Test for how old you are inside. How to find out your psychological age? What does it depend on

Each of us has repeatedly noticed that people with the same passport age sometimes do not look like their peers at all.

One at the age of 40-45 already looks almost old, and the other at 60 is young, energetic and full of life.

Scientists gerontologists, in addition to the calendar age, usually take into account the biological age of a person, which shows the degree of aging of the body and its individual organs and systems. And very often the indicators of these criteria do not coincide. A person can be healthy and full of strength and at the age of 70, and sometimes even at 20, illnesses and early aging occur.

As a result of long-term observations, scientists have concluded that women age more slowly than men, and live 6-8 years longer, and perhaps this is due to the fact that men age a little faster.

The biological age also depends on the place of residence and climatic conditions. Less than the calendar year among the peoples of the south (Abkhazians, Georgians, Karakalpaks). The closer to the north, the closer the biological age is to the calendar age, and sometimes even significantly exceeds it (especially among the Nenets, Chukchi, Eskimos, Buryats).

The state of our health does not depend on the number of years lived, but on the degree of safety of the organism. It is this factor that determines the biological age of a person.

There is no absolute system for measuring biological age. But there are many methods for determining biological age, but many of them require special equipment.
However, you can pass a number of tests at home that show how worn out our body is - they assess the state of the body and its real biological age.

The results of such a study make it possible to understand what age group the body of a particular person corresponds to.

1. Flexibility of the spine

This test allows you to determine the condition of the ligaments and tendons of the spine.

While standing, bend forward, you can bend your knees. Where did you reach with your palms?

  • Put your palms on the floor - your ligaments are 20 years old;
  • They touched the floor only with fingers, palms did not reach - 30 years;
  • Reached the ankles with palms - 40 years;
  • Put your palms below your knees - 50 years;
  • Knees touched - 60 years old;
  • Didn't reach the knees - 70 and older.

Another way is to count the number of forward bends you can do in a minute.

  • More than 50 movements corresponds to the age of 20;
  • a 30-year-old bends over 35 to 49 times a minute,
  • 30 to 34 times - 40 years old,
  • from 25 to 29 - 50 year olds.
  • Over the age of 60, there are no more than 24 inclines per minute.

The spine protects the spinal cord from damage. The vertebral column as a single anatomical and physiological structure is held by ligaments and muscles. The spinal cord contains many centers of the autonomic nervous system from which the spinal nerves depart, through the channels of which complex reflex functions are carried out.
Deterioration of the flexibility and mobility of the spine can lead to a disruption in the efficiency of neuro-regulatory processes and deterioration of the work of some organs and systems of the human body.

2. Speed \u200b\u200bof reaction

To conduct the test, you will have to use the services of an assistant. Ask a friend or relative to take a 50 cm ruler and hold it vertically at the end corresponding to the zero mark.

You should place your hand 10 cm below the other end of the ruler.

The assistant should suddenly release the ruler, and you should catch it at the moment of the fall, holding it between your thumb and forefinger.

Reaction speed is measured by the divisions your fingers are on. In this case, the age matching table looks like this:

  • 20 cm - 20 years old;
  • 25 cm - 30 years old;
  • 35 cm - 40 years old;
  • 45 cm - 60 years old.

This test allows you to determine the time of a simple motor reaction and the duration of nervous excitement. The time indicator for this reflex is important indicator the functional state of the human nerve centers.

3. Condition of the vestibular apparatus

You will need the help of someone from your family.
Take off your shoes, close your eyes, stand on one leg, rest the other foot on the shin of the supporting leg.

The assistant marks on the watch how long you can stand like that.

  • 30 seconds or more - you are 20 years old;
  • 25 seconds - 30 years;
  • 20 seconds - 40 years;
  • 15 seconds - 50 years;
  • 10 seconds or less - 60 years.
  • You can't stand at all - 70 and older.

4. Lung health and condition

Lung safety can be determined by the distance from which a person can blow out a burning candle.

  • 1 meter - your lungs are 20 years old;
  • 80-90 cm - 30 years old;
  • 70-80 cm - 40 years old;
  • 60-70 cm - 50 years old;
  • 50-60 cm - 60 years old;
  • Less than 50 cm - 70 years and older.

There is also a test that determines biological age by breathing rate. To do this, you need to calculate how many cycles of deep inhalation and full exhalation you are able to do per minute. Age matching is as follows:

  • 20 years - 40-45 cycles;
  • 30 years - 35-39 cycles;
  • 40 years - 30-34 cycles;
  • 50 years - 20-29 cycles;
  • 60 years - 15-19 cycles.

5. Preservation of joints

Place both hands behind your back: one at the bottom, the other over your shoulder.

