Attitude towards education. Why does adolescent disappears motivation for studying? Health, physical development

Training in adolescence occupies an important place in the life of a schoolboy. The teenager is more interesting independent forms of training, when the teacher only helps him, it is interesting to work and study those objects that the teenager will be useful in the future.

Interest in study is associated with the quality of teaching, from how the teacher leads a lesson, carries out the material supply, the interest is increasing, the student's motivation. The sustainable cognitive interests leading to a positive attitude towards the subject are gradually being formed.

Study in adolescence

Studying in adolescence is associated with new motives of the exercise crossing with the criteria by a future profession. Knowledge is otherwise comprehended by a teenager, become more valuable. Current knowledge allow a teenager to take a leading place among the peers. Teenage age is the period of the greatest study of information. Knowledge is expanding in the life area, artistic, scientific. During this period, adolescents often visit museums, theaters, lectures.

An erudite teenager enjoys special respect for the peers, which stimulates it in the further development of new information. The knowledge gained like a teenager is developing his mental activity. Knowledge received at school, just satisfy it. A characteristic feature in the study of school material is the lack of choice, as a result of which the schoolboy has to study all the material, all objects. Not all objects for a teenager are interesting if he does not see the need for this subject for its further professional or creative implementation, he may have a negative attitude towards the subject.

Motivation of a teenager to study

Success and failure to study is one of the motivational factors. Success increases the interest of a teenager to study, causes positive emotions. Noise, on the contrary, reduces the desire for a teenager to learn this item, causes negative emotions.

An important stimulus for teaching is the claims for recognition from peers. High status of a teenager can achieve due to the high level in knowledge, an assessment for the subject is also significant for a teenager. High assessment confirms the ability of the student. The coincidence of the assessment and self-esteem is important for the emotional well-being of a teenager. In the case of conversely, when the assessment and self-esteem differ greatly, an internal conflict and discomfort may occur.

Sustainable learning motives are formed in a teenager based on cognitive needs and cognitive interests. Cognitive interests in adolescents differ greatly, characterized by variability, situitation, uncertainty. In some teenagers, cognitive interests samples.

The main criteria of the motivation of the teenager:

  • success and failure to study;
  • claims for calling from peers;
  • high position in peers;
  • professional necessity;
  • interest in the subject studied;

Teen attitude to school

Requirements for the assimilation of material to adolescence is higher than in junior class, for mastering educational material, the teenager must have a high level of educational and cognitive activity. New requirements for mastering educational material, the assimilation of scientific concepts, signs of signs, develop theoretical thinking in adolescent, intelligence.

Studying the new material change the processes of perception, the teenager does not just remember the scheme, but knows how to deal with it. Intellectualization of perception processes occurs, the ability to allocate the main thing.

The value of knowledge for the development of a teenager

Mechanical memorization interferes with a teenager to absorb material. The volume studied by the new material is large and assimilate it using old memorization techniques is not possible. Effectively build the study of material on the analysis of the content of materials, allocating logical connections, the allocation of the main one. Teenagers studying material with the help of read read, have an advantage over adolescents using mechanical memorization.

A developed speech speech, the ability to express in their own words, creative imagination, help with the assimilation of the material. Teens attach great importance to the development of their own speech, realizing that a developed speech is the criterion of their further successful career.

Theoretical thinking allows the teenager to set an increasing amount of semantic links in the subject.

In relation to study, a number of researchers allocate five groups.

The first group includes students who seek to master the knowledge, methods of independent work, acquire professional skills and skills, are looking for ways to rationalize educational activities. Educational activities for them are the necessary way to good mastering the chosen profession. They study perfectly in all subjects of the training cycle. The interests of these students affect the wide range of knowledge, wider than provided by the program. They are active in all spheres of training activities. Students of this group themselves are actively looking for arguments, additional justifications are compared, compared, find the truth, actively exchange views with comrades, check the accuracy of their knowledge.

The second group includes students who seek to acquire knowledge in all spheres of training activities. For this group, a passion for many activities is characterized, but they quickly bother to deeply delve into the essence of certain objects and academic disciplines. That is why they are often limited to superficial knowledge. The main principle of their activities is best to do. They do not spend a lot of effort on specific things. As a rule, it is good to learn, but sometimes unsatisfactory estimates on subjects that are not interested in them.

