The relevance of studying psychology. The relevance of conducting psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of preschool children


Shantyr E.E. The relevance of practical psychology and the algorithm of the professiogram of a practical psychologist //
Psychologist. - 2015. - No. 4. - P.116-138. DOI: 10.7256 / 2409-8701.2015.4.15267.

Shantyr Evgeny Evgenievich,
psychologist, head of the Department of Practical Psychology, Dnepropetrovsk Institute
Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Associate Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Annotation. This article shows the relevance of practical psychology in modern society. In the context of the constant intensification of human life and the growth of crisis phenomena, progressive personal transformations in society should occur quickly and massively, which will make it possible to reverse the crisis phenomena and the current trend of modern mankind towards self-destruction and self-destruction. The problems that humanity faces today are the result of the current spiritual and psychological crisis. The level of evolution of human consciousness, as a bearer of mental processes, does not provide, in many cases, an adequate response of society and its individuals to the current challenges and does not lead to the timely development of a new worldview to overcome crisis phenomena. In these conditions, psychology and its practical implementation seems to be almost the only science to which the views are turned in search of answers to pressing questions of today and the definition of practical actions to overcome crisis situations. At the same time, the profession of a psychologist is still far from being unambiguously perceived. today in modern society, practical psychology itself has not properly declared itself, and the activities of practical psychologists have not become concrete and understandable to people. The key reason for this is, first of all, the lack of clearly formulated foundations of the professiogram of a practical psychologist, which make it possible to separate psychological assistance from all other parapsychological and astrological activities that are similar in content. The research methodology of this work includes the analysis of scientific material and the theoretical development of the basic concept of the activity of a practical psychologist. The scientific novelty of the presented materials lies in the fact that the author proposed and substantiated an algorithm for the professiogram of a practical psychologist, whose activity, unlike other professions, should be aimed, first of all, at the development of human mental processes in order to form a new personality capable of adequately in any conditions. solve your specific problems. At the same time, the author has developed and described the method of humanitarian-behavioral psychoanalysis, which reflects the main content of the work of a practical psychologist. The article may be of interest to a wide range of specialists in the field of psychological services: students, teachers, practical psychologists and civil servants of the education system.

Keywords: psychology, practical psychology, relevance, intensification, crisis, psychologist's professiogram algorithm, mental processes, psychological consultations, humanitarian-behavioral psychoanalysis, society

UDC: 159.99

DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2015.4.15267

Modern society is characterized by a multidirectional diversity of socio-political, religious, cultural, educational, family and marriage, as well as interpersonal relationships, including gender. Over the last time, we have been witnessing more important technological breakthroughs and socially significant changes in society over the course of one decade, or even one year, than those that people of previous historical eras experienced for centuries. Humanity managed to penetrate the secrets of nuclear energy, send spaceships to the moon and all the planets of the solar system, transmit sound and color images around the globe, crack the DNA code, start experiments with cloning and genetic engineering, and much more. Nevertheless, these and many others, such impressive intellectual achievements of civilization, have brought modern mankind to the brink of global catastrophes. Very often, the achievements of science and technology are used to satisfy primitive emotions and instinctive drives, which are not very different from those that ruled the behavior of people in the Stone Age. This state of affairs has led to the fact that, in addition to the specter of a nuclear war, humanity is threatened by several less spectacular, but no less insidious and more predictable scenarios of the end of the world. First of all, this refers to industrial pollution of soil, water and air, destruction of the ozone layer, the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere, the threat of nuclear waste and disasters, the possible depletion of oxygen reserves on the planet, the danger of toxic additives in food and drinks. To this can be added a number of social phenomena, less apocalyptic in nature, but no less destructive. First of all, this is poverty and hunger on the one hand, and on the other hand, the satiety of people with material benefits, the presence of overweight and obesity among a significant part of the world's population. The disintegration of the family, the crisis of motherhood and fatherhood, the disappearance of spiritual universal human values, the loss of the natural connection between man and nature, the growth of universal alienation and aggression in relations between people and even entire ethnic groups, the lack of planned and favorable prospects for the future development of whole regions.

The challenge of our time is the ever-increasing intensity of far-reaching ambiguous processes in all spheres of human life. Socio-political, industrial, informational, religious, cultural and educational, as well as the sphere of family, marriage and interpersonal relations is undergoing changes literally before our eyes. The intensity of production sharply increases, intensive, far from always favorable, transformations in society are observed, intensive, often destructive changes in a person's personality traits, his state of health are accelerated, intensive treatment, training and much, much more take place.

Intensity itself is not a problem, but rather, on the contrary, it is caused by the very course of historical development and is designed to meet the growing social, spiritual and material needs of modern man. At the same time, it is precisely this "high-speed" situation that creates the danger of accumulation of unsolved problems in society. In the course of the constant intensification of life, the number of conflict situations and corresponding states of the psyche is growing very rapidly as a result of the lag of society or an individual person from the requirements of the modern world. This, in turn, inevitably forms erroneous, inadequate, and sometimes just aggressive behavior of the individual and even entire ethnic or social groups. This state of affairs gives rise to the emergence and irreconcilable confrontation of different worldviews and, most importantly, leads to conflicts and problems, which, unfortunately, in the conditions of modern civilization, are increasingly developing into hostility and human tragedies. Moreover, such tendencies are observed in all spheres of society, but, especially, in the socio-political sphere and in the personal life of a person.

