Who is the author of the work the elephant baby elephant and the elephant. The dream of friendship and warmth in the poem by Yu

Lesson objectives:

Leshkevich Tatiana Pavlovna, 20.02.2017

752 136

Development content


1. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
Tired of standing in the zoo
And they sailed into the sea on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes!

We flew away, yes, we flew over there!

2. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Fluffy waves rocked
And the dolphins greeted with a childish smile
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! Both elephants and elephants smiled then!

3. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
A breath of sincerity is needed, -
Dolphins have a friendly dinner
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! Both me and I were invited there!

4. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Dolphins loved like brothers -
Saying goodbye, they embraced
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And me, yes, yes, and me at the same time!

5. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Dolphins swore goodbye:
For all those drowning to become in the ocean
An elephant, an elephant, an elephant!
Yes Yes! Does anyone want to go to the bottom?

6. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
In an embrace melted into the haze -
Dolphins in memory remained in the picture
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! And my smile is from ear to ear!

7. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They put gifts in a string bag,
And we returned to Khimki on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! Do not abandon babies by elephants!

8. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
The famous elephant breeder met
And the ball was waiting on the open veranda
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! I danced with a camel then!

9. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They yearn for dolphins in their dreams
And they look for sea cabbage with their trunk
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.

Yes Yes! Sleep and see her
Your favorite dish!

10. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Seaweed is pleasant -
Dolphins in a dream send her, probably
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! By your kindness!

11. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They open their mouths from tenderness,
They close their eyes and they hum to us
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! About a dream! About a dream!

Development content

A) on the ship;
B) on a yacht;
C) by kayak.

A) white;
B) blue;
B) green.

A) with whales;
B) with dolphins;
B) with sharks.

A) from the presentation of gifts;
B) with a smile;
B) with handshakes.

A) sharks;
B) elephants;
C) dolphins.

B) get some fresh air;
C) drink lemonade.

A) a friendly dinner;
B) fun games;
C) carnival.

A) whales;
B) a girl;
C) elephants.

A) your things;
B) seaweed;
C) gifts.
11. Where did the elephants return?
A) in Medvedkovo;
B) to Khimki;
C) in Stupino.

A) did not like the sea;

C) the kayak has broken.

A) striped tigers;
B) the director of the zoo;
C) the famous elephant breeder.

A) sea cabbage;
B) sugar beets;
C) overseas fruits.

1. Why did the elephant, the elephant and the baby elephant decide to sail into the sea?
A) it was boring to stand in the zoo, they were tired of the monotony;
B) they sailed along with all the animals of the zoo;
C) the director of the zoo sent them to the sea.

2. How did the elephant, the elephant and the baby elephant sail into the sea?
A) on the ship;
B) on a yacht;
C) by kayak.

3. What color was the kayak?
A) white;
B) blue;
B) green.

4.Who did the elephants at sea become friends with?
A) with whales;
B) with dolphins;
B) with sharks.

5. How did the friendship between elephants and dolphins begin?
A) from the presentation of gifts;
B) with a smile;
B) with handshakes.

6. Who needed a "breath of soulfulness"?
A) sharks;
B) elephants;
C) dolphins.

7. What does the expression "a breath of sincerity is needed" mean?
A) communicate cordially, sincerely;
B) get some fresh air;
C) drink lemonade.

8. What did the dolphins do to the elephants?
A) a friendly dinner;
B) fun games;
C) carnival.

9. Whom did the dolphins hug?
A) whales;
B) a girl;
C) elephants.

10. What did the elephants put in the string bag?
A) your things;
B) seaweed;
C) gifts.

11. Where did the elephants return?
A) in Medvedkovo;
B) to Khimki;
C) in Stupino.
12. Why did the elephants return to the zoo?
A) did not like the sea;
B) "elephants do not throw babies";
C) the kayak has broken.
13. Who met an elephant, a female elephant, a baby elephant?
A) striped tigers;
B) the director of the zoo;
C) the famous elephant breeder.
14. Favorite dish of elephants, which dolphins send them in a dream.
A) sea cabbage;
B) sugar beets;
C) overseas fruits.

