Prospects for the development of distance learning in the world and in Russia. Traditional Education and MOOCs: A Comparison of Learning Outcomes Problems and Disadvantages of E-Learning


Since e-learning has become widespread, critics have begun to cast doubt on its merits, qualities and, in general, viability. But is it? Can students of traditional institutes boast of greater success than those who have chosen distance learning?

It's time to debunk some of these myths.

1. This technology is not trustworthy

Most of the public and financial institutions of enterprises and government agencies would be marking time if they were afraid of the introduction of new technologies. The bottom line is that in order to be successful distance learning no additional software needed. All that is required is a computer connected to the Internet. No complicated tools or expensive software. From a technical point of view, e-learning is a very simple process. Especially considering the fact that most people have fairly reliable computers and constant access to the Internet.

2. Students are deprived of the possibility of group interaction

In recent years, the level of social interaction between people has skyrocketed. Many academic e-learning platforms are taking advantage of the rapid growth of social media such as Facebook and Twitter to enable people to connect and interact, thus creating an enabling environment for collaborative learning.

Unlike classical universities, where students are limited by the walls of the classroom, those who have chosen distance learning have the opportunity to communicate with people around the world.

3. It puts the teaching profession at risk

Computers will not replace people. They simply simplify the learning process, making it possible to reach a wider audience. The profession of a teacher or teacher is in no way leveled by the e-learning system. On the contrary, professors have the opportunity to reach more students and open a local school, capturing a larger share of the educational services market.

4. Students study worse, not feeling the control over their work from the teacher.

If a student is not interested in gaining knowledge, he or she does not care whether the teacher is watching his work or not. While e-learning does not imply that the student is at a certain time in a certain place, while providing him with access to a teacher and other fellow students who can provide help and support.

The old adage, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink,” debunks this myth. If the student does not have a goal to gain knowledge and achieve success, the program or the teacher has nothing to do with it. Blaming e-learning for everything is stupid. Being a kind of catalyst for the delivery of information, e-learning is not responsible for student addictions.

Dropout rate and structure of MOOC listeners (from top to bottom): observers, occasional visitors, passive participants, active participants.

5. The curriculum is less reliable

Have you ever attended some of the public lectures at MIT? Its classrooms are replicas of traditional classrooms. Students who take e-learning receive the same training as students in traditional universities. The quality of a curriculum is directly related to the instructor who designed it. The method of delivery (in this case, in digital form) in any case does not affect the quality of the product.

6. There is no universal unit for measuring the quality of acquired knowledge

For many years, experts have been trying to find a measure for evaluating the knowledge gained. To determine the quality of education through examinations? Success at work? Opportunity to retell the material? This is not just an e-learning problem. It is difficult to determine the level of acquired knowledge with reliable accuracy not only in the field of e-learning, but also in traditional one. But the truth is that the tools for measuring the success of e-learning courses are no different from those used in traditional classrooms.

7. Distance learning is passive

Students sitting in the classroom are more passive compared to those who have chosen a distance learning course. In the latter case, lecturers are more involved in the learning process, as they constantly interact with the teacher. In order to give the correct answer to the teacher in the online audience, a much greater concentration of attention is needed. It’s not for you to play Tetris on an iPhone in the “gallery” ...

8. E-learning serves as a cover for real-world students

The real world is full of computers. In life from a lot more universities, especially in a small town. Students who opt for distance learning can communicate with people from all over the world. Students of electronic courses, as a rule, are those who cannot imagine life without digital technologies. Therefore, they prefer to receive education without leaving the computer.

9. Diploma of education obtained through distance learning is not quoted

10 years ago, this could still be true, but the trends are fleeting. A growing number of employers recognize that distance education may well compete with a traditional institution. Many e-learning graduates are more tech-savvy, motivated, and more self-taught and self-improving. You need to be prepared for the fact that over time there will be more and more colleges based on the principles of e-learning. Traditional education will have to make drastic changes to keep pace with private companies that don't have to wade through bureaucratic red tape to get curriculum approved.

10. Students are deprived of extracurricular activities

The fact is that e-learning leaves more time for extracurricular activities. The student is not obliged to spend time traveling to and from the university, but can independently plan his schedule. Nothing prevents him from doing art in the afternoon or participating in other activities that have to be postponed by those who are "tied" to the schedule. In addition, students of electronic courses can connect to projects that are designed for a traditional school.

11. Without connections, it's harder to find a job.

Undoubtedly, connections are essential in the process of finding a good job. In this case, students of traditional universities are in a less advantageous position, who are forced to go to classes every day, for four years in a row. By receiving distance education, you can remain an active participant in the labor market. In this case, education, training and networking are three interrelated and complementary processes. An added "bonus" to many online courses is the ability to connect with people you would never meet in class. By studying remotely, you have the opportunity to communicate with people who hold good positions and can help you find an interesting and well-paid job.

12. E-learning is impersonal

Internet classes are still run real people. People who can be contacted via email, chat, or Skype. E-learning is fully customizable. This is an ideal option for people with disabilities, whose life circumstances have developed in such a way that they cannot leave their apartment.

E-learning is a great opportunity to interact with the outside world for people who are naturally shy. Agree: it's easier to type a question in a chat window than to raise your hand in a large lecture hall.

13. Professionals don’t take distance learning seriously

Yes, and here's why. Many teachers who teach online courses are more loaded with verification term papers and drafting curricula because they can work with thousands of people.

The more popular e-learning becomes, the more competition among teachers and professors. This means that they will have to make extra efforts to interest the student, to make him choose his course.

14. E-learning is chosen by people who are lazy and unable to follow the traditional path.

A traditional college course is a tangle of problems, not the least of which is financial. College is outrageously expensive. Not all talented and capable students can afford it. Do not consider e-education as a lightweight option for lazy people. With all the flexibility of the schedule, the student is fully involved in the learning process, if, of course, he wants to succeed.

15. E-learning is for people who dropped out of school or failed to get into college.

This is an old label that has nothing to do with online e-learning. Times when a lagging student "left" online to finish school vocational training, have sunk into oblivion. Now students choose to study online, primarily because of its flexible system. In addition, this form allows you to reduce the cost of education and not even leave your workplace. Prestigious schools offer many online courses, the level of which is admirable.