And as a consequence of the aforementioned reasons, the present humanity lives in conditions of constant psycho-emotional tension, being on the very edge of the catastrophes it has created. And this is happening at a time when modern science is offering society an almost fabulous production technology that could easily solve most of the pressing social and material problems of today's world. But this does not happen, and, consequently, the existing problems by their nature are not technological, environmental or even political, their deep meaning lies within the human personality, in his psyche and the mental processes themselves.

It is becoming more and more obvious that in the modern world, administrative and legislative measures, economic and social sanctions, power scenarios, military incursions and other similar actions and measures practically do not lead to the desired result. Moreover, they necessarily give rise to new, much more complex problems than they were originally intended to solve. From the very beginning of their application, as a rule, one can confidently assert that they are doomed to failure, because their strategy, designed to eliminate or at least alleviate one or another regional crisis in society, is rooted in the same ideology that appeared the root cause of the emergence of the crisis itself.

At the most careful consideration, the current global crisis of mankind is basically nothing more than a spiritual and psychological crisis, for it reflects the level of evolution of human consciousness as a carrier of mental processes. That is why it is difficult to imagine that this crisis could be resolved without a radical transformation of the personal qualities of the human individual, which is determined, ultimately, by the level of development of his consciousness as a carrier of mental processes: intellectual, emotional, functional and spiritual. In other words, today the world needs a person as a person, with a qualitatively new worldview, intellectually and spiritually mature, with the priority of universal and spiritual values.

At first glance, such a task seems too complicated and even sci-fi. The possibility of transforming modern mankind into a species of individuals capable of peaceful coexistence with their fellows, regardless of race, skin color, religious and political beliefs, not to mention other differences, of course, does not seem too plausible given the entire previous history of the development of human civilization. However, the situation is not as hopeless as it might seem at first. The radical spiritual and mental transformations of mankind are not only possible, but also constantly occur, including in our days.

What is the fundamental factor in progress, both for all mankind and for an individual? This is, of course, evolutionary, in accordance with the intensity of modern life, a complex and harmonious development of human consciousness as a carrier of mental processes.

The evolution of mental processes is a continuous, gradual and long-term development of the psyche of all living organisms in terms of their adaptation to the Earth's parameters of life. The psyche, as a set of mental processes, arose according to literary sources, more than 500 million years ago and has constantly evolved throughout this period. In the literature sources available to us and on Internet sites, there are three main levels of the evolution of the psyche:

1. Interspecific level of evolution - at this stage, there is a gradual change in the psyche from the simplest to more complex forms as various animal species develop from protozoa to mammals and to man himself. He reveals all the phenomena of life taking place on planet Earth.

2. Phylogenetic (intraspecific) level of evolution - consists in a smooth transition of the psyche as an animal or a person develops as a species. In this case, man acts as one of the mammalian species that have existed for about 3 million years. Throughout this stage, there is a gradual continuous change in the psyche itself.

3. Ontogenetic level of evolution - reveals the development of the psyche in ontogenesis, ie, in the process of the entire life of a person (or animal), from the moment of birth to death.

Of course, in the process of evolution, the psyche, as a life phenomenon, constantly undergoes profound qualitative transformations. The meaning of these transformations, in short, is that initially the properties of mental processes provide an opportunity for living objects to move away from unfavorable factors, then provide a search for favorable conditions for the organism and, ultimately, the psyche acts as a tool for studying and transforming the entire environment ... Qualitatively new characteristics of mental processes, which appeared as a result of the development of a living object in ontogeny, are subsequently manifested in subsequent generations at the phylogenetic (intraspecific) level of evolution of an animal or a person.

At the same time, if we consider the history of mankind, then it testifies that the evolution of mental processes and the human psyche as a whole, along with indisputable achievements, was accompanied and accompanied, unfortunately, by a number of negative phenomena: wars, social disasters, man-made disasters and other crisis phenomena. Consequently, the development of the psyche, as a set of human mental processes, especially under current conditions, requires scientifically grounded professional approaches and seems to us to be of paramount importance for the future of all human civilization. And the main task here is to ensure that, in the face of growing crisis phenomena and the constant intensification of human life, qualitatively new progressive personal transformations in society occur quickly and massively, which will make it possible to reverse the crisis phenomena and the current orientation of modern mankind towards self-destruction and self-destruction.

In these conditions, psychology and its practical implementation seem to be almost the only discipline to which the views are turned in search of answers to pressing questions of today and the definition of practical actions to overcome crisis situations. This can explain the relevance and ever-increasing need for the profession of a practical psychologist in society. There is an increasing introduction of this specialty in all spheres of public services and educational institutions, religious, cultural, medical and other institutions, and the demand for this profession in private business and in solving problems of personal life is also growing.

At the same time, the profession of a psychologist is still far from being unambiguously perceived today in modern society. We can say that a certain paradox has developed: on the one hand, there is an ever-increasing need and demand for psychological assistance, and on the other hand, there is a huge distrust of people in everything related to psychological services. This state of affairs is very often explained by a rather low level of psychological literacy of the population, which, undoubtedly, has its confirmation in reality. But still, the main reason for the mistrust and lack of proper authority for the profession of a psychologist in society, in our opinion, lies precisely in the fact that practical psychology itself did not properly declare itself, and the activities of practical psychologists, alas, did not become concrete and understandable to people ...