Development content


Lesson topic:"The dream of friendship and warmth in the poem by J. Moritz" Elephant, baby elephant and elephant ".

Lesson objectives:

1. Generalization of goals and methods of creating a fantastic image in art.

2. Understanding the serious problems of funny poetry.

3. Deepening students' ideas about the role of rhythm in a poem.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Guys, we have guests today, let's welcome them and give them our smiles, smile at each other, smile at me. We start working in a good mood.

II. Homework check.

We have finished reading the works of part 1 of our textbook. On your own, you got acquainted with the works of Junna Moritz.

Some of you read the poems expressively, someone learned the poems by heart, someone drew drawings for the poems of Y. Moritz. Now we will listen to what poems our students have found.

Read poems by heart: Guryeva Anya, Stremyanova Alena, Mkhitaryan Gayane, Kornev Denis.

- How did the guys read? Whose reading did you like best?

Now look at the pictures that you drew.

Tell, to what work you drew them, and what you depicted on them.

(drawings by Y. Petukhov, D. Zenina, E. Nechaeva, K. Abramova, N. Yalovka, M. Latypov, L. Kiseleva).

What are these poems?

What is the peculiarity of these works? (The author's love for children, animals is felt in them, they are funny and very kind).

Well done, homework performed well.

III ... Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Do you like to dream? What are you dreaming about?

- Today in the lesson we will talk with you about friendship, warmth, dreams. And the poem by J. Moritz will help us with this.

IV ... Work on the poem by Y. Moritz "Elephant, baby elephant and elephant ..."

Father J. Moritz had a double higher education: engineering and legal, he worked as an engineer on transport lines.

Mother graduated from high school before the revolution. She gave French lessons, mathematics, worked in arts and crafts, as a nurse in a hospital and even as a woodcutter.

Junna Moritz composed her first poem at the age of 4:

The donkey stood on a stool,

The donkey ate his pill.

Finally a throat

It blew through.

In 1954 she graduated from high school with a gold medal. After graduation, she tried to enter the Kiev University for journalism. She was not mistaken for her lack of literary ability.

b) reading a poem.

- Guess the riddle:

Trumpets loudly, but not a trumpet player,

He's a real strong man.

It has a long trunk.

Have you guessed? It…

Before you listen to the poem, look and tell me who is called that?

And what does the word "elephant breeder" mean?

Now you will listen to Y. Moritz's poem "The Elephant, the Baby Elephant and the Elephant."

What does the title of this poem tell us?

The poem in the textbook is not complete, so listen carefully and think, is it funny or sad?

Is this poem funny or sad? Why?

at)Reading a poem by stanzas with comments.

- We read the first stanza.

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant

Tired of standing in the zoo

And they sailed into the sea on a blue kayak

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.

Yes Yes! They flew away, yes, yes, they flew over there!

Why did the elephant, the elephant, the baby elephant sail away in a kayak into the sea?

How do you imagine a kayak? (boat)

What is the main element of this stanza?

What are we going to draw? (boat)

- We read the second stanza.

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant

Fluffy waves rocked

And the dolphins greeted with a childish smile

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.

Yes Yes! Both elephants and elephants smiled then!

How do you imagine waves?

Who did the elephants become friends with? How did it start?

Tell me, what is the "child's smile"? ( kind, open)

What are we going to draw in the second box? (smile)

- We continue to create a film strip. Read verse 3.

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant

A breath of sincerity is needed, -

Dolphins have a friendly dinner

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.

Yes Yes! Both me and I were invited there!

How do you understand the expression "a breath of sincerity is needed"?

- It means to communicate cordially, sincerely.

And when a friendly dinner is being arranged in your home over a cup of tea, what is the main treat on the table?

Pie, cake.

What are we going to draw in the next frame? (cake, pie)

- We read the 4th stanza.

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant

Dolphins loved like brothers -

Saying goodbye, they embraced

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.

