Lessons from the owl's aunt the alphabet of the road. Aunt Owl's lessons - the ABC of road safety - all episodes in a row

The series of educational cartoons "Lessons from Aunt Owl" has long been deservedly loved by children and their parents. If you want to teach a child to read or count, to acquaint with the basics of the rules of good form or rules road safety - “Lessons from Aunt Owl” will become irreplaceable helpers for you in this matter. Well-known fairy tale characters make learning fun and interesting.
Lessons from Aunt Owls. Road Safety ABC
Lesson 1. History of traffic rules
At this very important meeting, Aunt Owl will introduce you to the important and necessary rules of road safety.
Lesson 2. Modes of transport
Finally began new lesson... Auntie tells what a road and a sidewalk are, what types of transport exist.
Lesson 3. In the courtyard and entrance
This time, the aunt will tell you what dangers might await you at first glance in a quiet and cozy courtyard: near the entrance to the courtyard, or near garages.
Lesson 4. Road and signs
Auntie Owl, her helpers and the little housewife went for a walk outside so that she could show what road signs exist.
Lesson 5. Pedestrian crossings
In this lesson you will learn several important rules for a safe crossing of the road.
Lesson 6. Crossroads
In this road safety tutorial, the Furry Wizards show you how to cross at an unregulated intersection.
Lesson 7. Different roads
During the excursion outside the city, Aunt Owl talks about the safety rules on different roads.
Lesson 8. In bad weather
After watching this episode, you will learn to be very attentive and careful on the road in bad weather.
Lesson 9. Safety in public transport
Today auntie will acquaint you with the rules of conduct in public transport: tram, trolleybus, bus.
Lesson 10. Metro and railway
This time, you will take a ride on the subway, learn what a level crossing is, and learn new safety rules.
Lesson 11. Baby in the car
This road safety lesson will introduce you to driving behavior.
Lesson 12. Bicycle
In the last lesson of this series, you will review some special road safety rules.

Auntie Owl will tell you, and her assistants - the brownie Neoslukha, the cats Yasha and Kesya, the kitty Sima and the dog Bulya - will show the children by their own examples how to behave in different situations on the roadway and on the sidewalk; will explain what a zebra and a traffic light are, why the road can only be crossed in permitted places and on a green light.

A colorful and fascinating cartoon film “Lessons of the Owl Aunt. ABC of road safety "will make your child's first acquaintance with the rules road traffic easy and casual.

Tatiana Altukhova
Sports festival according to the rules of the road "Lessons from Aunt Owl"

State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 12 combined type of Krasnogvardeisky district

Saint Petersburg



Senior, preparatory group

Made: physical instructor

culture Altukhova T.N.

Relevance: one of the reasons road transport accidents is a low culture of participants road traffic, their indiscipline, therefore the prevention of child road transport injury rate today is one of the most important directions activities of each preschool educational institution.

goal: consolidation and application of knowledge about traffic rules, satisfaction of the natural needs of children for physical activity.


Strengthen children's knowledge about the history of traffic rules;

Generalize and consolidate knowledge about traffic rules;

To form the ability to independently use the acquired knowledge in everyday life;

Prevention of children;

Develop motor skills: strength, speed, flexibility, coordination, endurance, dexterity, eye;

Promote the creative expression of physical and volitional qualities in a competitive environment;

Develop the ability to act in a team; to develop the ability to be polite, attentive to each other;

To instill an interest in physical education and sports, needs for healthy lifestyle;

Create a positive emotional attitude in children and parents.

Integration of educational areas: « Cognitive development» , "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Used pedagogical technology:

Research technology;

Information and communication technologies;

Personality-oriented technologies;

Social gaming technologies;

System-activity technologies;

Health-saving technologies.

Preliminary work:

Educators: preparation of methodological and didactic material, consulting for parents, project activities, reading thematic literature with children, considering illustrations, conducting role-playing games, briefings, creating problem situations, conducting mobile games on this topic, learning dance compositions.

Parents: themed family weekend walks, family crafts on a given topic, viewing video materials on traffic rules.

Location: sports Hall.

Equipment: multimedia, cartoon ", 1 series", music center, compositions: , "Pedestrians" muses. Dubravin, J., « Road signs» isp. P. Kazakov. Map of the kindergarten area with pockets for assignments on the carpet, cards with assignments, marks, massage track, pedestrian crossing, arc two carriages with dolls, mugs with traffic light flowers, road signs, cards depicting public transport, cut signs, cones.

Participants: two teams of six to eight children.

Rewarding: Teams are awarded with certificates of honor and gifts.