The current situation has led to the fact that at present the work of a practical psychologist has become almost on a par with healers, astrologers, clairvoyants, psychics and other specialists of this kind. In St. Petersburg, for example, there are over 400 different schools of healing, which can be called centers, institutes and even academies. They all advertise psychological assistance services: individual psychological counseling, trainings, coaching, etc. ... The key reason for this fact, in our opinion, is the lack of a clearly formulated and understandable regulatory framework that makes it possible to separate psychological assistance from all other types of activity, which we in no way underestimate. We need a certain algorithm for the professiogram of a practical psychologist. It is also necessary to organize the necessary control over the professional activities of a practical psychologist and increase his responsibility for the services provided to him, otherwise the provision of psychological services, except as a specialist's conscience, is not regulated in any way.

In practical psychology, it is customary to distinguish two main components: consulting work and the so-called psychotherapeutic, we will call it an evolutionary direction, as a type of activity associated with the application of methods of practical psychology for the development of human mental processes. It should be emphasized that psychotherapy, like other medical terms used in practical psychology, does not have any relation to treatment, i.e. do not have to therapy, which is described in detail by us in the work "Questions of education and interpretation of professions in the field of psychological services."

Consulting direction according to the semantic content of the provided psychological services can be classified into 3 types:

one). Information about the problem from the point of view of modern psychology and other related sciences and religion.

2). Information, as a recommendation of a psychologist to solve or mitigate the problem in a person's life.

3). Information as a joint solution developed by a psychologist and a client in the process of communication on a specific problem.

As for the evolutionary (psychotherapeutic) direction, there are three main methodological approaches in modern practical psychology:

one). Psychodynamic (psychoanalytic, deep).

2). Cognitive-behavioral (behavioral, behavioristic).

3). Humanistic, humanitarian (phenomenological, existential-humanistic).

All three approaches currently combine about 500 different methods and approaches. There is no possibility, and there is, of course, no need to describe them all in this work. To get acquainted with them in the open access, there are many Internet resources, as well as literature sources.

With all the above methodological diversity, the question arises, what is the main meaning or algorithm of work to put into the concept of a practical psychologist's professiogram in the evolutionary (psychotherapeutic) direction, i.e. in the direction of the psychologist's use of the whole complex of methods of practical psychology? What exactly should be understood as the activity of a practical psychologist in the development of mental processes? What basic theoretical principles should he be guided by in the evolutionary direction, regardless of the social or production area of \u200b\u200bhis activities and the specifics of relations with a specific client? At the same time, which is especially important, the algorithm of the professiogram of a practical psychologist should not oppose methodological approaches and limit the psychologist's ability to choose the methods used in practice. All three directions and the entire list of methods in the evolutionary (psychotherapeutic) direction of practical psychology must be combined into one basic concept of the professiogram of a practical psychologist.

To summarize all of the above, it can be argued that the algorithm of the professiogram of a practical psychologist should include consulting assistance and the implementation of humanitarian-behavioral psychoanalysis. Consulting assistance should be carried out in the three semantic directions indicated above, each of which, of course, requires its further professional improvement, although the issues of consulting are currently widely represented on numerous Internet sites and in literature sources.

As for the term "humanitarian-behavioral psychoanalysis", we are introducing it for the first time in order to combine all three methodological directions of practical psychology and, thereby, to include all existing methods of practical psychology in the arsenal of a practical psychologist. What is the semantic meaning of the humanitarian-behavioral psychoanalysis, as an algorithm of the professiogram of a practical psychologist in the evolutionary direction?

First of all, the name itself already reflects the specific content of the algorithm of a practical psychologist's professiogram. The humanitarian component includes the efforts of the psychologist aimed at the formation of the client's "Phenomenon" of a person's personality, his uniqueness and originality, a personality that has the full potential, the "spark of God", to solve any of his problems. The focus here is on the highest values: love, freedom, creativity, self-actualization of the individual, responsibility, as well as the meaning of a person's life and the main goals of realizing his personal qualities. For this, a practical psychologist can use the entire theoretical basis of phenomenological philosophy, as well as theoretical approaches and the entire set of methods of humanistic psychology, humanitarian psychology, existential-humanistic and transpersonal psychology.

The second, the behavioral component of the algorithm of the professiogram of a practical psychologist is aimed, first of all, at the development and implementation of specific practical steps to form the client's new thinking and adequate behavioral reactions, both in relation to his problematic situations in the world around him, and in relation to himself ... This is the part of the work on overcoming crisis situations in the client's life that is most accessible from the point of view of making specific changes. After all, a person, as a person, always has the ability to control his thoughts and behavior. Consequently, a person can begin to change his life, in the broadest sense of the word, directly at any current moment, especially with the support of a psychologist. To work in this behavioral aspect, a practical psychologist can use the theoretical basis and the necessary methods of cognitive-behavioral (behavioral) and communicative psychology.

And finally, psychoanalysis, as the most difficult process in the work of a practical psychologist, is the third part of the algorithm of a practical psychologist's professiogram. It is used to search for hidden, deep subconscious mechanisms that generate crisis phenomena in the life of a particular person. Methodological approaches to psychoanalysis can be different and are based on Freud's psychoanalysis, Jung's analytical psychoanalysis, Adler's individual psychoanalysis, neo-Freudianism, physiological and bioenergetic psychology, Gestalt psychology, as well as many other approaches.