Yes Yes! And me, yes, yes, and me at the same time!

How did the relationship between dolphins and the elephant family develop? (they became friends)

From what words is this evident? (loved like brothers)

What means, hugged? (hugged goodbye)

When people say goodbye, what gestures do they perform?

- They hug each other, shake hands.

What can you draw on this frame? (Children's assumptions) (hugs, hands shake)

- Reading the next stanza.

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant

They put gifts in a string bag,

And we returned to Khimki on a blue kayak

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.

Yes Yes! Do not abandon, do not abandon baby elephants!

Why did the elephants return?

- Probably because this is their home, they have kids here.

What did the elephants bring with them?

Do you like to receive gifts? Draw a gift in the next frame.

- Reading the next stanza?

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant

The famous elephant breeder met

And the ball was waiting on the open veranda

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.

Yes Yes! I was with a camel, I danced with a camel then!

Who is an elephant breeder?

Why did the "famous elephant breeder" meet the elephants and even arrange a holiday for them?

- Probably because they were loved and missed.

The ball is a great celebration. And at the end of any holiday, what spectacle do you often see?

- Very often after the holiday we see fireworks.

What are we going to draw in the next frame? (firework)

- The next two stanzas will be combined into one.

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant

They yearn for dolphins in their dreams

And they look for sea cabbage with their trunk

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.

Yes Yes! Sleep and see her

Your favorite dish!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant

Seaweed is nice.

Dolphins in a dream send her, probably

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.

Yes Yes! By your kindness!

Who and what do elephants miss?

“They probably miss dolphins and cabbage.

Where can they taste seaweed?

- Probably only in a dream.

Tell me, children, when does sleep come to us?

What would you draw on the eighth frame of our filmstrip? (stars, moon)

- Now we come to the last stanza of the poem.

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant

They open their mouths from tenderness,

They close their eyes and hum to us

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.

Yes Yes! About a dream, yes, a dream, a dream!

- What is this poem about? Find confirmation of your answer in the last stanza.

- "... and we are humming (elephant, elephant, baby elephant and elephant) Yes, yes! About a dream! About a dream!"

Yes, about a dream. This is a fun kind fantasy-dream about friendship, about true friends, about kindness and warmth. So can a child and an adult who has not forgotten that he was a child can fantasize. When you read the poem, whose presence did you still feel?

- He also dreams of going on a journey with the elephants and meeting interesting friends.

Look at the piece of paper. You have a filmstrip plan. And not just a plan, but a plan of drawings. Drawings will help you complete the content of each stanza. Your homework will be to finish the last frame of the filmstrip, to fantasize and dream, as well as finish the frames in more detail in other words, drawings and do them in color.

V. Anchoring.

Expressive reading poems.

Vi. Listening to the recording of the song "The Elephant, the Elephant and the Elephant" performed by the Nikitin duet.

Tatiana and Sergey Nikitin composed music to the words of Yunna Moritz, and they ended up with a very interesting and funny song. Now we will listen to it.

- Now let's check how you remember the content of the poem. Here is a test, the questions of which you must answer.

Vii. Lesson summary.

What do you think is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis piece?

On the site "Cartoons" http://mults.spb.ru/mults/ you can find and watch cartoons based on the works of Y. Moritz, and there is also a website by Y. Moritz http://www.owl.ru/morits/bio.htm

where you will find a biography of the writer, you can read all the poems written for children.

VIII. Homework.

Development content

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
Tired of standing in the zoo
And they sailed into the sea on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! We flew in-o-he there!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Fluffy waves rocked
And the dolphins greeted with a childish smile
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And the elephants smiled then!

Elephant, elephant, elephant
A breath of sincerity is needed, -
Dolphins have a friendly dinner
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And I was invited there!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Dolphins loved like brothers -
Saying goodbye, they embraced
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And me at the same time!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Dolphins swore goodbye:
For all those drowning to become in the ocean
An elephant, an elephant, an elephant!
Yes Yes! Does anyone want to go to the bottom?

