Learning letters in action !: The letter W is an activity. Games, game exercises and entertaining tasks for teaching children the differentiation of sounds - Games with the letter w for children

    Learning English is not easy. However, if you approach this by playing, time flies by quickly and unnoticed. Look into our yard, all the letters of the English alphabet scattered across it. You need to collect them all without losing a single one. And while you collect them, you will hear how

    To properly prepare for school, you need to learn the alphabet well, and the flash game "Learn the letter B" will help you with this. The second letter of the alphabet is B, and to remember how it is spelled, you need to correctly paint over all the green dots. To secure the material, find all the letters B, located

    The last letter of the alphabet, which you will get acquainted with in the online game "Learn the letter I", is well known to every child. It's time to learn how it is spelled and also learn how to distinguish it from other letters. The educational process is presented in an entertaining game form, so it will be interesting

    If your child has not yet mastered the letters well enough, it's time to turn on the online game "Learn the letter P", because it is it that we are going to study today. You will see green dots on the screen to help your child remember its shape. To fix the material, find the five letters P of the medium

    To properly prepare for school, you need to learn the alphabet well, and the flash game "Learn the letter P" will help you with this. This is a fairly common letter of the alphabet, and in order to remember how it is spelled, you need to fill in all the green dots correctly. Find all to secure the material

    The eleventh letter of the alphabet, which your child will get acquainted with in the online game "Learn the letter Y", is very similar to the letter I and differs from it only by a small bow on top. So if the baby is already familiar with the letter I, then her friend will not give him much trouble. Try it and you have about

Irina Gurova

Dear colleagues! This material is a continuation of the previous post on my blog. The main purpose of the proposed game exercises is to teach the differentiation of sounds [w] and [w], which have articulatory-acoustic similarity. Speech therapy work on the differentiation of voiceless and voiced sounds is very important, since most children with general speech underdevelopment have a violation of the auditory distinction of phonemes. So, in oral speech this deficiency leads to substitutions and mixing of sounds, in writing it can manifest itself in the mixing of the corresponding letters when writing ("shuk", "lodge", "majina"). Therefore, classes on the formation of the skills of differentiation of sounds occupy a significant place in the system of speech therapy work.

The material is intended for use in a preparatory group for school.

Game "Phone" ("Don't be mistaken")

Differentiation of the studied sounds in syllables.

Equipment: telephone.

Children are encouraged to reproduce rows of syllables. The options may vary depending on the child's speech abilities:

















"Speech therapy chants"

Differentiation of sounds in pronunciation.

Equipment: audio player.

Children first listen to small chants (Ovchinnikova T. S. Speech therapy chants. - SPb.: KARO, 2006. - 64 p., Learn them, then sing. Chants "Beetles", "Bear", "Giraffe" are used.

Game "Houses".

Differentiation of sounds by ear in words, development of auditory memory, quantitative representations.

Equipment: blue paper houses, one of them with a bell, cups with beans.

Children listen to words. Hearing a word with a sound [w], they put a grain of beans in a blue house with a bell, hearing a word with a sound [w] - in a house without a bell: tire, beetle, toad, cat, mice, iron, acorn, skier, car, airship ... After that, the number of words with each sound is counted, words with differentiable sounds are recalled.

Game "Giving toys" with the "Finger Pool" exercise machine (from beans).

Equipment: "Finger pool" (beans, small toys.

Children are invited to find toys in the "Finger Pool" with the sounds [w] and [w] in their names, and to divide them into two groups (to give Mishka Shalun and the crow to Zhuna).

Game exercise "Connect pictures with letters"

Development of phonemic representations.

Equipment: task cards, pencil.

Children are invited to connect pictures with the corresponding letters with lines, cross out the extra picture.

The game "The fourth odd"

Distinguishing sounds in words, work on the dictionary.

Equipment: subject pictures. In the future, it is possible to conduct a similar game without relying on pictures (by ear).

Children are invited to choose a generalizing word for each group of pictures (words), and then find an unnecessary one, depending on the presence or absence of sounds [w] and [w].

- cat, giraffe, crane, ground beetle;

- jeans, jacket, hat, vest;

- cake, blackberries, porridge, ice cream;

- foal, mouse, hedgehog, teddy bear.

Game exercise "Reverse"

Converting syllables first, then words.

Equipment: ball.