The third group includes students who are expressing interest only to their profession. The acquisition of knowledge and their whole activities are limited to the narrow-professional framework. For this group, students are characterized by targeted, selective acquisition of knowledge, and only necessary (in their opinion) for future professional activities. They read a lot of additional literature, deeply study special literature, these students are well and perfectly learn from subjects associated with their specialty; At the same time, they do not show proper interest in the adjacent sciences and disciplines of the curriculum.

The fourth group includes students who learn well, but the curriculum includes selectively, they are only interested in those subjects that they like. They are incorrectly visiting training classes, often missing lectures, seminars and practical classes, do not show interest in any types of training activities and curriculum disciplines, since their professional interests are not yet formed.

The fifth group includes loans and lazy. In the university they came at the insistence of parents or "for the company" with a comrade, or in order not to go to work and not get into the army. To study are indifferent, constantly missing classes, have "tails", they help their comrades, and often they reach the diploma.

Why does the child want to learn?

The interest in school and school learning is largely depends on the relationship of children to study. If there is a positive attitude, there is a desire to go to learn. And if there is no such desire for a child? How can we help him?

The attitude of children to study depends on both age and the positive or negative experience associated with obtaining knowledge.

For example, 5-6-year-old children perceive their studies as entertainment, or relate to it as a boring, uninteresting lesson. Moreover, the answers of girls and boys differ significantly. We give examples of associations of 5-6-year-old children with the word "study".

Boys. Arthur: "Like, I have an album"; Prokhor: "I love to sculpt from plasticine, draw all sorts of monsters. I love to collect a collection of birds "; Nikita: "Letters and numbers, nothing more"; Roma: "It's uncomfortable to study at school."

Girls. Sonya: "We must write what they say, write letters and numbers and circle on dotted lines"; Diana: "Learn good, getting" 5 ", try, always beautiful drawings to make mom be happy, and it will swear."

From the answers of children it is clear that they have no clear ideas about studying, and the boys are more than girls, associate their studies with favorite games, and girls try to give the so-called socially desirable answers, that is, such answers that expect to hear from them Adults, since such behavior is approving. In general, the thinking of children of this age is still very specifically and tied to well familiar situations.

Answers of children 6-7 years old (those that are already preparing to go to school and visit the preparatory group) are completely different. At the request to call the words with which they are associated with the word "study", children replied:

Kira: "Work, listen, student, teacher"; Zlata: "Learn, go to school, make tasks"; Julia: "It is difficult, but it is interesting because they are preparing for work"; Veronica: "To do it and write for me." Lisa: "Read books, complex games, a living organism - everything is interesting."

It is noticeable that after 6 years, the thinking of the child becomes more abstract, it can already generalize various concepts, therefore it does not respond to whole proposals, but calls only the main words, that is, can "minimize" information to one keyword. The answers of the children of this age reflect and more meaningful attitude towards studying, which, like motives ("want" or "I do not want to learn" and "why I go to school"), changes in children throughout the study activities.

Any child at the beginning of school learning has both cognitive motifs and social. In the first case, he seeks to get new knowledge, to remember more, understand, shows curiosity. In the second case, for the child, it is important, first of all, to get approval and praise adults, he seeks to take a worthy place in his social environment, find friends and communicate more.

For my child, an important stimulus for study is a friendly and attentive attitude to her teacher, as well as the fact that the teacher is beautiful and young.

For the younger student, a predominance of some kind of motifs is characterized, but over time, their ratio, of course, changes. The child is considered psychologically not ready for school, if the gaming motives prevail. In 6 years, this situation is common. Therefore, you should not give a child to school prematurely.

In Germany, for example, mandatory school studies begins with 6 years. But most children are still not ready for school. All activities they prefer the game, quickly tired, are still strongly tied to mom and emotionally suffer from a sharp change of the situation. True, in elementary school, all learning takes place in the game. Children all week do not ask homework. Lessons are often not in the classroom, but on the street or in the store, where children study the cost of products, record prices in the notebook, then buy, for example, vegetables and already at school make salad, which is then eaten together. Reading lessons can be held in a large hall on mats, in sleeping bags with a flashlight, which lightly lights an exciting book. Teachers are called "you".

You can agree or deny such an original pedagogical system, in which the main thing is not the development of intelligence, but the person. But the fact remains a fact: 6-7-year-old children in Germany love school and go there with pleasure. Those who do not cope with the program remain in the second year, which is very common in Germany and is not considered shameful.