The hall is decorated with flags and balloons. There are posters on the wall containing information about traffic rules, road signs, traffic light. Prepared the necessary sport equipment.

The presenter enters the hall.

To the music "Pedestrians" muses. Dubravin Y. are included in sports the team hall and are lined up. Children are dressed in sports uniform, on the chest - team emblems.

Leading: Today we gathered in the hall for sports festival... How many guests and fans we have! Let's welcome them! Physical education ...

Children: Hello!

Leading: Today we have an unusual sports festival! Our a holiday dedicated to the rules of the road!

A knock on the door! Enters aunt owl.

Leading: Hello aunt owl!

Auntie Owl: Hello guys! I was in a hurry to see you holiday andseems to be in time! And you have not seen my assistant, the brownie Nedoslukh?

A knock on the door! Enters Hearing.

Hearing: I ran, ran, ran, almost got hit by a car!

Auntie Owl: You probably didn't comply traffic Laws?

Hearing: And what is it?

Auntie Owl: So that you understand what is traffic Laws, the guys and I invite you to watch the cartoon.

Watching a cartoon

« Aunt Owl Lessons - ABC of Road Traffic, 1 series "

Leading: Traffic Laws exist in our time and there is a whole song about it. Let's stretch under it. Children scatter and warm up to the music "This world is made up of pedestrians ...".

Auntie Owl: Guys, let's help Neyloukh make a safe route from his house to kindergarten. For this I have a real map. Let's find the Neosluhi house and our kindergarten on it.

Children come up to the map and complete the task.

Auntie Owl: Look, there are two entrances to the kindergarten, so we can create two safe routes. What should we do to make it faster get the job done?

Children: Let's split into two teams.

Leading: I invite each team to introduce themselves.

Command view: name, motto.

Auntie Owl: So, let's start developing a safe route. I have two marks, red and blue. Each of them will be on the map where your team is. As you complete the tasks, your mark will move around the map.

Children come up to the map and put their mark next to the Fidget house.

Auntie Owl: Each team needs to choose direction of travel.

Children: Look, here, on the way, there are some pockets.

Leading: Let's see what's in there.

Each team takes mission cards from their pocket. One pocket has a sidewalk and sign card "Crosswalk", in another pocket, sidewalk and sign card "Underground pedestrian crossing".

Auntie Owl: Guys, why do you think these cards are here.

As soon as Neposluha leaves the house, he becomes a pedestrian, and the pedestrian must walk along the sidewalk and cross the street at the pedestrian crossing.

Hearing: But there are two different transition icons.

Children: This is because one pedestrian crossing is above ground, the other is underground.

Auntie Owl: I invite the guys to show Neoslukh how correctly move along the pedestrian crossing. To do this, we will call the team captains.

Each captain goes his own distance and tells where to look at movement through the pedestrian crossing.

1. Relay "A pedestrian"

The team builds up in a column behind the start-finish line. First to start movement captain... He walks through the massage room track, comes to transition "zebras", looks left, then right and goes to the massage track... It reaches the landmark, goes around it and returns in the same way. If there is an underpass in front of the pedestrian, then, imitating it, the captain crawls under the arc. Returning to the team, the captain passes the baton to the next team member, touching the shoulder. The relay ends when the last member of the team crosses the start-finish line.

Hearing: Well done guys, real pedestrians!

Auntie Owl: And we are moving on. Let's go and move our marks. We ended up at an intersection.

Children: Oh, one more pocket and a new task. Each team gets a small traffic light from its pocket.

Hearing: Why is there a traffic light?

Leading: Children, let's read our poem Failure and he will immediately understand everything!

1. Where there is a noisy intersection,

It's not so easy to go

If a don't know the rules.

2. There are traffic signals,

Obey them without spore.

The red signal tells us:

"Stop, it's dangerous, the way is closed!"

Yellow is a warning

Wait for the signal for movement,

Green signal opened the road,

The guys can go over.

3. Let them remember firmly children:

The one who acts is right

Who is only in green light

Walking across the street.

Hearing: Now everything is clear to me. Only I want to see how they themselves, at a traffic light, cross the street.

2. Competition "Take Masha across the intersection".

The team is formed in a column behind the start-finish line, the first participant has a wheelchair with a doll. He must carefully walk the distance, go around the limiter and go back, pass the wheelchair to the next one. There are Auntie Owl and Hearing... They have three circles in their hands, representing the colors of the traffic light. Children, on signal, begin motion, and the characters show them different colors that team members should react correctly... The competition ends when the last participant has returned to the start-finish line with the stroller.