Try to connect your fingers at the level of the shoulder blades. What happened?

  • Easily linked your fingers into a "lock" - your joints are 20 years old;
  • Fingers touched, but it didn't work out - 30 years;
  • The palms are close, but the fingers do not touch - 40 years;
  • Palms behind the back, but rather far from each other - 50 years;
  • Barely brought palms behind the back - 60 years old;
  • I can't get both hands behind my back - 70 years.

6. Determine muscle strength

Lie on a firm surface on your back, bend your knees and do this exercise: raise your shoulders and shoulder blades. The loin remains tight. Place your hands behind your head or cross over your chest ..

How many times have you managed to do this?

  • 40 times - judging by the strength, you are 20 years old;
  • 35 times - 30 years;
  • 28 times - 40 years;
  • 23 times - 50 years;
  • 15 times - 60 years.
  • Less than 12 times over 65.

7. Heart rate control before and after exercise

Count your pulse. Then squat 30 times at a fast pace.
Measure your pulse again.

By the degree of increase in heart rate, you can judge your biological age:

If the heart rate has increased by:

  • 0-10 units - age corresponds to 20 years;
  • 10-20 units - age corresponds to 30 years;
  • 20-30 units - age corresponds to 40 years;
  • 30-40 units - age corresponds to 50 years;
  • more than 40 units or a person could not complete the exercise at all - the age corresponds to 60 years and older.

Pulse can be measured by palpation of the carotid or radial artery. Palpation of the radial artery is carried out by pressing the index and middle fingers of one hand on the inside of the wrist of the other.

The carotid artery is found by placing the index finger on the neck in the middle of the line connecting the lower jaw and the middle of the clavicle.

The number of heart beats per minute is determined (counting the number of beats per 60 s).

8. Condition of the skin and peripheral vessels

Place your thumb and forefinger on the back of your hand, squeeze for 5 seconds and release. A white spot will appear on the skin.

Note the time during which it disappears.

  • Up to 5 seconds - your skin is 20 years old;
  • 6-8 seconds - 30 years;
  • 9-12 seconds - 40 years old;
  • 13-15 seconds - 50 years;
  • 16-19 seconds - 60 years.
  • More than 19 seconds - 70 and older.

9. State of the central nervous system

This test requires a little preparation. Ask your assistant to draw on a piece of paper a plate consisting of five lines, five cells each, and write numbers from 1 to 25 in the cells, placing them randomly.

Then take a pencil and try to quickly, without distraction, consistently touch the cells in ascending order of numbers (from the first to the twenty-fifth).

  • If you are 20 years old, this should take no more than 35 seconds.
  • A thirty-year-old person will show a result from 36 to 40 seconds,
  • A 40-year-old will do it in 41-50 seconds
  • A 50 year old will spend about 60 seconds.

You can also use a simple flash toy:

By the way, you can easily train your memory with such simple toys:

10. Libido

The male body is characterized by a direct dependence of the frequency of realized sexual contacts on biological age:

  • at the age of 20, this figure is 6-7 times a week,
  • at the age of 30 - 5-6 times,
  • in 40-year-olds - 3-4 times,
  • a man aged 50 years or more is able to experience and successfully realize sexual desire no more than 2 times a week.

To find out the final result, you need to find the arithmetic mean of the measured parameters: add up all your results and divide by 10. This figure will be your biological age.

The calendar and biological age of a person may not coincide.
It happens that the biological age is less than the calendar age, and this indicates slow aging and a longer life span can be predicted.
If these ages are equal, then a normal physiological process takes place in the human body.
If the biological age is more than the calendar age, then this may be a sign of premature aging, which leads to chronic diseases.
There are other factors that accelerate the aging process - psychoemotional stress, neurosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, vitamin deficiency.

There are other tests to determine whether your calendar age is biological. Some of them are indicated in these tables.

It is interesting

Taking a closer look at those who look younger, it can be noted that they, for the most part, are incorrigible optimists, lead a healthy lifestyle, spend a lot of time in nature, and it is pleasant to communicate with them. They prefer natural methods of treatment in case of illness, but this rarely happens to them ... the list goes on.

For example, the famous Paul Bragg, in his 80s, looked 60, surfed, starved, jogged and led a very active lifestyle.
Or tibetan monks - they know the secrets of longevity and look much younger than their earthly years.

In the photo below, 67 year old Gao Mingyuan. He began his studies at the age of 60 when he retired.

