Stories for girls 5 years old. Short instructive tales for children, read at night

Konstantin Ushinsky "Children in the grove"

Two children, brother and sister, went to school. They had to walk past a beautiful, shady grove. It was hot and dusty on the road, but cool and fun in the grove.

- Do you know what? - said the brother to his sister. - We still have time for school. The school is now stuffy and boring, and the grove should be a lot of fun. Listen to how the birds are screaming there, and squirrels, how many squirrels are jumping on branches! Shouldn't we go there, sister?

The sister liked her brother's proposal. The children threw the alphabet into the grass, held hands and disappeared between the green bushes, under the curly birches. The grove was definitely fun and noisy. The birds flapped incessantly, sang and screamed; squirrels jumped on branches; insects scurried about in the grass.

First of all, the children saw the golden bug.

“Come play with us,” the children said to the bug.

“I would love to,” answered the beetle, “but I don’t have time: I must get myself lunch.

“Play with us,” the children said to the yellow, hairy bee.

- I have no time to play with you, - answered the bee, - I need to collect honey.

- Won't you play with us? The children asked the ant.

But the ant had no time to listen to them: he was dragging a straw three times his size and was in a hurry to build his cunning dwelling.

The children turned to the squirrel, suggesting that she also play with them, but the squirrel waved its fluffy tail and replied that she should stock up on nuts for the winter. The dove said, "I'm building a nest for my little kids."

A gray bunny ran to the stream to wash its face. The white strawberry flower also had no time to take care of the children: he took advantage of the wonderful weather and hurried to prepare his juicy, tasty berry in time.

The children got bored that everyone is busy with their own business and no one wants to play with them. They ran to the stream. Murmuring over the stones, a stream ran through the grove.

“You really have nothing to do,” the children told him. “Come play with us.

- How! I have nothing to do? The brook murmured angrily. - Oh, you lazy children! Look at me: I work day and night and do not know a minute of peace. Aren't I singing people and animals? Who besides me washes clothes, turns mill wheels, carries boats and puts out fires? Oh, I have so much work that my head is spinning, - added the stream and began to murmur over the stones.

The children became even more bored, and they thought that it would be better for them to go first to school, and then, on their way from school, go into the grove. But at this very time the boy noticed a tiny, beautiful robin on a green branch. She sat, it seemed, very calmly and from nothing to do she whistled a wonderful song.

- Hey you, funny sang! The boy shouted at the robin. - You really, it seems, has absolutely nothing to do: play with us.

- How? - the offended robin whistled. - I have nothing to do? Haven't I been catching midges all day to feed my little ones! I am so tired that I cannot raise my wings, and even now I am lulling my lovely children with a song. What were you doing today, you little sloths? They didn’t go to school, they didn’t learn anything, you run around the grove, and even prevent others from doing business. Better go where you were sent, and remember that it is only pleasant for the one to relax and play, who has worked and did everything that was obliged to do.

The children felt ashamed; they went to school, and although they arrived late, they studied diligently.

Georgy Skrebitsky "Everybody in his own way"

In the summer, in a forest, in a clearing, a hare was born to a long-eared hare. He was not born helpless, naked, like some mice or squirrels, not at all. He was born in gray fluffy fur, with open eyes, so smart, independent, he could immediately run and even hide from enemies in the thick grass.

- You are good for me, - the hare told him in her hare's tongue. - Lie here quietly under a bush, don't run anywhere, and if you start running, jumping, traces will remain on the ground from your paws. A fox or a wolf will stumble upon them, they will immediately find you on the trail and eat. Well, be smart, rest, pick up more strength, and I need to run, stretch my legs.

And the hare, making a big jump, galloped off into the forest. Since then, the hare was fed not only by its own mother, but also by other hares, those who accidentally ran into this clearing. After all, hares have had it since olden times: if a hare stumbles upon a baby, she doesn't care whether she is her own, someone else's, she will definitely feed him with milk.

Soon the hare got stronger, grew up, began to eat juicy grass and run through the forest, to get acquainted with its inhabitants - birds and animals.

It was fine days, there was plenty of food around, and in the dense grass, in the bushes, it was easy to hide from enemies.

The hare lived for himself, did not grieve. So, not caring about anything, and lived a sidelong warm summer.

But then autumn came. It got cold. Trees turned yellow. The wind tore wilted leaves from the branches and circled over the forest. Then the leaves fell to the ground. They lay there restlessly: they fiddled all the time, whispered among themselves. And from this the forest was filled with a disturbing rustle.

The hare could hardly sleep. Every minute he was alert, listening to suspicious sounds. It seemed to him that it was not leaves rustling in the wind, but that someone terrible was sneaking up on him from behind the bushes.

The hare often jumped up during the day, ran from place to place, looked for more reliable shelters. I searched and did not find.

But, running through the forest, he saw a lot of new, interesting things that he had never seen before in the summer. He noticed that all his forest acquaintances - animals and birds - were busy about something, doing something.

Once he met a squirrel, but she did not jump, as usual, from branch to branch, but descended to the ground, picked a boletus mushroom, then grabbed it tightly in the teeth and jumped up the tree with it. There the squirrel thrust the mushroom into the fork between the knots. The hare saw that several mushrooms were already hanging on the same tree.

- Why do you rip them and hang them on the knots? - he asked.

- What do you mean why? - answered the squirrel. - Winter will come soon, everything will be covered with snow, then it will be difficult to get food. So now I am in a hurry to prepare more supplies. I dry mushrooms on branches, collect nuts and acorns in hollows. Don't you store up your own food for the winter?

- No, - answered the bunny, - I do not know how to do this. The rabbit mom didn't teach me.

“Your business is bad,” the squirrel shook her head. - Then insulate your nest at least better, plug all the cracks with moss.

“I don’t even have a nest,” said the bunny. - I sleep under a bush where I have to.

“Well, that’s no good!” - the household squirrel spread its paws. “I don’t know how you can get through the winter without food supplies, without a warm nest.

And she again set to work, and the bunny sadly jumped on.

It was already evening, the hare reached a deaf ravine. There he stopped and listened sensitively. Down the ravine with a slight noise every now and then small lumps of earth rolled down.

The hare got up on its hind legs to get a better look at what was going on there in front. Yes, this is a badger bustling around the hole. The hare ran up to him and greeted him.

“Hello, oblique,” \u200b\u200bthe badger replied. - Are you jumping everything? Well sit down, sit down. Wow, and I'm tired, even my paws hurt! Look how much earth I got out of the hole.

- Why are you raking it out? - asked the bunny.

- I clean the hole by winter to make it more spacious. I will clean it, then I will drag the moss, the fallen leaves there, make a bed. Then winter is not terrible for me either. Lie down, lie down.

- And the squirrel advised me to arrange a nest for the winter, - said the hare.

“Don't listen to her,” the badger waved his paw. - It was she who learned from birds to build nests in trees. Empty lesson. Animals need to live in a hole. This is how I live. Help me better dig the escape routes out of the hole. We will arrange everything as needed, climb into the hole, we will winter together.

“No, I don’t know how to dig a hole,” the hare answered. - Yes, and I cannot sit underground in a hole, I will suffocate there. Better to rest under a bush.

- Here frost will soon show you how to rest under a bush! The badger replied angrily. “Well, if you don’t want to help me, then run wherever you want. Do not bother me to arrange a home.

Not far from the water, someone big, clumsy was fiddling around an aspen tree. “Beaver, he is himself,” the bunny saw and in two leaps found himself next to him.

- Hello, buddy, what are you doing here? - asked the bunny.

- Yes, I'm working, gnawing an aspen, - the beaver answered slowly. - I'll knock it down on the ground, then I'll start biting off branches, pulling it into the river, I warm my hut for winter. You see, my house is on the island - it's all built of twigs, and the cracks are smeared with silt, inside I'm warm, cozy.

- And how to enter your house? - asked the bunny. - The entrance is nowhere to be seen.

- The entrance to my hut is arranged below, under water. I will swim to the island, dive to the very bottom, and there I will find the entrance to my house. There is no better animal house than my hut. Let's warm it up together for the winter, and we'll spend the winter together.

- No, - answered the hare, - I don't know how to dive and swim under water, I'll drown right away, I'd rather spend the winter under a bush.

“You shouldn't want to spend the winter with me,” the beaver answered and began to gnaw the aspen.

Suddenly something rustles in the bushes! The scythe was already about to run away, but then an old acquaintance - a hedgehog - looked out of the fallen leaves.

- Hello, buddy! He shouted. - What are you so sad, hung your ears?

- Friends upset me, - answered the bunny. - They say you need to build a warm nest or hut for the winter, but I don't know how.

- Build a hut? - the hedgehog laughed. - That's nonsense! You better do as I do: every night I eat more, store more fat, and when I have enough, then I will start to sleep. Then I will climb into the fallen leaves, into the moss, curl up into a ball and fall asleep for the whole winter. And when you sleep, then neither frost nor wind are afraid of you.

- No, - answered the hare, - I can't sleep all winter. My sleep is sensitive, disturbing, I wake up every minute from every rustle.

- Well, then do as you like, - answered the hedgehog. - Farewell, it's time for me to look for a place for winter sleep.

And the animal disappeared into the bushes again.

The hare trudged further through the forest. Wandered, wandered. The night has already passed, the morning has come. He got out into the clearing. Looks - many, many blackbirds have gathered on it. All the trees are stuck around and on the ground they jump, shout, crackle, argue about something.

- What are you arguing? - asked the thrush rabbit, which was sitting closer to him.

- Yes, we are discussing when we should fly from here for the winter to warm countries.

- Will you not stay in our forest for the winter?

- What are you, what are you! - the thrush was surprised. - Snow will fall in winter, cover the whole ground and tree branches. Where, then, can I get food? We fly with us to the south, it is warm there in winter and plenty of food.

“Can’t you see, I don’t even have wings,” the hare answered sadly. - I am an animal, not a bird. Animals cannot fly.

“That's not true,” objected the blackbird. - Bats are also animals, and they fly no worse than us birds. They already flew south, to warm countries.

The hare didn’t answer the thrush, only waved his paw and ran away.

“How am I going to spend the winter? - he thought anxiously, - All animals and birds, each in his own way, prepare for winter. And I have neither a warm nest, nor food reserves, and I will not be able to fly south. I will probably have to die of hunger and cold. "

Another month passed. Bushes and trees have dropped their last leaves. The time has come for rains and cold weather. The forest has become gloomy, dismal. Most of the birds flew to warm countries. The animals hid in holes, nests, and lairs. The hare was not happy in the empty forest, and besides, trouble happened to him: the hare suddenly noticed that the skin on it began to turn white. Summer, gray wool was replaced by a new one - fluffy, warm, but completely white. First, the hind legs, sides turned white, then the back and, finally, the head. Only the tips of the ears remained black.

“How can I hide from my enemies now? - the hare thought with horror. “Both the fox and the hawk will notice me in a white fur coat.” And the hare huddled in the very wilderness, under the bushes, in the swampy thickets. However, even there a white fur coat could easily give it out to the keen eye of a predator.

But then one day, when the hare was lying, climbing under a bush, he saw that everything around him suddenly darkened. The sky was covered with clouds; however, no rain fell from them, but something white and cold fell down.

