Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary VK. Gnostic Dugin gives a lecture at the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary

This extraordinary old theological educational institution has an amazing history and talented, wise teachers-mentors who teach seminarians ...

Meet - the article is about the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary!


This is a world filled with deep and rich spiritual and cultural content.

The Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary is a higher educational institution that belongs to the Orthodox Church of Russia.

The patron saint of the educational institution is John Damascene, who lived and served God in the 7-8th centuries in the city of Damascus, the capital of Syria ...

The head of the seminary is Metropolitan George, the bishop of the Orthodox Church in Russia.


The birth of the future Metropolitan George (Vasily) took place in the city of Zhlobin (now Belarus).

After graduating from high school, he got a job as a driver. Then he served in the Soviet Army.

And already in 1986 he entered the Moscow Theological Seminary, which determined his future life. After 3 years he became a monk of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, taking a new name - George.

In 1995 he received the degree of candidate of theological sciences. And from that moment he began his teaching activity within the walls of the Moscow Seminary.

In 2012, he was appointed head of the Nizhny Novgorod Metropolitanate.

Educational process and teaching staff

Currently, there are 48 teachers at the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary. Among which:

24 - have holy orders;

6 professors;

8 associate professors;

5 masters of theological sciences.

In addition, there are teachers from the Theological Academy.

Departments are educational units.

The entire educational process is organized and shaped by representatives who graduated from a theological seminary or academy in Moscow. All educational material - textbooks and manuals for students - is also provided from the capital.

In the process of training for seminarians, in addition to the main educational process, additional events are organized: church-wide conferences, exchange of experience with regional seminaries, spiritual seminars and others, which significantly enriches and expands the spiritual, cultural and educational outlook of students.

This educational institution has a higher goal: to provide high-quality seminar students - future clergymen - with the purest, deepest, living knowledge and skills, as regards church education, the way of life, the way of thinking.

Historical information

Before the political events of 1917, the seminary already had almost several centuries of its life.

According to the spiritual regulations, written under the leadership of Emperor Peter the Great, it was indicated that every child of the ministers of the church in Russia should receive a spiritual education.

And the bishop from Nizhny Novgorod was the first to give feedback to this cry. And thanks to this, three schools were opened in the city in March 1721.

And it is this year that is considered the moment of the birth of the first theological seminary in Russia - an educational institution that trained and educated outstanding church pastors, scientists and theologians-educators.

Over time, the educational institution acquired its own premises, within the walls of which seminar students studied.

Many outstanding figures later grew up from this spiritual monastery - hierarchs of the Church, active missionaries, pious pastors, talented preachers and scientists.

Some of them:

Bishop Sergiy Stragorodsky - Master of the St. Petersburg Academy, the rector of the Academy, a great scientist-theologian, the future Patriarch of Moscow.

Petr Vasilievich Znamensky, whose literary heritage is still used by seminary students and others.

Seminary life after the revolution

The political events of 1917 greatly influenced the life of the educational institution. It ceased to exist until 1993. A whole 75 years of desolation and silence. However, the same as with other similar establishments in Russia at that time ...

And so, in 1993, after the Annunciation Monastery was rebuilt in the city of Nizhny Novgorod, the theological school was revived again - practically from the ashes, like the Phoenix bird. It was originally located in a room adjacent to the temple.

After 2 years, the educational institution officially received the status of a seminary, gaining its former glory and power.

In 2006, the reconstruction of the building was completed, which was intended for the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary. A dormitory for seminar students was equipped on its third floor. She lives here to this day.

Address of the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary: Pokhvalinsky Congress, 5, g.

Seminary today

The modern Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary is a higher non-state educational institution. Has a documentary right to educational activities within the framework of the church educational standard.

Something has changed in terms of the program and the form of education of the educational institution in recent years.

First, seminary training now lasts five years. And secondly, new disciplines have appeared, the number of teaching hours has increased. Thirdly, now the diploma work of each graduate of the seminary is the main condition for obtaining a diploma.

Seminarians live and study right within the walls of the educational institution. They are also provided with free meals - four times a day.