16. Distance learning is mostly the same

Thanks to modern technology, students can gain knowledge through videos, lecture notes, slides, texts, group discussions or experiments. The teacher and students are not limited by the walls of the classroom - each person has the opportunity to learn and grow in accordance with their personal characteristics and needs.

17. This technology is too expensive

Teaching technology is generally cheaper than the cost of a course in a traditional educational institution. The price of the software, the Internet connection, and the computer are only a fraction of the cost of a single college course.

18. E-learning allows students to gain communication skills

Online education teaches students how to communicate effectively. The computer screen is not a hindrance to ask questions, discuss, comment and, in general, interact. After all, all actions must be carefully thought out, clearly and concisely written. The connection between classmates and the teacher can be more intense than in a traditional classroom. After all, the social aspect is the basis of the foundations of software.

19. There are too many real distractions for eLearning to be effective.

It's true that e-learning courses have to contend with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and millions of other online entertainment.

But this also applies to the real world. Students must learn how to properly manage their time, monitor their habits and set priorities. In a traditional classroom, the student is practically unaffected by the temptations of the environment. But as soon as such a student gets a job, he is forced to learn to adapt to the demands of real life with all its distractions.

20. The student must have a supercomputer at his disposal

Have you ever seen a Google Chromebook? It only costs $249.00. This is a laptop that is ready to go as soon as it is taken out of the box. At the same time, it has all the tools and software necessary for studying while receiving e-learning. Most of the courses are taught over the Internet. Even if the student's Internet connection speed is too slow, the Wi-Fi system guarantees high speed connections from any "hot" point of the city.

21. Students in distance learning courses do not have access to the resources available to students in traditional educational institutions.

Once upon a time, students at top universities like Harvard and Yale had access to professors and library shelves that ordinary citizens could only dream of. But the Internet has changed everything. Layers of information are in the public domain. Knowledge can be drawn from anywhere, from any source. And for free. All are placed on an equal footing. And what was previously available only to the "elite", today, with the help of distance learning, everyone can get it. This is why e-learning is so popular with students.

22. E-learning is a trend that will never reach the level of traditional education

The cost of traditional education is unreasonably high. Some scientists predict that we will soon witness the collapse of the traditional education system. In scale, it will be comparable to the collapse in the US real estate market, which served as the impetus for the global crisis. The reality is that traditional education is too expensive. This system is unlikely to last even a couple of years. Online education is more cost-effective and beneficial, especially for students. The entire scientific world is on the verge of major changes.

Percentage of students in the US who "attend" at least one online course

23. Colleges will not completely switch to the e-learning system, as it has many disadvantages

Universities cannot fully switch to distance learning. But this is not because its methods are somewhat inferior to traditional methods. The reason is something else. There is too much money in the traditional education system. No less politics. Some specialists do not want to put up with new technologies, justifying their unwillingness by the fact that the hierarchy of elitism will collapse. Don't worry, there are online courses on the Internet that are designed by some of the greatest and most brilliant minds on earth.

24. It doesn't provide a real life experience.

It doesn't have to mimic real life experiences...because it happens in real life. Students of traditional universities are accustomed to the division of their lives: "At this time - study, this is work, this is family." E-learning allows you to live in such a way that all these stages take place in parallel with the learning process.

25. Distance learning is something mysterious and unknown

Many students start with distance learning. The curriculum, the cost, and the opportunity to connect with people from all over the world are the reasons why this way of getting an education will become the most promising in the future. Change is always painful. Traditional institutions have maintained a monopoly for hundreds of years. The academic sector has always developed too slowly to keep pace with technology. But one fine day, the proponents of the traditional system of education may realize: the world did not wait for them and went far ahead.

26. E-learning is much cheaper than traditional education due to hidden costs

Undoubtedly, there are costs for organizing online audiences. These are the costs of software, server hosting, and the time spent by specialists. But don't professors working in real life need to be paid? Whatever one may say, even with all the hidden costs, e-learning is cheaper than traditional.

27. E-learning involves spending a lot of time in front of a monitor, which is bad for the eyes.

Before the world knew the Internet, apocalyptic warnings about negative impact eye monitor. But every year, technology allows us to improve the design of screens, making them safer and more ergonomic. How happy everyone was when an e-book first appeared and everyone got the opportunity to read information from the screen of a compact electronic device! No one doubts that manufacturers will continue to improve their products to minimize the effects of radiation on the eyes.

28. There is no opportunity to evaluate the quality of e-learning

The same argument applies to traditional education. To determine the level of knowledge in the e-learning system, you can use the same assessments as for traditional education. Nothing is impossible for distance education. There is no doubt that with the development of technology, methods for attesting the quality of knowledge obtained through distance learning will also be invented.

29. E-learning is boring

If an online course is labeled "boring", it's only because the instructor didn't plan well. There is no boredom in a lesson in a remote classroom: just like in a regular class, you can chat with other students, raise your hand, ask questions, communicate with a professor, use the Internet for research and presentations.

30. E-learning will never achieve the status of high-quality education

If, after reading the 29 reasons listed above, your opinion has not changed, you most likely will not be convinced.

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UDC 378.147

B.E. Starichenko, I.N. Semenova, A. V. Slepukhin

To the question of correlation between the concepts of e-learning

in high school1


In an article based on comparative analysis various positions and judgments of both researchers and practitioners, a key feature of the specific difference between traditional and e-learning is formulated - the use (or non-use, as in the first case) of information resources in the educational process (i.e. devices and means of processing, storing, transmitting information), where educational material is presented in digital (electronic) format. The chosen approach, in which the main guideline is the degree of use of digital (electronic) resources in the educational process, makes it possible to unify and correctly determine all types of education existing in modern higher education (traditional, distance, electronic and mixed), establish a connection and show the difference between them. This, from the point of view of the authors, will provide a reasonable compromise when modeling options for training specialists in higher education, which is understood as the joint work of a teacher and student (s), aimed at acquiring knowledge, methods of activity and communication features that meet the requirements future profession carried out with the use of educational materials of an informational nature and the necessary equipment.

| Key words: e-learning, distance learning, blended learning.