Why does the child want to learn? Why is he inventing all new and new tricks not to go to school? Why he does not want to do homework, does not want to collect a portfolio, why should he anyway, where in what state textbooks and notebooks? This is the headache of many parents who come into a dead end, solving this problem. We will try to figure out.

In elementary school, boys, training motives are weakly pronounced and form more slowly than girls. But by the end of schooling boys, more stable and pronounced motives are distinguished than girls. The content of motifs depends on the child's temperament. Choleric and Sanguiniki more often show social motives, and melancholic and phlegmatics are informative. Holeriks and Sanguits have a motive very unstable, they, without finishing one case, can begin a new one. Melancholic and phlegmatic motives are formed slower, but they are more stable.

Usually, with the reluctance of the child, we first start scolding and shame it for laziness and irresponsibility. We make an emphasis on negative: you write worse than all, you do not know how to count even up to 10, you can not remember two lines from the poem, etc. And the child who does not get joy from studying, begins to hate it after that. After all, the most often children do not seek to study, since they are either boring or difficult.

That is why you need to try to stick to simple rules:

1. Praise for small successes.

2. Suggest starting homework with simple and attractive.

3. Loosen the control over all tasks by rearming part of the child. Children who do not feel responsible for the performance of training tasks, because Mom grabbed the whole initiative, do everything from under the stick.

4. More often a school life, ask to tell you what I liked that it was difficult, etc.

5. Reasonably use promotion and punishment (we will talk about it later).

6. Do not compare the child with other children ("But Lena always does everything right and beautiful, not that you!")

7. Adhere to the rules: "Making a business - Goulai boldly" (that is, do not tighten with your homework until late evening), but after the school, a child should have a rest and walk.

8. Translate uninteresting abstract tasks into the practical sphere. For example, decide the example of "18-5" using money or candy. Visual information is absorbed better and causes the interest of a child.

9. If the child needs to be exercised in reading or in a letter, ask for it to fill out a "questionnaire", which is easy to come up with and dial on the computer. Children love to write their name, address, telephone, etc. The child simultaneously trains the hand and reading skills.

10. Be careful to the experiences of the child, try to listen to him and instill confidence in it. Children often do not want to go to school due to the fact that they do not know how to communicate, and therefore peers are offended. "Nobody plays with me, Nadia strongly pushed me, I fell, and everyone laughed." Such complaints should not be ignored. Try to find a way out of this situation together. You can offer a child several popular games that he can interest peers, learn funny count. The main thing is to emphasize that the child gets better than others.

My daughter, for example, perfectly draws, and when her, new, children did not take first, we began to solve these problems through the drawing. Daughter painted portraits of peers, funny pictures, and they, interested in drawings, began to take attention to their author.

Remember that the taste of peers with candies or other treats creates the visibility of the adjustable contact. "Buy" attention is impossible.

Formation of a schoolboy's attitude to study.

Coming to go to school, the child is experiencing many psychological difficulties of adaptation associated both with a change in its social position and addictive to interaction with new adult teachers for him. A particularly important role in ensuring the quality of school life of a child belongs to the primary school teacher. The first teacher is the phenomenon is incredit. It enters the inner world of the student and forever becomes part of life, the personal biography of each person. From how the first teacher is, the child's attitude to all subsequent teachers and the formation of many personal qualities of an adult person depends on.

The first four school years have been in the society of their teachers today's first graders. During this time, with the direct participation of the primary school teacher in each child, many psychological neoplasms will be formed, the image of the first teacher will forever "enter into" the student of the student of the student. Whether the child will survive with happiness or, on the contrary, fear of communication with the first teacher - from this will depend on his psychological well-being throughout the whole school life.

The author considers it necessary to consider the relationship between the ethics of the pedagogical activity of the primary school teacher and the psychological status of his students. Using the example of its own research of the relationship of junior school students to teachers, we will illustrate the negative impact of various violations of ethics of pedagogical communication by primary school teachers on the psychological and pedagogical status of their students and on the relationship between teachers with parents of schoolchildren.

It seems to us a raised theme is very important. Since in recent years, the public situation of the primary school teacher has undergone significant changes. If you judge the value of the pedagogical labor of primary school teachers for society for its material payment, then this is one of the most "unnecessary" professions. I try to somehow adapt, some of the teachers today is trying to directly transfer the economic relations of social macros in a microcrust of pedagogical interaction with students, "working smoothly as we pay," says the degree of "benevolence" to a specific child with the value of the material remuneration received from his parents . And many parents sincerely convinced that from the modern teacher, "you cannot demand a lot. In these circumstances, the teachers focusing in their work on equal students for all students are traditional values \u200b\u200bof morality, as it were in the situation of socially naive" cranks "that do not feel the current moment.

