Popular fairy tales for children 5 years old. Short bedtime stories for children

Butler Daniel 7 years old
Leader: Butler Tatiana Nikolaevna
Description: An author's tale for young listeners from 5 to 7 years old.
Goal: the formation of a benevolent attitude towards peers.
1. Develop the skills of a friendly relationship between children.
2. To form communication skills of communication with peers.
3. Develop creativity.

Fairy tale: Magic office.

There was a boy Serezha in the world. He was 8 years old. He went to school in grade 1.

At school, Seryozha behaved badly. He hurt other children.
The guys said, Seryozha, that this should not be done. And Seryozha did not listen to anyone.
The boy was too lazy to study, and every day he teased the guys. He had no friends, because no one wanted to be friends with the fighter.
Once Serezha took a long time to collect his portfolio after school. All the students have already gone home. Serezha was left alone at school. He went out into the corridor.
There was no one in the corridor. Music teacher Vasily Petrovich came out to meet him.
The teacher asked the boy: What are you doing here Seryozha?
- I'm going home! - answered the boy.
- Seryozha, it's good that you met me! - said the teacher.

I know that you are misbehaving and offending children.

- No, I do not offend - answered Seryozha.
- You're lying to me? - Vasily Petrovich said sternly.
- For this Seryozha, I will send you to the magic office.
Vasily Petrovich went to the music room and opened the door.
Seryozha found himself in a magic class. He saw before him an incomprehensible creature. In stature it was slightly shorter than the boy. He had big ears, like Cheburashka. He had 3 eyes. Instead of legs, he had chicken legs. In his hands he was holding a beautiful glass ball. A glow emanated from this ball in all directions. A bright light fell into Seryozha's eyes, and the boy found himself in the past.
Little boy Serezha stands next to his mother near the kindergarten. He trembles with fear.
- Mom, I'm afraid. I don't want to go there, says the kid.
- Seryozha, don't be afraid! Go to kindergarten.
“No one will offend you there.
“The guys will be friends with you and play,” Mom said affectionately.

Sergei cautiously entered the group and saw many small children. The guys surrounded him.
The teacher asks: Hello! Are you a new boy?
And Seryozha is silent.
The guys began to get to know him and give their names. Seryozha calmed down, smiled and said his name.
When the boy remembered his childhood, he returned to the magic office. Music teacher Vasily Petrovich was waiting for him there. Seryozha told the teacher about his journey into the past.

He also said that when he was little, he was kindergarten no one offended or teased.
The boy became ashamed of his behavior.
Vasily Petrovich smiled and disappeared.
And Seryozha woke up at home in his bed. The boy thought he had an amazing dream.

- Seryozha, get ready for school! - said mom.
The boy packed up and went to school.
From that day on, the boy Seryozha began to behave well. He became friends with all the guys. And never, did not offend anyone.

And during breaks, when Seryozha met the music teacher Vasily Petrovich, he slyly winked at him with his left eye.
The tale is over. We're sorry ...
In conclusion, the moral:
Don't fight, don't tease.
You smile at each other.
This is the end of the fairy tale!
And who listened - Well done!

Baby book "Visiting a fairy tale".

In MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 47" Yolochka "under the guidance of a teacher middle group "Cheerful guys" by Galina Nikolaevna Obivalina organized a family project "Creation of a baby book" Visiting a fairy tale "". Fairy stories, invented by the parents of children, about the amazing adventures and friendship of extraordinary characters.

Description of work: The collection includes original fairy tales that can be used for reading to children in kindergarten and at home. This material will be useful for educators and parents to organize children's leisure time. The material is intended for children 4 - 5 years old. Fairy tales can be used both in class activities and in other regime moments.


Once upon a time there was a little Star in heaven. She was the most beautiful of all the children of Star's mother. Older sisters and brothers did not love her, and her mother loved her very much. Once Starlet got sick. Mom was alarmed and decided to immediately call a doctor. The bright Sunny was the doctor. It lived near the moon, and mother Star asked the moon to go after it. Luna obeyed. The sun came to the family of Zvezda's mother, greeted and said:
- I understand why your daughter got sick.
- Why? Mom asked.
- It happens when there is no love, - answered Sunny.
Mom was annoyed that her older children did not like Star, and she asked Dr. Sunny:
- What do we do?
“We must love her,” the doctor replied.
The stars obeyed the doctor and from that time began to live in harmony and happiness.

The tale of the kolobok and grandfather

Once upon a time there was a bun. Once he planted a grandfather on a stump, so the grandfather did not want to get off from there ...
Then the gingerbread man says:
- Grandfather, let's go for a walk!
And he answered him:
- I do not want.
- Do you want to eat something?
- Yes! Pie! - answered the grandfather.
- Then we have to go for him, look.
Grandfather agreed, got up, and the two of them went looking for pies.
How long they walked, or shortly, they met an apple tree on the way.
Kolobok and asks:
- Apple tree, tell me
please, do you know where the pies are in our forest?
The apple tree answers:
- Eat my forest apple, then I'll tell you!

The grandfather was capricious:
- I don't want apples, I want pies!
- Then I'll eat, - says the bun.
He ate it, and the apple tree tells him:
- You will go through the forest and see a milk river, jelly banks. There, ask her.
He thanked the bun and went on with his grandfather.
They walked and walked and suddenly the grandfather would cry:
- I'm tired, I want to drink!
Kolobok says:
- Be patient a little, the river is coming soon!
And the grandfather waited until the bun rolled away, and drank water from a puddle, in which there was a hoof.
The gingerbread man looked around, looked, his grandfather was not there, but a goat with a long beard was standing.
But there is nothing to do, they went on.
For a long time they walked like this and wandered into the thicket, they looked, there was a hut on chicken legs.
The gingerbread man says:
- Hut, turn your back to the forest, and in front of us!

A bone leg comes out of the Baba Yaga hut and asks:
- Who are you and what are you doing in my forest?
The bun told her what happened to them and asked Yaga for help.
- Well, - Baba Yaga answers, - I will help you.
You will reach the end of the forest, go out to the edge and see a stove with pies there. Her pies are not easy. You will politely talk to the stove, it will help you.
They found a stove. They greeted and talked about their grief.
The stove says:
-I have magic pies. With cabbage, jam and sausages. You, goat, need to eat a pie with cabbage, and you, gingerbread man, with a sausage.
And as soon as the goat ate the magic pie, he immediately became a normal grandfather, hardworking, kind and cheerful.
That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened - well done!

The story of the rainy cloud

rainy clouds
Once upon a time there was a small gray cloud in the sky. Her name was cloud - a scoundrel. She had no friends because she was doing rain all the time. So the gray cloud wandered alone across the sky. Once a cloud flew over a small house with a beautiful garden. The cloud became interested in who lives there, and she stopped over the house, and immediately it began to rain. And suddenly an old woman ran out of this house, who was glad of the rain! The old woman smiled and shouted thanks to the cloud! And all because she was already old, and it was hard for her to carry watering cans to water the flowers. The cloud was glad that at least someone was happy with her rain, and began to fly to the house more often to help her grandmother, water her favorite garden. The old woman thanked the cloud every time, and it flew away
happy in other places, and again returned. So the cloud - the villains had a friend who was always glad to her!

As you sink, you burst.

Once upon a time, they had a grandfather and a woman, and they had three grandchildren. Once they asked their grandchildren to go to the forest for firewood. The brothers went out to the forest and parted in different directions. The eldest - Petya, went to the left, the youngest - Vova, to the right, and the middle Sasha went straight.
Petya walks and sees a huge pile of brushwood, he thinks: “Why should I try, when everything is ready-made here, I’d better lie in the shade, take a nap, and in the evening I’ll come and say that I have prepared all this myself.
Vova walked through the forest for a long time, kicked cones, ate berries, and got tired and decided to go to rest too. Sasha began to collect dry twigs and sticks and put them in a heap. So little by little, one bundle of brushwood turned out quietly, then the second, and with a clear conscience he went home.
The eldest grandson got enough sleep, took a couple of branches and set off on the way back.
The middle one slept all the time, and when he woke up, he decided to return empty-handed.
Grandfather and grandmother meet their grandchildren and are surprised, the eldest carries a few twigs, the middle one is empty-handed, and the youngest two good bundles of brushwood. The old people did not expect such a result and decided to teach the lazy people a lesson. The grandfather said to them: “Well, granddaughters, thanks for the help. You surprised me a little. Well, okay, let's go to the table, my grandmother has already prepared dinner there, I suppose, they are hungry, because they spent the whole day in the forest. ” a mug of water. Grandfather sees the dissatisfied faces of Petya and Vova and says, “Why aren't you guys eating? As they say: as you drown, so you burst! "
The brothers of the grandfathers understood the lesson and decided never to deceive the elders and not be lazy again, because they are by their own example that nothing good will come of it.
They began to live well and make good money, and the grandchildren to help the elders!

Tale of Spring and the Dwarfs

Hardworking gnomes lived in the dense forest. In winter, they usually worked and helped other forest dwellers in finding food. They cleared snow from tree branches so that the sun's rays penetrate into the forest.
The dwarfs loved winter. But in February, they began to miss the warm days. Therefore, they gathered together to call for Spring.
At the meeting, the gnomes thought about what would be the best name for Spring. One of the dwarfs offered to sing a song about Spring. So that Vesna heard that she was praised, and she felt pleased.
Another dwarf suggested just going out and shouting: “Spring! Come and warm us from sleep! "
For a long time the gnomes thought how it would be more correct for them to call Spring so that she would not be offended. In the end, we decided to go to Rechka for advice.
They asked to call the River Vesna. She answers them: “I cannot call Vesna. I need to break the ice first. "
Then the dwarves decided that the Trees should help them. After all, they are the highest.
The trees rustle them with foliage in response: “For Spring to notice us, we need to change our outfit. She will see us beautiful, and she will appear ”.
The gnomes of the birds began to ask to call Spring.
The birds answer: “There are not many of us birds in the forest. She will not hear us. If our friends return from the south, then we will invite everyone in chorus. And Spring will come. "
While the gnomes were looking for someone who would be able to call Spring for them, the ice melted on the river, young leaves began to appear on the trees, birds began to fly from the south. The gnomes bask in the sun and think that now the whole forest will call for Spring.
They went back to the river and asked her: "River, the ice has come off you, when will you call Spring?"
“I didn't break the ice myself. A girl came and broke it! " - the river answers.
The wisest of the gnomes came out to the edge and said: "This is how Spring has come, and we all want to call her."
And then a beautiful girl came out of the forest, whose name is Spring.

Russian folk tale in V. Dahl's adaptation "The War of Mushrooms and Berries"

In the red summer, there are a lot of everything in the forest - and all kinds of mushrooms and berries: strawberries with blueberries, and raspberries with blackberries, and black currants. The girls walk through the forest, pick berries, sing songs, and the boletus mushroom sits under an oak tree, and puffs, pouts, rushes from the ground, gets angry at the berries: “See, they are ugly! We used to be honored, honored, but now no one will look at us! Wait, - the boletus thinks, the head of all the mushrooms, - we, mushrooms, have a great power - we will suppress, we will strangle it, a sweet berry! "

The boletus thought and thought of a war, sitting under an oak tree, looking at all the mushrooms, and he began to call mushrooms, began to help cry:

- Come on, volnushki, go to war!