The speech therapist throws a ball to the child and pronounces a syllable or word with the sound [w] ([f]). The child returns the ball, replacing [w] with [w] or vice versa.

one). sha - ms

zhla - went

2). live - sew

sting -

bait -

Drawing up sound-syllabic schemes of words, typing or laying out words from letters in the tracks of analysis.

Development of the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Equipment: material "Scheme of a word", where the word is indicated by a long strip, syllables - short strips of neutral color, vowel sounds - red circles, solid consonants - blue, soft consonants - green.

Children are invited to make a diagram of a word or two words (with the sound [w] and [g]). In the process of working with children with schemes, the speech therapist suggests answering the questions:

How many sounds are there in a word?

Name all sounds in order.

What is the sound [w] ([f]?

How many vowels are there in this word?

Name only the vowel sounds.

How many consonants are there in this word?

Name them.

How many syllables are in this word?

Why do you think so?

After analyzing the word, the children lay it out from letters or print it in a notebook.

Game "Say differently".

Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech (exercise in the formation of adjectives from nouns)

Equipment: ball.

The speech therapist pronounces the phrase and throws the ball to the child. The child returns the ball, forming a relative or possessive adjective, matching it with a noun in the gender:

chocolate cream - chocolate cream, etc.

millet porridge -

ski poles -

bear den -

mouse hole -

horse tail -

hedgehog needles -

cat paws -

camel's hump -

house with one floor -

house with two floors -

house with three floors -

Game exercise "Finish the word:" ZhI "or" SHI "?" ("The magic wand").

Differentiation of sounds in the pronunciation of words.

Equipment: beautiful wand ("magic wand").

The speech therapist pronounces the beginning of the word and touches the child's shoulder or arm with a stick. The child first completes the word, and then reproduces it in its entirety.

Pencil - SHI - pencils, etc .;

cubs -

Graphic exercise "Make up words."

Acquaintance with spelling "ZhI" and "SHI", development of graphic skills.

Equipment: board, chalk. You can do the exercise on cards with a pencil.

After explaining the material by a speech therapist, children are invited to connect the beginning of each word with the corresponding syllables, read the words.

"Connect pictures and come up with sentences."

Exercise in composing sentences of different types. Development of thinking, graphic skills.

Children are invited to find connections between the objects depicted and, connecting them with lines or arrows, come up with sentences, for example: “A cat is a pet, and a mouse is a wild one”, “A car has four tires”, “Lena dropped a pencil into a puddle”, “Toad and a green ball ", the Cat wanted to catch the mouse, but did not catch it", etc.

Guess the word game

Development of auditory attention.

The speech therapist pronounces the syllables, the children guess which word will come out of them and call it:

Ms. Ms. Ms., ba-ba-ba ... (toad);

Shi-shi-shi, na-na-na (shina);

Zhu-zhu-zhu, ki-ki-ki ... (beetles);

We-we-we, shi-shi-shi (mice);

Ly-ly-ly, ly-ly-ly, ly-ly-ly ... (skis);

Kosh-kosh-kosh, ka-ka-ka ... (cat);

Ji-ji-ji, raf-raf-raf ... (giraffe);

Gru-gru-gru, sha-sha-sha ... (pear);

Ma-ma, shi-shee, na-na ... (car);

Live, years, years, ka (vest).

"Missing letters".

Insert the missing letters "Ж" or "Ш" into the words of the sentences.

Equipment: notebooks, pencils.

Examples of entertaining exercises, puzzles.

Exercise "Make a Word"

Make two words out of these letters: one of orange and the other of brown.

Make two words out of these letters: one of the large ones, and the other of the small ones.

Read Word Exercise

Find a pattern, read a word, write it, draw an object.

Solving puzzles

First, simple, then more complex puzzles are offered.

Several puzzles are presented as an example.

The schoolboy was going to school,

He dressed more warmly:

I put on a fur coat, a hat, a scarf -

I was walking to school and sweating.

