Elective discipline in physical culture. Elective courses in physical culture

Athletic gymnastics, which is based on modern systems of physical exercises, has a high motivational value and has a certain attractiveness for high school students. Today, in our society, the media and television have formed the image of successful person- physically hardy, with a harmonious physique.

Professions that require a high level remain in demand and popular physical training. These include: for young men - work in the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, OMON, in various security organizations, study in military and fire schools; for girls - modeling business, teaching non-traditional types of gymnastics, such as shaping, fitness, etc.

The proposed elective course of athletic gymnastics is aimed at developing values ​​associated with the formation of a healthy lifestyle, physical improvement of the body, as well as the rejection of negative manifestations that exist in the life of young people, including bad habits. It is designed for students in grades 10-11. The volume is 34 hours, 1 hour per week for a year or 2 hours per week for six months.

For a school with an in-depth study of physical culture, this elective course is aimed at mastering the ability of students to carry out their own physical culture, health and sports activities.


Slides captions:

Harmony and perfection of the physique
The elective course in physical education was compiled by Sosyura.S.N.
Explanatory note
Athletic gymnastics, which is based on modern systems of physical exercises, has a high motivational value and has a certain attractiveness for high school students. Today, in our society, the mass media and television have formed the image of a successful person - physically resilient, with a harmonious physique. Professions that require a high level of physical fitness remain in demand and popular. These include: for young men - work in the structures of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, OMON, in various security organizations, study in military and fire schools; for girls - modeling business, teaching non-traditional types of gymnastics, such as shaping, fitness, etc. The proposed elective course of athletic gymnastics is aimed at developing values ​​associated with the formation of a healthy lifestyle, physical improvement of the body, as well as the rejection of negative manifestations, existing in the life of young people, including bad habits. It is designed for students in grades 10-11. The volume is 34 hours, 1 hour per week for a year or 2 hours per week for half a year. For a school with in-depth study of physical culture, this elective course is aimed at mastering the ability of students to carry out their own physical culture, health and sports activities.
The purpose of training. Course objectives.
The purpose of the training: targeted physical training, but athletic gymnastics, the results of which will be useful in subsequent training, choosing a profession, productive work, military service. An additional goal of the course is the organization of self-study through the compilation of athletic gymnastics complexes aimed at strengthening health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Course objectives: mastering knowledge about the forms of athletic gymnastics and using them in self-development and self-improvement of the physical and mental abilities of the body; education of willpower, discipline, purposefulness; formation of the need for a culture of movements, a harmonious, beautiful physique and an increase on this basis of a real self-esteem of the individual. Conceptually, the program is built on the personality-oriented nature of learning. This means that athletic gymnastics takes into account the individual body types of students, their physical fitness, health status, as well as mental development. In this course, the fundamental experience of the J. Vader system finds practical application.
Program content
The content of the elective course program is a physical system with a health-improving and corrective orientation. The course is built on the principle of transition from the development of basic physical qualities (fundamental) to private (profiled), thereby ensuring the transfer of mastered knowledge into practical skills and abilities. The practical content of the course is a system of physical exercises, presented in unity with the basics of knowledge about athletic gymnastics and the physical characteristics of a growing person. Students' reporting on the results of mastering the elective course consists of: analysis of the results after completing tests to assess physical qualities: - strength, strength endurance, speed strength, speed and general endurance, in accordance with the requirements of the mandatory minimum development of physical abilities, before the start of the elective course; - comparison of test data the same qualities after the elective course and determining the assessment of the level of physical condition, taking into account the increase in results: preparing and defending theoretical work on compiling a set of athletic gymnastics exercises to fulfill the goals and objectives of this course.
Class structure
The structure of the elective course lessons corresponds to the level principle of their construction. From lesson to lesson, the weight of shells and weights of simulators regularly increases, as well as the number of repetitions of exercises. However, depending on the state of health and physical condition on specific days, both an increase in weight and intensity of exercise, and a decrease are used. The first two practical lessons are devoted to the technique of movements and ideas about the level of initial strength, i.e. what weight can be used with the correct number of repetitions. The next three sessions are needed to explore what weight the student is able to use in each exercise within the maximum for boys and girls. Then regular weight gain will reflect the real possibilities of "building" the physique.
The position of the teacher
The position of the teacher during this elective course varies depending on the stages of mastering the program. The first stage is organizational activity aimed at mastering the basics of training culture by students in athletic gymnastics classes. At the second stage, the teacher acts more as an adviser, recommending and controlling the technique of performing movements, increasing the weight of weights and the number of repetitions in specific exercises. At the third stage, taking into account the experience gained by students, the teacher mainly performs the functions of a consultant.
Methods. Immediate results.
The methods of conducting the training sessions of the course are different and depend on the type of conducting, both the lesson and its part. The frontal method is used in the theoretical section, with calming exercises and stretching. The flow method is used in circuit training. The shift method is necessary when insuring a partner, when the insurer changes places with the one who completed the exercise. An individual method is necessary when taking into account the physical characteristics of a student. Most often, due to the heterogeneity of most lessons, a mixed method is used. The direct result of the elective course will be: improvement of the physical qualities of high school students, health promotion and the formation of a healthy lifestyle motivation; a health-improving and corrective effect, expressed in a change in the volume and relief of the muscles, as well as in a general improvement in the structure of the body. The organization of independent studies will be a delayed result of the course. , drawing up individual complexes of athletic gymnastics, as well as using the knowledge, skills and results of athletic gymnastics in subsequent education, choosing a profession. The content of the elective course can be integrated with the main program content for the school physical education course, as well as with training courses in biology, requiring knowledge of anatomical, physiological and hygienic requirements.
Section 1. Fundamentals of knowledge about athletic gymnastics. Lesson 1. Safety in athletic gymnastics (1 hour).
Section 2. Ways of physical culture activity in athletic gymnastics.
Lesson 2. Determining the level of physical qualities: strength, speed strength, endurance, strength endurance (2 hours).
Lesson 3
Goals and objectives of athletic gymnastics. Studying the technique of movements with projectiles and on simulators, assessing the magnitude of the burden (3 hours).
Lesson 4.
. The main muscle groups, the nature of movement in training exercises (2 hours). A set of exercises No. 1: bench press, lying on a horizontal bench; breeding arms with dumbbells to the sides, lying on a horizontal bench; lifting arms with dumbbells through the sides, standing; bench press from behind the head, sitting; squatting with a barbell on the back on the bench; leg straightening, sit on the simulator; bending the legs, lying prone on the simulator; exercises for the muscles of the neck in all directions.
Complex №1
Lesson 5.
The main muscle groups, the nature of movement in training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises 2: lifting the bar to the chest; one-handed dumbbell row; lowering bent arms with a barbell behind the head while lying down; raising arms through the sides in an inclination; bending the arm with the support of the elbow in the thigh; bending the arms at the wrists with a barbell grip from below; lifting the body from a prone position; straightening the arm at the elbow back in an inclination; lifting socks from a position lying with weights on the simulator.
Complex №2
Lesson 6.
The main muscle groups, the nature of movement in training exercises (1 hour). Set of exercises 3: squatting with a barbell on the back on the bench; straightening the legs while sitting on the simulator; bending the legs, lying prone on the simulator; backbone strength on the simulator; lifting weights to the stomach in an incline on the simulator; bench press, lying on an inclined bench; bench press from behind the head, sitting; straightening the arm, sitting at the elbow (French bench press): lifting the arms through the sides in an inclination; leg raises while lying on an incline bench.
Complex №3
Lesson 7
Diet plan for athletics (1 hour). A set of exercises number 1.
Lesson 8. Vitamins and minerals (1 hour). A set of exercises number 2.
Lesson 9
Means of recovery, work in the first zone of intensity, contrast shower, bath, sauna (1 hour). A set of exercises number 3.
Lesson 10.
Circular training of general physical orientation (1 hour). A set of exercises: lifting legs. to the chest, bending the knees in the hang on the gymnastic wall 10-15 times; flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position 10-18 times; from the stop, crouching, jumping up with claps of the palms above the head 20-25 times; squatting on one leg with support on the second (left - right) 12-18 times; pull-ups on a low bar from a prone position 13-15 times, on a high bar 6-10 times; carrying a partner on the back 15 m 3 times, replacing each other. The pace of the exercises is above average, rest between stations is 30-45s, and between circles is 3-5 minutes.
Lesson 11
Means of physical recovery. Autogenic training (1 hour). A set of exercises No. 1. Lesson 12. Pharmacological means of restoring physical condition. The inadmissibility of the use of hormonal and other prohibited drugs (1 hour). A set of exercises number 2.
Lesson 13
Motivation for athletic gymnastics (1 hour). A set of exercises No. 3. Lesson 14. Formation of a positive attitude towards classes (1 hour). A set of exercises No. 1. Lesson 15. Diet during intensive training (1 hour). Complex: exercises number 2.
Lesson 16.
Training exercises (1 hour). A set of exercises No. 3. Lesson 17. Circular training of increased intensity (1 hour).
Lesson 18.
Active recreation (1 hour). Performing exercises and tasks in free form: jogging, pedaling an exercise bike, exercises with a medicine ball weighing 1-2 kg. Catching and passing medicine ball, pushing, throwing, game tasks.
Lesson 19.
Training exercises (1 hour). A set of exercises No. 1. Lesson 20. Training exercises (1 hour). A set of exercises No. 2. Lesson 21. Training exercises (1 hour). A set of exercises No. 3. Lesson 22. Training exercises (1 hour). A set of exercises No. 1. Lesson 23. Training exercises (1 hour). A set of exercises No. 2. Lesson 24. Training exercises (1 hour). A set of exercises number 3.
Lesson 25
Circuit training for power development (1 hour). A set of exercises; lifting the legs, bending the knees to the chest while hanging on the gymnastic wall 10-15 times; squatting on one leg with support on the second (left - right) 12-18 times; pull-ups on a low bar from a prone position 13-15 times, on a high bar 6-10 times: carrying a partner on his back 15 m 3 times, replacing each other. The pace of the exercises is high, rest between stations is 30 seconds, and between circles is 3 minutes. Number of runs -- 4 laps (1 hour).
Lesson 26
Active recreation (1 hour). A set of exercises: running at an easy warm-up pace, pedaling an exercise bike, general developmental exercises without objects at the gymnastic wall; intensity zone within 1-2 zones (1 hour).
Lesson 27
Training exercises (1 hour). A set of exercises No. 1. Lesson 28. Training exercises (1 hour). A set of exercises No. 2. Lesson 29. Training exercises (1 hour). A set of exercises No. 3. Lesson 30. Circular training of a general physical orientation (1 hour).
Lesson 31.
Determination of the increase in the level of physical qualities based on the results of the elective course: strength, speed strength, endurance, strength endurance (1 hour). Lesson 32. Protection of individual projects: sets of athletic gymnastics exercises for further improvement, taking into account the individual characteristics of the student (1 hour).