Auntie Owl: You see Fidget and with this task guys coped... And we are moving on and what will we meet on the way?

Children move their marks and open the next pocket.

In one pocket a sign, in the other

Hearing: Two little men are going somewhere ... What could this mean?

Leading: Not hearing, you again did not understand anything. And the guys will tell you everything now.

Children: 1. Pedestrian crossing sign

Through the road leads us

You driver, miss

Pedestrians on the way.

2. The path is closed for pedestrians.

The sign doesn't tell you to walk here

It's forbidden to walk here

The sign says to everyone.

Hearing: How did you understand that one is forbidden and the other is not?

Children's answers.

Auntie Owl: Not hearing, there are prohibition signs and information. Now one team will find all prohibition signs, the other informational.

3. Competition "Signs"

Signs are scattered across the floor. One team collects prohibitive signs in a basket, the other informational ones.

Hearing: Phew, I'm kind of tired ...

Leading: I think the guys too. Let's get some rest and watch a dance « Road signs» , which was prepared for us by children from another group.

Dance « Road signs» , muses. « Road signs» isp. P. Kazakov.

Auntie Owl: Thanks to our performers, and it's time for us to go.

Children come to the map, move the marks, open the next task.

In the pockets there are two cards depicting a bus and a tram.

Hearing: What is there, what is there?

Auntie Owl: This is the secret of Hearing. The guys will show you now, and you guess.

4. Pantomime

Commands, with the help of the Leader and Aunt Owls depict the drawn view transport, but Nedosluha guesses.

Auntie Owl: Guys, how can you imagine why these pictures were in your pockets?

5. Competition "Maneuvering".

The team is formed in a column behind the start-finish line, the captain has a small hoop in his hands "Steering wheel", captain - "driver"... There are 3 cones at an equal distance from each other to the limiter line. The captain starts motion, goes around the cones with a snake, bypasses the limiter, returns in a straight line, behind "Passenger". "Passenger" takes the captain by the shoulders and together they walk the distance, return for the next one, and so on until the whole team "Ride"... The competition ends when the whole team together returns to the start-finish line.

Leading: And we seem to have arrived. We go to open the last task.

In the pocket of every team cut sign:

Hearing: Probably have to collect them.

6. Competition "Collect the sign".

Each team collects its own badge and explains its meaning.

Auntie Owl: Guys, look at the map. Why do you think these two signs ended up here?

Children: Because we are located next to the kindergarten and here the drivers must be very careful.

Leading: Well, our journey is coming to an end. We have compiled two safe routes for Neposluhi.

Auntie Owl: And I want to check if Neposlukha understood and remembered everything today. I will ask him riddles, and the guys will help him answer.

7. Riddles Aunt Owls.

There's a place to go

Pedestrians know this.

They lined it up for us,

We were told where to go.


Lyosha and Lyuba go as a pair.

Where are they going? By. (sidewalk)

This guard is one-legged

All are more important on road.

He only has 3 eyes

Everyone will recognize him at once.

Watching every day

One-legged ...

(Traffic light)

On he stands on the road

"Follow rules He says,

And it will show you how and how

After all, he road…


He doesn't walk

He drives a car.

Sits behind the wheel, look

He is not a pedestrian, but….


Hearing: I wanted to say guys: "Thank you very much!" and give them gifts. Both teams helped me a lot today. Now I can safely go to kindergarten.

A solemn rewarding of the teams takes place with fanfare.

Leading: We say goodbye to our friends. Bye Auntie Owl and Hearing... Thanks for the exciting journey.

Our the holiday has come to an end... I would like to remind you again.

There are many road rules in the world,

All would not hurt us to learn them,

But the main of traffic rules

Know how the table should multiplications:

If you want to stay healthy,

On road - do not play or roll!

Children leave the hall to music.


This work made it possible to consolidate and apply children's knowledge about traffic rules, satisfy the need of children for physical activity;

Was of great importance for the development of the cognitive interests of the child;

During this period, there was an integration between common ways solving educational and creative tasks, mental, speech, physical and other types of activity.

Mattered in the prevention of child road traffic injuries;

Collective work of children in teams gave them the opportunity to express themselves in various types of role-based activities;

The common cause formed communicative and moral qualities;

During the implementation, meaningful ties were established with the parents of the pupils;

This development does not require significant financial investments and can be implemented by a teacher of any preschool educational institution in practice.

List of references:

Vashkevich A.V., Tolochko E.I., Iskhakov M.M.

