Quran correct reading of all suras. Learning the verses of the Quran

"The Koran is the intercessor before Allah and justifies the reader before Him, and he will lead the one who is guided by it (the Koran) to Paradise, and the one who is not guided by it, pulls into the fire of hell" (hadith narrated al-Haytham, at- Tabarani).

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “... read it (the Quran), indeed, Allah rewards for his reading, for each letter - ten rewards, I do not say that for Alif, Lam, Mim - ten rewards, however for Alif - ten, for Lam - ten, for Mim - ten (rewards) ”(Hakim, volume 1, no. 555).

The Quran is the Speech of Allah and the greatest miracle that was given to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Every believer must be guided by it and know his dignity. It is the reading of the Quran that is a source of abundant grace and helps to find peace of mind. About how important it is to read the Holy Scriptures sent by the Almighty, and what is the benefit, they told at one of the lectures in the Galeevskaya mosque.

Let us recall that there are certain rules, ethics of reading the Quran.

2. You should take the Koran in your hands and put it back in place after reading, if possible, without turning your back to it.

3. It is forbidden to touch and wear the Quran, even the case or the cloth in which it is wrapped, without washing.

4. Those who, according to the Sharia, are obliged to perform a complete ablution of the body and a woman, when she is not allowed to perform namaz, is prohibited not only from touching the Koran, but also from reciting it by heart.

6. Putting the Qur'an on the floor is considered a violation of the ethics of worshiping the Qur'an.

8. The Koran must be placed above all other books; you cannot put another book on it.

9. It is forbidden to take with you to the toilet and similar unclean places even a leaflet with a record of the verses of the Koran, as well as read them there aloud.

10. The greater reward for reading the Koran is received by the one who reads it in a mosque or waking up at night.

12. The greatest disrespect for the Qur'an should be considered the actions of those who, without at all grasping the true meaning of its verses, try to interpret them superficially, according to their own understanding, following translations into Russian and other languages. Inaccurate rendering of the meaning of the Quran misleads people.

14. Reading the Qur'an in a dormant state is discouraged, as it is highly likely to make mistakes.

17. A reader of the Quran should not say other words during the reading process, unless this is absolutely necessary, you cannot laugh, play with your fingers - you should sit calmly and with respect.

18. The persistent sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is to recite dua at the end of the reading of the Koran. Allah accepts such a prayer and answers it.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “A person who reads the Quran in prayer while standing will receive one hundred rewards for each letter; the seated namaz will receive fifty rewards for reading each letter of the Koran; one who reads the Quran outside of prayer will receive ten rewards for each letter; to one who listens to the reading of the Koran, desiring to receive a reward, one reward is recorded for each letter; to the one who has finished reading the Qur'an (in full), Allah will answer the prayer in this world or in the next world "(Daylami." Kanzul umal ", no. 2427).

A high position before Allah, intercession on the Day of Judgment, a noble disposition and spiritual purity are only a small part of the fruits that the reading of the Quran brings. Studying the Holy Quran is one of the most glorious ways of remembering the Most High. A believer who studies the Qur'an and memorizes it by heart will not only deserve a great reward, but will also fill his heart with the Word of God, to which lies cannot come either from the front or from the back. The treasury of divine wisdom and the storehouse of knowledge are revealed to him, and he is rewarded with great mercy. But at the same time, a great responsibility falls on him, because neglecting the Koran after Allah has placed it in a person's soul is a great sin.

Ibn Mas'ud said: “Truly, this Quran is a treat from Allah, accept His treat whenever possible. He is the strong rope of Allah, clear light and beneficial healing. He is the protection for the one who adheres to him, and the salvation for the one who follows him. He does not deviate from the truth to be censured, and does not deviate to the side to be corrected. Its miracles do not stop, and it does not deteriorate from frequent repetition "(hadith narrated by al-Hakim).

Ilmira Gafiyatullina, Kazan

The Koran is a sacred book for all Muslims, which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) by the Creator himself more than 1400 years ago.