The research objective is the classification and conventional interpretations of the concepts of "e-learning", "distance learning" and "blended learning"; its interconnection and correlation of the didactic system of modern education. The authors note that the deficiency of general data theories in pedagogical literature, - on the one hand, and active development of learning types essentially complicate framing and contents of modern education didactic system. The authors give the key feature of the generic difference between the traditional and e-learning on the basis of the analysis and correlation made by various researchers" viewpoints; the key feature - the information resources" usage in educational process (i.e. devices for data processing , storage, transmission), and the information is presented in digital format. The authors single out that blended learning means implementation of traditional types and methods of specific educational tasks including the e-learning elements. distance learning is proposed to be electronic itself; it "s supposed to be the final variation of e-learning.

| Keywords: e-learning, distance learning blended learning.

Introductory remarks

The processes taking place in the socio-political and economic life of the world community inevitably lead to changes in the field of education. Such trends of the 21st century as transformation, continuity, transition to the concept of personal development

sti, integration, etc., on the one hand, and the development of modern information and communication technologies, their inclusion in the learning process, on the other hand, make it possible to introduce a number of fundamentally new ideas in the field of education, related, among other things, to the implementation of electronic, distance and blended learning.

1 The article was prepared within the framework of the state task of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation 2014/392, projects No. 1942,2039.

The modernization of the Russian educational space, which is carried out in the context of technological innovations in the world education system based on intercultural and interdisciplinary integration, informatization of the educational process, the formation of a system of continuous education, the implementation of a competency-based approach, requires understanding the growing role of e-learning types, which is becoming one of the priority tasks. modern domestic pedagogical science.

The relevance of solving the identified problem is enhanced by a comprehensive analysis of the pedagogical experience of traditional higher education. The results of this analysis indicate a decrease in the effectiveness of education, built on the authoritarian pedagogical requirements and poorly connected with the needs of society and those directly receiving education today. In addition, the search for new technological and methodological solutions is forced by the combination of educational and work activities of students and undergraduates and, as a result, the impossibility of achieving educational goals within the framework of the traditional scheme of organizing the educational process in full.

In such a situation and in the context of changing targets for higher education, as well as with an increasing flow of educational information of particular importance is the formation of students' skills to learn independently and navigate the information flow. Therefore, modern pedagogical technologies of electronic, distance and blended learning, which are designed to implement a student-oriented approach to training specialists and are aimed at developing the individual resources of students, are becoming especially relevant.

The foregoing emphasizes the importance of studying the didactic possibilities of these types of education, their methodological foundations, implementation conditions, revealing the essence of pedagogical, methodological, psychological problems of their organization, as well as the search for adequate teaching methods.

Among teachers, there is currently no unity in understanding the essence and correlation of electronic, distance and blended types of education and the mechanisms for their implementation. This article presents the position of its authors on the designated range of issues.

Traditional learning and e-learning

Obviously, in the heading above, the key concept is “training”, and the words “traditional” and “electronic” mean its organizational and methodological forms.

In the pedagogical literature there are many definitions of the concept of learning. For example, T.A. Ilyina is "a purposeful process of interaction between a teacher and students, during which education, upbringing and development of a person is carried out" . And in the famous "Pedagogical Dictionary" G. M.

and A.Yu. The Kodzhaspirovs state the following: “learning is a specially organized, controlled process of interaction between teachers and pupils, aimed at mastering knowledge, skills, shaping a worldview, developing mental strength and potential of students, developing and consolidating self-education skills in accordance with the goals set” . The latter interpretation has become practically generally accepted - many authors refer to it.

In the above and other definitions known to the authors, as a rule, the interaction of the teacher and students is singled out as the essence of learning, but the aspect of the interaction of the student with the educational environment in which the educational process takes place is not taken into account. Apart from these definitions of the concept of "learning" are usually general in nature and focus mainly on general education. However, with the deepening of the specifics of educational processes, the interpretation of learning every time needs to be specified. For example, in relation to higher education, a clarifying concept of “training a specialist” or “training in higher education” should be introduced. When focusing on the informational nature of education, from our point of view, the following formulation is acceptable: training a specialist in higher education is a joint work of a teacher and student (s), aimed at acquiring knowledge, methods of activity and communication features that meet the requirements of the future profession, and carried out with the use of educational information materials and the necessary equipment.

The functions of the teacher in his joint activities with students should include:

Creation of the necessary information resource (information educational environment);

Selection and implementation of optimal (for given learning conditions) methods and teaching aids; planning the learning process;

Conducting interactive training sessions;

Management of independent work of students;

Determination of the rules of communication with students.

The functions of a student are

In the implementation of active and conscious educational and cognitive activities (mostly independent) to acquire knowledge and master the methods of activity established by the Federal State Educational Standard (as the minimum necessary);

Development of own creative professionally significant qualities.

Thus, the modern process of learning at the university consists

From an information educational resource (environment);

Interaction with the educational resource of the student and teacher;

Interactions between teacher and students in interactive (on-line) and non-interactive (off-line) modes.

To the question of the relationship between the concepts of e-learning in higher education 55

processing information resources in electronic (digital) formats for the presentation of educational material. This category does not include "pre-computer" technical teaching aids - film and video projections, static image projections, electronic questionnaires, etc. - their use is also included in the means and methods of traditional teaching.

Assessing the features of the above components in traditional university education, you need to pay attention to the following:

The information educational environment is built on the basis of paper-based sources available at the university - textbooks, manuals, books, magazines; difficult (more often impossible) access to foreign publications, including periodicals; there are no automated means of information processing (and, accordingly, they are not included in the information environment);

Access to resources is carried out only through the appropriate storage (libraries, reading rooms) only at a specified time and in a specific place; updating resources by the teacher cannot be done promptly;

The interaction between the teacher and full-time students is carried out only in an interactive mode during classroom training sessions and control activities; consultations, where students can ask questions to the teacher, are also classroom in nature and take place not as needed for students, but in accordance with the established schedule; teacher-student interaction absentee form learning during the sessions has an interactive (classroom) character, the rest of the time most of the interaction is carried out through non-interactive and slow means of communication, such as mail.

Thus, the organization of traditional education has a number of shortcomings that require decisive elimination. This became possible thanks to modern means of information and communication technologies that provide, in particular, in the educational process

Representation, transmission and use of information in various forms (multimedia);

Storage of significant amounts of information;

Online access to remote information;

Operative communication of interested parties;

Organization of joint activities in the virtual space;

Operational information processing, computer modeling, etc. All of the above is based on the presentation of any information in digital (electronic) formats, as well as the operation of devices that provide its automated processing, transmission and storage. The teaching methods allowed in this case turn out to be secondary in relation to the nature of the information and the means of its processing. Thus, traditional training and training using information and communication systems are distinguished, first of all, by the ability to work with information in electronic form.

