them

Read in our article:

Certification of teachers in 2019: latest changes

The existing model of teacher testing is planned to be seriously modified. Rosobrnadzor has announced the planned innovations, and they will be introduced in the near future. The changes are aimed at strengthening the individual approach to inspected employees and increasing requirements for employees in the education sector.

Approvals will become more frequent. The figure "4 years" was sounded, but there are plans to reduce it to inspections once every 2-3 years.

Let's list the announced changes:

  • Unified federal standards will be introduced. Today, each region is guided by its own rules, which cannot but worsen the overall picture of the country.
  • Teachers will be tested for the quality of their teaching and psychological skills by analyzing the video of their lesson.
  • To assess competence, teachers will write a highly specialized essay. In the future, it will be replaced by the exam of the GIA and USE format - KIM (control and measuring materials).
  • Perhaps the most compelling change is the ability for aspiring educators to receive categories. Up to this point, preferences were on the side of older employees with extensive work experience. And young specialists could not raise their rating and, accordingly, their salaries. but new system certification will not "zero" the qualifications of trainees, all their achievements will be taken into account. It is also planned to expand the number of possible categories.
  • The procedure for attestation for compliance with the position will remain the same; no changes are planned in it. All innovations relate specifically to the verification of professional qualities and advanced training.

However, it is still unclear how the certification will be carried out. The material base is not ready, methods for collecting information and processing personal data in the case of a video recording of a lesson have not been developed. It is difficult to assess a teacher for one lesson, "taken out" from the context of the annual program in the subject. Now in 17 regions "flight" testing of new certifications for teachers of Russian language and mathematics is being carried out. The results are expected by 2020.

The situation with professional standards is also not entirely clear. Now their application still raises many questions. Officially, our education sector is in a transitional period, the full implementation of professional standards will be completed no earlier than in two years. Now it is not professional standards that are applied, but the duties of the teacher. They are taken from the section "Qualification characteristics of positions in education workers" of the TSA.

So far, the most noticeable consequence of the announced innovations is the active participation of teachers in attestations according to the usual "old" rules.

Certification procedure

The inspection procedure is now regulated by the "Procedure for the certification of teachers of organizations that carry out educational activities". This normative act approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 04/07/2014 No. 276. Please note: this document applies only to school teachers, university employees are certified according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of 03/30/2015 No. 293.

How does certification work? The following package of documents is prepared in advance:

  • Statement.
  • Data on previously passed certification.
  • Diplomas, certificates and other certificates confirming education and qualifications. If the passport data has changed since they were received (for example, the teacher got married and changed his last name) - a copy of identity documents.
  • Description from the place of work.

Further, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe teacher is drawn up, a notification is sent about the date and place of the certification. If it is carried out to identify suitability for the position held, the submission is submitted by the head of the institution. A teacher can apply for a category on his own initiative.

The event itself is held in absentia, based on the information provided. Personal participation of an employee is not prohibited. The commission examines the package of documents and, by voting, makes a decision on the compliance of the teacher with the position held or the assigned qualification. The meeting ends with the execution of the minutes. It is transferred to the employee's personal file. Later, an extract from the protocol is drawn up, which is also transferred to the school.

The certification is carried out every 5 years. Some employees are exempt from mandatory screening. It:

  • Already having a valid category.
  • Working in the specialty in one organization for less than 2 years.
  • Expectant mothers, "maternity", parents of children under 3 years old.
  • Long-term sick leave (longer than 4 months).

Regulation on certification of teaching staff in 2019

Each educational institution must adopt a local regulatory act approving the inspection rules. We have prepared a sample of this document for you. Focusing on its structure and content, you can create your own position, taking into account the situation in a particular school.

What will happen to teachers who have not passed certification

To conduct teaching activities, it is necessary to pass certification for compliance with the position held. If the teacher refuses, he is considered a violation of Article 21 of the Labor Code. Consequently, the head has the right to apply disciplinary sanctions to him, provided for by Article 192 of the Labor Code. This is a remark, a reprimand, and even a dismissal.

But it is not necessary to improve qualifications, and there is no punishment for this. But this is contrary to the interests of the teacher himself: if you do not pass the certification on time, the qualification will be canceled. This will have a significant impact on wages.

If the teacher applied but could not pass the knowledge test, no sanctions will be applied to him. Rosobrnadzor, explaining the procedure for passing the certification, emphasized that the only consequence for the "poor" is the direction to refresher courses.