The Quranic verses are the true word of Allah, and therefore they are free from distortions that people can make consciously or by mistake. The following verse from the Quran is proof of this:

“Verily, We have sent down the Reminder, and We protect it” (15: 9)

The virtue of studying and memorizing the Qur'an

Prophet Muhammad (s.g.v.) emphasized the importance of reading the Holy Book on a daily basis, as it gives people clear instructions on how to succeed in this world and not be afraid of the Day of Judgment. In addition, pronouncing only one letter from the Koran brings a person a 10-fold reward (sawab). In this sense, it is difficult to even imagine how much life is changing for the better and what prospects open up in eternity for a person who knows the entire Noble Quran by heart!

The Koran-Hafiz carries in its heart the light of purity and goodness, and its mind is filled with thoughts about the words of the Almighty. In the hadiths of Tirmidhi and Ibn Maji, the following statement of the Prophet Muhammad (sgv) is given: “Whoever learns the Quran and follows what he calls for and avoids the forbidden, Allah and will accept his intercession in favor of 10 relatives who was prepared to enter Hell. " Another hadith says that the best among Muslims are those who study the Holy Book of Islam and teach it to others.

The dignity of studying and memorizing the Quran is also evidenced by the following statement of the Messenger of the Most High (sgv), presented in the collections of hadiths by Ahmad and Abu Daud: “On the Day of Judgment, a crown will be placed on the heads of parents whose children studied the Quran and practiced its provisions a brilliance and brilliance that surpasses the brightness of sunlight entering your homes. And what do you think about the position of a person who himself studied the Koran and put into practice its provisions? "

The Islamic Ummah has always been famous for people who had extensive knowledge in the field of the Sacred Text. In this regard, one can often come across the question of how many people know the Quran by heart. Among experts there is no consensus of opinion and method of calculation, however, according to the most rough estimates, the total number of Hafiz among Muslims currently varies from one to 12 million people. The technique is the simplest here. If there are more than a billion Muslims (1.2 billion) in the world and for every three hundred people there should be one mosque (the situation is peculiar in different countries), then each of them should have one or two Hafiz of the Koran. Of course, in the countries of the former Soviet Union, the times of atheism were not in vain, and therefore there is now an acute shortage of people who would know the Holy Book entirely by heart. However, the situation is changing, and more and more Muslims set themselves the goal of becoming the Hafiz of the Qur'an and achieve it, in particular, thanks to the rules of memorization, which go below.

How to memorize the text of the Quran faster

The process of studying and memorizing the verses is an exciting spiritual and physical practice that transforms a person, strengthens him on the path of truth. There are various methods for successfully memorizing large volumes of the Holy Scripture. Here are some tips that will make them more effective.

1. Choose a specific time

The popular expression "time management" nowadays describes well the essence of this recommendation. The correct time to memorize the Qur'an is an important factor in the formation of the future Hafiz. You need to choose the hours of the day in which you are usually most productive and attentive. Usually it is early morning when the morning prayer is recited. At this time, the mind and body of a person are fresh and receptive to new things. At the same time, it is important not just to wait for free time for classes, but to determine the time period yourself and strictly adhere to it. It is necessary to perceive the study of the Qur'anic verses as an important task that should not be regarded as something secondary.

2. Be consistent in your efforts

Take small steps at the beginning. A common mistake newbies make is trying to memorize as much information as possible on the wave of emotional uplift. However, the stage of routineization of the process inevitably begins, when it becomes very difficult to keep new material in mind. It should be borne in mind that consistency is much more important than quantity. Consistency, in turn, is achieved through memorizing small amounts of the text of the Qur'an. Studying a few verses daily will be more effective than trying to study whole pages of Scripture over the weekend.