We propose to put the search for delusion, erroneous belief, which is located in the depths of a person's subconscious in the form of a certain energy, in the semantic basis of psychoanalysis. Based on the "energeticity" of consciousness, according to integrative psychology, this erroneous belief, (delusion), when it is realized, the so-called insight, is transformed into the positive energy of rational judgment. For such a transformation, first of all, it is necessary to abandon erroneous beliefs and, on the basis of psychoanalysis, develop rational, adequate thinking in relation to the phenomenon or event in question in the life of a particular person or even his previous generations.

At the same time, in the optimal version, a practical psychologist together with a client in the process of psychoanalysis should strive to determine the root erroneous thought, the so-called "original sin", which is the main source of problems and wrong decisions in a person's life. Although the elimination of incorrect inferences at any level of the "wrong tree" will help to mitigate the crisis situation and generate positive dynamics in a person's life circumstances.

Schematically, humanitarian-behavioral psychoanalysis includes the following stages of the work of a practical psychologist:

Define and formulate the problem.

Determine the cause of the problem.

Justify the causal relationship between the problem and the cause.

Work out a solution.

The psychoanalytic content of each stage is as follows:

1. Define and formulate the problem:

Analysis of life circumstances from the moment of birth.

Analysis of the life of family and friends.

Analysis of crisis situations in human life.

Analysis and formulation of the human problem.

Brief and clear textual record of the formulated problem.

2. Determine the cause of the problem:

Analysis of a person's thoughts in relation to himself.

Analysis of a person's thoughts in relation to others.

Analysis of emotional states and human reactions.

Determine the main erroneous thought (the root of evil, the so-called original sin).

Concise and clear formulation and textual recording of erroneous thought.

3. Justify the causal relationship:

To substantiate the connection between fateful events in a person's life and an erroneous thought.

Justify the connection between emotional states and reactions of a person with an erroneous thought.

Justify the life circumstances of a person and his psycho-emotional state with the presence of an erroneous thought.

4. Work out a solution:

Formulate a rational (correct) thought instead of an erroneous one and make it a textual record.

Formulate and write down derived thoughts (affirmations) from a new rational (correct) thought.

If necessary, determine the method of practical psychology for the further development of mental processes.

All three stages of humanitarian psychological analysis in terms of their practical implementation by themselves, which is already very important, contribute to the development of all groups of psychological processes of the human psyche, but first of all, of course, as can be seen from the very list of tasks performed, intellectual mental processes. These include imagination, thinking, memory, attention, and speech. It is to these mental processes, mainly, that mankind throughout its history owes its intellectual progress in all spheres of its existence. The problem is always the result of some kind of delusion, and progress is always the result of a new, more perfect intellectual state, both of society as a whole and of a specific person. Consequently, the activity of a practical psychologist on the development of these mental processes and, first of all, thinking, as the basis of higher cognitive activity, especially in the conditions of constant intensification of life and the growth of crisis phenomena in modern society, seems to us the most urgent task of today.

It should be noted that practical psychology is currently interested in further developing its image solely on the basis of humanitarian terminology. It is necessary in theoretical descriptions and practical actions to completely abandon purely medical terms, such as diagnosis, diagnosis, doctor, treatment, therapy and related phrases. Having abandoned the medical approach to a person from the point of view of treating a problem (disease, pathology), the profession of a practical psychologist will become a profession for a healthy person, as it actually is in the context of development, we emphasize, not treatment, but the development of mental processes. Even if a person has a medical diagnosis of some kind of disease, then for a practical psychologist he remains a healthy person, a person who, with the help of the development of mental processes and the emergence of more perfect personal qualities, solves his problems, including in relation to his health. The attractiveness of the profession of a practical psychologist for society lies precisely in the development of a person as a person, and not in his treatment. Doctors are involved in the treatment, the efforts of a psychologist are aimed at a person's personal growth.

Thus, summarizing what has been said in this section, we focus on the following key points:

one). The relevance of practical psychology and the ever-increasing need in society for the profession of a practical psychologist today is dictated by the intensification of all spheres of human life and the threatening growth of crisis phenomena in modern society. Qualitatively new progressive personal transformations in society must occur quickly and massively, which will make it possible to reverse the crisis phenomena and the current tendency of humanity to self-destruction and self-destruction.

2). The algorithm of the professiogram of a practical psychologist includes activities aimed at the development of human mental processes by consulting and implementing humanitarian-behavioral psychoanalysis, which consistently includes all three main methodological directions of practical psychology: psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral and humanistic.

3). A practical psychologist is a humanitarian profession that does not include a medical worldview and therapeutic manipulations and, accordingly, does not provide for the use of medical terminology. The main goal of the work of a practical psychologist is the personal growth of a person through the development of his mental processes.



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In the system of basic general education of the Russian Federation, psychological and pedagogical support is formed - a special culture of support and assistance to the child's personality in the educational process.

Currently, the term "psychological and pedagogical support" is used in relation to the problems of organizing training and education in the context of modernization of education.

The concept of psychological and pedagogical support as a system of professional activity of a psychologist, aimed at organizing the socio-psychological conditions for successful learning and psychological development of a child in various situations of school interaction in the process of focusing on the zone of proximal development of a child, begins to play a large role.