In domestic and foreign literature, there are many definitions of the concept of "e-learning" (e-leaming):

This is the organization of educational activities using the information contained in the databases and used in the implementation educational programs information and providing its processing information technologies, technical means, as well as information and telecommunication networks that ensure the transmission of the specified information over communication lines, the interaction of students and teaching staff 1;

Use of new information technologies, multimedia and Internet technologies (1CT) to improve the quality of education by improving access to resources and services, as well as remote knowledge sharing and collaboration;

An independent type of learning based on the integration of pedagogical and infocommunication technologies, the essence of which is interactive remote interaction of subjects educational process in the conditions of the information and educational environment, which ensures the formation of an info-communication personality based on the mobile content of education, interactive methods of activity and personalized accounting of students' educational achievements;

A new form of organization of the educational process, based on the independent educational work of students with the help of developed electronic educational resources; The learning environment is characterized by the fact that students are mostly, and often completely, distant from the teacher in space and / or time, at the same time they have the opportunity to maintain a dialogue at any time using electronic telecommunications.

The use of new information technologies, multimedia technologies and the Internet in the learning process;

Transfer of knowledge, management and support in the learning process with the help of new information and telecommunication technologies (1ST), which includes software and hardware solutions.

The results of the content analysis of the main approaches to the definition of the concept of "e-learning" are presented in the table.

When interpreting e-learning, an unequal understanding of its essence is seen:

This is an improved form of distance learning, i.e. a type of distance education in which various electronic learning tools are actively used;

A process involving the introduction and use of learning management systems - its content (content), the process of formation of competencies, procedures for tracking learning outcomes; delivery systems for educational materials right time in the right amount to the right place”; testing systems and interactive support for the learning environment;

1 Law on Education in the Russian Federation. Federal Law, Art. 15 [Elec. resource]. Access mode: Ministry of Education and Science.rf/documents/2974.

Approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "e-learning"

Target orientation (types of activity) Means used (tools, resources) Features of the formulation of principles, content, methods, conditions of training

Federal Law organization of educational activities organization of activities, processing, transmission of information, interaction of students and teachers information technologies, technical means, information and communication networks

A. A. Andreev synthetic, integral, humanistic form of education delivery of educational material, its independent study, dialogue exchange between the teacher and the student traditional and new information technologies and their technical means the principles are traditional, the content and methods are changing

N. Dubova use of new information technologies, multimedia technologies and the Internet access to resources and services, remote knowledge exchange, collaboration new information technologies, multimedia technologies and the Internet

E-didactics learning process acquisition of competencies informational educational environment dominating trend towards self-learning

A. V. Solovov new form organization of the educational process independent educational work of students with the help of developed electronic educational resources, interaction of participants in the process electronic educational resources, learning environment, means of electronic telecommunications

M. J. Rosenberg use of Internet technologies providing a wide range of solutions that increase knowledge and productivity, delivery of educational content, learning network, Internet technologies, educational material

P.J. Edelson, V.V. Pitman op-!^ training, Web-based training, CBT-computer Based Training Web-technologies, computer technologies

D. Morrison long-term assimilation of knowledge and skills by adults assimilation of knowledge synchronous (video conferences, virtual classes, high-speed messaging), asynchronous (e-mail, text materials, audio and video recordings, etc.) means

D. R. Harrison, T. Anderson organized on certain topics, programs, subjects, the educational process, an active exchange of information between students and teachers, as well as between the students themselves, new information technologies and mass media - fax, radio, television, and audio -, television and video conferencing, multimedia and hypermedia, computer telecommunications

D. Keegan education and training education and training Internet, virtual learning environments, learning management systems

An alternative to traditional face-to-face learning, when classes are conducted remotely using Gace-Le-Gase-Learm^ ("face-to-face") technologies, which allow students not only to independently get acquainted with educational information, but also to be present and participate remotely in real time in real learning sessions.

It is noteworthy that many authors identify e-learning with distance learning. From our point of view, this is not true: the first can be implemented in the classroom and on local computers. If, as mentioned above, the key feature separating traditional and e-learning is non-use / use

To the question of the correlation of the concepts of e-learning in higher education 57

information in electronic formats, then the following definition can be given: training should be considered electronic, the means and methods of which provide for the use of educational information resources in electronic (digital) presentation formats.

Let's comment this definition:

Firstly, all other factors that are often indicated in the formulations of other authors, for example: the need for computer hardware and software for the creation and use of digital resources, a database for their storage, a network for accessing resources and exchanging information between the subjects of the educational process and etc., - turn out to be a consequence of the use of digital forms of information presentation and such detailing, generally speaking, looks superfluous;

Secondly, individual methods and means of e-learning can be implemented along with traditional ones - in this case, we should talk about blended learning.

Distance learning and blended learning

Distance learning (distant learning) as an independent form of organization of the educational process is also recognized by many domestic researchers (V.Yu. Bykov, E.Yu. Vladimirskaya, N.B. Evtukh, V.O. Zhulkevskaya, S.A. Kalashnikova, M. Y. Karpenko, S. P. Kudryavtseva, E. S. Polat, N. G. Sirotenko, E. M. Smirnova-Tribulskaya, P. V. Stefanenko, V. P. Tikhomirov, O. V. Hop, A.V. Khutorskoy, B.I. Shunevich, etc.), and foreign (M. Ahlen, T. Anderson, J. Boat, F. Wedemeer, D.R. Garrison, J. Daniel, R Delling, D. Keegan, M. Moore, O. Peters, K. Smith, R. Holmberg, etc.).

Let us turn to some definitions of distance learning, which is called

A way of teaching at a distance, in which the teacher and students are physically located in different places and use audio, video, Internet and satellite communication channels for educational purposes;

Purposeful, organized in a specific didactic system, the process of interactive interaction between teachers and students using teaching aids that are invariant to their location in space and time, which is implemented;

Telecommunication training, which is carried out mainly with the help of technologies and resources of the Internet and in which subjects remote from each other (students, teachers, tutors, moderators, etc.) carry out the educational process, accompanied by their internal changes (increments) and the creation of educational products.

