The main forms of matter: unity, essence, mode of existence, direction of evolution. Social form of matter: origin, essence, mode of existence

Everyone knows from the course of school physics that visible light consists of photons, and all matter is made of atoms, while an atom is a nucleus surrounded by electrons. Strictly speaking, light is not matter, it is only a stream of particles, which sometimes appear as particles, and sometimes as a wave.

Back in 1934, two physicists, Gregory Breit and John Wheeler, suggested that the collision of two photons should form a positron-electron pair, that is, the fundamental building block of the material world. Recall that a positron is the antiparticle of an electron. Until now, the Breit-Wheeler hypothesis has not been proven, but recently British physicists from Imperial College London said they have all the necessary developments to prove this theory and conduct an experiment to convert light into matter.

Scientists have developed a special accelerator especially for the experiment. The experiment itself will take place in two stages. At the first stage, a laser (a stream of electrons) will be used, which will be accelerated by the collider to a speed close to the speed of light. The laser will be aimed at the gold foil. When electrons collide with it, a flux of high-energy photons will be obtained, the energy of which is an order of magnitude higher than that of photons of simple visible light.

At the second stage, a special gold container will be used, into which a laser will also be directed. A special thermal radiation will be created inside the container, which in its properties is similar to the radiation of stars. At the final stage of the experiment, the particles of this radiation will collide with the photons received in the first part, as a result of which scientists expect to receive an electron-positron pair. The proposed experiment is interesting, first of all, because for the first time in practice the theory of the possibility of converting light into matter will be proved.

Scientists are preparing to design an accelerator developed by them and conduct an experiment in the near future. But the most interesting thing is that last year Anastasia Novykh's book AllatRa was published, which caused a real sensation in the scientific world on the interaction of waves and particles, and in particular on the issue transition of energy into matter, and vice versa.

The origin of the Universe, the nature of matter and the multidimensionality of the physical world, the conditions under which matter transforms into a wave - all this is described in this book in simple and well-reasoned language, and it has already been nicknamed "the main sensation of the 21st century." After all, these questions are of interest not only to physicists and chemists, but also shed light on the whole existence of mankind, on the energetic-material structure of man and our own possibilities, including extraordinary ones. We provide our readers with a unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with this information and download this book completely free of charge from our website. To do this, just go to the appropriate section, or click on the quote below.

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With further immersion in the microcosm of the atom, chemistry disappears and quantum physics remains at the level of elementary particles. Elementary particles show here the properties of a borderline state: under certain conditions, the same particle can be matter (particle), and can be energy (wave).

In addition, many hidden amazing properties are revealed: the interaction of particles regardless of distance and energy transfer, and much more. But quantum physics, one might say, is also limited, it stands on the threshold of two worlds where matter (particle) transforms into energy (wave). With further deepening, quantum physics

a completely new world, still unknown to mankind, disappears and begins - the multidimensional world of energies, and then - the world of information (the very fundamental information bricks mentioned above), which forms matter, form, life itself.

- Anastasia Novykh - AllatRa

Types of matter:

  • Substance (has a rest mass, various states of aggregation)

The form of matter is a set of various objects and systems that have a single qualitative definiteness, expressed in general properties and modes of existence specific for a given form of matter.

1. The physical form of matter is known to us only from a simple level - leptons and quarks, above which the level of elementary particles - protons, neutrons, atoms of macro-bodies, including the formation - metagalaxy, or our universe. On a larger scale, FFM can be considered as composed of two main forms of physical matter - matter and field.

Although modern physics does not know both the simplest and the largest levels of physical reality, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe genetic unity of FFM has received serious grounds in it. According to modern concepts, the physical reality we know arose from a relatively simple singular state as a result of the “Big Bang” 10-20 billion years ago. Without knowing the lower and upper limits of the FM, we can, however, with great confidence conclude that there are two most fundamental properties uniting physical reality - mass and energy.

Each particular physical form of matter and motion has its own specific properties that distinguish it from other forms, however, in general, in their totality, particular physical forms of matter are characterized by a single, general, integral property - energy, in which these specific properties fade away, the differences between particular physical forms of matter and motion. The presence of this property turns out to be a necessary basis for the interaction and interconversion of various physical objects, allows us to introduce a general measure of physical movement, reflecting the unity of physical reality, its difference from the chemical, biological social forms of matter.

The fundamental properties of mass and energy are in deep dependence, fixed by the Einstein relation E \u003d mc2. thus, the physical form of matter is the mass-energy world.

The material of modern physics makes it possible to determine a specific way, or form, of development. Since the moment of the Big Bang, the development of FFM was carried out initially through mainly differentiation, the emergence of an increasing variety of physical objects, then, increasingly, through direct substrate synthesis, the integration of simple formations into more complex ones. The most important feature of this process of differentiation - integration is its mass-energy character.

The only way of existence is 4 types of interaction: strong, weak, electromagnetic, gravitational.

2. The chemical form of matter: unity, essence, mode of existence, direction of evolution.

CPM includes levels from the atom to macromolecular complexes that lie on the threshold of living matter. HFM is "built" from the physical. A chemical atom is synthesized from protons, neurons and electrons.

An essential fact in favor of a kind of chemical reality is that the chemical bonds between qualitatively different atoms in a physical respect differ only quantitatively. So the H-C bond differs from the H-F from the physical side only in polarity and the difference in the electronegativity of atoms. On the chemical side, these are the bonds of hydrogen with qualitatively different chemical elements.