Refused waves:

- We are all old old ladies, not guilty of the war

- Come on, honey!

The mushrooms refused:

- Our legs are painfully thin, we will not go to war!

- Hey you morels! - shouted the boletus mushroom. - Gear up for war!

Refused morels; say:

- We are old men, so where do we go to war!

The mushroom got angry, the boletus got angry, and he shouted in a loud voice:

- Milk, you guys are friendly, go fight with me, beat the arrogant berry!

The milk mushrooms responded with loadings:

- We are milk mushrooms, brothers are friendly, we go to war with you, to forest and field berries, we will shower them with hats, we will trample the fifth!

Having said this, the milk mushrooms climbed together from the ground: a dry leaf rises above their heads, a formidable host rises.

“Well, to be in trouble,” the green grass thinks.

And at that time, Aunt Varvara came with a box into the forest - wide pockets. Seeing the great weight-bearing force, she gasped, sat down and, well, put the mushrooms in the back. I took it full, full, brought it to the house forcibly, and at home I disassembled the fungi by birth and by rank: waves - into tubs, honey mushrooms - into barrels, morels - into beetroot, milk mushrooms - into cartons, and the largest boletus mushroom got into mating; it was pierced, dried and sold.

Since then, the mushroom and berry have ceased to fight.

Russian folk tale in the adaptation of I. Karnaukhova "Zhikharka"

Once upon a time, there was a cat, a rooster and a little man in the hut - Zhikharka. The cat and the rooster went hunting, and Zhikharka played housewives. I cooked dinner, laid the table, laid out the spoons. Lays out and says:

Here the fox heard that in Zhikharka's hut alone he was in charge, and she wanted to try the meat of Zhikharka.

The cat and the rooster, as they went hunting, always told Zhikharka to lock the doors. Zhiharka locked the doors. I locked everything, but once I forgot. Zhiharka took care of everything, cooked dinner, set the table, began to lay out the spoons, and said:

- This simple spoon - Kotova, this simple spoon - Petina, and this is not a simple one - chiseled, gilded handle - this is Zhikharkina. I won't give it to anyone.

I just wanted to put it on the table, and on the stairs - top-top-top.

- The fox is coming!

Zhiharka got scared, jumped off the bench, dropped the spoon on the floor - and there was no time to lift it - but climbed under the stove. And the fox entered the hut, looking there, looking here - there is no Zhikharka.

"Wait," the fox thinks, "you yourself will tell me where you are sitting."

The fox went to the table, began to sort out the spoons:

- This spoon is simple - Petina, this spoon is simple - Kotova, and this spoon is not simple - chiseled, gilded handle - I'll take this one for myself.

- Ay, ay, ay, don't take it, auntie, I won't give it!

- There you are, Zhikharka!

The fox ran to the stove, put its paw in the oven, pulled out Zhikharka, threw it onto its back - and into the forest.

She ran home, lit the stove hot: she wants to fry Zhikharka and eat it.

The fox took a shovel.

- Sit down, - he says, - Zhikharka.

And Zhikharka is small, but smart. He sat down on a shovel, spread his arms and legs - and it wouldn't go into the stove.

“You’re not sitting like that,” says the fox.

Zhiharka turned his back to the stove, spread his arms and legs - and it wouldn't go into the stove.

“Not so,” the fox says.

- And you, auntie, show me, I don't know how.

- You are so slow-witted!

Fox threw Zhikharka off the shovel, jumped onto the shovel herself, curled up into a ring, hid her legs, covered herself with her tail. And Zhikharka put her into the stove and covered it with a damper, and he hurried out of the hut and home.

And at home, the cat and the rooster are crying, crying:

- Here is a simple spoon - Kotova, here is a simple spoon - Petina, but there is no chiseled spoon, gilded handle, and there is no our Zhikharka, and there is no our little one! ..

The cat wipes the tears with its paw, Petya picks it up with his wing. Suddenly on the ladder - knock-knock-knock. Zhiharka runs, shouts in a loud voice:

- Here I am! And the fox is roasted in the oven!

The cat and the rooster were delighted. Well kiss Zhikharka! Well hug Zhikharka! And now the cat, the rooster and Zhikharka live in this hut, they are waiting for us to visit.

Russian folk tale in the retelling of V. Dahl "Crane and Heron"

An owl was flying - a cheerful head; so she flew, flew, and sat down, turned her head, looked around, took off and flew again; she flew, flew and sat down, turned her head, looked around, but her eyes were like bowls, they did not see a crumb!

This is not a fairy tale, this is a saying, but a fairy tale ahead.

Spring has come to winter and well, drive and bake it with the sun, and call grass-ant from the ground; the grass poured out and ran out into the sun to look, brought out the first flowers - snowy ones: both blue and white, blue-scarlet and yellow-gray.

A migratory bird stretched from across the sea: geese and swans, cranes and herons, waders and ducks, songbirds and a boast titmouse. All flocked to us in Russia to build nests, to live in families. So they dispersed along their edges: along the steppes, through forests, through swamps, along streams.

There is a crane alone in a field, looking around, stroking its little head, and thinking: "I must get a farm, build a nest and get a mistress."

Here he made a nest right up to the swamp, and in the swamp, in a hummock, a long-nosed heron sits, looks at the crane and laughs to himself: "After all, what a clumsy one was born!"

In the meantime, the crane thought: "Give, he says, I will dedicate a heron, it has gone to our family: our beak is both high on our feet." So he walked along an untouched path through the swamp: bang and bang with his feet, but his legs and tail bogged down; here he will rest with his beak - he will pull out the tail, and the beak will get stuck; pull out the beak - the tail will get bogged down; I forced my way to the heron bump, looked at the reeds and asked:

- Is the heron Sudarushka at home?

- Here she is. What do you need? - answered the heron.

“Marry me,” said the crane.

- How not, I will go for you, for the lanky: you are wearing a short dress, and you yourself walk on foot, live sparingly, starve me to death on the nest!

These words struck the crane as offensive. Silently, he turned and went home: bang and bang, bang and bang.

The heron, sitting at home, wondered: “Well, really, why did I refuse him, why should I live alone? He is of a good family, his name is dandy, he walks with a tuft; I will go to him to say a good word. "

The heron has gone, but the path through the swamp is not close: it will bog down one leg, then the other. One pulls out - the other gets stuck. Pull the wing out - the beak will plant; Well, she came and said:

- Crane, I'm coming for you!

- No, heron, - the crane says to her, - I have already changed my mind, I do not want to marry you. Go where you came from!

The heron became ashamed, she covered herself with a wing and went to her hummock; and the crane, looking after her, regretted that he had refused; so he jumped out of the nest and followed her to knead the swamp. Comes and says:

- Well, so be it, heron, I take you for myself.

And the heron sits angry, angry and does not want to talk to the crane.

- Hey, madam heron, I take you for myself, - repeated the crane.

“You take it, but I’m not going,” she answered.

There is nothing to do, the crane went home again. "Such a good-looking," he thought, "now I will never take her!"

The crane has settled in the grass and does not want to look in the direction where the heron lives. And she again changed her mind: “Better to live together than alone. I will go make peace with him and marry him. "

So I went again to hobble through the swamp. The way to the crane is long, the swamp is viscous: one leg will get stuck, then the other. Pull the wing out - the beak will plant; forcibly got to the crane's nest and says:

- Zhuronka, listen, so be it, I'm going for you!

And the crane answered her:

- Fedor wouldn’t be for Yegor, but Fedor would have gone for Yegor, but Yegor will not take.

Having said such words, the crane turned away. The heron is gone.

The crane was thinking, thinking, but again he regretted why he should not agree to take over the heron while she wanted to; I got up quickly and walked again through the swamp: tyap, tyap with my feet, but my legs and tail were still bogged down; if he rests on his beak, pulls out the tail - the beak gets stuck, and pulls out the beak - the tail gets bogged down.

This is how they walk after each other to this day; the path was beaten, but no beer was brewed.

Russian folk tale, arranged by I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Winter"

They thought of a bull, a ram, a pig, a cat and a rooster to live in the forest. It's good in the summer in the forest, at ease! The bull and the ram have plenty of grass, the cat catches mice, the rooster picks berries, bites the worms, the pig under the trees digs roots and acorns. Only and bad things happened to friends if it rains.

So the summer passed, late autumn came, it began to get colder in the forest. The bull first thought of building a winter hut. I met a ram in the forest:

- Come on, friend, build a winter hut! I will carry logs from the forest and hew poles, and you will tear chips.

- Okay, - the ram answers, - I agree.

Met a bull and a ram pig:

- Let's go, Khavronyushka, build a winter hut with us. We will begin to carry logs, hew poles, tear wood chips, and you will knead clay, make bricks, lay the stove.

The pig also agreed.

We saw a bull, a ram and a pig of a cat:

- Hello, Kotofeich! Let's go build a winter hut together! We will carry logs, hew poles, tear wood chips, knead clay, make bricks, lay the stove, and you will carry the moss, caulk the walls.

The cat also agreed.

We met a bull, a ram, a pig and a cat in the forest of a rooster:

- Hello, Petya! Come with us to build a winter hut! We will carry logs, hew poles, tear wood chips, knead clay, make bricks, lay the stove, carry the moss, caulk the walls, and you cover the roof.

The cock also agreed.

Friends chose a drier place in the forest, laid logs, hacked pillars, kicked wood chips, made bricks, pulled moss - they began to chop the hut.

The hut was cut down, the stove was folded down, the walls were caulked, the roof was covered. We prepared supplies and firewood for the winter.

A fierce winter came, frost crackled. It is cold for some in the forest, but warm for friends in the winter quarters. The bull and the ram are sleeping on the floor, the pig has climbed underground, the cat sings songs on the stove, and the rooster has perched on the ceiling on a perch.

Friends live - do not grieve.

And seven hungry wolves wandered through the forest, saw a new winter quarters. One, the bravest wolf, says:

- I'll go, brothers, and see who lives in this winter hut. If I don't come back soon, come to the rescue.

The wolf entered the winter hut and hit the ram directly. The ram has nowhere to go. The ram huddled in a corner, bleated in a terrible voice:

- Be-e-eh! .. Be-e-eh! .. Be-e-eh! ..

The rooster saw the wolf, flew off the perch, flapped its wings:

- Ku-ka-re-ku-u! ..

The cat jumped off the stove, snorted, meowed:

- Mya-oo-oo! .. My-oo-oo! .. Mya-oo-oo! ..

A bull came running, the horns of a wolf in the side:

- Ooh! .. Ooh! .. Ooh! ..

And the pig heard that the battle was going on upstairs, got out of the underground and shouted:

- Oink oink oink! Who is there to eat?

The wolf had a hard time, barely escaped from trouble. He runs, shouts to his comrades:

- Oh, brothers, go away! Oh, brothers, run!

Heard the wolves, they ran away. They ran for an hour, ran for two, sat down to rest, poured out red tongues.

And the old wolf caught his breath, he says:

- I went, my brothers, into the winter hut, I see: a terrible and shaggy one is staring at me. Above it clapped, below it snorted! I jumped out of the corner horned, butted - horns in my side! And from below they shout: "Who is there to eat?" I didn't see the light - and get out ... Oh, run, brothers! ..

Wolves rose, tails like a pipe - only snow in a column.

Russian folk tale in O. Kapitsa's adaptation "The Fox and the Goat"

The fox ran, gape at the raven - and fell into the well.