3. Follow one specific technique for memorizing the Quran

This will allow you to organize your efforts. For example, you might study three verses a day. In this case, read each of them from the text 10-20 times. Then try to repeat what you read without relying on the text. You can try to write the verse being studied on paper - this also helps to keep the Qur'anic text in memory. If you succeed in remembering the passage being studied well (that is, it is pronounced automatically), then you can proceed to the next ayah, in which the same technique is used.

An alternative way of memorizing the Quran is to refer to the last Juzah of Scripture, which contains the shortest and most often read suras by Muslims. Studying this particular part of the Book will allow you to learn dozens of suras within a short period of time, which will become an additional factor for a more motivated organization of the process of memorizing the Quran.

4. Repeat what you have already learned

"Repetition is the mother of learning" is a well-known saying. Before starting a new verse, repeat what you have already learned. Read the studied parts of the Qur'anic text during namaz. Repetition helps not only to remember new information, but also allows you to correct possible mistakes.

5. Understand the meaning of what you teach.

This not only helps in the assimilation of the text and the study of the Arabic language, but also strengthens the person's faith through thinking about the words of the Almighty. Noteworthy in this sense are the following words from the Book:

“We have made the Qur'an easier to remember. But is there anyone who remembers? " (54:17)

6. Hear the Qur'an read by its recognized reciters and hafiz

Addressing different ways of reciting the Holy Scripture helps to remember its text. Make it a habit to listen to different hazels before bed.

In conclusion, it should be noted the importance of the ability to read the Qur'an in Arabic and knowledge of the rules (correct pronunciation of words). Do not be too lazy to start with this and only then proceed to memorizing the text of the Holy Book of Islam itself. In addition, ask the Almighty for help in this difficult but extremely interesting matter. Turning to the Most Merciful and the Most Merciful will remind you that you are teaching the Koran for the pleasure of Allah, and not for boasting, better knowledge of the Arabic language or status.

Koran - The Word (Speech) of Allah, his superiority over the words (speech) of creations is like the superiority of Allah over His creations, and reading the Quran is one of the best activities for a person.
There are many virtues in studying the Quran and teaching it to others:
Reward for reading the Qur'an: The Prophet ﷺ said: "Whoever reads one letter from the Book of Allah will be recorded to do one good deed, and the reward for doing good deeds is tenfold" (At-Tirmidhi).

Another hadith says: Once the Messenger of Allah ﷺ asked his companions: - “Who wants to go to Butkhoy or Alik (settlements located near Medina. - Ed. Auth.) And, without quarreling with anyone, without sinning, return from two big camels? " The Companions answered: "Oh, Messenger, we all want this!" Then the Prophet said: “Why then do you not go to the mosque and learn two ayahs from the Book of Allah there, or do you not worship it? This is better for Him than a camel. If you read three verses, then they are better than three camels, four - four, no matter how much you read the verses - they are all better than camels "(Abu Dawood, Muslim).

Reward for teaching the Quran: The Prophet ﷺ said: "The best of you is the one who has studied the Qur'an and taught it to others." (Al-Bukhari).
The merits of studying the Quran, memorizing it and reading it according to all the rules: The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever reads the Quran, knowing it by heart, is with noble, humble messengers (angels), and who reads the Quran with difficulty and at the same time makes great efforts ( wishing to read it correctly), a double reward awaits him ”(Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

How to start memorizing the verses of the Quran?

1. Sincere intention. Make sure you only intend for the sake of Allah, for His pleasure, to be rewarded by His grace. There is no need to show off or learn the Quran for show.

2. You need to learn to read the Holy Quran with the correct pronunciation, as well as in accordance with the rules of Tajweed. If a person can fluently and at the same time read one page correctly (it is assumed that if the page is difficult, he can read it in 1.5 minutes, and if it is easy, in 1 minute), he can confidently start hifz (memorize the Quran). But, if the student has not yet read the Quran fluently, it is undesirable for him to immediately start hifzu, as he may face great difficulties. In many cases, such students do not finish their studies until the end, except for those who have a very strong desire to learn.