Course program "Self-control of exercisers»

Tavgazov Skandarbek Georgievich,

physical culture teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 23", Aikhal village

Explanatory note

The importance of physical culture and sports is steadily increasing every day. Physical culture and sports prepare a person for life, harden the body and improve health, contribute to the harmonious physical development of a person, contribute to the education of the necessary personality traits, moral and physical qualities necessary for future specialists in their professional activities. With regular exercise and sports, it is very important to systematically monitor your well-being and overall health.To study the influence of physical exercises on people involved in physical culture and sports of people, studies are carried out on the functional state of the body or its individual systems. For this purpose, functional tests and tests are used to determine the athlete's adaptation to a particular physical load, the recovery period, the level of performance and training effect. Indicators of the functional state are such physiological parameters of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems as heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), blood pressure (BP), maximum oxygen consumption (MOC), vital capacity (VC), etc.

Elective course "Know thyself" allows students to gain the necessary knowledge to expand their horizons in the field of physical culture and sports.

The elective course is designed for 17 hours . Sufficient attention is paid to the independent and practical work of children using technical teaching aids. The program addresses the issues of in-depth research physical development and assessment of the functional state of a person.

The purpose of training – formation of the physical culture of the student's personality by mastering the basics of the content of physical culture activities with a general developmental focus.

In accordance with the purpose, formed tasks elective course:

Educating the student of a responsible attitude to personal health as an individual and social value,formation in students of a conscious attitude to their own strengths, firm confidence in them, readiness for bold and decisive actions, overcoming the physical loads necessary for the full functioning of the subject, as well as the need for systematic physical exercises and, in general, in the implementation of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of knowledge about physical culture activities reflecting the psychological, pedagogical and medical and biological foundations;

Know: basic requirements for self-control during physical activity

Be able to: independently conduct, adjust and control the main methods of self-control

Own: basic methods of self-control

  1. Providing course content

Literature: O-1; O-2; H-1; D-3; D 7; D-13.


In the process of mastering the courses, the following educational technologies are used:

1. Standard teaching methods:

  • lectures;
  • Practical lessons;
  • Computer testing;
  • Training in a chosen sport (for students included in the national teams of the university);
  • Discussion of abstracts;
  • Cultural and educational work in student research groups;
  • Independent work of students;
  • Teacher consultations.

2. Teaching methods using interactive forms of educational technologies:

  • interactive lectures;
  • computer simulations;
  • group discussions and projects;
  • discussion of the results of the work of student research groups;


Integration of basic and additional education in the field of physical culture and sports.

The material included in the program can be applied to various groups (categories) of schoolchildren, and contains knowledge that arouses the cognitive interest of students and is of practical value for determining a comprehensive assessment of an individual's health.

Educational and thematic plan



Number of hours



some classes

form of control

Introduction. Modern methods of human research (brief review)

Methods of research and evaluation of the functional state of a person

Test control

Functional trials

Lab. Job

Methods for studying the physical development of a person

Lab. Job

Evaluation of the individual level of physical fitness and determination of the motor age of schoolchildren

Lab. Job

Final lesson


Total hours

  1. 1. Introduction. Modern research methods

General scientific research methods. Theoretical Methods research. Empirical research methods. Physiometric research methods.

  1. 2. Methods of research and evaluation of the functional state of a person

Influence of physical exercises on the person. Functional trials and tests. Indicators of the functional state of a person.

  1. 3. Functional tests

Functional tests: goals, objectives. Characteristics of functional samples. Martinet test. Kotov-Deshin test. Sample S.P. Letunov. Harvard step test. Determination of heart rate (HR). Ruffier test. Individual training pulse (ITP).

  1. 4. Methods for studying the physical development of a person

Methods for measuring indicators of physical development. Methods of external examination of a person. Somatoscopy. Methods of instrumental study of human physical development. Anthropometry. Physiometry.

5. Evaluation of the individual level of physical fitness and determination of the motor age of schoolchildren

Testing. Ways to run tests. Physical fitness. The level of physical fitness. Physical activity. motor age. Indicators of physical fitness. Age rating standards. Motor fitness testing protocol

This elective course is recommended to be included in syllabus schools for students in grades 10-11 within the framework of both defense-sports and universal profiles. You can also use an elective course within the framework of the chemical and biological profile, while increasing the topic “Methods for studying the physical development of a person” up to 5 hours due to the topic “Evaluation of the individual level of physical fitness and determining the motor age of schoolchildren”.

For the qualitative conduct of the elective course "Know Yourself", it is recommended to include interactive learning in the lecture part (8 hours), actively using multimedia equipment and video equipment.

For the practical part (9 hours), it is recommended to use information-simulator, medical equipment and technical training aids.

Control questions and tasks.

1. What is the purpose of self-control?

2. Specify the subjective data of self-control

3. Specify the objective data of self-control

4. What is the breath holding on inspiration (Stange test) in healthy adults?

5. What is the breath hold on exhalation (Genchi test) of trained people?

6. What heart rate should not be exceeded when exercising at the age of 18?

7. What are the main general scientific research methods?

8. What does "physiometric research methods" mean?

9. By what indicators is the functional state of a person determined?

10. What does the term "functional test" mean?

11. Functional tests: goals, objectives?

12. What are the methods for studying the physical development of a person?

13. List the main ways to measure indicators of physical development?

14. What refers to the methods of instrumental research of the physical development of a person?

15. What is "motor activity"?

16. What does the term "Physical fitness" mean?

17. How is a person's motor age determined?

18. Describe the methodology for conducting the Harvard step test?

19. Describe the method of S.P. Letunov's test?

20. List the most common functional trials and tests?

Practical tasks

Exercise 1. The pulse rate of an untrained adult ranges normally from 60 to 90 beats per minute.

Measure your heart rate at rest. If its frequency is 41-60 beats / min - an excellent result; 61-74 - good; 75-90 - satisfactory; more than 90 beats / min - unsatisfactory (should consult a doctor).

Task 2. Do a squat test.

Standing (legs together), count the pulse for 30 seconds. Then, at a slow pace, do 20 squats, raising your arms forward and keeping your torso straight, and spreading your knees to the sides. After squats, count the pulse again.

An increase in heart rate indicates the state of the body: less than 25% - excellent; 25-50% - satisfactory; 75% and above - unsatisfactory.

Task 3. Climb up the stairs to the 4th floor.

If after lifting it is easy to breathe, there are no unpleasant sensations, then you can consider the degree of your physical fitness to be good. The appearance of shortness of breath (rapidity and difficulty in breathing) on ​​the 4th floor indicates an average degree of physical fitness, on the 3rd floor - poor. More accurate data from this test can be obtained by measuring the pulse at rest, and then immediately after rising to the 4th floor. If, after lifting, the pulse is 100 beats / min and below - excellent; 101 -120 - good; 121-140 - satisfactory; above 140 beats / min - bad.

Task 4. Determine your posture. To do this, measure the width of the shoulders and the arch of the back. The measurement instruction is as follows. Feel for protruding bony points above the shoulder joints. Take the tape measure with your left hand at the zero division and press it to the left point. With your right hand, stretch the tape along the collarbone line to the right point. The resulting number shows the width of the shoulders. Then move the tape behind the head and stretch it along the line of the upper edge of the shoulder blade from the left point to the right. The resulting number indicates the size of the arc of the back. Make a calculation using the formula:

shoulder width, cm

X 100%

size of the arch of the back, cm

Norm: 100-110%.

Rate 90% indicates a serious violation of posture. When this indicator is reduced to 85-90% or increase to 125-130% you need to see an orthopedic doctor.

Task 5. (for boys). Find your fitness level, compare it to your average, and do exercises to improve your level.

a) strength. Starting position - emphasis with hands lying on the floor. Perform the maximum possible flexion and extension of the arms (push-ups from the floor), while the body must be kept straight. The average figure for boys aged 16-17 is 15 push-ups from the floor.

b) Speed. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Sit down quickly and stretch your arms forward. Then stand up, rise on your toes, lower your hands.

Starting position - standing, legs apart, right hand above, left below. Quickly change the position of the hands.

The number of repetitions in 6 s is counted. The average value for boys aged 16: squats - 6 times, changing the position of the hands - 16 times; for boys aged 17; squats - 7 times, changing the position of the hands - 17 times.

c) Agility . Take two small objects that are easy to grasp with your hand (tennis balls, smooth pebbles), and toss them one after the other, first with your left and then with your right hand.

The duration of the continuity of the exercise with each hand is taken into account. Average dexterity for young men: 16 years old - 45 s. left and 75 s. right hand; 17 years - 60 s. left and 90 s. right.

d) Flexibility . Starting position - main stance. Lean forward as far as you can while keeping your legs straight. If you were able to touch the floor with the palms of both hands, then you have good flexibility, if not, then it should be developed.

Task 6. Exercise self-control over the state of health and physical development. Record observations in a diary at least 1-3 times a week. The diary contains objective data recorded by devices (body length and weight, pulse rate, blood pressure, etc.), and subjective sensations (mood, well-being, decreased performance, worsening sleep, appetite, discomfort and pain, etc.). It is also desirable to note the content of the lessons.

Task 7. Self-monitoring of working capacity can be objectively carried out according to the Rufier-Dixon test, which is carried out

in the following way.

Lying on your back, count the pulse in 15 seconds (P1) - Then stand up and do 30 squats in 45 seconds. Lie down again and immediately count your pulse for 15 seconds. during the first minute (P2) and for the last 15 s. from the same first minute (P3). The calculation of working capacity (A) is made according to the formula:

A \u003d (P1 + P2 + P3) x 4 -200

The results are evaluated as follows: 0-3 - good; 4-6 - medium; 7-8 - satisfactory; over 8 - bad

Task 8. Determine the heart rate (HR) at rest?

Task 9. Determine your individual training heart rate (ITP)?

In order for physical education to be beneficial, everyone must know how to choose the right load and control it. This can be done using the Kervonen formula, which allows you to determine the individual training pulse (ITP) through simple mathematical calculations. To do this, you need to sit on a chair, count your pulse at rest for one minute and, after a series of calculations, get a digital expression of the ITP.