The first snowflakes whirled in the air, began to land on the ground, on the faded grass, on the bare branches of bushes and trees. With every second the snow fell thicker and thicker. It was already impossible to make out the nearby trees. Everything sank in a solid white stream.

The snow stopped only in the evening. The sky cleared, the stars emerged, bright and radiant like blue frosty needles. They illuminated fields and forests, decked out in the white blanket of winter.

Night had long fallen, and the hare was still lying under the bush. He was scared to get out of his ambush and go on a night walk in this unusually white land.

Finally, hunger still forced him to leave the shelter and look for food.

Finding her was not so difficult - the snow only slightly covered the ground and did not even hide the smallest bushes.

But a completely different misfortune happened: as soon as the hare jumped out from under the bushes and ran across the clearing, he saw with horror that everywhere behind him was a string of his tracks.

“Following such traces, any enemy can easily find me,” thought the scythe.

Therefore, when in the morning he again went on a day's rest, the bunny even more thoroughly than before, confused his tracks.

Only after doing this, he hid under a bush and dozed off.

But winter brought with it more than disappointments. When dawn broke, the bunny was happy to see that his white coat was completely invisible on the white snow. The bunny seemed to be wearing an invisible fur coat. In addition, it was much warmer than his summer gray skin, perfectly saved from frost and wind.

"Winter is not so terrible," the hare decided and calmly dozed off for the whole day until evening.

But only the beginning of winter turned out to be so pleasant, and then things went worse and worse. Snow was attacked a lot. It was almost impossible to dig it up to get to the surviving greenery. The hare ran in vain through the high snowdrifts in search of food. Not often did he manage to chew on a twig sticking out from under the snow.

One day, running in search of food, the hare saw the forest giants of elk. They stood calmly in the aspen forest and gnawed with appetite on the bark and shoots of young aspen trees.

“Give me a try,” thought the hare. - Only the trouble is: moose have high legs, long necks, it is easy for them to reach young shoots, but how can I get it?

But then he caught sight of a high snowdrift. The hare jumped on it, stood on its hind legs, easily reached out to the young, thin branches and began to gnaw them. Then he gnawed the bark of the aspen. All this seemed to him very tasty, and he ate his fill.

“So the snow hasn't done much trouble,” the scythe decided. "He hid the grass, but he let him get to the branches of bushes and trees."

Everything would be fine, only frost and wind began to pester the hare. Even a warm fur coat did not save him.

There was nowhere to hide from the cold in the bare winter forest.

"Wow, how cold it is!" - said the scythe, running through the forest clearing to warm up a little.

The day has come, it is high time to go on vacation, but the hare still could not find a place for himself to hide from the icy wind.

Birches grew at the very edge of the clearing. Suddenly the hare saw that large forest birds - black grouse - were quietly sitting on them and feeding. They flew here to feast on the earrings that hung at the ends of thin branches.

- Well, ate - it's time to rest, - said the old black grouse to his brothers. - Hurry up to hide in burrows from the angry wind.

"What minks can black grouse have?" - the bunny was surprised.

But then he saw that the old black grouse, having fallen from the branch, fell like a lump right into the snow, as if diving into the water. The other black grouse did the same, and soon the whole flock disappeared under the snow.

"Is it really warm there?" - the hare was surprised and decided to immediately try to dig a snow hole for himself. And what? It turned out to be much warmer in the burrow under the snow than on the surface. The wind did not blow, and the frost was much less annoying.

Since then, the hare has become quite accustomed to how it winter. A white fur coat in a white forest sheltered him from the eyes of the enemy, drifts of snow helped to get to the juicy shoots, and a deep mink in the snow saved him from the cold. The hare felt like in the winter among the snow-covered bushes no worse than in the summer in the green flowering thickets. He did not even notice how winter passed.

And then the sun warmed up again, the snow melted, the grass turned green again, the leaves blossomed on the bushes and trees. Of southern countries the birds returned.

The squirrel crawled out of the nest, where it hid from the cold in winter. A badger, a beaver and a spiny hedgehog got out of their hiding places. Each of them talked about how he spent the long winter. Everyone thought they had done it better than others. And all together they were surprised looking at the hare. How, poor fellow, did he winter without a warm nest, without a burrow, without food supplies? And the bunny listened to his friends and only laughed. After all, he did not have a bad life in winter in his snow-white invisible coat.

Even now, in the spring, he also wore an invisible fur coat, only different, the color of the earth - not white, but gray.

Alexander Kuprin "Elephant"

The little girl is not well. Every day, Dr. Mikhail Petrovich, whom she has known for a long, long time, visits her. And sometimes he brings with him two more doctors, strangers. They turn the girl over on her back and stomach, listen to something with her ear to her body, pull down her eyelids and look. At the same time, they somehow importantly snore, their faces are stern, and they speak to each other in an incomprehensible language.

Then they move from the nursery to the living room, where their mother is waiting for them. Most chief doctor - tall, gray-haired, in gold glasses - tells her about something seriously and for a long time. The door is not closed, and the girl can see and hear everything from her bed. There are many things she does not understand, but she knows that this is about her. Mom looks at the doctor with big, tired, tear-stained eyes. Saying goodbye, the chief doctor speaks loudly:

- The main thing is not to let her get bored. Perform all her whims.

- Ah, doctor, but she doesn't want anything!

“Well, I don’t know ... remember what she liked before, before her illness. Toys ... some goodies ...

- No, no, doctor, she doesn't want anything ...

- Well, try to entertain her somehow ... Well, at least something ... I give you my word of honor that if you manage to make her laugh, cheer her up, then this will be the best medicine. Understand that your daughter is sick with indifference to life, and nothing else ... Goodbye, madam!

- My dear Nadia, my dear girl, - says my mother, - would you like something?

- No, mom, I don't want anything.

- If you want, I will put all your dolls on your bed. We will supply an armchair, a sofa, a table and a tea set. The dolls will drink tea and talk about the weather and the health of their children.

- Thank you, mom ... I don't feel like it ... I'm bored ...

- Well, okay, my girl, no dolls are needed. Or maybe call Katya or Zhenya to you? You love them so much.

- Don't, Mom. Really, don't. I want nothing, nothing. I am so bored!

- Do you want me to bring you some chocolate?

But the girl doesn't answer and looks at the ceiling with motionless, gloomy eyes. She doesn't have any pain and doesn't even have a fever. But she grows thinner and weaker every day. Whatever they do to her, she doesn't care, and she doesn't need anything. She lies like this for whole days and whole nights, quiet, sad. Sometimes she will doze for half an hour, but even in her dreams she sees something gray, long, dull, like an autumn rain.

When the door to the living room is open from the nursery, and from the living room further to the study, the girl sees her dad. Dad walks quickly from corner to corner and keeps smoking, smoking. Sometimes he comes to the nursery, sits on the edge of the bed and quietly strokes Nadya's feet. Then he suddenly gets up and walks to the window.

He whistles something as he stares out into the street, but his shoulders are shaking. Then he hastily puts a handkerchief to one eye, to the other and, as if angry, goes into his study. Then he again runs from corner to corner and that's it ... smokes, smokes, smokes ... And the study turns blue from the tobacco smoke.

But one morning the girl wakes up a little more cheerful than usual. She saw something in a dream, but she just can't remember what it was, and looks long and carefully into her mother's eyes.

- Do you need something? Mom asks.

But the girl suddenly remembers her dream and speaks in a whisper, as if in secret:

- Mom ... can I ... an elephant? Just not the one in the picture ... Can I?

- Of course, my girl, of course you can.

She goes to the office and tells her dad that the girl wants an elephant. Daddy immediately puts on his coat and hat and leaves somewhere. In half an hour he returns with an expensive, beautiful toy. It is a large gray elephant, which itself shakes its head and wags its tail; there is a red saddle on an elephant, and a golden tent on the saddle, and three little men are sitting in it. But the girl looks at the toy as indifferently as at the ceiling and walls, and says listlessly:

- No. It's not that at all. I wanted a real, live elephant, and this one was dead.

“Just look, Nadya,” says dad. - We will start it now, and it will be absolutely, just like alive.

They lead the elephant with a key, and, shaking his head and wagging his tail, he begins to step over his legs and slowly walks along the table. The girl is not at all interested and even bored, but in order not to upset her father, she whispers meekly:

- I thank you very, very much, dear dad. I think no one has such an interesting toy ... Just ... remember ... after all, you promised long ago to take me to the menagerie to look at a real elephant ... and never took me ...

- But listen, my dear girl, understand that this is impossible. The elephant is very large, it is up to the ceiling, it will not fit in our rooms ... And then, where can I get it?

- Dad, I don't need such a big one ... You bring me at least a small one, only alive. Well, at least here, here such ... At least a baby elephant ...

- Dear girl, I'm glad to do everything for you, but I can't. After all, it's the same as if you suddenly told me: dad, get me the sun from the sky.

The girl smiles sadly.

“You’re stupid, dad. Don't I know that the sun cannot be reached because it burns. And the moon is also prohibited. No, I would have an elephant ... real.

And she quietly closes her eyes and whispers:

- I'm tired ... Excuse me, dad ...

Dad grabs his hair and runs into the office. There he flickers from corner to corner for a while. Then he decisively throws a half-smoked cigarette on the floor (for which he always gets it from his mother) and shouts to the maid:

- Olga! Coat and hat!

The wife comes out into the hall.

- Where are you going, Sasha? She asks.

He breathes heavily, buttoning his coat.

- I myself, Mashenka, do not know where ... Only, it seems, this evening, and in fact I will bring here, to us, a real elephant.

The wife looks at him uneasily.

- Honey, are you healthy? Does your head hurt? Maybe you slept badly today?

“I haven't slept at all,” he replies.

angrily. “I see you want to ask if I’m crazy?” Not yet. Goodbye! In the evening everything will be visible.

And he disappears, slamming the front door loudly.

Two hours later, he sits in the menagerie, in the first row, and watches how the learned animals, on the orders of the owner, make different things. Clever dogs jump, tumble, dance, sing to the music, put words out of large cardboard letters. Monkeys - some in red skirts, others in blue pants - walk the tightrope and ride a large poodle. Huge red lions jump through burning hoops. A clumsy seal shoots a pistol. At the end, the elephants are brought out. There are three of them: one large, two very small, dwarfs, but still much taller than a horse. It is strange to see how these huge animals, seemingly so clumsy and heavy, perform the most difficult tricks that are beyond the power of a very clever person. The largest elephant is especially distinguished. First he stands on his hind legs, sits down, stands on his head, with his feet up, walks on wooden bottles, walks on a rolling barrel, turns the pages of a large cardboard book with his trunk, and finally sits down at the table and, having tied a napkin, dines, just like a well-bred boy ...

The show ends. The audience disperses. Nadine's father approaches the fat German, the owner of the menagerie. The owner stands behind a boardwalk and holds a large black cigar in his mouth.

“I'm sorry, please,” says Nadine's father. - Can't you let your elephant go to my house for a while?

The German opens his eyes wide in surprise and then his mouth, causing the cigar to fall to the ground. Grunting, he bends down, picks up the cigar, inserts it into his mouth again and only then says:

- Let go? Elephant? Home? I do not understand.

