Read the story of the burbot summary. Chekhov's "Burbot": Analysis of Artistic Means

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote the story "Burbot" in 1885. By this time, he was already well known as the author of many humorous stories and short sketches.

From the very first lines of this work, a smile appears on the faces of the readers. The situation by the unlucky fishermen is so comical, Anton Pavlovich describes it so vividly that a picture rises before his eyes: a hot summer day, a large pond overgrown with willow trees, people in the water trying to overcome a heavy fish.

Chekhov, "Burbot". Summary of the story

On a fine summer day, carpenters Lyubim and Gerasim are busy in the water near the future bathing house. They are busy fishing for a large hid under a snag, and unlucky fishermen cannot get it. They swear, give each other advice. But there is no sense in this. At this time, it seemed to one of them that he grabbed the burbot by the lip. The carpenter pulls him to the surface. But it turns out that it's just big cancer... The fisherman angrily throws him ashore. Burbot fishing continues. What will Chekhov tell us next in his story? "Burbot", summary which is presented in this article is a wonderful piece.

A shepherd joins the fishermen. At this time, a herd is approaching the pond, which old man Efim drives to a watering place. Seeing the failure of the fishermen, the shepherd takes off his clothes and joins them. He walks a few steps along the muddy bottom, and then sets off to swim to the carpenters. Now three fishermen are already splashing in the water. But they still can't get the burbot out - it's a very big and slippery fish, as Chekhov tells us. Burbot, a summary of which is given here, is a humorous story. It is very easy to read.

Vasily the coachman and his master also climb into the water. Here the voice of the master Andrei Andreich is heard, who runs out in one dressing gown and shouts that the animals have climbed into his garden. He is angry and urgently demands a shepherd.

In response, he can only hear screams from the baths, where unlucky fishermen catch burbot. He rushes to them and tries to find out what they are doing. Having understood everything, the master stands and waits for the fish to be finally pulled ashore. Five minutes and ten minutes pass, but the matter does not move. He calls his coachman Vasily and tells him to help the fishermen. Vasily undresses and throws himself into the water. The four of them cut the snag under which the burbot is hiding and try to pull it out. But it’s not that easy. Andrei Andreevich can not stand it and climbs into the water himself. Anton Chekhov came up with an unexpected denouement in the story. "Burbot", a summary of which can be read here, is a reflection of a real comic situation that the author once observed in the village of Babkino.

Unexpected denouement

Joining the unlucky fishermen, the master tries to help them. Soon he manages to grab the burbot by the gills. The body of a fish, shining in the sun, appeared above the water. Everyone is happy, they are wondering how much this colossus weighs. Most of all, the master is pleased that he was able to pull out such a noble fish. The burbot is tensely twisting its tail and desperately trying to escape. Another moment, and he succeeds. He makes a sharp movement with his tail. A splash of water is heard. Fishermen shrug their shoulders. It is unlikely that a summary will be able to convey the comic nature of the situation. Chekhov's "Burbot" is a small work, and it is easy to read. Therefore, we recommend that you read it in the original.

This article told about one of the humorous stories written by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. "Burbot", a summary of which is given in the article, is one of the best works the author. It is included in the compulsory program for studying literature in educational institutions.


In the first year of university A. If Chekhov came up with a continuation of the story, I wonder what he would write about everyone's mood at that moment? If you have already written articles or notes, please discard the links to them and a few words about yourself at. In his memoirs, the writer notes that he remembers perfectly how the carpenters in the Babkino estate near Voskresensk stumbled upon burbot in the water during the construction of the bathhouse. There was no need to divide the skin of an unkilled bear. Three gambling fishermen tell his honor about burbot. In our new article, we'll take a look at the story. the main idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is the opposition of human power and strength to humility and meekness unpopular with many people. It is immediately noticeable how hard it is for them. Here it is - a real talent! The shepherd Yefim appears on the shore and has driven the flock. "Burbot" gives readers a lot of pleasure: ridiculous, funny plot details bring even more laughter to a funny, harmless incident. Usually, the kid begins acquaintance with a new book through tactile and visual sensations - he tries….

Usually, the kid begins acquaintance with a new book through tactile and visual sensations - he tries…. Here you can read a summary of the works of Russian and foreign literature. The work vividly reflects the nature of Chekhov's subtle humor, based on amazing observation, love of life, impeccable knowledge of human psychology, the originality of the folk language and love for the Russian word. Chekhov's subtle humor and his ability to find comical and at the same time instructive in an ordinary everyday situation amaze me.