The chemical world is a supra-mass-energetic world, in which weak mass-energy processes, although they take place, forming the physical basis of chemism, do not determine its nature. The chemical world, as Hegel noted, is characterized by an incomparably greater qualitative diversity than the physical one. Being formed from only three elementary particles, CPM includes over 100 chemical elements, from which a huge qualitative variety of chemical compounds arises. At present, about 8 million chemical compounds have been identified and about 0.5 million are synthesized annually. Chemical elements constitute the lowest, simplest and most basic level of chemical evolution. They arise as a result of the previous physical process of evolution, have different physical and chemical complexity and, therefore, different possibilities for the further chemical development process, different development potential. Carbon is the most complex chemical element with the highest potential for chemical development. Hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus have evolutionary potentials close to carbon to one degree or another. Because of this, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, etc. chem. elements play a major role in chemical evolution, naturally leading to the emergence of life, and therefore are called organogenic elements.

The concept of a chemical reaction lies at the heart of the concept of the chemical method of objectively real existence and development. A chemical reaction is a relatively independent transformation associated with a certain finite number of reacting substrates.

The chemical process is the unity of synthesis (association) and decay (decay). Since chemical synthesis leads to the complication of substances, it is a chemical form of progress, and decay is a regression.

The general integral direction of chemical transformations is direct substrate synthesis. It acts as a common for F and HFM method of objectively real existence and development, but it has its own essential specificity in them.

Chemical substrate synthesis involves a special, specific mechanism - catalysis, i.e. the ability to accelerate chemical transformations. Thus, in HFM, a kind of ability of multiple self-acceleration of movement and development arises.

A number of directions can be distinguished in the development of CPM. The common direction of all lines of development is movement from lower to higher, from simple to complex: from chemical elements to molecules and their complexes. Within the general direction, the main line can be distinguished, i.e. the main direction, and secondary, or dead-end, branches of development.

The main direction of development of CPM is associated with carbon as the most complex and rich chemical. element and other organogenic elements - H, O, N, S, Ph. Dead-end directions determine the development on the main line, create the conditions necessary for chemical evolution. Ultimately, chemical evolution naturally leads to the emergence of living matter. In chemical evolution, one of the most important patterns of development is revealed - the accumulation of the content of the lower stages in the higher ones. Chem. evolution is not a simple change from one state to another, but an accumulation, a synthesis of the main results of development in subsequent stages, as a result of which a material substrate appears, which has the greatest variety of very different and even opposite properties. So proteins, one of the most important components of living matter, have acidic and basic, hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties, and exhibit all basic types of reactions. Due to their special structure, nucleic acids accumulate information content in a compressed, coded form.

The emergence of life is primarily due to the mainstream of chemical evolution, where CPM appears in its optimal or, or rather complete, content or variety.

3. The biological form of matter: unity, essence, mode of existence, direction of evolution.

Substrate: proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, fats, some mineral compounds.

A life - the highest of the natural forms of motion of matter, which is characterized by self-renewal, self-regulation, self-reproduction of multi-level open systems, the substrate functional basis of which is proteins, fats, nucleic acids, organophosphorus compounds.

The essence of life, or the biological mode of existence, is the tendency to self-preservation through adaptation to the environment.

A feature of the biological form of matter (BFM): if simpler material bodies - physical and chemical, exist due to their inherent greater or lesser stability, then in living matter self-preservation becomes the result of active processes. The entire set of physical, chemical and biological processes of a living organism is aimed at self-preservation. This self-preservation is possible only due to the active adaptation of living organisms to the environment.

Self-preservation by adaptation, as the two most important properties of BFM, are expressed in the totality of other essential properties of living matter: assimilation and dissimilation, growth of development of organisms, irritability and contractility of living tissue, the ability to move, and the ability to evolve.

Heredity is a concentrated expression of a living's ability to preserve itself, a kind of biological memory. The most important individual, species and other signs of living things are fixed by means of special biological structures - genes, the totality of which forms the genome of the organism. The totality of all genomes of living organisms constitutes the gene pool of living matter as a whole.

In terms of classification, living organisms form four kingdoms of nature - plants, animals, fungi and viruses, which in turn are divided into types, classes, orders, families, genera, species, and some intermediate units.

One of the wonderful ways of self-preservation of the living is the continuous existence of life through the change of generations. The living thing and its genetic basis are in this sense immortal, only individual individuals and generations are mortal.

A very important role in the development of BFM is played by the ability to display the external environment, which occurs initially in the form of irritability, on the basis of which sensitivity and mental activity further arise.

Biological evolution. The most developed theory of biological evolution is modern Darwinism (STE). According to STE, the most important factors of evolution are hereditary variability and natural selection, understood as the survival of the fittest organisms. It is generally accepted that hereditary variability has a random character and therefore biological evolution should be considered as a random process. Thus, random mutations play a key role in evolution; natural selection turns random changes into necessary ones. Darwin believed that biological evolution leads to the emergence of the most complex living thing - man.

4. Social form of matter: unity, essence, mode of existence, direction of evolution. Place and role of man in the world.

One of the most important aspects of the theory of the forms of motion of matter is the interpretation of social processes as a social form of matter.

