"A person who reads is a successful person." How to read people and understand them in communication and cooperation What kind of a reader is he

an unusual event took place. The organizers of the competition "Territory of Life" summed up the results and named the winners, as well as the writer Andrei Shchupov, known to many under the pseudonym Oleg Rain, met with his readers.

The start of the event was scheduled for one in the afternoon. The hall was mainly occupied by children, waiting with hope for the results of the competition, and their support group - teachers. Finally it became quiet. Began. Girls from music school 1 performed a lyric song and something from the repertoire of the Beatles, defusing the situation a little. The projector played the clip filmed by the participants, and the presenter announced into the microphone: "Hello!"

The main goal of the "Territory of Life" competition is to give young people the opportunity to express their point of view about the world and about themselves. More than 50 works from Yekaterinburg and its environs were submitted to the court, and one creative work was sent from the Krasnodar Territory!
In nomination " video social orientation "The first place was taken by Anton Kurilshchikov's clip "Healthy Lifestyle". A paradoxical combination of the theme of the clip and the name of the author, isn't it?
In nomination " social photography"Lena Ivanova's work entitled "Reviving Traditions" won the victory. Students from Pervouralsk won 1st place for the best social action "Take care of your health from a young age", and the work of Natalia Belyaeva "Is it easy to be young" won in the nomination " literary essay".

Special prizes were also established for a positive outlook and the desire to make our lives better.
All winners received certificates and special gifts from Andrey Shchupov - his books for teenagers. There will be something to do in the evenings.
When the participants learned that the writer was 45 years old, a noise went through the hall. Nobody expected such a turn, because the man looks much younger than his years, and he talks freshly.
"I'm sure that being a writer is extremely interesting. If only because you can immerse yourself in dozens of exciting professions, live hundreds of other people's lives," he says.

The main characters of A. Shchupov's books are usually adventurers who are ready for anything. The author admits that the characters are similar to him. Adventurousness is an integral part of human nature. But some have more, some have less. The author himself has done many risky things in his life. For example, about 20 years ago, Andrey Shchupov jumped from an airplane without any training and was not injured. What luck!

The writer had many pseudonyms - Oleg Rain, Sasha Belykh, Pavel Artemyikh. To the question "Why invent other names for yourself?" Andrey Shchupov replied that most often readers get hung up on one particular genre. Fans of science fiction do not want the author to waste time on detective stories, lovers of detective stories - on the contrary. He also likes to write in many genres. These are fantasy, psychological prose, books for children, detective stories and much, much more.

Andrey Shchupov calls children's literature his favorite genre. After all, writing is more interesting for children. They can also talk seriously, but in this direction there is no format, no framework. Oddly enough, children's literature is more liberated. The writer believes that the life of a modern teenager is quite gray and boring (school is home), and reading books is a great alternative to this. There is more, a reading person is successful man.

Andrey Shchupov began his search for himself with a self-made school newspaper. It all started with small articles and stories, then grew into larger works. The family approved of his choice and supported the writer in his endeavors. And now Andrey Shchupov is already a prize winner and a respected author. He writes books, brings up two children and does not age. At least it seems so.
The writer seemed to me an intelligent and interesting person.

I am sure that I will not be disappointed after reading the books of Andrey Shchupov! And you won't be disappointed.

information day

Books accompany a person throughout his life, helping him in difficult situations, in solving many problems, and simply in organizing interesting leisure activities. It is books that are the material for the transfer of knowledge from generation to generation, the basis of education, the development of culture and history. At different periods of life, a person turns to the most diverse literature - in childhood to fairy tales and fables, in school years - to teaching and fiction, at the university - to scientific, highly specialized, and with each subsequent year of life the list of literature of interest to a person is constantly expanding. And today libraries are the most accessible center for the concentration of various literature.
The inter-settlement central library annually acquires a lot of literature that differs in genre, specifics and content. In order to convey information about new products to the reader, Days of Information are traditionally held for all categories of readers.
On December 5, 2013, the Information Day “A person who reads is a successful person” was held at the MCB. The purpose of the event is to introduce people to reading, to get acquainted with the novelties of literature, and to promote the book. During the day, users got acquainted with book novelties various subjects, for them a detailed review of the presented publications was carried out. Fiction, scientific and educational, reference literature were presented to the readers' attention.

All publications are grouped by topics: economics, history, psychology, medicine, Agriculture, local history, fiction. Particular attention was drawn study guides series "Higher vocational education» in various branches of science.