1. From the number 220 you need to subtract the amount (your age in years plus heart rate at rest for 1 min.)

2. Multiply the resulting figure by 0.6 and add to it the value of the pulse at rest.

Example: If you are 16 years old and have a resting heart rate of 66 bpm, the calculations will show that your ITP is (220-(16+66) x 0.6 +66 = 148 bpm

Tasks 10. Measure blood pressure (BP) twice in a sitting position and name the maximum (systolic) blood pressure and the minimum (diastolic) blood pressure?

Main literature:

  1. Physical culture of a student: A textbook for students of higher educational institutions / Under the general editorship of V.I. Ilyinich. – M.: Gardariki, 2009.
  2. "Theory and methods of physical education: textbook" Andrey Vasilkov, 2008
  3. Physical culture and sports in Russian Federation: new challenges of our time / S.V. Alekseev et al. - Moscow. - “Theory and practice of physical culture and sports. - 2013.-780s.

Additional literature:

  1. Baranov V. A., Venglinsky G. P., Stolyar K. E. Theory and practice of physical culture at the university: tutorial. – M.: RGTEU, 2004.
  2. Baranov V. A., Tsedilin Yu. V., Yakushev V. A. Physical culture in the general cultural and professional training of students: a course of lectures. – M.: RGTEU, 2005.
  3. Baranov V. A. Social problems of physical culture and sport in modern society: monograph. – M.: RGTEU, 2006.
  4. Baranov V. A. Physical culture as an institution of quality of life in the conditions of Russian social reality: monograph. – M.: RGTEU, 2009.
  5. Zheleznyak Yu. D. Fundamentals of scientific and methodological activity in physical culture and sports: a tutorial. - M .: Information Center "Academy", 2008.
  6. Ilyinich V.I. Student sports and life: Textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - M.: JSC "Aspect Press", 1995.
  7. Independent physical exercises: Educational and methodical manual. Lutchenko N.G., Shchegolev V.A., Volkov V.Yu., and others: - St. Petersburg: SPbGTU, 1999.
  8. Rodichenko V.S. Student's Olympic textbook: A manual for the formation of the Olympic education system in non-sports higher educational institutions - 5th ed., Revised. and additional - M .: Soviet sport, 2009.
  9. Physical culture: Printed version of the electronic textbook / V.Yu. Volkov, L.M. Volkova: 2nd ed. correct and additional - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of the Polytechnic. un-ta, 2009.
  10. Journals: Theory and Practice of Physical Education, university lecturer and innovative technologies. Higher Education in Russia: Scientific and Pedagogical Journal of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation;
  11. Kuramshin Yu.F. Theory and methodology of physical culture and sports. Moscow: Soviet sport, 2007.
  12. Physiological bases of motor activity / Fomin.-M.-1991.
  13. Human Physiology / Schmidt, Tevs et al. 3 volumes - M. - 2001.
  14. Theory and methodology of physical culture / Matveev. – 1991.

15. Akhundov R.A. Fundamentals of scientific and methodological activities in physical culture and sports: Textbook. - Belgorod: Publishing House of BelSU, 2001.

16. Kuramshin Yu.F. Theory of Physical Culture: Textbook. - 2 - ed., Rev. - M .: Soviet sport, 2004.

17. Butin I.M., Butina I.A. etc. Physical culture: 9-11 cells: Proc. A guide for students in general. institution - M .: Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2003.

18. Ashmarin B.A. Theory and methodology of pedagogical research in physical education. - M .: Fizkultura and sport, 1978.

19. Vavilov Yu.N. Assessment of the individual level of physical condition // Physical culture at school. - 1997. - No. 7.

20. Zheleznyak Yu.D. Smirnov Yu.I. bases of scientific and pedagogical activity. Education. M.: 1996

211. Guide to laboratory studies on the hygiene of children and adolescents: Proc. Benefit / Berzin V.I., Slepushkina I.I., Glushchenko A.G. and others - K. Vyscha school. Head publishing house, 1989.

Regulatory documents:

2. Strategy for the development of physical culture and sports and sports in the Russian Federation for

Period up to 2020” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1101-R of 08/07/2009

  1. www.reu-sport.ru – Center “Sports Club of the Russian Economic University named after G.V. Plekhanov
  2. http://www.minsport.gov.ru/

    Elective courses in physical culture are provided by UMK - a lecture course, thematic plans implementation of physical culture in various areas of training, 5 sports facilities with appropriate sports equipment (swimming pool, 2 gyms, 2 general physical training halls)

The collection of elective courses (defence-sports profile) is addressed to teachers of general educational institutions that implement profile-based education for schoolchildren.

Nikiforov A.A..

Head of the Cabinet of Physical Culture and Technology BelRIPCPS

Sereda N.S.

methodologist of the cabinet of physical culture and technology BelRIPCPS

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education of Russia)

Department of General and Preschool Education

No. 14-51-277/13 dated 11/13/2003

Elective courses in profile education

Elective courses (elective courses) play an important role in the system of specialized education at the senior school level. Unlike elective courses that currently exist at school, elective courses are mandatory for high school students.

In accordance with the “Concept of specialized education at the senior level” approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia general education» Differentiation of the content of education in the senior classes is carried out on the basis of various combinations of three types of courses: basic, specialized, elective. Each of the courses of these three types contributes to the solution of the problems of specialized education. However, it is possible to single out a range of tasks that are priority for courses of each type.

Basic general education courses reflect the invariant part of education that is mandatory for all schoolchildren and is aimed at completing the general education of students. Profile courses provide in-depth study individual subjects and are focused, first of all, on preparing school graduates for subsequent professional education. Elective courses are connected, first of all, with the satisfaction of individual educational interests, needs and inclinations of each student. They are essentially the most important means of building individual educational programs, because V most are connected with the choice of the content of education by each student depending on his interests, abilities, subsequent life plans. Elective courses, as it were, “compensate” in many respects for the rather limited possibilities of basic and specialized courses in meeting the various educational needs of high school students.

This role of elective courses in the system of specialized education determines a wide range of their functions and tasks.

By purpose, several types of elective courses can be distinguished. Some of them can be, as it were, a “superstructure” of specialized courses and provide the most capable students with an increased level of study of a particular subject. Other electives should provide interdisciplinary connections and provide an opportunity to study related subjects at the profile level. An example of such elective courses are the courses: Math statistics» for schoolchildren who have chosen an economic profile, "Computer Graphics" for an industrial-technological profile, or "History of Art" for a humanitarian profile. The third type of elective courses will help a student studying in a specialized class, where one of the subjects is studied at a basic level, prepare for passing the exam in this subject at an advanced level. Another type of elective courses can be focused on the acquisition of educational results by schoolchildren for successful advancement in the labor market. Examples of such courses are Office Work or Business English courses, preparation courses for work in the service sector, etc. Finally, the cognitive interests of many high school students can often go beyond traditional school subjects, extend to areas of human activity outside the range of their chosen educational profile. This determines the appearance in the senior grades of elective courses that are of an "extra-subject" or "above-subject" character. An example of such courses are electives such as "Fundamentals of rational nutrition" or "Preparation of a motorist."

Assessing the possibility and pedagogical expediency of introducing certain elective courses, one should also remember about such important tasks as the formation of skills and methods of activity for solving practically important tasks during their study, the continuation of career guidance work, awareness of the possibilities and ways of implementing the chosen life path, etc. d.

Elective courses are implemented at the school at the expense of the time allotted for the component of the educational institution.

When introducing elective courses into school education, it is necessary to take into account that we are talking not only about their programs and teaching aids, but also about the entire methodological system teaching these courses in general. After all, specialized education is not only a differentiation of the content of education, but, as a rule, a differently constructed educational process. That is why in the exemplary curricula of individual profiles, within the time allotted for elective courses, there are hours in grades 10-11 for organizing educational practices, projects, research activities. These forms of learning, along with the development of independent learning activities students, the use of new teaching methods (for example, distance learning, educational business games, etc.) will become an important factor in the successful conduct of classes in elective courses.

The proposed organization of training necessitates the division of the class into at least two subgroups.

Elective courses, as the most differentiated, variable part of school education, will require new solutions in their organization. The wide range and varied nature of electives can put an individual school in a difficult position, defined by a shortage of teaching staff, the lack of appropriate educational and methodological support. In these cases, network forms of interaction between educational institutions acquire a special role. Network forms provide for the unification, cooperation of the educational potential of several educational institutions, including institutions of primary, secondary, higher professional and additional education.

A special role in the successful introduction of elective courses will be played by the preparation of educational literature for these courses.

The Ministry is currently working in this direction. On the instructions of the Ministry, the National Personnel Training Fund held a competition of teaching aids for elective courses. As a result of the competition, programs, educational and methodological materials were prepared for 8-10 elective courses for each subject. In the coming months, the publication of a collection of programs for these electives is being prepared, which will be sent to the educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The work of the teams of authors on the recommendations of educational and methodological manuals is nearing completion, and in early 2004 it is planned to publish them.

We emphasize that textbooks for elective courses, for circle work, as well as popular science literature, reference books can also be used as educational literature for elective courses.

The experience of a number of regions participating in the experiment on specialized training shows that in institutes for advanced training, pedagogical universities local schools create their own versions of elective courses. Many of them are of interest and deserve support. In this regard, it is possible to recommend regional and municipal education authorities to create data banks on elective courses, organize information support and exchange experience in introducing elective courses.

The educational institution makes a decision and is responsible for the content and conduct of elective courses in the manner determined by the founder.

The creation of elective courses is an essential part of ensuring the introduction of specialized education. Therefore, their development and implementation should become part of the Regional programs for the transition to specialized education.

The experience of creating and implementing elective courses, issues of educational and methodological support of electives will be widely covered in the pedagogical press, primarily in the specialized school magazine established by the Ministry of Education of Russia and the Russian Academy of Education.

P course program

Methods of teaching the basics of theory and

methods of physical education and sports

Ildar Latypov, Ph.D. RSUPC. Moscow

Explanatory note

The elective course "Methods of teaching the basics of the theory and methodology of physical education and sports" is aimed at students in grades 10-11 at the profile level

Purpose and objectives of the course

The content of the program of specialized training in the field of physical culture at the senior level of general education involves the study of the main issues of the theory and methodology of physical education and sports. The subject "Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports" is a pivotal one in the curriculum for training specialists in physical education universities, since mastering the content of this academic discipline serves as a necessary theoretical basis for mastering the knowledge, skills and abilities of sports and pedagogical disciplines.

