Sentences with the word "incessant. Continuous and separate spelling not with participles Outlines of rocks indistinguishable in the fog

homework № 4

    Expand the brackets, explain the conditions for choosing a spelling.

(Not) inflected words in Russian; (not) passable in the springtime mud; (not) child's tolerable pain; (not) tolerant among decent people actions; (not) stress-dependent spelling; (not) divisible by three number; (not) factorizable expression; (not) the winning team in the competition; (un) fading love for the homeland; (not) silenced by day and night, the sound of the sea; (non) water- and air-permeable shell; (not) beauty-imitated voice; (not) discernible in the fog outlines of rocks; (not) visible (not) microorganisms; almost (in) audible whisper; (un) compensable loss; (not) interchangeable things on the road; (not) conditions acceptable to us; (not) depleted in their reserves subsoil; (un) previously overcome obstacles; (not) attainable result without persistent training.

    Explain the spelling of spelling

History knows that Russian people travel

truly indefatigable and fearless. Proven track

processions believe that the globe is not at all simple

ren and not great at all.

Our contemporaries travel around the globe no more than

than in a few days and, hoping to penetrate into the

completely unexplored places, tirelessly plow

unknown seas and exploring unknown

islands, fearlessly sweep over the once impregnable

noisy ice cap of the Arctic.

Some people begin to think that neither the pole

owls, nor in the depths of Af-

rica, neither in the virgin forests of Brazil, nor in any

be a mountain gorge of Tibet, until recently unknown, -

nowhere will science be able to find any special secrets.

Of course, such views are by no means convincing.

us, since they are completely unfounded.

No matter how much people have already learned about outside world, and all

still unexplored and inaccessible surrounds them from all

parties. No matter how high a person climbed up, how

he did not sink low into the depths of the earth, but there are

wanderings where a person has not yet been. They spread out

both above us and below us.

What we know relatively well is nothing

other than the surface of a solid layer of the earth. Above us

gaseous invisible to our eyes extends

the ocean, not yet explored, and below us is an area

depths of the earth, unknown to man.

What can dispel this double white spot is

drinking us? It is clear that nothing but science is here

cannot help us.

We are separated from the center of the Earth by a distance that

quite reasonably calculated at 6350 kilometers. But neither

fly by, neither take the express nor board the

high-speed elevator, or in any other way

it is impossible to rush through this space.

Modern science is still far from knowing what is

dwells inside the globe, and our knowledge of gaseous

the layer that surrounds us and rises upward on

hundreds of kilometers, just as imperfect as deep

bin layers of the earth. But for human thought there is no

what is inaccessible: she is able to overcome all obstacles

on the way to mastering nature.

Undoubtedly, we have to do a lot of important

coverings, and in no way can one say that on Earth soon there will be no

which will open .__

Rewrite using parentheses.

1. That (not) drove me crazy though. (Gr.) 2. But, they say, you are (not) people: in the wilderness, in the village, everything is boring for you. (P.) 3. Something is (not) greeting me, my head hurts. (Sharp) 4. She (not) was one year old, (not) saw

aunt. (Ch.) 5. Tikhon answered questions about Nikita tightly,

(not) intelligible. (M.G.) 6. His (non) epics he

he must have been talking from hearsay. (Ch.) 7. The heat is

yala (not) dusk. (N.-P.) 8. We stayed at (not)

understanding. (Are.) 9. The commandant answered (not) delirious

a nod of the head. (Hump.) 10. (Not) he loved me hono-

mu something. 11. (Not) good to be branded as ignorant, (not) nice

seem like an upstart. (P.) 12. You can get angry

to my words, feel (not) love for me

them. (Chern,) 13. After all, here once there was (not) living

loe, but people live. (L.T.) 14. (Un) fame

was gone. (Ch.) 15. Around (not) comfortable, lonely, cold-

but. (Bump.) 16. After that night, I seemed to have died for a long time.

second time: these were the years of (not) being. (Ch.) 17. The end of the howl-

us in Korea was a major (un) success for the instigators

war. (Er.) 18. People with (not) local habits of sleep

go around. (Paul.) 19. A stranger (not) will not leave.

ny, his (not) will see housing. (Isak.) 20. Metaphor-

we are widely used by literati and (non) literary men.

