Why cancer immunotherapy is finding more and more supporters. With fire and sword

Grudinin scored the most in Yakutia, and Zhirinovsky in Komi.

As you know, the first three places in the Russian presidential elections are occupied by the incumbent head of state Vladimir Putin (76.66% of votes based on 99% of ballots), Pavel Grudinin (11.8%) and Vladimir Zhirinovsky (5.67%).

None of the other five candidates representing the non-parliamentary opposition managed to gain more than 2% of the vote. Thus, Ksenia Sobchak (Civil Initiative Party), which ranks fourth, has 1.67%, Grigory Yavlinsky (Yabloko) - 1.04%, Boris Titov (Rosta Party) - 0, 76%, from Maxim Suraykin ("Communists of Russia") - 0.68% and 0.65% was won by Sergei Baburin (party "Russian National Union").

However, there are also “abnormal” regions in Russia, in which representatives of the non-parliamentary opposition found much more supporters than in the country as a whole.

So, Baburin showed his highest result in Chechnya - 1.18%.

Ksenia Sobchak expectedly received the highest support in her native St. Petersburg - 4.32%.

Yavlinsky's highest score was 3.17% of the votes he earned in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

As for Grudinin and Zhirinovsky, then, as the "Club of Regions" has already reported, the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation showed the highest result in Yakutia - 27.24%. The founder of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia has the most supporters in Komi, where he gained 10.24% of the vote.

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The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Yakutia showed the lowest percentage of voters for Vladimir Putin. 64.38% supported him. And the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Pavel Grudinin received the highest result in the country in the republic - 27.25%. Political observer Timofey Efremov believes that such election results indicate a loss of public confidence in the head of Yakutia, Yegor Borisov, and a negative assessment of his work in the republic.

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The leaders of the new right are taking advantage of the falling confidence of the Germans in the official government - they have more and more supporters. The nearly one million refugees who arrived in Germany in 2015 served as a catalyst for a new right-wing movement. Fear of outsiders and their "dominance" accelerates the processes of unification and daily forces more and more "concerned" citizens to join the right ranks.

More and more German citizens are rallying against the state, its institutions and elected representatives. The slowly growing contempt for democracy is here combined with a rapidly growing xenophobia. The number of aggressive right-wingers is increasing so rapidly that refugee shelters are on fire almost every day.

While all this remains the lot of the radical minority. So far, the majority are tens of thousands of volunteers who every day offer assistance to refugee reception institutions. At the same time, however, the new rightist movement is gaining strength, its methods are becoming more sophisticated, and its appeal far surpasses the popularity of its predecessors. Previously, the word "right" was often associated with shaven-headed thugs in bombers and army boots, who did not always manage to prick on the forearm english words Blood & Honor without mistakes ...

New Right

These street radicals have not disappeared anywhere, but today they are receiving reinforcements: the new right-wing circles include representatives of the bourgeois middle class, conservative intellectuals, Christian believers, disaffected. They attract people who generally consider themselves left-wing, such as German admirers of Putin, opponents of globalization and radical pacifists. Those who have long been considered incompatible are rallying. Together they form a powerful protest movement that, through street demonstrations and digital campaigns on the Internet, is radicalizing sentiment in the country.

There are many reasons to expect that Germany will have its own "Tea Party", and this will lead to a sharp change in the balance of political forces. According to the latest polls, the right-wing Alternative for Germany is gaining up to 10%. But in the summer, after an ugly struggle for internal party leadership, the party seemed to be in for a collapse, and even today it hardly surpasses the club of bowling fans in its professionalism.

The rest of the parties today helplessly watch the processes on the right side of society. Vice-Chancellor and head of the SPD Sigmar Gabriel, who in the summer declared the need for a dialogue with supporters of the movement "Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West" (PEGIDA), a little later gave up and began to call the radical demonstrators "punks".

However, the right movement instills the most uncertainty in the CDU / CSU Union. Members and functionaries are literally torn between loyalty to the chancellor and the need to ensure that Christian parties remain the political homeland for the citizens who today turn away from them. It is not excluded that the fate of Merkel will depend, in particular, on how she builds relations with the new right ...

Tell me who is your friend ...