After many years of work at the factory, by the age of 60, everything hurt him, especially his legs and back. He did stretching exercises for 7-8 hours a day. Now he is 67 years old, and he has forgotten about his illnesses and does not go to doctors at all. Answering the question of what makes him happy, without hesitation, he names several things: order, many friends, good mood and love for people.
Based on materials

It doesn't matter how old you are. What's in your soul matters.

But how do you know what exactly is there? For this, all kinds of tests were invented, with which you can easily and simply determine your inner age. You can

Before you start taking the psychological age test, it is worth delving into the concept itself a little. If biological age shows how old our body is, then the inner one determines the state of the soul. This indicator characterizes our attitude to life and to a wide variety of events, things, deeds, our perception of the world and the people around us, a set of life principles and foundations. It's not a secret for anyone that children are distinguished by their lightness, spontaneity. And more mature people are sometimes so burdened with their experience that they cannot fully enjoy simple things.

Why take the test?

  • If you know your psychological age, you can assess your internal state and understand how it corresponds to the reality around you.
  • You will get the opportunity to find out if you are doing everything right, if your actions allow you to live. normal life and enjoy it.
  • You will find out if you can soberly assess the situation and use your experience when it is really necessary.

Probably, your soul is so “old” than your body that you look at everything like a gray-haired old man. And this is not good, since the lightness of thoughts and spontaneity are simply necessary. But if at 30 years old you think like a ten-year-old child, you can also ruin your life, because without experience and an adequate and thorough assessment of the situation, sometimes it is impossible to make the right decision.

How to get tested?

You can pass such an interesting psychological test online and completely free of charge, which is very, very convenient. All you need to do is answer the proposed questions. No calculations and deep thought is required from you, all the questions are simple and relate to your attitude to life and to certain specific situations.

Answer the questions honestly, almost without thinking, in this case the results will be more accurate and true. Give each answer a few seconds, no more. Be guided by your first thoughts and perceptions. You will be given several options, so just read them and understand for yourself what is closer to you.

When you have passed the entire psychological test online, just do simple calculations by evaluating the answers (each of them will correspond to a certain number of points). Having calculated the final number of points, you can start analyzing the results.

Evaluating the results

The very last step is evaluating the results. It should be noted right away that they should not sound like a diagnosis or a sentence to you. These are just recommendations that will allow you to slightly adjust your behavior and learn how to better adapt to life, the pace of which is very rapid today.

For example, if you are psychologically older than biologically, then try to relate to life more easily and, when the situation allows, listen to your heart, not your mind, to express emotions.

If the opposite is true, then you should think about how to take some situations more seriously, think about what you are doing.

If the difference is insignificant, then this indicates that you are comfortable in life, that you are doing everything right.

Be sure to take the test and find out who you really are!

It is known that women age slightly more slowly than men, which is why they live five to six years longer. But gender is not the only thing that affects the biological age and condition of a person. The environment is "responsible" for this and climatic conditions, nationality and genetic predisposition. Gerontologists determine the degree of aging through medical research. Psychology uses its own techniques. And one of them is special psychological tests by age. They determine not only the position of the age bracket, but also the level of brain activity - the main criterion for a person's present age.

Scientists say that old age comes only with the "permission" of a person: when he "gave the go-ahead" to his body for sluggishness of muscles, immobility of joints and a bad mood. Have you allowed your brain to grow old? Have you retained your youthful energy? Has your perception remained as fresh? How young are you at heart? To find out, you need to take a psychological age test. We have the largest collection of such questionnaires. All of them can be completed online and completely free.

Internal age tests

Is it hard to surprise you? Do you feel experienced and sophisticated in life, and the sense of emotional maturity just rolls over? Check if this is so. Internal age tests are designed to determine the real state of affairs. Perhaps the development of a person is actually much ahead of his biological age, and it also happens that the reason for the sensations lies in the state of health: physical or mental. Take your inner age tests and don't let yourself grow old too early!

Biological age tests

Another type of age tests are questionnaires that determine the biological age of the subject. Are you familiar with the situation when a young girl complains about a sudden change in the weather, while her ninety-year-old girlfriend is recklessly skiing down the nearest hill? This is just the case when the biological age of a person does not correspond to the numbers in the passport. It won't take much time to determine it - psychologists have long deduced the exact forms of short surveys. Our collection contains only the most truthful of them. Find out your real age!

On the way to maturity, you lost the best qualities youth? Responsibility and practicality overshadowed the feeling of causeless happiness and joy? Cheerfulness and optimism are no longer your strong point? If you answered Yes to all the questions, you should think about it. This test will help determine not only your psychological age, but also the main problems of premature aging.

This unique test will determine the age of your subconscious mind and tell you how old your inner self is. In order for the result to be false-negative, you need to answer quickly, without hesitation.

