Nurken Abdirov accomplished the feat under. Walk along the streets of Heroes: Nurken Abdirov

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Aviation occupied a special place in the battles on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War... For heroism and unprecedented dedication, the pilots were called "air falcons".

Talgat Yakubekovich Begeldinov was born on August 5, 1922 in the Akmola region, aul Maylybak. In 1940 he entered the Saratov Military Aviation School. He graduated from high school two years later with the rank of sergeant. Then I studied at the Chikalov school of bombard pilots. Before going to the front, young Talgat mastered the control of the Il-2 attack aircraft in Izhevsk.

Talgat Begeldinov

Talgat Begeldinov flew 500 hours on the Il-2 "flying tank". At number 13 on the Il-2 plane, he made 305 sorties. The military are superstitious people, only Begeldinov did not believe in number 13. First rank of Hero Soviet Union he received for his courage in the battles during the liberation of Znamenka and Kirovograd. The second - for exploits in the battles for Krakow, Breslau and Berlin.

Nurken Abdirov

He was born in 1919 near Karkaralinsk. Nurken Abdirov took part in hostilities 16 times, destroyed 12 German tanks, 28 trucks, 18 vehicles carrying ammunition and medicine, 3 fuel tanks, 3 cannons, over 50 German soldiers and officers. In 1942, he set out to destroy the fascist tanks accumulated in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Bokov-Ponomarevka fortress (the fortress of the Stalingrad arc). During this mission, he destroyed several bunkers, 2 cannon artillery, 6 tanks. However, his plane was damaged by an enemy bullet and caught fire. Nurken Abdirov died heroically, sending his plane to the enemy. In 1943, the Kazakh pilot Nurken Abdirov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. May 6, 1998 by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev Baktyoraz Beysekbaev was awarded the title of "Khalyk Kakharmany". In the same year, the President Russian Federation Nurken Abdirov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia,

Baktyoraz Beysekbaev

Among the pilots, fearless heroes of the Great Patriotic War, there were also women. Khiuaz Dospanova is the only Kazakh pilot.

Khiuaz Dospanova

She was born on May 15, 1922 in the Atyrau region. The name of this girl, senior lieutenant Dospanova, is well known. She flew more than 300 sorties and was badly wounded four times. The Germans called the 46th Guards Bomber Pilot Regiment, where Hiuaz served, "Night Witches." For the heroism and selflessness shown at the front of the Great Patriotic War, she was awarded the "Red Star", the Order of Honor, II degree and other medals. In 2004, by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev, Khiuaz Dospanova was awarded the title "Hero of the People". On May 20, 2008, Khiuaz Dospanova passed away.

In 1956, a Hero of the USSR and the Russian Federation, a helicopter pilot, Colonel Kairbolat Maidanov was born in the village of Taskudyk, Syrym region.

Kairbolat Maidanov

In 1988, he participated in the rescue of a special military unit from the encirclement in Afghanistan. He pulled out of enemy fire and whistling bullets of the crew members of two helicopters - 46 people. On a military mission he flew 1250 flights, total - 1100 hours. The leadership believed in his experience and skill, therefore it gave the full right to take off at any time without the consent of the head of the aviation regiment.

On December 19, 1942, during the assault on enemy positions near the Konkovo \u200b\u200bfarm in the Rostov region, Kazakhstani Abdirov Nurken performed his feat.