Everything flows, everything changes ... But, as practice shows, not all the changes adopted by the Government lead to the better, although the first opinion is sometimes wrong. Following the latest changes in teacher certification that will be introduced in 2018, messages and comments from disgruntled teachers have appeared on forums and sites. What is planned to change and why educational workers consider themselves insulted, we will figure it out further.

Not so long ago, Deputy Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev told media representatives that next year it is planned to adopt a new model of teacher certification. According to him, similar measures are aimed at reducing the number of weak teachers and increasing their qualifications. The results of VLOOKUP checks, a comparison of USE grades and grades in schools and grades shows that some teachers overestimate the marks, in other words, they do not correspond to the actual knowledge of students. This is especially true in the provinces. Muzaev believes that the reason may lie in the lack of awareness of the teacher, the small baggage of his knowledge.

A new form of certification of teachers in 2018, according to the official, is being developed in conjunction with the teaching staff, which will eliminate mistakes in the preparation of tasks to test the professional suitability of teachers. The new model of verification of educational workers will consist of three main blocks:

  1. Checking the level of knowledge in the subject.
  2. Verification of psychological characteristics.
  3. Testing pedagogical skills.

This approach will allow to determine not only the level of knowledge of the teacher, but also his ability to present material, find a common language with children, and so on. So far, there is no information about the form in which the test of knowledge, psychology and pedagogy will take place, since the schemes and method have not been fully worked out, and the proposed options cause outrage in the educational sphere.

Weaknesses of the new form of teacher certification in 2018

It is known that a new certification of teaching staff from 2018 will be held every 4 years. Earlier, Rosobrnazdor stated that the check should be carried out more often - every 2-3 years, but so far such a proposal has not been implemented.

Despite the fact that while new model teacher verification is not approved and is in the process of development, a wave of indignation rolls on the Internet and across schools. Here are the main points that displease teaching staff:

  1. Teachers are encouraged to write an essay that will assess their horizons. The question arises as to who will check their work and by what criteria. The option is not excluded that the assessment will be biased, and the requirements are significantly overestimated. It is also possible that the essay will replace the CMM (like the exam). It will include both general and narrowly focused questions on the subject.
  2. It is suggested to test psychological characteristics based on the analysis of the teacher's video lesson. But technical difficulties arise, since the video should not be filmed on a phone or other gadget, but performed by a professional. But this requires financial costs, as well as permission for filming from all parents of the students, which in principle is impossible.
  3. Confirmation of pedagogical suitability from a legal point of view can be challenged in court, since the presence of the necessary skills is indicated by a document (diploma) received after graduation from a higher educational institution.

A similar situation with the testing of skills and abilities affected the drivers. After the officials introduced a mandatory retake test and a test of driving skills when exchanging driving licenses. The drivers managed to prove through the court that they had already passed such a check when passing the exam before obtaining a license. It is possible that the situation will repeat itself and teachers will be able to defend their rights.

What will happen to teachers who did not pass certification in 2018?

Since the certification of teachers in 2018 will become tougher and it is possible that not everyone will be able to pass it, a natural question arises as to what will happen to those. According to Anzor Murzaev, teachers will not be fired or punished, since the goals of the changes are completely different - the formation of a highly qualified teaching staff with high level knowledge. The more a teacher knows, the more knowledge he will be able to transfer to students.

Teachers who failed to pass the certification will be sent for advanced training. Such an approach will allow getting rid of weak workers in the educational sphere, but not by dismissal, but by training. Rosobrnadzor emphasized that teachers have nothing to fear, and new changes will bring the education sector to a new level.

Annually the legislative framework RF is undergoing changes. In 2019, amendments were made to the certification procedure for teachers. What is certification? How is it carried out and what changes have been made?

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What it is

Certification of teaching staff (APR) is a complex system of measures aimed at assessing the level of qualifications of teachers, teachers, educators, as well as assessing their personal and professional qualities and productivity labor activity.

The test results are used not only to assess an individual teacher, but also to identify the effectiveness of a particular educational institution.

Certification solves several tasks:

  1. Identification of candidates for a managerial vacancy.
  2. Identification of the teacher's compliance with the position.
  3. Determination of the possibilities of personal and professional growth employee of the pedagogical sphere.
  4. Determination of readiness for professional development.
  5. Assigning a higher category.
  6. Encouraging teaching staff to use innovative methods, approaches and technologies in their work.
  7. Identifying the need for additional training, including refresher courses.
  8. Opportunity for career growth.
  9. Skills and knowledge check teaching activities specific employee.