There was not much water in the well: you couldn't drown, and you couldn't jump out either.

The fox is sitting, grieving.

There is a goat — a clever head; he walks, shakes his beard, shakes his faces with cabbage soup; I looked into the well for nothing to do, saw a fox there and asked:

- What are you doing there, little fox?

- I'm resting, my dear, - the fox answers, - it's hot up there, so I got here. How cool and good here! Cold voditsa - as much as you want!

And the goat wants to drink for a long time.

- Is the water good? The goat asks.

- Excellent, - the fox answers. - Clean, cold! Jump here if you want; there will be a place for both of us.

The goat jumped foolishly, almost crushed the fox. And she told him:

- Eh, bearded fool, and did not know how to jump - he sprinkled everything. The fox jumped on the back of the goat, from the back to the horns, and out of the well. A goat almost disappeared from hunger in the well; they found him forcibly and dragged him out by the horns.

Russian folk tale in V. Dahl's processing "Fox-lapotnitsa"

On a winter night, a hungry godfather walked along the path; clouds are hanging in the sky, it is powdering like snow across the field. “If only one tooth has something to eat,” the fox thinks. Here she goes the way-road; lies a lump.

“Well,” the fox thinks, “it's time for the little shoe to come in handy.” She took a bast shoe in her teeth and walked on. She came to the village and knocked at the first hut.

- Who's there? - asked the man, opening the window.

- It's me, a kind person, a fox-sister. Let me spend the night!

- We are cramped even without you! - said the old man and was about to close the window.

- What do I need, how much? - asked the fox. - I'll lie on the bench myself, and the tail under the bench - and that's it.

The old man took pity, let the fox go, and she said to him:

- Little man, little man, hide my lapot!

The man took a lapot and threw it under the stove.

That night, everyone fell asleep, the chanterelle quietly climbed down from the bench, crept up to the bast shoe, pulled it out and threw it far into the oven, and she herself returned as if nothing had happened, lay down on the bench, and lowered her tail under the bench.

It was getting light. People woke up; the old woman lit the stove, and the old man began to equip the forest for firewood.

The fox also woke up, ran after the bast shoe - lo and behold, but the bast shoe was gone. The fox howled:

- The old man has offended, profited from my good, but I won't take a chicken for my lapot!

The man looked under the stove - no bast shoes! What to do? But he put it himself! I went, took the chicken and gave it to the fox. And the fox still began to break, does not take a chicken and howls throughout the village, yells about how the old man offended her.

The owner and the hostess began to please the fox: they poured milk into a cup, crumbled bread, made scrambled eggs and began to ask the fox not to disdain bread and salt. And the fox just wanted that. She jumped on the bench, ate some bread, drank some milk, ate the eggs, took the chicken, put it in a sack, said goodbye to the owners and went my own way.

Goes and sings a song:

Little fox sister

On a dark night

She walked hungry;

She walked and walked

Found a lump -

I carried it to people

I sold it to good people,

She took the chicken.

Here she comes in the evening to another village. Knock, knock, knock, - the fox knocks on the hut.

- Who's there? The man asked.

- It's me, little fox-sister. Let me go, uncle, to spend the night!

"I won't press you," said the fox. “I'll lie down on the bench myself, and my tail under the bench - and that's it!

They let the fox go. So she bowed to the owner and gave him her chicken for saving, but she herself quietly lay down in a corner on the bench, and tucked her tail under the bench.

The owner took the chicken and sent it to the ducks behind bars. The fox saw all this and, as the owners fell asleep, quietly climbed down from the bench, crept up to the grate, pulled out her chicken, plucked it, ate it, and buried the feathers with bones under the stove; she herself, like a kind one, jumped on the bench, curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

It was getting light, the woman set to work on the stove, and the man went to feed the cattle.

The fox also woke up, began to get ready for the journey; She thanked the owners for the warmth, for the acne and began asking the peasant for her chicken.

A man crawled for a chicken - lo and behold, the chicken was gone! From there - here, I went through all the ducks: what a wonder - there is no chicken!

- My chicken, my nigella, the motley ducks pecked at you, the gray drakes scored you! I won't take any duck for you!

The woman took pity on the fox and says to her husband:

- Let's give her a duck and feed her on the road!

They fed and watered the fox, gave her the duck and escorted him out the gate.

The fox godfather walks, licking his lips, and sings his song:

Little fox sister

On a dark night

She walked hungry;

She walked and walked

Found a lump -

I carried it to people

Good people have sold:

For a lump - a chicken

For a chicken - a duck.

Whether the fox walked close, far, long, short - it began to get dark. She saw a dwelling to the side and turned there; comes: knock, knock, knock at the door!

- Who's there? The owner asks.

- I, little fox-sister, lost my way, I was all overcooked and I fought off my legs while running! Let me go, kind man, to rest and warm up!

- And I would be glad to let it in, gossip, but nowhere!

- And-and, kumanyok, I'm picky: I'll lie down on the bench myself, and I'll tuck my tail under the bench - and that's it!

The old man thought, thought, and let the fox go. Alice and glad. She bowed to the owners and asks them to save her flat-nosed duck until morning.

They took a flat-nosed duck for saving and let her go to the geese. And the chanterelle lay down on the bench, tucked its tail under the bench and began to snore.

- Apparently, heart, tired, - said the woman, climbing on the stove. The owners fell asleep for a short while, but the fox was just waiting for that: quietly climbed down from the bench, crept up to the geese, grabbed her flat-nosed duck, ate it, plucked it clean, ate it, and buried the bones and feathers under the stove; She herself, as if nothing had happened, went to bed and slept until broad daylight. I woke up, stretched, looked around; sees - one mistress in the hut.

- Hostess, where is the owner? The fox asks. - I should say goodbye to him, bow for warmth, for acne.

- Bona, missed the owner! - said the old woman. - Yes, he is now, tea, for a long time at the bazaar.

“So happy to stay, mistress,” said the fox, bowing. - My little flat-nosed already, tea, woke up. Give her, grandmother, rather, it's time for us to go on the road with her.

The old woman rushed after the duck - lo and behold, but the duck was gone! What will you do, where to get it? And we must give it back! Behind the old woman there is a fox, her eyes are wailing, she is wailing in her voice: she had a duck, unprecedented, unheard of, motley in gold, she would not have taken a single jib for that duck.

The hostess was scared, and well, bow to the fox:

- Take it, mother Lisa Patrikeevna, take any jib! And I will give you something to drink, feed you, I will not regret the butter or the eggs.

The fox went to the world, got drunk, ate, chose whatever fat goose to eat, put it in a sack, bowed to the hostess and set off on the path; goes on and sings a song to himself:

Little fox sister

On a dark night

She walked hungry;

She walked and walked

Found a lump -

Good people have sold:

For a lump - a chicken

For a chicken - a duck,

For a duck - a goose!

The fox walked and became absorbed. It became hard for her to carry a goose in a sack: now she will get up, then sit down, then run again. Night came, and the fox began to hunt for the night; wherever he knocks on any door, there is refusal. So she went up to the last hut, and quietly, timidly, she began to knock like this: fat, fat, fat, fat!

- Whats up? - responded the owner.

- Warm up, darling, let me sleep!

- Nowhere, and without you it is cramped!

- I will not press anyone, - answered the fox, - I will lie down on the bench myself, and the tail under the bench - and that's it.

The owner took pity, let the fox go, and she shoves him a goose for saving; the owner put him behind bars with the turkeys. But rumors about a fox have already reached here from the bazaar.

So the owner thinks: "Isn't this the fox the people are talking about?" - and began to look after her. And she, like a kind one, lay down on the bench and lowered her tail under the bench; she herself listens when the owners fall asleep. The old woman began to snore, and the old man pretended to be asleep. So the fox jumped to the grate, grabbed its goose, took a bite, plucked it and began to eat. He eats, eats, and rests - suddenly you can't beat the goose! She ate and ate, but the old man kept an eye on him and saw that the fox, having collected the bones and feathers, carried them under the stove, and she herself lay down again and fell asleep.

The fox slept even longer than before, - the owner began to wake her up:

- What is it, fox, slept, slept?

And the fox just stretches and rubs her eyes.

- It's time for you, fox, and the honor to know. It's time to get ready for the journey, - said the owner, opening the doors wide for her.

And the lisk answered him:

- I don’t want to freeze the hut, and I’ll go myself, but I’ll take my goods in advance. Give me my goose!

- What? The owner asked.

- Yes, that I gave you the evening for saving; didn't you take it from me?

- I did, - answered the owner.

- And accepted, so give it, - the fox stuck.

- Your goose is not behind bars; Go at least see for yourself - some turkeys are sitting.

Hearing this, the cunning fox hit the floor and, well, be killed, well, lament that she would not have taken a turkey for her de jail!

The man realized the fox's tricks. "Wait," he thinks, "you will remember the goose!"

“What to do,” he says. - You know, we must go with you to the world.

And he promised her a turkey for a goose. And instead of a turkey, he quietly put a dog in her bag. Fox did not guess, took the sack, said goodbye to the owner, and went.

She walked, walked, and she wanted to sing a song about herself and about the bast shoe. So she sat down, put the sack on the ground and was just about to start singing, when suddenly the master's dog jumped out of the sack - yes, at her, and she was from the dog, and the dog followed her, not lagging a step behind.

So they both ran into the forest together; the fox over the stumps and the bushes, and the dog followed.

Fortunately for Lisonka, a burrow happened; the fox jumped into it, but the dog did not crawl into the hole and began to wait over it to see if the fox would come out ...

Alice is breathing with fright and cannot catch her breath, but as she took a rest, she began to talk to herself, began to ask herself:

- My ears, ears, what did you do?

- And we listened and listened, so that the dog would not eat the fox.

- My eyes, eyes, what were you doing?

- And we looked and looked so that the dog would not eat the fox!

- My legs, legs, what were you doing?

- And we ran and ran, so that the dog would not catch the fox.

- Ponytail, ponytail, what did you do?

- And I did not give you a go, I clung to all the hemp and knots.

- Oh, so you didn't let me run! Wait, here I am! - said the fox and, sticking its tail out of the hole, shouted to the dog - Here, eat it!

The dog grabbed the fox by the tail and pulled it out of the hole.

Russian folk tale in M. Bulatov's adaptation "Chanterelle-sister and the wolf"

The fox ran along the road. He sees - an old man is going, he is carrying a whole sleigh of fish. The fox wanted a fish. So she ran ahead and stretched out in the middle of the road, as if lifeless.

An old man drove up to her, but she doesn't move; jabbed the whip, but she won't turn over. "It will be a glorious collar for an old woman on a fur coat!" - thinks the old man.

He took the fox, put it on the sled, and went ahead himself. And that's all the chanterelle needs. She looked around and started slowly dropping the fish from the sled. All for the fish and the fish. She threw out all the fish and left herself.

The old man came home and said:

- Well, old woman, what collar I brought you!

- Where is he?

- There, on the sleigh, and fish, and a collar. Go get it!

An old woman came up to the sleigh and looked - no collar, no fish.

She returned to the hut and said:

- On the sleigh, grandfather, except for the mat, there is nothing!

Then the old man guessed that the fox was not dead. Grieved, grieved, but there is nothing to do.

Meanwhile, the chanterelle gathered all the fish in a pile on the road, sat down and eats.