(Isak.) 21. Nagulnov was silent, he (did not) like to talk

(not) thoughtful. (Sh.)

190. Rewrite, expanding parentheses,

1. In silence, good must be done. But (not) what

talk about it. (P.) 2. I convey all his questions

i can't, and (not) why. (T.) 3. And boring, and sad, and

(not) to whom to give a hand ... (L.) 4. When he was seated, he

as if (not) how much calmed down. (Cor.) 5. (Not) look

rying that the wind was flying freely over the sea, the clouds were

whether motionless. (M.G.) 6. They (did not) sleep for three days,

almost (did not) eat and even (did not) drink, (not) when it was, and (not)

where to get the water. (Ver.) 7. Yes, you are in my biography

think about life, (not) (c) simple I'm so touchy. (Sayan.)

8. (Not) Some concern was in her eyes. (Sh.)

9. Spies and gendarmes rush along the train, (not)

paradise in the pouring rain. (Paul) 10. (Not) far from

the taiga began in the ravine. (Ar.)

191. Rewrite, expanding parentheses

  1. Who has spent all his life at home and what are you talking about e will tell. In the north, where white nights on a summer day lie between two dawns, southern plants e ripen at all e from a lack of heat, but on the contrary, from an excess of light.

1) 3, 4 2) 1 3) 1, 4 4) 1, 2, 4

  1. Katerina Ivanovna andwhen n and what for e complained. Things n andhow n e stood on the new place intended for them, as long as we and fought.

1) 1, 2, 5 2) 1, 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 4, 6 4) 2, 6

  1. And suddenly I realized that in the forest n ewho else knocked like a woodpecker. Around n e was n and souls. In the woods like n and what is n e it happened that the spring life continued.

1) 1, 2, 3, 4 2) 3, 4 3) 1, 3, 4 4) 3, 4, 5

  1. In order for the word to become clear, absolutely n e need n andboring explanations, n and footnotes. Looking for words n eeasy to neglect andthan. H andwhen n e you know where you find the real word.

1) 2, 3, 5, 6 2) 1, 2, 3, 5 3) 2, 4, 5 4) 5, 6, 7

  1. It was quiet all around and sound. His words were n e nothing but chatter. She n and once n e smiled all evening.

1) 1, 3 2) 1, 2, 4 3) 1, 2, 3 4) 2, 3

  1. H andwho n e equal to his luck, and andwho else n e shows such indifference to n efair blows of fate.

1) 2, 3, 5 2) 1, 2, 3, 4 3) 1, 3 4) 2, 3, 4

  1. But somehow n and it was, I n andwhat n e could do about this hobby - addiction to travel on maps. Where u talk like n e on the ferry until n e the last cigarettes have been smoked.

1) 1, 2, 4 2)1, 2 3) 2, 4 4) 2, 3, 5

  1. He wrote at night under n e silent n and for a minute the sound of the sea. This familiar noise e only n e interfered, but even helped him.

1) 1, 2 2) 2, 4 3) 1, 3 4) 2

  1. This n einhabited taiga, n e decreasing from year to year; there are n andwho n e chopped forests, in which moose roam and hazel grouses whistle, andwhen n e who saw the person.

1) 1, 2, 4 2) 3, 5 3) 1, 4, 5 4) 3, 5, 6

  1. Writers n e may n and surrender to n for a minute eglances and retreat in front of obstacles; whatever and happened, they should ediscontinuously do their job.