In the previous work of one of the authors of this article, the concepts of "distance education", "distance learning" and "distance learning technologies" are distinguished. In particular, the following statement is substantiated: distance learning is an asynchronous form of learning

academic discipline, which provides for independent assimilation by the trainee of specially organized educational materials with prompt access to them; control and management of educational activities carried out by a remote teacher.

The following clarifications are given for the definition:

1) ... asynchronous form ... means that the learning process occurs for each student independently of others;

2) in the remote version, the student masters the educational material on his own, while having the possibility of prompt remote interaction with the teacher and other students;

3) ... specially organized training materials ... cover all types of learning activities student both in terms of content and organization of the learning process; they (materials) are presented in electronic formats and provide remote access to them;

4) ... online access ... to educational materials means that it must be carried out at any time acceptable to the student and from a place convenient for him; Of course, such access can only be provided through the use of computer networks and network communication services, i.e. in the presence of an information educational environment.

Thus, distance learning should be considered as a limiting case of e-learning, which does not contain elements of traditional learning in terms of organizing the educational process and the interaction of its subjects with educational resources and among themselves.

However, it would be wrong to limit the possibilities of organizing the educational process to two extreme cases - traditional and distance learning. There is a significant educational sector in which distance learning cannot be fully applied, but nothing prevents the use of individual elements of e-learning (in particular, distance learning technologies). This applies to the full-time form of both school and higher education.

As a result of the search for more advanced schemes for organizing the educational process, using the advantages of distance learning and compensating for its shortcomings, the idea of ​​blended learning arose. This term refers to a learning process that uses various event-based learning management techniques, such as face-to-face learning (classroom learning), distance learning (asynchronous distance learning) and online learning (synchronous distance learning). The educational process is based on the interaction of the student not only with the computer, but also with the teacher in active full-time and remote forms, when the material studied independently is summarized, analyzed and used to solve the tasks. Blended learning is seen by educators as

Learning that combines different types of learning activities, including face-to-face classroom learning, online e-learning, and self-learning in the workplace;

A model in which distributed information and educational resources are involved in full-time learning, including elements of asynchronous and synchronous distance learning;

A combination of face-to-face and distance learning, in which one of them is basic depending on the preferred model;

Integration of electronic and traditional learning, which is inherent in planning and pedagogical value;

Use in different proportions of e-learning and classroom learning,

Combining "live" learning with learning using Internet resources (primarily the second generation), which allow for joint activities of participants in the educational process;

Traditional education with the use of additional electronic technologies.

Comparison of definitions shows that all of them in one way or another point to a combination of traditional and electronic forms of education. The flexibility of blended learning lies in the fact that the proportions of traditional full-time and remote forms in it can be different. Their ratio depends on several fairly obvious factors: the content of the discipline, the age of the students, the degree of their readiness for self-education, the possibilities of the information educational environment of the educational institution, the equipment of educational and methodological support. Thus, e-learning, according to our ideas, combines blended and distance learning.


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essence, technology, organization. Moscow: MESI, 1999. 196 p. 2.

2. Andreeva O. Blended learning as one of the competitive advantages of universities [Electron. resource]. Access mode:

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There are two traditional teaching methods

1. reproductive

2. Explanatory and illustrative.

The reproductive method of teaching is used to develop students' creativity, push them to extract information already known to students. But still, the reproductive method cannot fully develop the thinking of students, their creative potential.

The explanatory and illustrative method consists in the fact that the teacher communicates the finished information by various means, and the students perceive, realize and fix this information in memory. The teacher communicates information with the help of the spoken word, the printed word, visual aids, and practical demonstration of methods of activity.

Thus, both traditional methods involve the transfer of knowledge for students in finished form.

These methods can be distinguished many shortcomings:

2. Low independence of students.

3. Scattering of attention.

4. Incomplete understanding of the material.

5. The inability to “think” and make decisions independently.

6. Average amount of knowledge.

7. The average pace in the study of the material.

Innovative teaching methods

These methods include active and interactive forms, applied in teaching.

Active forms provide for an active position of the student in relation to the teacher and to those who receive education with him. During lessons with their use, textbooks, notebooks, a computer are used, that is, individual tools used for teaching.

Thanks to interactive methods, there is an effective assimilation of knowledge in cooperation with other students. These methods belong to collective forms of learning, during which a group of students work on the material being studied, while each of them is responsible for the work done.

They belong to:

  • creative exercises;
  • group tasks;
  • educational, role-playing, business games;
  • excursion lessons;
  • use of video materials, the Internet, visibility;

Innovative teaching methods at school contribute to the development of cognitive interest in children, teach to systematize and generalize the studied material, discuss and discuss

Traditional innovative
Target Formation of knowledge, skills Development of the ability to independently pose and find solutions to new non-standard problems
Forms of organization Frontal, individual. Group, collective.
Teaching methods Illustrative and explanatory, informational. Problematic, problematic presentation, partially exploratory, research
Leading type of activity Reproductive, reproducing. Productive, creative, challenging.
Methods of assimilation Learning, activity according to the algorithm Search activity, reflection
Teacher Functions Bearer of information, custodian of norms and traditions. Cooperation organizer. consultant
Student Position Passivity, lack of interest, lack of motive for personal growth Activity, the presence of a motive for self-improvement, the presence of interest in activities.

Undoubtedly, innovative teaching methods have advantages over traditional ones, because they contribute to the development of the child, teach him independence in cognition and decision-making.

Teaching methods

Teaching methods are ways of joint activity of a teacher and students aimed at solving learning problems.

Teaching methods are divided into three groups:

Organization methods.

  1. verbal methods
  2. ; story, explanation, conversation, work with a textbook and a book.
  3. Visual methods:
  4. observation, demonstration of visual aids, films and filmstrips.
  5. Practical Methods
  6. : oral and written exercises, graphic and laboratory work

Control methods.

1.Oral control. Individual or frontal survey.

2.Written control. Examinations, essays, presentations, dictations, etc.

3.Laboratory control, machine control. Laboratory work, tests, questionnaires.

Incentive methods.

In order to formulate the motives of educational activities, the whole arsenal of methods for organizing and implementing educational activities is used. Each of the methods has not only informative and educational, but also a motivational effect.