The wolf approaches her:

- Hello, fox!

- Hello, top!

- Give me fish!

The fox tore the head off the fish and threw it to the wolf.

- Oh, fox, good! Give more!

The fox threw a tail at him.

- Oh, fox, good! Give more!

- Look what you are! Get it yourself, and eat.

- Yes, I can’t!

- What are you! After all, I caught it. Go to the river, put your tail in the hole, sit and say: “Catch, catch, fish, big and small! Catch, catch, fish, big and small! " Here the fish itself on the tail and clings. Stay longer - you will catch more!

The wolf ran to the river, lowered its tail into the ice-hole, sits and says:

And the fox came running, walks around the wolf and says:

Freeze, freeze, wolf tail!

The wolf will say:

- Catch, catch, fish, big and small!

And the fox:

- Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail!

Wolf again:

- Catch, catch, fish, big and small!

- Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail!

- What are you talking about, fox? The wolf asks.

- It's me, wolf, I help you: I drive the fish to the tail!

- Thank you, fox!

- Not at all, top!

And the frost is getting stronger and stronger. Wolf's tail and froze tightly.

The fox shouts:

- Well, pull now!

The wolf pulled its tail, but it was not so! "That's how many fish have fallen, and you can't get it out!" He thinks. The wolf looked around, wanted to call the fox for help, but the trail was gone - it ran away. The wolf spent the whole night at the ice-hole - he could not pull out its tail.

At dawn the women went to the ice-hole for water. We saw a wolf and shouted:

- Wolf, wolf! Hit him! Hit him!

They ran up and began to beat the wolf: some with a yoke, some with a bucket. The wolf is there, the wolf is here. He jumped, jumped, lunged, tore off his tail and set off without looking back. "Wait," he thinks, "I will repay you, fox!"

And the fox ate all the fish and wanted to get something else. She climbed into the hut, where the hostess set pancakes, and hit her head in the fermented milk. It hit her eyes and ears with dough. The fox got out of the hut - and quickly into the forest ...

She runs, and a wolf meets her.

- So, - shouts, - you taught me to fish in an ice-hole? They beat me up, beat me up, they ripped off my tail!

- Eh, top, top! - says the fox. “They just ripped off your tail, and smashed my whole head. You see: the brains have come out. I trudge by force!

“And that's true,” says the wolf. - Where can you go, fox! Sit on me, I'll take you.

The fox sat down on the wolf's back, and he took her.

Here is a fox riding a wolf and slowly singing:

- Broken unbeaten lucky! Broken unbeaten lucky!

- What are you talking about, little fox? The wolf asks.

- I, a top, say: "The broken beaten is lucky."

- So, fox, so!

The wolf drove the fox to its hole, she jumped off, ducked into the hole and let’s laugh at the wolf, laugh: - The wolf has no reason, no sense!

Russian folk tale in the processing of O. Kapitsa "Cockerel and a bean grain"

Once upon a time there was a cockerel and a hen. The cockerel was in a hurry, he was in a hurry, but the hen would say to himself: - Petya, take your time, Petya, don't hurry.

Once the cockerel pecked at the beans in a hurry and choked. Choked, not breathing, not hearing, as if the dead were lying.

The chicken got scared, rushed to the hostess, shouts:

- Oh, hostess, give me butter as soon as possible, grease the cockerel's neck: the cockerel choked on a bean grain.

- Run quickly to the cow, ask her for milk, and I'll kill the butter.

The chicken rushed to the cow:

- Cow, my dear, give me more milk, the hostess will knock butter out of the milk, I will grease the cock's neck with butter: the cock has choked on a bean grain.

- Go quickly to the owner, let him bring me fresh herbs.

The chicken runs to the owner:

- Master! Master! Give the cow more fresh grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will knock butter out of the milk, I will grease the cockerel's throat with oil: the cockerel choked on a bean grain.

- Run quickly to the blacksmith for the scythe, - says the owner.

The hen rushed to the blacksmith as fast as she could:

- Blacksmith, blacksmith, give the owner a good scythe sooner. The owner will give the cow grass, the cow will give milk, the hostess will give me butter, I will grease the cockerel's neck: the cockerel has choked on a bean grain.

The blacksmith gave the owner a new scythe, the owner gave the cow fresh grass, the cow gave milk, the hostess knocked down the butter, gave the chicken oil.

The chicken greased the cock's throat. Bean seed and slipped through. The cockerel jumped up and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Ku-ka-re-ku!"

Russian folk tale in V. Dahl's adaptation "Priverednitsa"

Once upon a time there was a husband and wife. They had only two children - daughter Malashechka and son Ivashechka. Malashechka was about a dozen or so years old, and Ivashechka was only third.

Father and mother doted on children and spoiled them so much! If the daughter needs to be punished, then they do not order, but ask. And then they will start to please:

- We will give you both and we will get the other!

And as Malashechka became perverted, so different, not like in the village, tea, and in the city was not! Give her a loaf of bread, not just wheat, but sweet bread - Malashechka doesn't even want to look at rye!

And mother will bake a berry pie, so Malashechka says:

- Kissel, give honey!

There is nothing to do, the mother will scoop up honey on a spoon and the whole piece will be dropped on her daughter. She herself and her husband eat a pie without honey: even though they were well off, they themselves could not eat so sweetly.

Once it was necessary for them to go to the city, they began to please Malashechka so that she would not be naughty, looked after her brother, and above all, so that she would not let him out of the hut.

- And we, de you, will buy gingerbread for this, and red-hot nuts, and a scarf on your head, and a sarafan with inflated buttons. - This is the mother said, and the father assented.

My daughter let them in to one ear, and let them out into the other.

Here father and mother left. Her friends came to her and began to call her to sit on the grass-ant. The girl remembered the parental order, but thought: "It's not a big deal if we go out into the street!" And their hut was extreme to the forest.

Her friends lured her into the forest with her child - she sat down and began to weave wreaths for her brother. Her friends beckoned her to play the kites, she went for a minute, and she played for an hour.

She returned to her brother. Oh, my brother is gone, and the place where I was sitting is cold, only the grass is dented.

What to do? She rushed to her friends - she doesn't know, the other didn't see. Malashechka howled, ran wherever her brother looked to find her brother: she ran, ran, ran, ran into the field on the stove.

- Stove, stove! Have you not seen my brother Ivashechka?

And the stove says to her:

- Picky girl, eat my rye bread, eat, I will say so!

- Here, I will eat rye bread! I’m at my mother’s and father’s, and I don’t look at wheat!

- Hey, Malashechka, eat your bread, and the pies are ahead! The oven told her.

- Haven't you seen where brother Ivashechka has gone?

And the apple tree answered:

- Girl-picky, eat my wild, sour apple - maybe then I'll tell you!

- Here, I'll start eating sour! My fathers and mothers have a lot of garden ones - and then I eat by choice!

She shook the apple tree with its curly top and says:

- They gave the hungry Malanya pancakes, and she says: "Baked wrong!"

- River-river! Have you not seen my brother Ivashechka?

And the river answered her:

- Come on, girl-picky, eat in advance my oatmeal jelly with milk, then, perhaps, I will give you a message about my brother.

- I'll start eating your jelly with milk! My father's and my mother's and the cream are no wonder!

- Eh, - the river threatened her, - do not disdain to drink from the ladle!

- Hedgehog, hedgehog, haven't you seen my brother?

And the hedgehog answered her:

- I saw, girl, a flock of gray geese, they carried a small child in a red shirt into the forest.

- Oh, this is my brother Ivashechka! - screamed the girl-picky. - Hedgehog, darling, tell me where did they take him?

So the hedgehog began to tell her: that Yaga-Baba lives in this dense forest, in a hut on chicken legs; she hired gray geese for herself, and what she orders them, the geese do.

And well, ask Malashechka a hedgehog, caress a hedgehog:

- You are my pockmark hedgehog, needle hedgehog! Take me to the hut on chicken legs!

- Okay, - he said and took Malashechka into the very bowl, and in the thicket of that all edible herbs grow: oxalis and borshchivnik, gray-haired blackberries twist through the trees, intertwine, cling to bushes, large berries ripen in the sun.

"I wish I could eat!" - thinks Malashechka, is she really about to eat! She waved at the gray wicker baskets and ran after the hedgehog. He led her to an old hut on chicken legs.

Malashechka looked through the open door and saw that Baba Yaga was sleeping in the corner on a bench, and Ivashechka was sitting on the counter, playing with flowers.

She grabbed her brother in her arms and out of the hut!

And the mercenary geese are empathetic. The guard goose stretched out its neck, gagged, flapped its wings, flew higher than the dense forest, looked around and saw that Malashechka was running with her brother. Screamed, cackled grey goose, raised the whole herd of goose, and he flew to Baba Yaga to report. And Baba Yaga - the bone leg sleeps so much that steam is coming down from it, the window frames tremble from snoring. Already the goose screams into her ear and into the other - he does not hear! The pinch got angry, pinched Yaga in the very nose. Baba Yaga jumped up, grabbed her nose, and the gray goose began to report to her:

- Baba Yaga is a bone leg! Something has gone wrong at home, Malashechka is bringing Ivashechka home!

Here Baba Yaga dispersed:

- Oh, you drones, parasites, from which I sing, feed you! Take it out and put it down, give me a brother and sister!

The geese flew in pursuit. They fly and echo each other. Malashechka heard a goose cry, ran to the milk river, the jelly banks, bowed low to her and said:

- Mother river! Hide, bury me from wild geese!

And the river answered her:

Picky girl, eat my oatmeal jelly with milk in advance.

Hungry Malashechka was tired, eagerly ate peasant jelly, fell to the river and drank milk to her heart's content. Here is the river and says to her:

- So you, picky ones, should be taught by hunger! Well, now sit down on the beach, I'll close you.

Malashechka sat down, the river covered her with green reeds; the geese swooped down, circled over the river, looked for brother and sister, and so they flew home.

Yaga got angry more than ever and drove them away again after the children. Here the geese are flying in pursuit, flying and echoing among themselves, and Malashechka, hearing them, ran faster than before. She ran to a wild apple tree and asked her:

- Mother green apple tree! Bury, hide me from inevitable trouble, from evil geese!

And the apple tree answered her:

- And you eat my native sour apple, so maybe I will hide you!

There is nothing to do, the girl-picky began to eat a wild apple, and the wild appeared to the hungry Malasha, sweeter than a liquid garden apple.

And a curly apple tree stands and chuckles:

- That's how you quirks should be taught! I didn't want to take it in my mouth just now, but now eat over a handful!

She took an apple tree, hugged her brother and sister with branches and planted them in a heart, in the thickest foliage.

Geese flew in, examined the apple tree - there is no one! We flew still there, here and with that to Baba Yaga and returned.

When she saw them empty, she screamed, stomped, screamed to the whole forest:

- Here I am you, drones! Here I am you, parasites! I will pluck all the feathers, I will let go into the wind, I will swallow themselves alive!

The geese got scared and flew back after Ivashechka and Malashechka. They fly so plaintively with each other, the front with the back, they echo:

- Tu-that, that-that? Tu-that not-that!

It got dark in the field, nothing to see, nowhere to hide, and the wild geese are getting closer and closer; and the girl-picky legs, hands are tired - barely weaves.