3. Persistence. The more often you learn the verses, the easier the memorization process will become. It is very important not to miss a single day. There are no days off in worship. At least if you don't have time at all, learn 3-5 lines a day. If you are consistent, insha Allah, you can become a Hafiz at 5-6 years old.

4. Atmosphere. Retire to a quiet place to concentrate only on the Qur'an and so that you are not distracted by extraneous thoughts. Turn off distracting items (e.g. mobile phones, TV, etc.)

5. Memorize the verses with meaning: read the translation, before you start learning the verse, understand the meaning of what is written.

6. Before learning, it is helpful to listen to the verse that you want to learn. This will help you overcome pronunciation problems and improve the quality of your memorization.

7. Read what you have learned in daily prayer. If you forget a piece, you will immediately correct your mistake by looking at the Qur'an, and you will never make this mistake again.

8. Have a good teacher (friend, family member) who has knowledge of the suras. The most serious problem in this great endeavor is the disciple's lack of desire. In this case, the end result will depend on the experience of the teacher. Having an experienced mentor is very important, so start your training by looking for a teacher. Have him check your learned verses every day. Or check each other with someone who also teaches the Quran.

9. Read the suras aloud. Reading aloud helps not only to speak, but also to listen to yourself.

10. Dua. Ask Allah to make it easier for you to memorize the Quran.

Of course, everyone wants to be a strong Hafiz. To achieve your goal, you must follow some rules.

Taking into account the possibilities of their memory, everyone should choose a suitable memorization method for themselves, for example:
Read a page from beginning to end in a row and thus memorize.
Learn one verse, then the second, put them together, then the third, and so on.
Learn by words, that is, learn one word, then the second, connecting them, until you finish learning the verse completely.
Divide the page into three or four parts, learn them separately, and then connect them.
Learn the page from the end, that is, first memorize the lowest verse, then the next and connect the verses gradually until you reach the top.
Memorize by writing.
Memorize by listening, that is, choose one reader and, repeatedly listening to his recording, try to memorize. Mostly visually impaired people resort to this method.

As for memorizing by reading a page from beginning to end, the page should be read one hundred, one hundred and fifty or more times when memorizing in this way. In general, it will be better if the Hafiz teacher chooses the method of preparing lessons for the student himself. And in general, only under the strict control of the teacher, the student reaches the intended goal faster. The secret to a well-learned page is constant repetition - the more you read a page while memorizing, the more you will know it.

If you, having memorized a page or at least half a page, can read it by heart without hesitation or read it slowly, pronouncing each letter, then know that you memorized it well, you can continue to memorize it with confidence and do not worry - such a hifz will not be easily forgotten.

You should not worry if you have a weak memory, because in educational institutions for the preparation of hafiz, nine out of ten students have a memory below average. And also do not worry about the fact that you cannot immediately read the page you just learned by heart, because many people need one night or even two days to pass before the learned sura is fixed, and this is normal. For most students, memory is revealed only after memorizing ¼ the Quran, and for some, it does not open until the moment when half of the Quran is learned.

So don't worry, friend - you can become a Hafiz! Ask Almighty Allah about it and show your sincerity. Amen!!!

The word "tajwid" is a masdar (verbal noun), the root of which is the verb "jaada" - to excel, to excel. In the context of the Qur'anic sciences, this term has a narrower meaning, the essence of which boils down to “the correct reading of the Holy ”, That is, such a manner of reciting Revelation, when all known rules and norms are observed.

The issue of keeping the correct pronunciation is reflected in the Quran itself. Thus, the Creator makes a command to believers:

"And read the Qur'an with measuredness" (73: 4)

At first glance, the verse is primarily about the character, speed and manner of reading. But in fact, this means that all letters and sounds must be pronounced properly, all existing rules must be observed, of which there are not two or three units, but much more. For example, the rules of assimilation (idgam ma'a-l-'unna, iklab, ihfa ma'a-l-'unna), dissimilation (calkala), observance of longitude (madd) and pause (waqf), and so on.