Prevention of children road transport injury rates in educational institutions: teaching aid. SPb .: Publishing house of St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, GBDOU DOD TSDYUTT Okhta, 2012.

Traffic Laws: preschool education system / ed. - comp. T. G. Kobzeva, I. A. Kholodova, G. S. Aleksandrova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.

Cycle of activities for children preschool age for training rules safe behavior on roads: Collection of abstracts of classes / Comp .: G. A. Galeeva, S. M. Gaffarova, Z. L. Ishniyazov, R. Sh. Akhmadiev and others / Under total. ed. D. M. Mustafina. - Kazan: GU "NTs BZhD", 2009.

http: //www.site




The series of educational cartoons "Lessons from Aunt Owl" has long been deservedly loved by children and their parents. If you want to teach your child to read or count, to acquaint you with the basics of good manners or road safety rules, “Aunt Owl's Lessons” will become irreplaceable helpers in this matter. Well-known fairy tale characters make learning fun and interesting.
Lessons from Aunt Owls. Road Safety ABC
Lesson 1. History of traffic rules
At this very important meeting, Aunt Owl will introduce you to the important and necessary rules of road safety.
Lesson 2. Modes of transport
Finally a new lesson began. Auntie tells what a road and a sidewalk are, what types of transport exist.
Lesson 3. In the courtyard and entrance
This time, the aunt will tell you what dangers might await you at first glance in a quiet and cozy courtyard: near the entrance to the courtyard, or near garages.
Lesson 4. Road and signs
Auntie Owl, her helpers and the little housewife went for a walk outside so that she could show what road signs exist.
Lesson 5. Pedestrian crossings
In this lesson, you will learn several important rules for crossing the road safely.
Lesson 6. Crossroads
In this road safety tutorial, the furry helpers show you how to cross the road at an unregulated intersection.
Lesson 7. Different roads
During an excursion outside the city, Aunt Owl talks about the safety rules on different roads.
Lesson 8. In bad weather
After watching this episode, you will learn to be very attentive and careful on the road in bad weather.
Lesson 9. Public Transport Safety
Today auntie will acquaint you with the rules of conduct in public transport: tram, trolleybus, bus.
Lesson 10. Metro and railway
This time, you will take a ride on the subway, learn what a railway crossing is, and learn new safety rules.
Lesson 11. Baby in the car
This road safety lesson will introduce you to driving behavior.
Lesson 12. Bicycle
In the last lesson of this series, you will review some special road safety rules.

Aunt Owl will tell, and her assistants - the brownie Neposluha, the cats Yasha and Kesya, the kitty Sima and the dog Bulya - will show children by their own examples how to behave in various situations on the roadway and on the sidewalk; will explain what a zebra and a traffic light are, why the road can only be crossed in permitted places and on a green light.

A colorful and fascinating cartoon film “Lessons of the Owl Aunt. ABC of Road Safety ”will make your child's first acquaintance with the rules of the road easy and unconstrained.

What is a traffic light for, what is a "zebra", what is the difference between an overhead crossing and an underground one, how to cross the carriageway correctly and safely, why do you need to know and follow the rules of the road? These and many other questions concerning the rules of behavior on the roads will be answered by the wise Aunt Owl in the training program "ABC of Road Safety".

Auntie Owl gathered her faithful helpers - the housewife Neosluhu, kitty Simu, two cats and a doggie Bulya and began the story from a very long time ago, when people still moved in carriages and carriages. Then there were no rules of movement, however, the armed knights dispersed when they met, going round each other on the left, so that it would be more convenient to grab the weapon with the right hand in case of a conflict.

After a little excursion In the story, the Owl moved to modern reality and began to explain how to play safely in the yard, what to look for when leaving the yard to the street, why you should not climb under a standing car for a rolled ball.

Then Auntie Owl, together with assistants, went out into the street and she began to show what the traffic lights mean, explain the meaning of the main road signs, and talk about the rules of behavior in public transport. The diligent Sima listened attentively to the Owl and clearly followed her instructions when crossing the roadway, leaving the yard, boarding transport. But the mischievous Yasha all the time strove to play pranks, missed important information deafening, and as a result often got into unpleasant situations on the road.

After carefully reading the content of 12 lessons, young pedestrians and cyclists will learn the basics of traffic rules and will feel more confident in the difficult world of road traffic.

List of episodes:

1. History of traffic rules
2. In the city
3. Courtyard, entrance
4. Road signs
5. Transitions
6. Crossroads
7. Different roads
8. Bad weather
9. On transport
10. Metro, railway
11. Kid in the car
12. Bicycle