Here she sees - in the field that oven is standing, that it was regaled with rye bread. She to the oven:

- Mother oven, hide me and my brother from Baba Yaga!

- That's it, girl, you should obey your father-mother, not go to the forest, not take your brother, stay at home and eat what your father and mother eat! And then “I don’t eat boiled, I don’t want baked, but I don’t need fried food!”

So Malashechka began to beg the stove, belittle: I won't go ahead like that!

- Well, I'll take a look. While you eat my rye bread!

Malashechka happily grabbed him and, well, eat and feed his brother!

- I have never seen such a loaf of bread - like a gingerbread!

And the stove, laughing, says:

- The hungry and rye bread for the gingerbread goes, but the well-fed and Vyazma gingerbread is not sweet! Well, now climb into the mouth - said the stove, - and shield yourself.

So Malashechka quickly sat down in the stove, shut herself with a screen, sits and listens as the geese fly closer and closer, plaintively asking each other:

- Tu-that, that-that? Tu-that not-that!

So they flew around the stove. Didn't find Malashechki, sank to the ground and began to say between themselves: what should they do? You can't toss and turn home: the hostess will eat them alive. You can't stay here either: she orders them all to shoot.

- Is this what, brothers, - said the leading leader, - let's return home, to the warm lands, there is no access to Baba Yaga!

The geese agreed, took off from the land and flew far, far, across the blue seas.

Having rested, Malashechka grabbed her brother and ran home, and at home her father and mother walked the whole village, everyone they met and asked about their children; no one knows anything, only the shepherd said that the guys were playing in the forest.

Father and mother wandered into the woods and next to them sat down on Malashechka and Ivashechka and came across.

Then Malashechka obeyed her father and mother in everything, told about everything and promised to go ahead, not to contradict, not to be picky, but eat what others eat.

As she said, she did, and then the fairy tale ended.

Russian folk tale in M. Gorky's adaptation "About Ivanushka the Fool"

Once upon a time there was Ivanushka the fool, a handsome man, and whatever he does, everything comes out funny for him - not like with people. One peasant hired him as a worker, and he and his wife were going to the city; wife says to Ivanushka:

- You will stay with the children, look after them, feed them!

- With what? - asks Ivanushka.

- Take water, flour, potatoes, cut and cook - there will be a stew!

The man orders:

- Guard the door so that the children do not run away into the forest!

The man and his wife left. Ivanushka climbed onto the bed, woke up the children, pulled them to the floor, sat down behind them and said:

- Well, I'm looking after you!

The children sat on the floor for a while and asked for food. Ivanushka dragged a tub of water into the hut, poured half a bag of flour, a measure of potatoes into it, blabbed everything with a yoke and thought aloud:

- And who should be crumbled?

The children heard - they were frightened:

- He, perhaps, crumbles us!

And they quietly fled out of the hut. Ivanushka looked after them, scratched the back of his head, and realized:

- How am I going to look after them now? Moreover, the door must be guarded so that it does not run away!

He looked into the tub and said:

- Cook, soup, and I'll go look after the children!

He removed the door from its hinges, put it on his shoulders and went into the forest. Suddenly the Bear walks towards him - he was surprised, growls:

- Hey, why are you carrying a tree to the forest?

Ivanushka told him what happened to him. The bear sat on its hind legs and laughs:

- What a fool you are! So I will eat you for this?

And Ivanushka says:

- You better eat the children, so that next time they obey their father and mother, they don't run into the forest!

The bear laughs even harder, and rolls on the ground laughing.

- Never seen such a stupid person? Come on, I'll show you to my wife!

I took him to his den. Ivanushka walks, hits the pines with the door.

- Throw it up! - says the Bear.

- No, I am true to my word: I promised to guard, so I will guard!

We came to the den. The bear says to his wife:

- Look, Masha, what a fool I have brought you! Laughter!

And Ivanushka asks the Bear:

- Aunt, have you seen the kids?

- Mine are at home, sleeping.

- Well, show me, isn't it mine?

She showed him three cubs; He says:

- Not these, I had two.

Then the Bear sees that he is stupid, laughs too:

- Why, you had human children!

“Well, yes,” said Ivanushka, “you’ll sort them out, little ones, which ones!

- That's funny! - the Bear was surprised and said to her husband:

- Mikhail Potapych, let's not eat him, let him live in our workers!

- Okay, - the Bear agreed, - although he is a man, he is painfully harmless! She gave Ivanushka a basket, orders:

- Come on, pick up the raspberries. The kids will wake up, I'll treat them delicious!

“Okay, I can do that! - said Ivanushka. - And you watch the door!

Ivanushka went to the forest raspberry grove, took a full basket of raspberries, ate his fill himself, goes back to the Bears and sings loudly:

Eh, how awkward


Whether it is ants

Or lizards!

He came to the den, shouts:

- Here it is, raspberry!

The cubs ran up to the basket, growl, push each other, tumbling - very happy!

And Ivanushka, looking at them, says:

- Eh-ma, it’s a pity that I’m not a bear, or even I would have children!

The bear and his wife are laughing.

- Oh, my priests! - the Bear growls. - Yes, you can't live with him - you will die with laughter!

- That's what, - says Ivanushka, - you guard the door here, and I'll go look for the kids, or the owner will ask me!

And the Bear asks her husband:

- Misha, you would help him.

- We need to help, - the Bear agreed, - he is very funny!

The Bear went with Ivanushka along the forest paths, they walk - they talk in a friendly way.

- Well, you stupid! - the Bear is surprised. And Ivanushka asks him:

- Are you smart?

- I do not know.

“And I don’t know. You're evil?

- No, why?

- And in my opinion - whoever is angry is stupid. I'm not angry either. Therefore, both of us will not be fools!

- Look how you brought it out! - the Bear was surprised. Suddenly - they see: two children are sitting under a bush, asleep. The bear asks:

- Is it yours, or what?

“I don’t know,” says Ivanushka, “I have to ask. Mine were hungry. They woke up the children, they ask:

- Want to eat? They shout:

- We want to!

- Well, - said Ivanushka, - then these are mine! Now I will lead them to the village, and you, uncle, please bring the door, otherwise I myself have no time, I still need to cook some stew!

- Alright! - said the Bear - I'll bring it!

Ivanushka walks behind the children, looks after them into the ground, as ordered, and he sings:

Oh, that's how miracles!

Beetles catch a hare

A fox sits under a bush

Very surprised!

I came to the hut, and the owners returned from the city. They see: in the middle of the hut there is a tub, poured to the top with water, sprinkled with potatoes and flour, there are no children, the door has also disappeared - they sat down on the bench and cry bitterly.

- What are you crying about? Ivanushka asked them.

Then they saw the children, were delighted, hugged them, and Ivanushka was asked, pointing to his cooking in a tub:

- What have you done?

- Chowder!

- Is it really necessary?

- How do I know - how?

- And where did the door go?

- Now they will bring it - here it is!

The owners looked out the window, and the Bear was walking down the street, dragging the door, people were running from him in all directions, climbing onto roofs, climbing trees; the dogs got scared - they got stuck with fear in the fences, under the gates; only one red cock stands bravely in the middle of the street and shouts at the Bear:

- I'll throw it into the river! ..

Russian folk tale in A. Tolstoy's adaptation "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman, they had a daughter, Alyonushka, and a son, Ivanushka.

The old man and the old woman died. Alyonushka and Ivanushka were left alone.

Alyonushka went to work and took her brother with her. They walk along a long path, across a wide field, and Ivanushka wanted to drink.

- Sister Alyonushka, I'm thirsty!

- Wait, brother, let's get to the well.

Walked, walked - the sun is high, the well is far away, the heat pesters, sweat appears.

There is a cow's hoof full of water.

- Sister Alyonushka, I'll take a sip from the hoof!

- Don't drink, brother, you will become a calf! Brother obeyed, let's move on.

The sun is high, the well is far away, the heat pesters, the sweat comes out. The horse's hoof is full of water.

- Sister Alyonushka, I'll drink from the hoof!

- Don't drink, brother, you will become a colt! Ivanushka sighed, went on again.

The sun is high, the well is far away, the heat pesters, the sweat comes out. The goat's hoof is full of water. Ivanushka says:

- Sister Alyonushka, there is no urine: I will drink from the hoof!

- Do not drink, brother, you will become a goat!

Ivanushka disobeyed and drank from a goat's hoof.

He got drunk and became a kid ...

Alyonushka is calling brother, and instead of Ivanushka, a little white goat is running after her.

Alyonushka burst into tears, sat down under the haystack - crying, and the kid galloping near her.

At that time a merchant was driving by:

- About what, red maiden, crying?

Alyonushka told him about her misfortune

The merchant says to her:

- Go marry me. I will dress you in gold and silver, and the little goat will live with us.

Alyonushka thought, thought, and married the merchant.

They began to live and live, and the kid lives with them, eats and drinks with Alyonushka from one cup.

Once the merchant was not at home. Out of nowhere, a witch comes: she stood under Alyonushkino's window and so kindly began to call her to swim in the river.

The witch led Alyonushka to the river. She rushed at her, tied a stone around Alyonushka's neck and threw it into the water.

And she turned into Alyonushka, dressed up in her dress and came to her mansion. Nobody recognized the witch. The merchant returned - and he did not recognize.

One kid knew everything. He hung his head, does not drink, does not eat. In the morning and in the evening he walks along the shore near the water and calls:

Alyonushka, my sister! ..

Swim out, swim out to the shore ...

The witch found out about this and began to ask her husband - to slaughter and slaughter the goat ...

The merchant felt sorry for the little goat, he got used to it. But the witch pesters so much, begs so much, there is nothing to do, the merchant agreed:

- Well, cut him ...

The witch ordered to make high fires, heat cast-iron cauldrons, sharpen damask knives.

The little goat found out that he would not live long, and said to the named father:

- Before death, let me go down to the river, drink some water, rinse my intestines.

- Well, go.

The little goat ran to the river, stood on the bank and shouted plaintively:

Alyonushka, my sister!

Swim out, swim out to the shore.

The bonfires are burning high

Cast iron boilers,

They sharpen damask knives,

They want to stab me!

Alyonushka from the river answers him:

Oh, my brother Ivanushka!

A heavy stone pulls to the bottom,

Silk grass has tangled legs,

Yellow sands on the chest lay down.

And the witch is looking for the goat, cannot find it and sends a servant: - Go find the goat, bring him to me. The servant went to the river and sees: a goat is running along the bank and plaintively calling:

Alyonushka, my sister!

Swim out, swim out to the shore.

The bonfires are burning high

Cast iron boilers,

They sharpen damask knives,

They want to stab me!

And from the river they answer him:

Oh, my brother Ivanushka!

A heavy stone pulls to the bottom,

Silk grass has tangled legs,

Yellow sands on the chest lay down.

The servant ran home and told the merchant about what he had heard on the river. They gathered the people, went to the river, threw silk nets and dragged Alyonushka to the shore. They removed the stone from her neck, dipped her into spring water, and dressed her in an elegant dress. Alyonushka came to life and became more beautiful than she was.

And the little goat with joy threw itself over his head three times and turned into a boy Ivanushka.

The witch was tied to a horse's tail and allowed into an open field.

Alyosha's parents usually returned home late after work. He came home from school on his own, warmed up lunch for himself, did his homework, played and waited for mom and dad. Two more times a week Alyosha went to a music school, she was very close to the school. From early childhood, the boy was accustomed to the fact that his parents work hard, but he never complained, he understood that they were trying for him.