How did Tajweed come about?

The Koran, being the Revelation of the Almighty, given to all mankind, requires a special attitude towards itself, which includes, among other things, the manner of reading. It is known that during the life of the Final Messenger of God (s.g.v.) Ibn Mas'ud had a beautiful manner of reciting the Book. He not only read the Qur'an with expression, but also observed all the necessary grammatical rules and pronunciation.

The relevance of the emergence of such a science as tajwid is evident. Many people do not even know the peculiarities of their native language, they can make mistakes in pronunciation and grammar. What can we say about the unfamiliar language in which the main religious text is written ?! The Arabic language is not the easiest one, and the situation was to some extent complicated by the fact that other peoples began to come to Islam from the very dawn of religion. They had certain cultural differences from the Arabs, in particular related to the linguistic component. In this situation, there was a risk that people might make mistakes while reading the Qur'an, which affected the meaning. To avoid this, it became obvious the importance of forming a special system of rules, which was named "Tajweed".

In general, it can be noted that Tajweed is a Quranic science, the main goal of which is to ensure the correct pronunciation and reproduction of sounds, avoiding any excesses or omissions.

Why is Tajweed so important?

Reading the Holy Quran in accordance with all the rules has a lot of advantages that affect both the reader (kariya) and the audience listening to him. Tajweed allows you to take into account all the points that are usually used by the hazel when reciting the Text in a chant. However, it would be a mistake to believe that automatic adherence to the rules of tajweed ensures a person becomes a reader with a unique style of recitation. This requires long-term practice and analysis of other hazels. The essence of a competent and beautiful reproduction of the text of the Quran comes down to determining how best to set pauses, stretch vowels, soften the pronunciation of consonants, and correctly pronounce individual sounds (for example, hamzu).

We should also separately mention such an aspect of reading the Quran as the speed of text reproduction. According to the unanimous opinion of scientists and practitioners, it is best to read the Quran in a slow rhythm, observing all the rules as correctly as possible. This tempo is denoted in Arabic by the word "tartil". Nevertheless, among professionals in the field of competent recitation of the Holy Scripture, a medium tempo called "tadwir" is common, as well as a fast rhythm called "hadr".

Failure to follow the rules of Tajweed is fraught with errors that can seriously change the meaning of the Quranic text. For example, one of the most common defects is the case when at the end of the Fatiha surah a person reproduces the word “lost” - “dalliin”, not through the letter “d”, but through “z”. With this reading, the meaning changes to the word "continuing":

“Lead us on a straight road. To the dear of those to whom You have given grace, and not dear to those who are under Your wrath and lost ”(1: 7)

Obviously, the word "continuing" completely changes the original meaning of the verse.

There are also implicit errors that do not change the meaning of the Qur'anic text, but contradict the generally accepted manner of reproducing certain points in the Qur'anic text. For example, an implicit error can occur when a person does not properly draw out the “u” sound in the word “lyahu”, which occurs in the “Ikhlas” sura:

"Ue lam yakul-lyahuu kufueen ahade" (112: 4)

Translation of the meaning: "And there was no one equal to Him"

From the point of view of the Arabic language, its meaning, if the reader does not draw out the sound "y" in the indicated place, he does not make any mistake. However, from the point of view of the norms accepted among the Kariyas, this moment will be considered a minor flaw.

We also note that in the modern editions of the Quran, which were issued in different countries of the world, some of the rules of tajweed are reflected in the text through special signs, which are marked in different colors. This printing technique is only actively used in special cases, when publishers have the goal of making the Qur'anic text convenient for people who are starting to learn Arabic and Tajweed. However, it is becoming common to mark the name "Allah" in red. Also, other words that denote the Most High are highlighted in red (for example, the Lord - "Rabbu").

The first rule concerns the state of the reading person.