In modern science, including philosophy, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe randomness of the appearance of man in the course of biological evolution, the development of nature, or, in other words, the randomness of man in relation to the nature of the world as a whole, is widespread. The statement about the randomness of a person in relation to the world means that a person is in a superficial, external (random) relation to the world, to its essence, arises not on the highway, but on the outskirts of world development. He has, therefore, a random, insignificant content, nature and, therefore, cannot judge with certainty the nature of the world.

From the standpoint of a random person, the nature of the world turns out to be unknowable, a reliable worldview is impossible. Moreover, not being in relation to the very essence of the world, possessing a random content and a random essence, a person cannot judge his own accident or necessity.

The concept of the randomness of man in relation to the world, its essence, inevitably leads to the conclusion about the meaninglessness and meaninglessness of human existence, for the random is meaningless and, therefore, meaningless. Thus, if we investigate the grounds and meaning of the statement about the randomness of man in relation to the endless world process, we inevitably come to the conclusion that this statement contradicts itself and therefore has no meaning.

In Marxist philosophy, the concept of man is multilevel and multidimensional. Within the framework of a single concept of man, one can distinguish, first of all, two levels, which, with some convention, can be called general and special concepts of man. The first concept is part of the most general philosophical science - dialectical materialism and is a description of a person in universal categories, i.e. in relation to the universal sides of the world - matter, development, necessity, chance, etc. The second concept is a description of man in the categories of the particular - sociology, or historical materialism - society, productive forces and production relations, classes, nations, etc.

From the standpoint of scientific philosophy, the emergence of man (society), as the highest form of matter, is caused by three groups of factors or causes: general, special and individual. The nature (essence) of the infinite world belongs to the universal. The special reasons for the appearance of man must be attributed, first of all, to the evolution of the biological form of matter, which naturally generates the highest form of life - thinking beings. It is also necessary to highlight the individual factors of the emergence of man, to which can be attributed the local conditions of the earth, which determined the specific features of earthly humanity.

The absolute tendency of life to self-preservation naturally leads to the emergence of a more effective and radical way of existence, a way of survival than adaptation to the environment. This new way of survival can only be the transformation of the environment and, on this basis, the transformation of the living itself, i.e. production of life. The production of oneself on the basis of the transformation of the environment is a new, higher way of existence and development of man, a social form of matter.

Among the factors that we have named special, a very important place belongs to labor. Engels formulated a new concept of anthroposociogenesis. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis concept is that labor, as a process of transformation of nature and of man himself, from the moment of its inception and in the process of further formation, served first as an active, and then a determining factor in the formation of a person. Biological factors, including natural selection, played a huge role in the formation of man. Incipient and emerging labor could lead to the emergence of man only by becoming at the same time a biological factor - a factor of natural selection.

Labor is the process of human interaction with nature, which is carried out with the help of torn from the natural environment and transformed natural elements - means of labor (primarily tools of labor). Labor is of a collective nature and serves as the basis for the formation of society as a complex collective of people united by social, primarily economic ties.

Human essence. Man is a being that produces itself, its being, essence. Man lives by what does not exist in nature, what he must constantly create. The main thing in the human way of existence is the production of oneself, one's own being and one's essence. The production of objects is a means of human existence, his being and essence. Man, humanity is the highest form of matter, possessing the most complex way of existence and development. The most important essential forces of man are labor, or the transformative material activity of man, thought, or the universal and unlimited ability to cognize the world, communication, i.e. social connection with their own kind. The second tier of human essential forces are abilities and needs. The important essential properties of a person associated with both groups of properties are collectivity and individuality, freedom and responsibility.

The producing way of human existence as the highest form of matter determines the emergence of another essential feature of a person - consciousness. Therefore, man is a productive and conscious being.

The human essence is contradictory: it carries within itself contradictions between needs and abilities, work and thought, work and forms of communication, collectivity and individuality, freedom and responsibility, etc. the development of the human essence occurs on the basis of its internal contradictions.

The meaning of human existence is determined by the essence of human existence, but is not identical with it. The essence of man, of human existence, has the most general and permanent, eternal features, since it always consists in man's production of his own being.

Scientific philosophy has shown that the meaning of human existence cannot be sought outside of human life - in nature, God, ideas. The meaning is inherent in human existence itself. Man produces his own existence, which is his essence and meaning. The meaning of existence is not in the senseless flow of time of human existence, but in the movement of man into his own essence, in the deepening of man into his infinite human essence.

ANTHROPOCENTRISM- an extreme form of anthropomorphism, a cognitive attitude, in which the presence of the human dimension is affirmed in any knowledge about nature, society and in cognition itself. The classical formulation of anthropocentrism is found in the famous formula of Drotagoras “man is the measure of all things”. In contrast to the ancient assimilation of the micro- and macrocosm, as well as from the objectivism of classical rationality in modern natural science, anthropocentrism expresses the dependence of the scientific result not only on the position of the observer and the characteristics of his instrumental and goal-setting activity, but also on the very fact of his presence in the universe.