Participants of the action "Germany is us" in Plauen, which gathered several thousand people, until recently were considered a moderate bourgeois response to the Dresden PEGIDA. It is not customary here to wave the battle banners of the Reich and walk around with wooden gallows with the name of Angela Merkel. Representatives of the right-wing parties were considered “non grata”. However, sentiment in Plauen has also become more aggressive in recent weeks. Now they are talking not about the Federal Republic, but about the "state of scoundrels". Few of the speakers resisted the temptation to call the Federal Chancellor a "traitor of the people", who had recently been named "Person of the Year" by American Time. Law-abiding citizens exchange angry tirades against the state and creepy stories about outsiders. And this combination of old resentments and new conspiracy theories is characteristic of the movement on the conservative periphery of the political spectrum.

In the summer, the Foundation. Otto Brenner, funded by German trade unions, has published a study on right-wing populism in Germany. It follows from this that the new right-wingers today can be recognized by the fact that they no longer want to unambiguously identify themselves with the right-wing camp. This complicates things: “The boundaries between traditionally left and right positions are becoming blurry. Most of these politicians put themselves outside the framework of the classical division into right and left. "

The New Right loves to read the monthly Compact magazine. Him chief Editor Jurgen Elsesser was formerly a member of the Communist Union, wrote for Junge Welt, Neues Deutschland and Freitag. Many of his comments today could well be published in leftist publications. And Elsesser's enthusiasm for Vladimir Putin is met with great understanding in certain left circles. Elsesser supports the Russian government. The pro-Kremlin Institute for Democracy and Cooperation (a Russian non-profit organization founded in 2007 by lawyer Anatoly Kucherena "to protect democracy and human rights in the EU and the US." - "Profile") participates in financing the conference organized by Compact magazine and acts as a media partner of the event ...

The Leo Tolstoy Institute in Berlin, founded in the fall of 2014, is also one of Elsesser's friends. The Institute is called upon to "promote German-Russian friendship" and organizes language courses, lectures, concerts. He tries to counter the Anglo-Saxon influence with "something German-Russian", for example, Putin's concept of Eurasia. According to a study by the Hungarian Institute public opinion Political Capital, Russia maintains relations with far-right groups in at least 13 EU countries, including the Free Party of Austria, the Flemish Interest in Belgium, the For a Better Hungary (Jobbik) party, and the National Front in France. The last one Russian bank at the end of 2014 issued a loan in the amount of 9 million euros. “The German far-right has been trying for many years to establish contact with russian politicians,- believe in the German special services. "And Moscow is taking advantage of this."

With fire and sword

Most New Right speakers do not use violence. They influence the mood in the country at conventions, in market squares, and above all on the Internet. In doing so, they create a spiritual basis, sensing which, aggressive nationalists believe that now they can turn right-wing slogans into action. It is not surprising that the man who stabbed the candidate for mayor of Cologne Henrietta Recker with a knife showed himself right now. For 30 years, the entire city knew about his neo-Nazi beliefs, which, however, remained theoretical. And now it seemed to him that he could proceed to action. “I had to do it,” he told the police after the assassination attempt. "Foreign migrants are taking our jobs away." In right-wing circles this "act of necessary defense" was received with enthusiasm.

Acts of violence on the part of the right have increased sharply in recent months, and they are characterized by increasing brutality. So, on the night of December 7, in the Thuringian town of Altenburg, unidentified persons entered a typical high-rise building where the authorities placed 70 refugees, after which two baby carriages caught fire on the landing, 10 people, including a baby, were poisoned with smoke.

As of December 7, the German Interior Ministry counted 817 “criminal offenses against refugee shelters”; in comparison with 2014, the number of assassination attempts has grown at least 4 times, and the number of arson - 11 times. Violence has exploded in Germany since summer.

Such dynamics are "frightening", it is "a shame for Germany," says German Interior Minister Thomas de Mezières. It is not only the security agencies that are obliged to respond to it, but the entire society, he is convinced. "We must be vigilant so that xenophobia and right-wing extremism do not penetrate the central strata of society."