The daily routine of the students is precise and strict, but it helps to foster respect for one's duties, to honor the duties of others, and helps to be in spiritual vigilance.

It looks like this:

Wake up at 7 am;

From 9 am to 3 pm - training sessions in the seminary;

From 17 to 20 hours - time for self-preparation;

Exactly at 23 o'clock - lights out.

Each seminary course has its own, which is supervised by children - these are priests with a certain experience of spiritual life, who also have experience in mentoring, pastoral ministry.

Collective work and individual obedience are also an important part of the seminary life:

Duty in the refectory;

Help in the library;

Assistance in the office;

Watch and more.

All this forces students to learn to interact with each other harmoniously and harmoniously, as a single, holistic orchestra.

Theological seminary in Nizhny Novgorod is distinguished by a fairly high level, in no way inferior to another, state educational institution.

The seminary has full-time, correspondence courses and external studies.


The Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary carries out all types of training in the building at Pokhvalinsky Congress, 5.

Part-time seminarians have their own mentor and head - Dozhdev Vyacheslav Evgenievich.

Institution of higher religious education of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate.
Seminary - provides training for clergy, teachers of church educational institutions and other specialists of higher scientific qualifications in the field of Orthodox theology.
The Seminary is currently located on the territory of the spiritual and administrative center of the diocese (600000, Vladimir, Bolshaya Moskovskaya St., 68, Theotokos-Rozhdestvensky Monastery).
Duration of training at the seminary: full-time department - five years, correspondence department - four years.
The teaching corporation consists of 33 qualified teachers, including one Master of Theology, Doctor of Philosophy, two doctoral students, seven candidates of theology and secular sciences, the rest with higher spiritual and secular education. Seminar education - one teacher.
The general book and educational fund of the seminary is about 16 thousand copies.
Currently, 40 students are studying at the full-time department of the seminary, and 160 clergy and laity from various dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church are studying at the correspondence department. During its activity, the revived Vladimir Seminary has issued diplomas to 138 graduates. A number of graduates continued their education in theological academies and theological universities in Russia and abroad, defended their Ph.D. theses. Most of the graduates of the full-time department were ordained and serve in the parishes of the Vladimir diocese; several people took monastic vows.
The Seminary actively participates in the life of the diocese, closely cooperates with the universities of Vladimir and other higher educational institutions of the region (conferences, seminars, Days of Science, church and social celebrations, etc.).
Seminary of the XXI century is a developing spiritual and educational structure that is open to understanding the challenges of the time in the spirit of the Orthodox tradition.

Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary

The Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary is a higher educational institution of the Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The "Spiritual Regulations of 1721" of Peter I established compulsory spiritual education for the children of clergy. Bishop Pitirim of Nizhny Novgorod and Alatyr was the first of the diocesan hierarchs to respond to the emperor's decree. At the bishop's house in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin on March 29, 1721 (on Wednesday the sixth week of Great Lent), two grammatical (Hellenic-Greek and Slavic-Russian) schools and one preparatory alphabet school were opened. In the first two schools, children were selected who already had some kind of training and showed good results in the selection, and those who still needed training were sent to the ABC school (in the first enrollment there were the majority). From that moment, the countdown began in the history of the first seminary in Russia, which gave the country outstanding church pastors, scholars, theologians and educators.

In 1743, Bishop Dmitry (Sechenov) at his own expense bought a "stone building" from the merchant's widow Pushnikova and the seminary was transferred to Blagoveshchenskaya Square, which later became known as Seminarskaya. The seminary was a complex of several buildings:

In 1823 the old building of the seminary burned down and a new one was built in its place in 1826-1829 "at the expense of the state" (122 thousand rubles); to this day, this eight-column building stands on Minin and Pozharsky Square. The lower floor of the building housed the Nizhny Novgorod Theological School, as well as the lower (literature) and middle (philosophical) classes of the seminary; on average - the rooms of the upper class of the seminary, the meeting hall, the board and the apartments of its rector and inspector. The seminary was located here until 1918, when the building was nationalized by the Soviet government. However, back in 1880, the question of repairing the seminary premises, or moving the seminary to another place was discussed.

