Jack and the Beanseed author. Jack and the Beanstalk (English Folk Tale)

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Jack and the beanstalk (eng. Jack and the beanstalk) - English folk tale about the brave boy Jack who defeated the giant.


The widow, forced to sell the cow, sends her son Jack to the market. On the way, Jack meets an old man who offers to exchange the cow for magic beans, from which a stem supposedly grows up to the sky. The angry mother, upon learning of this deal, throws the beans out the window. In the morning, Jack sees that the old man was telling the truth. A curious boy climbs the stalk until he finds a road leading to a house. At the house, Jack meets a giantess and asks her to feed him. A kind woman fulfills his request. But then the owner of the house returns home - a giant man-eating. The giantess hides Jack in the stove. The giant who enters says:

When the giant falls asleep, Jack goes home. However, he then returns to steal a bag of gold and a goose that lays golden eggs. The cannibal sets off in pursuit, but Jack, having cut the stem, defeats the giant.

In books

The tale is known in different versions. It first appeared in print in 1807 in an adaptation by Benjamin Tabart, in which the author introduces a new character - a fairy who explains to Jack the moral of the tale.

Joseph Jacobs version (eng.)russian 1890 is the most popular.

Cultural influence

  • The first film based on the fairy tale appeared in 1902: Jack and the Beanseed - a silent short film by George Fleming and Edwin Stanton Porter.
  • In the USA, the fairy tale was filmed twice - in 1962 and 2013 (the second time - under the title "Jack the Conqueror of Giants").
  • Based on the plot of this tale, the Japanese full-length anime "Jack in Wonderland" was staged.
  • In the cartoon Puss in Boots, part of the storyline is based on this tale.
  • In the cartoon "Funny and Carefree" the second part is a free retelling of a fairy tale, in which the role of the giant is played by Willie the Giant, and the role of Jack is played by Mickey Mouse.
  • In the computer game Dizzy 3: Fantasy World Dizzy, released in October 1989 by Codemasters main character an egg named Dizzy rescues his beloved Daisy, who was placed in a castle in the clouds by a wizard. In the story, Dizzy trades a small horse for a magic bean from a merchant in the market, plants it in the manure and climbs up into the clouds along the grown stem.
  • In the animated series Family Guy season 12, episode 10, Peter tells Stewie 3 fairy tales, the first is about Jack and the magic beans.
  • The plot of the tale is used in the musical feature film "Into the Woods" directed by Rob Marshall and produced by Walt Disney Pictures.

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Excerpt from Jack and the Beanstalk