Repeat the sound of Ш after me:
\u003d In direct syllables:
sha-sha-sha, sho-sho-sho, sha-shi-sho-shu
shi-shi-shi, shu-shu-shu, shi-shi-shu-sha
she-she-she, sho-shu-sha-she
chic, seam, sheikh, wide

In reverse syllables:
ash-ash-ash, eh-eh-eh, ash-osh-eh-eh
osh-osh-osh, ish-ish-ish, osh-ush-osh-ash
ush-ush-ush, ush-eh-ash-osh
mouse, ink, rye [w], already [w], lie [w], quiet

1. Find words with the letter Ш (taken and)

2. "Walker" by the letter W

3. Determine those pictures (or just words) that contain the letter Ш:
\u003d hat, fur coat, chair, wheel, wardrobe, boots

4a. Game "Reverse" ()
Mouse loves the sound of Sh very much. She (take a toy and a picture with a mouse) will call the syllable with the letter C, and you need to remake it, replacing the letter C with W.
\u003d sa - sha, so - sho, su - shu, se - she
\u003d juice - shock, cape - mouse, mask - Masha, helmet - porridge

4b. "Change the first sound in a word" or Game "Magician": now let's turn some words into others! It is necessary to replace the first sound with the sound [Ш] and name a new word. (taken and) (Note: some children find it difficult to change the first sound by ear, so you can write on a sheet or make slides).
\u003d sorry - ..., soap - ...., joint - ....
\u003d max - ..., gift - ..., lips - ...
\u003d bull - ..., sense - ..., mouse - ...
\u003d sneaker - ..., shirt - ..., stomp - .. flop

5. Story - retelling with the letter Ш. Cat and mouse (chain text) (taken and)

Alyosha has a cat called Masha.
Cat Masha catches mice.
The mice run away from the cat.
The cat is big, agile, it catches up with mice.

6a. Tell the letter! (prepare slides with words)
\u003d pencil ..., shala ..., lands ..., small ..., kami ...

6b. Game "Finish the word!" (adult writes on a sheet) (taken)
\u003d syllable SH A: na ..., wa ..., Yes ..., Nata ..., gru ..., kry ...,
\u003d syllable Ш И: na ..., wa ..., dy ..., kami ..., gru ..., we ..., kry ..., pi ..., u ...

7a. "Juggler is a dodger" - you need to catch only those balls (balls) when I call the word with the sound Ш (if there are no such materials at hand, then you can "take a step forward if you hear the sound Ш (if not, stand still)" )
\u003d bump, hedgehog, car, cat, beetle, bear, hat, giraffe, frog, cherry, ice cream

7b. The game "Clap your hands" (when you hear the sound Ш)
\u003d Sounds: W, A, M, W, S, O, I, W, Z, K, M, F, R, D, V, W, G, W, L, S
\u003d Syllables: SHO, OM, SHA, MA, VU, LO, ASH, NA, KI, OSH, SA
\u003d Words: ball, smoke, porridge, cat, shoes, circle, baby, lips, hat

8. "Clown and balls": you need to help catch those balls on which there is the letter Ш (draw a thread from the balls and bring it to the clown's hand). And from the balls, where there is no letter Ш, draw out the air. Do not forget to name all the letters Ш. (Idea taken, my execution (A5))

9a. Lesson with the letter Ш (from the book "Games for the development of speech")

9b. "Learning letters by playing"

10. The girl Mash has a birthday today - let's give her a camomile! (the idea was taken, the file was made by myself (format A5))

11. One more number with a magician: I will be a magician, and you - an assistant. Call the sound Ш, and I - the rest of the word. Then you repeat the whole word after me!
\u003d ... apka, ... fur coat, ... ina, ... ah, ... mind, ... awl, ... al, ... ov, ... orokh

12. "Rotations of the magician": let's turn big objects into small ones! (spied)
cover - ...
ball - ...
a cap - ...
cupboard - ...
an ear - ...
cat - ...
pot - ...
pillow - ...
curtain - ...
fly -

13. Complete the sentences.
I go and you ... (go). I sing and you ... (sing). I lead and you ... (lead). I give and you ... (give). I eat and you ... (eat). I carry and you ... (carry).

14. Game "Name it affectionately"
winter - winter
a rock -
the sun -
bread -
hut -
hostess -
trousers -

15. Find the hidden letters Ш (from here)

16. Highlight and circle the letter W (from here)

17.Add the missing part to make the letter W (from here)

18. Find in this confusion the letter Ш (from here)

20. The ball burst. He falls and hisses: "Shhhh". Hiss with him. Draw a solid line along the dotted line. Do not stop anywhere and say: "Sh-sh-sh-sh ..." (this task and subsequent ones from here)

21. Show how the ball was at first - circle it along the contour and shade in the given direction. Draw a solid line along the dotted line. Stop nowhere and say: "Sh-sh-sh-sh ..."

22. Let's give Piglet a lot of beautiful balls. Trace around each ball and shade in the given direction. Do not forget to say: "Sh-sh-sh-sh ..." Count how many balls Piglet has: "One ball, two balls, ..."