The Federal Criminal Police Department conducted its own analysis of the situation and stated that often crimes are committed by far from typical right-wingers: less than a third of those who came to the attention of the investigating authorities belong to them. Most were considered citizens with an unblemished reputation right up until the moment when they walked to refugee shelters with weapons, shooting metal balls, with clubs or powerful firecrackers. The more convincingly the new right presents itself as a victim of a hostile political class, the more powerful is the impulse to force people to defend themselves by resorting to violence.

Such new form fierce resistance is a common German phenomenon ... The problems associated with refugee policy seem to be created "for the formation of a content-ideological consensus" on the right flank of society, says one analytical report of the Federal Criminal Police Office. As a result, "nationalist ideology" is spreading throughout the country. The object of hatred in the future may increasingly become those who give refugees a warm welcome, the German police warned last summer. The number of assassination attempts at party headquarters or on persons with political powers has sharply increased in recent weeks ...

The roots of evil

However, more important than dealing with symptoms is to understand the reasons for this legal shift. Where does such anger, hatred of strangers and “those above” come from?

Some things may be due to globalization, the fruits of which are enjoyed primarily by economic and political elites, while many citizens believe that they are faced exclusively with negative consequences in the form of job exports, wage dumping, or an influx of foreign migrants and refugees that are perceived as a threat.

It seems that the refugee crisis is focusing all the latent fears of German society, resulting in an explosive mixture. People who are nationally concerned, afraid of the "dominance of strangers", even when there was not a single foreigner in the whole district, now they are filled with anxiety for the fatherland. Critics of Islam in connection with the large influx of refugees, mainly Muslims, present a terrible scenario of "Islamization of the West" or even the German Sharia state. Socially disadvantaged groups fear that refugees will compete with them for jobs or social payments... And all citizens disenchanted with politics, and who previously considered the current people's deputies to be useless for anything and democracy as a weak form of government, are convinced that the poor administration of the refugee crisis confirms their rightness.

Sociologists warn that a significant portion of the German population has long ago moved away from what is commonly called a democratic consensus. These people do not go to elections, ignore parties and practically do not read newspapers.

However, it is not only the precariat that is distinguished by its susceptibility to the anti-democratic theses of the new right-wing movement (people who do not have permanent employment - "Profile"). The beliefs of the conservative part of the population in last years shifted to the right, due in part to trends in the German party system. A significant part of the traditional electorate of the CDU and CSU has long been unable to find a party in Germany that would correspond to their views. These people distanced themselves from the "Christian" politicians, because they did not want to support the modernization course of Angela Merkel, who, over the past ten years as chancellor, gave up one habitual position after another. In conservative circles, they perceived with bewilderment the almost complete equalization of rights for same-sex unions and traditional families, and the active increase in the number of nursery places, and the introduction of parental leave for fathers, and the abolition of military service on appeal, and, finally, the rejection of nuclear energy. And after Merkel has taken a cordial stance towards refugees, the last ties between conservative citizens of Germany and the CDU are finally collapsing.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the ruling Grand Coalition unites almost 80% of the seats in the Bundestag, and both opposition parties, the Left and Greens, belong to the left flank. The "Alternative for Germany", as well as the Free Democratic Party of Germany (FDP), in the fall of 2013 was unable to overcome the five percent barrier. Thus, millions of more right-wing citizens are not represented at all in parliament.

Therefore, political scientist Herfried Münkler speaks of "narrowing the political horizon." “The axis of tension between the political establishment and a large part of society is broken,” says sociology professor Hartmut Rosa. This is the root cause of the success of the new rightist movement ...

"Alternative for Germany"

None of the recognized parties, with the exception of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), can in principle expect its voice to be heard in the new right-wing protest circles. In early August, the new party leader, Frauke Petri, presented a plan for an "autumn offensive" at a board meeting. Main topics: Euro and Immigration. Soon everyone forgot about the euro - the party opted for the radical option. AfD functionaries tried to outmaneuver each other with extreme calls to resolve the refugee issue, starting with the closure of borders or the withdrawal of the right to asylum from the Basic Law and ending with the right to use firearms against refugees - of course, only "in case of emergency" ...

“Of course, we owe our revival primarily to the refugee crisis. We can say that he became a gift for us, ”says the deputy head of the party, Alexander Gauland, calling the migrants nothing more than“ barbarians ”.