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
In an embrace they melted into a haze -
Dolphins are still in the picture
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! And my smile is from ear to ear!

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They put gifts in a string bag,
And we returned to Khimki on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! Do not abandon babies by elephants!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
The famous elephant breeder met
And the ball was waiting on the open veranda
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! I danced with a camel then!

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They yearn for dolphins in their dreams
And they look for sea cabbage with their trunk
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! Sleep and see her
Your favorite dish!

Elephant, elephant, elephant
Seaweed is pleasant -
Dolphins in a dream send her, probably
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! By your kindness!

Singing T. and S. Nikitin

Junna Moritz is the author of poetry books, including "In the lair of the los" (1990), "Face" (2000), "Thus" (2000), "By law - hello to the postman!" (2005), as well as books of poetry for children ("Big secret for a small company" (1987), "Bouquet of cats" (1997)). Many songs have been written on poems by Junna Moritz. She is a great artist, her books contain hundreds of sheets of author's graphics, which are not illustrations, but "such poetry in such a language."
Junna Moritz has discovered a new magical land. Here everything is fair, kind, loving and full of correspondence to one another: the music could not be otherwise, and it is probably impossible to read and sing these verses otherwise. (B Okudzhava)
Writing poetry is like climbing a hill: with each step, the experience is greater, the skill is more perfect. Another effort, and the height is taken. The height is taken, but the fact is that true poetry just begins after that, it begins with soaring, with magic, and this is a secret, accessible to few. Junna Moritz was lucky: she discovered a magical land, not invented it, but discovered it. She inhabited it with living inhabitants, not fabulous, but alive. Junna Moritz has discovered a new magical land. Here everything is fair, kind, loving and full of correspondence to one another: the music could not be otherwise, and it is probably impossible to read and sing these verses otherwise.

Poems and songs by Yunna Moritz performed by Tatiana and Sergey Nikitin.

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant (Junna Moritz)

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
Tired of standing in the zoo
And they sailed into the sea on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! We flew in-o-he there!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Fluffy waves rocked
And the dolphins greeted with a childish smile
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And the elephants smiled then!

Elephant, elephant, elephant
A breath of sincerity is needed, -
Dolphins have a friendly dinner
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And I was invited there!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Dolphins loved like brothers -
Saying goodbye, they embraced
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And me at the same time!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Dolphins swore goodbye:
For all those drowning to become in the ocean
An elephant, an elephant, an elephant!
Yes Yes! Does anyone want to go to the bottom?

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
In an embrace they melted into a haze -
Dolphins are still in the picture
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! And my smile is from ear to ear!

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They put gifts in a string bag,
And we returned to Khimki on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! Do not abandon babies by elephants!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
The famous elephant breeder met
And the ball was waiting on the open veranda
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! I danced with a camel then!

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They yearn for dolphins in their dreams
And they look for sea cabbage with their trunk
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! Sleep and see her
Your favorite dish!

Elephant, elephant, elephant
Seaweed is pleasant -
Dolphins in a dream send her, probably
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! By your kindness!

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They open their mouths from tenderness,
They close their eyes and they hum to us
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! About a dream! About a dream!

Nikitin Sergey Yakovlevich Born on March 8, 1944 in Moscow. Composer and bard.
Tatyana Khashimovna Nikitina, née Sadykova (December 31, 1945, Dushanbe) - Soviet and Russian performer in the genre of author's song, Honored Artist of Russia. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
The wife of the composer Sergei Nikitin.

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
Tired of standing in the zoo
And they sailed into the sea on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! We flew in-o-he there!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Fluffy waves rocked
And the dolphins greeted with a childish smile
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And the elephants smiled then!

Elephant, elephant, elephant
A breath of sincerity is needed, -
Dolphins have a friendly dinner
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And I was invited there!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Dolphins loved like brothers -
Saying goodbye, they embraced
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And me at the same time!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Dolphins swore goodbye:
For all those drowning to become in the ocean
An elephant, an elephant, an elephant!
Yes Yes! Does anyone want to go to the bottom?