That is why in grades 10-11 of the sports and pedagogical profile it is advisable to introduce an elective course "Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical education and sports", designed for 68 study hours.

The study of this course will deepen the knowledge of students in the field of physical culture, understand the features of the formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of motor abilities in the process of physical education.

At the same time, the content of the course has a pronounced propaedeutic character, which implies a particularly careful adaptation of complex theoretical material in relation to the level of training of students in the sports and pedagogical class.

The purpose of the course is to master knowledge about physical culture, its connection with physical education and sports training, and to form a holistic view of the professional activity of a specialist in the field of physical culture and sports among schoolchildren.

Course objectives:

– mastery of knowledge on the methodology of teaching motor actions, health-improving physical and sports training;

– familiarization with the main forms of professional activity of a physical education teacher and a sports coach;

– mastering the initial skills and abilities of pedagogical activity.

The educational material includes theoretical (lectures), practical exercises and seminars. The content of the seminars includes material for deepening knowledge and developing the cognitive, creative abilities of students, testing their knowledge. In these classes, educational discussions on problematic issues, business learning games are also actively held; educational and cognitive tasks are solved.

At practical classes, students are taught pedagogical skills and professional skills of a specialist in physical culture. Students master the methods of teaching and training, the forms of organizing classes, the methods of using physical exercises in order to influence the functions of individual organs, systems and the body as a whole.

The course of theory and methodology of physical education and sports ends with educational and methodological practice aimed at the formation of pedagogical skills, familiarization with the main forms of professional activity of a physical education teacher at school.

Educational and thematic plan for studying the course
"Fundamentals of the theory and methodology of physical education and sports"

Topic 1. Basic concepts of physical culture.

The objectives of the course "Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical education and sports."

Basic concepts: "physical culture", "physical education", "physical development", "physical training", "physical perfection", "sport". General characteristics of physical culture. Functions of physical culture. Basic physical culture. Recreative physical culture. Professionally applied physical culture.

1. Give a definition of the concept of "physical culture". Tell us about its connection with the culture of man and society.

2. Expand the content of the concepts of "physical education" and "sport".

3. Name the varieties and structure of physical culture.

Topic 2. The system of physical education in Russia.

The idea of ​​physical education as a system. The purpose and objectives of the modern system of physical education. The structure of the domestic system of physical education. The main directions in physical education: general physical training, professionally applied physical training, sports training. Fundamentals of physical education in Russia.

Principles of physical education. The connection of physical education with education and upbringing. Organizational forms of physical education: preschool educational institutions, secondary schools, educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, universities, institutions of additional sports education (DYUKFP, DYUSSH, etc.), sports clubs and associations. Physical education in the army and navy.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Expand the essence of the system of physical education in Russia.

2. Name the purpose and main tasks of physical education.

3. Name the general socio-pedagogical principles of physical education.

Topic 3. Means of physical education.

General concept about the means of physical education. Varieties of means of physical education as an integral system of influence. Basic and auxiliary means of physical education.

Physical exercises are the main and specific means of physical education. General characteristics of physical exercises. Classification of physical exercises. Games, gymnastics and tourism as a means of physical education.

Natural forces of nature and hygiene factors as a means of physical education.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. What is meant by physical exercises?

2. Indicate the significant differences between physical exercises and other forms of physical activity (labor, everyday, etc.).

3. Name other means of physical education.

Topic 4. Methods of physical education.

The general concept of the methods of physical education and their structural basis. Classification of teaching methods: general pedagogical and practical methods. The method of using the word. Visual perception method: showing motor action, demonstration of visual aids, sound and light signaling. Practical methods: strictly regulated exercise method, game method, competitive method.

Methods of teaching motor actions and methods of educating motor abilities.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Name the methods of physical education.

2. What is the teaching methodology? Name the teaching methods.

3. What is the essence of game and competitive methods?

Topic 5. General characteristics of physical education of schoolchildren.

Meaning and tasks of physical education of schoolchildren. Regulations on the physical education of secondary school students.

Physical education of children of primary school age. Purpose and tasks of physical education. Means of physical education. Features of the technique.

Physical education of children of middle school age. Goal and tasks. Means of physical education. Features of the technique.

Physical education of children of senior school age. Goal and tasks. Means of physical education. Features of the technique.

Physical education of students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons. Tasks of physical education. Means of physical education. Features of the technique.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Expand the essence and main tasks of physical education of schoolchildren.

2. How is physical education carried out at school?

3. List the main means and methods used in the organization of cultural leisure and a healthy lifestyle for schoolchildren.

Topic 6. Fundamentals of teaching motor actions.

Movement training. Motor skills and abilities. The value of motor skills. Patterns of motor skill and motor skill formation. The structure of learning. Stages of teaching motor actions: the stage of familiarization with the motor action, the stage of learning, the stage of improvement. The use of teaching methods at various stages of learning motor actions. Features of teaching motor actions in accordance with the solution of educational, educational and recreational tasks.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. What is meant by the concepts of "motor skill" and "motor skill"?

2. Name the stages of learning motor actions.

3. List the basic rules for independent mastering of motor actions.

Topic 7. Physical qualities. Education of motor abilities of school-age children.

Definition of the concept of "physical qualities". Classification of physical qualities, their characteristics. Strength as a physical quality. Speed ​​as a physical quality. Flexibility as a physical quality. Endurance as a physical quality. Age development of physical qualities. The concept of sensitive (sensitive) periods of development. Realization of physical qualities in motional actions.

Strength abilities of children and methods of education. Tasks, means and methods of developing speed abilities. Features of the education of flexibility in children of school age. Endurance and methods of its development. The main components of loads in the development of endurance. Coordination abilities of schoolchildren and methods of their improvement. Features of the methodology for the development of motor abilities in schoolchildren.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Define the concepts of "physical qualities" and "motor abilities".

2. List the main physical qualities.

3. What is the peculiarity of the methodology for the development of motor abilities of schoolchildren?

Topic 8. Forms of organization of physical culture classes.

Classification of forms of occupations in physical education. Forms of organization of physical education of schoolchildren. Forms of physical education in the mode of the school day. Gymnastics before class. Physical culture minutes and physical culture pauses. Games and physical exercises during breaks. Sports hour in the GPA. Extracurricular physical exercises. Forms of extracurricular activities. Organization and conduct of tourist trips with students. Extracurricular forms of organization of physical culture classes.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Name the forms of physical education at school.

2. Expand the meaning of morning hygienic gymnastics, its main tasks.

3. Why do physical education minutes and physical culture breaks take place?

Topic 9. Lesson of physical culture is the main form of organization of physical education of schoolchildren.

The lesson of physical culture is the main form of organization of physical education of schoolchildren. The unity of the educational, upbringing and health-improving orientation of the lesson of physical culture. Characteristic features of the lesson of physical culture and general requirements for it. The structure and content of the lesson of physical culture. Definition of lesson objectives. Organization of student activities in the classroom. Preparing the teacher for the lesson. Organization and conduct of the lesson. Dosing the load in the lesson. General and motor density of the lesson. Evaluation of students' activities in the lesson. Homework in physical education.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Why is a physical education lesson the main form of physical education for schoolchildren?

2. Tell us about the structure of the physical education lesson.

3. What is the general and motor density of the lesson?

Topic 10. Independent lessons of students in physical culture.

The concept of independent activity. Methods of teaching schoolchildren self-study. The content of self-study. Teaching students in the lesson of physical culture independent physical exercises. Hometasks. Features of planning and content of independent classes in general physical training.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Expand the content and direction of individual independent physical culture lessons in the daily routine.

2. Name the main physical exercises and modes of individual loads for self-study for the development of physical qualities.

3. What is the peculiarity of homework in physical education?

Topic 11. Planning and control in physical education.

Essence and meaning of planning. Planning requirements. Forms and stages of planning. Planning of educational work. Planning of extracurricular work on physical education of schoolchildren. Requirements for the organization of extracurricular work in physical education. School team of physical culture. Sport Club.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. How is the educational work of a physical education teacher planned?

2. How is the planning of extracurricular work in physical education at school carried out?

3. What is the team of physical culture and sports club of the school? Why are they created?

Topic 12. Fundamentals of general physical and sports training.

The concept of "physical training". General and special physical training. Physical activity of a person. The concept of physical training. Exercises for general physical fitness.

General idea of ​​training in sport. The concept of "sports training". Main tasks and system of sports training. Characteristics of the sports training system. The long-term nature of the training of athletes.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Define the concepts of "physical training" and "sports training".

2. What is meant by general physical fitness and physical fitness?

3. Name the distinctive features of general physical training classes. Tell us about their focus on health promotion.

Topic 13. Sports training as a long-term process.

Training as an integral part of training in sports. The role of training in the preparation of athletes. Factors determining the effectiveness of sports training. The main sections of the preparation of a young athlete in the process of training. Technical training. Physical training. Tactical training. Psychological preparation. Theoretical preparation. Means and methods of sports training. Principles of sports training. The structure of the training process of young athletes. Features of sports training of young athletes.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Name the main sections of sports training for young athletes.

2. Name the main methods of sports training.

3. Tell us about the principles of dosing the load, the frequency and duration of physical exercises, depending on the level of physical fitness.

Topic 14. Fundamentals of building training sessions.

General structure of training sessions. Pedagogical orientation of classes. Class types. Loads in class. Organization of classes.

Warm-up as a structural component of a training session: essence and tasks. General bases for building a warm-up. The structure and content of the workout. Features of the warm-up before the competition.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. What are the features of building a training session for young athletes?

2. What is the difference between a physical education lesson and a training session?

3. What is the warm-up for? What are the general principles of building a warm-up.

Topic 15. Sports competitions as the basis of sports.

Competition is the basis for the existence of sports. The system of sports competitions. Types of sports competitions. Regulation and methods of conducting competitions. Determination of the result in competitions. Competition regulations. Competition rules. Competitions in the system of training young athletes. Organization and conduct of sports competitions in the school.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Name the types of sports competitions.

2. What is the role of competition in the system of training athletes?

3. What main documents regulate the organization and holding of competitions?

Topic 16. Sports orientation and selection.

The concepts of "sports orientation" and "sports selection". Athletic abilities and inclinations. Sports talent and sports talent. Criteria for sports orientation and selection. Choice of sport. Sports orientation in children's sports. Meaning and general characteristics sports selection. Goals, objectives and functions of selection. Selection in the long-term system of training athletes. selection levels. Selection organization. The main stages of selection in the Youth Sports School.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Define the concepts of "sports orientation" and "sports selection".