1) 1, 4 2) 3, 4, 5 3) 2, 4 4) 2, 3, 4

  1. She n e could n and know n and guess my feelings. There were mighty pines in the forest and e was n and one living soul.

1) 2, 3 2) 1, 2, 3, 5 3) 5 4) 2, 3, 5

Test *

180 rubles


SibGIU. 5 exercises in Russian, the work is excellent. ...

Position independent of material conditions. A word not inflected in Russian. Immutable form of the verb. In no way dependent opinion. Strait not passable by ships. Absolutely impenetrable dirt. Dirt, not passable in the springtime. Unbearable pain for me. Absolutely unbearable pain during the operation. An intolerant subject in our society. No one is a tolerant person. Far from bearable inconvenience. Completely intolerant behavior.
It is indecomposable into given factors and not divisible by three. Non-degradable substance. Indivisible non-derivative basis. Incessant city noise day and night. Incessant sea surf. The incessant howl of the wind. Waterproof shell. Leg not bent at the knee. Completely unbendable leg. Unbendable will. An inimitable actor in this role. Objects indistinguishable in the fog. Almost indistinguishable shades of colors. No discernible products.
An irreplaceable loss. An irreplaceable item on a journey. An absolutely irreplaceable worker. An impossible task for the traveler. Multiplier, not outside the parenthesis. His selfishness, unbearable for everyone. The disease is not curable by any means. Not yet a curable disease. An almost incurable disease. An unthinkable conclusion for me. An inconceivable case for me. An unforgettable experience.


Exercise 1.9 Write down the phrases by expanding the parentheses.
Exercise 2.9 Read the humor. Replace duplicate words with linguistic and contextual synonyms.
Exercise 3.9 Correct the mistakes in the use of adverbs.
Exercise 4.9 Distribute the words below into groups depending on the pronunciation of the consonant combination [chn].
Exercise 5.9 Identify the means of creating humor in the following passage from Gabriel García Márquez's Love in the Time of the Plague.

Fragment of work for review

Do you want me to read you my new story? - He asked me proudly. - Of course, - I answered. - Well, how do you like it? - he was curious, finishing reading. - Come on, - I decided. Go ahead, - he threw, holding his breath. - Firstly, in every line you have "said that" and "said that" - I remarked. Now you can say so, - he interjected. - Secondly, you have nothing to say to the reader, - I continued the reasoning. - I said exactly what I wanted, - he interrupted impatiently. - Than such a fence, it is better to be silent at all, - I retorted .- Well, how else can you say about a person with such taste? - he threw, glaring at me. - I just expressed my thoughts, - I tried to explain. - They told me the truth that you are an idiot, - he rapped out spitefully. - Well, repeat it - I said puzzled. - You are also deaf, - snapped writer. - Anything else? - I asked, frowning. - I will say even more, - he hissed through clenched teeth. - Well, to talk to such! - I thought. Now judge for yourself: did I lie to him? Exercise 3.9 Correct mistakes in the use of adverbs. 1. Looking at what is happening today, my hands are untied. 2. Attaching great importance to the research methodology, a number of experiments were carried out. 3. Having read the manuscript for the second time, I think it needs serious revision. 4. Studying the process of denationalization, a certain pattern is revealed. 5. The trading floor was cleared of people, fearing that the ceiling would collapse. 6. Having found out that the volume of production has decreased, the question arises as to the reason for this. Looking at what is happening today, I think my hands are free. 2. A number of experiments were carried out given the importance of the research methodology. 3. After re-reading the manuscript, I think it needs serious revision. 4. When studying the process of denationalization, a certain pattern is revealed. 5. The sales area was cleared of people, due to a possible collapse of the ceiling. 6. It turned out that the volume of production decreased, after which the question arises about the reason for this. Exercise 4.9 Distribute the words below into groups depending on the pronunciation of the consonant combination [chn]. Table 50 - An example of the task [shn] [chn] and [ shn] variant pronunciation [chn] bulo [shn] ikkopee [shn] th - kopee [chn] yyzada [chn] ik Bakery, mustard plaster, feverish, summer resident, toy, of course, tiny, brown, dairy, Kuzminichna, Nikitichna, Savvichna, night , decent, trifling, cannon, laundry, river, boring, switchman, birdhouse, nodding, apple, scrambled eggs, barley. [SN]: of course, boring, scrambled eggs, trifling, laundry, birdhouse, Nikitichna, Kuzminichna, Savvichna, mustard plaster, feverish [CHN]: summer resident, toy, tiny, river, nodding, night, barley, apple, cannon, decent, switchman. [CHN] and [SN]: bakery, dairy, brown. Exercise 5.9 Identify the means of creating humor in the following passage from Gabriel García Márquez's Love in the Time of the Plague. The parrot was good, much lighter than it seemed, the head is yellow , and the tongue is black, the only sign by which it can be distinguished from other parrots, which cannot be taught to speak even with the help of candles with turpentine. Dr. Urbino knew how to play with dignity, he bowed his head to the ingenuity of his wife and only marveled at the pleasure the success of the parrot infuriated by the maids gave him.