Thus, the main purpose of certification is to identify suitability for the position held and improve qualifications. In practice, APR is increasingly used for the search and selection of personnel for leadership positions in the educational sphere.

Certification of teachers is carried out once every 5 years or more often at the request of the employee himself or at the discretion of the employer.


APR is carried out on the basis of the current Federal Law No. 273 "On Education" and the Order of the Ministry of Education No. 276 on the approval of the procedure for the procedure.

Certification is carried out every 5 years or more often among all employees of the educational sphere, including the management.

The exceptions are:

  • teachers who already have qualifications;
  • teachers or employees of the field appointed to the position by the Government of the Russian Federation or the President of the Russian Federation;
  • teachers with less than 2 years of experience in their current position;
  • employees holding a senior management position temporarily;
  • pregnant employees or employees on maternity leave;
  • employees who are on maternity leave or parental leave for a child under 3 years old;
  • teachers who are absent from the workplace for more than 4 months before certification.

APR for compliance with the position or for advanced training has several features and nuances that must be observed:

  1. An attestation commission must be assembled to evaluate an applicant for the position or for the suitability of the position held. Commission composition:
    • chairman;
    • deputy;
    • secretary;
    • ordinary members of the commission.
  2. Before the APR is carried out, the employer must issue a corresponding Order. The employee must be familiarized with the document no later than 1 month before the event.
  3. The results of the commission meeting will be accepted as competent if the majority of the commission members (at least two-thirds) were present at the certification.
  4. A meeting and assessment of a teaching staff member can only be held in his presence. If necessary, the certification can be postponed to another day.
  5. The results of the meeting should be expressed in one of the following forms:
    • suitability of the position;
    • inappropriateness of the position;
    • qualification assignment (1, 2 or higher);
    • refusal to grant qualifications.
  6. Voting is conducted at an open meeting without the participation of the applicant.
  7. The results of the event must be recorded, and the protocol itself must be signed by all members of the commission and the certified teacher.
  8. The result of the certification can be appealed in the prescribed manner.
  9. The meeting of the attestation commission can be initiated by the teaching staff for the purpose of improving their qualifications. In this case, the consideration of the case is carried out only on the basis of a written application from the applicant. By law, the application is considered no more than 30 days after filing.
  10. Advanced training is possible no earlier than 2 years after the assignment of another category.

What changes have occurred

The latest changes in the certification of teachers in 2019:

  1. Introduction of general federal standards for conducting APR.
  2. Checking the level of pedagogical and psychological skills of an educational worker by video recording of the learning process.
  3. Assessment professional competencies pedagogues is conducted according to a highly specialized essay, which can subsequently be replaced by an exam.
  4. A beginner teacher can get a category already 2 years after the start of labor activity.
  5. Introduction of stages of passing certification activities.
  6. Introduction of additional criteria for evaluating teachers.
  7. Introduction of the possibility to challenge the decision of the certification commission in court.

Despite significant changes, the procedure for certification for compliance with the position held has not changed.

How is

In accordance with the changes in 2019, the certification procedure includes the following stages:

  1. Identification of the need for an APR, including for the reasons:
    • personal statement of the teacher for professional development;
    • personnel selection for new or leadership positions;
    • standard check for suitability for the position held.
  2. Gathering of the certification commission and appointment of the chairman.
  3. Publication of the Order and the schedule of certification activities.
  4. Carrying out the APR in two stages:
    • stage 1: confirmation of professional knowledge and skills;
    • stage 2: defense of teaching qualifications.
  5. Making a decision on awarding qualifications or meeting the position by a majority vote at a general vote.
  6. Issuance of the Minutes, including the main aspects of the meeting, decision, signatures of all members of the commission and the teacher who passed the certification. The protocol should be entered into the employee's personal file. The results of the meeting can be appealed against in court.

To pass the APR, the certified teacher must provide the commission with the following package of documents:

  • written consent to conduct certification activities;
  • application for attestation for qualification assignment;
  • a copy of the results of previous certification (if any);
  • higher education diploma;
  • a detailed report on the activities carried out in a specific position;
  • document on assignment of a pedagogical category (if any);
  • characteristics from the current place of work;
  • cover letter from the manager;
  • letters of recommendation from colleagues and other officials;
  • employee information card;
  • two videos taken in the teaching process.
  • other documents at the discretion of the certified teacher.

A sample application is presented below:

Thus, the certification of teaching staff should be carried out at least once every 5 years in order to identify the compliance with the position held and other competencies.

Changes in 2019 tightened the certification procedure, which, according to experts, can qualitatively improve the level of education in the country.