2. What underlies the choice of a sport?

3. Describe the main stages of the selection system for a sports school.

Topic17. Injuries and diseases in sports. Safety rules for exercise.

The main causes of diseases and injuries in sports. Acute and chronic injuries. General and specific risk factors. Prevention of injuries and diseases during physical exercises and sports. Safety rules for physical culture and sports at school. First aid for injuries and accidents. Means of restoration and stimulation of working capacity in the system of physical and sports training.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Why do injuries occur during physical education?

2. How to avoid injuries and diseases in the process of physical education and training?

3. What is first aid for injuries and accidents?

Topic18. Modern systems health-improving physical training.

The concept of health-improving physical training. Direction and content of health-improving physical training. New types of physical culture and sports activities.

Aerobics as a means of physical education and as a sport. Features of conducting OFT in aerobics.

Arm wrestling.

Bodybuilding as a means of physical education and as a sport. Exercise technique.

Powerlifting: general characteristics. Exercise technique. Familiarization and training in the technique of bench press. Acquaintance with the technique of squatting and teaching it. Acquaintance with the technique of deadlift and training in it.

Stretching. Rules and technique for performing exercises. Features of the OFT for stretching.

Shaping. The value of shaping for health and body improvement. Exercise technique. Selection of exercises and teaching them in physical education lessons.

Questions to control students' knowledge

1. Define the concept of "improving physical training."

2. Name the health-improving effects of physical exercises.

3. What are the features of the methods of rhythmic gymnastics and athleticism?

Topic19. Material and technical support of physical education and sports.

Sports stock and equipment. Requirements for sports equipment and equipment. non-standard equipment. School sports grounds. Sports hall layout. The device and filling of the rink at school. Ski equipment: selection and preparation. Manufacture of inventory and equipment. Simulators in the system of physical and sports training. Ensuring security on sports facilities(rules of conduct and action in emergency situations).

Basic requirements for the level of preparedness of students

During the course, students should learn:

- select means, methods and forms of classes to solve specific problems of physical education, dose physical activity;

– draw up basic work plans and keep records of it in various parts of physical education;

– draw up plans for sports events, Regulations on competitions, organize and conduct competitions;

- evaluate the results of the work of students, their success, coordinate and direct independent work involved;

– create and use technical training aids and non-standard equipment.

EXAMPLE LESSON PLAN No. 1 in the 10th grade (2 hours)

Lesson topic: "Basic concepts of physical culture"

1.1.Characteristics of the course "Theory and methods of physical education and sports"

The theory and methodology of physical education as a scientific and educational discipline in the education system is designed to form a complex of fundamental knowledge that determines the quality of professional activity of a specialist in the field of physical culture and sports.

The theory of physical education is a dynamic system of the most modern scientific statements reflecting the essence of physical education. The theory of physical education allows creating the prospect of improving the process of physical education as a whole, generalizes particular regularities of physical education and makes them available to all methods of physical education. The methodology of physical education is understood as a system of techniques and methods that ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks of physical education.

1.2. Physical culture as one of the forms of culture

The concept of culture and its forms. Physical culture as a kind of activity; its values ​​and relationship with other forms of culture. The concepts of "physical culture", "physical education", "physical development". The essence of physical culture.

Physical education with its functions, goals, objectives is included integral part into a broader concept - physical culture as a process and result of human activity to transform their physical nature. Only through physical education can we rise to a certain level of physical culture.

Physical culture is a complex and multifaceted social phenomenon, expressed in the activity of a person in the "cultivation" of his own nature, in the development and implementation of the psychophysical abilities inherent in him. The specified activity is connected with physical education, sports, physical recreation, motor rehabilitation (therapeutic physical culture and physical culture for persons with limited motor abilities).

A particularly close relationship is observed between physical and spiritual culture, which are formed in the person himself, constituting his general culture, and the basis of their interpenetration is scientific knowledge, skills, ethical and aesthetic values. And these are very important cultural values.

Sport (from the English sport - game, fun, entertainment) is manifested in a specific (competitive) human activity aimed at achieving one's own high level their psychophysical abilities and in special (through sports training) preparation for it. In some of its aspects, sport goes beyond physical culture. This especially applies, for example, to the so-called big sport, to technical sports (model aircraft, auto racing, etc.), sports that are not directly related to high physical activity (shooting, chess, etc.). That is why the expression "physical culture and sports" can often be found.
Sport as a component of physical culture. Sports in modern society. Functions of modern sports. Mass sports (sport for all). Children's and youth sports. Sports of the highest achievements (Olympic sports). Professional sports. Sports for the disabled.

Physical education is a pedagogically organized process associated with the transfer and assimilation of the values ​​of the physical culture of society within the framework of the "training - education" system. In the theory of physical culture, these values ​​and specialized processes of their acquisition are reflected in the concepts of "physical development", "functional fitness", "physical fitness", "physical training" (general and special).

Physical development is a process of changing the morphological (from Greek morphe - form) and functional (from Latin functio - performance) properties of the human body during its life. External quantitative indicators of physical development, characterizing mainly the constitution of a person, are changes in height, weight, lung capacity, etc. Qualitatively, physical development is characterized, first of all, by significant changes in functional capabilities. It is expressed both in a change in the level of individual physical qualities of a person - speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, dexterity, and in general in the level of physical performance and depends on the functioning of all body systems (cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal, etc. .). Therefore, the concept of "functional readiness" is singled out.

More general, in relation to the previous ones, is the concept of "physical fitness". It is characterized by indicators of physical development, and the level of functional readiness, as well as the degree of possession of various motor skills and abilities. Moreover, the development of rational ways to control one's movements and the creation, thereby, of a rich personal fund of motor skills, as well as the prerequisites for mastering any new motor actions, is the most important aspect of physical fitness.

Specialized processes aimed at achieving a certain type of preparedness have the same names, for example, "physical training", "psychophysical training". There are concepts of general physical training aimed at achieving a certain level of development of all physical qualities and performance; to master vital skills and abilities, and special physical training aimed at a certain type of activity, for example, special physical training in sports or for professional work. The latter is called professionally applied physical training. All of these specialized processes are part of overall process physical education.

So, you and I can probably already understand that the essence of physical culture is in its effective possibilities of influencing human nature through the development of the natural forces of the body, through the transformation (cultivation) of his personality, as a result of which he is able to successfully realize himself in a healthy and productive style. life, professional and any other activity. In other words, its essence lies in the fundamental possibility of the formation of a person's physical culture.

We have already emphasized the role of physical culture in the comprehensive formation and development of personality. For more in-depth knowledge about everything, you can learn from the recommended literature.

Control questions

1. What is culture and what are its characteristics?

2. Define the concept of "physical culture". Expand its connection with the culture of man and society.

3. Expand the content of the concepts of "physical education" and "sport".

4. What characterizes physical education as an integral part of physical culture?

5. Expand the concepts of "physical development", "physical training" and "physical fitness".


1. Balsevich V.K. Physical culture for everyone and for everyone. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1988.

2. Maksimenko A.M. Fundamentals of the theory and methods of physical culture: Proc. allowance for university students. – Ed. 2nd, corrected and added. - M., 2001.

3. Matveev L.P. Theory and methods of physical culture: Introduction to the subject: Proc. for higher special physical textbook manager - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Lan, 2003.

4. Matveev A.P. Physical Education Exam: Questions and Answers. - M .: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2003. (B-ka teacher of physical culture).

5. Handbook of physical education teacher / Ed. L.B. Kofman; Aut.-stat. G.I. Pogadaev; foreword V.V. Kuzina, N.D. Nikandrov. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1998.

6. Platonov V.N., Sakhnovsky K.P. Preparing a young athlete - K .: Glad. school, 1988.

7. Talaga E. Encyclopedia of physical exercises / Per. from Polish. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1998.

8. Theory and methodology of sports: Textbook for RBM /Under the general. ed. F.P. Suslova, Zh.K. Kholodov. - M., 1997.

9. Theory and methods of physical education: Proc. allowance for students ped. in-t and teacher training schools on special. No. 2115 “Beginning. military training and physical education” and №1910 “Phys. culture”/ B.M. Shiyan, B.A. Ashmarin, B.N. Minaev and others. Ed. B.M. Shiyan. – M.: Enlightenment, 1988.

10. Physical culture and sports in general education school: A guide for a teacher / V.P. Bogoslovsky, M.N. Davydenko, V.I. Drobyshev and others. Ed. M.D. Rips. - M .: Education, 1985. (B-ka teachers of physical culture).

11. Physical culture: A textbook for preparing for exams. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004.

12. Physical culture. 9th and 11th graduating classes / Auth.-comp. V.S. Kuznetsov, G.A. Kolodnitsky. - M.: AST-PRESS SCHOOL, 2005. (Exam questions and answers. Exam for 5).

Course program

"Spiritual and psychological security of the individual"

T. Berseneva, Ph.D., methodologist of the Center for Life Safety, St. Petersburg

Explanatory note

This course can be presented as a separate interdisciplinary elective pre-profile training course for 9th grade students with base level knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as be included in the content of the course on the basics of life safety for any profile.

The volume of the course is 17 hours (1 hour per week, one semester). The course program can be extended up to 34 hours (1 hour per week during the academic year) due to a deeper consideration of the proposed content.

Targetcourse- the formation in students of a holistic view of the structure of a person and dangerous situations of a psychological, mental and spiritual nature that may arise in their lives, about the ways of recognition and measures of protection against these consequences.

The formulated goal sets the following course objectives:

Familiarization of students with the dangers of a psychological, mental and spiritual nature that threaten a person in modern life,

The study of methods and techniques of protection from spiritual and psychological influences and allowing to minimize the possible damage to the individual, her health, life and well-being,

Development of the ability to resist the destructive spiritual and psychological impact.

Basic teaching methods are a problem-search method of presenting new material, aimed at creative understanding and acceptance of the teacher's positions, conversations with elements of discussions, interactive teaching methods. Group work is advisable in the classroom, followed by a presentation of the results of the discussion of certain problems and the conclusions made by the group. Classes for psychological safety in communication, decision-making and practicing the ability to say “no” in a problem situation involve workshops, training situations and game modeling.

Forms of organization of activities traditional students: meaningful listening and answering questions, working with literature, taking notes - and innovative participation in discussions, speaking to the class with messages, work in small groups.