As a modern teacher, do not exchange their high public calling to a number of petty pick-up and a row of pedagogical tactics in relation to their disciples caused, among other reasons, and offended by their serious financial situation? How not to switch in everyday communication with the child a thin line between sometimes admissible and always morally condemned? Specialists from different areas should be invited to the conversation: teachers, educators, psychologists. philosophers. The author offers an elementary school teacher.

The work of the teacher belongs to the group of such socially significant classes in which professional morality occupies a particularly important place. All we will talk about below, of course, fully applies to the work of each school teacher, and not just primary school teachers. However, the primary school teacher is the first representative of the pedagogical workshop that meets the child at school. It demonstrates the child the most memorable samples of teacher behavior and impact. If the secondary school teacher and may believe that he directly deals, mainly by schoolchildren, and brings them up only indirectly, then in front of the primary school teacher directly costs the educational task to instill norms and rules for educational activities and to themselves, interaction with teachers and peers.

The subject of the work of the primary school teacher is the human personality personality itself. By the nature of their activities, the teacher comes into direct contact with the student and his parents, has an impact on their lives, interests and fate. This means that moral labor losses in the profession of primary school teachers and their material results are manifested in the vital activity of other people and therefore are particularly difficult to directly calculate. It is also important that the teacher's labor activity is not amenable to exhaustive preceding regulation, does not fully fit in the framework of the official instructions and technological patterns. The general labor responsibilities of the teacher is always added an element of relationship with people - objects of its activities.

The obligation of professional morality gives the work of the teacher of the feature of specificity; distinguishing it from a number of "person scientists" professions. The specifics of the teacher profession is that it serves a holistic process of socializing the personality of the student; Professional activities are directed here on a person as a goal, on the formation of high social and personal qualities in it. Since the activities of the teacher means a mandatory "invasion" into the inner world of the child, the moral responsibility in front of him and the society becomes crucial. That is why there is a special interest in the control and correction of professional pedagogical activities by certain moral norms that guide the consciousness and behavior of the teacher.

One of the main tasks of professional pedagogical ethics is to form and educate the personality of a professional, "provide" a teacher's specialist in special professional-moral knowledge that helps in fulfilling its social and human meaningful duties.

Moral and moral rules in teachers' work facilitate the establishment of formal and informal relations between it and students. Philosopher K. Nevshev believes that "Pedagogical ethics should develop such samples of activity and behavior of a teacher who would guarantee the most accurate and humane orientation in the formation of the most intimate mechanisms of the emerging human personality, the young generation. After all, pedagogical ethics ensures a conscious process of moral education of personality , such a educational impact by which morality - through the activities of the teacher-specialist - produces moral norms, principles and values \u200b\u200bin other individuals, reproduces morality in the conditions of this specialized activity.

Professionally morally properly functions in the work of the teacher as the requirements and rules of labor discipline. Discipline in teacher's work is manifested not only as a general requirement due to the laws of pedagogy and rules and labor regulations, but also as an internal personal requirement, i.e. as self-discipline. In the daily pedagogical practice, the primary school teacher arises many situations that did not prescribe any official standards, but requiring moral and ethical choice, when the question arises in front of the teacher: "Is it possible to act so or can not be done? Is it permissible to be a matter of behavior in relationships with the student Or not allowed? " Here, it should come to the aid to the aid to the teacher of self-discipline, conscious of them as the system of moral and moral prohibitions imposed on their behavior. After all, if the high school student, without consistent with the actions of the teacher, may somehow object to the teacher, the student of primary classes will take even the most negligent from the moral point of view of their teacher as proper.

Employees of primary school are well known to those colleagues, to the activities of which it is impossible to obey from a formal point of view: they clearly withstand the prescribed curriculum, carefully and on time draw out all the documentation, consider themselves "strict, but fair teachers." However, when the recording is started in the first class, the parents of future first-graders, having heard about them, for some reason, they are trying to "protect" their own children from society of these teachers.