23. Snakes draw patterns in the sand and hiss: "Shhhhhh ...". First, slide your finger over the leagues, and then with a pencil. Do not forget to hiss like a snake.

24. Trace the contours of the mice in dots and finish drawing, repeating the pure phrase: "Hush, mice, don't mind. Don't wake up our cat." How many mice did the cat see in a dream?

25. Speak without hesitation: "Mishka has bumps, Mishka has bumps ...". Trace the outlines of the cones. Draw and say the word "Sh and Sh ka".

26. Chain of sentences. KaSha (chain text)

Masha and Dasha are eating millet porridge.

Millet porridge is boiled from millet.

My grandmother bought millet.

My grandmother made a pot of millet porridge.

The cat was fed with porridge.

27. Draw a half of each item and name it.

28. Lay out the letter W from sticks (or pencils, or matches).

29. Look at the pictures and name them. Determine the place of the sound Ш in each of them. (taken)

30. Change the proposal by the sample (taken)
Masha has a fur coat. - This is a machine fur coat.
Misha has a car. -
Pasha has a bag. -
Dasha has chess. -
Sasha has a hat with earflaps. -

31. The game "Remember and repeat" (taken

Hello my dear readers!

In heading learning letters consonant today letter "Ш"... Children often have problems with the pronunciation of the sound [w], here, as I have already drawn your attention in other articles, a speech therapist can help. He will easily determine the reasons, and offer you appropriate exercises to correct the speech impediment in your child.

I have prepared for you practical material: artistic word, games, crosswords on the letter Sh.

The letter "W"

Funny poems

Shura stirred up the hay, forgot the pitchfork in the hay.

G. Vieru

Mischief-makers, quicken your pace! Hurry to bring the sword to the musketeer!
Look at the letter Sh- The letter is very good,

Because from her

Can be done E and Yo.

Here are the wild rose flowers -

Just a miracle of beauty!

Bright, fragrant ...

Ah ah ah! Thorny!

The rose hips put out their thorns

The thorns of the rosehip are like needles.

But we won't take the thorns from him -

Useful fruits for the drugstore narve.

S. Mosiyash

Rustle, whispering,

A noise under the window

Light spanking ... Who is this - a gnome?

Shish! There, behind the curtains by the window,

Nimble mouse

Silence rustles.

Cat on the window

Sewing pants.

And the mouse in boots

Sweeps the hut.

A rustle is heard in the reeds,

He makes a noise in the ears:

One hundred fearless frogs

The heron is terrified in a whisper.

I walked through the forest and was afraid ... I came across someone's scarf.

The forest was not scary right away.

- Hey, who lost the scarf?

The cat walks slowly

Claws as a letter Sh

Briskly mouse under the stove - shast!

How not to fall into the clutches ...

V. Stepanov

Under the water lilies in the silence

Where it is not very shallow

Important bream walk

The width of the plate.

What do we have in the forest with a letter Sh?

This lump plopped, rustling.

Bumblebee and hornet are noisy

They fumble in porridge.

Insects rustle in the rosehip.

What else in the woods with a letter Sh?

Noise and rustle near the hut.

Don't breathe, hunter!

Dog, don't rustle!

Duck with ducklings

Floats through the reeds.

The mouse whispers to the mouse:

"You are all rustling - you are not sleeping."

The mouse whispers to the mouse:

"I will rustle more quietly."

Tongue Twisters

1. In the stillness of the night near the reeds, you can hear the rustle of a snake. 2. They gave the sour milk to Klasha.

Dissatisfied with Klasha:

“I don’t want yogurt,

Give just porridge. "

3. There are six rascals in the hut.

4. Sasha knocked bumps with a hat.

5. On the window, a midge deftly catches a paw. Slippery bumps rustled

They plopped noisily from the pine trees.

With a layer of snow, like a shawl,

Will hide cones until spring.

7. Sasha sewed a hat to Sanka.

8. Hat and fur coat -

That's all Mishutka.

9. There was a car walking down the street, a car without gasoline, a car without an engine,

There was a car without a driver,

She went where she did not know,

There was a car ... clockwork.

10. Forty mice walked, Carried forty pennies, Two smaller mice

They carried two pennies.

Proverbs and sayings

1. You can't hide an awl in a bag.

2. With whom you lead, from that you will gain.

3. If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one.

4. Away is good, but home is better.

5. Toys for a cat, and tears for a mouse.

6. On the mouse and the cat the beast.

7. There is no better friend than dear mother.

8. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

Pure phrases


Game "Who is attentive?"