- All some kind of mania to confront, - he continued. - And before whom? And all because we want to play ape on stupid Moscow delights, '' said Prince Vasily, confused for a minute and forgetting that Helen had to laugh at Moscow's delights, and Anna Pavlovna's admire them. But he immediately recovered. - Well, is it proper for Count Kutuzov, the oldest general in Russia, to sit in the chamber, et il en restera pour sa peine! [his troubles will be in vain!] Is it possible to appoint as commander-in-chief a man who cannot sit on horseback, falls asleep on the council, a man of the most bad morals! He has proven himself well in Bukareshta! I'm not even talking about his qualities as a general, but is it possible at such a moment to appoint a decrepit and blind person, just blind? The blind general will be good! He doesn't see anything. Play blind man's buff ... sees absolutely nothing!
Nobody objected to this.
On the 24th of July, this was perfectly true. But on July 29, Kutuzov was granted princely dignity. Princely dignity could also mean that they wanted to get rid of him - and therefore the judgment of Prince Vasily continued to be fair, although he was in no hurry to express it now. But on August 8, a committee of General Field Marshal Saltykov, Arakcheev, Vyazmitinov, Lopukhin and Kochubei was assembled to discuss matters of the war. The committee decided that the setbacks stemmed from differences of command, and, despite the fact that the people who made up the committee knew the sovereign's dislike for Kutuzov, the committee, after a short meeting, proposed to appoint Kutuzov as commander-in-chief. And on the same day, Kutuzov was appointed the plenipotentiary commander-in-chief of the armies and the entire region occupied by the troops.
On August 9, Prince Vasily met again at Anna Pavlovna's with l "homme de beaucoup de merite [a man of great dignity]. L" homme de beaucoup de merite courted Anna Pavlovna on the occasion of the desire to appoint a female trustee educational institution Empress Maria Feodorovna. Prince Vasily entered the room with the air of a happy winner, a man who achieved the goal of his desires.
- Eh bien, vous savez la grande nouvelle? Le prince Koutouzoff est marechal. [Well, do you know the great news? Kutuzov - Field Marshal.] All disagreements are over. I'm so happy, so glad! - said Prince Vasily. - Enfin voila un homme, [Finally, this is a man.] - he said, significantly and sternly looking at everyone in the living room. L "homme de beaucoup de merite, despite his desire to get a seat, could not resist reminding Prince Vasily of his previous judgment. (This was disrespectful to Prince Vasily in Anna Pavlovna's drawing room, and to Anna Pavlovna, accepted the news; but he could not resist.)
- Mais on dit qu "il est aveugle, mon prince? [But they say he is blind?] - he said, reminding Prince Vasil of his own words.
- Allez donc, il y voit assez, [Eh, nonsense, he sees enough, believe me.] - said Prince Vasily in his bass, quick voice with a cough, that voice and with a cough with which he resolved all difficulties. “Allez, il y voit assez,” he repeated. “And what I am glad about,” he continued, “is that the sovereign gave him complete power over all the armies, over the entire region — power that no commander-in-chief has ever had. This is another autocrat, ”he concluded with a victorious smile.

Here you will find not only one of the versions of the text of the tale with translation into Russian, but also a coloring book for it. Plus a bonus: cards with tasks.

a coloring book for her.

« Jack and the Beanstalk"(Jack and the bean seed) Is a classic english fairy tale, written in the best traditions of English folklore.
There are several versions of this tale. You can find the one that you like best. I will give one of the simplest abridged versions of this tale, it was submitted by the British Council.

Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack. He lived with his mom. They were very poor. All they had was a cow.

One morning, Jack’s mother told Jack to take their cow to market and sell her. On the way, Jack met a man. He gave Jack some magic beans for the cow.

One morning Jack's mom told him to take the cow to the market and sell it. Jack met a man along the way. He gave Jack magic beans in return for the cow.

Jack took the beans and went back home. When Jack’s mother saw the beans she was very angry. She threw the beans out of the window.

Jack took the beans and went home. When Jack's mom saw the beans, she was very angry. She threw the beans out the window.

The next morning Jack looked out the window. A huge beanstalk grew there. Jack went out into the street and began to climb up the stem.

He climbed up to the sky through the clouds. Jack saw a beautiful castle. He went inside.

He climbed through the clouds up to the sky. Jack saw a beautiful castle. He went into it.

Jack heard a voice. "Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!" Jack ran into a cupboard.

A huge giant entered the room and sat down. A chicken and a golden harp lay on the table.

"Lay!" said the giant. The hen laid an egg. It was made of gold. "Sing!" said the giant. The harp began to sing. Soon the giant was asleep.

"Rush!" said the giant. And the hen laid the egg. It was golden. Sing! Said the giant. And the harp began to sing. Soon the giant fell asleep.

Jack jumped out of the cupboard. He took the hen and the harp. Suddenly, the harp sang, “Help, master!”

Jack jumped out of the closet. He took a chicken and a harp. But suddenly the harp began to sing: "Master, help!"

The giant woke up and shouted, “Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!” Jack ran and started climbing down the beanstalk. The giant came down after him.

The giant woke up and shouted: "Fi, fi, fo, fam!" Jack ran, he walked down the beanstalk. The giant climbed down after him.