Test. Find out your psychological age

Famous American psychologist Carl Rogers, who had lived a long and eventful life, once said: “As a child, I was a sickly child, and my father once said that I would probably die young. In a sense, he was wrong - after all, I am already 75. But in another sense, I am ready to admit that he was right: I feel young and I hope to never become an old man. "

Indeed, many psychologists argue that old age comes when you allow it. And the numbers don't matter: no matter how old you are, twenty or fifty years old. In fact, all numbers are absolutely arbitrary. These are just the stages of growing up in chronological order. The only thing they talk about is how many times you, together with the planet Earth, have turned around the Sun. Much more important is the biological and psychological age, related to each other.

Biological shows the state of your body. Psychological - determines who and how you feel at the moment. And only the date of birth in your passport makes you look at the world soberly, evaluate the years passed and make plans for the future. Only every fourth person has a psychological age corresponding to the number of years lived. Moreover, this ratio can be easily changed.

No matter how old you are, answer the questions on this test. And this will help you understand your own attitude.

Set yourself 4 points - if you completely agree with the statement;
3 points - if you partially agree;
2 points - if you rather disagree;
1 point - if you strongly disagree.

Now count the points and see the result:

If you typed over 75 points

Regardless of the year of birth, you are full of vitality and faith in yourself. You are sociable, optimistic, benevolent. Rest assured, you will not become an old man / old woman soon.

50-75 points

On the path to maturity, you had to sacrifice some of the virtues of youth. Concerns and stress have weakened your ability to rejoice, but have taught you to be serious and responsible. You are an "average" adult, not overly burdened with problems. But a little more cheerfulness and optimism will not hurt you.

Less than 50 points

People like you are said to have seen a lot in the world, and they know the value of everything. But isn't this time too early? After all, there is so much more to see, learn and experience!

You have probably met people who managed to preserve youthful energy, freshness of perception of life until old age. But it happens that a relatively young person is burdened by the burden of past years. Therefore, the chronological age is not at all as important for a person as the age of the soul.

Psychological age - the level of mental and personal development of a person, expressed as a reference to the age, whose representatives, on average, show this level.

Biological old age comes the moment you allow it. The speed of reactions, smoothness of the skin, muscle tone, mobility of joints - it depends only on you whether you have it or everything has already disappeared somewhere. It doesn't matter if you are twenty or fifty. In fact, all these numbers are convention, just the stages of growing up in chronological order. The only thing they talk about is how many times you, together with the planet Earth, have turned around the Sun. The biological and psychological age is much more important.

True, all ages are related. Biological shows the state of your body. Psychological - determines who and how you feel at the moment. And only the date of birth in your passport makes you look at the world soberly, evaluate the years already lived and make plans for the future - close and not so. But only for every fourth person the psychological age corresponds to the number of years lived. Moreover, this ratio can be easily changed.

Once, psychologists set up an interesting experiment. We gathered a group of elderly men (mostly pensioners) in a country holiday home and arranged it as if time had turned back. Everything, from newspapers to music, reproduced the setting of twenty years ago. The subjects were photographed, which were then shown to people who knew nothing about the experiment. Almost all impartial observers were confused in the chronology and said that the later photographs showed younger people. And the subjects themselves improved vision, hearing and memory, increased muscular energy. So it is worth reducing the psychological age, "returning" people to the past, as the biological age will also decrease. Experts even claim that it is quite possible to smooth out small wrinkles, restore skin tone, elasticity, and generally make you look younger with the power of thought.

Many people in stressful situations "slide" into the age at which they felt most comfortable. But this is not "psychological youth", but infantilism; you are asking for help from the child you once were. Imagine a woman "in years" who claims she cannot do anything if she is not "told how." She can do anything, but it is more convenient for her to consider herself a little girl so as not to take on any responsibility. Other people prefer to "return" to adolescence with its constant protest against everyone and everything. And only psychologically mature people accept the world as it is, changing in accordance with its requirements. It is not for nothing that the smartest and most beautiful ladies like Baroness Nadine de Rothschild (actress, socialite, writer) urge in their youth to do everything so that wrinkles do not appear, and when they are - to enjoy the new image.

Follow this advice, and your mood will always be good, and your psychological age will be less than your passport age. And those around you won't guess how old you are. As you can see, to achieve that the body and soul are in harmony, and life is painted only in pink tones, is a completely feasible task.

No matter how old you are, answer the questions of this test, and this will help you to better understand your attitude.

This test consists of 10 questions. A list of answer options is attached to each question. Choose an answer that is most matches your character. Try to answer honestly, without trying to guess the correct answer and adjust your answers to the desired result. Only in this way can you get the most exact result testing.