Nadia has always been an example for her younger brother. An excellent student at school, she still managed to study at a music school, and to help her mother at home. She had many friends in the class, they went to visit each other and sometimes even did homework together. But for the class teacher Natalya Petrovna, Nadya was the best: she always did everything, but she helped others as well. There was only talk both at school and at home about what "Nadia is a clever girl, what an assistant, what Nadia is a clever girl." Nadya was pleased to hear such words, because it was not in vain that people praised her.

Little Zhenya was a very greedy boy, he used to bring sweets to the kindergarten and did not share with anyone. And to all the comments of Zhenya's teacher, the parents answered: “Zhenya is still too young to share with someone, so let him grow up a little, then he will understand.”

Petya was the most pugnacious boy in the class. He constantly pulled the girls by the braids, and put the footboards on the boys. Not that he really liked it, but, as he believed, it made him stronger than the rest of the guys, and this, undoubtedly, was nice to know. But there was also a downside to this behavior: no one wanted to be friends with him. Petya's neighbor on the desk, Kolya, was especially hit. He was an excellent student, but he never allowed Petya to cheat on his own and did not prompt him on tests, so Petya was offended by him for this.

Spring has come. In the city the snow turned gray, began to settle, and cheerful drops were heard from the rooftops. There was a forest outside the city. Winter still reigned there, and the sun's rays barely made their way through the dense branches of the spruce. But then one day something stirred under the snow. A trickle appeared. He hummed merrily, trying to make his way through the blocks of snow up to the sun.

The bus was stuffy and very cramped. He was squeezed from all sides, and he regretted a hundred times that he had decided to go to the next appointment with the doctor in the early morning. He rode and thought that it was, it would seem, recently, but in fact seventy years ago, he took the bus to school. And then the war began. He did not like to remember what he experienced there, why stir up the past. But every year on June 22nd, he locked himself in his apartment, did not answer calls and did not go anywhere. He recalled those who volunteered for the front with him and did not return. The war was also a personal tragedy for him: during the battles near Moscow and Stalingrad, his father and older brother died.

Despite the fact that it was only the middle of March, the snow had almost melted. Streams ran through the streets of the village, in which paper boats sailed merrily overtaking each other. They were launched by local boys on their way home after school.

Katya all the time dreamed about something: how she would become a famous doctor, then how she would fly to the moon, then she would invent something useful for all mankind. Katya also loved animals very much. At home she had a dog Laika, a cat Marusya and two parrots, which were given by her parents for her birthday, as well as fish and a turtle.

Mom came home from work a little early today. As soon as she closed the front door, Marina immediately threw herself on her neck:
- Mom, Mom! The car almost ran over me!
- What are you? Turn around, I'll look at you! How did it happen?

It was spring. The sun was shining very brightly, the snow was almost melting. And Misha was looking forward to the summer. In June, he turned twelve years old, and his parents promised to give him for his birthday a new bicycle, which he had long dreamed of. He already had one, but Misha, as he himself liked to say, "grew out of him a long time ago." He did well in school, and mom and dad, and sometimes grandparents, gave him money as praise for excellent behavior or good grades. Misha did not spend this money, he saved it. He had a large piggy bank, where he put all the money that was given to him. First school year he had a considerable amount of money, and the boy wanted to offer his parents this money so that they would buy him a bicycle before his birthday, he really wanted to ride.


Our fairy tales begin

Our fairy tales are intertwined

On the sea-ocean, on the Buyan island.

There is a birch tree,

The cradle hangs on it,

The bunny is fast asleep in the cradle.

Like my bunny

The blanket is silk,

Perinushka Pukhova,

Pillow in heads.

Grandma is sitting next to me

Bunny says fairy tales.

Old tales

Not short, not long:

About a cat

About a spoon

About the fox and about the bull,

About a crooked cock ...

About geese-swans

About clever animals ...

This is a saying, but what about fairy tales? -

Russian folk tale "Bouncer Hare"

Once upon a time there was a hare in the forest. In the summer he lived well, and in the winter he was hungry.

So he once climbed to a peasant's threshing floor to steal sheaves, he saw: there were already many hares gathered there. He began to brag about them:

- I have not a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth, I am not afraid of anyone!

The bunny went back into the forest, and the other hares told the aunt the raven how the hare boasted. A crow flew to look for a braggart. Found him under a bush and says:

- Well, tell me, how did you brag?

- And I have not a mustache, but a mustache, not paws, but paws, not teeth, but teeth.

The crow patted his ears and said:

- Look, don't brag anymore!

The hare got scared and promised not to brag anymore.

Once a crow was sitting on the fence, suddenly the dogs pounced on it and began to flutter. I saw a hare, how dogs flutter a crow, and he thinks: he ought to help the crow.

And the dogs saw the hare, threw the crow and ran after the hare. The hare ran quickly - the dogs chased him, chased, completely exhausted and lagged behind him.

The crow sits again on the fence, and the hare caught his breath and ran to her.

- Well, - the crow says to him, - you are a good fellow: not a braggart, but a brave man!

Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Pitcher"

A woman went out to reap and hid a jug of milk in the bushes. The fox crept up to the jug, stuck its head into it, and drank the milk. It would be time to go home, but the trouble is - he can't get his head out of the jug.

The fox walks, shakes his head and says:

- Well, the jug, he was joking, and he will! Let me go, jug. Fully pamper you - played, and will!

The pitcher is not far behind, whatever you want!

The fox got angry:

- Wait, you will not lag behind with honor, so I will drown you!

The fox ran to the river and let's drown the jug.

The pitcher drowned to drown, and he pulled the fox with him.

Russian folk tale "Finist - Clear Falcon"

A peasant and his wife lived in the village; they had three daughters. The daughters grew up, and the parents grew old, and now the time has come, the turn has come - the peasant's wife has died. The peasant began to raise his daughters alone. All three of his daughters were beautiful and equal in beauty, but in temperament they were different.

The old peasant lived in prosperity and pitied his daughters. He wanted to take into the yard any old woman, so that she would take care of the household. And the younger daughter, Maryushka, says to her father:

- It is not necessary, father, to take a bean, I myself will take care of the house.

Marya was cheerful. And the older daughters said nothing.

Maryushka began to run the household instead of her mother. And she can do everything, everything goes well with her, and what she cannot do, she gets used to it, and when she gets used to it, she also gets along with business. The father looks at his youngest daughter and rejoices. He was glad that Maryushka was so clever, but hard-working and meek in nature. And from herself Maryushka was good - a beauty written, and from kindness her beauty was added. Her older sisters were also beauties, only they did not think their beauty was enough, and they tried to add blush and whitewash and dress up in new clothes. It used to be that two older sisters would sit, and they would be happy all day, and in the evening they would be the same as they were in the morning. They will notice that the day has passed, how much blush and whitewash they have worn out, and better not, and they sit angry. And Maryushka will get tired by evening, but she knows that the cattle are fed, the hut is cleaned, she cooked supper, kneaded bread for tomorrow and the priest will be pleased with her. She will look at the sisters with her joyful eyes and will not say anything to them. And then the older sisters get even more angry. It seems to them that Marya was not like that in the morning, but by the evening she was prettier - why only, they do not know.

Father needed to go to the market. He asks his daughters:

- What do you, kids, buy, how to please you?

The eldest daughter says to her father:

- Buy me, father, half-shawls, so that the flowers on it were large and painted with gold.

- And for me, father, - the middle one says, - also buy half-shawls with flowers that are painted with gold, and in the middle of the flowers so that there is red. And buy me boots with soft tops, high heels, so that they stomp on the ground.

The eldest daughter was offended by the middle one and said to her father:

- And for me, father, and for me buy boots with soft tops and heels, so that they stomp on the ground. And buy me a ring with a pebble on your finger - after all, I have one older daughter.

The father promised to buy gifts, which the two eldest daughters had punished, and asks the youngest:

- Why are you silent, Maryushka?

- And I, father, do not need anything. I don't go anywhere from the yard, I don't need outfits.

- Your untruth, Maryushka! How can I leave you without a gift? I'll buy you a present.

“And you don’t need a present, father,” says the youngest daughter. - And buy me, my dear father, a feather of Finist - Clear falcon, if it is cheap.

The father went to the bazaar, he bought the gifts for the eldest daughters, which they punished him, but the feather of Finist - Jasna the falcon did not find. I asked all the merchants.

“No, - said the merchants, - such a product; demand, - they say, - there is no for it.

Father did not want to offend his youngest daughter, a hard-working smart girl, but he returned to the court, and did not buy Finist's feather - Jasna the falcon.

And Maryushka was not offended. She was glad that her father returned home, and said to him:

- Nishto, father. Sometimes you go, then it will buy, my feather.

Time passed, and again my father needed to go to the market. He asks his daughters what to buy as a gift: he was kind.

Big daughter says:

- You bought me, father, the boots the last time, so let the blacksmiths now puff the heels on those boots with silver horseshoes.

And the middle one hears the older one and says:

- And me, father, too, otherwise the heels are knocking, not ringing - let them ring. And so that the horseshoe carnations are not lost, buy me another silver hammer: I’ll beat the carnations with it.

- And what do you buy, Maryushka?

- And look, father, a feather from Finist - the Falcon is clear: will there be, will not.

The old man went to the bazaar, soon he did his business and bought gifts for the eldest daughters, and until the evening he was looking for a feather for the youngest, and there is no such feather, no one gives it to buy.

The father returned again without a gift for his youngest daughter. He felt sorry for Maryushka, but Maryushka smiled at her father and did not show her grief - she endured him.

Time passed, my father went to the market again.

- What do you, dear daughters, buy as a gift?

The eldest thought about it and did not immediately come up with what she wanted.

- Buy me something, father.

And the middle one says:

- And for me, father, buy something, and add something else to something.

- And you, Maryushka?

- And you, father, buy me one feather of Finist - Yasna falcon.

The old man went to the market. He did his business, bought gifts for the eldest daughters, but did not buy anything for the youngest: that feather is not in the bazaar.

Father goes home, and he sees: an old old man is walking along the road, older than him, completely dilapidated.

- Hello, grandfather!

- Hello, you too, dear. What is your mess about?

- And how can she not be, grandfather! My daughter told me to buy her one feather of Finist - Yasna the Falcon. I was looking for her that feather, but it is not. And I have a younger daughter, more than anyone I feel sorry for her.

The old old man pondered, and then he says:

- Ying so be it!

He untied his shoulder bag and took out a box.

- Hide, - he says, - a box, in it a feather from Finist - Yasnas falcon. But remember also: I have one son; You feel sorry for your daughter, but my son. An does not want my son to marry, and the time has come for him. If he doesn’t want to, you can’t be forced to. And he says to me: someone will ask you for this feather, you give it back, he says - this is my bride asking.

The old old man said his words - and suddenly he was not there, he disappeared into an unknown direction: he was or was not!

Maryushka's father remained with a feather in his hands. He sees that feather, and it is gray, simple. And you couldn't buy it anywhere.

My father remembered what the old old man had told him, and thought: "Apparently, my Maryushka's fate is coming out - not knowing, not having seen to marry someone unknown."

The father came home, gave gifts to the eldest daughters, and gave the youngest a box with a gray feather.