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* The category of work is of an evaluative nature in accordance with the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the material provided. This material, neither in its entirety, nor any of its parts, is ready-made. scientific work, high school graduation qualification work, scientific report or other work provided for state system scientific certification or required to pass the intermediate or final certification... This material is a subjective result of processing, structuring and formatting information collected by its author and is intended primarily for use as a source for self-preparation works of the specified subject.

1. Words not used without not-, are written together, no matter what part of speech they belong to: hatred (noun), a lack of (noun - word " grip"has a different meaning), ridiculous (adj.) inadvertently (adverb), hate - hate - hated - hate (verb and its special forms), lacking (verb - " gets out"has a different meaning).

2. Spelling with non-nouns, adjectives and adverbs ending in -about, obeys uniform rules.

AND) Not- written together if used to create a new word (as a rule, in this case, you can choose a synonym): misfortune (grief, trouble), layman (dilettante), stupid (stupid), immediately (immediately).

B) Not written separately if there is or is supposed to be opposed to the union and (possibly yes in meaning " and"): the ravine is not deep, but shallow (cf .: the ravine is shallow, but steep).

IN) Not written separately if the negation is logically underlined (most often in rhetorical constructions, questions, exclamation constructions): Shame on you! And after that she's not smart?

D) Explanatory words, which are most often used with adjectives and adverbs, do not help to determine the way of writing:

The words quite and at all require additional analysis: they can be used in both affirmation and denial: a completely uninteresting person (boring) - not interesting at all, but a boring film; not at all skillful worker - not at all skillful, but lazy worker.

3. Not from short forms adjectives are written basically the same way as with their full forms: incompetent - inconsiderate; not deep but shallow.

Always written separately:

A) adjectives that do not have a full form: not happy, not much;

B) adjectives, the full form of which has a different meaning: unable to remember, not ready to sign.

4. Not with the comparative (and superlative) degree of adjectives is written separately: not bolder, not the greatest... Exceptions are forms from adjectives that are not used without not-: more inevitable, hateful of all... Besides, not is written together if comparative formed from an adjective with a prefix not-: this film is even more uninteresting than yesterday.

5. Not with numerals is written only separately: not two, not fifteen, not three hundred twenty seven, not one hundredth, not fifty one, not five eighths.

6. Not with pronouns and pronominal adverbs is written separately (an exception is the philosophical term not me.): not us, not all, not the same, not our own, not there, not always, not somehow... However, for negative and indefinite pronouns, as well as for adverbs of the same categories, there are separate rules (see paragraph 10).

7. Negative particle not with verbs and gerunds is written separately: not able - not able - not able... An exception is words that are not used without not-: does not, itching to, dislike, dislike - dislike - dislike - dislike.