The main advantages of distance learning compared to traditional face-to-face learning

The basis of the educational process in distance learning is the purposeful and controlled intensive independent work of the student, who can independently determine the sequence of mastering subjects, study in a convenient place, at an individual speed, and in some cases at a convenient time for himself. Therefore, the main advantage of distance learning should be considered a certain freedom in terms of location, time of study and its pace, which makes distance learning attractive for those users who, for one reason or another, do not have the opportunity to study full-time, but wish to improve their educational level.

One of the most important advantages of distance learning is the lower cost of education, which, on average, is 32-45% lower. In exceptional situations, there is an even more impressive decrease in the cost - in this sense, the calculations of the specialists of the corporate training center REDCENTER are of interest. Taking as a basis a certain conditional company with a total staff of 280 employees, 80 of which are subject to training, REDCENTER specialists made calculations and came to the conclusion that, if properly organized, distance learning can cost a company seven times cheaper than attending full-time courses on similar topics. Therefore, it is not surprising that companies are increasingly choosing this option training as a priority for staff development. This moment is also important when receiving education in a higher educational institution - if paying for traditional full-time education on a commercial basis is not affordable. True, the lower cost of distance learning should not be considered the main argument in its favor when receiving a basic education at an academic university. The fact is that not every student, due to their personal characteristics, is able to receive distance education: there is a certain percentage of people for whom the only possible way to perceive educational material is the classroom form of education, and someone may simply not have enough discipline and perseverance in organizing self-study.

An important advantage of distance learning is its large, training time is reduced in this case by 35-45%, and the speed of memorizing the material increases by 15-25%. True, this advantage does not always work - it all depends on the material being studied and on the method of its presentation. For example, it is problematic to develop the correct pronunciation by studying foreign languages ​​remotely and not having sufficient conversational practice - if the grammar of a language can be mastered remotely, then face-to-face communication is necessary to master oral speech. In addition, many experts pay attention to the fact that greater effectiveness of training can be achieved only with careful consideration of such factors as the structure of the course and the method of presenting the studied material.

Online learning makes it possible to improve the quality of education through the widespread use of world educational resources and an increase in the share of self-learning of the material, the latter being especially important, since it gradually ensures the development of such qualities as independence, responsibility, organization and the ability to realistically assess one’s strengths and make informed decisions, without what a successful career is unthinkable. In addition, e-learning automatically leads to "early mastery of the skills of using information and communication technologies, which allows in the future to significantly increase the efficiency of using knowledge in the economy."

We must not forget that distance learning is the only way to get an education for those who, for a number of reasons (lack of time, the need to combine study with work, geographical distance from the university, etc.) cannot study in the usual full-time way.

In general, distance learning is most relevant in cases where the task is to train a large number of employees of a certain organization in a minimum period of time, and the organization itself has a geographically distributed structure and organizational changes are often carried out in it.

At the same time, distance learning and face-to-face learning should not be opposed to one another - they are different, but complementary forms of education, between which there is a rather extensive area of ​​mixed solutions, which often turn out to be much more productive. In practice, this means, for example, supplementing full-time basic education with the necessary online courses or using a combined form of education, in which a part of the theoretical material that is more accessible for self-study is studied by the student remotely, and practical work and the development of complex theoretical material take place in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher.

State support

UNESCO experts and the governments of developed countries agree that it is possible to meet the requirements of the information society for the level of people's qualifications only through the use of distance learning as a technology that orients students to a new style of education and develops their skills and abilities for further lifelong learning. Therefore, e-learning, which makes it possible to prepare the necessary personnel in the required quantity for the minimum time and at minimum cost, has been recognized as a priority in the course of educational system reforms in such leading countries as the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Germany, France, etc., and even in UN level.

In Russia, the legal grounds for the introduction of distance learning are the laws "On Education", "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" and the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. educational institutions higher, secondary and additional professional education of the Russian Federation”.

Areas of use of distance learning

Today, distance learning firmly occupies its niche in the education market and it is possible to clearly identify areas where it is confidently positioned as an alternative traditional learning. We are mainly talking about the corporate sphere and the field of education - in the first, distance learning has no equal in terms of initial training of company employees, their certification and advanced training, and in the second, online learning is attractive to applicants as a possible option for obtaining education.

Distance learning is becoming more and more widespread today in government structures, where it is indispensable for organizing and supporting a permanent system of continuous professional development of civil servants. Besides,

Distance learning has also gained recognition in a variety of training centers that specialize primarily in online courses in the fields of information technology and business.

In companies, enterprises and government agencies, online training allows solving the issues of training and retraining of employees, which is especially important in the context of the introduction of new technologies, including information technologies, when training a large number of employees is often associated with significant costs. The relevance of distance learning increases even more if the company has remote branches, when the organization of traditional trainings on the ground not only increases the cost of training by almost an order of magnitude, but also turns out to be technically more difficult, if only because of the lack of the necessary specialists in the field. In the public sector, in this sense, it is even more difficult - the remoteness of certain structures is the norm here, and with the introduction of any technology or innovation in one or even several areas at once, the corresponding retraining of employees can turn into an extremely costly task in terms of effort, money and time .

It is equally important for companies to maintain a certain level of competitiveness - after all, the ability to learn faster than competitors is the only source of competitive advantage over them. This circumstance also causes the emergence of a significant number of consumers of educational services interested in distance learning.

In addition, in a number of industries (especially in the service sector, in retail and wholesale trade) there is a high turnover of personnel, as a result of which companies constantly have many new employees who need to be trained, and the organization of ordinary trainings in this case will actually mean throwing money away.

In educational institutions and training centers, distance and blended forms of education make it possible to cover remote regions with training and reduce direct training costs.

The degree of popularity of online learning for various structures and in various fields is very different. In corporate business, a clear preference is given to online courses. As far as higher education is concerned, most students prefer full-time studies to obtain a bachelor's degree, and remotely complete any additional courses. At further education the percentage of those who choose online education is increasing, moreover, with the development of both basic and additional disciplines.