In 1886, a special Church Treasury was organized in the seminary (a warehouse of ancient church utensils, vestments and books), which gave rise to the formation of the first church museum. There were old manuscripts, old printed books and documents, monuments of painting, iconography, banknotes and various church utensils.

The seminary program was very rich. In addition to general education specialized subjects, various languages \u200b\u200bwere taught: Greek, Latin, Hebrew, French and German, as well as exact sciences: physics, mathematics. In addition, the program included: painting, icon painting and even gymnastics.

Slender traditions, grateful memory of the pioneers, patrons and mentors, constant striving to improve the educational system and everyday life - all this allowed the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary to become one of the best educational institutions in Russia. Many outstanding hierarchs of the Church, pious shepherds, active missionaries, famous scientists and preachers have grown within its walls:

· The Nizhny Novgorod Seminary became the first step in the spiritual education of the future Bishop Sergius (Stragorodsky), Master of the St. Petersburg Academy, its rector, a prominent theologian scientist, the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

· In the field of church history, a graduate of the Nizhny Novgorod Seminary Pyotr Vasilievich Znamensky found his calling. His works are still used by students of theological educational institutions.

· Another student of the seminary, Alexander Lvovich Katansky, became famous for his scientific research, whose works are still considered one of the most authoritative in the field of liturgical practice.

The revolutionary events of 1917 interrupted the activities of the Nizhny Novgorod Seminary for many decades. Seminar facilities, all values, a rich library and an excellent archaeological museum were taken away by the Soviet government. Much has been plundered and lost. Seminar Church in honor of St. John of Damascus was destroyed to the ground.

For 75 years there have been no theological schools in the diocese. In 1993, at the revived Annunciation Monastery, a religious school was opened, which worked from the first days under the program of seminaries. Classrooms, living quarters and a library with a refectory were located in the brotherly building of the monastery. The first rector of the revived seminary was the rector of the Annunciation Monastery (then still a hieromonk, now Bishop of Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk) Kirill (Pokrovsky).

In 1995 the school was transformed into a seminary, receiving the status of a higher educational institution. In 1997, the seminary took over the building of the training and production complex, located outside the wall of the monastery. In 2006, the reconstruction of the seminar building at the Pokhvalinsky Congress was completed; the third floor was designated as a seminar hostel. In December 2007, after the completion of repair work on the territory of the Annunciation Monastery, the Church of St. Alexy of Moscow was opened, which became a seminary; divine services in it are performed by priests - teachers, leaders and graduates of the seminary, with the direct participation of seminarians, who daily carry out kliros, ponomar and other obediences. Since 2007, on the basis of the seminary, advanced training courses have been opened for clerics of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese.

In addition to the traditional publication of the seminar magazine "Damaskin", "Proceedings of the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary" is published, which contains scientific articles by teachers, students' work and new educational programs. The Seminary has published several collections of poems by the seminary confessor Abbot Andrey (Yarunin). After the transfer of the book fund of the late Metropolitan Nikolai (Kutepov) (1977-2001) to the library of the Nizhny Novgorod Seminary, a catalog was published in 2007, where all the books of the fund were systematically placed.

In 2013, at the Nizhny Novgorod Spiritual Semianaria, a magistracy was opened in the direction "History of Religious Philosophy" The magistracy is taught by ecclesiastical and secular specialists with scientific degrees of doctors and candidates of science. For all graduate students, the opportunity of parallel education at the Philosophical and Theological Faculty of the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kosma Minin with a state bachelor's degree in theology. Master's students are provided with special living conditions so that they have the opportunity not to be distracted from their scientific activities.

The growth and development of the spiritual school continues.