The older sisters dressed up and laughed at the younger:

- And you put your sparrow feather in your hair and show off.

Maryushka said nothing, and when everyone went to bed in the hut, she put in front of her a simple, gray feather of Finist - Yasna the falcon and began to admire it. And then Maryushka took the feather in her hands, held it with her, caressed it and accidentally dropped it on the floor.

Immediately someone hit the window. The window opened and Finist, the Clear Falcon, flew into the hut. He leaned to the floor and turned into a fine fellow. Maryushka closed the window and began to talk to the fellow. And by morning Maryushka opened the window, the young man bent to the floor, the young man turned into a clear falcon, and the falcon left a simple gray feather and flew away into the blue sky.

For three nights Maryushka greeted the falcon. During the day he flew over the skies, over fields, over forests, over mountains, over seas, and by nightfall he flew to Maryushka and became a good fellow.

On the fourth night, the older sisters heard Maryushka's quiet conversation, they heard the strange voice of a good fellow, and the next morning they asked the younger sister:

- With whom are you, sister, talking at night?

- And I speak the words to myself, - answered Maryushka. - I have no friends, during the day I am at work, I have no time to talk, and at night I talk to myself.

The older sisters listened to the younger, but did not believe her.

They said to the priest:

- Father, and Marya has a betrothed, she sees him at night and talks to him. We ourselves have heard.

And the father answered them:

“You wouldn't listen,” he says. - Why shouldn't our Maryushka have her betrothed? There is no skinny here, she is a good-looking girl and went out at her time. Your turn will come.

- So Marya did not recognize her betrothed, - said the eldest daughter. - I would have been the first to marry her.

“It's really yours,” judged the priest. - So fate does not count. Some bride sits in girls until her old age, and another one is dear to all people from her youth.

The father said this to his eldest daughters, but he thought: “Is it the word of that old old man that he gave me a feather? There is no trouble, but will Maryushka be a good betrothed? "

And the older daughters had their own desire. When it was time for the evening, Maryushka's sisters took out the knives from the cuttings, and the knives stuck in the window frame and around it, and besides the knives, they also stuck sharp needles and fragments of old glass there. Maryushka at that time was cleaning the cow in the barn and saw nothing.

And so, as it got dark, Finist - the Clear Falcon flies to Maryushka's window. He flew to the window, hit sharp knives and needles and glass, fought and fought, wounded all his chest, and Maryushka was worn out in a day at work, she dozed off, waiting for Finista - Clear falcon, and did not hear her falcon beating through the window ...

Then Finist said aloud:

- Farewell, my red maiden! If you need me, you will find me, even though I will be far away! And first of all, coming to me, you will wear out three pairs of iron shoes, you will erase three cast-iron staffs on the road grass, and you will devour three stone loaves.

And Maryushka heard Finist's words through the slumber, but she could not get up, wake up. And in the morning she woke up, her heart burned. She looked out the window, and in the window Finist's blood dries in the sun. Maryushka began to cry then. She opened the window and leaned her face down to the place where Finist's blood was - Yasnas the Falcon. Tears washed away the falcon's blood, and Maryushka herself seemed to wash herself with the blood of her betrothed and became even more beautiful.

Maryushka went to her father and said to him:

- Do not scold me, father, let me go on a long journey. I'll be alive - we'll see you, but I'll die - to my family, to know, it was written to me.

It was a pity for the father to let go of his beloved youngest daughter. And you can't forbid her to live at home. The father knew: the loving heart of a girl is stronger than the power of her father and mother. He said goodbye to his beloved daughter and let her go.

The blacksmith made Maryushka three pairs of iron shoes and three cast-iron staffs, took Maryushka three more stone loaves, she bowed to the priest and sisters, visited her mother's grave and set off on her way to look for the coveted Finist - Yasn the Falcon.

Maryushka is walking along the road. It goes not a day, not two, not three days, it goes for a long time. She walked both in a clear field and in a dark forest, and walked in high mountains. In the fields, birds sang her songs, the dark forests greeted her, from the high mountains she admired the whole world. Maryushka walked so much that she worn out one pair of iron shoes, worn out the cast-iron staff on the road and devoured the stone bread, but her path does not end, and Finist is nowhere - Yasna the falcon.

Then Maryushka sighed, sat down on the ground, began to put on other iron shoes - and saw a hut in the forest. And night has come.

Maryushka thought: “I’ll go to the hut of people and ask if they have seen my Finist - Yasna the Falcon?”

Maryushka knocked on the hut. There was only one old woman living in that hut - good or bad, Maryushka did not know about that. The old woman opened the canopy - a red girl was standing in front of her.

- Let me go, grandma, spend the night.

- Come in, my dear, you will be a guest. How far are you going, young?

- How far, close, I don't know myself, grandmother. And I'm looking for Finist - Yasna the falcon. Have you heard of him, grandma?

- How not to hear! I'm old, I've been living for a long time, I've heard of everyone! It's a long way for you to go, dear.

The next morning, the old woman's mistress woke Maryushka up and said to her:

- Go, dear, now to my middle sister, she is older than me and knows more. Maybe she will teach you good and tell you where your Finist lives. And so that you don’t forget me, the old one, take here the silver base and the golden spindle, if you become a tow of spinning, the golden thread will stretch. Take care of my gift while it is dear to you, and not dear - give it yourself.

Maryushka took the gift, admired it and said to the hostess:

- Thank you, grandmother. Where should I go, which way?

And I'll give you a ball - a scooter. Where the ball will roll, and you follow him. And you think about taking a break, sit on the grass - and the ball will stop, it will be waiting for you.

Maryushka bowed to the old woman and followed the ball.

How long or short Maryushka walked, she didn’t consider the way, she didn’t feel sorry for herself, but she sees: the forests are dark, terrible, in the fields the grass grows non-bread, thorny, the mountains are bare, stone, and birds do not sing over the ground.

Maryushka sat down to change her shoes. She sees: the black forest is close, and night is coming, and in the forest in one hut a light was lit in the window.

The ball rolled towards that hut. Maryushka followed him and knocked on the window:

- Good hosts, let me spend the night!

An old woman, older than the one who had previously greeted Maryushka, came out onto the porch of the hut.

- Where are you going, red maiden? Who are you looking for in the world?

- I am looking for, grandmother, Finista - Yasna the falcon. I was with an old woman in the forest, spent the night with her, she heard about Finist, but does not know him. Maybe, she said, her middle sister knows.

The old woman let Maryushka into the hut. And the next morning she woke up her guest and said to her:

- Finista will be far away for you. I knew about him, but I didn't. Now go to our older sister, she should know. And so that you remember me, take a gift from me. By joy he will be your memory, and by need he will help you.

And the old lady gave her guest a silver saucer and a golden egg.

She asked Maryushka for forgiveness from the old mistress, bowed to her and followed the ball.

Maryushka is walking, and the land around her has become completely alien. She looks: one forest on earth is growing, but there is no clear field. And the trees, the further the ball rolls, grow higher and higher. It became completely dark: the sun and sky were not visible.

And Maryushka kept walking and walking in the darkness, until her iron shoes were trampled through and through, and her staff was worn out on the ground, and until the last stone bread she devoured to the last crumb.

Maryushka looked around - what should she do? She sees her little ball: it lies under the window near the forest hut.

Maryushka knocked on the window of the hut:

- Good hosts, shelter me from the dark night!

An old woman came out onto the porch, the oldest sister of all old women.

“Go to the hut, dove,” he says. - Look where you came so far! Further, no one lives on earth, I am extreme. To you differently

side tomorrow morning must be on the way. And whose will you be and where are you going?

Maryushka answered her:

“I'm not from here, grandma. And I'm looking for Finist - Yasna the falcon.

The older old woman looked at Maryushka and said to her:

- Looking for Finist-falcon? I know, I know him. I have been living for a long time, so long ago that I recognized everyone, remembered everyone.

The old woman put Maryushka to bed, and the next morning woke her up.

- For a long time, - he says, - I have not done good to anyone. I live alone in the forest, everyone has forgotten about me, I remember everyone alone. I will do you good: I will tell you where your Finist - the Clear Falcon lives. And if you find him, it will be difficult for you. Finist-falcon is now married, he lives with his mistress. It will be difficult for you, but you have a heart, but it will come to your heart and reason, and from reason and difficult it will become easy.

Maryushka answered:

- Thank you, grandmother, - and bowed to her in the ground.

- You will thank me later. And here's a present for you - take from me a golden sheath and a needle: you hold the sheath, and the needle will embroider itself. Go now, and what you have to do - go, you will find out for yourself.

Maryushka went as she was, barefoot. I thought: “As soon as I get there, the land is solid, alien, you need to get used to it”.

It did not last long. And he sees: there is a rich courtyard in the meadow. And in the courtyard there is a tower: the porch is carved, the windows are patterned. At one window sits a wealthy noble hostess and looks at Maryushka: what, they say, she wants.

She remembered Maryushka: she now had nothing to put on, and she ate the last stone bread on the road.

She said to the mistress:

- Hello, hostess! Do you not need a woman worker for bread, for clothes, I will give you some clothes?

- It is necessary, - the noble mistress answers. - Do you know how to heat stoves, and carry water, and cook dinner?

- I lived with my father without my mother - I can do everything.

- Do you know how to spin, weave and embroider?

Maryushka remembered about the gifts of old grandmothers.

- I can, - he says.

“Go then,” the hostess says, “to the human kitchen.

Maryushka began to work and serve in someone else's rich court. Maryushka's hands are honest, diligent - every business goes well with her.

The hostess looks at Maryushka and is glad: she has never had such a helpful, kind, and clever worker; And Maryushka eats simple bread, drinks it with kvass, but does not ask for tea. The mistress of her daughter boasted:

- Look, - he says, - what a worker in our yard - submissive and skillful and affectionate on her face!

The mistress's daughter looked at Maryushka.

- Fu, - he says, - even if she is affectionate, but I am more beautiful than her, and my body is whiter!

In the evening, as she finished the master's work, Maryushka sat down to spin. She sat down on a bench, took out a silver base and a golden spindle and is spinning. She spins, a thread stretches from a tow, the thread is not simple, but gold; she spins, but she herself looks into the silvery bottom, and fancies to her that she sees Finist there - the clear falcon: he looks at her as if alive in the world. Maryushka looks at him and talks to him:

- Finist my, Finist - Clear falcon, why did you leave me alone, bitter, cry for you all my life? These are my sisters, lovebirds, your blood has been shed.

And at that time the landlady's daughter entered the people's hut, stood at a distance, looking and listening.

- For whom are you grieving, girl? She asks. - And KE.KZ. Do you have fun in your hands?

Maryushka tells her:

- I grieve about Finiste - the Clear Falcon. And I am spinning this thread, I will embroider Finist's towel - it would be better for him to wipe his white face in the morning.

- Sell me your fun! - says the owner's daughter. - An Finist is my husband, I myself will spin a thread for him.

Maryushka looked at the mistress's daughter, stopped her golden spindle and said:

- I have no fun, I have work in my hands. And the silver bottom - the golden spindle is not for sale: my kind grandmother gave it to me.

The master's daughter was offended: she did not want to let go of the golden spindle from her hands.

“If it’s not for sale,” he says, “then let’s do a change: I’ll give you a thing too.

- Give me, - said Maryushka, - let me look at Finist - the clear falcon at least once with one eye!