A person intending to start reading the Qur'an should do ablution / wudu /, and while reading, stand quietly or sit, facing the qiblah, not lean on the elbow reclining and not sit like the arrogant. If a person begins to read the Quran from memory, without taking a bath or lying on the bed, he will also benefit, but not so much. Allah Almighty said: "... who remember Allah while standing, and sitting, and (lying) on \u200b\u200btheir sides and reflect on the creation of heaven and earth ..." -Sura "Imran Family", ayat 191.

Thus, Allah Almighty praised the one who remembers Allah, but in the first place He put those who commemorate Him while standing, then those who commemorate Him while sitting, and then those who remember Him while lying down.

The second rule concerns how much to read.

Different people read the Qur'an in different ways. It is reported that Uthman, Zayd ibn Thabit, Ibn Masgud and Ubayy ibn Kagb, may Allah be pleased with them, read the Koran once a week, dividing it into seven equal parts.

The third rule concerns the reading of the Quran in accordance with all the rules / tartil /.

This is desirable because, as will be indicated below, the purpose of reading the Qur'an is meditation, and reading it according to all the rules contributes to this. This is confirmed by the words of Umm Salam, may Allah be pleased with her, that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) read the Koran, clearly pronouncing each letter. It is reported that Ibn ‘Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, said:“ Truly, I prefer to read (only) the surahs “The Cow” and “The Family of Imran,” pronouncing each letter clearly and thinking about them, than reading the entire Qur'an too quickly. ” It is clear that a calm and correct reading of the Qur'an is more consistent with a manifestation of respect and has a stronger effect on the heart of a person than hurried reading.

The fourth rule concerns crying while reading the Qur'an.

It is desirable for those who read the Quran to cry, and sorrow should induce them to do this, for a person, first of all, should reflect on the threats with which Allah addresses him in the Quran, and on his duties, and then move on to thinking about his omissions in that, as for the decrees and prohibitions of the Quran, and this will inevitably plunge the reader into sadness and make him cry.

The fifth rule concerns certain verses.

This means that, after reading the ayah, which mentions bowing to the ground, the reader of the Qur'an must bow down / judud at-tilava /, and the same should be done to the person who hears the reading of such ayah to others if he bows to the ground. At the same time, only one who is in ritual purity should bow to the ground.

Sixth rule.
Before you start reading the Koran, you should say: "I resort to the protection of Allah from the damned shaitan!" If in the process of reading a person comes across a verse containing the words of glorifying Allah, he should say "Glory to Allah" / Subhanallah / and "Allah is great!" / Allahu akbar /; if he encounters an ayah that says about requests, for forgiveness, he should turn to Allah with prayers and requests for forgiveness; if there is a mention of a request, he should make such a request, and if he comes across a mention of something frightening, he should turn to Allah with a prayer for protection, and all these words can be pronounced either aloud or with his heart.

Seventh rule.
Reading the Quran to oneself is further from ostentatious and unnatural, and if a person fears something like that for himself, it is better for him to read this way; if he is not afraid of this, and reading aloud does not prevent other people from praying, then it is better to read aloud, since this requires more effort from the person, and also because it helps to awaken the heart of the reader, encourages him to think about what he is reads, drives away sleep and makes it more active. Thus, if a person's intentions are like this, it is preferable to read the Qur'an aloud.

Eighth rule.
When reading the Qur'an, one should not stretch the words too much and break the correct rhythm, but one should try to read it beautifully, because this corresponds to the Sunnah. In one of the hadiths it is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Decorate the Qur'an with your voices" (Ahmad). It is also reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The one who did not chant the Qur'an does not apply to us” (al-Bukhari).

It is reported that after hearing Abu Musa read the Qur'an, may Allah be pleased with him, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “You were given a flute (as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) called the beautiful voice of Abu Musa Al-Ashgari) from among the pipes of the Daoud family ”(al-Bukhari; Muslim). It is reported that when the Companions of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) met each other, they asked one of them to read one or another chapter of the Koran.

Abdussabur Khairutdinov