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
In an embrace melted into the haze -
Dolphins in memory remained in the picture
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! And my smile is from ear to ear!

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They put gifts in a string bag,
And we returned to Khimki on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! Do not abandon babies by elephants!

Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
The famous elephant breeder met
And the ball was waiting on the open veranda
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! I danced with a camel then!

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They yearn for dolphins in their dreams
And they look for sea cabbage with their trunk
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! Sleep and see her
Your favorite dish!

Elephant, elephant, elephant
Seaweed is pleasant -
Dolphins in a dream send her, probably
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! By your kindness!

Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They open their mouths from tenderness,
They close their eyes and they hum to us
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! About a dream! About a dream!
Tired of standing in the zoo,
And in the sea sailed on a blue kayak

Yes! Sped in-the -one there!

Fluffy waves rocked,
And childlike smile Dolphins met

Yes! And then smiling elephants!

A breath of intimacy needed -
Dolphins had a friendly dinner

Yes! And I was invited there!

Elephant, slonёnka, elephant
Dolphins love as brothers -
Saying good-bye, they have entered into the arms of
Elephant, slonёnka, elephant.
Yes! And I was at the same time!

Elephant, slonёnkom, elephant
Dolphins swore at parting:
For all be drowning in the ocean
Elephant, slonёnkom, an elephant!
Yes! Does anyone want to the bottom?

Elephant, elephant and the elephant
In an embrace vanished in the haze -
Dolphins on the memory remained in the picture
Elephant, elephant and the elephant.
Yes! And my smile - from ear to ear!

Elephant, elephant and the elephant
In shopping bag piled gifts
And in Khimki back on the blue kayak
Elephant, elephant and the elephant.
Yes! Do not throw the baby elephants!

Elephant, slonёnka, elephant
Slonovod met the famous,
And Ball expected on the veranda open
Elephant, slonёnka, elephant.
Yes! I danced with a camel back then!

Elephant, elephant and the elephant
In the dream, yearn for dolphins,
And the trunk looking cabbage sea
Elephant, elephant and the elephant.
Yes! Sleep and see her,
Your favorite dish!

The elephant, slonёnku, elephant
Laminaria pleasant -
Dolphins in a dream send it probably
The elephant, slonёnku, elephant.
Yes! For his kindness!

Elephant, elephant and the elephant
From soft mouths open,
Eyes closed, and we sing
Elephant, elephant and the elephant.
Yes! About a Dream! About a Dream!

History lesson of Prikamye in grade 2 on the topic:

"Victory Day"


To bring up patriotic feelings in children, respect for elders, veterans;

Foster a sense of pride in your country, your loved ones, a desire to learn more about the past of your family and your country.

During the classes:

Slide number 1 - Dear Guys! May 9 is a very important day in the history of our country. Every year on these May days, all our people remember the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War, honors the memory of the fallen. Many decades have passed since Victory Day on May 9, 1945, but we have no right to forget at what cost we got this victory! We have gathered here today so that you, the young generation, know your history and be proud of the feat of your ancestors.

Slide number 2 - The flower in dewdrops is all attached to the flower.

(Flowers) And the border guard held out his hands to them.

And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment

We got into the tanks and closed the hatches.

Everything breathed such silence

It seemed that the whole earth was still asleep.

Who knew that between peace and war

There are only five minutes left!

Levitan, slide number 2 ("War")

It all started in the early morning of June 22, 1941. The pre-dawn silence was torn apart by volleys of tens of thousands of guns. Fascist planes and tanks rushed to the east, to the territory of our state. They were followed by millions of trained killers. The peaceful labor of people was interrupted by a war that will last for 4 long years, 1418 days of grief, misfortune, separation and loss of relatives and friends, sons and fathers, daughters, sisters and mothers.

That longest day of the year

With its cloudless weather

Gave us a common misfortune

For all, for all four years. K. Simonov

The recording of the song "Sacred War" sounds, slide number 3

And the country rose to defend its homeland from enemies. Everyone went to the Holy War: from young to old.