A personal meeting, acquaintance, and generally seeing a person alive can say a lot about him. And then I learned that the Russian philosopher Dugin is coming to us with a lecture. I decided to attend this event. The performance took place at the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary, admission was free.
I am familiar with Dugin's work superficially, but the videos posted on the Internet form a negative image in me. You can see for yourself. For example, video where he raises the question of the destruction of the world: “In fact, we have to think not about whether the end of the world will come or not, we need to think about how to make it happen. This is our task. "
It turns out I walked right away with the mood that something will happen. After all, it is strange that a person thirsting for the destruction of creation appears in the citadel of teaching this defenders. From the beginning everything was decent, although the seminarians prayed before the lecture, and the lecturer, for some reason, crossed his arms on his chest, although during it everyone was holding his hands at his seams. As in the picture shown here. Then they all crossed themselves, and so did he. The lecture began.
The story began with definitions, i.e. according to the canons. From the beginning of the concept and what it means. It was interesting, for example, that logos from Greek has more than 40 translations, and the first meaning of this word was harvest. In the lectures he inserted information about the trip to the Athos monastery and what surprised him there, interested him.
After about forty minutes, when the audience was already prepared, the stuffing of gnostic information began. That there are people and non-people. Christians are people, not Christians are not people. Moreover, Christians are also divided into humans and subhumans, i.e. monks - real people and laity, even churchmen, who are not fully human.
Further, it diverged: progress, development, social development are all enemies of Christianity. Progress because it is pride and fun. For a long time I have been talking about the topic of time, that it does not go straight, i.e. along the arrow of history, but as if infinite and the past, present and future are one. The beginning and the end gravitate towards each other, i.e. looped. And then it becomes clear why the enemy of development. In the cycle, everything always returns to "normal", i.e. if he was a peasant, then he must die. Should not develop to go up the social elevators.
Live observation confirmed the impression formed from the videos posted on the Internet.
After the event, the question arose: why did our Metropolitan George invite this person to speak at the seminary? And not only that, Dugin said that together they visited the Oran Monastery on that day by helicopter. After all, he tells things that are contrary to Christianity, Orthodoxy. What's the game going on? More precisely, the flirting of the church with supporters of the destruction of the world, i.e. creation. After all, he also divides people into people and non-people. What did fascism, the fierce enemy of humanity, do and is doing? The den that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers broke in 1945.

Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary - Higher educational institution of the Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Before 1917

Slender traditions, grateful memory of the pioneers, patrons and mentors, constant striving to improve the educational system and everyday life - all this allowed the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary to become one of the best educational institutions in Russia. Many outstanding hierarchs of the Church, pious shepherds, active missionaries, famous scientists and preachers have grown within its walls:

  • The Nizhny Novgorod Seminary became the first step in the spiritual education of the future Bishop Sergius (Stragorodsky), Master of the St. Petersburg Academy, its rector, a prominent theologian scientist, the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.
  • In the field of church history, a graduate of the Nizhny Novgorod Seminary Pyotr Vasilyevich Znamensky found his calling. His works are still used by students of theological educational institutions.
  • Another pupil of the seminary, Alexander Lvovich Katansky, became famous for his scientific research, whose works are still considered one of the most authoritative in the field of liturgical practice.

Notable seminary alumni

After 1917

The revolutionary events of 1917 interrupted the activities of the Nizhny Novgorod Seminary for many decades. Seminar facilities, all values, a rich library and an excellent archaeological museum were taken away by the Soviet government. Much has been plundered and lost. Seminar Church in honor of St. John of Damascus was destroyed to the ground.

For 75 years there have been no theological schools in the diocese. In 1993, at the revived Annunciation Monastery, a religious school was opened, which worked from the first days according to the seminary program. Classrooms, living quarters and a library with a refectory were located in the brotherly building of the monastery. The first rector of the revived seminary was the rector of the Annunciation Monastery (then still a hieromonk, now Bishop of Stavropol and Nevinnomyssk) Kirill (Pokrovsky).

In 1995 the school was transformed into a seminary, receiving the status of a higher educational institution. In 1997, the seminary took over the building of the training and production complex, located outside the wall of the monastery. In 2006, the reconstruction of the seminar building at the Pokhvalinsky Congress was completed; the third floor was designated as a seminar hostel. In December 2007, after the completion of repair work on the territory of the Annunciation Monastery, the Church of St. Alexy of Moscow was opened, which became a seminary; divine services in it are performed by priests - teachers, leaders and graduates of the seminary, with the direct participation of seminarians, who daily carry out kliros, ponomar and other obediences. Since 2007, on the basis of the seminary, advanced training courses have been opened for clerics of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese.