In social cognition, anthropocentrism is the opposite of sociocentrism, or sociologism. The concepts of the anthropocentric direction emphasize the independence of the individual as a subject of free choice and responsible action. In politics, the principle of anthropocentrism is implemented in liberalism, which recognizes the priority of the interests of the individual over the interests of any communities and the inalienability of his natural rights. Methodologically, anthropocentrism opposes naturalistic determinism and historicism, meaning the priority of goal-setting human activity over social structures and “laws of historical necessity”. The anthropocentric attitude is alien to large-scale social design and rigid social technologies (see Social technologies), which subordinate the interests of the individual to the logic of the project and turn a person into a “cog” of the state machine. Anthropocentrism contains the requirement of proportionality of social transformations to a person and outlines the limits of the intervention of power in human everyday life. As for Marxism, it inherited the enlightenment view of man as a product of circumstances and upbringing and defined the essence of man as a complex of social relations. And although the activity approach, realized in the concept of social practice, claims to remove the dilemma of anthropocentrism and sociocentrism, Marxism as a whole clearly gravitates towards the latter. Karl Marx's departure from anthropocentrism, declared in the "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844" and the “Manifesto of the Communist Party” (“the free development of everyone is a condition for the free development of all”), is clearly visible in his concept of the formational development of society as a natural-historical process, within which a person is a “personal element of the productive forces”. Russian Marxists, for example, G.V. Plekhanov, clearly gravitated towards sociocentrism in resolving the issue of the role of the individual in history. In classical sociology, the main position of anthropocentrism is clearly expressed by G. Spencer, who believed that "every social phenomenon should have as its source the known properties of individuals", and therefore "the type of society is determined by the nature of its constituent units." Anthropocentrism found a detailed sociological interpretation in “understanding sociology” At. Weber. Weber's postulate of subjective interpretation is that nothing can be better understood than individual, meaningful action. To understand a social phenomenon means to reduce it to the subjective meanings of acting individuals - the final point of the theoretical analysis of any social processes. In post-Weberian sociology, anthropocentrism is contrasted with structural functionalism, whose proponents focused on the determinative influence of social structures. Phenomenological sociology, which inherited Weber's traditions, opposed the reification (reification) of social structures and interpreted them as a set of socially approved models of human behavior. Without denying the structuring influence of social institutions on human activity, she investigated a system of highly complex typifications that accumulate the experience of individual “assimilation” of similar patterns in the performance of social roles (interiorization). Sociological postmodernism eliminated the opposition of man and the products of his creative activity, radicalizing the structuralist ideas of the “death of the subject” (M. Foucault), the dissolution of the author in the text (R. Bort). Modern sociology is characterized by attempts to remove the dilemma of anthropo- and sociocentrism using the concept of habitus as an incorporated sociality (P. Bourdieu). But unlike traditional societies, the habit of a modern person, involved in a multitude of volatile personal and anonymous social ties, cannot be considered a social invariant, and the concept of habitus is the final solution to the dilemma of anthropocentrism and sociocentrism.


Voskanyan A.G. one

1 LLC "Bnabuzhutyun"

Like light, mind is material and spreads in all directions, as well as inside itself, into the phrenosphere. Mind, like light, has different wavelengths and can stop in the brain of living matter. Through the mind, living beings can communicate with each other, if they are equivalent, and are tuned in wavelength. The brain with sufficient density of mind can hook information from the phrenosphere. At the same time, education is not decisive, for “Knowledge does not teach much the mind” 1. The mind, initially, either is or is not. If there is a mind, then the mind can develop, and a person will become talented or even brilliant. These people create great music, art canvases, easily solve mathematical problems, discover natural laws and can do much more.



energy quantum.

The opposition "Religia - Science" and "Science - Religion" predetermines their unity.

Prediction. Light is the radiation perceived by the eye, emitted by substances into a state of excitement. In addition to the visible spectrum, light includes: ultraviolet and X-rays, infrared rays and radio waves, long intergalactic streams of super long waves and light of dark matter.

In the process of evolution, man, like other animals, has learned to perceive the spectrum of light required to maintain vital activity. Perhaps there are animals in nature that see (feel) X-rays, radiation or long waves, for example, night hunting animals have learned to see infrared light, and elephants talk to each other hundreds of kilometers away.

The wavelengths of light in the visible spectrum range from 380 to 740 nanometers.

It must be assumed that the mind is also material and is perceived by a person as an information field, but through special structures of the brain. The mind of the universe is infinite and every living being can exchange this energy in a certain range.

Figure: 1. From the works of V. A. Rubakov, Institute for Nuclear Research RAS, Moscow, Russia.

Light arises during physical and chemical processes, where charged particles of an atom are involved. This is the energy output during the transition in the electronic shells of atoms and molecules from one level to another. In everyday life, electricity is used to produce light, but there are other methods of generating light: triboluminescence, radioluminescence. Mind, like light, originally exists in nature, but the process of thinking is required to generate mind. Reason, like light, spreads in all directions and inward.

In nature, light sources are galaxies, stars, the sun, lightning, aurora, i.e. natural objects in a state of excitement. Ultimately, light is a stream of material particles with excessively high energy and zero mass. The speed of propagation of light in a vacuum is constant - 299792458 m / s. It can be considered as a stream of electromagnetic waves. In this case, the effective speed in various transparent substances containing matter is less than in vacuum. For example, in water, it is about 3/4 of the speed of movement in a vacuum. This means that the presence of matter affects the speed of propagation of light, and some structures can completely stop light, not absorb, but stop movement. The same happens with the mind, it also stops in the brain of living matter and is transformed into another form of energy.