You can see from the German's eyes that he also wants to ask if Nadya's father has a headache ... But the father hastily explains what the matter is: his only daughter, Nadya, is sick with some strange disease that even doctors do not understand how follows. She has been in bed for a month already, losing weight, getting weaker every day, not interested in anything, bored and slowly fades away. The doctors tell her to entertain her, but she doesn't like anything, they tell her to fulfill all her desires, but she has no desires. Today she wanted to see a live elephant. Is it really impossible to do it? And he adds in a trembling voice, taking the German by the button of his coat:

- Well, here ... I certainly hope that my girl will recover. But ... God save ... what if her illness ends badly ... what if the girl dies? .. Just think: after all, my whole life will be tormented by the thought that I did not fulfill her last, very last wish! ..

The German frowns and scratches his left eyebrow with his little finger in thought. Finally he asks:

- Hm ... How old is your girl?

- Um ... My Lisa is six too. Um ... But, you know, it will cost you dearly. We'll have to bring the elephant at night and only take it back the next night. During the day it is impossible. The public will gather, and there will be one scandal ... Thus, it turns out that I lose the whole day, and you must return the loss to me.

- Oh, of course, of course ... don't worry about it ...

- Then: will the police allow one elephant to enter one house?

- I'll arrange it. Will allow.

- Another question: will the owner of your house allow one elephant to be introduced into his house?

- It will. I am the owner of this house myself.

- Aha! This is even better. And then another question: on which floor do you live?

- In the second.

- Um ... This is not so good ... Do you have a wide staircase, a high ceiling, a large room, wide doors and a very solid floor in your house? Because my Tommy is three arshins and four vershoks high, and five and a half arshins in length. In addition, it weighs one hundred and twelve pounds.

Nadine's father thinks for a minute.

- Do you know what? He says. - Let's go now to me and consider everything on the spot. If necessary, I will order to widen the passage in the walls.

- Very good! - agrees the owner of the menagerie.

At night, the elephant is taken to visit a sick girl. In a white blanket, he walks importantly along the very middle of the street, shakes his head and now twists, then develops a trunk. Around him, despite the late hour, a large crowd. But the elephant pays no attention to her: every day he sees hundreds of people in the menagerie. Only once did he get a little angry.

A street boy ran up to his very feet and began to grimace for the amusement of onlookers. Then the elephant calmly took off his hat with his trunk and threw it over the neighboring fence, studded with nails.

The policeman walks among the crowd and persuades her:

- Gentlemen, please disperse. And what do you find so extraordinary here? I'm surprised! We have never seen a living elephant on the street.

Come up to the house. On the stairs, as well as along the entire path of the elephant, all the way to the dining room, all the doors were wide open, for which it was necessary to beat off the door latches with a hammer. The same was done once, when a large miraculous icon was brought into the house. But in front of the stairs, the elephant stops in anxiety and is stubborn.

- We must give him some delicacy ... - says the German. - Some sweet roll or something ... But ... Tommy! .. Whoa ... Tommy! ..

Nadine's father runs to a nearby bakery and buys a large round pistachio cake. The elephant wants to swallow it whole with the cardboard box, but the German gives him only a quarter. Tommy likes the cake, and he reaches out for a second slice. However, the German turns out to be more cunning. Holding a delicacy in his hand, he rises up from step to step, and an elephant with an elongated trunk, with spread ears inevitably follows him. On the court, Tommy gets the second piece.

Thus, he is brought into the dining room, from where all the furniture has been taken out in advance, and the floor is thickly covered with straw ... The elephant is tied by the leg to a ring screwed into the floor. They put fresh carrots, cabbage and turnips in front of him. The German is sitting nearby, on the sofa. The lights are put out and everyone goes to bed.

The next day, the girl wakes up a little light and first of all asks:

- And what about the elephant? He came?

- I came, - my mother replies, - but only he ordered that Nadia first wash, and then eat a soft-boiled egg and drink hot milk.

- Is he kind?

- He is kind. Eat, girl. Now we will go to him.

- Is he funny?

- A little. Put on a warm blouse.

The egg has been eaten, the milk has been drunk. Nadia is put in the very same wheelchair in which she went when she was still so little that she could not walk at all, and taken to the dining room.

The elephant turns out to be much larger than Nadia thought when she looked at it in the picture. He is only slightly shorter than the door, and takes up half of the dining room in length. The skin on it is rough, with heavy folds. The legs are as thick as pillars.

A long tail with a sort of broom at the end. The head is in big bumps. The ears are large, like burdocks, and hang down. The eyes are very tiny, but smart and kind. The canines are cut. The trunk is like a long snake and ends in two nostrils, and between them a movable, flexible finger. If the elephant stretched out its trunk to its full length, it probably would have reached the window. The girl is not scared at all. She is only slightly amazed at the enormous size of the animal. But the nanny, sixteen-year-old Fields, begins to scream with fear.

The elephant's owner, a German, comes up to the carriage and says:

- Good morning, lady. Please don't be afraid. Tommy is very kind and loves children.

The girl holds out her little pale hand to the German.

- Hello. How are you? She replies. “I’m not in the least bit afraid. And what is his name?

“Hello Tommy,” the girl says and bows her head. Because the elephant is so big, she hesitates to speak to him. - How did you sleep that night?

She stretches out her hand to him. The elephant carefully takes and squeezes her thin fingers with his movable strong finger and does it much more gently than Dr. Mikhail Petrovich. At the same time, the elephant shakes its head, and its small eyes narrowed completely, as if laughing.

- Does he understand everything? The German girl asks.

- Oh, absolutely everything, young lady!

- But only does he not speak?

- Yes, he just doesn't. You know, I also have one daughter, as small as you. Her name is Liza. Tommy is a big, very big friend with her.

“Have you already had tea, Tommy?” The elephant girl asks.

The elephant again pulls out its trunk and blows into the girl's very face with a warm strong

breath, causing the light hair on the girl's head to fly in all directions.

Nadia laughs and claps her hands. The German laughs deeply. He himself is as big, fat and good-natured as an elephant, and it seems to Nadya that they both look alike. Maybe they are related?

- No, he did not drink tea, young lady. But he drinks sugar water with pleasure. He also loves rolls very much.

A tray of rolls is brought. The girl treats the elephant. He deftly grabs the roll with his finger and, bending the trunk with a ring, hides it somewhere down under his head, where his funny, triangular, furry lower lip moves. You can hear the roll rustling on dry skin. Tommy does the same thing with another bun, and with the third, and with the fourth, and with the fifth, and nods his head in gratitude, and his little eyes narrow even more with pleasure. And the girl laughs happily.

When all the rolls are eaten, Nadia introduces the elephant to her dolls:

- Look, Tommy, this smart doll is Sonya. She is a very kind child, but a little capricious and does not want to eat soup. And this is Natasha, Sonya's daughter. She is already beginning to learn and knows almost all the letters. And this is Matryoshka. This is my very first doll. See, she has no nose, and her head is glued, and no more hair. But all the same, you can't kick the old woman out of the house. Really, Tommy? She used to be Sonya's mother, and now she serves as our cook. Well, let's play, Tommy: you will be the dad, and I will be the mother, and these will be our children.

Tommy agrees. He laughs, takes Matryoshka by the neck and drags it into his mouth. But this is just a joke. Having slightly chewed the doll, he again puts it on the girl's lap, though a little wet and rumpled.

Then Nadia shows him a large picture book and explains:

- This is a horse, this is a canary, this is a gun ... Here is a cage with a bird, here is a bucket, a mirror, a stove, a shovel, a crow ... And this, look, this is an elephant! Doesn't it look like it at all? Are elephants so small, Tommy?

Tommy finds that there are never such small elephants in the world. In general, he does not like this picture. He grabs the edge of the page with his finger and turns it over.

The hour of lunch comes, but the girl cannot be taken away from the elephant. A German comes to the rescue:

- Let me arrange all this. They will have lunch together.

He orders the elephant to sit down. The elephant obediently sits down, causing the floor throughout the apartment to shake, the crockery in the cupboard rattles, and plaster falls from the ceiling of the lower tenants. A girl sits down opposite him. A table is placed between them. A tablecloth is tied around the elephant's neck, and new friends begin to dine. The girl eats chicken soup and a cutlet, and the elephant eats various vegetables and salad. The girl is given a tiny glass of sherry, and the elephant is given warm water with a glass of rum, and he gladly pulls this drink out of the bowl with his trunk. Then they get a sweet - a girl a cup of cocoa, and an elephant half a cake, this time a nutty one. At this time, the German sits with his dad in the living room and drinks beer with the same pleasure as the elephant, only in larger quantities.

After dinner, some of my father's acquaintances come, they are warned in the hallway about the elephant so that they are not afraid. At first they do not believe, and then, when they see Tommy, they huddle to the door.

- Do not be afraid, he is kind! - the girl soothes them. But the acquaintances hurriedly go into the living room and, without sitting even five minutes, leave.

Evening falls. Late. It's time for the girl to sleep. However, it is impossible to drag her away from the elephant. She fell asleep beside him, and she was already sleepy taken to the nursery. She doesn't even hear how she is being undressed.

On this night, Nadya sees in a dream that she married Tommy and they have many children, small, cheerful elephants. The elephant, who was taken to the menagerie at night, also sees in a dream a sweet, affectionate girl. In addition, he dreams of large cakes, nut and pistachio, the size of a gate ...

In the morning, the girl wakes up vigorous, fresh and, as in the old days, when she was still healthy, shouts at the whole house, loudly and impatiently:

- Mo-loch!

Hearing this cry, mother happily makes the sign of the cross in her bedroom.

But the girl immediately remembers yesterday and asks:

- And the elephant?

They explain to her that the elephant went home on business, that he has children who cannot be left alone, that he asked to bow to Nadya and that he is waiting for her to visit him when she is healthy.

The girl smiles slyly and says:

- Tell Tommy that I am completely healthy!

Mikhail Prishvin "Guys and Ducklings"

The little wild duck teal-whistle decided to finally transfer her ducklings from the forest, bypassing the village, into the lake to freedom. In the spring this lake overflowed far away, and a solid place for a nest could be found only three miles away, on a hummock in a swampy forest. And when the water subsided, I had to travel all three miles to the lake.

In places open to the eyes of humans, foxes and hawks, the mother walked behind so as not to let the ducklings out of sight for a moment. And near the forge, when crossing the road, she, of course, let them go ahead. Here the guys saw them and threw their hats. All the time, while they were catching ducklings, the mother ran after them with an open beak and flew in different directions for several steps in the greatest excitement. The guys were just about to throw their hats over their mother and catch her like ducklings, but then I approached.

- What will you do with the ducklings? - I asked the guys sternly.

They chickened out and answered:

- Let's go.

- Let's just let it go! I said angrily. - Why did you have to catch them? Where is mother now?

- And there is sitting! - the guys answered in unison. And they pointed me to a nearby mound of a steam field, where the duck really sat with his mouth open from excitement.

- Alive, - I ordered the guys, - go and return all the ducklings to her!

They even seemed to be delighted with my order and ran with the ducklings up the hill. The mother flew away a little and when the guys left, she rushed to save her sons and daughters. In her own way, she told them something quickly and ran to the oat field. Ducklings ran after her - five of them. And so along the oat field, bypassing the village, the family continued their journey to the lake.