The owner's daughter thought about it and agreed.

- If you please, girl, - he says. - Give me your fun.

She took a silver bottom from Maryushka - a golden spindle, and she thought: "I will show her Finist for a little while, nothing will happen to him, I will give him a sleeping potion, and through this golden spindle, my mother and I will be completely rich!"

By nightfall, Finist, the Clear Falcon, returned from the skies; he turned into a good fellow and sat down to dine with the family: the mother-in-law, the mistress, and Finist and his wife.

The landlord's daughter ordered Maryushka to be called: let her serve at the table and look at Finist, how the agreement was. Maryushka has appeared: she serves at the table, serves food and does not take her eyes off Finist. And Finist was sitting as if he was not there, he did not recognize Maryushka: she was exhausted by the way, walking towards him, and her face changed from sadness for him.

The hosts had supper; Finist got up and went to sleep in his room.

Maryushka then says to the young mistress:

- There are a lot of flies in the yard. I’ll go to Finist’s upper room, I’ll drive the flies away from him so that they don’t interfere with sleep.

- And let her go! Said the old mistress.

The young mistress was thinking here again.

- But no, - he says, - let him wait.

And she went after her husband, gave him a drink for the night, and returned. “Maybe,” the owner’s daughter reasoned, “the worker still has some fun for such a change!”

"Go now," she said to Maryushka. - Drive the flies away from Finist!

Maryushka came to Finist's room and forgot about the flies. She sees: her heart friend is asleep, a deep sleep.

Maryushka looks at him, will not see enough. She leaned close to him, breathes with him in one breath, whispers to him:

- Wake up, my Finist - Clear falcon, I came to you; I have trampled three pairs of iron shoes, three iron staffs have worn out on the road, I have devoured three stone bread!

And Finist sleeps soundly, he does not open his eyes and does not say a word in response.

Finist's wife, the owner's daughter, comes to the room and asks:

- Driven away the flies?

- She drove away, - Maryushka says, - they flew out the window.

- Well, go to sleep in a human hut.

The next day, as Maryushka had done all the master's work, she took a silver saucer and rolls a golden egg over it: rolls around - and a new golden egg rolls off the saucer; rolls around another time - and again a new golden egg rolls off the saucer.

I saw the master's daughter.

- Oh, - he says, - and you have such fun? Sell \u200b\u200bit to me, or I'll change it to you, whatever you want, I'll give it for it.

Maryushka answers her:

- I can't sell it, my kind grandmother gave me this as a gift. And I'll give you a saucer with a testicle for free. Take it!

The master's daughter took the gift and was delighted.

- And maybe what you want, Maryushka? Ask what you want.

Maryushka and asks in response:

- And I need the least. Allow me to drive away the flies from Finist again when you put him to rest.

- Please, - says the young mistress.

And she herself thinks: "What will become of my husband from the glance of a strange girl, and he will sleep from the potion, he will not open his eyes, but the worker may have some other fun!"

By nightfall, again, as it was, Finist returned - the Clear Falcon from the skies, he turned into a good fellow and sat down at the table to dine with his family.

Finist's wife called Maryushka to serve at the table and serve food. Maryushka serves food, puts down cups, puts spoons, but she does not take her eyes off Finist. But Finist looks and does not see her - his heart does not recognize her.

Again, as it happened, the owner's daughter gave her husband a drink with a sleeping potion and put him to bed. And the worker Maryushka sent to him and told her to drive away the flies.

Maryushka came to Finist; began to call him and cry over him, I thought that today he would wake up, look at her and recognize Maryushka.

For a long time Maryushka called him and wiped the tears from her face so that they would not fall on Finist's white face and wet him. But Finist was asleep, he did not wake up and did not open his eyes in response.

On the third day Maryushka finished all the housekeeping work in the evening, sat down on a bench in the people's hut, took out a gold sheath and a needle. She holds a golden embroidery frame in her hands, and the needle itself embroiders on the canvas. Maryushka is embroidering, she says:

- Embroider, embroider, my red pattern, embroider for Finist - Clear falcon, it would be something for him to admire!

The young mistress walked nearby; she came to a human hut, saw in Maryushka's hands a golden circlet and a needle that she was embroidering herself. Her heart sank with envy and greed, and she says:

- Oh, Maryushka, darling red maiden! Give me such fun or take whatever you want in exchange! I also have a golden spindle, I will strain the yarn, linen, but I don’t have a golden hoop with a needle - there is nothing to embroider. If you don't want to give in exchange, then sell! I'll give you a price!

- You can't! - says Maryushka. - You can’t either sell a gold hoop with a needle or give it in exchange. The kindest, oldest grandmother gave them to me for free. And I'll give them to you for free.

The young hostess took a hoop with a needle, and Maryushka has nothing to give her, she says:

- Come, if you want, from my husband, Finist, to drive away the flies. Before you yourself asked.

“I'll come, so be it,” said Maryushka.

After supper, the young hostess at first did not want to give Finist a sleeping potion, but then hesitated and added that potion to his drink: "Why should he look at the girl, let him sleep!"

Maryushka went to the room to the sleeping Finist. Her heart could not stand it now. She clung to his white chest and laments:

- Wake up, wake up, my Finist, my clear falcon! I walked the whole land on foot, coming to you! Three cast-iron staffs got tired of walking with me and worn out on the ground, three pairs of iron shoes worn out my feet, three breads of stone I devoured.

And Finist is asleep, he doesn't smell anything, and he doesn't hear Maryushka's voice.

Maryushka wailed for a long time, woke Finist for a long time, cried over him for a long time, and Finist would not have woken up: his wife's potion was strong. Yes, one hot tear of Maryushka fell on Finist's chest, and another tear fell on his face. One tear burned Finist's heart, and another opened his eyes, and he woke up at that very moment.

- Ah, - he says, - what burned me?

- My finist, clear falcon! - Maryushka answers him. - Wake up to me, I came! For a long, long time I was looking for you, iron and cast iron I rubbed on the ground. They could not stand the road to you, but I did! The third night I call you, and you are asleep, you do not wake up, you do not answer my voice!

And then Finist, the Clear Falcon, recognized his Maryushka, the red maiden. And he was so delighted with her that he could not utter a word for joy. He pressed Maryushka to his white chest and kissed her.

And when he woke up, accustomed to his joy, he said to Maryushka:

- Be you my gray dove, my faithful red maiden!

And at that very moment he turned into a falcon, and Maryushka into a dove.

They flew away into the night sky and all night flew alongside until dawn.

And when they flew, Maryushka asked:

- Falcon, falcon, and where are you flying, because your wife will miss you!

Finist Falcon listened to her and replied:

- I'm flying to you, red maiden. And whoever changes her husband on a spindle, on a saucer and on a needle, that wife does not need a husband and that wife will not get bored.

- Why did you marry such a wife? - asked Maryushka. - Your will was not?

Falcon said:

- My will was, but there was no fate and love.

And at dawn they sank to the ground. Maryushka looked around; she sees: her parent's house is as it was before. She wanted to see her father-parent, and immediately she turned into a red maiden. And Finist - the Clear Falcon hit the ground on the cheese and became a feather.

She took Maryushka a feather, hid it on her chest in her bosom and came to her father.

- Hello, my younger daughter, beloved! I thought that you were not even in the world. Thank you for not forgetting my father, I returned home. Where have you been for so long that you were in no hurry to go home?

- Forgive me, father. So I needed it.

- And it is necessary, it is necessary. Thank you for the need passed.

And it happened on a holiday, and a big fair opened in the city. Father was going to go to the fair the next morning, and the older daughters are going with him to buy presents for themselves.

The father called the younger one, Maryushka.

And Maryushka:

- Father, - he says, - I'm tired of the road, and I have nothing to put on. At the fair, tea, everyone will be smart.

- And I'll dress you there, Maryushka, - the father answers. - At the fair, tea, big bargaining.

And the older sisters say to the younger:

- Put on our headwear, we have extra ones.

- Oh, sisters, thank you! - says Maryushka. - Your dresses are too bone for me! Yes, I feel good at home.

“Well, be it your way,” her father tells her. - What do you need to bring from the fair, what gift? Tell me, don’t offend your father!

- Oh, father, I do not need anything: I have everything! No wonder I went far and got tired on the road.

The father and older sisters went to the fair. At the same time Maryushka took out her feather. It hit the floor and became a fine good fellow, Finist, only more beautiful than he was before. Maryushka was surprised, but she didn't say anything for joy. Then Finist said to her:

- Do not marvel at me, Maryushka, it was because of your love that I became.

- I'm afraid of you! Said Maryushka. - If you became worse, I would be better, it was calmer.

- And where is your parent - father?

- I went to the fair, and my sisters are with him.

- Why, my Maryushka, didn’t go with them?

- I have Finist, a clear falcon. I don't need anything at the fair.

“And I don’t need anything,” Finist said. “I became rich because of your love.

Finist turned around from Maryushka, whistled through the window - now there were dresses, headdresses and a golden carriage. They dressed up, got into the carriage, the horses rushed them away in a whirlwind.

They arrived in the city for a fair, and the fair has just opened, all the rich goods and food are in a mountain, and the buyers are on the road.

Finist bought at the fair all the goods, all the food that was there, and ordered them to be taken by carts to the village to Maryushka's parent. He did not buy only one wheel ointment, but left it at the fair.

He wanted all the peasants who came to the fair to become guests at his wedding and go to him as soon as possible. And for a quick ride, they will need ointment.

Finist and Maryushka drove home. They ride fast, the horses lack air from the wind.

Halfway down the road, Maryushka saw her father and older sisters. They still went to the fair and did not arrive. Maryushka told them to turn to the courtyard for her wedding with Finist, the Clear Falcon.

And three days later, all the people who lived a hundred versts in the vicinity gathered to visit; Finist then married Maryushka, and the wedding was rich.

At that wedding, our grandfathers and grandmothers were, they feasted for a long time, they dignified the bride and groom, they would not disperse from summer to winter, but it was time to harvest, the bread began to crumble; that's why the wedding was over and there were no guests left for the feast.

The wedding ended, and the guests forgot the wedding feast, and Maryushka's faithful, loving heart was forever remembered in the Russian land.

Russian folk tale "Seven Simeons"

Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman.

The hour has come: the man is dead. He left seven twin sons, nicknamed the seven Simeons.

So they grow and grow, all one in one and face and article, and every morning all seven go out to plow the land.

It so happened that the tsar was driving on the other side: he saw from the road that far in the field they were plowing the land, as in a corvee - so many people! - and he knows that there is no lordly land on that side.

So the king sends his equerry to find out what kind of people they plow, what kind and rank, lordly or royal, what kind of courtyard, or hired?

A stable boy comes to them, asks:

- What kind of people are you, what kind and rank?

They answer him:

- And we are such people, mother gave birth to us seven Simeons, and we plow the land for our father and grandfather.

The stable boy returned and told the king everything he had heard.

The king was surprised and sent to tell the seven Simeons that he was waiting for them in his tower for services and parcels.

All seven have gathered and come to the royal chambers, stand in a row.

“Well,” says the king, “answer: what skill is anyone capable of, what craft do you know?

The senior comes out.

“I,” he says, “can bind an iron pillar twenty sojon high.

- And I, - says the second, - I can set it in the ground.

- And I, - says the third, - I can climb on it and look around far, far away everything that is going on in the world.
























































































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