After the impressive success of the French National Front, many in the AfD dream of repeating such a breakthrough by becoming Germany's right-wing "People's Party". Officially, Petri continues to distance himself from Marine Le Pen's party. And yet, many of the points of their programs almost coincide, primarily on topics such as asylum, immigration and integration. And even in the area economic policy Many of their theses are discouragingly similar: the National Front, like the AfD, does not accept the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), as well as the salvation of the euro, the banking union and anti-Russian sanctions. AfD, like the National Front, is suspicious of large banks and concerns.

In addition, the party masses yearn for solidarity with the French. In comments on the party's official Facebook page, people are wondering why the AfD is not celebrating Le Pen's successes. PEGIDA did not deny this pleasure to its supporters: “Congratulations, Marin! Congratulations, "National Front"! ", - wrote Lutz Bachmann on his page in the social network ...

"Gatekeepers" and "maestro of disinformation"

Often, supporters of the New Right deliberately boycott the classical media and prefer to receive information from their own sources. Journalists are called “gatekeepers” in German communications jargon: like the gatekeepers at the gates of a medieval city, they decide which news is relevant and interesting enough to enter the minds of readers or viewers.

More and more Germans believe that the "gatekeepers" - the classic media - hide important news from them. For example, the fact that climate change is not so bad. Or that the euro will collapse in the near future and that nuclear power plants are safe. That the Americans want to bring Germany to the handle, and Putin is fighting for eternal peace... Therefore, the new right-wingers prefer to choose their media "gatekeepers" on their own and trust those who filter and manipulate information more radically. Their supporters can chat for hours on the Internet with like-minded people and revel in their bloodlust on the forums.

The leader of PEGIDA Lutz Bachmann is the “maestro of disinformation”. A man who trained as a cook and served time for theft, drug dealing and repeated burglary, daily treats his Facebook friends with heartbreaking stories about the everyday life of refugees: in Osnabrück, a captured foreign stowaway showed aggression; in Spenge (North Rhine-Westphalia) an Afghan man molested a schoolgirl. Of course, all these are just "regrettable isolated cases", Bachmann sneers. When it comes to negative news, the provocateur unconditionally believes in the “false press”. And floods his feed with messages that fit into his picture of the world, be it verified information or wild rumors.

The degree of radicalization of a part of society can be judged by the fact that more and more incitements of hatred do not hide their names, says Bielefeld conflict expert Andreas Tsik: "Such radicalization makes people distance themselves from the majority in society." In addition, self-identification with the group increases, and group solidarity increases. The organizers of the right-wing movement understood this, and now they urge their supporters to subscribe to the comments with their real name ...

"Blond beasts"

Traditional popular parties can only regain the trust of citizens if they manage to pursue policies that distance themselves from xenophobia and nationalism, while at the same time taking into account the overwhelming burden and vulnerability that Germans are experiencing today. Otherwise, as stated in early December in Brussels by German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble, the results of the local elections in France will not put a "fat point in this whole discussion."

Neither politicians nor the bourgeois middle class should create illusions about the goal of the right-wing ideologists and the ever-growing crowd of their "fellow travelers". This is the same goal pursued by people like Karl Schmitt, one of the fascist ideologues of the Weimar Republic. They want to destroy the existing democratic system, in order to then build something of their own, and it does not matter what specific shape this "something" will have.

One of the favorite visual images of movement is the image of a blonde woman with a blonde child on her lap, shared by thousands of Facebook users. At the bottom there is a signature: "Germany will outlive the FRG".

Reprinted in abbreviation

- fundamentally new drugs aimed at restoring natural immunity to tumors. By blocking the PD-1 receptor or its ligand PD-L1, the drugs make the tumor "visible" to the immune system and disarm it.

“Many tumors on their surface express the ligand PD-L1, which interacts with the PD-1 receptor on T-lymphocytes,” explained to Gazeta.Ru, vice president of research and development at BIOCAD. "In this way, the tumor becomes, in fact," invisible "to the immune system, it survives and, metastasizing, spreads throughout the body."

PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors break the pathological interaction - the immune system begins to fight the tumor in the same way as with the virus. The drugs of the indicated groups have already received the “breakthrough” status from the FDA in more than 10 cases. They also changed treatment tactics and international guidelines, for example, on melanoma, kidney and bladder tumors. And just a few weeks ago the FDA approved the use of avelumab, a PD-L1 inhibitor, for the treatment of an extremely malignant tumor - Merkel cell carcinoma.

It is worth noting that in all the examples given, the PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors are breakthrough unadorned. Until now, no non-surgical therapies have existed for Merkel cell carcinoma. And in the registration clinical trials for kidney, melanoma and bladder tumors, hopeless patients took part, received all possible treatment, developed resistance to all available drugs.

But even in such a cohort, there was an effect and even regression of the disease.

However, this breakthrough has not yet touched real clinical practice. As with any new treatment, PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors are extremely expensive. Annual cost of applying any of them with ease exceeds $ 100 thousand ... It is for this reason that modern therapy is still little available, even for humans, not to mention the Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii), to whom, as it turned out, she helps to get rid from devilishly contagious cancer.

Health care systems in most countries are not ready to pay for such expensive treatment. Patients and insurance companies themselves. Nevertheless, the direction of the pharmaceutical industry is recognized as more than promising.

According to Research and Markets, in 2016 the market for PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors amounted to almost $ 5 billion. And the average annual growth will be 23.4% in the period 2017-2025. Key market players are identified in the report: Merck & Co., Inc., Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, AstraZeneca plc, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Novartis AG, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and Merck KGaA.

Companies are trying to get closer to world scientific centers. The same AstraZeneca moved its headquarters to Cambridge, where it recently completed the construction of a huge research center. Its launch is scheduled for 2018; in total, 2 thousand of the company's researchers are already working in Cambridge. “The best way to meet today's scientific challenges is to work in an open, transparent spirit with the world's best scientists, so Cambridge is the best place for our new research center, ”says Mene Pangalos, executive vice president of the company.

What is the role and position of Russia in this immune boom? Key companies in our country are represented. And in November 2016, the Russian Society of Clinical Oncology (RUSSCO) signed a Memorandum on the launch of a project to develop immuno-oncology in Russia with the participation of AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, MSD and Roche. The stated areas of cooperation include educational and research activities, assistance in increasing the availability of new treatment methods for Russian patients.

And the Russian company BIOCAD has an antibody to PD-1 in its pipelines. Antibody passed preclinical studies , Phase I clinical trial is nearing completion.

“In 2016, as part of a clinical study, Russians began to receive a domestic PD-1 inhibitor,” said Roman Ivanov. - The study included mainly patients with stage IV melanoma - these are patients with numerous metastases in various organs, with a life expectancy of no more than several months.

However, some patients achieved truly fantastic results - stopping tumor growth, and in some patients - a significant regression of the disease.

For example, in the first patient included in this study, in just a couple of months, the total tumor mass was more than halved. ”

And nevertheless, optimistic statements about - rather, dreams. Russia is far from being the first: there are already about 50 PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors at the stages of clinical trials, there are almost 1000 protocols themselves. The drugs already registered by the FDA have not been created in Russia at all.

However, the world community is looking ahead. Scientists are already discussing the next generation of drugs - new inhibitory compounds and costimulatory antibodies, which alone or in combination with PD-1 and PD-L1 inhibitors improve the effectiveness of immunotherapy .

The role of mathematical modeling of medicinal molecules may be very promising. Resident M&S \u200b\u200bDecisions, in collaboration with AstraZeneca, are betting on him and believing that predicting therapeutic potential will save time on research and development that can take decades.

In addition to issues of production and availability, the scientific community is raising the issue of markers of treatment effectiveness. Thus, it turned out that in kidney cancer, unlike melanoma, the expression of PD-L1 was not associated with the effectiveness of treatment. That is, in kidney cancer, the presence of the target itself did not mean that the drug aimed at it would be effective. In melanoma, the level of target expression is expected to correlate with the efficacy of the drug targeting it.

Speaking about the use of modern drugs in Russia, it is necessary to raise the issue of training doctors. At world specialized congresses (ASCO, ESMO), scientists pay attention: when using immunotherapy, it is not clear how to fix the response. It turns out that in immuno-oncological approaches, the criteria for disease progression and regression used in radiation therapy and chemotherapy can confuse the doctor.