I happily took off my hat and, waving it, shouted:

- Happy journey, ducklings!

The guys laughed at me.

- What are you laughing at, silly people? - I said to the guys. - Do you think it's so easy for ducklings to get into the lake? Wait, wait for the college exam. Take off all your hats, shout "goodbye!"

And the same hats, dusty on the road when catching ducklings, rose into the air; all at once the guys shouted:

- Goodbye, ducklings!

Mikhail Prishvin "Lisichkin bread"

Once I was walking in the forest all day and in the evening I returned home with a rich booty. I took off the heavy bag from my shoulders and began to spread my goods on the table.

- What kind of bird is this? - asked Zinochka.

“Terenty,” I replied.

And he told her about the black grouse, how he lives in the forest, how he mutters in the spring, how he pecks at birch buds, collects berries in the marshes in the fall, in winter he gets warm from the wind under the snow. He also told her about the hazel grouse, showed her that it was gray, with a tuft, and whistled like a hazel grouse on a pipe and let her whistle. I also poured a lot of porcini mushrooms on the table, both red and black. I also had in my pocket a bloody bone berry, and blue blueberries, and red lingonberries. I also brought with me a fragrant lump of pine resin, gave the girl a sniff and said that trees are treated with this resin.

- Who treats them there? - asked Zinochka.

- They themselves are treated, - I answered. - It happens, a hunter will come, he wants to rest, he will stick an ax into a tree and hang a bag on the ax, and he will lie under the tree. Sleep, rest. He takes an ax out of a tree, puts on a bag, and leaves. And this fragrant tar will run from the wound from the ax from the tree and this wound will tighten.

Also, on purpose for Zinochka, I brought various wonderful herbs on a leaf, on a root, on a flower: cuckoo tears, valerian, Peter's cross, hare cabbage. And just under the hare cabbage I had a piece of black bread: it always happens to me that when I don't take bread to the forest - I'm hungry, but I take it - I forget to eat it and bring it back. And Zinochka, when she saw black bread under the hare cabbage, was stupefied:

- Where did the bread come from in the forest?

- What's so surprising? After all, there is cabbage there ...

- Hare ...

- And bread is a fox. Taste.

I tried it carefully and began to eat.

- Good fox bread.

And she ate all my black bread clean. And so it went with us. Zinochka, such a copula, often does not take white bread, but when I bring chanterelle bread from the forest, I always eat it all and praise it:

- Lisichkin's bread is much better than ours!

Yuri Koval "Grandfather, Baba and Alyosha"

The grandfather and the woman argued over who their grandson looked like.

Baba says:

- Alyosha looks like me. The same smart and economic.

Alyosha says:

- Right, right, I'm all a woman.

Grandfather says:

- And, in my opinion, Alyosha looks like me. He has the same eyes - beautiful, black. And he probably will have the same big beard when Alyosha grows up himself.

Alyosha wanted him to grow the same beard, and he says:

- Right, right, I look more like my grandfather.

Baba says:

- What a big beard will grow, it is still unknown. But Alyosha looks much more like me. He, like me, loves tea with honey, with gingerbread, with jam and with cheesecakes with cottage cheese. But the samovar is just ripe. Now let's see who Alyosha is more like.

Alyosha thought a little and says:

- Perhaps, I still strongly resemble a woman.

The grandfather scratched his head and said:

- Tea with honey is not a complete resemblance yet. But Alyosha, just like me, loves to harness a horse, and then ride a sled into the forest. Now we will lay the sledge and go to the forest. There, they say, moose showed up, they are picking hay from our haystack. We must have a look.

Alyosha thought and thought and said:

- You know, grandfather, it turns out so strange in my life. I look like a woman for half a day, and half a day like you. Now I'll have some tea and I'll look like you right away.

And while Alyosha drank tea, he just closed his eyes and puffed like a grandmother, and even when they were rushing into the forest on a sled, just like his grandfather, he shouted: “No-ooo, dear! Come on! Come on! " - and flicked the whip.

Yuri Koval "Stozhok"

By the bend of the Yalma River, in an old bathhouse, there lived, among other things, Uncle Zui.

He did not live alone, but with his granddaughter Nyurka, and he had everything he needed - both chickens and a cow.

“There’s just no pig,” Uncle Zui said. - And for what good man pig?

Even in the summer, Uncle Zuy mowed grass in the forest and swept away a stack of hay, but he did not just sweep it away - it was cunning: he put the haystack not on the ground, as everyone else does, but right on the sled, so that it would be more convenient to take hay out of the forest in winter.

And when winter came, Uncle Zui forgot about that hay.

- Grandfather, - says Nyurka, - why aren't you bringing hay from the forest? Ai forgot?

- What hay? - Uncle Zui was surprised, and after that he slapped himself on the forehead and ran to the chairman to ask for a horse.

The chairman gave the horse a good, strong one. Uncle Zui soon got to the place on it. He looks - his stack is covered with snow.

He began to throw snow around the sled with his foot, then he looked back - there was no horse: gone, damned!

He ran after him - he caught up, but the horse does not go to the haystack, rests.

“Why would she,” thinks Uncle Zui, “is restraining?”

Finally, Uncle Zui harnessed her to the sleigh.

- But-oh-oh! ..

Uncle Zui smacks his lips, shouts, and the horse is not moving - the runners are frozen to the ground. I had to knock on them with a hatchet - the sled started, and there was a stack on them. So it goes, as it stood in the forest.

Uncle Zui walks from the side, smacking his lips at the horse.

By lunchtime we got to the house, Uncle Zui began to unharness.

- What are you, Zuyushko, brought something ?! Pantelevna shouts to him.

- Hay, Pantelevna. What else?

- What do you have on the cart?

Uncle Zui looked and as he stood he sat down in the snow. A terrible, crooked and furry muzzle popped out of the wagon - a bear!

"R-ru-oo-oo! .."

The bear stirred on the cart, tilted the haystack to one side and fell out into the snow. He shook his head, grabbed the snow in his teeth and ran into the forest.

- Stop! - shouted Uncle Zui. - Hold it, Pantelevna!

The bear barked and disappeared into the trees.

The people began to gather.

The hunters have come, and of course I am with them. We crowd, we look at the bear tracks.

Pasha the Hunter says:

- Look what kind of den he came up with - Zuev haystack.

And Pantelevna screams and gets scared:

- How did he not bite you, Zuyushko? ..

- Yes, - said Uncle Zui, - will now smack the hay with bear meat. Probably, a cow will not take it in its mouth.

Notebooks in the rain

At recess, Marik says to me:

Let's run away from class. Look how good it is outside!

What if Aunt Dasha is delayed with the portfolios?

Throw the briefcases out the window.

We looked out the window: it was dry near the wall, and a little further away there was a huge puddle. Do not throw your briefcases into a puddle! We removed the belts from our trousers, tied them together, and carefully lowered our briefcases onto them. At this time the bell rang. The teacher entered. I had to sit down. The lesson has begun. It rained outside the window. Marik writes a note to me: "Our notebooks are gone"

I answer him: "Our notebooks are gone"

He writes to me: "What are we going to do?"

I answered him: "What are we going to do?"

Suddenly they call me to the board.

I can't, - I say, - I go to the board.

"How, - I think, - go without a belt?"

Go, go, I'll help you, - says the teacher.

You don't need to help me.

Did you get sick by accident?

Ill, - I say.

Ace homework how?

Good with homework.

The teacher comes up to me.

Well, show me the notebook.

What's happening with you?

You have to put a two.

He opens the magazine and gives me a bad mark, and I think about my notebook, which is now getting wet in the rain.

The teacher gave me a bad mark and calmly says:

You are strange today ...

As I sat under the desk

Only the teacher turned to the blackboard, and I once - and under the desk. As the teacher will notice that I have disappeared, he will probably be terribly surprised.

I wonder what he thinks? He will ask everyone where I have gone - that will be a laugh! Already half a lesson has passed, and I'm still sitting. “When,” I think, “will he see that I am not in class?” And it's hard to sit under the desk. My back ached even. Just try to sit there! I coughed - no attention. I can’t sit any longer. Moreover, Seryozhka pokes me in the back with his foot all the time. I could not stand it. Didn't sit until the end of the lesson. I get out and say:

Sorry, Pyotr Petrovich ...

The teacher asks:

What's the matter? Do you want to go to the board?

No, excuse me, I was sitting under the desk ...

Well, how is it comfortable to sit there, under the desk? You sat very still today. That's how it would always be in class.

When Goga started going to first grade, he knew only two letters: O - a circle and T - a hammer. And that's all. I did not know any other letters. And he could not read.

Grandma tried to teach him, but he immediately came up with a trick:

Now, now, granny, I'll wash the dishes for you.

And he immediately ran to the kitchen to wash the dishes. And the old grandmother forgot about her studies and even bought him gifts for helping with the household. And Gogin's parents were on a long business trip and hoped for their grandmother. And of course, they did not know that their son had not yet learned to read. But Goga often washed the floor and dishes, went to buy bread, and his grandmother praised him in every possible way in letters to his parents. And she read to him aloud. And Goga, sitting comfortably on the sofa, listened with his eyes closed. "Why should I learn to read," he reasoned, "if my grandmother reads to me aloud." He didn't try.

And in class, he dodged as best he could.

The teacher tells him:

Read it here.

He pretended to read, while he himself told from memory what his grandmother had read to him. The teacher stopped him. To the laughter of the class, he said:

If you want, I better close the window so that there is no blow.

My head is so dizzy that I’m about to fall ...

He pretended so skillfully that one day his teacher sent him to the doctor. The doctor asked:

How is your health?

Bad, - said Goga.

What hurts?

Well, then go to class.

Because nothing hurts you.

How do you know?

How do you know that? - the doctor laughed. And he slightly pushed Goga towards the exit. Goga never pretended to be sick again, but continued to evade.

And the efforts of classmates have led nowhere. First, Masha, an excellent student, was attached to him.

Let's study seriously, ”Masha told him.

When? - asked Gog.

Yeah right now.

I’ll come now, ”said Goga.

And he left and never came back.

Then Grisha, an excellent student, was attached to him. They stayed in the classroom. But as soon as Grisha opened the ABC book, Goga crawled under the desk.

Where are you going? - asked Grisha.

Come here, - called Gog.

And here no one will bother us.

Yah you! - Grisha, of course, was offended and immediately left.

No one else was attached to it.

As time went. He dodged.

Gogin's parents arrived and found that their son could not read a single line. The father grabbed his head, and the mother grabbed the book she had brought to her child.

Now, every evening, ”she said,“ I will read this wonderful book out loud to my son.

Grandma said:

Yes, yes, I also read interesting books aloud to Gogochka every evening.

But the father said:

You did it very much in vain. Our Gogochka is so lazy that he cannot read a single line. I ask everyone to retire to the meeting.

And dad, along with grandmother and mom, retired to the meeting. And Goga was at first worried about the meeting, and then calmed down when his mother began to read him from a new book. And he even swayed his legs with pleasure and almost spat on the carpet.

But he didn't know what this meeting was! What was decided there!

So Mom read him a page and a half after the meeting. And he, swinging his legs, naively imagined that this would continue. But when my mother stopped at the most interesting place, he became agitated again.

And when she handed him the book, he became even more worried.