Reader: From the endless Siberian plain,

To Polesie forests and swamps

The heroic people rose,

Our great Soviet people.

He went out, free and right,

Answering war to war,

Stand up for the native state,

For our mighty country.

Remember, we went to the Markov Museum, where we were told about the formation and military operations of the tank division, which is now located in Markovo.

Slide number 4 - The commander of this division was Ivan Vasilievich Dubov, who during the war years was the commander of an armored personnel carrier in tank army... Participated in battles on Kursk Bulge, in the liberation of Ukraine, Romania, Poland. Full cavalier Order of Glory. In Tchaikovsky since 1957, he participated in the construction of the Votkinsk hydroelectric power station. His name is entered in the book of memory and heroism of the Tchaikovsky (Fokinsky) region.

Slide number 5 - Our fellow countrymen also went to the front. From Tchaikovsky, at that time Fokinsky district, almost 5 thousand people went to the front, among them more than 120 girls and women. Of local residents was formed tank division, which also took part in the hostilities. In memory of their exploits, a monument was erected on the Ural Tankmen Square (Zarya village)

Slide number 6 - From here he went to the front and here, to Saigatka, he returned as a Hero Soviet Union Semyon Akimovich Zavyalov. He was born in 1908 in the village of Nizhny Armyaz (now the Kambarsky district of Udmurtia) of the Ershov volost of the Osinsky district in a peasant family. Graduated from 7 classes. He worked as a veterinary paramedic in the village of Saygatka (now within the city of Tchaikovsky). In the Red Army since 1941.

In the battles of the Great Patriotic War since August 1942, the commander of the machine-gun department, Private Zavyalov, on September 19, 1942, in the battle near the town of Staraya Russa Novgorod region, remaining one of the entire crew in the destroyed bunker, for three hours repulsed enemy counterattacks, destroying more than a platoon of enemy soldiers and officers. In this battle he was wounded four times. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded on February 14, 1943.

Slide number 7 - Life and glory ahead -

That's what defense means

Until the last strength in the chest,

Until the last bullet.

Cut the path to the fascists

A chain of bunkers and rubble

Defend any line

As a fighter Semyon Zavyalov!

This dedication to the Urals was made by the poet Mikhail Matusovsky, known to millions of people as the author of the songs "School Waltz", "Moscow Nights", "It was recently, it was long ago."

Slide number 8 - In 1943 he was demobilized for health reasons. Lived in the city of Tchaikovsky, Awarded with the order Lenin, medals. He died on April 28, 1963. In Tchaikovsky, a memorial plaque was unveiled in his memory, the microdistrict and the square were named after him.

Of the nearly five thousand people who went to war, 2,300 people died in battles, died in captivity, or went missing. Postmen, then messengers of sorrow, brought 43 “funerals” to Alnyash, 42 to Romanyat, 23 to Bormist, 15 to Kirillovka, 11 to Balobany, 10 from Mezhonka, 8 from Lavrino, 4 from Shumishka, 1 from Grishino village. there were also missing persons. And how many died from wounds already at home! And all this is the price of Victory, far from complete. The names of all the victims are included in the memory book of our region.

Slide number 9 - We don't have a single family that hasn't been touched brutal war... As sacred relics, we cherish letters from the front - triangles, awards and photographs of those who fought.

The son wrote a letter to his father

And put an end to it.

Daughter also to the letter

She added a line.

Through the whole country will pass

Two sheets in an envelope

And they will come to war

To the land of fire and death.

Textbook, page 42 - reading a text and a poem by a teacher.

Every inhabitant of our country helped the soldiers with what he could: work, money, letters, parcels. All this led to the Victory over the enemy.

- Although the Nazis boasted: - Let's take Moscow, arrange our parade there and walk along Red Square with our banners. And by the time the Nazis attacked our country, they had already seized many other countries by force. And they raised their fascist flags over foreign lands, on which a terrible crooked cross, like a spider, twisted. Grief and death carried these banners to people. Tears and blood flowed where they fluttered.