The expected results can be reduced to a holistic view of the human device, as follows:

Development of the psychological culture of students in general and, in particular, the development of the psychological aspect of the culture of life safety;

The acquisition by students of knowledge and practical skills in recognizing and overcoming dangerous situations of a spiritual and psychological nature that may arise in their lives, on the methods and measures of protection against them;

Developing in students the ability to resist the destructive spiritual and psychological impact on them on the basis of

Summing up and evaluating the activities of students can be carried out in the form of a test lesson: test, survey, testing, report on given topic. The end result could be public lesson with the invitation of the administration and teachers of the school, the final conference.

Educational and thematic plan

lesson number

Title of the section and topic of the lessons

Number of hours

Conduct form

introductory lesson


How a person works body - psyche - soul - spirit

Attitudes and behavior of a person, how to cultivate character

The concept of destructive mental impact

mental safety

Information Security

Mind manipulation techniques

Round table


Spiritual security

Watching a movie

Communication and psychological safety

The concept of tolerance, can a person say "no"

Decision algorithm

How to say "no" in a problem situation

Final session


Total hours


Lesson 1

General provisions on the pre-profile course: goals, objectives, organization of work, issues of knowledge testing. The concept of psychological security of the individual and the range of issues addressed in the course. Motivation of students' interest in studying the course and wishes for the inclusion of certain aspects of the topic that interest them.

Lesson 2. How a person works: body - psyche - soul-spirit.

The concept of the trinity of man: bodily, mental and spiritual. How does the human psyche work and why should a person know about it. Psychosomatics. The soul of man. Spiritual constitution of man. Two approaches to understanding spirituality. The relationship of the spiritual with the mental and physical. Hierarchy in the dispensation of man: what we choose. Freedom of our choice and consequences of freedom of choice.

Lesson 3

What are attitudes and how do they affect human behavior. Where do settings come from? Attitudes that bypass consciousness, and conscious attitudes. Who do we imitate. Whether it is necessary and whether it is possible to educate one's character. How to develop your character. The concept of abstinence. Means and ways of character education. The main guideline is a life of conscience.

Lesson 4

Personality-destroying attitudes. Installations that destroy ideas about the present and future. What is a "destructive, destructive mental impact." How to protect the mind and feelings from destructive psychic information. What can be opposed to the destructive mental impact.

Lesson 5

What is meant by mental security? The main sources of danger for the psyche of a teenager. How to protect yourself from the danger emanating from them. How and from what to protect your feelings. How and from what to protect your mind. "The image can kill, the image can save." Examples of "pollution" of the psyche.

Lessons 6-7. Information Security

Types of destructive information for adolescence. Ways to protect the psyche from destructive information and the form of its presentation. Analysis of materials (audio and video products, printed publications, computer games, etc.) for a destructive effect on a person. Memo to a teenager on the preservation of the psyche from informational influences.

Advertising appeals and reality. Reliable information and disinformation. Manipulation of consciousness to achieve certain goals. Workshop in determining the hidden objectives of advertising. Goods and values. Basic advertising techniques. Advertising and lifestyle. Advertising and mass culture. Kitsch. The lifestyle we choose.

Lesson 9

What is meant by manipulation of consciousness. Who and what needs to manipulate human consciousness. How not to become a toy in the hands of manipulators. Basic mind control techniques. Knowledge and life experience as a barrier to manipulating human consciousness.

Mental health: health of the senses, health of the mind and a healthy will. Psychologist's advice on maintaining mental health in adolescence: critical situations and finding a way out of them. Strengthening the will, education of feelings and development of thinking as a way to maintain mental health. Mental health of the individual and mental health of people around.

Lesson 11-12. Spiritual security

The concept of spiritual security. What spiritual dangers lie in wait for a person. Where they call from the last pages of newspapers. Psychics, fortune tellers, astrologers. Religions of the world and sects. Spiritual enslavement (violence). General concept of techniques for changing consciousness. Protection from destructive spiritual influences. Prevention of spiritual-psychic dependence.

Lesson 13

Do you need to be sociable? What is communication. Types of communication. How to understand the expression: my tongue is my enemy. The sins of the "language" and the dangers emanating from them: mat, foul language; lie; idle talk and verbosity; condemnation and slander. How to overcome the sins of the "language". Don't be touchy, learn to forgive. Vanity and pride. Envy.

Lesson 14

About friendship and the influence of peers. The concept of tolerance, patience and tolerance. What are the similarities and differences between these concepts? Tolerance and freedom of choice of a person. The person can say no. Cases when a person should say "no". Criteria for selecting situations when it is appropriate for a person to say “yes” and when it is necessary to say “no”.

Lesson 15

How to make the right decision. What does “the right decision” mean to me. Decision-making algorithm: understand what the problem is; what you need to know to accept right decision; consider what options for solving the problem can be; Which option do I like best? what are the "pros" and "cons" of this solution; which of my close people is affected by my choice. My choice. The practice of mastering the decision-making algorithm.

Lesson 16

Styles of human behavior: confident, insecure, friendly, aggressive. Characteristic signs for each style of behavior. Eight ways to say "no" in a problem situation. How safe is it to say no. Correlation of the answer "no" with the style of human behavior. Playing problem situations.

Lesson 17

Summing up the work on the course program and evaluating the activities of students: an open (test) lesson with the invitation of the school administration and teachers.


1 Virtual aggression. Video film directed by Valentin Matveev, Lennauchfilm, 2001 To be shown to students, parents, teachers.

2 Alcoholic and drug aggression. Video recording of the speech of Professor Zhdanov VG - Deputy Chairman of the Novosibirsk Society "For a sober lifestyle"

3 Sahaja Yoga (part 2) Video film directed by Sofia Livandovskaya, Creative Association "Crossroads", 1998.


  1. Dvorkin A.L. Sectology. totalitarian sects. The experience of systematic research. -3rd edition, revised and additional. - N. Novgorod, 2003.
  2. Kuraev A.V. Adults about children's faith. school theology. 5th edition, add. - Rostov-on-Don: Troitskoye words, 2002.
  3. Nikiforov Yu.B. Be strong in spirit and body. – M.: Ed. Counseling Center of St. rights. John of Kronstadt, 2003.
  4. Khvylya-Olinter A.I. New religious associations of Russia of a destructive and occult nature: Reference book / informational and analytical bulletin No. 1. - Belgorod, 2002.
  5. Peresypkina A.V. Teacher, religion, law: Toolkit. Belgorod: IPC "POLITERRA", 2004.
  6. Monthly informational and scientific-methodical magazine “OBZH. Fundamentals of life safety” No. 10, 2006
  7. Monthly informational and scientific-methodical magazine “OBZH. Fundamentals of life safety” 2004-2007

Course program

"Know Thyself"

A.A. Nikiforov, head

office of physical culture and

BelRIPCPS technologies

Explanatory note

To study the influence of physical exercises on people involved in physical culture and sports of people, studies are carried out on the functional state of the body or its individual systems. For this purpose, functional tests and tests are used to determine the athlete's adaptation to a particular physical load, the recovery period, the level of performance and training effect. Indicators of the functional state are such physiological parameters of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems as heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR), blood pressure (BP), maximum oxygen consumption (MOC), vital capacity (VC), etc.

elective course "Know Thyself" allows students to gain the necessary knowledge to expand their horizons in the field of physical culture and sports.

The elective course is designed for 17 hours. Sufficient attention is paid to the independent and practical work of children using technical teaching aids. The program deals with the issues of in-depth study of physical development and assessment of the functional state of a person.

The purpose of training– formation of the physical culture of the student's personality by mastering the basics of the content of physical culture activities with a general developmental focus.

In accordance with the purpose, formed tasks elective course:

Formation of knowledge about physical activity, reflecting the psychological, pedagogical and medical and biological foundations;

ensuring a strong and conscious mastery of the system of special physical culture and sports knowledge and skills by students;

Integration of basic and additional education in the field of physical culture and sports.

The material included in the program can be applied to various groups (categories) of schoolchildren, and contains knowledge that arouses the cognitive interest of students and is of practical value for determining a comprehensive assessment of an individual's health.

Educational and thematic plan



Number of hours



some classes

form of control


Introduction. Modern methods of human research (brief review)







Test control


Functional trials




Lab. Job





Lab. Job


Evaluation of the individual level of physical fitness and determination of the motor age of schoolchildren




Lab. Job


Final lesson




Total hours




  1. 1. Introduction. Modern research methods

General scientific research methods. Theoretical research methods. Empirical research methods. Physiometric research methods.

  1. 2. Methods of research and evaluation of the functional state of a person

Influence of physical exercises on the person. Functional trials and tests. Indicators of the functional state of a person.

  1. 3. Functional trials

Functional tests: goals, objectives. Characteristics of functional samples. Martinet test. Kotov-Deshin test. Sample S.P. Letunov. Harvard step test. Determination of heart rate (HR). Ruffier test. Individual training pulse (ITP).

  1. 4. Methods for studying the physical development of a person

Methods for measuring indicators of physical development. Methods of external examination of a person. Somatoscopy. Methods of instrumental study of human physical development. Anthropometry. Physiometry.

5. Evaluation of the individual level of physical fitness and determination of the motor age of schoolchildren

Testing. Ways to run tests. Physical fitness. The level of physical fitness. Physical activity. motor age. Indicators of physical fitness. Age rating standards. Motor fitness testing protocol

This elective course is recommended to be included in the school curriculum for students in grades 10-11 within the framework of both defense-sports and universal profiles. You can also use an elective course within the framework of the chemical and biological profile, while increasing the topic “Methods for studying the physical development of a person” up to 5 hours due to the topic “Evaluation of the individual level of physical fitness and determining the motor age of schoolchildren”.

For the qualitative conduct of the elective course "Know Yourself", it is recommended to include interactive learning in the lecture part (8 hours), actively using multimedia equipment and video equipment.

For the practical part (9 hours), it is recommended to use information-simulator, medical equipment and technical training aids.

Control questions and tasks.

1. What are the main general scientific research methods?

2. What does "physiometric research methods" mean?

3. By what indicators is the functional state of a person determined?

4. What does the term "functional test" mean?

5. Functional tests: goals, objectives?

6. What are the methods for studying the physical development of a person?

7. List the main ways to measure indicators of physical development?

8. What refers to the methods of instrumental research of human physical development?

9. What is "motor activity"?

10. What does the term "Physical fitness" mean?

11. How is a person's motor age determined?

12. Describe the methodology for conducting the Harvard step test?

13. Describe the method of S. P. Letunov's test?

14. List the most common functional trials and tests?

Practical tasks

Exercise 1. The pulse rate of an untrained adult ranges normally from 60 to 90 beats per minute.