Often, teachers are not always clear to which criteria for the psychological state of the child in school they should be native. It seems that one of the successful models of psychological well-being analysis - unfavorable child in elementary school can serve as the so-called psychological and pedagogical status of a schoolboy. High merit In the case of scientific development of this concept belongs to a psychologist M.R. Bitsanova. The psychological and pedagogical status of a schoolboy, according to its definition, "is a system of characteristics of the mental state and the behavior of a child, important for its successful learning and development. These are the characteristics of the cognitive sphere, emotional-volitional and motivational development; child relationship system to the world, self and significant forms of activity; Features of behavior in educational and extracurricular school situations. "

Especially important components of the prosperous psychological and pedagogical status of primary school student seems like this:

1. The attitude of the younger schoolboy to himself - a steady positive assessment of himself as a skillful, who knows a student who is able to achieve a lot, adequate level of claims.

2. Attitude towards significant activities - emotional and positive perception of school and teaching.

3. Sustainable emotional state in school is the lack of contradictions between the requirements of the school (teacher) and parents, adult demands and the relevant features of the child.

4. The activity and autonomy of the child's behavior is independence in cognitive and social activities.

5. Interaction and relations with teachers - the establishment of adequate role relations with teachers in the lessons and outside the lessons, the manifestation of respect for the teacher, the emotional-positive perception by the child of the teacher's personality, the system of their relations with teachers and educators.

6. Interaction of a child with peers - possession of techniques and skills of effective interpersonal communication with peers; Establishment of friendly relations, readiness for collective forms of activity, the ability to resolve conflicts in a peaceful way.

7. The mental performance and the tempo of mental activity is the ability to work on the training task, to work in a single pace with the whole class.

8. The formation of the most important parties to the cognitive sphere - the ability to allocate the learning task and turn it into the goal of the activity, the formation of the internal plan of mental actions, etc.

So observations carried out showed that due to the systematic unethical behavior of the teacher for a student of primary school, the following adverse effects may occur.

First, the initial psychological and pedagogical status of a child, folding in the unsatisfactory psychological climate, acquires damage: a schoolboy has a chronic negative attitude to himself, resistant disbelief in his abilities to be a successful student, an emotional rejection appears and the fear of the teacher appears, school Anxiety, curriculum and behavioral autonomy are blocked.

Secondly, the destruction of the previously established relatively favorable psychological and pedagogical status of the student can be observed, for example, in case of open disagreements between the teacher and the parents of the student or when transferring a child to a new school team.

The adverse development of the psychological and pedagogical status of the student begins with the emergence of a negative attitude towards himself as ineptly and in principle to study. It is necessary to recall the well-known position of age psychology that the personal self-assessment of the child in the younger school age almost entirely depends on the estimates given by him subjectively significant adults, primarily by teachers. Children take on faith and without special internal processing assign everything that hear from the teacher about themselves: its assessments of educational activities, adjacent, abilities, personal qualities. Along with this, the ability to critically compare our own achievements with the success of peers comes to the child in preschool age. So the first grader already sees the difference in the quality of his work and the work of peers. The annoying reminders of the teacher about his mistakes and insolvency will definitely lead to what he will be able to fulfill the task in his ability to fulfill the task correctly.

It is well known that one of the most important functions of emotions - regulating - can intensify or paralyze certain activities. Positive emotions of joy, satisfaction from the work work made prompted again and renew it again. Negative emotions of shame, fear, resentment related to study, destroy this activity, and not contribute to its successful flow. The memory of brightly colored emotional experiences is perhaps the most sustainable. Often, a person completely forgets what was the cause of his excitement, but remembers the experience itself and its emotional feelings in it. So, for example, a child has no fixation of the error, but on the fact that it was reported for this error. Therefore, the stronger the teacher scolds children, trying to get a diploma from them, the overall results will be worse. Brank to the address of the student only at the very beginning and briefly spurs its activity, but in the future creates a child a steady feeling of hopelessness and hopelessness.

Gradually, the youngest schoolboy transforms his own negative self-esteem into an emotional-negative attitude towards school and teaching. The school from the attractive object turns into a student to the place where it reminds him every time he is inept, lazy, stupid. And study becomes the activity in which the schoolchildren pursues some failures. From here not far to consolidate the child with an extremely unstable emotional state in school. Necessary of critical assessments and excessive requirements exceeding the possibilities of a child who presented to him by the teacher, sooner or later inevitably come in contradiction with the opinion and expectations of the parents of the student. The consequence of this is the emergence of persistent contradictions between critical estimates given by the child in school by the teacher, and the estimates given to him by the parents of the house. Parents are not at all obliged to agree with the opinion of the teacher that their child is "not trained cretin, devoid of adjacent, diligence and parental supervision."