Psychological and pedagogical support is a special type of assistance to a child in the educational process, a technology aimed at helping at one stage or another of development in solving or preventing problems that arise.

Experts bring the concept of "support" closer to the concept of support and note that support technologies make it possible to analyze the social situation of a child's development, his immediate environment, diagnose the level of his mental development, apply active group methods of work, methods of active socio-psychological learning, as well as individual work with students, parents, teachers. The escort system grew out of practice and is practice-oriented.

L.M. Shipitsyna interprets support as a method that creates conditions for the subject of development to make optimal decisions in various situations of life choice. In this case, the subject of development is understood as a developing person and a developing psychological and pedagogical system. From the author's point of view, accompaniment is a complex method, which is based on the unity of interaction between the specialist and the person being followed. And the process of support is the interaction of a psychologist, teacher, physician and students, the result of which is assistance in solving problems of personal development. In addition, psychological support is a kind of model for organizing psychological services in education and is a reflection in practice of a system of theoretical ideas about the activities of a school psychologist.

The goal of psychological and pedagogical support of the child's personality is related to the state order for the results of the educational process at school in the context of the introduction of federal state educational standards and the needs of the subjects of the educational process. The needs of the individual in the process of psychological and pedagogical support are studied using the methods of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. On the basis of the obtained psychodiagnostic data, the goal and objectives of psychological and pedagogical support of the child's personality are specified.

The main principle of psychological and pedagogical support is the value of a person's personal choice and self-determination in significant life situations.

In psychological and pedagogical science and practice, the following tasks are named as the main psychological and pedagogical support:

  • Monitoring the dynamics of psychological development and psychological and pedagogical status of the student.
  • Development of an individual educational trajectory based on the formation of a stable educational motivation of the child in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Formation of students' ability for self-knowledge, self-development, self-determination.
  • Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of children with special educational needs.
  • Providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to the parents of students.
  • Providing psychological and pedagogical support to teachers.

Maintenance functions are systematized into three groups:

  • The information function consists in informing the subjects of the educational process about the forms and methods of support.
  • The guiding function ensures the coordination of the activities of all those interested in accompanying the subjects of the educational process to coordinate their actions.
  • The development function sets the direction for all services participating in the escort system. It is ensured by the activities of teachers, a teacher-psychologist, a defectologist, while pedagogical workers use developing technologies of teaching and upbringing in their practice, and educational psychologists - developing classes with students.

The leading idea of \u200b\u200bpsychological and pedagogical support of the individual, scientists call the specialists' awareness of the importance of the child's independence in solving problems of his own development.

Conceptual components of psychological and pedagogical support:

  • systematic monitoring of the dynamics of the child's mental development and his psychological and pedagogical status;
  • social and psychological conditions for the development of the personality of students and their successful learning;
  • special social and psychological conditions for rendering assistance to children with special educational needs.

Psychological and pedagogical support of the child's personality in the educational process is implemented in accordance with the following principles:

  • The basic principle is to respect the best interests of the child. An escort system specialist needs to solve each problem situation for the benefit of the child. The success of child care often depends on a range of professionals or how the specialist and parent interact. This also means the interaction of specialists, the use of scientific methods of research, correction and development, which allows you to obtain optimal results.
  • The principle of continuity, which guarantees the child continuous support both at all levels of education and at all stages of assistance in solving a problem. In addition, this principle means that children at risk will also be provided with continuous support.
  • The principle of systematic maintenance. Systematic design of support is carried out in a number of areas: the development and implementation of programs for the development of educational systems, the design of new types of educational institutions, the creation of preventive and correctional development programs. This principle is realized through the unity of diagnosis, correction and development.

At different levels of education, the corresponding tasks of psychological and pedagogical support of the individual are solved (Table 1).

Table 1

The level of education

elementary School

Diagnostics of readiness to study at school.

Ensuring adaptation to school.

Formation of cognitive and educational motivation.

Development of creativity.

Development of independence and self-organization.

Primary school

Assistance in adapting to the new learning environment in basic school.

Help in solving problems of personal development, socialization, self-determination and self-development.

Help in building constructive relationships with parents and peers.

Prevention of deviant behavior, drug addiction, prevention of neuroses

Old school

Support in vocational guidance and self-determination.

Support in solving value-semantic problems.

Development of social competencies.

Development of the ability to set goals.

Prevention of deviant behavior

In accordance with the psychological characteristics of the child's development, the structure of the educational system and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the directions of psychological and pedagogical support of the child's personality are determined, which are implemented at all levels of education:

  • Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of students.
  • Psychological and pedagogical support of the adaptation process of students.
  • Psychological and pedagogical support of students included in the "risk group".
  • Psychological education of participants in the educational process.
  • Identification and support of children with special educational needs.
  • Preservation and strengthening of mental health.
  • Identification of gifted children and their support.
  • Providing an informed choice of a future profession.

In addition, the levels of psychological and pedagogical support (individual, group; at the classroom, at the school level) and forms of support (diagnostics, counseling, prevention, education, correctional and developmental work) were identified.

Psychological and pedagogical support includes special components (table 2).

table 2


Psychological and pedagogical conditions

Revealing and taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Correctional and developmental focus of the entire educational process.

Application of modern educational technologies.

Creation of a comfortable social and psychological climate.

Differentiated conditions

Optimal training loads.

Health-preserving conditions

Preservation of physical and mental health.

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations. Prevention of physical, intellectual and psychological overload of students.