For example, there may be a temporary "outbreak" of the disease and only after that - regression.

Or, conversely, the patient may appear resistant to treatment and respond to it on a delayed basis, including after stopping therapy.

Also, the result may turn out to be similar to the picture of complete healing - it is not clear to scientists whether to cancel the treatment or continue the course, which costs $ 100 thousand per year. And in this matter, not only the financial toxicity of the treatment can become a problem, but real clinical complications. The point is that suppressing the immune response is also a healthy necessity, preventing autoimmune diseases and maintaining immunotolerance.

Therefore, it is impossible to "turn on" antitumor immunity for a life-long regimen - this will lead to other no less dangerous diseases.

Cardiotoxicity is also discussed, which has not been noted in clinical trials, but gave know about myself in real clinical practice. Another unexpected phenomenon was the almost complete depreciation of such an expensive treatment if the patient takes antibiotics: median progression-free survival in kidney cancer decreased by four times when taking antibiotics.

Now scientists expect a lot, but at the same time warn from the conclusions about the omnipotence of immunological approaches and the fantastic prospects of the new method. They also pay attention to the need for the conscious use of modern immunotherapy.

There are too many complications preventing its wide clinical application. However, giving up, including referring to the already existing lag, is also wrong. Experts note that the rates of entry into this niche of the pharmaceutical business are too high - at least $ 1 billion. Nevertheless, there are various mechanisms that allow even small players to develop.

In addition to the projects that have already made Russia a participant in the global immune boom, the education of doctors should play an important role. If you do not create new molecules, then you need to be prepared for their use.

It so happened that for 2 days in a row I attended two completely different events.

On Monday, October 24, in the conference hall of the Youth House, the organization "Our History" held a round table on the topic "Stalin: Hero or Tyrant."

In terms of format, it was something like a debate, at first a supporter and an opponent of the leader defended their point of view, then cross-questions and questions from the rest of the participants.

I did not like the level of discussion, there was a lot of aggression from both sides, and the arguments were known for a long time. "No life is worth industrialization," said a man who defends the point of view that Stalin is a tyrant. "For the country's success, something must be sacrificed," the supporters of the friend of all athletes assured.

In my opinion, Stalin's opponent was stronger in the debates, as he behaved with restraint, was well prepared and skillfully answered questions. The tyrant's supporter was confused in the answers, looked for data during the discussion on the network, to my question why the country did not celebrate Victory Day until 1965, she replied that the front-line soldiers just wanted to forget the pain as soon as possible, and in 1965 they decided not to forget, but in memory to remind of the fallen of what happened 20 years ago.

In my opinion, the arguments of the opponents were stronger, but during the final vote, there were much more Stalin's supporters in the hall.

On October 25, in Spartak, thanks to the organization "Orthodox Brotherhood of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk", a film was shown " Longer than life". This is a documentary picture of 2013 about ALZHIR-Akmola camp of wives of traitors to the motherland. Children who survived in that camp with their mothers are now very old people, they told on camera what they had to endure in those days, about childhood behind the thorns wire and about the fate of their parents.

The show was free and there were 2 audiences. The film, despite its theme, turned out to be vigorous and life-affirming. After watching, one of the filmmakers answered questions from the audience.

I again noticed supporters of the NOD, the Great Fatherland Party and other pro-Stalinist organizations in the hall, but they decided not to show themselves and did not ask questions. Most hot topic asked the young man who defended the installation of the monument to Grozny, with the words that they had opened the Yeltsin Center, and under Yeltsin, people were killed no less than under Stalin and Grozny.

The filmmaker replied that there are no people in Germany who want to erect a monument to Hitler, because there are a number of historical figures who can be given an ambiguous assessment, and there are a number of those whose crimes are very clear.

To summarize, I'll tell you about the third event this week.

From 12 to 14 at the monument to Maldenstam and from 15 to 19 at the monument to Nikitin, the brotherhood of Tikhon Zadonsky will hold a small liturgy, and then read the names of Voronezh residents who were shot during the Great Terror.