Measure your heart rate at rest. If its frequency is 41-60 beats / min - an excellent result; 61-74 - good; 75-90 - satisfactory; more than 90 beats / min - unsatisfactory (should consult a doctor).

Task 2. Do a squat test.

Standing (legs together), count the pulse for 30 seconds. Then, at a slow pace, do 20 squats, raising your arms forward and keeping your torso straight, and spreading your knees to the sides. After squats, count the pulse again.

An increase in heart rate indicates the state of the body: less than 25% - excellent; 25-50% - satisfactory; 75% and above - unsatisfactory.

Task 3. Climb up the stairs to the 4th floor.

If after lifting it is easy to breathe, there are no unpleasant sensations, then you can consider the degree of your physical fitness to be good. The appearance of shortness of breath (rapidity and difficulty in breathing) on ​​the 4th floor indicates an average degree of physical fitness, on the 3rd floor - poor. More accurate data from this test can be obtained by measuring the pulse at rest, and then immediately after rising to the 4th floor. If, after lifting, the pulse is 100 beats / min and below - excellent; 101 -120 - good; 121-140 - satisfactory; above 140 beats / min - bad.

Task 4. Determine your posture. To do this, measure the width of the shoulders and the arch of the back. The measurement instruction is as follows. Feel for protruding bony points above the shoulder joints. Take the tape measure with your left hand at the zero division and press it to the left point. With your right hand, stretch the tape along the collarbone line to the right point. The resulting number shows the width of the shoulders. Then move the tape behind the head and stretch it along the line of the upper edge of the shoulder blade from the left point to the right. The resulting number indicates the size of the arc of the back. Make a calculation using the formula:

shoulder width, cm

------------- x 100%

size of the arch of the back, cm

Norm: 100-110%.

Index 90% indicates a serious violation of posture. When this indicator is reduced to 85-90% or increase to 125-130% you need to see an orthopedic doctor.

Task 5.(for boys). Find your fitness level, compare it to your average, and do exercises to improve your level.

A) Force. Starting position - emphasis with hands lying on the floor. Perform the maximum possible flexion and extension of the arms (push-ups from the floor), while the body must be kept straight. The average figure for boys aged 16-17 is 15 push-ups from the floor.

b) Rapidity. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. Sit down quickly and stretch your arms forward. Then stand up, rise on your toes, lower your hands.

Starting position - standing, legs apart, right hand above, left below. Quickly change the position of the hands.

The number of repetitions in 6 s is counted. The average value for boys aged 16: squats - 6 times, changing the position of the hands - 16 times; for boys aged 17; squats - 7 times, changing the position of the hands - 17 times.

V) Agility. Take two small objects that are easy to grasp with your hand (tennis balls, smooth pebbles), and toss them one after the other, first with your left and then with your right hand.

The duration of the continuity of the exercise with each hand is taken into account. Average dexterity for young men: 16 years old - 45 s. left and 75 s. right hand; 17 years - 60 s. left and 90 s. right.

G ) Flexibility. Starting position - main stance. Lean forward as far as you can while keeping your legs straight. If you were able to touch the floor with the palms of both hands, then you have good flexibility, if not, then it should be developed.

Exercise6. Exercise self-control over the state of health and physical development. Record observations in a diary at least 1-3 times a week. The diary contains objective data recorded by devices (body length and weight, pulse rate, blood pressure, etc.), and subjective sensations (mood, well-being, decreased performance, worsening sleep, appetite, discomfort and pain, etc.). It is also desirable to note the content of the lessons.

Exercise7. Self-monitoring of working capacity can be objectively carried out according to the Rufier-Dixon test, which is carried out

in the following way.

Lying on your back, count the pulse in 15 seconds (P1) - Then stand up and do 30 squats in 45 seconds. Lie down again and immediately count your pulse for 15 seconds. during the first minute (P2) and for the last 15 s. from the same first minute (P3). The calculation of working capacity (A) is made according to the formula:

A \u003d (P1 + P2 + P3) x 4 -200

The results are evaluated as follows: 0-3 - good; 4-6 - medium; 7-8 - satisfactory; over 8 - bad

Task 8. Determine the heart rate (HR) at rest?

Task 9. Determine your individual training heart rate (ITP)?

In order for physical education to be beneficial, everyone must know how to choose the right load and control it. This can be done using the Kervonen formula, which allows you to determine the individual training pulse (ITP) through simple mathematical calculations. To do this, you need to sit on a chair, count your pulse at rest for one minute and, after a series of calculations, get a digital expression of the ITP.

1. From the number 220 you need to subtract the amount (your age in years plus heart rate at rest for 1 min.)

2. Multiply the resulting figure by 0.6 and add to it the value of the pulse at rest.

Example: If you are 16 years old and have a resting heart rate of 66 bpm, the calculations will show that your ITP is (220-(16+66) x 0.6 +66 = 148 bpm

Tasks 10. Measure blood pressure (BP) twice in a sitting position and name the maximum (systolic) blood pressure and the minimum (diastolic) blood pressure?


1. Akhundov R.A. Fundamentals of scientific and methodological activities in physical culture and sports: Textbook. - Belgorod: Publishing House of BelSU, 2001.

2. Kuramshin Yu.F. Theory of Physical Culture: Textbook. - 2 - ed., Rev. - M .: Soviet sport, 2004.

3. Butin I.M., Butina I.A. etc. Physical culture: 9-11 cells: Proc. A guide for students in general. institution - M .: Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2003.

4. Ashmarin B.A. Theory and methodology of pedagogical research in physical education. - M .: Fizkultura and sport, 1978.

5. Vavilov Yu.N. Assessment of the individual level of physical condition // Physical culture at school. - 1997. - No. 7.

6. Zheleznyak Yu.D. Smirnov Yu.I. bases of scientific and pedagogical activity. Education. M.: 1996

7. Guide to laboratory studies on the hygiene of children and adolescents: Proc. Benefit / Berzin V.I., Slepushkina I.I., Glushchenko A.G. and others - K. Vyscha school. Head publishing house, 1989.

Publication date 03/16/2017

"Elective courses in physical culture" for students in a non-specialized (creative) higher educational institution

Somkin Alexey Albertovich

Konstantinov Sergey Alexandrovich
St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinema and Television, St. Petersburg

Abstract: The article analyzes the content of the discipline "Elective courses in physical culture" for students of non-specialized (creative) higher educational institution- St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinema and Television. Particular attention in the publication is given to elective courses in the areas of health-improving physical culture (fitness), physical activity and physical fitness of students.
Keywords: "Elective courses in physical culture", Federal State Educational Standard, creative higher educational institution, students, department of physical education, sports, recreational physical culture

“Elective courses on physical education” for students in the unspecialized (creative) higher education institution

Somkin Alexey Albertovich

Sergey Konstantinov
St. Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television, St. Petersburg Petersburg

Abstract: This article analyzes the content of “Elective courses on physical education” for students of the unspecialized (creative) higher education institution – St. Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television. The special attention in the publication is paid to the elective courses on fitness, locomotors activity and physical readiness of students.
Keywords: “Elective courses on physical education”, the Federal state educational standard, creative higher education institution, students, department of physical education, sports, fitness

The purpose of mastering the discipline "Elective courses in physical culture" in a non-specialized (creative) higher educational institution, which is the St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinema and Television (SPbGIKiT), is, first of all, the formation of students' physical culture. Therefore, when studying this discipline, they should have a motivational-value attitude to the purposeful use of various means of physical culture, sports, tourism, professional and applied physical training to maintain and improve health, psychophysical training and self-preparation for the future life and profession. The process of studying "Elective courses in physical culture" is aimed primarily at the formation of such general cultural competence as the ability to use the methods and means of physical culture and sports to ensure a full-fledged social and professional activity. At the same time, in the process of classes, students will have to demonstrate their organizational skills and develop communication skills. As a result of mastering the discipline, they should learn:

- the influence of various health-improving systems of physical education and sports on health promotion, prevention of occupational diseases and bad habits;

- the main ways of monitoring and evaluating your physical development and the current level of physical fitness;

– rules and methods of planning individual lessons of various target orientation.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard higher education 3+ (FSES HE 3+), the total labor intensity (volume) of the academic discipline "Elective courses in physical education" is 328 hours and is studied by students of St. The methodologically justified transition from traditional forms of conducting practical exercises in physical culture to a student-oriented health or sports program available to every student of a creative higher educational institution. Therefore, due to the extreme heterogeneity of the contingent involved, it was necessary to go:

– from traditional forms of conducting practical classes in physical culture to a personality-oriented health or sports program;

- from compulsory training sessions to an individual choice of the type of physical culture or sports activity by the students themselves.

At the Department of Physical Education of St. Petersburg State University of Cinematography and Telecommunications, eight separate elective courses (82 hours each) were developed in various sports and the most popular areas of health-improving physical culture (or, in other words, fitness) among students. In the process of studying at the institute, the student will have to independently choose and master any four of the eight elective courses presented with a total volume of 328 hours.

Based on the sports preferences of the majority of students, the availability of an appropriate material and technical sports base at the institute and the level of qualification of the faculty of the Department of Physical Education, students will be asked to choose from the following four sports: athletics, volleyball, basketball, table tennis. In addition, four elective courses were developed at the department in areas of health-improving physical culture (fitness) popular with students of the institute - these are classical aerobics (or health-improving), yoga, athletic gymnastics, Pilates. Table 1 presents the topics, the content of practical classes and the formed competencies, the labor intensity of each of the topics for four elective courses in health-improving physical culture.