Students of the 10th grade of secondary school No. 1 (class leader Stepanyan L. G.) were invited to the event. The children learned about novelties: literature on various fields of knowledge, about the works of modern writers and poets, got acquainted with new encyclopedias, reference books, and educational literature.

Bibliographer A. K. Bzezyan conducted a review of the books in the series "Your Outlook", which included the best publications in the humanities and natural sciences, written by Russian and foreign authors. Books in the series not only expand the horizons, increase the educational level, help to become experts in various fields of knowledge.

The attention of the children was attracted by the books of the Most Necessary Knowledge series, which contains information from various fields of knowledge and fields of human activity - geography, biology, history, philology, other sciences, curious facts about sports and athletes, about famous and famous people.
The children listened with interest to excerpts from the book “All the Greatest Mysteries of History” about the fate of many legendary figures of the past: the Queen of Sheba and King Macbeth, Joan of Arc and Alexander I, Catherine de Medici and Napoleon, Ivan the Terrible and Shakespeare.
The children were especially interested in the publication about people who lived at different times in different countries who were obsessed with a daring desire to go forward, beyond the horizon. This book is All greatest travelers» about enthusiasts, thanks to whom new seas, continents, straits, islands appeared on the map ...
Librarian K. V. Khaspekyan presented publications on psychology, which deal with almost all aspects of modern interpersonal communication - business etiquette, public speaking techniques, verbal and non-verbal techniques of influence, spoke about some of the author's methods of professional self-determination - the game "Sir-sovereign", " Bolvan.

The librarian of the reading room, M. S. Arzumanyan, familiarized with publications on cooking, needlework and home economics, which is especially important on the eve of the New Year, for preparing delicious salads, gourmet dishes, and original cakes. The books “Soft Toy”, “Crafts from Natural Materials”, “Embroider, Knit, Weave Threads and Beads” will teach you how to cut and sew, help you create beautiful products from the most common materials at hand.
The children looked at new books with pleasure, they took them home.

At the end of the event, during a discussion of what they heard and saw, the guys came to a conclusion that can be expressed in the words of the famous teacher and scientist Jan Amos Comenius: “Those who strive for wisdom should love books more than gold and silver. After all, it is books, and not gold and silver, that can lead such a person to the fulfillment of desires ... The mind is in vain if there is no food for wisdom, which good books deliver, full of good instructions, examples, moral precepts, laws and pious rules.
This day was also marked by the fact that members of the Nakhichevan-on-Don Armenian community headed by Sergey Mikhailovich Sayadov, executive director, historian, project manager of the Armenian Internet encyclopedia of the Khayazg Foundation, were visiting the library.

They donated publications about the history of the Armenian people, prominent figures of Armenian origin. Among the donated books, the specialists were especially interested in the series “The Life of Remarkable Nakhchivans” about our fellow countrymen, famous writers, artists, sportsmen. Sergey Mikhailovich presented the book of the Rostov art critic Valery Ryazanov "From the First Shelter to the Present Day", which is the first scientific experience of studying and summarizing the original cultural heritage of the Don Armenians. The publication “Four Years Under the Crescent Moon” on the occasion of the 95th anniversary of the memory of the victims of the Armenian genocide did not leave anyone indifferent. Ottoman Empire in 1915.

Are you a reading person?

Dan Kennedy once said, “Rich people have a big library. Poor people have a big TV.” Not surprisingly, in our modern real world, it's getting harder and harder to meet a person who reads. What is degradation, or an irrevocable fact of development?

Indeed, outside the window two thousand and thirteenth year. Do you have many acquaintances, friends, relatives, relatives who read? When did you read the last book? Which one? Of course, more than eighty percent will not remember, because it was so long ago. If, suddenly, you meet a reading person on the street, consider yourself very lucky. What is a book, reading is knowledge and development of not only spiritual qualities, but also material ones. Do not be afraid to go to libraries, visit literary evenings, it is very interesting, exciting and informative. Each person must develop in different directions, only in search of your occupation you will find the truth of your goal in life.

Do not waste your time watching a computer, TV. Do not degrade, change your life and its components. Read books, newspapers, magazines, publications of various directions. Each book you read will give you much more in life than the next series on TV. But the essence is not in the chosen topic or program, but in the process of obtaining knowledge. Of course, there is no escape from computerization, but nothing prevents us from devoting time to reading and other activities. Everything is interconnected, I think that every person in his life must read a certain number of books. This is a component without which it is difficult to imagine an educated and rich in inner world person.