By utilizing the energy of light sources, the following are distinguished: electrical heating of hot bodies and plasma, eddy currents, flows of electrons and ions, nuclear decay of isotopes or fission of nuclei, chemical oxidation and heating of combustion products, electroluminescent - the conversion of electrical energy into light energy, bypassing the conversion of energy into thermal, in semiconductors or phosphors, triboluminescent - the transformation of mechanical effects into light, bioluminescent - light sources in living nature.

There is a very important, very essential quality of light, this is propagation. Light equally spreads in all directions from the source and inward, but it cannot illuminate the interior space for the external environment. The difficulty in perceiving this position lies in the fact that light can spread both in different directions and inside itself, that is, into the space of “Black Matter”. It can be assumed that light moves with the ultimate speed for the space of the atomic structure of matter. That is, light is the energy of visible, atomic matter. This assumes that the speed of light (matter) is limiting for the world of the atomic device. Denser structures of matter, dark matter, also illuminate their space, but we cannot see this. In case of exceeding the speed of 299792458 m / s., A quantum of light rushes inward, and is transformed into Black Energy, falls into the Black Hole. That is, matter can move faster than light, this is a state of antimatter, when matter has no mass and is absolutely transparent. Mind. like light, it is hidden in dark matter that is present everywhere.

Today, two options are being manipulated to explain the essence of dark matter:

  • dark energy is a cosmological constant - constant energy density uniformly filling the Universe - zero energy and vacuum pressure are postulated;
  • dark energy is a kind of quintessence - a dynamic field, the energy density of which can change in space and time.

Another phenomenon of light lies in the fact that the wavelength decreases with the compaction of the matter of the emitting source. In this case, according to the spectrum of light emitted by celestial bodies, one can judge their evolutionary age. It can be assumed that the spectrum of light emitted by Mercury is shifted towards short waves. And Mars emits longer waves. In the depths of black matter, light is ultra-short wavelength and propagates into matter. On the contrary, in visible outer space, waves are infinitely lengthened to infinitely long radio waves, the vibration of which we cannot perceive with traditional receptors of the senses. For this reason, Newton's classical laws concerning the visible world do not work in the World of the atom constituting the space, especially of dark matter. As the saying goes - “don't measure everything by your yardstick”. In this case, one must admit that there are others in the world, and the “reasonable man” has chosen an acceptable explanation for this - everything that is not available for perception and is not provable within the framework of our world is the Creator's “tricks”. But! Our world, the world accessible to our perception, is directly dependent on the unknown world, that is, it was created by otherworldly forces incomprehensible to our natural science. In this lies the unity and all the contradictions between science and religion.

Such an interpretation, in the light of the article published by us: “Cosmology - speculative dialectics” (journal “Uspekhi sovremennoi zhurnosznaniya”, No. 3, 2012, pp. 51-55), allows us to assert that a person, actually living matter in nature, is in interaction with by all forms of matter, both in time and in space, but not accessible to the mind of homo sapiens. A person, in terms of the mind - the soul, is immortal and is the common property of the natural mind - the phrenosphere (phren from ancient Greek φρήν - mind, reason and σφαῖρα - sphere, ball). With this interpretation of being, there are no contradictions between religion and science. The difference is that religion states facts, while science tries to know their nature. This dispute, as a process, is endless, but truth is born in it for the human mind. Denying religion is tantamount to denying reason. But, no one measures or weighs the mind. No one can explain where the mind (soul) appears and where it disappears. At what stage of development of living matter, the mind (soul) is introduced into the perishable body of a person. It seems to us that the opposite is true - the mind is primary and, under certain circumstances, becomes overgrown with living matter, that is, a body, for earthly existence. And the mind is taken from the same dark energy, which is the phreno medium.

The mind is one and infinite. Living matter grows from the mind of the phrenoenvironment, which is the same for all forms of living matter. Each form of living matter grows from the phreno medium and develops along the chosen path. Frenoenvironment as Mother Earth, common to all animals and plants. In the struggle for survival, each form of living matter improves in its own way, and occupies a free niche in the inhabited world. There are no lagging and advanced forms of living matter in nature. It's just that each form has chosen its own path of perfection. A person receives light from an electric bulb with his mind, and an electric generator fish generates electricity itself. And in either case, this is done for survival. Maluski, who grow iron teeth, an alloy that people cannot get with their minds, are more advanced than homo sapiens - man. It is difficult to argue who is perfect and who is primitive. It's just that each form of living matter has chosen its own path of evolution.

At the beginning of the last century V. Vernadsky came to the firm conviction - “Humanity, like a living substance, is inextricably linked with the material and energy processes of a certain geological shell of the earth - the biosphere. It cannot physically be independent from her for a single minute. " “This new state of the biosphere, to which we are approaching without noticing, is the“ noosphere ”. The great V. Vernadsky was one step away from realizing the noosphere as a sphere of reason - the phrenosphere. The creation of man is not only and not so much buildings and machines, but ideas, i.e. creations of the mind.

The hypothesis about the existence of dark energy (whatever it is) solves the problem of the invisible Creator. The Big Bang nucleosynthesis theory explains the formation of light chemical elements such as helium, deuterium and lithium in the young Universe. The theory of the large-scale structure of the Universe explains the formation of the structure of the Universe: the formation of stars, quasars, galaxies and galaxy clusters. We do not see all this, but it can be firmly stated that we are part of it, part of the material and spiritual wealth of nature. We are connected by the all-encompassing commonality of the mind of the universe.