"," Grab the zebras "," come in from the side, come in from the left! The fish waved its tail and flopped into the water. And the carpenters are still busy under the willows. Later it turns out that they are trying to lure out the burbot, which has found a shelter under a snag. We have a lot of people to help you here. Also, my last question was resolved in less than 10 minutes: D Anyway, you can just log in and try adding your question. Barin Andrei Andreevich reveals himself, allows himself to cool down, climbs into the water and after a while clings to the burbot by the gills. In the year of the creation of the story, the final consolidation by the writer of the everyday storylines of his works, equipped with the strengthening of ... comic life circumstances, is traced. It will soon be noon, and Gerasim and Lyubim are still floundering under the willow trees.

They pull the fish to the surface, now its huge head and large body are visible. The four of them cut the snag under which the burbot is hiding, and try to pull it out. One advises another: - You finger, not a fist! Dear visitor, you entered the site as an unregistered user. Barin Andrei Andreevich reveals himself, allows himself to cool down, climbs into the water and after a while clings to the burbot by the gills. Andrei Andreevich is sure that only he is able to catch a burbot, and enters the water. What will Chekhov tell us next in his story? Burbot, a summary of which is given here, is a humorous story. The hunters begin to cut the snag under which the burbot is trying to save life with an ax.

“And the sun bakes and bakes. The herd has climbed into the garden, the bathhouse has been doing for two days, but nothing is ready! Anton Pavlovich Chekhov wrote the story "Burbot" in 1885. The hunters begin to cut the snag with an ax, under which the burbot is trying to save life. I am wondering if you have any problems doing homework... The shepherd Yefim appears on the shore and has driven the flock. Before the publication of the story "Burbot" A. Burbot tosses and tries to slip out of the hands of the fishermen.

A husky bass and a chilled, shrill tenor restlessly break the silence of a summer day. " Here it is - a real talent! Of course, the fish is not main character of this work, but all the plot lines of the story boil down to how to catch a cunning burbot that has climbed under a snag. The master's patience ends, he undresses and also climbs into the pond and soon manages to hook the burbot by the gills. "," Gerasim, go for the ax! Four are already jostling in the water patch. At the same time, they are so absorbed in excitement that they shout and swear at each other, are outraged and give each other advice on catching burbot. "Burbot", a summary of which can be read here, is a reflection of a real comic situation that the author observed once in the village of Babkino. They break it slightly, and Andrei Andreevich, to his great delight, feels his fingers crawling under the gills of the burbot.

Chekhov's story "Burbot" was created in 1885, when the writer was already very popular and was known as a magnificent fiction writer and author of short satirical or humorous stories. The first lines of the work, which Chekhov wrote, "Burbot" (a summary will be described below) immediately tune in to romance, as there is a bewitching description of a pleasant summer morning of awakening nature. And then a sharp contrast immediately sets in - a man with a red curly head puffs in the water in trousers and a shirt. And already this description does not fit in any way with the lyrical study, but definitely tunes in to humor. Incidentally, this is Chekhov's favorite technique. Consider further the analysis and summary.

Chekhov's "Burbot": Analysis of Artistic Means

The plot begins with the fact that two carpenters, blue from the cold, who sit for an hour in the river, are struggling to pull out a huge burbot.

The description of the characters, their colloquial words and abuse give the text a great deal of comic relief. Chekhov stuffed his work with very funny words like "komandar", "complex", "jester" or "lumpy". "Burbot" (read a summary of this story a little later) in terms of plot is somewhat similar to folk tale about the turnip. Everyone who passed by were drawn into catching burbot with an inhuman passion, as only real fishermen or hunters can do. The shepherd Yefim abandons his flock, which has entered the garden, and comes to the peasants to help. Even the pampered gentleman, who came out to the noise from the house in a Persian robe with a newspaper, first makes his coachman get into the water, and then he himself goes to the clay bottom with snags to grab the fish with his hands.

But Chekhov's story ends a little sadly. Burbot, as it turned out, was still missed.

A. P. Chekhov, "Burbot": a summary

On a quiet summer morning, when a grasshopper was creaking in the grass and feathery clouds like snow stood in the sky, the tall and skinny carpenter Gerasim with curly red hair was floundering in the green branches of the willow near the bathhouse under construction. So you can start a summary. Chekhov's "burbot" further tells that this man (Gerasim) is puffing all over and trying to get something from under the driftwood. And next to him up to his throat in the water is the carpenter Lyubim. They have already turned blue from the cold, as they sit for an hour in the river in shirts and trousers and cannot pull the clogged burbot out from under the driftwood. The peasants fuss, swear at how much the light is worth, give each other advice and just can't get used to it. One shouts that it is necessary to grab the zebras (gills) of the burbot, but since the fish's head is under the snag, this is almost impossible to do. The sun gradually begins to bake.