Reading has a number of advantages over other activities. First, it develops thinking. When reading a book, we are trying to create our own fictional world. Secondly, it helps to relax, relieves stress, psychological pressure. The peculiarity of the Russian language allows us to calm our psyche. Thirdly, it develops our vocabulary, we learn new words, phrases, which over time we imperceptibly use in our lives. There are still a lot of positive qualities: it develops brain activity, gives self-confidence, a source of solution to many urgent problems, improves attentiveness, memory, concentration. And all this gives us a book - a source of knowledge.

As A. Blok said: "A book is a great thing, as long as a person knows how to use it." Read books! Reading will always be relevant for spiritual development...


(speech at the regional conference "Days of the Russian Language";

May, 2013-2014 academic year)

Hello! I am a student of the 5A class of the Kozhevnikovskaya school No. 1 Maria Usacheva, I present to your attention the work that we did together with my classmate Karina Agapova, and it is called "A person who reads is a successful person."

Since childhood, we are told that "The book is the source of wisdom and knowledge." Of course it is. Although actively reading schoolchildren in our time you will meet not so often. For example, some of our friends honestly admit that they do not read anything at all. And they say that reading books is a waste of time. And this makes us sad. The book contains innumerable riches, it reflects all human experience. That is why the answer that often sounds in the lessons in our class is surprising: “I read it, but did not understand anything.” Two conclusions can be drawn from it:

1) inattentively, thoughtlessly read;

2) did not read at all.

The book is an indispensable tool that helps to form moral principles, moral principles and cultural values.

From early childhood, a person gets acquainted with books. They will accompany him throughout his life. They will be his constant companions, help to understand difficult issues, solve the most important life problems.

The book teaches us to be kinder, gentler to each other, teaches mercy, sympathy. She becomes our faithful friend at a difficult moment when we need to find the only solution that will help get out of this situation.

The book is a true friend. For any question, you can contact her. Books are our indispensable helpers.

The role of books in human life is great. Without it, neither education nor the culture of our society would be possible. It is the book that stores in itself everything that humanity has accumulated over all the centuries of its existence in various fields.

Well, now I want to talk about the role of reading in our class.This academic year, our class took part in school competition"The most active reading class." Based on the results of the first halfwe took first placeand we are very proud of the result, we want to continue to be active users of libraries and participants in competitions aimed at developing reading abilities.

We run a great reader's diary, where we place materials from extracurricular reading lessons, with open lessons, photos from classroom reading and research conferences, pasting illustrations to works fiction, we write syncwines on various "reader's" topics. I brought our cool reading diary and I want to show it to you. (PASS THE DIARY TO THE FIRST ROW)

Reading competitions are held in our class, which develop our speech and bring up a love for the book. For example, participantscompetition of readers dedicated to M. Yu. Lermontov, steel 20 our classmates(out of 23). In the competition"Attempt at writing" (within open event dedicated to M.V. Lomonosov), 4 students from the class they wrote poems in honor of the great Russian scientist. We passed and2 educational and research conferences, in preparation for which we studied encyclopedic, non-fiction literature, learned to work with Internet sources.5 students in a classtook part in school stage competition"Living Classic" two represented our school at the district level, one of our classmatesbecame the winner of the competition. Our class regularly hosts To class hours to promote reading among peers.

We keep in touch not only with the school, but also with the central library. Three times during this school year we were at educational literary events organized by the library staff. Thus, we can conclude that students in grade 5A actively participate in activities aimed at developing speech, broadening their horizons, developing creative abilities and draw strength and inspiration from books.

After we conducted a survey in the class in order to find out what our classmates like to read, how often and for how long they read, we concluded: some guys in our class do not want to read, do not want to go to the library, preferring to look for information in the Internet.

We see a close relationship between reading and grades in Russian. Without daily thoughtful reading, it is impossible to become a literate person.

Today, in the age of computerization and the dominance of videos, young people need to read. And not only because the book is a source of knowledge. Reading enriches inner world the reader, educates feelings, makes you think about yourself and others, teaches you to be attentive to what is happening around. Reading books, we broaden our horizons, enrich vocabulary, develop memory.

We hope that in the future the situation will change, and Her Majesty the Book will take its rightful place in the life of each of us.

Text: Tata Oleinik
Illustrations: Vadim Smirnov

Man learned to read about six thousand years ago. It was then that comics that people of antiquity liked to leave each other on the walls of caves and tree trunks as a kind of wall newspaper:
sign "Vasya", sign "club", sign "lion"
the sign "lion", the sign "ate", the sign "Vasya",

began to take shape in what would later become pictographic writing and hieroglyphics (the appearance of alphabets based on phonetics will have to wait a little longer).