Modern young parents are sometimes in a difficult situation. Often a child who is given by them to school is the first and only in the family. There are no real experience in learning and upbringing their own children, and parents tend to trust the experience and knowledge of the teacher. At first, inexperienced parents diligently try to force their child to fulfill the inadequate inflated demands of the teacher until they can't understand that something was wrong here. On the other hand, the democratization of public life has formed a sustainable parental opinion that even the most small schoolboy needs to show an individual approach and respect. Without observing proper respect for his chad, the parents are lost - how to respond to them, as pedagogically correctly explain to the crying, refusing to go to school to the child, that the "teacher is not always the right"? In painful for the younger schoolboy, the situation of mismatching parents does not remain anything else, how to persuade the child: "Well, to be patient a little more. It remains not long ... "Yes, and that the parents can still answer their child asking them:" I really really, as a teacher says? "

The adopted unstable emotional state of the child at school inevitably leads to a decrease in activity and independence in the behavior of the younger schoolboy. With adverse relations with the teacher, the main motive of the child's school behavior becomes the desire to avoid failure. The child is not before academic achievement, they manage the increasing unconscious desire to "hide and not sticking out" - if only the teacher once again did not turn him.

School psychologists often have to meet with children who are in the presence of teachers in a state of cutting depression. The child easily loses any spontaneous activity inherent in its age, demonstrates an obsessive orientation in the adult behavior, and in the presence of a "his" teacher at all chain. Such a student is not able to establish adequate role relations with teachers in the lessons and outside the lessons. Moreover, the defect of role relations is manifested in two basic forms - excessive dependence, pseudo-blocking characteristic of junior schoolchildren, or, on the contrary, in avoiding and negativism towards the teacher from older students. When loyalty to the picky teacher does not work anymore, the child does not find a different way of self-defense, except for the demonstrative ignoring of the moral teradaging. Usually, the behavior of the student even more "turns" the teacher: in his claims to children, he can no longer live on his own and in time. The study of an unfortunate child in such situations is leaving for an ethically unbearable teacher into the background, being only a reason for the resumption of nervous attacks on the identity of the student chosen as a "scapegoat".

The accusing position of the teacher in relation to some unsuccessful children to children poison the psychological situation for everyone without exception of students of this class. Emotions have an infection property. Children cannot stay aside and pass by the ears of the offensive statements intended for their classmates. Being witnesses to an unpleasant scene, children cannot intervene in it and any adequate way to respond to it. In some angry monologues of the teacher, they cause fear that they can later scold them. Others are gloating that this time they do not scold them. In any case, both experiences do not contribute to the formation of favorable relationships of a child with peers. The psychological suppression of children with the tactlessness of the teacher leads to the perverted formation of the techniques and the skills of interpersonal communication with each other: friendly relations are installed mainly with teacher pets, and the child pursued by him, it happens, becomes an ostracism, turns into a burden. An unbearable teacher, children, as a rule, do not know how to resolve conflicts in a peaceful way, are not ready for independent collective forms of activity.

Teachers need to understand that some personality-alarming children in situations of excessive tension are experiencing real emotional disorganization of thinking. Violation of the ethics of pedagogical communication, the statement of the teacher causes a disruption of mental activity in the most responsible moment - when answering the board and during testing. This is all the more likely that in communication with a picky teacher, children are put in a situation called psychologists with double ties. Its essence is that the teacher conveys two messages at the same time at once, one of which denies the other. At the same time, the child does not have the opportunity to speak to clarify the teacher, which of them react. Therefore, he constantly resides in a state of insecurity and cannot, without losing internal dignity, to get out of the situation in which he fell. Such programming of the child's behavior can lead to its removal from reality and care to itself, to the emergence of relevant psychopathological symptoms. An example of a teacher's statement containing a double bond is the following appealing of one of the teachers to a child, made at the end of the lesson: "Look at your cool job! Compared to other guys, you have nothing! And your homework? At home, you were forced to rewrite her ten time! Therefore, you have done it as it should! " From this statement of the teacher, the child is completely unclear what to do: whether it is not necessary to try, doing homework, whether to agree that the cool work is made of the hands out badly. In general, the dual communication situations are psychological traps set up in order to manipulate the behavior of other people: however behave and what is neither answering - it will still be incorrectly.