Shepherd Efim

So the plot gradually developed (its summary). Chekhov's "burbot" continued with the fact that after a while the shepherd Yefim was driving the flock by. He was a decrepit old man who looked downcastly at his feet, with a crooked mouth and one eye. Several horses, cows and sheep approached the water. Efim, hearing the noise in the reservoir and screwing up his whole eye, saw the fishermen and understood what was the matter. He immediately threw off his shirt, bag and, remaining in some trousers, crossing himself, immediately rushed into the water to help. Then all three, pushing each other with their elbows and knees, began to stomp in one place.

The herd, which was left unattended, entered the garden, which aroused great discontent with the master Andrei Andreevich. As the summary says, Chekhov's "Burbot" further narrates that the master left the house and decided to scold the careless shepherd and carpenters, who still cannot finish building the bathhouse.


Suddenly the master hears screams coming from the river. When he realized what was the matter, the angler's excitement immediately woke up in him, and he ordered his coachman Vasily to get into the water too. But things did not go, the fish sat deep under the snags. Here the master could not stand it and climbed into the water himself to help pull the burbot. But this did not lead to anything good either.

But this is not all the summary. Chekhov's "Burbot" continued with the fact that then Lyubim decides to chop up a snag to free the burbot from the shelter. At this time Andrei Andreevich grabs the burbot by the gills. The huge head of the fish is raised above the surface, and its black arshin body has already appeared. The fishermen are happy to the point of insanity, but here, when the burbot was almost caught, it suddenly hits with its tail and slips out of the master's hands. Only a strong splash was heard - the burbot swam away, as if it did not exist at all.

And that's how the summary ended. Chekhov's "Burbot" is one of the funniest stories of the writer. Therefore, it is better to read it in full version to get real pleasure.

Two carpenters, Gerasim and Lyubim, have been trying for a long time to pull the burbot out from under the driftwood. They fuss, give each other advice, but they can't get the fish out. Both fishermen know that it is necessary to pull out the burbot by grabbing it by the gills, but the head of the fish is under the snag, and it is impossible to grab it. After a long time, the old shepherd Yefim joined them, driving the flock past. His intervention does not lead to anything, and the herd left unattended is taken into the garden. This causes dissatisfaction with the master Andrei Andreevich. The master scolds the shepherd for not keeping an eye on the flock, and the carpenters for not building a bathhouse.

The angler's excitement takes over, and Andrei Andreevich orders his coachman Vasily to climb into the water. Even the intervention of the fourth man does not lead to anything - the burbot has settled deeply. The master decides to take control of the situation himself and joins the burbot hunters, but this does not lead to anything. Finally the carpenter Lyubim decides to cut the snag. Having cut the shelter of the burbot, Andrey Andreyich manages to grab it by the gills. The head of a hefty fish is raised to the surface, there is no limit to the joy of the fishermen. Suddenly, their prey hits with its tail and again finds itself free. Everyone spreads their arms, but it's too late - the burbot is gone.

A summary of Chekhov's story "Burbot"

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Title of the piece: Burbot

Genre: story

Year of writing: 1885

Main characters: peasants Gerasim, Love, shepherd Efim and master Andrey Andreevich.


On an early summer morning, two villagers catch a burbot huddled under a snag. They quarrel and come up with ways of how best to take hold of the fish, interfering with each other. Time goes by, and the men are still spinning around the driftwood without much sense. At lunchtime, the shepherd drives the flock to the watering hole, he sees the scurrying men and joins them in the hope of catching a burbot. The men swear and laugh, and give advice to one another, but that's the point.

After lunch, the master comes up to the pond. At first, he gets angry with the men who cannot build him a bathhouse for several weeks. But when he heard about the burbot, he also undresses and climbs into the water. The peasants promise the landowner a noble ear and hint that he will pay them a little. Finally, through the joint efforts of all, the burbot is finally caught; he is huge, fat and very seductive. When the peasants and the master gaze with delight at the desired prey, the fish, deftly dodging, breaks out of the hands and flops into the water.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Anton Pavlovich in short stories is able to show both the funny and the tragic that surrounds us in everyday life. Its sparkling short stories and will make you laugh, and make you think: are we laughing at ourselves?