He immediately suggested:

Let me, mommy, wash the dishes.

And he ran to wash the dishes.

He ran to his father.

The father strictly said that he would never again turn to him with such requests.

He shoved the book to his grandmother, but she yawned and dropped it from her hands. He picked up the book from the floor and gave it to grandmother again. But she again dropped it from her hands. No, she had never fallen asleep so quickly in her chair before! Is she really asleep, Goga thought, or was she assigned to pretend at a meeting? "Goga tugged at her, shook her, but the grandmother did not even think to wake up.

In desperation, he sat down on the floor and began to examine the pictures. But from the pictures it was difficult to understand what was going on there.

He brought the book to class. But classmates refused to read to him. Not even that: Masha immediately left, and Grisha defiantly crawled under the desk.

Goga stuck to the high school student, but he clicked his nose and laughed.

That's what home meeting means!

That's what the public means!

He soon read the whole book and many other books, but out of habit he never forgot to go for bread, wash the floor or wash the dishes.

That's what's interesting!

Who is surprising

Tanya is not surprised at anything. She always says: "That's not surprising!" - even if it is surprising. Yesterday, in front of everyone, I jumped over such a puddle ... No one could jump, but I jumped! Everyone was surprised, except for Tanya.

“Just think! So what? Not surprising! "

I tried to surprise her. But he could not surprise in any way. No matter how hard I tried.

I hit a sparrow from a slingshot.

He learned to walk on his hands, whistle with one finger in his mouth.

She saw it all. But she was not surprised.

I tried my best. What did I not do! He climbed trees, walked without a hat in winter ...

She was not surprised at all.

And once I just went out with a book into the yard. He sat down on a bench. And he began to read.

I didn’t even see Tanka. And she says:

Amazing! I wouldn't think so! He reads!


We made original costumes - no one will have them! I will be a horse, and Vovka will be a knight. The only bad thing is that he should ride on me, not me on it. And all because I'm a little younger. True, we agreed with him: he will not ride me all the time. He will ride me a little, and then he will get off and will lead me like a horse is led by a bridle. And so we went to the carnival. They came to the club in ordinary suits, and then changed and went out into the hall. That is, we entered. I crawled on all fours. And Vovka was sitting on my back. True, Vovka helped me - he touched the floor with his feet. But it was still not easy for me.

Besides, I didn't see anything. I was wearing a horse mask. I couldn't see anything at all, although the mask had holes for the eyes. But they were somewhere on the forehead. I was crawling in the dark.

Bumped into someone's feet. Once or twice I hit the column. Sometimes I shook my head, then the mask would slide down and I saw the light. But for a moment. And then it's dark again. I couldn't shake my head all the time!

I saw the light even for a moment. But Vovka saw nothing at all. And all the time he asked me what was ahead. And he asked to crawl more carefully. I was already crawling carefully. I didn't see anything myself. How could I know what's ahead! Someone stepped on my arm. I stopped at once. And he refused to crawl further. I told Vovka:

Enough. Get off.

Vovka probably liked the ride and did not want to get off. He said it was too early. But still he got down, took me by the bridle, and I crawled on. Now it was easier for me to crawl, although I still could not see anything.

I suggested taking off the masks and watching the carnival, and then putting on the masks again. But Vovka said:

Then we will be recognized.

Probably fun here, - I said. - Only we don't see anything ...

But Vovka walked in silence. He was determined to endure to the end. Receive the first prize.

My knees hurt. I said:

I'm going to sit on the floor now.

Can horses sit? - said Vovka. - You're out of your mind! You're a horse!

I'm not a horse, I said. You are a horse.

No, you are a horse, - answered Vovka. - Otherwise we will not receive a prize.

Well, let it be, - said I.

Be patient, - said Vovka.

I crawled up to the wall, leaned against it and sat down on the floor.

You sit? - asked Vovka.

I'm sitting, - I said.

Well, okay, - agreed Vovka. - You can still sit on the floor. Just don't sit on a chair. Do you understand? A horse - and suddenly on a chair! ..

Music thundered all around, laughed.

I asked:

Will it end soon?

Be patient, - said Vovka, - probably soon ...

Vovka could not stand it either. He sat down on the sofa. I sat down next to him. Then Vovka fell asleep on the sofa. And I fell asleep too.

Then they woke us up and gave us a bonus.

In the closet

Before class, I climbed into the closet. I wanted to meow from the closet. They will think, a cat, and this is me.

I was sitting in the closet, waiting for the beginning of the lesson and did not notice myself as I fell asleep.

I wake up - the class is quiet. I look through the crack - no one is there. I pushed the door open and it was closed. So I slept through the whole lesson. Everyone went home, and they locked me in a closet.

Stuffy in the closet and dark as at night. I got scared, I began to shout:

Uh-uh! I'm in the closet! Help!

I listened - silence all around.

ABOUT! Comrades! I'm sitting in the closet!

I hear someone's steps. Someone is coming.

Who is bawling here?

I immediately recognized Aunt Nyusha, a cleaning lady.

I was delighted, I shout:

Aunt Nyusha, I'm here!

Where are you, darling?

I'm in the closet! In the closet!

How did you get there, honey?

I'm in the closet, granny!

I can just hear you're in the closet. So what do you want?

I was locked in a closet. Oh, granny!

Aunt Nyusha left. Silence again. Probably left for the key.

Pal Palych tapped on the wardrobe with his finger.

There is no one there, - said Pal Palych.

Of course not. Yes, - said Aunt Nyusha.

Where is he? - said Pal Palych and knocked on the wardrobe again.

I was scared that everyone would leave, I would stay in the closet, and shouted with all my might:

I'm here!

Who are you? - asked Pal Palych.

I ... Tsypkin ...

Why did you get there, Tsypkin?

They locked me up ... I didn't get in ...

Um ... They locked him up! And he didn't get in! Have you seen? What magicians in our school! They do not climb into the closet while they are locked in the closet. Miracles don't happen, do you hear, Tsypkin?

How long have you been sitting there? - asked Pal Palych.

I do not know...

Find the key, - said Pal Palych. - Quickly.

Aunt Nyusha went to get the key, but Pal Palych remained. He sat down on a chair next to him and waited. I saw his face through the crack. He was very angry. He lit a cigarette and said:

Well! This is what the prank brings. Tell me honestly: why are you in the closet?

I really wanted to disappear from the closet. They will open the closet, but I'm not there. As if I hadn't been there. They will ask me: "Have you been in the closet?" I will say: "I was not." They will say to me: "Who was there?" I'll say, "I don't know."

But this only happens in fairy tales! Surely tomorrow they will call mom ... Your son, they will say, climbed into the closet, slept there all the lessons, and all that ... as if it was comfortable for me to sleep here! My legs ache, my back hurts. One torment! What was I to answer?

I was silent.

Are you alive there? - asked Pal Palych.

Well, sit, they will open soon ...

I'm sitting...

So ... - said Pal Palych. - So you tell me why you climbed into this closet?

Who! Tsypkin? In the closet? Why?

I wanted to disappear again.

The director asked:

Tsypkin, are you?

I sighed heavily. I just couldn't answer.

Aunt Nyusha said:

The headman of the class took the key.

Break down the door, said the director.

I felt the door being broken - the cabinet shook, I hit my forehead painfully. I was afraid that the cabinet would fall and I cried. I rested my hands on the walls of the cabinet, and when the door gave in and opened, I continued to stand in the same way.

Well, come out, - said the director. “And explain to us what that means.

I didn't budge. I was scared.

Why is it worth it? the director asked.

I was pulled out of the closet.

I was silent all the time.

I didn't know what to say.

I just wanted to meow. But as I would say about it ...

Carousel in my head

By the end school year I asked my father to buy me a two-wheeled bicycle, a battery-powered submachine gun, a battery-powered airplane, a flying helicopter and table hockey.

I so want to have these things! - I said to my father. - They are constantly spinning in my head like a carousel, and this makes my head so dizzy that it is difficult to stay on my feet.

Hold on, - said the father, - don't fall and write all these things for me on a piece of paper so that I don't forget.

But why write, they already sit tightly in my head.

Write, - said the father, - it costs you nothing.

In general, it costs nothing, '' I said, `` just an extra hassle. '' And I wrote in big letters for the whole sheet:




Then he thought and decided to write “ice cream”, went to the window, looked at the sign opposite and added:


The father read it and says:

I'll buy you ice cream for now, and we'll wait for the rest.

I thought he had no time now, and I ask:

Until what time?

Until better times.

Until what?

Until the next end of the school year.

Yes, because the letters in your head spin like a carousel, it makes you dizzy, and the words are not on their feet.

As if words have legs!

And I've already bought ice cream a hundred times.


Today you should not go outside - today is a game ... - said dad mysteriously, looking out the window.

Which one? - I asked from behind my father's back.

Wetbol, \u200b\u200b- he answered even more mysteriously and put me on the windowsill.

A-ah-ah ... - I drawled.

Apparently, dad guessed that I did not understand anything, and began to explain.

Wetball is football, only trees play it, and instead of a ball, the wind is driven. We say hurricane or storm, and they are wetball. Look how the birches rustled - it was the poplars who were giving them away ... Wow! How they swayed - apparently, they conceded a goal, they could not keep the wind with branches ... Well, another pass! A dangerous moment ...

Dad spoke just like a real commentator, and I, mesmerized, looked at the street and thought that Wetball would probably give 100 points ahead of any football, basketball, and even handball! Although I did not fully understand the meaning of the latter either ...


Actually, I love breakfast. Especially if mom cooks sausage instead of porridge or makes sandwiches with cheese. But sometimes you want something unusual. For example, a yearbook or yesterday. I once asked my mother for the yearbook, but she looked at me in surprise and suggested an afternoon snack.

No, - I say, - I would have just this yearbook. Well, or yesterday, at worst ...

Yesterday we had soup for lunch ... - Mom was confused. - Would you like to warm up?

In general, I did not understand anything.

And I myself do not really understand how these yesterdays and yesterdays look and what their taste is. Maybe yesterday's people really taste like yesterday's soup. But what then is the taste of this yearbook? Probably something of today. Breakfast, for example. On the other hand, why are breakfasts so called? Well, that is, if according to the rules, then breakfast should be called a yearbook, because it was prepared for me today and I will eat it today. Now, if I leave it for tomorrow, then it will be a completely different matter. No, though. After all, tomorrow he will already become yesterday.

So do you want porridge or soup? she asked carefully.

How the boy Yasha ate badly

Yasha was good for everyone, only he ate poorly. All the time with concerts. Now mom sings to him, then dad shows tricks. And he gets along with his:

- I do not want.

Mom says:

- Yasha, eat porridge.

- I do not want.

Dad says:

- Yasha, drink the juice!

- I do not want.

Mom and Dad got tired of trying to persuade him every time. And then my mother read in one scientific pedagogical book that children should not be persuaded to eat. We must put a plate of porridge in front of them and wait for them to get hungry themselves and eat everything.

They put, put plates in front of Yasha, but he did not eat and did not eat anything. He does not eat cutlets, nor soup, nor porridge. Became thin and dead as a straw.

- Yasha, eat porridge!

- I do not want.

- Yasha, eat the soup!

- I do not want.