Psychologists sweep: The youngest schoolboy transfers the system of expectations formed in relation to the main teacher, on other teachers encountered in school. Emotionally prosperous in communicating with the main teacher, a student of primary school, as a rule, is open and sociable with other educators and educators. A child with low psychological and pedagogical status behaves quite differently. He, as if in advance expects from other teachers, the humiliation of his own claims to the role of a good schoolboy and adverse assessments of his personality. The case is explained by the tendency of the pedagogically tactless teacher not to be limited to the comment on the specific act of the student, but to distribute it to the identity of the child, to remember all his misconduct and mistakes from the moment of coming to the first class. The persistent conviction of the child by the primary school teacher in his human nicely brings terrible fruits.

The actual learning activity of the child suffers in the situations described by us not directly, and indirectly through the negative attitude of the child himself. Therefore, sometimes it happens that the child contrary to everything shows good academic successes, turning, under pressure from adverse circumstances, his school life in a hidden rivalry with the teacher. As a rule, the parents of the schoolchild and his teacher lead together (and sometimes explicitly) dispute between themselves. The first struggles are trying to "squeeze" from their child everything is possible, and the teacher - to prove their parents to parents in terms of low estimates of their child. A little schoolboy becomes in such a situation at the same time both "battlefield", and the "hostage". Often the only favorable way to resolve the conflict between the primary school teacher and the parents of the student is to transfer the student to another class.

Own studies have shown the following psychological features in the perception of the younger students of their teachers: 1) Pupils of primary school are completely uncritical about their teachers; 2) They tend to take any behavior of their first teacher as the only possible and justified. The younger schoolboy sees a certain embodiment of his parents in the teacher; The teacher for him is the power to be incentive and punishments, a reputable source of knowledge, senior comrade and friend. So, for example, more than 80% of schoolchildren of 2-3 grades trust their teachers completely, they are satisfied with them, consider them fair people and answer that the word teacher for them is the law. Almost 90% of younger students do not doubt the correctness and necessity of methods and funds that the teachers are applied in the lessons. (For comparison: when moving to the 5th grade, the number of positive responses to the same questions decreases by 20-25%!)

Emotional dissatisfaction with the unrestrained teacher is not detected in direct negative assessments and complaints of children on him, but in the fact that the request to describe the quality of the best, from their point of view, teacher students of junior classes more often describe the qualities not their class leader, and someone from others Teachers working with them in the classroom. But emotionally prosperous elementary school disciples, describing the qualities of the best teacher, are told in the overwhelming majority of cases just about their main teacher. From all the above, it follows that the Lob's question of the teacher to the child: "Tell me what I don't like me?" - is the top of the pedagogical tactlessness.

The author, not one year who worked at school, quite aware of the fact that the process of upbringing and learning children can not do without reigning and punishment by the teacher of inappropriate children's behavior. However, it is very important to strictly observe the sense of measure.

In conclusion, I want to bring a few semi-dry signs that the situation of communicating with children goes the face of moral admissibility:

The decisions of children's cereals on the newly ended change lasts more than three minutes, torn off from the subsequent lesson: for a longer time there is a chance to "start", go to the personality and expose their shortcomings of half a lesson.

Discussions with the children of abstract moral and moral, topics ends with a particular student among students, "embodying" condemned qualities. "And what do you think, children, ... (the name of the student) What kind of person is? So I think that ... evil (bad, etc.)"

Public appeals to the "class opinion" as an arbitration judge on personal relationships of the teacher: "You see, guys, as bad in relation to the teacher ... (About myself in the 3rd face) I did (a) ... (Name of a particular child ) ".

The statements about the person and actions of the student in the classroom in such a manner, as if he is missing or not at all notice.

Any statements of the teacher out loud about themselves in the third person mean "care" from the personal "disclosure" of the teacher to students, the desire to "hide" for the "generally accepted" rules and norms of behavior.

The absence of any doubt about the correctness of their actions towards children and their parents. As soon as you say to yourself (the more surrounding): "My many years of experience allows me to judge and foresee all that will grow out of this student!" "You come to a dangerous feature, behind which your actions are hardly moral.

Appeal to the disciples: "Tell me thank you for ... (Next, the list of what you should thank the disciples) .., for such a salary that I get here!"

A priori self-satisfaction with the quality of its own pedagogical activity: "I work as a teacher already ... (number) years, and my rich experience allows you to be confident in absolutely high quality that I, as a professional, do ..."

Each reader can independently continue the list of examples of ethics of pedagogical communication. Unfortunately, he practically does not exhaust.