The intertwining of human destinies occurs at times in the most amazing way. During the war, the family of M.A. Sholokhova finds shelter in our village. Darinskoe. For the period from July 27, 1942 to the end of November 1943, an adobe house in the center of our village becomes a temporary refuge for the family. War correspondent Sholokhov comes here from the front to visit his family, here the first lines of his war novel "They Fought for the Motherland" are born, the first chapters of which were published 75 years ago in the newspaper "Pravda". In the first chapters, Sholokhov talks about difficult battles in the Stalingrad steppes, the retreat soviet troops... Three fellow soldiers Zvyagintsev, Lopakhin and Streltsov, who passed the first years of the war together, defend the crossing of the Don by Soviet troops. It was a tough fight. The remnants of the regiment had to hold off enemy tanks, which were trying to break through to the Don, where the main troops were crossing. After two tank attacks, they began bombing the hill from the air. In the same battle, not far from these places and the small homeland of Mikhail Sholokhov, on December 19, 1942, during the storming of enemy positions near the Konkovo \u200b\u200bfarm in the Rostov region, Kazakhstani Abdirov Nurken performed his feat. His plane received a direct hit to the engine and caught fire. Realizing that there was no chance of reaching his own people, Abdirov sent the burning car into a column of accumulated enemy tanks near the fuel tanks. "Farewell, Motherland, friends ...", - he sent his last words on the air. Together with him, the gunner-radio operator Komissarov Alexander died, who refused to fulfill the order of his commander - to jump. By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 31, 1943, exactly 75 years ago, Nurken Abdirov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for exemplary performance of the command's combat missions and the courage and heroism shown at the same time. A year earlier, on October 23, 1941, Nurken wrote to his parents in Karaganda: “Mom! The time for combat training has come to an end. Today or tomorrow we are going to the place where hot battles unfold ... No, I will not give my life for the gift. My youth will be with me even in death ... "
Nurken's biography is usual for a young man of that time. He was born in 1919 in the village No. 5 of the Karakaraly region. In 1938, he worked at mine No. 1 of the Karaganda coal basin as the head of the library, in the Karaganda regional prosecutor's office - as a manager. There he joined the Komsomol, became the secretary of the Komsomol organization. Like many of his peers, he became interested in aviation. In 1939 he graduated from the flight courses of the Karaganda Aviation Club and received the specialty of a reserve pilot. Was appointed people's investigator. He was drafted into the army in February 1940. The war found Nurken as a cadet of the Orenburg Aviation School. On October 9, 1942, having successfully passed the exams, Sergeant Abdirov arrived at the 808th Assault Aviation Regiment, which was part of the 267th Assault Aviation Division. Aviators supported the advancing troops from the air Southwestern Front... In Borisoglebsk on October 23, 1942, he made his first combat mission. Started front weekdays Nurken, the same as those of most of his peers, but having accomplished the feat, he immortalized his name forever. During the war years, at the expense of the Karlag prisoners, the plane "Nurken Abdirov" was built and participated in battles since 1944. In the Zhetysu district of Almaty there is a small street named after the Hero, in Karaganda there is a monument, on the Mamayev Kurgan, in Volgograd there is a memorial plate. In the homeland of Nurken Abdirov, one of the villages is named after him, as well as the Karaganda aeroclub, where he received a ticket to the sky. Nurken is also remembered and honored in Sholokhov's small homeland - in st. Bokovskaya installed a bust of the Hero, in the funds of the State Museum-Reserve material was collected about him, which was used for an exhibition in the Palace of Culture of Art. Veshenskaya in 2007 to the 65th anniversary of his feat.
In 1965, his mother Bagzhan Zhaikenova, elected Honorary Kazakh woman Art. Bokovskaya, came to Sholokhov's homeland. Bagzhan Zhaikenova was accompanied on the trip by the writer G.V. Yakimov, author of the story about Abdirov Nurken "A peak in immortality". In the village of Veshenskaya, Bagzhan met with M.A. Sholokhov. From that meeting, there were photographs that captured Mikhail Alexandrovich, Bagzhan and her grandchildren.
Our Kazakh poet Sapargali Begalin dedicated the poem "Winged Kazakh" to Nurken.


director of the memorial
Museum of M.A. Sholokhov

Sculptural sights of Karaganda.

“There is no war without casualties. And if death overtakes, if a stray enemy bullet cries into a boiling heart, then let the sheet of this white paper with my lines written today become my request for forgiveness. I bow my young head at your feet. Do not be angry with me, if perhaps in his youth he spoke disrespectful words to you, if he did not listen to your advice, was carried away by something, like other young people, forgot you. I am writing this letter to you, and happy days pass before my eyes. No, I won't give my life for the gift. My youth will be in death. I have a fast plane in my hands, which will bring down lead gifts on the Germans ... "

Nurken Abdirov.

Group tour from Astana to Karaganda.

Monument to Nurken Abdirov - monument soviet pilot Hero of the Soviet Union Nurken Abdirovich Abdirov (1919 - 1942). The monument was erected in 1958 in the city of Karaganda on Nurken Abdirov Avenue at the intersection with Bukhar-Zhyrau Avenue.
The Komsomol members of the city of Karaganda decided to erect a monument to Nurken Abdirov at their own expense. A competition was announced for the best design of the monument, the winners were Karaganda sculptors Y. Gummel, A. Bilyk, architect L. E. Vorobyov.
On the monument, the Hero of the Soviet Union Nurken Abdirov is depicted at the helm of an aircraft. The total height of the monument is 9 meters, the width is 1.5 meters, the height of the figure is 1.7 meters. The sculpture is cast in bronze, the pedestal is made of marble.
The monument recreates the portrait image of the Hero of the Soviet Union Nurken Abdirov. The figure of an attack pilot raised on a high pedestal enhances the dynamics of the overall composition, enriches the perception of the architectural ensemble of the square.
On January 26, 1982, the monument was included in the list of historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan of republican significance. In 1987, at the numerous requests of the people of Karaganda, a second memorial plaque was installed on the monument to Nurken Abdirov in Karaganda: “Together with Nurken Abdirov, the radio operator Alexander Komissarov, who was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree (posthumously), performed the feat.”
Nurken Abdirov - a native of the Karkaralinsky district of the Karaganda region, was born in 1919. Nurken's biography is simple, like that of many representatives of his generation. He studied, joined the ranks of the Komsomol in Karaganda.
On the job he graduated from the DOSAAF courses and became an attack pilot. During the Great Patriotic War he heroically fought for the Motherland. December 19, 1942 performed a heroic deed at Stalingrad.
When his plane was hit by an enemy shell, he directed the flaming plane at the enemy's mechanized columns. For his courage and heroism he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Nurken Abdirov was buried on the Konki farm in the village of Bokovskaya, Rostov Region. Nurken's older brother Sadarbek died at the front in 1944.


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