On this note, I want to reveal, how to explain, the commonality of people's thinking and the uniform development of people and younger brothers throughout the planet Earth. This is evidenced by countless examples of duplication of the same invention:

  • in 1809, the Englishman Delarue builds the first incandescent lamp,
  • in 1838 the Belgian Jobar invents the carbon incandescent lamp,
  • in 1854 the German Heinrich Goebel developed the first lamp,
  • in 1874 the Russian engineer A.N.Lodygin patented his lamp,
  • in 1876, Pavel Yablochkov invented the electric carbon arc lamp.
  • in 1769, Nicolas-José Cugno, in France, invented the steam locomotive,
  • in 1813 Stephenson George - Stephenson began to design a steam locomotive.
  • in 1833, a steam locomotive was invented in Russia by father and son Cherepanovs.

This has always happened, long since the web of the Internet appeared. The inventors somehow communicated with each other without knowing it. I am convinced that there is a natural web of the mind - Frenosreda. The mind of all living beings is open in the Frenosphere and is available. Whether we like it or not, our thoughts, when actively discussed, are available to other minds, if their potential is sufficient to perceive these interpretations. Whether we like it or not, we are destined to live in harmony. It should be remembered that the nature of the error corrects through destruction. Confrontation slows down, but cannot stop progress. Be smart. Share and get rich. Be tolerant of each other. Let there be light and bright mind!

Bibliographic reference

Voskanyan A.G. MIND, LIKE LIGHT, IS MATERIAL AND BOUNDED WITH DARK MATTER // Advances in modern natural science. - 2014. - No. 1. - P. 67-69;
URL:\u003d33206 (date accessed: 19.09.2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

First - a quote from a school physics textbook for the 9th grade (Kikoins) for 1998. I used it to teach schoolchildren, and once I studied it myself. These are the very first words of the introduction: “ Everything that really exists in the world, on Earth and outside the Earth, is called matter. The bodies around us and the substances of which they are composed are material. Sound, light, radio waves, although they are not called bodies, are also material - they really exist.»

Now - a quote from a Swedish physics textbook, grades 7-9, 2000. The second paragraph is called “Matter - what is it?”: “... The water itself always consists of the same small particles, although its shape changes. Other items are composed of similar little "building stones". By matter we mean all objects built from such small “building stones”. Everything that you can take or weigh is matter. Iron, stone, glass, plastic, and wood are examples of matter. But you cannot take or weigh the heat that melts the ice, you cannot weigh the light from a flashlight or the sound from your guitar. Heat, light and sound are not matter.»

For some reason I thought that starting physics by explaining what matter is is a purely Soviet legacy. It turns out - not so.

You can go deeper into the scholastic question, who is right, the Russians or the Swedes? In a social science course that I studied in grade 10 in 1986, it was clearly written that matter is a substance and a field. As you know, there are four main fields. Light and radio waves (as forms of the electromagnetic field) are material in this tradition. But how correct is it in this tradition to talk about the materiality of sound? Sound is simply a form of particle motion. Shrek on the TV screen also turns out to be material, since it is also a form of beam movement on the screen. You can probably say that sound does not exist as a material entity, but as a material phenomenon. As I think, such an expanded understanding of matter comes from Lenin. But it is not yet clear to me what tradition the Swedes and the Western world generally rely on when they write that light and sound are not matter.

Let's move on from scholasticism to pedagogy. I am not at all convinced that the study of physics should begin with the introduction of the concept of "matter". Concepts in physics (and science in general) are needed in order to build some theory on the basis of them. Which, in turn, reflects some piece of reality, and which can be verified in experience. The concept of "matter" is not included in any physical theory. Any physicist can do without this concept. This concept also seems to add nothing to a schoolchild. The subject of physics does not explain or define this concept in any way. This is an explanation of the more or less known and understandable through the less known and understandable. About which, as I have shown, neither philosophers nor teachers have a common opinion. It is not found anywhere else in the physics course. When introducing this concept in a physics course, a student may get the impression that the statements "light is material" (in Russian) or "light is not material" (in Swedish) are not analytical judgments ("by definition"), but statements, proven by modern science.

The law of light induction and the consequences following from this law.

Once again, we note that light radiation from a light source causes a reaction of Dark Matter-Ether in the form of oscillations (vibrations) of its microstructure in every micro-volume of the space of the Universe. What we take for light in the space around us, be it direct or reflected light, is nothing more than the induced Dark Matter-Ether (hereinafter Dark Matter).

Unconscious delusion of humanity is that (we “it seems ») that we see real objects, but in fact our brain reproduces images, phantom copies of these real objects, objects contained in the informational component of the direct and reflected induced light. Information is inseparable from light and other radiation. Direct or reflected induced light contains a virtual phantom copy of a real object, its holographic image. The real object itself, the image of which we see, can be from us at different distances and is always separated from us by a light gap-space. If we approach the object of our observation or move away from it, then being at different distances from it, our brain will reproduce a virtual image of this object regardless of the distance, within the limits of its visibility.