Specialized conditions

Taking into account the special educational needs of children with disabilities.

Differentiation and individualization of training.

Complex correctional and developmental impact, carried out in individual and group lessons.

The analysis made it possible to identify the field of problems of psychological and pedagogical support of a child's personality in the educational process in modern conditions of the introduction of federal state educational standards.

The first problem is associated with the difficulties that arise in the process of psychological and pedagogical support in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, including: decreased motivation among teachers; insufficient use of the data of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children in the work; low level of relevant competencies; etc.

The resolution of difficulties is more successful in the context of the implementation in educational organizations mastering the Federal State Educational Standard of such measures as:

  • information support (formation of a bank of diagnostic materials, creation of projects, organization of scientific activities).
  • advanced training (methodological seminars, psychological trainings, methodological support of the educational process, conferences at various levels).

The second problem arose due to the fact that the FSES involves taking into account the individual characteristics of each student (age, psychological, physiological) with the development of individual trajectories of development. The consequence of this is the joint activity of specialists in the education system (teacher, psychologist, defectologist, physician, social teacher) and parents, which should lead to the emergence of coordination centers that carry out this interaction. This activity can be carried out by a tutor. If the school is attended by children with special educational needs, his role is especially important.

The third problem is created by the peculiarities of the educational process of children with disabilities; school specialists must have a high level of relevant competencies.

Thus, the essence of psychological and pedagogical support of a child's personality in the educational process is to create socio-psychological conditions for the personal development of a child and his successful learning, including the formation of personality characteristics that meet the requirements of new educational standards, based on building an individual educational trajectory of the child's development and the formation of sustainable learning motivation, as well as for psychological and pedagogical support of all participants in the educational process.

The relevance of psychological counseling for the preschool education system.

A.A. Medvedeva, educational psychologist

GBOU kindergarten №932 SVUO

The practice of psychological counseling in the preschool education system is currently undergoing a period of its active development. This requires a teacher-psychologist, on the one hand, to expand his methodological arsenal and the corresponding range of psychological concepts, on the other hand, to classify existing experience, highlight certain scientific and methodological approaches, and clearly identify positions.

A child psychologist is, first of all, a person who knows and deeply understands a child, who understands both the general laws of his mental development and age characteristics and individual options. At the same time, he is guided in the psychology of adults, in those aspects of it that determine the position they take in relation to the child. In the process of psychological counseling, parents themselves find possible solutions to the issue, and the psychologist brings them to precise conclusions.

Both parents of pupils of our preschool educational institution and parents of children who do not attend a kindergarten apply for psychological counseling. On the basis of GBOU d / s # 932, the work of an advisory center has been organized, where psychological counseling practice is fruitfully conducted. Parents' requests have several directions:

1. Adaptation to a preschool institution. Each kid experiences a separation from his mother in his own way, and parents, having made a decision about a child's attendance at a preschool, are not always ready for this themselves. The psychologist begins to advise parents even before the child arrives in kindergarten, which allows parents to competently approach this problem and maximize the adaptation process. In our preschool institution, 90% of children easily adapt to preschool educational institutions, and organized groups of short-term stays have made it possible to achieve almost 100% of a successful result. Fruitful interaction with parents from the first minutes of visiting a preschool institution allows in the future to build trusting and productive communication through individual consultations.

2. Loss of control. Even in the most harmonious relationship between parents and children, there are times when the child does not obey, and this is normal, because it indicates the formation of the personality of a small person. Parents - losing control over the child, they decide to consult with a specialist who can objectively assess the situation and suggest ways to get out of it.

3. Fears. The help of a psychologist is necessary if the child experiences fears, the feeling of fear depresses the child, suppresses his activity, initiative and often leads to helplessness in the face of the situation. Parents at the consultation learn that fears at a certain age are a natural phenomenon, which speaks of the development of the child's imagination, they learn how to communicate correctly with a preschooler. The psychologist helps to painlessly overcome the moment uncomfortable for the child.

4. Excessive activity. Parents now face the problem of hyperactive children very often. Such children are like a hurricane or a volcano that knows no boundaries and can soar up to the ceiling at any moment. Concentrating or sitting quietly for a while in the process of activity for such children is a big problem. The psychologist helps parents find the best way to communicate with the child, master the techniques for removing excessive excitement.

5. Aggressiveness. Many parents face this problem. The child is angry, can offend another child, hurt an animal, and defiantly break a toy. The teacher - the psychologist, together with the parent, finds the reasons for such behavior, plans actions in the family and a group of children.

6. Shyness. Shy children avoid contact with peers, are overly sensitive to criticism, do not show initiative, do not assert or defend themselves. Primarily, such children need the help of the family, the teacher-psychologist talks with their parents about their peculiarities and subtleties of communication.

There are many reasons for parents to turn to a teacher-psychologist. In life, sometimes there are situations that are difficult to cope with even for adults. These include the death of a loved one, divorce of parents; the appearance of a new family member. And in each specific situation, the psychologist will determine how much the child is going through, help the family survive what happened. Parents are increasingly asking not for a solution to a specific problem, but simply for information about the achievements in the child's development. Along with individual counseling, the organization of parent clubs and round tables with parents are becoming relevant.


1. Possibilities of practical psychology in education: From the experience of psychologists in the training center "Perspective". Issue 2 / Ed. N.V. Pylypko. - M .: UC "Perspective", 2000.