Console under- expresses not denial, but insufficiency, incompleteness of action: underestimate (yourself), undersalt (food). Wed: the boy did not finish the soup - many were malnourished during the war.

8. Participles (both real and passive) with a particle not are written

9. Spelling words on th s is not particularly difficult. Not with words ending in th, can be written both together and separately. To choose the correct spelling method, several steps must be performed sequentially.

A) Check if the given word is used without not-... Merged with not (only merged!), for example, the following words are written:

irrevocable irreversible imperturbable indelible inconceivable indelible indelible intact unbearable inexpressible indelible incalculable indelible immovable immovable unfrozen indelible indelible indelible indelible indelible inexhaustible inexpressible inexhaustible inconceivable inexhaustible inexhaustible indestructible indestructible inexhaustible inexhaustible unsociable inevitable hated indestructible irreducible necessary irresistible indescribable incontrovertible irreversible indivisible inalienable inalienable inestimable invincible invincible invincible inimitable inimitable invincible invincible invincible invincible invincible invincible invincible invincible invincible invincible indestructible indefinable indestructible incombustible indefinable indelible indestructible indestructible indefatigable indefatigable indefatigable indefatigable indefatigable inextinguishable indestructible indestructible indefatigable indefatigable indefatigable indefatigable

b) Determine if a given word belongs to participles or adjectives in order to apply the appropriate rules.

Adjectives in th are formed from intransitive perfective verbs (one of these signs is enough): incalculable, insoluble, independent.

Transitive imperfective verbs can form both adjectives and participles in th... But these formations are considered participles only if, as an explanatory word, they have the instrumental case of a noun (or a substantive word, or a pronoun) with the meaning of an actor or an instrument of action. Wed: unnoticed errors (adj.) previously unnoticed errors (adj.) never noticed mistakes (adj.) - mistakes I do not notice (acc.).

C) Communion on th, formed from transitive imperfective verbs, are not written separately in accordance with the basic rule, since there is a dependent word (in the instrumental case).

10. Negative and indefinite pronouns are written with not (under stress)

Negative and indefinite adverbs are always written together: nowhere, once, nowhere (not under stress).

The same dependence in pronouns and adverbs with unstressed nor (used to amplify): nobody, nothing, nobody, to anything, with nothing, never, nowhere.

11. Particle discrimination not and nor based on their meaning.

Main function not - negation

nor used to enhance

combination not only does not express reinforced denial: not only did not cheer up, but became even gloomier;

double not used to assert: i can't help but reproach;

used in independent sentences that have the character of a question or exclamation: Have you seen Ivanov? Everywhere I went!

not is written in stable combinations, containing the opposition: none other than (a), none other than (a); nothing more than and similar: none other than a rooster caught our attention.

particle not used in combinations almost, almost, almost, almost, eg: it was almost a robber;

not is part of complex unions not that ... not that; not only but; not that not ... but; if not ... then, eg: not that dull, but sad look.

nor reinforces the denial expressed by the particle not, in words no you can not (included in pronouns or adverbs): you can't find out anywhere, won't part with anyone;

nor written in subordinate clauses of a generalized-concessive nature, acting as a means of communication: Wherever friends went, they were greeted warmly everywhere;

particle nor used in stable combinations: none other (other), nothing else (other), strengthening the negative predicate: no one else answered;

nor written in stable combinations like every step, no matter what, no matter where it goes, eg: come back no matter what;

nor repeated in stable combinations with a type uncertainty value neither give nor take, nor fluff nor feather, nor shaky nor roll, neither in the city of Bogdan nor in the village of Selifan, eg: things were going well;

nor at homogeneous members offers ( homogeneous offers) acts as a connecting union (repeating): No birds sing, no grasshoppers chirp.

Particle nor with all parts of speech, except for negative pronouns without a preposition and adverbs (see item 10), is written separately: i can't see it, I can't hear a sound, I was neither handsome, nor dexterous.