Table 1. The structure of elective courses in the areas of health-improving physical culture

No. p / p Subject number of the discipline Topics of practical classes and formed competencies (competence elements) Labor capacity (hours)
Elective course "Classical Aerobics" 82
1 Topic 1. Basic aerobics. Classification of modern types of recreational aerobics. The main basic steps of classical (health) aerobics (low impact): step touch, V-step, curl, grape. Technical requirements for basic steps. Technique of hand movements when performing the basic steps of health-improving aerobics. 30
2 Topic 2. The terms of the basic steps and their varieties used in aerobics. technique for their implementation. Methodology for compiling a fragment of an aerobic combination (32 accounts - “square”). The main methods of learning a fragment of an aerobic combination. Practical learning of a fragment of an aerobic combination (32 counts). 30
3 Topic 3. Program design technology (combining several basic movements, changing the leading foot). Aerobic combination design rules. The sequence of learning the aerobic combination. Load regulation in the process of health-improving aerobics. The final part of the lesson is stretching. 22
Elective course "Yoga" 82
1 Topic 1. Fundamentals of conducting hatha yoga classes. Regulation of loads during physical exercises (asanas). Yoga as a system of spiritual, mental and physical practices. Hatha yoga as a physical training practice (asanas). 28
2 Topic 2. Conducting hatha yoga classes (basic course). Basic asanas (static postures) and the sequence of their implementation. Breathing exercises in hatha yoga (pranayama). Postures of rest (relaxation). 28
3 Topic 3. Fitness yoga (main areas). Flex. The methodology for conducting a basic set of exercises (static and dynamic) aimed at developing flexibility and improving mobility in the joints, increasing the elasticity of muscles and tendons. 26
Elective course "Athletic gymnastics" 82
1 Topic 1. Fundamentals of methodology for the development of strength abilities. The main types of manifestation of strength abilities (static strength, dynamic strength, static-dynamic strength). Methods for developing strength abilities: using the weight of one's own body, with a partner (in mutual resistance), with free weights, on simulators. Safety precautions when conducting strength training classes. 20
2 Topic 2. Methodology for compiling a basic set of exercises for the development of strength abilities without and with additional equipment(free weights).

A method for compiling a set of exercises for the main muscle groups using your own body weight. A method for compiling a set of exercises for the main muscle groups using free weights (dumbbells, bodybars, kettlebells). Safety precautions during these classes.

3 Topic 3. Methodology for compiling a basic set of exercises for the development of strength abilities on simulators.

Methodology for compiling a set of exercises for the main muscle groups using simulators. Safety precautions during these classes.

4 Topic 4. Methodology for compiling a basic set of exercises for functional training (Crossfit)

Crossfit (GWM) and functional training. Basic concepts and methodology. Safety precautions during these classes.

Elective course "Pilates" 82
1 Topic 1. Pilates as the main program of the direction "Reasonable body" in fitness. The main theoretical and methodological provisions of the Pilates health program. Strengthening the muscular corset, the formation of correct posture, the development of a sense of balance. 26
2 Topic 2. Methodology for compiling a basic set of Pilates exercises. Compilation and study of a basic set of exercises aimed at strengthening the muscular corset, the formation of correct posture, and the development of a sense of balance. 28
3 Topic 3. Methods of using the simplest equipment and inventory during Pilates classes. Compilation and study of sets of exercises using equipment - rollers, isotonic rings, Pilates balls - during Pilates classes. 28

Formation of the assessment of the current control of students' progress, their intermediate certification and credit (in each semester) based on the results of mastering the discipline "Elective courses in physical culture" is carried out using a point-rating system of assessment. This is a generalized and maximally objective indicator, which is the total result of training during the semester in the form of an undifferentiated test. The maximum result is 100 points, and in order to receive a credit in this discipline, a student must score 56 points. The following will be used as evaluation performance criteria:

– Regular attendance during the semester of training sessions or training sessions in the sports section at the Department of Physical Education of St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinematography;

– implementation of mandatory and additional tests developed by the Department of Physical Education;

– fulfillment of the standards of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (VFSK GTO) for their age group as part of official testing;

– participation in competitions of various ranks (from the championship of the institute to the Spartakiad of the universities of St. Petersburg) as an athlete representing his faculty or institute, or as a volunteer (volunteer assistant, for example, when judging competitions and assisting teachers of the department of physical education in their organization );

– fulfillment of various assignments in the department of physical education (for example, preparing a photo or video report on any sporting event).

Test tasks for students who have chosen one of the four elective courses in the areas of health-improving physical culture, it will be the preparation and conduct of a fragment of a practical training session with a group of students (for example, health-improving aerobics, yoga, athletic gymnastics or Pilates).

Thus, students of SPbGIKiT, when studying the discipline "Elective courses in physical culture", will be able to voluntarily and deliberately choose a personality-oriented accessible program of health-improving, sports or health-improving sports orientation, consisting of any four elective courses with a total volume of 328 hours. This approach will allow students of a creative higher educational institution to form a steady need for constant and systematic physical education and sports and to cultivate in their environment the so-called "fashion for sports, an active and healthy lifestyle".


1. Baka R. Assessment of the level of physical fitness as a factor in the formation of students' positive motivation for physical activity // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kul'tury. - 2006. - No. 5. - P. 52–55.
2. Baronenko V.A., Rapoport L.A. Health and physical culture of a student: a textbook. - 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Alfa-M: INFRA-M, 2012. – 336 p.
3. Volkova L.M., Evseev V.V., Polovnikov P.V. Physical culture of students: state and ways of improvement: monograph. - St. Petersburg: SPbGPU, 2004. - 149 p.
4. Kondakov V.L. Systemic mechanisms for designing sports and health technologies in the educational space of a modern university: monograph. - Belgorod: LitKaraVan, 2013. - 454 p.
5. Konstantinov S.A., Somkin A.A. Development of material and technical equipment for physical culture classes in a higher educational institution: monograph. - St. Petersburg: SPbGIKiT, Art-Express Publishing House, 2014. - 153 p.
6. Solodyannikov V.A. Point-rating technologies in evaluating the activities of participants pedagogical process: monograph. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University of Economics, 2010. - 119 p.
7. Somkin A.A., Konstantinov S.A. "Elective courses in physical culture" as a motivational and value component in the studies of students in the St. scientific Conf., April 20–21, 2016. Volume II. - St. Petersburg: Leningrad State University im. A.S. Pushkin, 2016. - S. 140-143.
8. Somkin A.A., Konstantinov S.A. The concept of development of the department of physical education of a creative higher educational institution // World of Pedagogy and Psychology: International Scientific and Practical Journal. - Nizhny Novgorod, 2016. - No. 5. - P. 25–33.

Basic step - basic step

Step-touch - side step

Double Step-touch - two side steps

Step-tap - step touch

Step-lift - step max

Step-front - move forward

Step-back - swing back

Step-side - swing to the side

Step-curl - step overwhelm

Step-kick - step kick

Step-plie - step squat

Scoop - side step

Grape wine - cross step

Knee lift or Knee up - knee lift

Kick - leg swing

Low kick - shin kick

Jumping jack - jump

Twist jump - jump on two legs

Pendulum - changing the position of the legs with the help of jumps

lunge - lunge

March - march

Marching - walking in one place

Walking - walking in different directions

Mambo - step with alternating "removal" of legs in the direction back and forth

Rock step - a step with alternate "carrying out" of the legs in a diagonal direction

V-step - the movement of the legs that are associated with the letter "V

Straddle - walking, in which you step with your right foot to the right

Cross - cross step

Cha-cha-cha - a triple step that is part of the dance movement

Polka is a simple variation of the polka dance move.

V-mambo - a combination of two steps V-step and Mamb

Athletic gymnastics can be done all answers are correct.

Athletic gymnastics goes well together all answers are correct.

Tennis grew out of badminton.

More than 100 years ago, an enterprising ..... registered the coined name "Ping-Pong" John Jaques.

In ancient Greece, they used exercises with halters - a prototype dumbbell.

As weights in athletic gymnastics is used all answers are correct.

The most important specific indicators of a physically perfect person of our time are all answers are correct.

A sport formed on the foundation of recreational aerobics, which combines dance movements to high-tempo music and strength elements of varying complexity. sports aerobics.

The volleyball court is conditionally divided into 6 zones.

Volleyball net height for men 243 cm.

Women's volleyball net height 224 cm.

For playing volleyball instead of the ball used rubber bladder.

Task ((1)) TK1. hardening by the sun Vitamin D is produced in the skin.

Task ((1)) TK1. After classes at the university and lunch ... must be spent on rest 1.5-2 hours.

Task ((1)) TK1. The formation of motives that encourage students to self-study and to active physical culture and sports is influenced by the following subjective factors all answers are correct.

Task ((1)) TK1. Systematic application of water procedures a reliable prophylactic against the harmful effects of various accidental coolings of the body.

Table tennis player who must first hit the ball in a rally "Server".

yoganestics program of classes with the use of roller skates indoors on a special surface.

Each rally of the ball in table tennis is tempered by assignment one point to one or another player (team).

Number of players on a volleyball team 6 .

Number of replays in table tennis unlimited.

The football team consists out of 11 players.

The International Volleyball Federation was founded in 1947.

IOC - International Olympic Committee.

The ball scored by a football player in the goal of his team own goal.

Table tennis ball orange.

Reliable support of the human body skeleton.

The name of the last publication in our country of the book by K. Cooper Aerobics for good health.

Building muscle mass in athletic gymnastics of all parts of the body with a health-improving focus wellness stage.

Deceptive movements in football are performed in direct combat with an opponent feints.

One of the most popular and massive collective sports games football.

One of the oldest sports games in the world badminton.

The optimal height of the Step platform, which is used in a recreational aerobics class 10-15 cm.

Volleyball learning begins from the study of racks and movements.

Regular football time 2 halves of 45 minutes.

The main attacking and defensive action in the game of table tennis hit.

Points in table tennis are awarded to the player in the following cases all answers are correct.

Period of time in table tennis when the ball is in play "Joke".

According to modern international rules, established in 2001, each table tennis game lasts up to 11 points.

When playing the ball in volleyball, it is allowed to perform 3 touches.

The size of the volleyball court is 9x18 m.

The birthplace of athleticism Ancient Greece.

Draw, the result of which in table tennis is counted "Point".

free guard in volleyball "libero".

The system of physical exercises using special weights athletic gymnastics.

Soviet football players became Olympic champions 1956 and 1988.

Modern health aerobics is associated with the name Cannet Cooper.

The ability of a person to most rationally master new motor actions and successfully solve in changing conditions dexterity.

Step aerobics is exercises performed on a special platform.

This is how a football commentator usually talks about the team in whose stadium the match takes place. home team.

Flexibility exercises are stretching.

Physical activity with weights make muscles stronger, joints more mobile, the body is more resilient.

The football player who in 1988 was recognized as the best goalkeeper in the world Rinat Dasaev.

Net playing time in football is 55-60 min.

A stage in athletic gymnastics aimed at achieving a certain level of strength developmental stage.

A stage in athletic gymnastics aimed at creating the desired physique relief and body shaping formative stage.

This is taken into account when a player is called the top scorer. goals scored.