Jack shouted, “Mother, help!” Jack's mother took an ax and chopped down the beanstalk. The giant fell and crashed to the ground. Nobody ever saw him again.

Jack shouted: "Mom, help!" Jack's mom took the ax and chopped off the beanstalk. The giant fell and crashed to the ground. No one saw him again.

With the hen laying golden eggs and the magic harp, Jack and his mother lived happily ever after.

Jack and his mom lived happily ever after with the golden goose and the magic harp.

My kids love coloring books a lot. They cut out the pages themselves, collect the book, paint and, of course, read. At the same time, they even read with great pleasure, since it turns out that this is, as it were, their book.
Therefore, I suggest you also master another version of "Jack and the Beanstalk" in the form of a coloring book. The text of the tale is even easier here.

Sample pages:

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Once upon a time there lived a poor widow, and she had an only son, Jack, and a cow named Belyanka. The cow gave milk, and the mother sold it in the bazaar - from this they lived. But one day Belyanka stopped giving milk.

“I'll try to find some work,” Jack said.

“You’ve already tried it, but no one takes you,” the mother answered angrily. - No, we will probably have to sell our cow and open a shop with this money.

“Well, so be it,” Jack agreed. - Today is the market day, and I will quickly sell Belianka.

Jack took the rein in his hands and led the cow to the market. But before he had time to go half the way, he met a wonderful old man.

- Good morning, Jack! - the old man greeted.

- Good morning to you too! - answered Jack, and thought to himself: "How does the old man know my name?"

- Where are you going? The old man asked Jack.

- To the market, to sell the cow.

- Looks like you're only good for this! - the old man laughed. - And tell me how many beans do you need to get five?

- Exactly two in each hand and one in your mouth! - answered Jack.

- I guessed it! - exclaimed the old man. - Look, these are the same beans! - and the old man pulled out of his pocket a handful of some extraordinary beans. - Let's change with you - you have beans, I have a cow!

- Come on by! - Jack was angry.

“You don’t know what those beans are,” said the old man. “Plant them in the evening, and by morning they will grow to the sky.

- Really ?! - Jack was surprised.

- So it will be! And if not, take your cow back.

- Okay! - agreed Jack: he gave the old man the cow, and put the beans in his pocket.

Jack turned back and trudged home.

- You're finally back, Jack! - the mother was delighted to see her son.

- I see that the cow is not with you, so you sold it. How much did you get paid for it?

- You will never guess! - answered Jack. - Look at these beans? They are magical. If you plant them in the evening, then ...

- How?! Cried Jack's mother. - You gave my beloved Belyanka for a handful of some beans? For what the Lord punishes me! Give me these beans! With these words, the mother grabbed the beans and threw them out the window. - Go to sleep! You're not getting dinner tonight!

Jack went upstairs to his little room and went to bed without having dinner.

He soon fell asleep.

The next morning, when Jack woke up and went to the window, he saw that the beans, which his mother had thrown out of the window into the garden in the evening, had sprouted. The huge stem continued to stretch and stretch upward until it grew to the very clouds. So the old man told the truth, and these beans are actually magic!

A bean stalk grew near the window itself. Jack threw it open, jumped onto the stem and climbed up as if on a tightrope. And he climbed, climbed, climbed, climbed, until he reached the sky.

There he saw a long and wide road. Jack stepped onto this road and followed it. He walked for a long time and came to a high, lofty house. And at the threshold of this house stood a tall, tall woman.

- Be so kind, give me something to eat, please! Jack had gone to bed without supper and was now very hungry.

- Want to eat? The tall, tall woman asked. - Get out of here as soon as possible, if you do not want to be eaten! My husband is a cannibal, and his favorite dish is the spit-roasted boys. Get out while you're safe, or he'll be home soon.

There was once a boy named Jack. His father died long ago, and he and his mother were left alone. They were very poor. More precisely, they had nothing but a single cow that gave them milk.