If you do not want this to happen again, so that more and more supporters of the "effective manager" do not appear, come and voice the name of your relative, or the name of another Voronezh citizen who did not defend his land on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War simply because he did not live up to this war ...

Andrey Fursov: I have no doubt that Stalin was helped to die

On March 5, 1953, Joseph Stalin died - the head of a huge superpower equipped with a nuclear shield, which still protects our country. Despite the obvious services to the people, since the beginning of the 1990s the denigration of Stalin's name, launched by Nikita Khrushchev, entered an acute phase.

Today is the discussion of the figure general secretary and his fundamental contribution to the formation of our country have become a political trend. More and more supporters of Stalin's policy appear, discussions about his role are being conducted even in pre-election debates. Why is this happening right now, is this topic not used to divide society, as well as how exactly Stalin's death occurred, in a conversation with Nakanune.RU, the famous historian and publicist Andrei Fursov argues.

Question: March 5 is the anniversary of Stalin's death; in December, on his birthday, more than 10 thousand red carnations were brought to the grave, which became a record for the organizers of the action "Two Carnations for Comrade Stalin." Why do you think he now receives such a response from his descendants?

Andrey Fursov: Firstly, now there are a lot of works in which an objective assessment is given the Stalin era, given objective information about who Stalin was. Secondly, the figure of Stalin is assessed in comparison with what has happened and is happening in Russia over the past 25-27 years. The Stalin era appears to be far more advantageous than post-Soviet Russia. Because the Soviet Union was a superpower no one could wipe their feet about the country the way they wiped us out during the Olympics. And besides, the Soviet Union was a society of declared social and economic equality. And these two points - socio-economic and foreign policy, geopolitical - distinguish the Stalinist Soviet Union from the post-Soviet RF. But there is one more thing.

People understand very well that we still live on the Stalinist foundation. Nuclear weapon, which was created in the second half of the 1940s, in the early 1950s, is the foundation laid by Stalin and Beria. And the worse it gets international relationships, the more people realize that we are not treated the same way as Serbs and Libyans, just because we have this legacy.

Question: As for the death of Stalin itself - today you can analyze a lot, and what historians come to - was the death of the leader of the USSR violent? Could they have poisoned him? Or was it just negligence?

Andrey Fursov: There are two points here. The fact that Stalin was interfering with the top is obvious. The fact that a sharp conflict has been brewing at the top since the late 1940s is also obvious. This conflict manifested itself and was quite obvious during the 19th Congress of the CPSU (b), at which the CPSU (b) turned into the CPSU. The abbreviation "b" - that is, "Bolsheviks" - was dropped. And it is enough to look at Stalin's behavior at this congress to understand that he was dissatisfied. And it is no coincidence that immediately after the congress at the plenum, he expanded the composition of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU and expanded the list of candidates for members of the presidium. That is, he certainly interfered with the top. And how exactly it happened - whether this death was violent, whether he was poisoned or simply did not provide assistance, or was poisoned and did not provide assistance - this is a very difficult question. But I have no doubt that.

Question: Were there many interested?

Andrey Fursov: A part of the party apparatus was interested in this, and here its interests coincided with the interests of our geopolitical opponents. After all, it is no coincidence that since the end of the 1940s, the Anglo-American special services have created a joint special group called How To Make Stalin's Passing - that is, How to make Stalin leave.

Question: Maybe you saw the film "The Death of Stalin", around which there was so much noise, public figures opposed the distribution of this black comedy?

Andrey Fursov: I have not watched, and I think that even watching such films is not worth it, it is simply offensive for a Soviet person, for a Russian person, for a person who has a sense of national pride. And the fact that this film was generally purchased and admitted to rent - this speaks of the insignificance of the people who did it.

Question: What could Stalin have done if he had been allowed to live at least another 10 years? They say that history has no subjunctive moods, but did he have any unfinished business that would have prevented Khrushchev's coup?

Andrey Fursov: The story has a subjunctive mood. Bad historians say he doesn't exist. A story always has several options for development. And to say that history has no subjunctive mood is to completely deny the multivariance of history and reduce it to such a rigid determinism and exclude the problem human will, the subject, finally, of chance. Marx said that without coincidences, history would have a mystical look, therefore, talking about the fact that history has no subjunctive mood is an attempt to give history a mystical look. A story always has several options. Stalin would certainly have solved the problem with a successor. Secondly, he, at least, squeezed out of the presidium what had been called the "Politburo" before and later under Brezhnev. A number of people.