Since then, the word "literate" has become synonymous with the word "smart".

The historical and social significance of writing is enormous. In fact, it was a million times cooler than the invention of the bow, the wheel, or, say, the internal combustion engine. Because it was then that humanity managed to cope simultaneously with time and space: from now on, the word and, accordingly, knowledge on this planet have gained immortality*.

But, understanding this enormous historical significance of reading, we often do not think about what it did to a person at the physiological level. No, this is not about glasses and stoop.

« And I always, always suspected that it was not senseless vegetables hanging on that very tree in that very garden, but an ABC book and an inkwell. »

How the brain works while reading

Now, as you read these words, your brain inside your skull is on fire like Christmas tree, which is clearly seen in tomographic studies. While your eyes jump over the lines (yes, it sounds strange, of course, but that’s how we read: generally smoothly, but with occasional jerks, it’s like watching a freezing video), work is in full swing in your head. Neural signals are frantically rushing through the closets and rubble of your giant temple of the mind, desperately shaking all sorts of rags and hastily looking for the meanings of hastily deciphered symbols.

It looks something like this:

Hey, are we looking for "gritty"? No one saw "hard-nosed"? Where the hell are all the synonyms? So ... "dry", "wrinkled", "bitten" - no, this is not at all ...
- Yes, just hang a picture of an old boot in front of his nose - he will figure it out somehow.
Too late, we've already gone! Now we urgently need "pemmican"!
- "Gnarled Pemmican"?! What is it all about? They all went crazy there, didn't they? Drive the context, loafers!
"A hardened pemmican stuck in an old Crow's wampum!"
- God!
- Fast, fast! We're late!
- What does he even read?
- "My life among the Indians."
- Oh, exactly, the Indians, bli-i-in ... Again, the active dictionary can be thrown out. I'll have to dive into childhood, into the Coopers of all sorts of ibn Fenimors ... And there such associations are found - such teeth, such mouths! They devour it - and you won’t have time to utter a word!
- But because you don't need an active dictionary of five hundred words!
- And so we develop as best we can ... by regular reading ... hmm.
- That's it, I can't do it anymore, the synapses are falling off. Hey you there, primary! Hint to him that it's time to go to the toilet - drive to the sphincter of the bladder, let him help out of old friendship!

We rarely think about what reading has done to us on a physiological level.

We perceive sound information much less dramatically, because our brain evolved under conditions in which the ability to quickly decipher sound signals was very, very important. The sneezing of a leopard in the distant bushes instantly brings such order to the synapses that you don’t even have time to realize anything, and your legs have already developed an average cruising speed of forty kilometers per hour.

Reading is different. The texts do not flash before us as black and yellow spots, do not lick themselves carnivorously, do not show you the amazing elasticity of the mammary glands of a beauty from a neighboring tribe. These are just small black icons, crawling like a miserable centipede on a white paper sheet.

To turn them into meaningful signals, your brain has to strain as hard as it can. And he has few helpers. Listening to someone else's speech, we perceive the speaker's intonation, his breathing, the degree of his excitement and enthusiasm, and graphic symbols do not give even this.

When you read, the primary visual cortex is activated first. She seems to be making a mold of the word. After that, this cast is sent to the angular gyrus, where, according to the visual form of the word, its acoustic analogue is found, stored in Wernicke's zone *. “It is in Wernicke's area that the word is understood, and at the same time its representation in Broca's area, located in the third frontal gyrus, is activated. The activation of Broca's area after understanding the meaning of speech, due to the participation of Wernicke's area, is provided by a group of fibers called the arcuate bundle. In Broca's area, information from Wernicke's area leads to a detailed program of articulation. The implementation of this program is carried out through the activation of the facial projection of the motor cortex, which controls the speech muscles and is associated with Broca's area with short fibers ”(Human Physiology. Pokrovsky V.M., Korotko G.F., etc.).

* Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik:
« In the deaf, this chain is more complex and includes the memory of tactile and visual signals. But the principle is the same »

The more and better you read, the faster the process happens. For people with the best reading skills, it takes a tiny fraction of a second, so that they almost do not "hear" the word they read, while people with poor reading skills literally say each word to themselves.

If the brain is so hard to read, then why torture it?