But, alas, the day came when the cow stopped milking, and Jack's mother decided that it would be better to sell it then. She ordered to take the cow to the nearest town and sell it there at the fair. “To make it as expensive as possible,” she said severely. Jack set off. But as soon as he walked a couple of miles, he saw a strange little old man, barely reaching his shoulder, walking towards him along the road.
- Hello boy! Sell \u200b\u200bme your cow, ”the old man suggested. “And I'll give you five beans in return. If you put them in the ground, then very soon they will make you rich.
Before Jack had time to utter a word in reply, the old man disappeared along with the cow, as if he was not there at all. Jack wondered if he had done the right thing in agreeing to such an exchange. What will the mother say to this? But the job was done, and with a heavy heart he went back home.
- How? Why are you back so soon? - the mother was surprised. - Well, and for how many coins did you sell the cow?
- For five beans.
- What a dumbass you are! We need money so much, there is nothing in the house! - shouted mother at Jack. - And as soon as you could think of such a thing!

She grabbed the beans and threw them out the window, and sent Jack to sleep hungry. When Jack woke up the next morning, he could not recognize his room. It was all bathed in a pleasant greenish light. Jack went to the window and saw an amazing picture - the beans that his mother threw out of the window yesterday sprouted during the night, their shoots intertwined into a huge stem, which went up high, high into the sky.
Jack dressed carefully so as not to wake his still sleeping mother, climbed over the windowsill directly onto the stalk and began to climb it. He was simply sure that the wealth the old man had told him about was waiting for him up there.
Jack climbed higher and higher. He looked down - the ground was so far away that he was scared, he felt dizzy, and Jack almost broke and fell. He decided not to look down anymore and stubbornly climbed up. Finally he hit the clouds, climbed a little higher and saw a long road.

Jack walked along the road and soon saw a huge castle ahead. He went to the castle gates and knocked. Soon a huge woman opened the door for him.

Illustrations: John Patience

There was once a boy named Jack. His father died long ago, and he and his mother were left alone. They were very poor. More precisely, they had nothing but a single cow that gave them milk.

But, alas, the day came when the cow stopped milking, and Jack's mother decided that it would be better to sell it then. She ordered to take the cow to the nearest town and sell it there at the fair. “To make it as expensive as possible,” she said severely. Jack set off. But as soon as he walked a couple of miles, he saw a strange little old man, barely reaching his shoulder, walking towards him along the road.

Hello boy! Sell \u200b\u200bme your cow, ”the old man suggested. “And I'll give you five beans in return. If you put them in the ground, then very soon they will make you rich.

Before Jack had time to utter a word in reply, the old man disappeared along with the cow, as if he was not there at all. Jack wondered if he had done the right thing in agreeing to such an exchange. What will the mother say to this? But the job was done, and with a heavy heart he went back home.

How? Why are you back so soon? - the mother was surprised. - Well, and for how many coins did you sell the cow?

For five beans.

What a dumbass you are! We need money so much, there is nothing in the house! - shouted mother at Jack. - And as soon as you could think of such a thing!

She grabbed the beans and threw them out the window, and sent Jack to sleep hungry. When Jack woke up the next morning, he could not recognize his room. She was all flooded

pleasant greenish light. Jack went to the window and saw an amazing picture - the beans that his mother threw out of the window yesterday sprouted overnight, their shoots intertwined into a huge stem, which went up high, high into the sky.

Jack dressed carefully so as not to wake his still sleeping mother, climbed over the windowsill straight onto the stalk and began to climb it. He was simply sure that the wealth the old man had told him about was waiting for him up there.

Jack climbed higher and higher. He looked down - the ground was so far away that he was scared, he felt dizzy, and Jack almost broke and fell. He decided not to look down anymore and stubbornly climbed up. Finally he hit the clouds, climbed a little higher and saw a long road.

Jack walked along the road and soon saw a huge castle ahead. He went to the castle gates and knocked. Soon a huge woman opened the door for him.