Question: Would this make it possible to stop the process that Khrushchev started later?

Andrey Fursov: The point was that Stalin was already waging an unequal struggle. The nomenclature during the war, while it was spared from purges, formed, in fact, as quasi-class... In addition, party structures have sprouted into economic structures. It is no coincidence that in 1946 a resolution was adopted on the inadmissibility of the party structure taking over economic functions. Stalin fought not just with his inner circle, not with any specific people, he fought with a whole layer that was gradually reborn. And in this respect it must be said that the fears of Stalin and the fears of Trotsky - the two enemies - turned out to be true.

At the end of the 1930s, Trotsky already openly wrote about the degeneration of the Soviet bureaucracy into a quasi-class and spoke of the danger of its degeneration into the bourgeoisie. Stalin called this group the "accursed caste," but he believed that cleansing and pulling up the working class would solve this problem. But he was well aware of the danger that the class struggle would intensify as socialism approached. Some of us interpret this as a fight against the "kulaks" - nothing of the kind, he meant the danger of the bureaucracy becoming a bourgeoisie. Both the Gorbachev and Yeltsinism showed that he was rightly afraid, this is precisely the exacerbation of the class struggle in the course of building socialism.

Question: In this politically hot year, there is debate, and Stalin is constantly remembered. Previously, this was not the case, but now the personality of the Generalissimo is just one of the central themes? Why? Are they trying to divide the people in this way? Just like with Ivan the Terrible, they say, is this information stuffing so that there is no consensus among the people, in society?

Andrey Fursov: You know, if it was an informational stuff that was supposed to divide the society, then the mission has failed. Recently there was a public poll dedicated to the anniversary of the October Revolution - "who would you be for in 1917?" Amazingly, the youth audience practically all voted for the Bolsheviks. 84% would support the Bolsheviks. This time. Second, a month before that, a mass poll about attitudes towards Stalin was also held. In the cohort of young people from 18 to 24 years old, if I am not mistaken, 74% spoke positively towards Stalin. So, if someone thought to split the society, he got the result exactly the opposite.

Question: Activists collect signatures for the installation of a monument to Stalin. Do you think there will come a day when a separate monument to Stalin will appear in Moscow in the Russian Federation? Who - the winner of the Second World War? A revolutionary? Or just a strong leader?

Andrey Fursov: I think that if Russia is destined to survive and go through the bottleneck of the crisis of the next decade, then monuments to Stalin will stand not only in Moscow. They will stand in many cities - the initiative will come not only from above, but also from below. Well, the monument to Stalin is not just a pedestal to the winner in World War II, the Great Patriotic War is more important for us, it will be a monument to the greatest figure in Russian history.

Question: Through the bottleneck of the crisis?

Andrey Fursov: Yes, the world is entering a very, very acute crisis, this is the crisis of the end of the capitalist era. There will be a crisis. The only question is to what extent it will be associated with military conflicts. Unfortunately, in history, the worst case often wins. Even if we are blown away by this cup, you still need to prepare for the worst, as Stalin prepared in 1931 - for 1941. He then said that if we do not cover in 10 years the path that Western countries have covered in 100, they will crush us. After 10 years, the Great Patriotic War really began, and in the 1930s we really ran our way very quickly.

In 1937, the Soviet Union achieved a military-industrial autarky from the capitalist world. Now the situation is similar, only it is, perhaps, more acute, because today's Russia is weaker Soviet Union 1930s. Moreover, it is weaker not only in material and technical terms, but also in ideological, political and ideological terms. On the eve of the Great Patriotic War Stalin destroyed the "fifth column," but now our "fifth column" is quietly broadcasting on all channels, and no one touches it. This is not about destroying it, but, of course, it would be worth cutting off the "fifth column" from financial levers, driving it into an information vacuum, and this is task number one, if, of course, we want to slip through that "bottleneck."

Andrey Fursov: I am sure that Stalin was helped to die

Great Stalin? Or Dzhugashvili? A. Fursov

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