The light radiation of the induced medium-Dark Matter illuminates the Earth and is in contact with all material bodies that are located on the Earth. At the same time, the induced Dark Matter "scans" the images of real objects, remembers them and "transmits" their virtual images at various distances to the recording devices or the observer's eyes. This applies to both stationary and moving objects.

The induced light reproduced by the environment-Dark matter, reflecting from each element of the surface of an object or object, "brings" to our sight information about the smallest details of its surface, and the totality of information about these details is formed in the observer's field of view in the form of his copy (virtual image) and it is "issued" by our brain as an integral image of a visible object, an object.

The light of the induced environment-Ether, reflected from an object or object, enters the field of view of the observer, interacts with nerve endings on the retina of the eyes, turning into electrical signals. These signals go to a specific part of the brain, which reproduces the information received from the induced, direct or reflected light, environment-Dark matter. Due to the interaction of light radiation from its source with Dark Matter and the reaction of Dark Matter to light radiation, we see material bodies in the space around us through their virtual images. The induced light that reaches the observer's eyes, to measuring instruments from distant stars, planets suggests that the dark matter in which this light "spreads" is a continuous, single and identical medium throughout the entire space of the Universe.

The propagation of light is the reaction of Dark Matter to the effect of light radiation and its information component, which (the reaction) propagates in space at high speed. The rate of reaction of Dark Matter to light radiation from a source, through light induction, is approximately 300 / s. However, it can vary significantly depending on the distance from the source due to the "resistance" of the environment - Dark Matter.

The optical system of the eye is structured in much the same way as a camera or telescope. To get a snapshot of an object, it is imperative to direct the camera, as well as to look at a specific object. Otherwise, as they say, the object will not hit the lens. Induced Dark Matter is somehow reflected from an object or object and "carries" its image in the field of view of the observer. This is clearly manifested in the case when the reflection of the virtual image of the observer himself falls into the mirror, and then is reflected from the mirror again in the observer's field of view. Apparently, the reflection from any objects or objects in the induced light occurs in the same way.

To see our image, our face, we have to put in front of us a reflecting surface-mirror, from which the induced light will "transmit" the image of the face or figure of the observer in his field of view, i.e. the observer will see a virtual image of his face from the "looking glass", and all this is due to the induced medium-Dark Matter, and in the absence of induced light in the gap-space between the observer and the object, he will not see anything. Similarly, the observer will find himself in the dark and will not see the surrounding objects if an electric light bulb or lantern is turned off at night, since there will be no source of radiation-inductor.

The propagation of the beam of the induced light can be blocked by placing two filters with the same directional microstructure in the path of the beam, perpendicular to each other. Can we talk about the structure of Dark Matter in space as a set of miniature mutually perpendicular filters in the microstructure of Dark Matter? This is when the medium-Dark matter that fills the space of the Universe is structured in such a way that its microstructure, along with other elementary particles, consists of a set of dark photons polarized in a certain way. Under the influence of light radiation on Dark matter, the equilibrium, energy state of dark photons (antiphotons) changes in the process of induction, and the environment-Dark matter begins to "glow", reproduce the characteristics of the radiation acting on it. At the same time, a sufficiently large volume (space) of Dark Matter around the source reacts even to a point source of radiation.

To prove that the induced light, reflected from any material object, "carries" its copy (virtual image), we will do the following simple experiment. We put an object on the table, for example, a box of matches, and at a certain distance from it we place a mirror so that an observer from the side can see the box in the mirror. Now let's swap the object and the mirror, put the mirror in the place of the object, and the object in the place of the mirror. The observer will see the same picture, the same image of the box in the mirror. This is the proof that the reflected induced light "carries" information about the objects or objects from which it is reflected, with which it contacts, regardless of where they are.

Based on this, the following general conclusion can be made that, through light induction, the induced, intelligent environment-Dark matter "carries" information about all the details of the surface and about material objects in general, reflecting from their surface. Copies, holographic images of these objects can be seen or recorded with the help of appropriate devices in the presence of reflective screen surfaces. There can be several screens and in each of them it will be possible to see a holographic image of the same object or object.

To confirm this conclusion, let us carry out one more experiment below. Let's set up a light source, for example, a burning candle inside a hollow mirrored prism of 4 faces, the mirrored surfaces of which are turned into the prism. The observer will see an image of a candle, its copy in each of the 4 faces, if he looks at the faces at different angles from the end, or from the inside of the prism. With an increase in the number of prism faces, it will be possible to make sure that the situation repeats itself, and in each of the faces there will be an image, a copy of the candle, as in the previous case. By increasing the number of faces, you can end up with a mirror-like inner surface close to cylindrical. In this case, from different angles, you can see quite a few copies of a burning candle on the inner surface of the cylinder. We get the same picture if we do the same experiment with a hollow ball, the inner surface of which is mirror-like.

And now imagine that we are looking at the night sky in cloudless weather and imagine that the firmament is "formed" by one or many local screens with a reflecting surface. The question arises: "A huge number of stars in the sky are all real objects or some of them are holographic images, their phantom copies, and how to distinguish a real object from its copy?" According to information from various publications in the sky, or in the surrounding space, sometimes (one can see) various holographic images of a horseman, chariots, mirages of reservoirs and other pictures appear. For example, in 1994 a holographic image of an entire city was captured by the lens of the Hubble telescope, in which, according to some astronomers, the Creators of the Worlds live. This suggests that in the space of the Universe, local screen regions can appear that can reflect holographic images, copies of real objects, "carried" by the induced Dark Matter.