Get out of here, pick up, hello, ”she advised Jack. “If my giant husband finds you here, he will eat you.

Oh, I beg you, have mercy on me! - begged Jack. - I'm so hungry, do you have anything to eat?

The giantess felt sorry for Jack. She led him into the kitchen and gave him a piece of bread and cheese. Just as Jack had had time to eat, heavy footsteps were heard outside the door and a thunderous voice bellowed:

Bang, bang, bang, bang,

I sense the human spirit.

Be alive or dead

All one ends for you.

Oh my God, this is my husband! You're in deep trouble! Cried the giantess. - Hurry to get into the stove!

The giant burst into the kitchen, looked around suspiciously, sniffed, but his wife calmed him.

It can't smell like anything here except my oatmeal, ”she said, putting a giant bowl of porridge on the table.

The giant still grumbled and began to eat the porridge. Having emptied the bowl, he took out several bags from the sideboard, poured from one of them on the table a whole pile of gold coins and began to count them.

One, two, three, four ...

The longer he counted, the more often he yawned and, when he counted to ten, fell fast asleep. All this time, Jack peeped at the giant through a crack in the stove door. And, hearing the snoring, he left the stove and climbed onto the table, grabbed a bag of gold coins and started to run.

This gold was enough for Jack and his mother for a long time, but the day came when they spent the last coin. Then Jack decided to climb up the beanstalk again and get more money. And so he did. The giantess immediately recognized him and asked where the bag of gold had gone.

I'll tell you everything, ”Jack promised her,“ but please feed me first.

The giantess led Jack into the castle and gave him food. Again there were heavy footsteps outside the door, and again Jack had to hide. After feeding her husband, the giantess brought him a little chicken.

Chicken, come on, lay me an egg! - ordered the giant, and the hen really laid an egg right there and it was made of pure gold. Soon the giant fell asleep. Then Jack climbed out of the oven, grabbed a wonderful chicken, ran out of the castle and quickly climbed down the bean stalk down to the ground right into his garden.

How pleased the mother was with their new chicken! She didn’t want to rejoice at her, seeing new golden eggs every time.

Now we will never go hungry, she said.

As time went on, Jack began to get bored and decided to once again climb the beanstalk. He guessed that the giantess would not be happy with him, and therefore he waited until she left the castle to hang clothes, and he himself crept into the castle and hid in a copper pot.

Soon the giant came home and, sniffing, shouted:

Boo, bykh, bykh, boo,

I feel the human spirit!

Be alive or dead

All one ends for you.

But then the giantess came and began to assure her husband that he was dreaming. The giant calmed down and sat down to eat. Having eaten his fill, he shouted:

Come on, wife, carry my harp!

The wife brought a harp and put it on the table.

Sing, harp! - ordered the giant, and the harp gently sang a lullaby.

Soon the giant fell asleep and Jack got out of his hiding place, tiptoed up to the table, grabbed the harp and started to run. But this time he was not so lucky as before: the harp suddenly shouted loudly: “Master! Master!" - the giant woke up and ran after the thief. Out of fear, Jack rushed faster than the wind and, having reached the beanstalk, began to descend quickly.

Suddenly Jack heard a terrible crash and crash, from which Jack and the beanstalk were shaking - this was the giant coming down after him! Jack began to descend even faster.

Mama! - he shouted, finding himself on the ground. - Hurry, bring the ax!

Jack grabbed the ax, swung, hacked at the beanstalk, and cut it with three strikes. The beanstalk swayed — the top of its head appeared from behind the clouds — and fell to the ground with all its might. And along with the beanstalk, the giant himself collapsed with a terrible roar and crash. The earth trembled - from the impact the giant punched such a huge hole in it that he could not get out of it.

The bean stalk was withered, but it didn't matter anymore, because the hen diligently laid the golden eggs, and the harp sang, and Jack and his mother never knew the need again.

the end

English fairy tales for children. Jack and the beanstalk