Why go to the gym? No other load is as complete and versatile exercise for the brain as reading. No chess, logical problems and crossword puzzles will not provide such a load, because they involve much more limited areas of the brain. Thirty minutes of reading a day reduces, for example, the risk of developing Alzheimer's in healthy patients over forty-five by almost a third (these data are confirmed by the group of Inna Slatsky (Tel Aviv University, Israel).

5 questions about reading

1. How to learn to read quickly?

Practice. The more you read, the better the skill. And also try to learn to read without repeating the words to yourself, but simply gliding through the lines with your eyes. At first you will not understand anything, then you will slowly get involved.

2. Why do I pass out while reading? It seems like I read half a page, but I don’t remember anything?

Because your brain took a short pause and arbitrarily stopped processing incoming information. This also happens during the receipt of sound signals - at lectures, for example. It's okay, as long as it doesn't happen too often - give your attention a kick and reread it. If you black out too often - once every 10 minutes or more, then you have ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder. It is also amenable to training, although in the USA and Israel, for example, they prefer to treat it with medication, especially in children.

3. With the development of technology, books and reading go by the wayside, don't they?

Never before has mankind written and read as much as it has been writing and reading since the advent of the Internet and SMS messages. What exactly it writes and reads is another story, but most of the inscriptions on all sorts of ancient steles are not very different, say, from posts on gaming forums: “Today, I, the Great Mumuk, trampled thousands of enemies with my fifth, and vile Bubuk I I will catch and release his intestines.” Like that.

4. It is now widely believed that it is not necessary to accustom a child to reading too early - everything has its time. Is it correct?

According to the author of this article, only pests can spread this opinion. The earlier a child learns reading skills, the easier it will be for him to read and the more books he will learn at a time when the information received is especially well fixed in memory.

5. How can a modern adult learn to read if he does not have enough time for this?

(Advice taken from "The Art of Discussing Books You Haven't Read" by Pierre Bayard) Go with the book you know where. Switch from private transport to public transport. Read books from phones and computers. In general, mechanically read everything that was at your fingertips if you have been sitting for three minutes and doing nothing. Reread books you have already read. It's better to know 20 books well than not remember a damn thing about 100 books you've read. It is better for an inexperienced reader to read what he likes, and not what he needs to read (“How can a cultured person not know the Heptameron ?!”) or prestigious (“How, have you not read Telluria yet ?!”).

But improving the quality of the brain is not at all the main profit from reading. Let's leave aside education, cultural level and the ability to maintain a secular conversation (practice suggests that for some reason Murakami, Tolstoy and Dickens are very rarely mentioned in secular conversations, the names of Yoji Yamamoto, Coco Chanel and Slava Zaitsev are more often heard there). Extensions vocabulary also can be achieved not only by reading: listening to audiobooks, say, or just frequent communication with well-read interlocutors will inevitably make your speech and your thoughts much richer. Much more important is the ability of our consciousness to respond very well to bibliotherapy.

Access to other worlds

This term appeared in the middle of the last century, but they began to treat mentally ill and simply mentally unstable people with the help of books a hundred years earlier (by the way, our compatriot I. Dyadkovsky was one of the pioneers of this case). Precisely because reading so actively engages virtually our entire brain, it can radically change our mood, well-being and attitude. Roughly speaking, if our stressed and depressed brain paints us a sad picture of the devastation of the world in general and ourselves in particular, then the situation can be improved by forcing this brain to intensively process other pictures - with fluttering butterflies, pink elephants and brave Indians stealing blond beauties.

Bibliotherapy is an opportunity to go to other worlds in search of spiritual comfort

And no cinema stood next to it, because not one of the greatest Tarantino will be able to make your brain believe in the true reality of what is happening. Precisely because a simple visual signal, a picture from a screen, in our head does not undergo even a tenth of the processing and decoding that a printed word goes through. Here, read the sentence slowly:

In the heart of a dark forest, on a gnarled branch of an old pine tree, hangs a small white porcelain teapot with a green rose on its side.

Do you know what we just did to you? We made you imagine this forest, this pine tree and this stupid teapot. You personally pulled them out of non-existence, the way you saw them, and from now on they will stay here forever. Our congratulations. There is no other way to go so well and so reliably into other worlds as reading. And the better reading skills a person has, the faster and more actively he devours pages, the deeper and more complete the illusion. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why people who read a lot and voraciously rarely become drunkards and drug addicts - because they don’t need it *. Tens of thousands of realities are already at their service, helpfully opening their accessible pages for them.

* Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik:
« No, they can become them, but usually this happens after, for one reason or another, their interest in books fades. »