The main thing, from the point of view of the author, that it is always necessary to remember all those engaged in the upbringing and training of children, the emotional component of the interaction of the teacher and the child is in the first place in the formation of a schoolboy's relationship to study. Teachers and educators are "prescribed" in the souls of students with a certain emotional sign. The attitude to the teacher in a child can be emotionally positive, neutral-detached, negative or controversial. The last two types of attitude to the teacher do not contribute to successful studies. What will be formed by the psychological and pedagogical status of a younger schoolboy - depends on his teacher. Even single unethical actions and sayings of the teacher to the child's address can reduce the most painstaking preceding work.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

"Samara State Socio Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics

Department of Pedagogy and Psychology


According to pedagogical practice


student 4 courses

D.V. Agafonova

Signature _____________

Head of Psychology:

k.PS.N. Busina TA

Signature _____________

Evaluation _____________

Samara, 2017.

Psychodiagnostic research and conversation

1. General data:

Name: Nadir

Gender: Male;

Age: 14 years;

Class: 8 "A";

External data: A young man is a little complete, tidy, constantly carries a jumper or jeans shirt.

Health: Health;

Physical development: Normally;

2. Family education conditions:

Family composition: Mom and Nadir (parents divorced).

Profession of Parents: Mom - Accountant in kindergarten, dad - investigator.

Cultural family level: Mom Nadir - educated woman. She puts the son of the love of art, visiting the exhibitions, museums. The family loves to go to the movies. The home library is small, but there is. Nadir does not like to read.

3. Characteristics of the cognitive sphere of the student:

Features of the perception of educational material in the lesson: According to observations, the material of Nadir perceives easily, evaluations have different. This is due to his behavior. At the same time, it is easy to distract the investigated, after which it is difficult to join the work. In the lessons, Nadir most often sits with a friend. The teacher's questions are distracted with enthusiasm. It is easily distracted by conversations with classmates.

Test "Correcting Bourdon Sample"[Arr. one]

After analyzing these charts, it can be concluded that starting from the 1st minute of 3 accuracy and productivity increased and had indicators approaching maximum. Already on 3-4 minutes there is a decline, and then only an increase in the indicators received. The results of this study indicate instability and fascinability of attention.

Errors Most Made from 3 to 5 minutes of testing, but also the correct answers here is slightly higher than in the rest. This suggests that the emphasis was made on the speed of execution. And at the beginning and at the end of the study, the installation was already on accuracy of work.

Following the completion of the work, 41 errors were allowed, showing that the focus concentration indicator is at the average level.

Test "Methods of study of the type of memory"[Arr. 2]

The coefficient of auditory memorization - 40%

The coefficient of optic memorization - 30%

The coefficient of motor-hearing memorization - 60%

The coefficient of combination memorization is 60%.

The test showed that the annotation memory of the subject is more developed. If you come from the conversation, the test also said that he remembers the training material if the teacher reproduces it out loud.

Test "Methods of identifying peculiarities of mental operations

In the study of the peculiarities of mental operations, it was noted that the vocabulary of the studied smallness, similarities and differences were most often compared on situational (external) sign, but also on a conceptual basis.

Test "Methods of studying the rate of flow of mental processes"

The subject coped with the task for 3 minutes 34 p. 50% completed and it shows a low level of speed of mental processes.

Test "Methods of research of logical patterns

(Test Lippmann) "[Arr. four]

The rate of execution of the Lippman test is 3 minutes 55 seconds. The subject could not cope with the test completely. On the basis of the test, it can be concluded that logical thinking is weakly developed.

Characteristics of the relationship to educational activities

The level of progress: good and fine. Attitudes: All tasks Nadir performs in good faith. Of particular interest are those subjects that Nadir in priority (depending on the teacher and theme). Nadir comes to them with high responsibility.

Training motivation prevails from the outside (Mom). When diagnosing the learning motivation, Nadir chose that he wants to be a cultural and developed person, to receive approval of teachers and parents.

Attitude towards successes and failures in studies: on the question: "What do you feel when you get low or high points?" Answer: "I am glad a great assessment and upset when I get bad."

Preferred and rejected disciplines: With interest, Nadir visits such disciplines as physics and chemistry (the influence of the teacher, who prevents the material, is always interesting in the lessons and everything is clear), referring to the algebra (does not understand theoretical material and does not understand the task solving) .

The diagnosis of learning motivation showed that in the family, in which the subject is brought up, studying prestigant. First of all, informative interest, awareness of social necessity, fear of punishment, is primarily important for Nadir, while the family affects all this.