In different areas there is an ambiguous attitude towards distance learning. At the moment, it is most in demand in the corporate sphere as a replacement for traditional trainings and in the field of education when studying individual courses. In addition, this training option is gaining more and more strong positions in the financial and IT sectors, in the retraining of civil servants, in healthcare

Distance learningin Russia

We note right away that it is impossible to name exact data characterizing the volume of the Russian distance learning market due to their absence. There are several reasons for this. First of all, this market is just beginning to form, so analytical companies do not take it into account and, therefore, do not conduct official research on it. And this market is not transparent either, since Russian companies operating there do not openly declare their income. Therefore, it will be necessary to judge the features of the development of the Russian distance learning market indirectly, by analyzing data from various sources.

The year 2004 can be considered a turning point for the development of distance learning in Russia, when significant successes in a number of projects became noticeable. In 2005, the positive dynamics of the development of the distance learning market continued, and at the moment, distance learning of personnel has been successfully implemented at such large enterprises as Russian railways”, SeverStal, Norilsk Nickel, RusAl, VimpelCom, UralSib, Svyazinvest, etc. Distance learning opportunities were used to retrain employees State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of Russia, Vneshtorgbank and a number of other organizations.

In Russia, at present, about 40% of universities provide the opportunity to receive education remotely. Leading Russian universities and major training centers offer an increasing number of courses in a variety of subject areas.

However, the main factor hindering the development of the distance learning market is still the lack of good Russian-language electronic content, the need for which is very high among large companies. In addition, insufficiently developed infrastructure and cultural barriers are serious obstacles for the regions.

The lack of data does not allow us to estimate the total number of distance learning users in Russia. We can only say that their number is growing quite rapidly.

Information regarding the popularity of distance education in the center and in the regions is very contradictory. For example, according to the data of the IT Academy for 2004, 64% (that is, the majority) of students studying remotely in this academy represented the regions, which is quite logical due to the independence of distance learning from the place of residence. At the same time, according to other sources, it turns out that almost half of the students of this distance learning system live in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Moscow region. True, and this can be explained by the greater possibilities of the center in terms of access to the Internet and greater awareness of the possibilities of distance learning.

The intensive growth of the IT market and the rapid introduction of information technologies in many areas, along with the readiness of enterprises for change, the lack of highly qualified personnel and the rather high educational needs of Russians, suggest high growth rates in the distance learning market. According to the forecasts of the IT Academy, an effective combination of traditional types of education and the latest developments in the field of IT will allow the distance learning market to take at least 30% of the total volume of education, and in some industries - even up to 75%.

The most promising in terms of the introduction of distance learning should be considered the corporate sector, government agencies and retraining centers. The educational sector that unites higher education institutions is also quite interesting, though not for basic education (full-time education is preferable for this), but for the implementation of combined study options, when full-time students will study part of the subjects remotely. For basic education in Russian universities The option of distance learning, apparently, is not very promising so far - primarily because of a significant decrease in the number of applicants. In 2010, their number will be only 62% of the level of 2005, and it is not difficult to guess that the vast majority of applicants will prefer the familiar and long-justified option of full-time education.

Prospects for the development of distance learning

In the future, and more precisely by 2010, according to experts from the American Educational Research Association, two-thirds of all education will be carried out remotely. Most likely, this forecast should be considered too optimistic, but one thing is certain - e-learning has become a worthy alternative to the traditional one and in certain areas, primarily in corporate and government, it will be given clear preference, since this is the only way to quickly learn at minimal cost.

In the educational field, as well as in commercial training centers, distance learning will continue to complement the traditional full-time learning option, and in most cases, blended learning will remain the most appropriate, when some courses, depending on their specifics, are studied in a traditional way, while others are studied remotely. .

Osipov Dmitry Alexandrovich

undergraduate, Department of Information Systems, Moscow State Technical University "STANKIN", Moscow

Kryukov Alexander Andrianovich

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. those. Sci., Prof., Department of Information Systems, FGBOU VPO MSTU "STANKIN", Moscow.

The development of information technologies over the past decades has led to their widespread use in many areas of human activity. The field of education was no exception. At the end of the 20th century, e-learning was born in Western countries and received an impetus for the rapid development. The emergence and active dissemination of electronic forms of education is an adequate response of the education systems of many countries to the integration processes taking place in the world, the movement towards the information society.

At the beginning of the 21st century, e-learning technologies began to appear in Russia at a slow pace. As in many other countries, in Russia, until recently, e-learning was not used on a large scale due to a number of objective reasons - mainly due to the insufficient development and wide distribution of technical means of new information and telecommunication technologies. Currently, the technical prerequisites for the widespread use of e-learning in education have been created. Moreover, in a number of cases, there has been a lag in the implementation of e-learning ideas from the opportunities provided by technical means. However, every year the use of electronic educational technologies is becoming more common.

Currently, e-learning is used, as a rule, for obtaining a second higher education, additional education or for retraining specialists. Both in world practice and in Russian e-learning (e-learning) goes exactly as an addition to full-time education.

Benefits of e-learning

There are many reasons for the popularization and widespread use of e-learning systems. First of all, these are the clear advantages of e-learning over "classical" learning methods:

1) Geographical and temporal advantages

The distance learning method allows teachers and students to be at a considerable distance from each other, including in different cities and countries. The use of e-learning systems makes education more accessible, as it makes it possible to provide educational services to a wider range of students. When corporate training the electronic form allows for centralized training of employees in all branches and offices of the company, regardless of the distance from the head office and from the training center without interrupting the main production activity - for example, during the time specially allocated for training during the working day or in free time.

The availability and openness of education allow a modern specialist to study at any time during the period of life activity, combining study with the main activity. Latest Research Scientists have shown that e-learning saves time by 35-70% compared to "normal" learning. The amount of time saved depends on the discipline studied, as well as on the format of the material.

2) Economic efficiency

Despite the higher cost of developing full-fledged electronic courses compared to traditional ones, the cost of teaching one student using an electronic form is much lower than with full-time education. The financial efficiency of e-learning is especially significant when a large number of students take part in the training. E-learning is cheaper than the usual format of learning, primarily due to the reduction of transportation costs, living expenses in another city, the organization of the courses themselves (rental of premises for classes, salaries of attendants, additional costs for teachers, etc.). According to average estimates, e-learning saves up to 50-60% of funds per student.