1. Name the same sound in words: fur coat, pencil, car, wardrobe, scarf, ball.

2. Guess the word by the first sounds of the following words: ball, watermelon, rocket, flag.

Answer: scarf.

Game "Who's Bigger?"

Find the words in which the sound [ w] is located at the beginning ( hat, bump), In the middle ( bear, cup), at the end of a word ( reeds, pencil).

Game "Say a word"

Game "Magic Chain"

1. The chain must begin and end with the letter "w".

(Ball - cancer - cat - tank - pencil.)

2. Replace the first sound in words: live, day.

(Sew, jokes.)

3. How in one second from shah to do mat?

(Shah - step - magician - checkmate.)

Game "Anagrams".

Sleeper ( noodles), scarf ( minced meat), lace ( kite).

Invisible words

IN W - - - - - the sailors sat down,

- - - w - - take care of tea.

– – – - w by the river bank

Climbed - - w - - in a sack of flour.

Dangerous - - - w - - for chickens,

W - - - - - more expensive than twine.

Answer: a boat - a bun, a reed - a mouse, a kite - a lace.

Complete the word game

Bus ( car, top), jester ( joke), thorn ( rose hip bearing), sewed ( awl), went ( slag), walked ( silk).


(Additional letters: m, l, a, d, o, e.)

- - shock - - - -

From ve t: bag chocolate: bag, shock, stake, fret, chocolate.

Game "Syllabic Lotto"

1. Make up words with the syllable - shi at the beginning or at the end.

(Yours, breathe, awl, sew, mice, decide, thornsetc.)

2. Continue the words: Mi ... (- sha), shu ... (- ba), Ma ... (- sha), shi ... (- on), sha ... (- ry), jester ... (- ka), shap ... (- ka), checker ... (- ki), check ... (- that), lan ... (- breathe), we… (- shi), pshe ... (- but), shi ... (- lo), shko ... (- la), hat ... (- na), check ... (- ter), Shu ... (- ra), dry ... (- ki).

Game "Typesetter"

1. Choose eight of these letters and add the name of the state. The rest will be the capital.

S sh t o v k e c t i o l i m g

Answer: Sweden, Stockholm.

2. Make as many words as possible from the letters of the word chocolate.

Answer: school, shock, scale, slag, jackal, eye, salary, stake, tub, deck, masonry, cook, cat, shred, treasure, lad, boat, varnish, horse, hell, dock, code etc.

Puzzle game

Find an insect between the lines.

The reeds subsided, a bird flashed,

Everything is asleep, nothing moves.

Answer: bumblebee.


1. "Burn-verti"

Horizontally and vertically, write three identical words that mean ... However, look for a clue in the verses:

- I quickly melt behind my cheek.

- I argue with a stormy river.

- Small sparrow, and yet I

Much less sparrow.

Answer: chocolate, dam, hummingbird

2. All words with the letter "Ш"


On the squares of the board, the kings brought the regiments, no for the battle of the regiments

No cartridges, no bayonets.


Garden worker -

The order is honey.


I'm riding, I don't know who,

Meet a friend

I will jump off - I will welcome.

(A cap.)

They are steel on billiards,

On threads - rubber,

On the cabinet - wooden,

On the tree there are glass ones.


I held your tail in my hand, You flew, I ran.


Round, flies,

And he doesn't know where.

(Ball.) G. Vieru

At first she hid in the grass

Now he sits on his head.

(A cap.)

My nose is prickly like a needle

But I am not sewing, but only making holes.


The gate opens:

New guests have arrived.

Work begins -

I accept ships

To go to the rivers different

On the water steps.


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The purpose of the lesson: we study the letter Ш, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic hearing, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • to acquaint the preschooler with the letter Ш, the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach to write the block letter W in the cells;
  • to form an interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is drawn in the pictures below:

Balls Bumblebee Pine Cones Chess

Water was cut off in Shura's house. Shura opens the tap - there is no water, only the air hisses: shhhh ...

  1. How does the air hiss in the tap?
  2. What was the girl's name?
  3. What is the first sound in the word SHURA?
  4. What sound is there in the word SHAPKA, and in the word MOUSE, and in the word SOUL?
  5. At the beginning, at the end or in the middle of the word, the sound [w] in the word HAT? - SOUL? - MOUSE? - FUR COAT? - CAT?