2.Nemov R.S. Psychological counseling: Textbook. for stud. Pedagogical University.-M .: Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS, 2000.

3. Chirkova T.I. Psychological and pedagogical analysis of appeals of an adult to a child // Vopr. psychol. - 1987. - No. 3.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Informational - psychological counseling of the family.

Modern psychological and pedagogical research shows that parents experience serious difficulties in teaching and raising children. They are worried about disobedience, conflict, imbalance, ...

Psychological counseling for parents with a hyperactive child

Hyperactivity is a common disorder of preschool age and is a complex and pressing multidisciplinary problem. Based on biological mechanisms, it ...

Consultation for parents "The influence of psychological counseling on the level of anxiety in primary schoolchildren"

Emotional states not only depend on the nature of the ongoing mental activity, but they themselves affect it ...

Psychological counseling as a profession is a relatively new area of \u200b\u200bpsychological practice that has emerged from psychotherapy. This profession has arisen in response to the needs of people who are not clinically impaired, but who are looking for psychological help. Therefore, in psychological counseling, we are faced primarily with people who experience difficulties in everyday life. The spectrum of problems is truly wide: difficulties at work (dissatisfaction with work, conflicts with colleagues and managers, the possibility of dismissal), unsettled personal life and family troubles, poor school performance, lack of self-confidence and self-esteem, agonizing hesitation in decision-making, difficulties in establishing and maintaining interpersonal relationships, etc. On the other hand, psychological counseling, as a young area of \u200b\u200bpsychological practice, does not yet have strictly defined boundaries; a variety of problems fall into its field of vision. Some uncertainty of the subject of psychological counseling is reflected in the variety of definitions. Thus, the Licensing Commission of the Association of Employees and Managers of the United States, which issues permits for private practice, offers the following definition: "Counseling is a set of procedures aimed at helping a person in solving problems and making decisions about professional career, marriage, family, personal development and interpersonal relationships ". N. Burks and B. Steffire (1979) proposed a somewhat broader definition of counseling: “Counseling is a professional attitude of a qualified counselor to a client, which is usually presented as a“ person-person ”, although sometimes more than two people are involved in it. help clients understand what is happening in their living space and meaningfully achieve their goals based on informed choices in resolving emotional and interpersonal problems. " In modern psychology, including Russian, more and more attention is paid to the ideographic direction associated with the study of personal, professionally important and business qualities of an individual, his condition and degree of adaptation in difficult socio-economic conditions. It has become apparent that what is commonly referred to as the human factor plays a huge role in everyday life. The increasing frequency of man-made disasters makes us once again make sure that the development of civilization is accompanied by more and more improved technology, which in turn makes more and more demands on the person who controls it. In connection with the existing problems, the previously prevailing approach, studying the general laws of the development of mental processes, faded into the background. Research aimed at studying the individual characteristics of a particular person, his character, abilities, cognitive functions, and the way of experiencing stress has become relevant. In addition, a clear need arose for the development of differentiated measures of psychological support for persons who find themselves in traumatic circumstances; this is terrorism, population migration in the zone of military operations, man-made disasters, natural disasters. The complex vicissitudes of modern life associated with the destruction of the previous socio-economic foundations and the still unsuccessful attempts to establish new production relations, lead people to pronounced maladjustment, which in turn makes them victims of zombie by political extremists, religious fans, adventurers or mentally ill people. power-hungry personalities. As is the case in critical historical times, many people gullibly succumb to the influence of esotericism. Healers, mystics, seers of various kinds exert a serious influence on them precisely because the niche of influence on the personality was not filled in time with psychological services to the extent that it would have been necessary. To counter misconceptions, the modern psychologist must be armed with an evidence-based approach. In this regard, there was a pronounced need for reliable tests that reliably reveal the individual and personal characteristics of a person, his emotional sphere, motivation, hierarchy of values, the degree of severity of socio-psychological maladjustment. These are also tests that make it possible to judge stable professionally important personal characteristics, based on the results of which it is possible to develop criteria for professional selection, placement of personnel, integration of production teams. Besides the positive side of this phenomenon, the publishing boom has brought us costs as well. Apparently, it is necessary to help a young psychologist understand this before he has his own starting point and the ability to distinguish real work from ordinary literature written by amateurs. The main question that interests many specialists: What areas in psychology are waiting for their development in the near future? It is difficult to predict which trends in psychology will develop in the coming years, but we can say that it seems extremely important. Children. This is a very painful problem. And if in the near future decisive steps in this direction are not taken in social psychology, in personality psychology and in educational psychology, then this niche will be occupied by another. Children are our future. This is the future of modern psychological science. At one time, in the 1920s, in Russian psychology, differentiated methods of a pedagogical approach to various children, including children with an unstable psyche and signs of pedagogical neglect, were very successfully developed. And also great attention was paid to various measures of socialization of the child and adolescent contingent due to the fact that at that difficult historical moment there were many orphans and desocialized adolescents. In pedagogy, the prevailing belief is that the "norm" is the middle child, without a pronounced character. When they are told about the traits of emotional lability, impulsivity, rigidity, anxiety or aggressiveness, many of them think that we are talking about pathological manifestations, about the phenomena of the psychiatric register. Educational institutions do little to educate the child's development, abusing imperative measures of influence. The child's soul, his interests, the need for love and understanding do not receive proper saturation. Rejected children, who have not received warmth and affection either in the family or elsewhere, become embittered and go into a world full of dangers, where (it seems to them) they will find freedom from shouts and coercion, and everything else that they lack in the family, at school. Nobody is teaching adults the art of parenting. And this is really art. Few people intuitively or by virtue of their intelligence and development skillfully cope with parental responsibilities. Today, there is no specialization "telephone counseling" in state educational institutions of higher professional education. Certain academic disciplines present in the training programs for psychologists are short-term, often optional. A certified psychologist who wants to work in the field of psychological counseling over the phone is actually not familiar with the specifics of future work. Therefore, even as a specialist in the field of child psychology, psychological counseling, a psychologist still needs additional qualifications in the field of telephone counseling. The psychologist of the children's helpline must be highly professional, have ideas from various fields of scientific knowledge (medicine, pedagogy, etc.) ). Telephone counseling does not give room for mistakes, especially when it comes to counseling for children. For many children, a call to the Helpline is the first meeting with a psychologist, and what kind of experience he gets as a result of this meeting will largely depend on the child's further attitude towards psychological assistance in general. Patients seek help to relieve their emotional state; clarification of internal, psychological problems; for help in accepting their illness; with questions about how to cope with emotions, aggression; how to communicate with your family, friends, at work; they seek help in finding internal resources to overcome the disease; with inquiries related to relapse prevention, further life in conditions of illness, and so on. As you know, in the past decades, psychology was mainly a theoretical (ideological) discipline. Currently, its role in public life has changed significantly. It is increasingly becoming an area of \u200b\u200bspecial professional practical activity in the education system, in industry, government, medicine, culture, sports, etc. The inclusion of psychological science in solving practical problems significantly changes the conditions for the development of its theory. Tasks, the solution of which requires psychological competence, arise in one form or another in all spheres of society, determined by the increasing role of the so-called human factor. The "human factor" refers to a wide range of socio-psychological, psychological and psychophysiological properties that people possess and which are manifested in one way or another in their specific activities. The main object of research of the entire system of psychological disciplines is the same. This is a person, his mental processes, states and properties. Psychology is one of the most promising sciences, since the role and significance of people, their psyche and consciousness is growing more and more. Psychology is a science that not only cognizes, but also states, creates a person.