In addition to the traditional publication of the seminar magazine "Damaskin", "Proceedings of the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary" is published, which contains scientific articles by teachers, students' work and new educational programs. The Seminary has published several collections of poems by the seminary confessor Abbot Andrey (Yarunin). After the transfer of the book fund of the late Metropolitan Nikolai (Kutepov) (1977-2001) to the library of the Nizhny Novgorod Seminary, a catalog was published in 2007, where all the books of the fund were systematically placed.


After respawning:

  • Kirill (Pokrovsky) (June 6, 1995 - August 17, 2004)
  • Georgy (Danilov) (since 2004)

Write a review about the article "Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary"

  • Tikhov. A. I. Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary in 1818-40 - Nizhny Novgorod: type. Lips. ruled., 1905 .-- 186 p.
  • Tikhov A.I. Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary in 1842-51 - Nizhny Novgorod: type. Lips. ruled., 1905 .-- 268 p.
  • Tikhov A.I. Brief memorable historical note of the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary. - Nizhny Novgorod: type. Lips. ruled., 1905 .-- 83 p.
  • Proceedings of the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary: a collection of works by teachers and students of the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary. - 2003-2014.


  • on the site "Russian Orthodoxy"

An excerpt characterizing the Nizhny Novgorod Theological Seminary

I suddenly felt a sudden icy cold pull on my back - something was wrong, something was about to happen ... I really wanted to scream! .. Somehow to warn ... But I understood that I can't help them, I can't reach out through the centuries, I can't interfere ... I have no such right. The events unfolding in front of me took place a long time ago, and even if I could help now, it would already be an interference in history. Since, had I saved Magdalene, many destinies would have changed, and perhaps the entire subsequent Earth history would have been completely different ... Only two people on Earth had the right to this, and, unfortunately, I was not one of them ... Then everything happened too quickly ... It seemed that it was not even real ... Smiling coldly, a man named Ramon suddenly grabbed Magdalene by the hair from behind and thrust a long narrow dagger into her open neck with lightning speed ... A crunch was heard. Without even having time to understand what was happening, Magdalene hung on his arm, showing no signs of life. On her snow-white robe, scarlet blood flowed like a stream ... The daughter screamed shrilly, trying to escape from the hands of the second monster, who grabbed her fragile shoulders. But her cry was interrupted - just like a rabbit, breaking a thin neck. The girl fell next to the body of her unhappy mother, in whose heart a crazy man was still endlessly stuck his bloody dagger ... It seemed that he had lost his mind and could not stop ... Or was his hatred so strong, which controlled his criminal hand? .. Finally, it's over. Without even looking back at what they had done, the two heartless killers disappeared into the cave without a trace.
Only a few short minutes had passed since their unexpected appearance. The evening was still the same beautiful and quiet, and only from the tops of the blue mountains the darkness was slowly sliding down to the ground. A woman and a girl lay peacefully on the stone floor of the little "cell". Their long golden hair touched in heavy strands, mixing into a solid gold veil. It seemed that the dead were asleep ... Only from the terrible wounds of Magdalene, red blood still spurted out in jerks. There was an incredible amount of blood ... It flooded the floor, gathering in a huge red puddle. My legs gave way from horror and indignation ... I wanted to howl in a wolfish voice, not wanting to accept what had happened! .. I could not believe that everything had happened so simply and imperceptibly. So easy. Someone had to see it! Someone should have warned them! .. But no one noticed. And he did not warn. There was simply no one around at that moment ... And two Light, Pure Lives, cut off by someone's dirty hand, flew away as doves to another, unfamiliar World, where no one else could harm them.
Golden Mary was no longer on our evil and ungrateful Earth ... She went to Radomir ... Rather, her Soul flew away to him.