When we pronounce the sound [sh], the tip of the tongue rises behind the upper teeth, the teeth are almost clenched, there is only a narrow crack between them. Say: ШШШ. Both the tongue and teeth prevent air from leaving the mouth freely when we utter the sound [sh].

  • Vowel or consonant sound [w]?
  • Is this sound voiced or dull?
  • Why?
  • What other consonant sounds do you know?

Assignment: block letter W for preschoolers

Consider the letter W. Sew the letter W in the air and once in a notebook, neatly in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a sample of writing at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two reference lines, or put anchor points that the child will connect with lines, or write the letters in full, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the phrase

If we grow on spruce,
We are there, we are in business.
And on the foreheads of the children
Nobody needs ... (bumps).

I sewed a shirt for the bear.
I will sew him ... (pants).

Today everyone is rejoicing!
In the hands of the kids
They dance for joy

The bear hears out of the corner of his ear,
Like a fly buzzing over your ear.
Teddy bear paw grab a fly!
You can't hear flies!
But the bear cannot understand
Why over the ear ... (bump).

Tale about the letter W

How the Mouse was naughty

Mouse Mouse was a terrible mischief. For example, his dad is going to work somewhere. Fumbles, fumbles through all the closets: looking for his slippers, pants, scarf and hat, but they are nowhere to be found.

Mouse! Where is my stuff?! - Dad asks menacingly.
- I ate them ... By accident ...
- How did you eat? Oh, you fool!
- Well, what are you making noise? - Mom intercedes.
- He was joking.
- Did you eat your hat last year as a joke ?!

Or the Mouse will climb behind the screen and rustle there: shur-shur-shur ...

Cat!!! - screams mom, and they and dad shy away under the closet.

Or tie a string to a hose and pull it across the room.

Snake ... - dad whispers and faints together with mom.
- This is not life, but a nightmare! - Dad is indignant.
- At one time we didn’t play like that.

Riddles for children with the letter W

Our aunt needle
The line led across the field.
Line to line,
Line to line.
There will be a dress for your daughter.
(Sewing machine)

I held your tail in my hand
You flew, I ran.

On the squares of the board
The kings brought the shelves together.
Not for battle at the regiments
No cartridges, no bayonets.

Proverbs and sayings starting with the letter W

If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one.
Know more and speak less.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.
Toys for a cat, and tears for a mouse.
The mouse and the cat are a beast.
Murder will out.
If you don't see - climb the mountain, if you don't understand - ask the elder.
Wrong, hurt, - forward science.
If you hurry, you will make people laugh.
With whom you lead, from that you will gain.
The sooner you start, the earlier you will be in time.

Funny poems about the letter W for children

What do we have in the forest with the letter W?
This lump plopped, rustling.
The bumblebee and the hornet rummage noisily in the porridge.
Insects rustle in the rosehip.
What else in the forest with the letter W?
Noise and rustle near the hut.
(M. Yasnov)

The mongrel barks very loudly.
The mongrel knows very well:
The one who says "woof" louder,
He will always be right!
(B. Zakhoder)

Air balloon,
I ran away with the wind
And where to?
And he didn't.
(F. Bobylev)

The rolled ball lay
So that he doesn't run out the window.
Now I'll inflate him
I'll go out with him.
(G. Satir)

I walked in the forest and was afraid ...
Someone's scarf came across to me.
The forest was not scary right away.
- Hey, who lost the scarf?
(G. Vieru)

Sewing a fur coat -
Sewed a skirt
Sewing a hat -
Sewed a sneaker!
Good seamstress Natasha!
(E. Blaginina)

Bumblebee sells balloons.
The balls are so naughty!
The balls rustle and rush into the sky,
And the silk threads are torn.
(G. Satir)

The bumblebee snooped, rustled in the sage
The bumblebee made a terrible noise.
How many things has he done -
Even the hornet woke up.
(A. Pudval)

The sword swallower wasn't joking
Fearlessly swallowed five swords.
Hey naughty guys! Add a step!
Bring me the sixth sword.
(V. Berestov)

Autumn bushes rustle.
The leaves rustle on the tree.
The reeds rustle.
And the rain rustles.
And the mouse rustling
In a hurry to the hole.
And there quietly rustle
Six nimble little mice.
But everyone around is outraged:
- How the rascals rustled!
(A. Usachev)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler's vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Exercises on the cells develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop in children intelligence, the ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles in teaching children to increase their interest in challenging tasks.
  4. Poems affect not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn several lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain, and the general ability to learn increases.