Consider one of the conclusions that can be drawn from the law of light induction? For example, how “fits » the law of light induction into the existing model of our Universe. It is known that the following (ideas) hypotheses published in the works of A. Einstein are used as the basis for constructing a model of the Universe:

The speed of propagation of light in Vacuum is constant;

The speed of light does not depend on the speed of movement of its source;

Light propagates in Vacuum with the maximum possible speed, which is approximately / s.

Based on the above hypotheses of A. Einstein, astronomers “built” a model of the Universe, which, in their opinion, is continuously expanding.

The hypothesis of the expansion of our Universe, according to scientists, is confirmed by the fact that a "redshift" is observed in the spectra of distant stars. Unreasonably adding to spectral measurements, measurements using the Doppler effect and the Big Bang hypothesis, astronomers conclude that our Universe is not only expanding, but also "accelerating." Moreover, the farther from the Earth the observed star, the greater its acceleration.

The standard model of the Universe, adopted by official science at the present stage of the development of our civilization, is as follows in its composition. In the Universe there is only about 4% of matter, real matter, and 21% of space falls on the share of Dark matter, and 75% of space - on the share of Dark energy.

And if the Universe is expanding, then, according to the logic of scientists, there should be energy, called in modern terminology Dark energy, which should "provide" this expansion. Mathematicians even managed to quickly calculate that the amount of dark energy is 75% of the volume of the universe. True, none of the scientists have yet experimentally discovered this Dark Energy. In addition, it should be noted that the Doppler effect, from the standpoint of official science, cannot be applied to cosmological measurements due to the independence of the speed of light from the speed of its source and the absence of a medium (there is only Vacuum) in the space of the Universe.

The law of light induction allows us to conclude that the entire space of the Universe is filled with Dark matter-Ether and there is no Dark energy separately from Dark matter. This is evidenced by the presence of light radiation from many stars and the reaction of Dark Matter to this radiation in the form of induced light in all "corners" of the space of the Universe.

Taking into account the above, we can say that the Dark energy, which astrophysicists talk about, exists, though in a different aspect. This energy provides the connections of antiphotons, the integrity of the microstructure of Dark Matter-Ether and can be released when their equilibrium energy state changes, both in the process of light induction, and in the process of influencing the Dark Matter of other radiation.

In this regard, the standard model of the Universe and the hypothesis of the expansion of the Universe are highly questionable. To prove the expansion of the Universe, especially since this expansion occurs with acceleration, in my opinion, there is no convincing evidence. If we imagine that there is no expansion of the Universe, then there is no Dark Energy separately from Dark Matter. The redshift in the spectra of stars is a consequence of a decrease in the reaction rate of the induced medium-Dark Matter with an increase in the distance from the radiation source. In other words, the speed of light (the rate of reaction of Dark Matter) is not constant, as the official science believes from the time of A. Einstein to the present. And the farther the light sources (distant stars) are from the Earth, the slower the reaction rate of Dark Matter-Ether to light radiation becomes with increasing distance, and the greater the value of the "redshift" in the spectrum. In addition, one should not forget that all bodies in the space of the Universe move along curvilinear trajectories.


The law on light induction allows us to conclude that the entire space of the Universe is filled with Dark matter-Ether, which can be induced by a source of light radiation in any "corner" of the Universe. Induced Dark Matter-Ether manifests itself in the form of induced light, which "carries" information about the source of direct radiation and its parameters, and the induced light reflected from objects or objects "carries" information about these objects or objects. The information obtained can be recorded by a device or by the sight of an observer. Each radiation emanating from the source has its own parameters, characteristics, and each of them has its own informational support, and the Dark Matter-Ether, being an “intellectual” medium, is capable of responding accordingly to the effects of various radiation.

In addition, the law of light induction "allows" the existence in the "firmament" of a holographic picture with a virtual image of stars and galaxies. Such a picture may appear as a result of the reaction of the Dark Matter-Ether to the light radiation of real objects, but for this, the “firmament” must have “screens” reflecting the holographic images of real stars and galaxies. How the Universe actually works, if we take into account the law of light induction, and what is the real arrangement of stars, galaxies in the space of the Universe, further studies will show.

1. The law of light induction allows one to imagine the true physical meaning of some phenomena and take a fresh look at the processes taking place in the space of the Universe.

2. There is no speed of light in its classical understanding. Photons do not move at a speed of / s. There is a reaction rate of the medium-Ether to the effect of light radiation through light induction. The speed of light, i.e. the reaction rate of Dark Matter-Ether, which is included in all astronomical calculations, slows down with increasing distance from the source.

3. The law of light induction explains the redshift in the spectra of stars by a decrease in the reaction rate of Dark Matter-Ether to light radiation with an increase in the distance from the radiation source and, accordingly, an increase in the wavelength of the induced light.

4. The intensity of the direct induced light is much higher than that of the reflected light due to the partial absorption of the "energy" of Dark matter-Ether by the microstructure of the reflecting surface. The induced light reflected from objects confirms the existence of Dark matter-Ether. We see objects, objects in the space around us thanks to the induced light.

5. The presence (existence) of Dark Matter-Ether explains the possible movement of virtual images, real sources of radiation (stars), over huge distances in space in the form of copies, holographic images of these sources.