3) Personalization of training, involvement of people with disabilities in training

The introduction of e-learning systems allows you to combine the advantages of individual training (in terms of its effectiveness) and mass (in terms of its economy). The software of the training system should involve individual adaptation of the curriculum to the needs and characteristics of the trainees, teachers or learning conditions. From a set of independent training courses (modules) it is possible to form a specific curriculum that meets individual or group needs.

E-learning develops skills independent work which are very much in demand these days. The student himself determines the speed and intensity of learning, the number of repetitions of the same modules, the need to study individual sections, etc. He is not tied to the exact start time of the lesson and to the teacher, but can study at a convenient time for himself.

The psychological factor in learning is important for some students. From a psychological point of view, the use of electronic learning systems can reduce the degree of nervousness of trainees when performing control activities (tests, exams). Additionally, the factor of subjectivity of the assessment is excluded, the psychological impact due to the influence of the group or the student's progress in other subjects is removed.

Educational systems provide equal opportunities for education, regardless of a number of characteristics of a person - place of residence, state of health, material security. E-learning is very flexible - it can be started and continued at any time, anywhere. An individual curriculum can be developed for each student, taking into account his mode and learning needs.

4) Increased productivity and learning intensity

According to statistics, mastering the material in the classical form is more difficult for students. So, in face-to-face lectures, on average, listeners absorb no more than 20% of the information when simply listening and no more than 40% when taking notes. E-learning courses allow you to increase the effectiveness of training by 60% due to the opportunity to work out the acquired knowledge in practice. The use of e-learning makes it possible to avoid obsolescence of knowledge and loss of qualification by the company's specialists due to constant updating, which is important in the context of dynamically changing technologies.

5) Expansion of the studied information

The use of the same training system for different courses leads to the unification of the interface and, as a result, to a decrease in the time spent by the trainee to learn the rules of working with the system. The expansion of information is also possible due to the following factors:

The training system can contain information on an arbitrary subject area;

· the modular structure of building information allows you to use the same training system not only for distance learning, but also for retraining and advanced training of specialists;

· learning systems are especially useful in those areas of activity in which there is a low efficiency of traditional methods of transferring knowledge through lectures;

The use of learning systems allows you to combine the assimilation of knowledge with the acquisition of work skills by combining various types of educational information and using interactive interaction between the system and the student;

The use of computer graphics, animation, video, sound, and other media components provides a unique opportunity to make the studied material as visual as possible, and therefore understandable and memorable. This is especially true in cases where the student must learn a large amount of emotionally neutral information - for example, production instructions, technological maps, regulatory documents.

6) Optimization and automation of the knowledge transfer process

The training system can free the teacher from some functions of the transmitter of information, consultant and controller, and thus free up time for individual additional work with students. Through the use of uniform standards, it is possible to use and replicate best practices in the field of education. The means of the training system can provide more frequent control of knowledge, which contributes to an increase in the degree of assimilation of educational material.

In the case of corporate training, the training system can be integrated with the corporate information system, which will allow managers or personnel officers to constantly have a real and objective assessment of the knowledge of the staff.

Problems and disadvantages of e-learning

The rapid development of a fundamentally new direction in the educational sphere inevitably led to the emergence of a large number of problems. The speed of further development of e-Learning technologies largely depends on how successfully the problems that exist today will be solved. The following main problems in the field of e-Learning technologies can be identified:

· The complexity of introducing electronic technologieslearning

Most e-learning solution developers deliver products that do not fully meet the needs of users, and the quality of the software does not always meet the standards in this area. As a result, it is often necessary to involve additional staff in finalizing the courses, for example, designers of electronic textbooks and other specialists who could bring the courses to the required form.

· Organizational difficulties in planning, implementing and supporting e-learning technologies

These difficulties arise and vary depending on factors such as the type and purpose of the training program, the needs of the enterprise, and the required rate of learning of the program.

· Technical difficulties arising in the implementation of e-learning technologies

Often, when using e-learning technologies, a significant load on the corporate network can be created. In some cases, the Internet connection may not be fast enough. An additional problem may be that a number of educational programs require the connection of "bulky" modules to implement audio and video capabilities.

· The need for significant financial investments in conference equipment

At increased complexity technologies used in e-learning, the costs of their implementation can, instead of saving the financial resources of the enterprise, lead to their overspending. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to achieve the optimal ratio of costs and the result obtained.

· Complex planning

In some cases, e-learning programs may require more complex planning than traditional classroom sessions. The complexity of planning depends on the combination of the means of information presentation used, the number of students in the virtual classroom and the volume of educational material. For example, in a synchronous e-learning mode, insufficiently thought-out planning and design can cause various kinds of difficulties for both trainees and teachers.

· Problems associated with the independent nature of learning

Some students find it difficult to learn without direct contact with the teacher and other students. In this case, the use of e-learning technologies may complicate the assimilation of the material or increase the duration of training.

· A number of trainees require external guidance

The obvious advantage of e-learning is the absence of the need to go to classes. The same factor is also relaxing for insufficiently conscious trainees. Therefore, for those students who need a strict control system and certain incentives for learning, e-learning options are suitable that require specific tasks to be completed within specific deadlines.

· The complexity of an accurate, comprehensive and objective assessment of the effectiveness of e-learning technologies

Evaluating the effectiveness of e-learning technologies is often difficult. There are both subjective methods of evaluation, for example, the subjective satisfaction of trainees training course, and more objective ones, which include practical skills acquired by trainees and a number of other factors.

Other problems include:

· the problem of determining the equivalence of electronic courses and the recognition of electronic education along with traditional full-time education;

· language problem when importing (exporting) education. Electronic courses developed in one language will require significant financial investments for their translation into another language, including the need to take into account certain characteristics of the region (social, cultural and others) where training will be conducted using e-Learning technologies;

Uneven development of information technologies in different countries, regions, as well as in different organizations, especially in terms of data transmission channels. Insufficient bandwidth of data transmission channels can seriously affect the possibility of using e-learning tools;

lack of a sufficient number of trained specialists in the field of e-Learning technologies with a sufficient level of competence;

The high cost of developing and maintaining up-to-date electronic courses;

time difference in the case of e-learning in large areas. This problem acquires the greatest relevance when using e-Learning tools that operate in real time;

· a large number of unfair judgments and misconceptions that accompany training conducted using e-Learning technologies, which have been formed, among other things, due to the large number of organizations using e-Learning technologies, but at the same time do not have the appropriate competence in this area.


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