Previously, his pants were difficult to fasten, but now he was completely loose in them. It was possible to run another Yasha into these pants.

And then one day a strong wind blew. And Yasha played on the site. He was very light, and the wind rolled him over the site. Drove to the wire mesh fence. And there Yasha got stuck.

So he sat, pressed against the fence by the wind, for an hour.

Mom calls:

- Yasha, where are you? Go home with the soup to suffer.

But he doesn’t come. You can't even hear it. He not only became dead, but his voice also became dead. You can't hear anything that he squeaks there.

And he squeaks:

- Mom, take me away from the fence!

Mom began to worry - where did Yasha go? Where to find it? Yash is not visible and not heard.

Dad said so:

- I think our Yasha was rolled away somewhere by the wind. Come on, Mom, we'll take the pot of soup out on the porch. The wind will blow and the smell of soup will bring to Yasha. It will crawl to this delicious smell.

And so they did. They carried the pot of soup out onto the porch. The wind carried the smell to Yasha.

Yasha, as he smelled the smell of delicious soup, immediately crawled to the smell. Because I was cold, I lost a lot of strength.

He crawled, crawled, crawled for half an hour. But he achieved his goal. He came to his mother's kitchen and how he would eat a whole pot of soup at once! How to eat three cutlets at once! How to drink three glasses of compote!

Mom was amazed. She didn’t even know whether to be happy or upset about her. She says:

- Yasha, if you eat like this every day, I won't have enough food.

Yasha reassured her:

- No, Mom, I don't eat so much every day. I am correcting past mistakes. I bubu, like all children, eat well. I'm a totally different boy.

I wanted to say "I will," but he got booboo. Do you know why? Because his mouth was full of an apple. He couldn’t stop.

Since then, Yasha ate everything well.


Do you know how to make "secrets"?

If you don’t know how, I’ll teach you.

Take a clean glass and dig a hole in the ground. Put a candy wrapper in the hole, and everything that you have beautiful on the wrapper.

You can put a stone, a fragment of a plate, a bead, a bird's feather, a ball (you can glass, you can metal).

You can have an acorn or an acorn hat.

You can have a multi-colored patch.

You can have a flower, a leaf, or even just grass.

You can get real candy.

You can use elderberry, dry beetle.

You can even use an eraser if it's pretty.

Yes, you can also use a button if it is shiny.

Here you go. Put it?

Now cover all this with a glass and cover it with earth. And then slowly use your finger to clear the ground and look through the hole ... You know how beautiful it will be! I made a secret, memorized the place and left.

The next day my "secret" was gone. Someone dug it. Some kind of bully.

I made the "secret" elsewhere. And they dug it again!

Then I decided to hunt down who was involved in this business ... And of course this person turned out to be Pavlik Ivanov, who else ?!

Then I again made a "secret" and put a note in it:

"Pavlik Ivanov, you are a fool and a bully."

An hour later, the note was gone. Pavlik did not look me in the eye.

Well, read it? - I asked Pavlik.

I haven't read anything, ”Pavlik said. - You yourself are a fool.

The writing

Once we were told to write an essay in class on the topic "I help my mother."

I took a pen and began to write:

"I always help my mom. I sweep the floor and wash the dishes. Sometimes I wash my handkerchiefs. ”

I didn't know what to write anymore. I looked at Lyuska. She just scribbled in a notebook.

Then I remembered that I had washed my stockings once, and wrote:

"I also wash stockings and socks."

I really didn't know what to write anymore. But you can't take such a short essay!

Then I added:

"I also wash T-shirts, shirts and panties."

I looked around. Everybody wrote and wrote. I wonder what they write about? You might think that they help mom from morning till night!

And the lesson did not end. And I had to continue.

"I also wash dresses, my own and my mother's, napkins and bedspread."

And the lesson did not end and did not end. And I wrote:

"I also love washing curtains and tablecloths."

And then the bell finally rang!

I got a five. The teacher read my essay aloud. She said that she liked my composition the most. And that she would read it at the parents' meeting.

I really asked my mother not to go to the parent meeting. I said I had a sore throat. But my mother told my father to give me hot milk with honey and went to school.

The following conversation took place at breakfast the next morning.

Mom: And you know, Sema, it turns out that our daughter writes wonderful compositions!

Dad: It doesn't surprise me. She always knew how to write great.

Mom: No, really! I'm not joking, Vera Evstigneevna praises her. She was very pleased that our daughter loves to wash curtains and tablecloths.

Dad: What about ?!

Mom: Isn't that wonderful, Sema? - Turning to me: - Why did you never admit it to me before?

And I was shy, - I said. “I thought you wouldn't let me.

Well, what are you! - said mom. - Do not be shy, please! Wash our curtains today. It's good that I don't have to drag them to the laundry!

I widened my eyes. The curtains were huge. Ten times I could wrap myself in them! But it was too late to retreat.

I washed the curtains piece by piece. While I was soaping one piece, the other was completely blurred. I'm just jaded with these pieces! Then I rinsed the bathroom curtains piece by piece. When I finished squeezing one piece, water was again poured into it from the adjacent pieces.

Then I climbed onto a stool and began to hang the curtains on the rope.

Well, that was the worst! While I was pulling one piece of the curtain over the rope, the other fell to the floor. And in the end, the whole curtain fell to the floor, and I fell on it from the stool.

I got completely wet - at least squeeze.

The curtain had to be dragged into the bathroom again. But the kitchen floor shone like new.

Water poured from the curtains all day.

I put under the curtains all the pots and pans we had. Then she put the kettle, three bottles and all the cups and saucers on the floor. But water still flooded the kitchen.

Oddly enough, my mother was pleased.

You washed the curtains wonderfully! - said my mother, pacing the kitchen in galoshes. - I didn’t know you were so capable! Tomorrow you will wash the tablecloth ...

What is my head thinking

If you think I am a good student, you are wrong. I don't study well. For some reason, everyone thinks that I am capable, but lazy. I don't know if I am capable or not. But only I know for sure that I'm not lazy. I sit for three hours on tasks.

For example, now I am sitting and I want to solve the problem with all my might. But she does not dare. I tell my mom:

Mom, my problem is not working.

Don't be lazy, says mom. - Think carefully, and everything will work out. Just think carefully!

She leaves on business. And I take my head with both hands and tell her:

Think head. Think well ... "From point A to point B two pedestrians came out ..." Head, why don't you think? Well, head, well, think, please! Well what do you need!

A cloud is floating outside the window. It is light as fluff. Here it stopped. No, it floats on.

Head, what are you thinking ?! Aren `t you ashamed!!! “From point A to point B two pedestrians left ...” Lyuska, probably, also left. She is already walking. If she came up to me first, I would, of course, forgive her. But does she fit, such a mischief ?!

“… From point A to point B…” No, it will not work. On the contrary, when I go out into the yard, she will take Lena by the arm and whisper to her. Then she will say: "Len, come to me, I have something." They will leave, and then sit on the windowsill and laugh and gnaw the seeds.

“… Two pedestrians left point A to point B…” And what will I do? .. And then I will call Kolya, Petka and Pavlik to play rounders. And what will she do? Yeah, she's going to put on the Three Fat Men. Yes, so loud that Kolya, Petka and Pavlik will hear and run to ask her to let them listen. They listened a hundred times, everything is not enough for them! And then Lyuska will close the window, and they will all listen to the record there.

"... From point A to point ... to point ..." And then I will take it and fill it with something directly into her window. Glass - ding! - and scatter. Let him know.

So. I'm tired of thinking. Think not think - the task does not work. It's just awful what a difficult task! I’ll walk a little and start thinking again.

I closed the book and looked out the window. Lyuska alone was walking in the yard. She jumped into the classics. I went out into the yard and sat down on a bench. Lyuska didn't even look at me.

Earring! Vitka! - Lyuska shouted at once. - Let's go play rounders!

The Karmanov brothers looked out the window.

We have a throat, ”both brothers said hoarsely. “They won't let us in.

Lena! - Lyuska shouted. - Linen! Come out!

Instead of Lena, her grandmother looked out and shook her finger at Lyuska.

Pavlik! - Lyuska shouted.

No one appeared in the window.

Pe-et-ka-ah! - Lyuska sat down.

Girl, what are you yelling at ?! - someone's head stuck out from the window. - A sick person is not allowed to rest! There is no rest from you! - And the head stuck back into the window.

Lyuska furtively looked at me and blushed like a cancer. She tugged at her pigtail. Then she removed the thread from the sleeve. Then she looked at the tree and said:

Lucy, let's go to the classics.

Come on, I said.

We jumped into the classics, and I went home to solve my problem.

As soon as I sat down at the table, my mother came:

Well, how's the problem?

Does not work.

But you've been sitting over it for two hours already! It's just awful what it is! They ask the children some puzzles! .. Well, show your problem! Maybe I can do it? I still graduated from the institute. So. “Two pedestrians came out of point A to point B ...” Wait, wait, something is familiar to me! Listen, you and dad decided it the last time! I remember perfectly!

How? - I was surprised. - Really? Oh, really, because this is the forty-fifth task, and we were asked the forty-sixth.

Then my mother was terribly angry.

It's outrageous! - said mom. - This is unheard of! This mess! Where is your head ?! What is she only thinking about ?!

About my friend and a little about me

Our yard was large. A lot of all sorts of children were walking in our yard - both boys and girls. But most of all I loved Lyuska. She was my friend. She and I lived in neighboring apartments, and at school we sat at the same desk.

My friend Lyuska had straight yellow hair. And she had eyes! .. You probably won't believe what her eyes were. One eye is green like grass. And the other is completely yellow, with brown specks!

And my eyes were kind of gray. Well, just gray, that's all. Not at all interesting eyes! And my hair was stupid - curly and short. And huge freckles on my nose. In general, everything was better for Lyuska than for me. But I was taller.

I was terribly proud of it. I really liked it when they called us in the yard "Bolshaya Lyuska" and "Little Lyuska".

And suddenly Lyuska grew up. And it became unclear which of us is big and who is small.

And then she grew another half a head.

Well, that was too much! I was offended by her, and we stopped walking together in the yard. At school, I did not look in her direction, and she did not look at mine, and everyone was very surprised and said: "A black cat ran between Lyuski", and pestered us why we had a fight.

After school, I now did not go out into the yard. I had nothing to do there.

I wandered around the house and did not find a place for myself. In order not to be so bored, I secretly, from behind the curtain, watched Lyuska play rounders with Pavlik, Petka and the Karmanov brothers.

At lunch and dinner, I was now asking for more. I gagged and ate everything ... Every day I pressed my head against the wall and marked my height on it with a red pencil. But a strange thing! It turned out that not only did I not grow, but even, on the contrary, decreased by almost two millimeters!

And then summer came, and I went to the pioneer camp.

In the camp I remembered Lyuska all the time and missed her.

And I wrote her a letter.

“Hello, Lucy!

How are you? I'm doing well. We have a lot of fun in the camp. The Vorya river flows nearby. The water in it is blue-blue! And there are seashells on the shore. I found a very beautiful shell for you. It is round and striped. Perhaps it will be useful to you. Lucy, if you want, let's be friends again. Let them call you big now and me small. I agree anyway. Please write me an answer.

With pioneer greetings!