It was with these spider banners that the fascists decided to walk along Red Square in our Moscow.

Well! We saw these banners on Red Square. Have you seen! Just how and when?

The war was drawing to a close. Our soldiers led the last battleto end the war and raise the Red Banner over the main building of Berlin.

For four years, day and night, our soldiers carried this banner through the fire on the long difficult roads of war. And wherever it appeared, people rejoiced in it and greeted it with affection and honor. Because everyone knew: this is a good banner! It brings people freedom and happiness.

But the fascists never wanted the Red Banner to rise over Berlin. They fired desperately from rifles, machine guns and cannons, trying to keep Soviet soldiers out of the main building of the city.

Slide number 10 - But our soldiers broke through clouds of bullets and shells, made their way through the flames and smoke of fires. The daredevils climbed onto the roof of the main building and raised their flag over Berlin - the Victory Banner. And all the fascists surrendered. Our soldiers captured their cannons, machine guns and banners.

Crushing iron and stone

He struck the enemy mercilessly,

The victory banner over Berlin -

He raised the banner of his truth.

Slide number 11 - He went through fire and water

He did not turn his own way.

Glory, glory to the hero-people!

Glory to the Red Army!M.V. Isakovsky, 1946.

And then (July 24, 1945) they staged a Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow. The regiments of the victors marched in a solemn march with their battle flags. An orchestra played with a thousand musicians ...

Then she suddenly fell silent, as if she remembered something evil and bad, the whole Red Square.

Slide number 12 - People saw our soldiers walking past the Kremlin wall and dragging tattered fascist banners tilted to the ground. And each soldier, approaching the middle of the square, threw a spider banner with a hooked cross to the ground ... So, with shame and disgrace for these banners, the war started against us by the Nazis ended.

And the Red Banner of Victory is carefully kept in the museum. And everyone who comes there looks at him with respect and thinks about the difficult, but glorious paths along which our victorious soldiers carried the banner.

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,

But pain calls out to people:

Come on people, never

Let's not forget about this.

Someone calculated that if only one minute of silence were announced about each dead Soviet person, then the silence would have lasted ... 38 years!

May the memory of her be true

Keeping about this torment,

And the children of today's children

And our grandchildren, grandchildren.

Memory has a beginning but no end. Memory is the first day of the war.

Memory is Victory. Memory is gray hair on the temples of veterans, it is wounds. Memory is the memories of all the survivors of that war, these are moments, of which almost 4 years of war have accumulated.

Slide number 13-14 - Memory is obelisks. They stand in every city, in every village - stone soldiers dressed in greatcoats. They stand as monuments to the famous and unknown soldiers, whose names are carved on granite.

Slide number 15-16 - There are such monuments in our area,

Slide number 17-20 - and in our city.

Slide number 21 - Every year on May 9, all people come to the monuments to remember those times.

- And today, we will find out what mark that war left on your families. You collected information about your grandfathers, great-grandfathers or other family members who took part in those terrible events. (Children's speeches).

Homework: pp. 42-45, read, answer questions.




1. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
Tired of standing in the zoo
And they sailed into the sea on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes!

They flew away, yes, yes, they flew over there!

2. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Fluffy waves rocked
And the dolphins greeted with a childish smile
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! Both elephants and elephants smiled then!

3. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
A breath of sincerity is needed, -
Dolphins have a friendly dinner
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! Both me and I were invited there!

4. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Dolphins loved like brothers -
Saying goodbye, they embraced
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! And me, yes, yes, and me at the same time!

5. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Dolphins swore goodbye:
For all those drowning to become in the ocean
An elephant, an elephant, an elephant!
Yes Yes! Does anyone want to go to the bottom?

6. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
In an embrace melted into the haze -
Dolphins in memory remained in the picture
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! And my smile is from ear to ear!

7. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They put gifts in a string bag,
And we returned to Khimki on a blue kayak
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! Do not abandon babies by elephants!

8. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
The famous elephant breeder met
And the ball was waiting on the open veranda
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! I danced with a camel then!

9. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They yearn for dolphins in their dreams
And they look for sea cabbage with their trunk
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.

Yes Yes! Sleep and see her
Your favorite dish!

10. Elephant, baby elephant, elephant
Seaweed is pleasant -
Dolphins in a dream send her, probably
Elephant, baby elephant, elephant.
Yes Yes! By your kindness!

11. Elephant, baby elephant and elephant
They open their mouths from tenderness,
They close their eyes and they hum to us
Elephant, baby elephant and elephant.
Yes Yes! About a dream! About a dream!


A) on the ship;
B) on a yacht;
C) by kayak.

A) white;
B) blue;
B) green.

A) with whales;
B) with dolphins;
C) with sharks.

A) from the presentation of gifts;
B) with a smile;
B) with handshakes.

A) sharks;
B) elephants;
C) dolphins.

B) get some fresh air;
C) drink lemonade.

A) a friendly dinner;
B) fun games;
C) carnival.

A) whales;
B) a girl;
C) elephants.

A) your things;
B) seaweed;
C) gifts.
11. Where did the elephants return?
A) in Medvedkovo;
B) to Khimki;
C) in Stupino.

A) did not like the sea;

C) the kayak has broken.

A) striped tigers;
B) the director of the zoo;
C) the famous elephant breeder.

A) sea cabbage;
B) sugar beets;
C) overseas fruits.

1. Why did the elephant, the elephant and the baby elephant decide to sail into the sea?
A) it was boring to stand in the zoo, they were tired of the monotony;
B) they sailed along with all the animals of the zoo;
C) the director of the zoo sent them to the sea.

2. How did the elephant, the elephant and the baby elephant sail into the sea?
A) on the ship;
B) on a yacht;
C) by kayak.

3. What color was the kayak?
A) white;
B) blue;
B) green.

4.Who did the elephants at sea become friends with?
A) with whales;
B) with dolphins;
C) with sharks.

5. How did the friendship between elephants and dolphins begin?
A) from the presentation of gifts;
B) with a smile;
B) with handshakes.

6. Who needed a "breath of soulfulness"?
A) sharks;
B) elephants;
C) dolphins.

7. What does the expression "a breath of sincerity is needed" mean?
A) communicate cordially, sincerely;
B) get some fresh air;
C) drink lemonade.

8. What did the dolphins do to the elephants?
A) a friendly dinner;
B) fun games;
C) carnival.

9. Whom did the dolphins hug?
A) whales;
B) a girl;
C) elephants.

10. What did the elephants put in the string bag?
A) your things;
B) seaweed;
C) gifts.

11. Where did the elephants return?
A) in Medvedkovo;
B) to Khimki;
C) in Stupino.
12. Why did the elephants return to the zoo?
A) did not like the sea;
B) "elephants do not throw babies";
C) the kayak has broken.
13. Who met an elephant, a female elephant, a baby elephant?
A) striped tigers;
B) the director of the zoo;
C) the famous elephant breeder.
14. Favorite dish of elephants, which dolphins send them in a dream.
A) sea cabbage;
B) sugar beets;
C) overseas fruits.

Slide captions:

Literary reading lesson in grade 4 Lesson topic: "The dream of friendship and warmth in the poem by Y. Moritz" Elephant, baby elephant and elephant ". Imperceptibly takes a child by the hand and leads him to a wonderland. He confesses his love for those "who are always growing, with whom something happens all the time, who are able to ask three carriages of questions and rush off into the world of exciting adventures, dangers and great discoveries."
Moritz Yunna Petrovna
(born 1937)
... And they sailed into the sea on a blue kayak ...
And the dolphins greeted with a childish smile ...
Both elephants and elephants smiled then!
Dolphins had a friendly dinner ...
... Dolphins loved like brothers ...
And me, yes, yes, and me at the same time!
Dolphins remained in the picture ...
Elephants don't abandon babies ...
The famous elephant breeder met ...
They open their mouths from tenderness ...