Russian child psychology and preschool pedagogy have long recognized the need for systematic control over the course of children's mental development, because during the period of early and preschool childhood, an active formation of the child's personality takes place, which directly depends on his social conditions.
Monitoring the mental development of a child in order to timely detect violations in ontogenesis makes it possible to organize work on correction, compensation and prevention of secondary developmental deviations. In this regard, it is necessary to comprehensively study the characteristics of the development of children of early and preschool age, the main types of normal and abnormal development in their diversity.
Undoubtedly, foreign experience deserves the most careful consideration and study. However, in our country, for many reasons, it cannot be used as the basis for diagnosing the mental development of children. The fundamental point that does not allow direct borrowing in this area is a deep divergence in understanding the nature of the child's mental development, its driving forces and mechanisms. Currently, domestic researchers apply a complex age-related study of a child, taking into account his social developmental situation.
Modern examination methods using diagnostic training options allow detecting disorders in children already at an early preschool age. These diagnostics have a personality-oriented focus and involve a socio-psychological analysis of the living conditions and development of the child, which, in turn, allows the child to be included in correctional education in a timely manner, preventing secondary deviations.
The specificity of psychological and pedagogical examination consists in a systematic analysis of the phenomena of child development. This is the study of the social situation of the child's development, consideration of the hierarchy of activity and psychological neoplasms in the sphere of consciousness and personality of the child. The solution of any problems related to the development, education and upbringing of a child cannot be successful without careful consideration of them from the point of view of the content and conditions of a particular age stage, without taking into account the patterns of ontogenesis as a whole.
The process of a child's mental development is considered in the system of Vygotsky's concepts: Source, Driving Forces of Development and Conditions of Education. This approach in considering the features of the development process of the human individual reflects the specifics of the entire mental development of a person as an individual by its nature, social, active and activity. Individual forms of mental activity are formed on the basis of the process of assimilation and appropriation by the child of the experience of human generations, on the basis of mastering various means and methods of orientation in the sphere of human relations and object practice. The assimilation of social experience is not limited to the acquisition of knowledge, skills, or a set of cultural skills by a child. This is a much profound process, which includes the formation of the needs and abilities of the child as an integral personality.
It is well known that the mental development of a child is a unity of biological and social factors. At each age stage, the assimilation of human experience by him occurs differently, which to a certain extent is determined by the degree of biological maturation. At each age stage, the combination of biological and social changes, enters into new relationships, which is reflected in the combination of levels of physical and mental development.
The assimilation of social experience occurs in the process of vigorous activity of the child himself - communication, object-related activity, play, learning. The contradictions generated by the child's own activity in the world contain the real driving forces of his development. At the same time, for the analysis of the processes of individual development, it is especially important that the structure of the child's activity can be qualitatively different, while this or that organization does not develop spontaneously and spontaneously, but depending on certain social conditions. As you know, communication is one of such conditions necessary for mental development and therefore requiring primary attention in an individual psychological analysis. Starting from the earliest stages of ontogenesis, it takes on a personal character and presupposes the possibility of close practical interaction between a child and an adult.