Lucy Sinitsyna "

I waited a whole week for an answer. I kept thinking: what if she doesn't write to me! Suddenly she will never want to be friends with me again! .. And when Lyuska finally received a letter, I was so glad that even my hands were shaking a little.

The letter said this:

“Hello, Lucy!

Thank you, I'm doing well. Yesterday my mother bought me wonderful slippers with a white edging. I also have a new big ball, you can swing it! Hurry, come, otherwise Pavlik and Petka are such fools, they are not interesting! Don't lose the shell.

With a pioneer salute!

Lucy Kositsyna "

On that day, until the evening, I carried with me a blue Lyuska envelope. I told everyone what a wonderful friend I have in Moscow, Lyuska.

And when I was returning from the camp, Lyuska, together with my parents, met me at the station. She and I rushed to hug ... And then it turned out that I had outgrown Lyuska by a whole head.

The ability to retell the text not only demonstrates the level of speech development, but also shows how the child is able to understand and analyze the text he heard or read. But for children, retelling the text is often difficult. How can you help your child overcome them?

There are two main reasons why a child may have difficulty retelling the text: they are problems with the development of speech, or problems with understanding, analyzing and articulating what he heard. In the first case, the emphasis should be placed on the development of speech and this should not be done with the help of retelling, but with the help of simpler games for the development of speech. But in the second case, it is the child's ability to retell the text that needs to be trained.

We bring to your attention short stories, with the help of which you can easily teach a child to retell texts.


V. Suteev

A duck with ducklings, a hen and chickens went for a walk. They walked and walked to the river. A duck with ducklings can swim, but a hen and chickens cannot. What to do? Thought, thought and thought! The river swam in exactly half a minute: a chicken on a duck, a chicken on a duck, and a chicken on a duck!

1. Answer the questions:

Who went for a walk?

Where did the duck with the ducklings go for a walk?

What can a duck do with ducklings?

What can't a chicken do with chickens?

What did the birds come up with?

Why did they say good about the duck?

The birds swam across the river in half a minute, what does this mean?

2. Retell.



The guys built a snow slide in the yard. They poured water on it and went home. Kotka did not work. He was sitting at home, looking out the window. When the guys left, Kotka put on his skates and went up the hill. Chirk skates in the snow, but cannot climb. What to do? Kotka took a box of sand and sprinkled it on the slide. The guys came running. How to ride now? The guys took offense at Kotka and made him cover the sand with snow. Kotka untied his skates and began to cover the hill with snow, and the guys poured water on it again. Kotka also made the steps.

1. Answer the questions:

What were the guys doing?

Where was Kotka at that time?

What happened when the guys left?

Why couldn't Kotka climb the hill?

What did he do then?

What happened when the guys came running?

How did you fix the slide?

2. Retell.


In the autumn, the sky is cloudy, covered with heavy clouds. The sun hardly peeps out because of the clouds. Cold, piercing winds blow. Trees and bushes are bare. Their green outfit flew around them. The grass turned yellow and withered. There are puddles and mud all around.

1. Answer the questions:

What time of year is it?

What does the story describe?

What autumn sky?

How is it prolonged?

What is said about the sun?

What happened to the grass in the fall?

And what else makes autumn different?

2. Retell.


E. Charushin.

A hen with chickens walked around the yard. Suddenly it started to rain. The chicken quickly sat down on the ground, spread all the feathers and began to gurgle: Kvoh-kvoh-kvoh-kvoh! This means: hide quickly. And all the chickens crawled under her wings, buried themselves in her warm feathers. Some have completely hidden, some have only legs visible, some have a head sticking out, and some have only an eye peeping out.

And two chicks did not obey their mother and did not hide. They stand, squeak and wonder: what is it dripping on their heads?

1. Answer the questions:

Where did the hen go with the chickens?

What happened?

What did the chicken do?

How did the chickens hide under the chicken's wings?

And who didn't hide?

What did they do?

2. Retell.


The mother swallow taught the chick to fly. The chick was very small. It flapped its feeble wings clumsily and helplessly.

Unable to stay in the air, the chick fell to the ground and was badly hurt. He lay motionless and squeaked piteously.

The swallow mother was very alarmed. She circled over the chick, screamed loudly and did not know how to help him.

The little girl picked up the bird and put it in a wooden box. And put the box with the chick on the tree.

The swallow took care of her chick. She brought him food every day, fed him.

The chick began to recover quickly and was already chirping merrily and cheerfully waving its strengthened wings.

The old ginger cat wanted to eat the chick. He quietly crept up, climbed a tree and was already at the box itself.

But at this time the swallow flew off the branch and began to fly boldly in front of the cat's nose.

The cat rushed after her, but the swallow nimbly dodged, and the cat missed and hit the ground with full swing. Soon the chick completely recovered and the swallow, with joyful chirping, took him to his native nest under the next roof.

1. Answer the questions:

What misfortune happened to the chick?

When did the misfortune happen?

Why did it happen?

Who saved the chick?

What is the ginger cat up to?

How did the mother swallow protect her chick?

How did she take care of her chick?

How did this story end?

2. Retell.


The weather was hot. Three butterflies were flying in a forest clearing. One was yellow, the other was brown with red spots, and the third was blue. Butterflies descended on a large beautiful daisy. Then two more colorful butterflies flew in and sat on the same daisy

Butterflies were cramped, but fun.

1. Answer the questions:

Who is the story about?

What does it say first?

What were the butterflies?

Where did the butterflies go?

What was the chamomile?

How many more butterflies have arrived?

What were they like?

What does the end say?

2. Retell.


Nyura's grandmother lost her goat Nochka. The grandmother was very upset.

The grandchildren took pity on their grandmother and decided to help her.

The guys went into the forest to look for a goat. She heard the voices of the guys and went to meet them.

Grandmother was very happy when she saw her goat.

1. Answer the questions:

Who is the story about?

Why was Nyura's grandmother upset?

What was the goat's name?

What did the grandchildren decide to do? Why?

How was the goat found?

How did this story end?

2. Retell.

I am ashamed in front of the nightclub.

V. Sukhomlinsky.

Olya and Lida, little girls, went into the forest. After the tiring journey, they sat down on the grass to rest and dine.

They took bread, butter, eggs from the bag. When the girls had finished their dinner, a nightingale began to sing not far from them. Fascinated by the beautiful song, Olya and Lida sat, afraid to move.

The nightingale stopped singing.

Olya collected the remains of her food and scraps of paper and threw it under the bush.

Lida wrapped eggshells and bread crumbs in newspaper and put the bag in her bag.

Why are you taking trash with you? said Olya. - Throw it under the bush. After all, we are in the forest. Nobody will see.

I am ashamed in front of the nightingale, - Lida answered quietly.

1. Answer the questions:

Who went to the forest?

Why did Olya and Lida go to the forest?

What did the girls in the forest hear?

How did Olya handle the garbage? And Lida?

Why is the story called Ashamed in front of a nightingale?

Whose act do you like best? Why?

2. Retell.


In the summer, a squirrel and a hare were friends. The squirrel was red, and the hare was gray. They played together every day.

But now winter has come. White snow fell. The red squirrel climbed into the hollow. And the bunny climbed under the spruce branch.

Once a squirrel crawled out of a hollow. She saw the bunny, but did not recognize him. The bunny was no longer gray, but white. Bunny also saw a squirrel. He didn't recognize her either. After all, he was familiar with the red squirrel. And this squirrel was gray.

But in the summer they get to know each other again.

1. Answer the questions:

When did the squirrel and the bunny become friends?

What were they like in the summer?

Why didn't the squirrel and the hare recognize each other in winter?

Where do squirrels and hares hide from frost in winter?

Why do they get to know each other again in the summer?

2. Retell.


Leo Tolstoy.

Two comrades were walking through the forest, and a bear jumped on them. One rushed to run, climbed a tree and hid, while the other remained on the road. He had nothing to do, he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

The bear approached him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing.

The bear sniffed his face, thought he was dead, and walked away.

When the bear left, he got down from the tree and laughs.

Well, - he says, - did the bear speak in your ear?

And he told me that bad people those who run away from their comrades in danger.

1. Answer the questions:

Why is the fable named Two comrades?

Where were the boys?

What happened to them?

What did the boys do?

How do you understand the expression fell to the ground?

How did the bear react?

Why did the bear think the boy was dead?

What does this fable teach?

How would you proceed in this situation?

Did the boys turn out to be real comrades? Why?

2. Retell.


We have a cat. Her name is Murka. Murka is black, only legs and tail are white. The coat is soft, fluffy. The tail is long, fluffy; Murka's eyes are yellow, like lights.

Murka has five kittens. Three kittens are completely black, and two are speckled. All kittens are fluffy, like lumps. Murka and kittens live in a basket. Their basket is very large. All kittens are comfortable and warm.

At night, Murka hunts mice, and the kittens sleep sweetly.

1. Answer the questions:

Why is the story named Murka?

What have you learned about Murka?

Tell us about the kittens.

What does the ending say?

2. Retell.


N. Sladkov.

The bear entered the forest. A dry twig crunched under his heavy paw. The squirrel on the branch was frightened and dropped a cone from its paws. The bump fell and hit the hare in the forehead. A hare jumped up and rushed into the thick of the forest. I ran into forty, jumped out from under the bushes. They raised the cry to the whole forest. The moose heard. The moose went through the forest to break bushes.

Here the bear stopped, pricked up his ears: the squirrel mutters, magpies chirp, moose break bushes. Isn't it better to leave? - thought the bear. He barked and gave a streak.

So the bear scared himself.

1. Answer the questions:

Where did the bear go?

What crunched under his paw?

What did the squirrel do?

Who did the bump fall on?

What did the hare do?

Whom did the forty see? What did she do?

What did the moose decide? What did they do?

How did the bear behave?

What does the expression give a snatch mean, barked?

How does the story end?

Who scared the bear?

2. Retell.


Leo Tolstoy.

It often happens that in cities on fires children remain in their homes and they cannot be pulled out, because they hide from fear and are silent, and they cannot be seen from the smoke. For this, dogs are trained in London. These dogs live with firefighters, and when the house catches fire, the firefighters send dogs to pull the children out. One such dog saved twelve children, her name was Bob.

The house caught fire once. When the firefighters arrived at the house, a woman ran out to them. She cried and said that a two-year-old girl remained in the house. The firefighters sent Bob. Bob ran up the stairs and disappeared into the smoke. Five minutes later, he ran out of the house, and in his teeth by the shirt was carrying a girl. The mother rushed to her daughter and cried with joy that her daughter was alive.

Firefighters caressed the dog and examined it if it was burned; but Bob rushed into the house. The firefighters thought that there was still something alive in the house and let it go. The dog ran into the house and soon ran out with something in its teeth. When the people examined what she had endured, everyone burst out laughing: she was carrying a large doll.

1. Answer the questions:

What happened once?

Where did it happen, in which city?

Who did the firefighters come with?

What do dogs do in a fire? What are their names?

Who ran out to the firefighters when they arrived?

What did the woman do, what did she talk about?

How did Bob carry the girl?

What did the girl's mother do?

What did the firefighters do after the dog carried the girl out?

Where was Bob trying?

What did the firefighters think?

When the people considered what she had endured, what did they do?

2. Retell.


Leo Tolstoy

My mother bought plums and wanted to give them to the children after dinner. They were on a plate. Vanya never ate plums and smelled them all the time. And he liked them very much. I really wanted to eat. He kept walking past the sinks. When no one was in the upper room, he could not resist, grabbed one plum and ate it.

Before dinner, the mother counted the plums and sees that one is missing. She told her father.

At dinner, the father says:

What, children, has anyone eaten one plum?

Everybody said:

Vanya blushed like a cancer and said too:

No, I didn't eat.

Then the father said:

What any of you have eaten is not good; but that's not the problem. The trouble is that there are seeds in the plums, and if someone does not know how to eat them and swallows the bone, he will die in a day. I'm afraid of that.

Vanya turned pale and said:

No, I threw the bone out the window.

And everyone laughed, and Vanya began to cry.

1. Answer the questions:

What was the name of the main character?

What did mom buy for the children?

Why did Vanya eat the plum?

When did mom find it missing?

What did the father ask the children?

Why did he say that you can die?

Why did Vanya immediately admit that he ate the plum?

Why did the boy cry?

Did Vanya do the right thing?

Do you feel sorry for the boy or not?

What would you do if you were in his place?

Alyosha's parents usually returned home late after work. He came home from school on his own, warmed up lunch for himself, did his homework, played and waited for mom and dad. Two more times a week, Alyosha went to a music school, she was very close to the school. From early childhood, the boy got used to the fact that his parents work a lot, but he never complained, he understood that they were trying for him.

Nadia has always been an example for her younger brother. An excellent student at school, she still managed to study at a music school, and to help her mother at home. She had many friends in class, they went to visit each other and sometimes even did homework together. But for the class teacher Natalya Petrovna, Nadya was the best: she always did everything, but she helped others as well. There was only talk both at school and at home about what "Nadia is a smart girl, what an assistant, what Nadia is a smart girl." Nadya was pleased to hear such words, because it was not in vain that people praised her.

Little Zhenya was a very greedy boy, he used to bring sweets to the kindergarten and did not share with anyone. And to all the comments of Zhenya's teacher, the parents answered: “Zhenya is still too young to share with someone, so let him grow up a little, then he will understand.”

Petya was the most pugnacious boy in the class. He constantly pulled the girls by the braids, and put the footboards on the boys. Not that he really liked it, but, as he believed, made him stronger than the rest of the guys, and this, undoubtedly, was nice to know. But there was a downside to this behavior: no one wanted to be friends with him. Petya's neighbor on the desk, Kolya, was especially hit. He was an excellent student, but he never allowed Petya to cheat on himself and did not prompt him on tests, so Petya was offended by him for that.

Spring has come. In the city the snow turned gray, began to settle, and cheerful drops were heard from the rooftops. There was a forest outside the city. Winter still reigned there, and the sun's rays barely made their way through the dense branches of the spruce. But then one day something stirred under the snow. A trickle appeared. He hummed merrily, trying to make his way through the blocks of snow up to the sun.

The bus was stuffy and very cramped. He was squeezed from all sides, and he regretted a hundred times that he had decided to go to the next appointment with the doctor in the early morning. He rode and thought that it was, it would seem, recently, but in fact seventy years ago, he took the bus to school. And then the war began. He did not like to remember what he experienced there, why stir up the past. But every year on June 22nd, he locked himself in his apartment, did not answer calls and did not go anywhere. He recalled those who volunteered for the front with him and did not return. The war was also a personal tragedy for him: during the battles near Moscow and Stalingrad, his father and older brother died.

Despite the fact that it was only the middle of March, the snow had almost melted. Streams ran through the streets of the village, in which paper boats sailed merrily overtaking each other. They were launched by local boys on their way home after school.

Katya all the time dreamed about something: how she would become a famous doctor, how she would fly to the moon, then she would invent something useful for all mankind. Katya also loved animals very much. At home she had a dog Laika, a cat Marusya and two parrots, which were given by her parents for her birthday, as well as fish and a turtle.

Mom came home from work a little early today. As soon as she closed the front door, Marina immediately threw herself on her neck:
- Mom, Mom! The car almost ran over me!
- What are you? Turn around, I'll look at you! How did it happen?

It was spring. The sun was shining very brightly, the snow was almost melting. And Misha was looking forward to the summer. In June he turned twelve years old, and his parents promised to give him for his birthday a new bicycle, which he had long dreamed of. He already had one, but Misha, as he himself liked to say, "grew out of him a long time ago." He did well in school, and mom and dad, and sometimes grandparents, gave him money as praise for excellent behavior or good grades. Misha did not spend this money, he saved it. He had a large piggy bank, where he put all the money that was given to him. Since the beginning of the school year, he had accumulated a significant amount, and the boy wanted to offer his parents this money so that they would buy him a bicycle before his birthday, he really wanted to ride.

Any fairy tale is a story invented by adults in order to teach a child how to behave in a given situation. All instructive tales give the child life experienceare allowed to understand worldly wisdom in a simple and understandable form.

Short, instructive and interesting fairy tales make it possible to form a harmonious personality out of a child. They also make children think and reflect, develop fantasy, imagination, intuition and logic. Usually, fairy tales teach children to be kind and courageous, investing in them the meaning of life - to be honest, to help the weak, to respect elders, to make their own choices and be responsible for them.

Instructive good stories help kids to understand where is good and where is evil, to distinguish truth from lies, and also teach what is good and what is bad.

About the squirrel

One little boy bought a squirrel at the fair. The squirrel lived in a cage and did not even hope that the boy would take her to the forest and let her go. But once the boy was cleaning the cage in which the squirrel lived and forgot to close it with a loop after cleaning. The squirrel jumped out of the cage and first galloped to the window, jumped onto the window sill, jumped from the window into the garden, from the garden to the street and galloped into the forest nearby.

The squirrel met her friends and relatives there. Everyone was very happy, they hug the squirrel, kiss and ask where she disappeared, how she lived and how is she doing. The squirrel says that she lived well, the owner-boy fed her deliciously, cared for and cherished her, looked after her, stroked and took care of his little pet every day.

Of course, other squirrels began to envy our squirrel, and one of the girlfriends asked why the squirrel had left such a good owner who cared so much about her. The squirrel thought for a second and replied that the owner took care of her, but she lacked the most important thing, but we did not hear what, because the wind rustled in the forest and last words the squirrels drowned in the noise of the foliage. And you guys, what do you think, what the squirrel lacked.

This short tale has a very deep connotation, it shows that everyone needs freedom and the right to choose. This fairy tale is instructive, it is suitable for children 5-7 years old, you can read it to your kids and arrange short discussions with them.

Educational cartoon for children, Forest Tale cartoon about animals

Russian tales

About a naughty cat and an honest starling

Once upon a time there lived a kitten and a starling in the same house. Once the hostess went to the market, and the kitten was playing. He began to catch his tail, then he chased a ball of thread around the room, jumped onto a chair and wanted to jump onto the windowsill, but broke the vase.

The kitten got scared, let's put the pieces of the vase together, I wanted to put the vase back, but you just can't return what you did. The cat says to the starling:

- Oh, and get me from the mistress. Starling, be a friend, do not tell the mistress that I broke the vase.

The starling looked at this, and said:

- I won't tell, but only the fragments themselves will say everything for me.

This instructive fairy tale for children will teach kids 5-7 years old to understand that they need to be responsible for their actions, as well as think before doing anything. The meaning in this tale is very important. Such short and kind fairy tales for children with an unambiguous meaning will be useful and informative.

Russian Tales: Three Lumberjacks

Folk tales

About Bunny-help

In the forest thicket, in a clearing, together with other animals, the Helping Bunny lived. The neighbors called him that because he always helped everyone. Either the Hedgehog will help bring the brushwood to the mink, then the Bear will help to collect the raspberries. Bunny was kind and cheerful. But misfortune happened in the clearing. Lost son of the Bear - Mishutka, left in the morning to the edge of the clearing to collect raspberries, and went into the bowl.

Mishutka did not notice how he got lost in the forest, feasted on sweet raspberries and did not notice how he went far from home. Sits under a bush and cries. Mother Bear noticed that her baby was not there, and it was already getting dark, she went to the neighbors. But there is no child anywhere. Then the neighbors gathered and went to look for Mishutka in the forest. They walked for a long time, called, right up to midnight. But nobody responds. The animals returned to the edge and decided to continue searching tomorrow morning. We went home, had supper and went to bed.

Only Bunny-help decided not to sleep all night and to continue searching. He walked with a flashlight through the forest, calling for Mishutka. He hears someone crying under the bush. He looked in, and there, crying, chilled Mishutka sits. I saw the Help Bunny and was very happy.

Bunny and Mishutka returned home together. Mother-Bear was delighted, thanks Bunny-help. All the neighbors are proud of Bunny, after all, he was able to find Mishutka, the hero, did not give up half the way.

This interesting fairy tale teaches children that they need to insist on their own, not to give up what they started halfway through. Also, the meaning of the tale is that you cannot follow your desires, you need to think so as not to get into such a difficult situation as Mishutka. Read these short stories for their children 5-7 years old at night.

Fairy tale Wolf and seven kids. Audio fairy tales for children. Russians folk tales

Bedtime stories

About the calf and the cockerel

Once a calf was nibbling grass by the fence, and a cockerel came up to it. The cockerel began to look for grain in the grass, but suddenly he saw a leaf of cabbage. The cockerel was surprised and pecked a leaf of cabbage and said indignantly:

The cockerel did not like the taste of a cabbage leaf and he decided to offer his calf. The cockerel says to him:

But the calf did not understand what was the matter and what the cockerel wanted and said:

The cock says:

- Ko! - and points to the leaf with his beak.

- Moo ??? - the calf will not understand everything.

So the cock and the calf stand and say:

- Ko! Moo-oo-oo! Ko! Moo-oo-oo!

But the goat heard them, sighed, came up and said:


Yes, and ate a leaf of cabbage.

Such a fairy tale will be interesting for children 5-7 years old, it can be read to kids at night.

Little fairy tales

How a chanterelle got rid of nettles in the garden.

Once the chanterelle came out into the garden and sees that a lot of nettles have grown on it. I wanted to pull her out, but decided that it was not even worth starting. I already wanted to go into the house, but here the wolf is coming:

- Hello, godfather, what are you doing?

And the cunning fox answers him:

- Oh, you see, godfather, how many beautiful ugly I have. Tomorrow I will clean up and store it.

- What for? The wolf asks.

- Well, how, - says the fox, - the one who smells nettles, the dog's fang does not take. Look godfather, don't come close to my nettles.

The fox turned and went into the house to sleep. She wakes up in the morning and looks out the window, but her garden is empty, not a single nettle is left. The fox smiled and went to prepare breakfast.

Fairy tale Hare Hut. Russian folk tales for children. Bedtime story

Illustrations for fairy tales

Many fairy tales that you will read to kids are accompanied by colorful illustrations. When choosing illustrations for fairy tales to show them to children, try to make the animals look like animals in the drawings, they have the correct body proportions and well-drawn clothing details.

This is very important for children 4-7 years old, since at this age aesthetic taste is formed and the child makes his first attempts to draw animals and other heroes of fairy tales. At the age of 5-7 years, the baby should understand what proportions the animals have and be able to sketch them on paper on their own.